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whey protein isolate

A biologically active, cystine-rich, whey-based protein isolate. Whey protein

isolate is broken down in the body into cystine and glutamylcystine, which
travel safely in the blood stream, upon cell entry, deliver a sustained amount of
free cysteine to the cells. The available cysteine allows cells to synthesize
glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide containing amino acids glycine, glutamate and
cysteine, thereby maintaining and increasing intracellular GSH concentrations.
GSH plays a major role as an antioxidant, thereby protecting cells from
oxidative damage due to harmful substances such as free radicals and reactive
oxygen compounds. Check for active clinical trials using this agent. (NCI

 Q. What is the difference between products or pills that

people use as supplements that are labeled as "glutathione" or "cystine"?
 A. Glutathione is produced within the cells (intra-cellularly). When taking a pill labeled
"glutathione", clinical and laboratory studies demonstrate that oral glutathione is NOT
absorbed but will be eliminated by the liver through the bile before ever reaching the
systemic circulation (blood stream). Cystine is not well absorbed when taken by mouth.
Injectable glutathione also has limited benefits. It is unstable in the blood stream. By
the time it gets to the cell, much of it gets degraded, and much of this remaining
glutathione cannot effectively pass through the cell membrane.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that oral cystine supplementation (NAC or N Acetyl
L-Cysteine) is NOT effective in increasing cystine levels within the cell, and has also
not been associated with significant increases in glutathione levels within the cell. The
three bioactive proteins supplied by bioactive whey protein constitute a "natural delivery
system" from these cystine precursors to the cell (in order to facilitate clinically and
statistically significant increases in glutathione levels in BOTH the extracellular serum
and intracellular tissues). Because Immunocal bioactive whey protein provides the
building blocks for cystine, and these building blocks for cystine are easily transported
inside the cell where they can be quickly synthesized into glutathione, bioactive whey
protein is therefore ideally suited to increase glutathione levels within the cell.

P. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre productos o

píldoras que las personas usan como suplementos
etiquetados como "glutatión" o "cistina"?
 A. El glutatión se produce dentro de las células
(intracelularmente). Al tomar una píldora
etiquetada como "glutatión", los estudios clínicos
y de laboratorio demuestran que el glutatión oral
NO se absorbe sino que será eliminado por el
hígado a través de la bilis antes de llegar a la
circulación sistémica (flujo sanguíneo). La cistina
no se absorbe bien cuando se toma por vía oral. El
glutatión inyectable también tiene beneficios
limitados. Es inestable en el torrente sanguíneo.
Para cuando llega a la célula, gran parte se
degrada y gran parte de este glutatión restante no
puede pasar efectivamente a través de la
membrana celular.
Los estudios clínicos han demostrado que la
suplementación oral con cistina (NAC o N Acetyl
L-Cysteine) NO es efectiva para aumentar los
niveles de cistina dentro de la célula, y tampoco
se ha asociado con aumentos significativos en los
niveles de glutatión dentro de la célula. Las tres
proteínas bioactivas suministradas por la proteína
de suero bioactiva constituyen un "sistema de
suministro natural" de estos precursores de cistina
a la célula (para facilitar incrementos clínicamente
y estadísticamente significativos en los niveles de
glutatión en AMBOS el suero extracelular y los
tejidos intracelulares). Debido a que la proteína de
suero bioactivo Immunocal proporciona los
bloques de construcción para la cistina, y estos
bloques de construcción para la cistina se
transportan fácilmente dentro de la célula donde
pueden sintetizarse rápidamente en glutatión, la
proteína de suero bioactivo es ideal para aumentar
los niveles de glutatión dentro de la célula.

 Q. What is the difference between NAC (N Acetyl L-Cysteine) and

bioactive whey protein?
 A. N Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) is sulfur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid which
is present in many proteins, and is in the same class as the amino acid
methionine. NAC is a naturally occurring amino sugar and is a form of cysteine
which has been demonstrated to facilitate the SHORT TERM cellular
detoxification of alcohol, tobacco smoke, acetaminophen [Tylenol®] poisoning
and environmental pollutants in several in vitro studies. When Cystine is heated,
molecular bonds are cleaved and it becomes Cysteine. Cysteine is beneficial if
it is produced INSIDE the cell, but is mildly toxic if it is produced outside the cell.
NAC does not travel well in the blood stream, and doesn't reach the cells (to be
used to synthesize glutathione and Glutamic acid). NAC supplementation over
long periods has been associated with modest increases in serum glutathione,
but has not proven particularly useful in the treatment of chronic, long-term
intracellular glutathione deficiencies. Furthermore, therapeutic levels of NAC are
relatively toxic and have been associated with significant side effects. At
therapeutic doses, oral NAC supplementation has been associated with
cerebral symptoms, nausea, blurred vision, and vomiting. Immunocal bioactive
whey protein provides the precursors for the manufacture of intra-cellular
cystine, and effectively delivers these to the cell. For this reason, bioactive whey
protein supplementation has been associated with sustained and
significant increases of cellular glutathione, and is virtually devoid of
troublesome side-effects. Bioactive whey protein has the same side-effect
profile as mothers' milk.

