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Current Biology Vol 23 No 4


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Plant Development: Brassinosteroids
system to execute the upcoming
Go Out of Bounds
movement as quickly and efficiently as
possible when the ‘‘Go’’ cue arrives. Patterning in plants requires defining boundary domains that separate and
Our understanding of mirror neurons organize the development of the neighboring organs. Two papers now show
may evolve in a similar direction as how the interplay between brassinosteroid phytohormones and frontier genes
future studies explore additional contributes to boundary formation in plants.
possibilities. During action observation,
visual inputs lead to activation of Nicolas Arnaud and Patrick Laufs and plant development [1,2].
mirror neurons but not to movement Boundaries act as a frontier between
execution. Perhaps mirror neurons The formation of boundaries is two different cell types, thus allowing
can be activated as well by internal a recurrent process during both animal cell specialization and the apparition of

new functions. In addition, boundaries

also often act as organizing centers,
providing information to the
neighboring cells to control their fate.
Therefore, the setup of boundaries is Organ
a crucial step in the development of primordium
multicellular organisms and enables
the generation of tissues and organs Meristem
with specific functions and shapes.
Two recent papers published in
Proceedings of the National Academy BOP1,2
of Sciences describe a new role for LOB
brassinosteroid (BR) phytohormones
in the formation of boundaries in
plants [3,4]. High BR BAS1 High BR
One of the best characterized
boundary domains in plants is the BZR1
boundary that separates the High auxin CUC1,2,3
primordium of lateral organs,
such as leaves, from the pool of
undifferentiated cells, the meristem, LOF1
from which it originates [2,5]. This
boundary forms a groove between
the meristem and organ primordia or Boundary
High growth Low BR High growth
between neighboring organ primodia domain
and is formed by a stretch of cells
with particular shapes and reduced
growth. Transcription factors encoded
Low growth
by genes such as CUP-SHAPED
COTYLEDON (CUC1, CUC2 and Current Biology
(LOF1), LATERAL ORGAN Figure 1. BR and the boundary domain in plants.
BOUNDARIES (LOB) or JAGGED BRs and primordium expression of BOP1 and BOP2 activate LOB expression in the boundary
LATERAL ORGAN (JLO) specify the domain separating the organ primordium from the pool of undifferentiated cells, the meristem.
boundary domain [2,5]. Inactivation LOB reduces BR signaling, in particular via the activation of the BR-inactivating enzyme BAS1.
of some of these genes, such as the In turn, low BR leads to a derepression of the CUC and LOF genes and low growth, thus gener-
CUC genes, leads to organ fusion, ating the boundary domain. Cross-talk between BR and auxin, and between auxin and
consistent with their role in the boundary genes, in particular the CUC genes, contributes to the patterning of the boundary
repression of cell proliferation to
allow organ separation [6]. Mutations of
these genes also lead to defects of the boundary genes have been decreased mitotic activity, which can
outside the boundary domain as identified and some of their targets be rescued by over expression of
exemplified by their effect on the characterized [2,10]. CycD3;1 [16].
expression of the type I KNOX genes. BRs represent a major class of In a three-step demonstration,
Type I KNOX genes are expressed plant steroid hormones promoting Gendron et al. [3] and Bell et al. [4]
in the meristem where they prevent growth in a variety of developmental show that BRs contribute to define
cell differentiation and are repressed processes [11]. BRs bind to the the boundary domain, at both the
in the founder cells of lateral organs plasma membrane receptor kinase molecular and cellular levels. The
[7]. Mutation of the JLO boundary BRI1 and act via the BIN2 kinase first step was the demonstration that
gene leads to ectopic type I KNOX and the BSU1 phosphatase to BRs antagonize boundary formation
expression in the developing lateral modulate the DNA-binding activities between organs: exogenous BR
organs [8], whereas reduced type I of BZR1 and BZR2/BES1 transcription application, overexpression of
KNOX expression is observed in factors on their target genes [12,13]. the BR biosynthetic gene DWF4,
cuc mutants leading to defective Mutants insensitive to BRs are dwarf or expression of a dominant
meristems [9]. Therefore, the [11], and at the cellular level BRs BR-hypersensitive form of the BZR1
boundary domain acts both locally promote growth by modulating both transcription factor lead to organ
to allow organ separation and at cell expansion and cell division [14]. separation defects. These defects
a distance to control meristem Many targets of BZR1 are involved include fusion between cotyledons or
and organ primordium development. in cell wall and cytoskeleton floral organs and between an axillary
How the boundary domain is set reorganization as well as water and branch and its subtending cauline
up both at the molecular and ion fluxes, which are important leaf. Since the nuclear accumulation
cellular levels is far from being processes controlling cell expansion of the BZR1 protein is regulated by
understood, though some mechanisms [15]. In addition, bri1 mutants have BR-dependent phosphorylation,
controlling the expression pattern reduced root meristem size due to Gendron et al. used BZR1 distribution
Current Biology Vol 23 No 4

