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Apart from our effort, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and
guidelines of many others. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those
who provided us the possibility to complete this report. First and foremost, we would like to
thank lecturer, for providing us an opportunity to do
case study on the topic “Lighting and Acoustics” under the subject “Building Science II” and
for his valuable guidance and advice. We are highly indebted to all the members of the
Architecture department for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the case study & also for their support in completing the
report. Their willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our case study.
We would like to thank Department of Architecture of Pulchowk Campus for providing us
with a good environment and opportunity to complete this case study. It gave us all
opportunity to participate and learn about the real applications of Lighting and Acoustics. In
addition, we would also like to thank We would also like to thank the Manager of
CITY HALL (RASHTRIYA SABHA GHRIHA) who allowed us to visit and study regarding
the lighting in Aauditorium. Besides this, we would like to thank all of our friends and seniors
who helped us during the projects directly or indirectly.

Thanking You:
Anshika Karn (072-BAE-204)

Prakash Awasthi (072-BAE-225)

Priyanka Shah (072-BAE-227)

Sarika Regmi (072-BAE-237)

Saroj Malla (072-BAE-238)

Shivajee Thapa (072-BAE-241)
1. Introduction
2. Case studies
3. Analysis
4. Conclusion
5. Annex

Lighting and Acoustics play an important role in its defnition. The study of building science would
be incomplete without the study of “Lighting and Acoustics”. They are one of the basic necessities
which help to insure the comfortable living in any building. Proper lighting and sound acoustics
are necessary for enhancing the living experience for the dwellers of any space, so the study of
“Lighting and Acoustics helps to create such an atmosphere by calculation of the sizes of opening
required for particular works, by creating sound barriers or buffer zones for specifc functions and
much more. Thus, Lighting and Acoustics have an important role to play in the design and
functioning of a built structure.


Light: Light is a form of energy which causes the sensation of vision in human eyes.
Lighting is the deliberate use of light to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting
includes the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as
natural illumination by capturing daylight

Sources of light
The sources of light are natural and artificial.

Natural Light:
1. Direct Sunlight
2. Diffused Sunlight

Light which we obtain directly from nature is called natural lighting. Its sources are sun, moon etc. but
chief source of light is sun. The three basic sources of light are daylight, sunlight and reflected light.

Daylight is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight outdoors during the daytime. If we
consider a point inside the building, light may reach it from sun the following ways:

1. Diffused or skylight through a window or opening.

2. Externally reflected (by the ground or the buildings) through the same windows.

Fig. Natural Lighting System

3. Internally reflected light from walls, ceiling or other surfaces.

Day Light Factor (DF)

An Indication of the amount of Daylight at a point within a room is the ratio of the Daylight
at the point to the illuminance outside the building from a complete hemisphere of sky
(excluding direct
sunlight). This ratio is known as the Daylight factor (DF), and is usually quoted as a percentage.
Daylight Factor (DF) =Ei /Eo *100 (%)Where,
Ei = Horizontal illuminance at a point in an interior
Eo = Horizontal illuminance outdoor from an unobstructed sk

Artificial Light (Electric light):

1. Filament lamp
2. Fluorescent lamp (tube lamp)
3.Special lamp (sodium mercury discharge lamp)

Light obtained from sources other than the natural source is called artificial lighting. It is practically
impossible to provide adequate daylight in the region having moderate climate, to the depth greater
than the three times the window height. So, the interior parts of the room are permanently lit by
the electric lights, to provide necessary illumination. Artificial lighting is most commonly provided
today by

1. Incandescent Lamp
2. Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
3. Fluorescent Tube
4. Discharge Lamp
5. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Principle of architectural lighting states:

1. Light as a form of architecture.
2. Flow of light as building material.
3. Light determines the quality of space, mood color, warmness, coolness, psychological

S. No. Photometric Quantity Symbol Unit Remarks

1 Luminous intensity (I) I Candela (Cd) Power of source

2 Luminous Flux (F) F Lumens (Lm) Rate of fl ow

3 Illuminance (E) E Lux Rate per unit area

4 Luminance (L) L Cd/sq.m. Brightness

Acoustic is branch of science that deals with the study of sound. Acoustics is the interdisciplinary
science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including
vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. The effect generated by the vibrating surface in the
air is called sound. Increase in unwanted sound creates problems so defensive measures are to be
applied which come under acoustic treatment.

