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Zuli Paulin Barrios Parra1 , Sergio Alejandro Gallo López 2 , Kelly Tatiana Franco Vega3 , Helberth
Augusto Neira López4 , Lina Tatiana Ortiz Avila5

At present, because the productivity in companies has increased, there has been a need to hire more
labor, which have left aside the needs of employees focusing on bringing new products to the
market, among others. For this reason, many workers over time are harmed either due to accidents
or occupational diseases. "The ILO1 has defined work for the present millennium under the term
decent work, which" synthesizes the aspirations of people during their working life, and represents
the opportunity to access productive employment that generates a fair income, security in the
workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social
integration, freedom for individuals to express their opinions, organize and participate in decisions
that affect their lives, and equal opportunities and treatment for all, women and men.” [CITATION
Org19 \l 9226 ]. This appointment refers to a decent job should allow workers to have a decent,
stable job, where they are considered and have good treatment and above all feel a pleasure with
their work and thus be able to greatly help the development of activities of the company, but the
most important thing is that there is security and that the worker has the freedom to be able to talk
with his employer about the factors that afflict him and not those that perform his functions
correctly, and therefore the employer take initiative in the face of this big problem, and why is it a
big problem? "Health has a certain relationship with safety and industrial hygiene, however, it is
important to establish, which makes it easier to identify a work accident because it can be observed,
while occupational disease demands a medical diagnosis and analysis." [CITATION Ord14 \l 9226 ]
Now, with emphasis on Automotive Workshops ‘What research is about’ This is a business sector
belonging to the services, and which as an economic activity it has; Maintenance and repair of
motor vehicles, in which workers must adopt inappropriate positions, such as; Forced and
application of forces which have pains in the upper, middle and lower back, for this reason the need
arises to create a prototype called PROCHALECO

According to the Methodology, the business plan focuses on the production and protocols of
ergonomic vests, made of fresh, durable material and complying with a series of ergonomic controls
so that they can be used without discomfort, its distribution would be for Cartagena city; With a
desire to host national markets. This methodology was based on the need that was found when
performing different inspections of the production processes in the Classroom Project company.

PROCHALECO has the benefit of reducing muscle contractions caused by Forced Postures and
Force Application. On the other hand, ERGOINNOVACIONES has among its potential clients
companies that seek to guarantee safety and provide care for their workers and thus avoid
occupational diseases. There are companies in the market, which are great skills since among their
owners is to improve the position, help reduce pain and generate well-being for the individual, these
companies are; Promedic, Innova, Flexiguard Medical, Shanghai Runsong Industrial Co Ltd and

The production and listings of the vest is of great interest, because in the different organizations
where the exhaustion of the muscles of the back and neck are found, it acts by correcting these
causes from work where the areas are involved, back High, medium, low and neck. It is a postural
corrective vest, but in addition to this it has hot cold gel pads, with the most that through an
electronic circuit regulated by the temperature of the gel, in addition to at the time of contact with
the worker, it enters a state of taste and muscle rest. This product would be used at specific times
where the company's production is not going to be specific.


1. With the help of a mere one proceed to take the measurements of the fabric the line of the fillings
and lace that are going to be used for the elaboration of the vest

2. The cutting is carried out with the help of scissors

3. With a sewing machine, you start sewing and joining the different parts that make up the vest.

4. Measures are taken with the help of one meter to know, the position of the compartments where
the ergonomic prevention sources are located (postural rods, cold-hot gel and electronic circuit)

5. Then tests are performed to make satisfaction adjustments.

6. Taking into account the result of the evaluation of the tests, it is assumed that the product is
satisfactory to be a type of ergonomic vest prototype.


• Cotton fabric, in 3d mesh, which gives the user breathability and freshness.

• Velcro fins adjustment buckles.

• Exoskeleton with lumbar protection and high strength materials

• Fixed internal sash

• Internal electronic circuit, which allows to regulate the temperature of the COLD-HEAT gel.

• Corrective rods of body posture.

The development of this idea focuses on correcting possible problems in the muscles of the back
and neck of workers in the automotive sector, which is aimed at alleviating bodily alterations in the
worker by eliminating pain and regaining muscle flexibility. PROCHALECO helps prevent muscle
wasting and improves the posture of workers, in order to improve health, mitigate and reduce
diseases of musculoskeletal origin.
Finally, due to the characteristics of the vest components, it can be easily used in any type of work,
and depending on the treatment that is given, it will also be its useful life. The most indicated
unions to execute this business plan are the companies, such as the maintenance and repair
workshop for motor vehicles, metalworking companies, infrastructure and industrial construction,
among others. Because these require a postural load for the back, appropriate to the conditions
faced by workers in their daily work to be performed. The vest allows to correct the posture of the
workers, providing rest to the muscles of the back and neck, and protecting them from a possible
accident or occupational disease, eradicating future losses for the company. Thus performing a safer
and more efficient work.

As Occupational Health and Safety Technologists, we recommend employers to implement the

PROCHALECO prototype in their companies because it will bring great benefits for workers and
have better health, they will be workers who at the time of carrying out their work will execute
them with greater confidence in themselves and will end their functions without discomfort in the
back and with a better disposition to perform their functions every day. And above all it is
recommended that employers from various business sectors ensure the health and well-being of
their employees, not forgetting that without health there is no efficiency in the processes of a

Keywords: Ergonomic, Vest, Postures, Muscles, Occupational disease, Occupational accident,


International Labor Organization. (n.d.). International Labor Organization. Retrieved 11 18, 2019,
from International Labor Organization:
Ordoñez, J. (2014). Industrial safety and hygiene and increased productivity in the workplace.
Technology Magazine, 45-46.

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