8673-Block 2. Units Iii & Iv

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Inside Reading Level Intro

Unit 3 “Fighting Bacteria” Pre-Reading Activities

Name: ___Angelo González Salazar_____________________ Date: _________

Reading 2 in Unit 3 tells how scientists learned ways to stop bacteria from hurting people. Read
the sentences below that state a main idea from the Reading.

Throughout time, scientists have tried to cure illnesses. It wasn’t until the 1900s, though, that scientists
found a medicine that could fight infections and help people suffering from certain illnesses. Now there is
a cure for many of the illnesses that people died from in the past.

Look at the underlined words above. These are words and phrases that are used to talk about
being sick. Think about what each word or phrase means. Then answer the questions below.

1. If you cure a disease or illness, it gets __________.

a. worse

2. If you suffer from an illness, you feel __________.

a. good
b. bad

3. If you have an illness, you _______.

a. feel well
b. do not feel well

Now look at the Reading on pages 41 and 42. Match each phrase on the right with the heading that
it appears under on the left.

4. ____ The Discovery of Bacteria a. suffered from

5. ____ Carbolic Acid b. ways to cure people

6. ____ Penicillin c. died from

In addition, to the noun illness, the Reading also uses the adjective ill. Read the example below:

If you are ill, you should see a doctor. She can examine you to make sure you don’t have a serious

7. Now find the word ill in the Reading. Record the sentence that it is in below:


Inside Reading Level Intro
Unit 4 “Changing a Traditional Way of Life” Pre-Reading Activities

Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________

Reading 1 in Unit 4 tells why cities in China are growing and how this affects the way people live.
A word you’ll see used in the Reading is economy. Read the definition below.

The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary for learners of English defines economy as “the relationship
between production, trade, and the supply of money in a particular country or region.”

The important thing to remember about an economy is that it is not one thing. A country’s economy is
affected by the jobs available there, the money that businesses make, and the building and other work
that is done in the region. Note that because of these factors, the word economy usually refers to
production and trade activity in an entire country or other large region.

Predict the answers to the following questions based on the information above.

1. If the economy is doing badly or is slow, it means there ___________ very many jobs or much
work being done.
a. are
b. are not

2. If the economy is doing well, there ___________work and businesses __________ making
a. is/are
b. is not/are not

Read the following paragraph from the Reading, which discusses the economy in China.

Soon the Chinese economy was growing. Factories in the cities offered low-paying jobs to the new
workers. But the factory workers still earned more money than farmers earned. The products made in
the factories were shipped to other countries. This brought money into the Chinese economy. As more
people moved to cities, new jobs were created. More housing was needed. Workers were hired to build
new apartments. Stores sought workers to assist with their growing businesses. Workers were also hired
to build bridges and railroads for the growing cities.

3. Underline four sentences from the paragraph above that show what caused the economy in
China to grow. Note there are more than four correct answers.

Economy also has an adjective form. Look at the Reading on pages 50 and 51. Answer the
questions below.

4. What is the adjective form of economy? ______________________

5. Find the sentence in the reading that uses the adjective form and record it below:



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