There are different types of acoustics but here we mainly focus on two types of acoustics:
1. Architectural acoustics
2. Environmental acoustics

1. Architectural Acoustics
Architectural acoustics (also known as building acoustics) involves the scientific understanding of
how to achieve a good sound within a building. Architectural acoustics can be about achieving good
speech intelligibility in a theatre, restaurant or railway station, enhancing the quality of music in a
concert hall or recording studio, or suppressing noise to make offices and homes more productive
and pleasant places to work and live in.
2. Environmental Acoustics
The science of sound which deals with noise control or sound pollution in urban areas is called
environmental acoustics. Environmental acoustics is concerned with noise and vibration caused by
traffic, aircraft, industrial equipment and recreational activities. Thus, in environmental acoustics
designing and planning of urban area according to noise level is considered. For convenience, noise
level for town planning and different zone is:
• 80dB- industrial zone
• 70dB- public and markets
• 60dB- residential zone
• <50dB- noise control zone (like library, hospital, college, resort, meditation hall).

Defect due to reflected sound:-

Echoes Repetition of sound , >17 meter
Continuation of sound, > 2 seconds bad but <2 sec, 1 sec is
Dead spot Low intensity of sound due to sound foci.
Due to excessive use of sound absorbing material, no
of sound.
External noise due to rainfall, aero plane, vehicles, etc
Exterior through
wall openings roof.
Sound foci Concentration or reflected of sound due to concave surface

Reverberation Time (RT):

Reverberation is the persistence of sound after a sound is produced. A reverberation, is
created when a sound or signal is reflected causing a large number of reflections to build up
and then decay as the sound is absorbed by the surfaces of objects in the space which could
include furniture, people, and air
Reverberation time is the time required for the sound level in the room to decay 60 dB, or in
other words, it is the time needed for a loud sound to be inaudible after turning off the sound
The time of reverberation plays a signifcant role in achieving desired acoustical condition. If
the time of reverberation is too long, it results in the overlapping of speech and loss of
and if it is too short, it produces the effect of deadness and loss of brilliance of sound. If the time
reverberation works out to a value greater than 3 seconds, it is considered bad, between 3 and 2
seconds as fairly good and between 2 to ½ second as very good. The time of reverberation to be
varies with the purpose for which the enclosure or auditorium is to be used as a sound flm theatre
for public address system, the time of reverberation selected should be short, whereas for concert
halls and churches, it should be longer. For enclosures to be used for both speech and music, a
value midway between the two should be adopted.The calculation of reverberation time using
Sabine or Eyring equations assumes that the sound in the room be diffused

Factors affecting the architectural acoustics in the design of a hall:

1. Site selection & planning
2. Shape & size of the hall
3. Audience seating arrangements
4. Acoustic treatment in the interior
5. Surface path and reverberation time
6. Insufficient loudness
7. Exterior noise


Area of the lobby=35150mm x 7875mm
Required area for openings=25% of A
=25/100 x 276.8
Area of openings=(2.3 x 3.3m2) x 10 nos. + 5 x 3.3m2
= 92.4 m2
Thus, there is sufficient day lighting in the room.

Day light factor curve:

Sill height = 0.2m
Total height of window (H)= 3.3 m
Depth (D) = 7.87m
Thumb rule D = 2.5 x H
= 8.25 m
Since present depth is less than maximum depth, thus it is sufficient.
Changing room:
For ladies
Area= 364 sq. ft.
No. of lights used = 2 CFL bulb & 1 tube light.
Natural lighting
• Size of opening= 2’x 6’ & 2 in no.
• Area of Opening= 24 sq ft.
Required area of openings=25% x A
=0.25*364 = 91 sq. ft.
But we only have opening of 24 sq ft. so there is insufficient daylight in changing room for ladies
Given Opening =( 24/364)x100% =6.59%.

