Adjectives Appearance - 8 July - Primary

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Date: Wednesday 08,july

Subject : english

Grade : primary

Vocabulary : adjectives of appearance

*Tall = / taal / alto

*Short = / short / bajo
*Thin = / thin / delgado
*Fat = / faet / gordo
*Old = / oud / viejo
Lets practice :
1.-Find the adjective in the puzzle .( encuentra el adjetivo del
vocabulario en el rompecabezas )

a n d i f l a 1.______________________
k m a n a e c
2. _____________________
s h o r t l i
f i l e h z v 3.______________________
t a l l i l e
p r i c n f s 4.______________________
n e w m o r t

2.-Complete the sentences according to the information

in the chart.( completa las oraciones concordando la información en el
friend tall short thin fat

A) JULIE IS ________________ AND _____________________.

B)BILLY IS ________________ AND _____________________.

C)SALLY IS _______________ AND _____________________.

D)MATT IS _______________ AND _____________________.

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