 Q. What is the difference between bovine colostrum and bioactive whey
 A. The proteins in colostrum have almost no cystine content. Cystine is
critically essential to the immune system. Although Growth Factors present in
colostrum (including IGF-1, or Insulin-like growth Factor-1 which is effective in
promoting muscle growth) are not affected by stomach acid, research published
by one manufacturer of Colostrum (Vital Health News, Winter 1998, page 7)
demonstrated that "the effectiveness of the immune factors present in colostrum
is lowered by stomach acid." Although the immune enhancing factors found in
colostrum are often "preferable to single isolated immune components" (such as
interferon, which is more likely to cause troublesome side effects), colostrum
has NOT been demonstrated to be superior to isolated undenatured whey
proteins such as Immunocal bioactive whey protein. Colostrum (which is
produced during the first 26 hours following birth by the mammary glands) is
primarily composed of immunoglobulin and some lactoferrin. According to both
laboratory experiments and clinical trials conducted in Germany, although
colostrum supplementation was associated with mild increases in immune
function in some patients, these increases were not statistically significant,
(p=ns). A postulated mechanism of action of colostrum is the inter-species
transfer of immune factors, however this has NOT been clinically proven. Most
of the data supporting the effectiveness of colostrum is anecdotal (consisting
mostly of personal testimonies rather than clinical studies). Since the primary
mechanism of action on the immune system is via stimulation of the synthesis
(production) of glutathione, the near absence of glutathione precursors in the
immunoglobulin fraction (from the colostrum) may explain its relative lack of
effect. Conversely, bioactive whey protein contains substantial amounts of
thermolabile (heat-sensitive) proteins that are rich in cystine and
glutamylcystine (known precursors of glutathione), and Immunocal bioactive
whey protein has been validated in numerous human clinical trials which found
statistically significant increases in glutathione and indices of immune function
(such as CD4:CD8 ratios). Colostrum might be beneficial as an adjunctive (add-
on) to bioactive whey protein, but the clinical data is significantly more
convincing for bioactive whey protein.

 Q. How does the manufacturing of Immunocal differ from other whey proteins?
 A. In the manufacturing of other whey proteins several things occur: in the process of heating
and Pasteurization, critical bonds holding the cystine together get broken down ("denatured",
meaning they loose their original nature--similar to the denaturing and irreversible changing of
liquid egg white by the heating process involved in frying an egg). The exact type of proteins
that serve to increase tissue and serum glutathione most effectively are lost or diminished.
Researchers have developed a process by which these delicate proteins remain intact in their
natural form to serve us most effectively.

 Q. Is Immunocal bioactive whey protein free from Bovine Growth Hormone, antibiotics,
and other chemicals?
 A. rBGH (bovine Growth Hormone) and other growth hormones have become a major issue of
controversy in the dairy industry. Certain herdsmen give their cows the growth hormone to
increase milk production. It is devastating to the cows, and to those who drink their milk also.
American dairy farmers in the state of Idaho provide the milk to manufacture Immunocal
bioactive whey protein from one large dairy farm in the state of Idaho. This particular location
was chosen because the soil selenium levels are highest in the USA, and grazing on grasses
which are grown on Idaho selenium-rich soil results in high selenium levels in the milk. Selenium
(an essential micronutrient and mineral) is a structural component of the powerful "master
antioxidant" glutathione. The selenium level in 10 grams of bioactive whey protein is more than
4 mcg, which is much higher than found in most commercial whey proteins. That is good. This
facilitates the cystine component of the whey protein (bioactive whey protein is 100% whey
protein) from this selenium-rich milk to be more effeciently metabolized by the body to form
glutathione within the cells of the body. On the other hand, absolutely no herbicides, pesticides
or chemicals are used on the grasses these cows graze upon. The milk from these cows
qualifies to be certified organic (hormone, pesticide and agricultural chemical-free). The cattle
on this farm are subjected to more rigorous standards than almost any other dairy cattle in the
USA. If a cow is sick and must be treated with antibiotics (or any other pharmaceutical
compound), it is removed from the herd and its milk is not used. Absolutely no BGH or other
hormone compounds are used on these cows.

 Q. What are some additional benefits of whey proteins?

 A. Immunocal bioactive whey protein has been clinically demonstrated to increase exercise
capacity by 13 percent (Lands et al., 1999), and may be useful as a supplement for competitive
athletes. Wattanabe et al. (Japan) conducted a clinical study with bioactive whey protein to
evaluate increases in GSH among patients with Hepatitis B and C, and found that these viruses
are vulnerable to glutathione. In-vitro studies in Japan also showed that whey can stimulate the
bone cell (osteoblasts) to produce more bone, hence increasing bone density and reducing the
risk of osteoporosis. Lactalbumin from whey protein has been demonstrated to kill breast cancer
cells in vitro (in a test-tube). Glutathione (from whey protein) lowers serum cholesterol by
stimulating bile synthesis in the liver. In addition, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that will
prevent lipid peroxidation (a sign of free radical activity). Lipid peroxidation is implicated in
arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke and coronary artery disease. Because neither
bioactive whey protein nor glutathione is a drug, no disease treatment claims can be made on
the basis of these studies.