in the meristem as a proxy for BR envisage that a local burst of BR cup-shaped cotyledon mutant. Plant Cell 9,
activity, thus showing that BR signaling signaling leads to LOB activation, 7. Hay, A., and Tsiantis, M. (2010). KNOX
is reduced in the boundary domain. which in turn inactivates BR signaling. genes: versatile regulators of plant
How could this reduced BR signaling While there is for the moment no development and diversity. Development 137,
contribute to meristem patterning? evidence for such a scenario, other 8. Rast, M.I., and Simon, R. (2012). Arabidopsis
As BRs are positive regulators of mechanisms may contribute to JAGGED LATERAL ORGANS acts
with ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 to coordinate
cell growth/division, lower BR signaling initiate LOB expression. LOB has been KNOX and PIN expression in shoot and root
in the boundary domain could shown to be activated by BOP1/2, meristems. Plant Cell 24, 2917–2933.
contribute to the reduced growth of which are expressed in a layer of 9. Aida, M., Ishida, T., and Tasaka, M. (1999).
Shoot apical meristem and cotyledon formation
this domain. Gendron et al. revealed cells adjacent to the lateral organ during Arabidopsis embryogenesis: interaction
an additional mechanism: in the boundary [17]. Hormones other than among the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON and
SHOOT MERISTEMLESS genes. Development
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expression of the CUC1, CUC2, CUC3 Indeed, JLO and AS2, two members Zhao, L., Matsui, M., Tasaka, M., and Aida, M.
and LOF1 boundary genes, leading of the LBD family to which LOB also transcription factor activates the expression of
to the hypothesis that the specific belongs [18], coordinate transport LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG
gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells.
expression of these genes may result of the phytohormone auxin via the Plant J. 66, 1066–1077.
from their local derepression due to control of the expression of the 11. Clouse, S.D., Langford, M., and McMorris, T.C.
lower BR signaling. Indeed, Bell et al. auxin efflux ransporter PIN [8]. (1996). A brassinosteroid-insensitive mutant in
Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits multiple defects
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12. Vert, G., and Chory, J. (2006). Downstream
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the targets of the LOB transcription loop [19]. Taken together, these 13. He, J.X., Gendron, J.M., Yang, Y., Li, J., and
Wang, Z.Y. (2002). The GSK3-like kinase
factor. Among the genes whose results reveal a close interplay BIN2 phosphorylates and destabilizes BZR1,
expression was modified following between auxin and BR in the a positive regulator of the brassinosteroid
signaling pathway in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl.
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by BRs, providing a molecular basis analyze this interplay and identify growth. Plant Biol. 7, 110–117.
15. Sun, Y., Fan, X.Y., Cao, D.M., Tang, W.,
for the observation that LOB the molecular mechanisms at play. He, K., Zhu, J.Y., He, J.X., Bai, M.Y., Zhu, S.,
modulates BR responses. Among This could be inspired, for instance, Oh, E., et al. (2010). Integration of
brassinosteroid signal transduction with the
these genes, BAS1, which encodes by previous work demonstrating transcription network for plant growth
a BR-inactivating enzyme, was a synergistic effect between auxin regulation in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell 19,
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16. Gonzalez-Garcia, M.P., Vilarrasa-Blasi, J.,
LOB. BAS1 and LOB expression in which it was shown that the Zhiponova, M., Divol, F., Mora-Garcia, S.,
overlap in the boundary region that phosphorylation of the auxin Russinova, E., and Cano-Delgado, A.I. (2011).
Brassinosteroids control meristem size
separates an axillary branch from its response factor ARF2 by the by promoting cell cycle progression
subtending cauline leaf, and LOB BR response repressor BIN2 results in Arabidopsis roots. Development 138,
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two structures. Very elegantly, Bell of ARF2 [20]. Soh, M.S., Ueno, Y., Machida, Y., Tsukaya, H.,
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