Ian Byrne Aka Ser Swyfttail The Acorn Knight

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Ian Byrne aka Ser Swyfttail The Acorn Knight

Wayfarer; Act first, think later. always wanting to explore and see what’s just out of reach, always looking forward
to the next adventure. Whenever one survives true danger by their wits they regain will.
Ban: Never plan ahead
Pandora; All secrets must be uncovered and any laws hiding something should be broken. Expose the ugliness to
the light of day as soon as you can to let the true healing begin, or to unleash the pain now instead of letting a poison
fester. Whenever one exposes a secret that aids their efforts they regain a willpower.
Ban: Cannot keep a secret.
Childling; 9 and a half because that’s important
Trigger: A childling risks Banality when she denies a novel idea
Immunity: failing to overcome Banality does not trigger them
Uneducated (-3); He has a 4th grade education and only that of a C student
Curious (-2) Anything secretive or seeming top secret or off limits or weird or out of place will draw this ones
attention far more than it should requiring a will power check diff 7 to resist investigating.
Wyld Mind (-2) Iann has a wandering attention being drawn to all the possibilities around him at all times and can
only focus on the same thing for so long. To maintain focus or effort on one thing for longer than two turns requires
will checks each turn diff 4
Child (-3) Iann is just a kid and most people in real life will treat him as such.
Overconfident (-1) Iann believes he can do whatever he is tasked to, even if he cant. He will zealously try his
hardest to achieve whatever goal he has set his mind on currently, no matter how out of his depth he may find
himself, so in situations where he has a good chance of defeat he will react as if he will 100 percent succeed of
course. And when he fails he is always able to confabulate a reason outside himself for the failure and believes it
Perfect Balance: all rolls involving balance have their difficulties reduced by 3
Str 2 Cha 3 Perc 4 Willpower 6
Dex 5 Man 2 Int 2 Glamour 6
Sta 4 App 2 Wits 3 Banality 2
Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Kenning 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuger 1
Animal Ken 1, Etiquette 1, Larceny 1, Melee 3, Performance 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1
Computer 1, Eigmas 1, Greymayre 1, Investigations 1
Arts: Metamorphosis 5, Wayfare 3
Realm: Actor 3, Fae 4, Nature 3. Prop 3, Scene 1
Backgrounds: Treasure (Heart Keeper) 3, Kinain 3 (His family, Mom, Dad, Older Sister and paternal Grandma are
all Kinain and help with Ians integration of his two lives), Chimeric Items 4 (Field Plate and Sword), Chimera Red
Squirrel who can travel in and out of the dreaming through tree branches, Rememberance 1, Title 2 Acorn Knight
Musing Threshold: Inspire Ambition
Squirrel Shapeshift into Irish Red Squirrel, free if alone, 1 glamour with enchanted audience, impossible with
mundane audience.
Confidant allows Pooka to chat someone up and get them to drop their guards and answer a number of questions
honestly equal to percp+empathy vs will successes. People don’t realize at the time they are being so open. Ian does
this with a barrage of childlike questions seemingly unrelated but uncovering hidden truths.
Untruthful Language; Ian is prone to exaggeration and flowery figurative embellishments or metaphor and if asked a
direct question would have to lie or mistake the facts in some way without making a will diff 8 check.

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