For male
Area = 400 sq. ft
No.of lights used = 6
Natural lighting
• Size of opening= 2’x 6’ & 3 in no.
• Area of Opening= 36 sq ft.
• Required area of openings=25% x A
=0.25 x 400 =100 sq.ft
But we only have opening of 36 sq ft. so there is insufficient daylight in changing room for gents
Given Opening =( 36/300)x100% =12%

Artificial lighting
No. of light = 5 x 21 + 19 = 124 (two types of lamp)
Power = 22 x 5 x2 + 18 x 19
= 2310+342 = 2652 watt
Area = 26.6 x 17.31 m2 = 460.446 m2
No. of luminaries = E x A/(L x UF x MF)
E = N x L x UF x MF/A
= 124 x 3200 x 0.7 x 0.8/460.446
= 482.59 Lux.

N = 82
A = 55.63 m2
W = 748 + 864 = 1612
L = 1800+1400 =3200
N = E x A/L x MF x UF

Q.1. A hall of 16m x 10m x5m with acoustic tiles on ceiling and bamboo ply on one of the
short walls. Calculate the reverberation time if the appropriate power of the other surfaces
of the hall is 18 m2- Sabine. Assume that absorption coefficient of acoustic tiles is 0.45 and
bamboo ply is 0.35.
Volume of Hall (V) = 16 x 10 x5= 800m3
Absorption power of the other surface of the hall (Aoth) = 18m2- Sabine
Absorption Coefficient of acoustic tiles (aat) =0.45
Absorption Coefficient of bamboo ply (abp) =0.35
Area of the ceiling (Aat) = (16 x10) m2 =160 m2
Area of one of the short walls (Abp) = (10 x 5) m2 =50m2
Reverberation Time (RT) =?
A = Aat aat + Abp abp + Aoth
= (160 x 0.45) + (50 x0.35)+ (18)
= (72+17.5+18)
=107.5 m2
RT=0.16 V/A
Where, V= Volume of space in cu.m.
A= Total effective surface area in Sabine –sq m
= 0.16x 800/ 107.5
RT= 1.19 secs
Therefore, the reverberation time is 1.19 seconds.
2) A hall of 20m*10m*6m is provided with acoustic tiles on ceiling and wooden block
on one of the floor. Calculate the absorption power of the other surfaces of the hall if
the reverberation time is 1.5 second. Assume that absorption coefficient of acoustic
tiles is 0.45 and wooden block is 0.35.
b) What would you do if the ORT is 1 second of the hall?
Volume of a hall, V=20*10*6=1200m3
Absorption coefficient of other surfaces, Aas=?
Absorption coefficient of acoustic tiles, act = 0.45
Absorption coefficient of wooden block, awb= 0.08
a) As we know, according to Sabine equation,
Total absorption of hall,
A=Ac.act+ Aswac+ Aas
Ac.act = 20*10*0.45 = 90 m2-Sabine
Af awb = 20*10*0.08 = 16 m2-Sabine
A = Ac.act + Afawb+ Aas
A = 90+16+Aas
= 106+Aas
RT = 0.16 *(V/A) = 0.16*(1200/A)
1.5 second = 0.16 * (1200/ (Aas + 106))
1.5(Aas + 106) = 0.16*1200
1.5Aas + 159 = 192
Aas = 22 m2-Sabine
Therefore, the absorption power of the other surfaces is 22 sq.m-Sabine.
b) Solution,
As we know, according to Sabine equation,
RT= 0.16*(V/A)
RT=1 second
Volume, V=1200 m3 (volume constant, total absorption power “A” may change)
RT= 0.16*(1200/A)
1=192 /A
A=192 m2–Sabine
> 128 m2– Sabine when RT is= 1.5 second.

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