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A friend asks you for advice on how to do one of the following things or another
bureaucratic process that you have done. Write an email telling him how to do it.
Hello best friend Paola
-It's good to hear from you. I read your message, you asked about the renewal of driver's
license. I briefly tell you the steps you must follow, I hope it helps you a lot, anyway you can also
find all the information on the government's facebook or website.
-The first step is to go through the approved medical examination, for this you can search the
nearest authorized centers on your website where you can get the list of authorized centers.
Once you have obtained your certificate, you will have to go to a photographic studio to obtain
passport-size photographs of yourself.
-Then comes the bureaucratic part of the process. You must present yourself at the embassy
offices with your ID, applicant's card, expired or due expiration, present the previous approved
medical examination.
-To then pass the knowledge test approved in an evaluation center. They will check you if you
do not have fines in the system and after a week they will give you the results.
-This information that I manage, I hope that helps, anything comes back to me if something is
not clear.
-PS: Greetings to your family
3. You have decided to leave your job. Write a letter of resignation to your boss in which
you explain why you want to leave and what your plans are. Also say why you are happy
or unhappy about the time you've spent in the job.
Trujillo, May 8, 2018.
Peruvian Homescenter, Manager.

Dear Mr. Smith:

-By this Letter of resignation, I am writing to you in order to express my resignation to the
position of assistant of boxes of said store where I work from January 15, 2017 until May 8,
-My reason for leaving is that my health has deteriorated in recent months. This forces me to
leave work immediately, to receive medical treatment. For this reason I present my irrevocable
resignation, as of May 30, hopefully that will allow you to find another staff.
-I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the opportunity you have given me and your
interest in my health. I will keep you informed of the progress of my treatment.
-Sincerely yours,
2. Write a blog entry describing something that happened in your past. Either write about
a strange or unusual event from your past or a special day that you still remember
- Last night, I was talking with some friends in a park about strange things that happened to us
as children and I remembered something that happened to me a long time ago.
-It is one of the strangest things, as a child, my mother and I walked through the woods near our
house and we took pictures of our old car since we were going to put it on sale. Suddenly, in the
bushes, something creaked, and Mom told me to run home, and I did.
-In the flight, I heard strange sounds, as if someone was getting into the car.
- I ran home surprised and scared, but to my surprise I found my mother there, sitting at the
table reading a newspaper.
-After several years, when I was a teenager, I began to question my mother about this event,
but she, although she remembered the old car that we finally sold, did not remember anything
about any creaking, jumping inside the car. or its presence in 2 places at the same time.
I will never forget that strange moment.

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