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Kim Jopet S.



1. The deacon himself believed that he has been disregarded.
2. Do you believe that God divided the sea for the Hebrews?
3. We know that Lucifer enlightened in all things.
4. It is said that the crowd prevented Pilate to release Jesus.
5. It is said that the crowd prevented Pilate to release Jesus.
6. They deny that John was the Christ.
7. The man himself was forbidden to say that he was healed by Jesus.
8. No one may say that Paul baptized.
9. Didn’t they know that Mary expressed such sorrow with ample tears?
10. He taught that Jesus saw him in the way.

1. He who says this, is too humble.
2. Whatever they did, they did it for friends.
3. They who may do this, they may be pleasing to the Father himself.
4. Where you wish to walk, I may follow.
5. Whoever asked, received.


1. And he says, “for what evil has he done?” But they were shouting saying: “Let him be
2. Whoever believes in the son, has eternal life, but whoever didn’t believe to the son, will not
see life, but God’s wrath remains on them.
4. And all the crowd was trying to touch him, because the power was coming out from him and
was healing them all.
5. And afterwards John had been handed over, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of
God, and saying: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near, repent and
believe in the Gospel.”
9. In what manner can you be able to believe, the glory that you receive from one another, and
the glory, which is from God alone, do you not seek?
10. Jesus therefore was saying to them, who believed in him, the Jews: “If you remain in my
speech, truly you are my disciples and you know that truth, and the truth will free you.”
13. And so Jesus, knowing all (things), (those) which had come above him, , and says to them:
“Who do you seek?”
14. Do you not know whose spirit are you?
16. For now, the Father seeks for such, those who may adore him.
17. They came, saying they also saw a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
19. At that time, Jesus said to them: “Turn around your sword into its place. For all, those who
will have taken a sword, will perish by the sword.”
20. And I do not ask for my glory; there is (One) who seeks and judges.
21. But Jesus stood before governor; and the governor asked him saying “Are you the King of
the Jews?” Jesus says “You say”.
22. And the servant does not remain in the house forever: the son remains forever.
23. Therefore Jesus has said to them again saying: “I am the light of the world, who followed
me, will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.
24. Amen Amen I say to you: Time comes, and it is now, when the dead shall hear the voice of
the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
25. And Jesus standing, commanded and called him.
26. If he who have ears have listened, let he may listen.
27. And he was saying: “who have ears have listened, let he may listen”.
30. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king behold, here the
wise men from the east of Jerusalem they asked: “Where is he, who is born king of Jews? We
saw his star in the east and we come to worship him.’’
33. And he said to her, “On the account of this talk, go forth, the demon has left your daughter.”
34. Those who had seen him risen, did not believe.
35. Therefore, the command that the tomb until the third day.
36. They said to her, “woman why are you weeping?”
42. Your redemption draws near.
44. But Jesus turned and seeing him he said: trust, daughter, your faith made you saved.

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