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Love and Relationships on the Spiritual Path

Searching for Love in a World of Illusion

Part 2 Twin Flames and the Search for Wholeness

The Quest for Wholeness

The quest for love—and for the perfect partner in life—is really the quest for
wholeness. We are seeking the other half of the whole, the part of us that we know
exists somewhere in the cosmos.

The search for the twin flame is prompted by our Higher Self. But the search is
often misunderstood by the outer mind.

Twin flames share a unique mission, but this does not necessarily mean they are
intended to be together physically in this lifetime. The outer search for that one special
soul is always a detour on the spiritual path, because it is our relationship to God and
our Higher Self that holds the key to fulfilling our mission and finding and becoming one
with our twin flame.

Where your twin flame is, what his or her state of consciousness is, can greatly
influence your own ability to find wholeness. All energy you release cycles to your twin
flame, either hindering or helping that one on the path to wholeness.

Recognizing Your Twin Flame

Kahlil Gibran captures the essence of the relationship of twin flames in The Prophet:

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be
together when the white wings of death scatter your days. Ay, you shall be
together even in the silent memory of God.

The relationship of twin flames is eternal. It is not something you have to find on
the outer. It is something you attune with on the inner. Recognition of the twin flame is
an inner knowing. The outer senses will not tell you. Nor can you tell twin flames by
appearance or astrology or common interests.

Twin flames do not necessarily look alike. Twin flames may have very different
habit patterns and personalities, divergent interests, or incompatible astrology.

Instead of looking for outer signs, it is better to still the senses and come apart for
a while. Let your inner knowing tell you. Enter a period of aloneness. Fast and pray. Ask
God to show you the rightness or wrongness of the relationship. And do not move until
you are sure. As the saying goes, “Don’t move until an elephant steps on your foot!”
Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy, All Rights Reserved. Page 1
The Love of Twin Flames

It is an illusion to assume that all problems will be resolved by meeting your twin
flame. Finding the twin flame does not answer all of life’s needs. Free will reigns
supreme. Both parties have to want the same things and be willing to make some
sacrifices or compromises for the sake of a higher love.

Our twin flame may not be available to enter into a relationship with us in this life
or at this time. The twin flame may already be married, may be much younger or older
than us, or may not be in embodiment at all.

In fact, if an outer relationship between twin flames is not going to serve a higher
purpose, then it may not be destined in this life.

You can balance karma with your twin flame wherever that one is, in other
octaves or at your side. We balance karma through loving relationships with all whom
God sends to us, through serving life, and through prayer and spiritual work, particularly
through the use of the violet flame.

Meeting your twin flame is an opportunity. The outcome depends on what you
make of that opportunity.

“Male and Female Created He Them”

The Book of Genesis records that “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the
earth.” On the sixth day (the sixth cycle of the unfoldment of creation) God said, “Let us
make man in our image, after our likeness.” And thus it is recorded, “male and female
created he them.”

Each soul was given an equal portion of God. When souls went forth to
experience life in planes of matter, they were endowed with a 60–40% ratio of the divine
attributes. The one who would embody the masculine aspects of the Deity was
polarized with 60% of the masculine attributes and 40% of the feminine; while the one
who would embody the feminine aspects was endowed with 60% of the feminine
attributes and 40% of the masculine.

It is this imbalance that creates the desire for oneness with one’s counterpart.
This is the blessing that keeps man on the path of the grand search for his divinity
through the search for his twin flame.

In a masculine embodiment, the soul has a greater opportunity to master and

expand the masculine virtues of the Christ. In a feminine embodiment, the soul learns to
develop the feminine attributes of the Deity, associated with the Holy Spirit. In order to
maintain the balance in each individualized causal body and for purposes of balancing
Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy, All Rights Reserved. Page 2
karma and gaining new experience, a change of roles and polarities is assumed by twin
flames in successive embodiments.

Some individuals find it difficult to adjust to the change in polarity that occurs
when twin flames are obliged to assume opposite roles. This difficulty may manifest as
women desiring to assume the masculine role and men tending toward the feminine.

With each incarnation, male or female, we are given a certain charge at the
base-of-the-spine chakra. There are three energies that rise upon the spine—the ida,
pingala and sushumna. If a male chooses to engage in the practice of homosexuality,
he will pervert the masculine ray of those three, the Alpha current. If it is misused
continually, he will be depleted of that masculine ray, and this often may produce an
effeminate nature. If a female chooses to engage in the practice of lesbianism, she will
misuse the Omega spiral, the feminine aspect. This deprives the person of the fullness
of the feminine potential. This may cause a shift over into a less intuitive and less
exalted or aspiring state, to a more crude and masculine way of life.

