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Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province

S.Y. 2019-2020/ 2ND Semester

NAME: ______________________________________________________________ DATE:

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the questions/statements carefully. You will be given 1 hour and 15 minutes to finish the
examination. Further, you should always uphold “HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY” during your exam. Lastly, avoid
ERASURES nor ALTERATIONS. Failure to follow all the instructions will result to the deduction of your scores.
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer and write the letter on the space provided.
1. Theory that holds God is the provider of language humans. 1. _____
a. Divine Source b. Physical Adaptation Source c. Genetic Source d. Natural
Sound Source
2. This theory points that words were taken from the echo’s in the environment, natural cries or physical efforts. 2.
a. Divine Source b. Physical Adaptation Source c. Genetic Source d. Natural
Sound Source
3. Theory that states language come from the physical features’ human possess, which lead speech production. 3.
a. Divine Source b. Physical Adaptation Source c. Genetic Source d. Natural
Sound Source
4. This theory claims that language is an innate capacity of humans. 4.
a. Divine Source b. Physical Adaptation Source c. Genetic Source d. Natural
Sound Source
5. He claims that the origins of language in early humans had developed musical ability prior to language. 5.
a. Lev Vygotsky b. Noam Chomsky c. Charles Darwin
d. Jean Piaget
6. This theory stresses that original sounds may come from natural cries of emotions and has been considered as origin of
a. Pooh-pooh Theory b. Bow-wow Theory c. Yo-he-yo Theory d. Pow-Wow
7. It is the language that simply echoed by natural sounds. Words that similar to the noises. 7. _____
a. Oxymoron b. Onomatopoeia c. Personification d. Imitation
8. The following are the features of genetic theory, EXCEPT 8.
a. Language is innate in our human genetic
b. Children can acquire language effortlessly
c. Some children with all levels of knowledge can acquire language
d. Children can acquire language in a relatively short period of time
9. It has a specialized function to control motor movements. 9. _____
a. Teeth b, Spinal Cord c. Muscle d. Human
10. It is a long cavity which act as a resonator for increasing range of clarity of sounds. 10.
a. Larynx b. Pharynx c. Throat d. Sprain
11. It is the voice box that contain vocal folds and vocal cords. 11. _____
a. Larynx b. Pharynx c. Throat d. Sprain
12. In the divine theory, what is the mean of learning their language? 12.
a. exposing to environment b. teaching the language c. isolating the children d. merely tutoring
13. This theory emphasized that we are born with rules of language in our head. 13.
a. Universal Language b. Universal Pronunciation c. Universal Accuracy D. Universal
14. In this stage of first language acquisition, children language blooms fluent in grammatical conversation. 14.
a. Telegraphic stage b. Cooing Stage c. Multiword stage d.
Babbling Stage
15. The daughter of Annabelle, a 2-year-old child likes to say, “Mama eat” and “Mama cry” whenever she is away from her,
in what stage in the first language acquisition does the situation above emphasized? 15.
a. Holophrastic stage b. Two-word Stage c. Multiword Stage
d. Telegraphic Stage
16. The following are the speed of progress in acquiring the second language, which of the following is not belong to the
a. Level of education b. family background c. not prolific in L1 d.
exposure to L2
17. Pennywise, a 1-year-old kid can produce simple sentences and has a good comprehension. What stage in SLA is he good
a. Speech Emergence b. Intermediate Fluency c. Early Production d. Pre-
18. Daniel, an immigrant in Canada can communicate well with his Canadian classmates using the L2. What stage in SLA
does it show?
a. Speech Emergence b. Intermediate Fluency c. Early Production d. Advanced
19. In what age does Early Production in SLA occur?
a. 6 months b. 1-year old c. 6 months to 1-year d. 2-
20. In what age does cooing in FLA occur?
a. 1-2 months b. 2 months c. 2-4 months d. 4 moths
21. Existing in the part of the brain that a person is not aware of.
a. Subconscious b. Conscious c. Acquisition d. Learning
22. It focuses on the communicative act not in the form of their utterances
a. Learning b. Subconscious c. Acquisition d.
23. It is a product of formal instruction
a. Learning b. Subconscious c. Acquisition d.
24. It stresses the importance of making learning relevant to the experience of the learners and their work context. What
position of L1 acquisition is emphasized the above idea?
a. Behavioristic Approach b. Cognitive Approach c. Functional Context Approach d. Language
25. Individuals are born without built-in mental content and their knowledge comes from experience and perception. What
position of L1 acquisition is emphasized the above idea?
a. Behavioristic Approach b. Cognitive Approach c. Functional Context Approach d. Language
26. Which of the following does not belong to the group in the language acquisition device properties?
a. Ability to organize linguistic data into various classes
b. Ability to distinguish speech sounds from other form of sounds in the environment
c. Knowledge that only a certain kind of linguistic system is possible
d. Ability to engage in a fluctuating evaluation of the developing linguistic system.
27. It belongs in the two-word utterances, typically a function word.
a. Pivot b. Open c. Determiner d. Preposition
28. What is an example of semantic relationship possessor-possessed?
a. Mommy eat b. Mommy coat c. throw ball d. lights off
29. “What children learn about language is determined by what they already know about the world.” Who coined this
a. Piaget b. Chomsky c. Vygotsky d. Slobin
30. It has a special meaning in language, it is being used in an interactive communication.
a. Affective filter b. Comprehensible input c. Monitor d. Discourse
31. It belongs in the two-word utterances, typically a content word.
a. Pivot b. Open c. Determiner d. Preposition

TEST II- IDENTIFICATION. Part I. The following are the reasons why the people manage to acquire the second language
fluently. From the choices given in the box, identify the corresponding barriers in acquiring the L2.
a. Affective filter b. Interlanguage c. critical period d. interference e. fossilization f.
32. The students were being pressured in learning the L2 without mastering the L1.
33. In the class of Mrs. Galos, she always uses code-switch whenever she explains her lessons in English subject.
34. Kathryn is always reprimanded by her teacher because cannot follow simple sentence pattern though it was being
explained to her.
35. Arvin knows how to communicate to his peers but cannot speak in front of the class because he is afraid to commit
36. Jerome was really good in speaking the L2 during his elementary days, however, things have changed in college because
he is bombarded with school stuff.
Part II. Identify the emotional stage when learning L2.
37. Learners are enthusiastic about learning
38. Learners deal with alterations between L1 and L2
39. Learners feel stunned because they cannot communicate easily
40. Learners are fluent speak in target language, they might even forget their L1 or reject their original culture

TEST III. SHORT RESPONSE. Give your insights regarding to the Origin of Language. (Rubrics attached at the back)
1. What is the connection between the innateness hypothesis and the idea of universal grammar?
2. What are the arguments for and against the divine theory explanation of the origins of human language?
3. What is the basic idea behind “Natural Sound Source” theory of language origin?

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