This is why the religions of the world teach that homosexuality is in opposition to
the flow of the life-force in man and woman. By participating in such practices,
individuals misuse the sacred fire, the Kundalini, the flame of life, and they also lose the
balance of the Alpha-Omega polarity. The longer this path is followed, the greater the
imbalance becomes. Once individuals allow themselves to be caught in this spiral, it
becomes increasingly difficult to break the pattern with each successive embodiment in
which it is practiced. This, of course, is true of every habit that is formed through man’s
misuse of the sacred fire.

When people choose this way, they are not choosing life, they are not choosing
the balance of forces. Therefore, they cannot look forward to the resurrection and the
ascension until they have rebalanced their energies.

The raising of the Kundalini and the balancing of the chakras is the primary goal
of seekers on the path to God. In contrast, by practicing same-sex union, there is the
lowering of the energies of the sacred fire. It is a misguided attempt to find wholeness,
and its continued practice can only lead the soul further from the God Presence and
further from ultimate reunion with the beloved, the twin flame.

The angels never condemn anyone. It is simply an understanding of spiritual

energy and the consequences of its uses. People say that one can abstain but one
cannot change one’s nature. It is true that energies that flow within us carve deep river
beds. When we habitually express a particular use of sexual energy, we are carving a
pattern within us, and our energy tends to flow in that channel we have created.

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy, All Rights Reserved. Page 3

Some people feel that they were born homosexual, and in one sense this may be
true. If they have followed this path for a number of lifetimes, it may feel very familiar
and natural. But if we look to the original origin of the soul in the heart of God, it was not
so. The two halves of the divine whole were created male and female, in the image and
likeness of God. Somewhere in the evolution of the soul, a change was made. The soul
began to follow a different path from the one he or she knew in the Beginning.

Thus we see that change is possible, even if it does not always happen
overnight. If we are going to close off one channel and open up another, we must be
patient with ourselves. We have to be understanding. We must have patience for the
soul who is evolving. We must never condemn ourselves or others, but attempt to move
forward on the path of self-mastery.

We can use the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word to help change
the course of the river and to create new channels for the flow of the energies of life. We
can fill in the old riverbeds with violet flame. We can raise our energies in the service of
life and find true wholeness within.

The determination of one’s sex is never an accident of biology. It is always an

opportunity for the soul to gain needed balance in the expression of the inner blueprint.

The Inner Relationship of Twin Flames

Twin flames meet at inner levels at night. Twin flames are always united at inner levels,
even if they are separated by outer circumstances. Strive to be true to your Higher Self.
Ask God to help you balance your karma and perfect your soul in divine love—and offer
the same prayer for your twin flame. Call to your Higher Self for the inner heart contact
with your twin flame. Give the following prayer before you retire at night:

In the name of the Christ, I call to the blessed God Presence of our twin
flames for the sealing of our hearts as one for the victory of our mission. I invoke
the light of the Holy Spirit for the consuming of all negative karma limiting the full
expression of our divine identity and the fulfillment of our divine plan. And I claim
our victory now!

According to God’s holy will, let it be done.

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy, All Rights Reserved. Page 4

For Further Study on Love and Relationships 1-800-245-5445 USA

Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships,
Pocketbook by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Marriage as an Initiation on the Path [10-7-76, 1 hour 33 min.] Available on CD on

Demand—profound lecture on the responsibility of marriage, the attack on marriages
today and how to invoke the ring of fire to protect your marriage

Twin Flames in Love I [Tape Album, Available on CD on Demand 3-10-78, 3-11-78 12

hours] —very complete teachings on the meaning of marriage and relationships—twin
flames, soul mates and karmic marriages

Twin Flames in Love II [Tape Album, 7-5-82, 4 hours 30 min.]

Family Designs for the Golden Age Elizabeth Clare Prophet [Audio CD 11 hours 15 min]

The Path to Attainment, chapter 1, “Twin Rays” contains teaching on Homosexuality

The Story of Your Soul—Recovering the Pearl of Your True Identity by Elizabeth Clare

Sacred Psychology series by Dr. Marilyn Barrick

Heart Head and Hand booklet of decrees

Soul Retrieval Ritual is offered at the quarterly conferences conducted by The Summit
Lighthouse. You can attend in person at the Inner Retreat in Montana or over the
internet broadcast. See events at or

Copyright © 2010 Neroli Duffy, All Rights Reserved. Page 5

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