 Q. What is the theoretical mechanism of action of GLUTATHIONE in Cancer and Immune
 A. Natural killer (Immune) cells may become glutathione-depleted over time, and immune
response weakens. Bioactive whey protein raises glutathione levels and strengthens the
immune system. The immuine system is the body's first line of defense against cancer, viruses,
bacteria, etc. For those patients receiving traditional medical therapy for their cancer, bioactive
whey protein supplies lactalbumin and has been clinically proven to raise glutathione
levels. Glutathione and lactalbumin (a component of bioactive whey protein) have been
associated with the strengthening of healthy cells and (paradoxically) the weakening of
cancerous cells. In research conducted by C. Svanborg et al, lactalbumin was associated
with apoptosis (or the programmed death) of breast cancer cells. Glutathione has been
scientifically demonstrated to decrease cancerous cells' resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs,
while protecting healthy cells. This would theoretically allow a patient to respond better to
chemotherapy with less side effects. Because neither bioactive whey protein, lactalbumin, nor
glutathione is a drug, no disease treatment claims can be made on the basis of these studies.

 Q. What are the diseases or conditions that have been associated with low glutathione
 A. Most of the autoimmune and degenerative diseases of aging including: Acetaminophen
poisoning, ADD, Addison's Disease, aging, AIDS, Alopecia Areata, ALS, Alzheimers' Disease,
anemia (hemolytic), Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arthritis
(rheumatoid), asthma, autism, autoimmune disease, Behcet's Disease, burns, cacexia, cancer,
candida infection, cardiomyopathy (idiopathic), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, colitis, coronary
artery disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, eczema, emphysema, Epstein Barr
Viral (EBV) syndrome, fibromyalgia, free radical overload, Goodpasture Syndrome, Graves'
Disease, hepatic dysfunction (liver disease), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hypercholesterolemia (high
blood cholesterol), herpes, infections (viral, bacterial and fungal), inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), lupus, macular degeneration (diabetic macular degeneration), malnutrition, Meniere's
disease, multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, neurodegenerative diseases, nutritional
disorders, Parkinson's disease, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, progeria,
psoriasis, Rheumatic Fever, Sarcoidosis, scleroderma, shingles, stroke, surgery, toxic
poisoning, trauma, vasculitis, vitiligo, and Wegener's Granulomatosis. No disease treatment
claims can be made for glutathione on the basis of glutathione deficiency in these diseases.

 Q. Has therapy to increase glutathione levels been effective in treating the diseases or
conditions that have been associated with low glutathione levels?
 A. See: Medline Search Page (replace the 5 Xs with the name of the disease you want to
research). Please remember that because glutathione is not a prescription drug (except the
injectable form) no disease treatment claims can be made for glutathione on the basis of
glutathione deficiency in these diseases.

 Q. Can a person who is lactose intolerant take Immunocal bioactive whey protein?
 A. Yes, certain brands. Immunocal bioactive whey protein has less than 1% lactose which
should not cause any ill effect even in the most severe case of lactose intolerance.

 Q. Can a person who is intolerant of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) take bioactive whey
 A. Yes, Immunocal bioactive whey protein has NO added MSG (trace amounts may occur
naturally) which should not cause any ill effect in people with an MSG intolerance. Bioactive
whey protein contains the following amount of glutamic acid by weight: 180 mg/gram. There is
therefore 1.8 grams of glutamic acid in a 10 gram packet of bioactive whey protein. Every single
protein on the earth contains glutamic acid, and glutamic acid is required for good health.
Glutamic acid is an amino acid formed in the digestion of ALL proteins (including wheat gluten
and meat). It is the only amino acid metabolized by the brain. Glutamic acid is necessary in
human nutrition but can usually be manufactured by the body in adequate amounts. That means
that our own body produces it. In certain disease states, deficient diet, malnutrition, and in
certain metabolic abnormalities this amino acid becomes conditionally essential. Glutamic Acid's
sodium salt, is monosodium glutamate, and ALL proteins may contain naturally occurring trace
amounts of MSG. In summary, bioactive whey protein would not supply any more glutamic acid
than a serving of steak or other similar protein. There is NO added MSG in bioactive whey
protein, and its supplementation should not cause a medical problem in a persons sensitive to

 Q. Are there any interactions known between supplements such as coenzyme Q-10,
antioxidant vitamins, or herbs and bioactive whey protein?
 A. No, there are no known potential or reported interactions between bioactive whey protein
and nutritional supplements. In fact, bioactive whey protein increases glutathione levels, which
helps to improve the action of antioxidant vitamins (which are less effective if your glutathione
levels are impaired). For this reason, mega-doses of antioxidant vitamins (i.e. doses in excess
of 10 times the RDA of these vitamins) are not required or recommended if you are
supplementing with Immunocal bioactive whey protein. As we age, our glutathione levels fall
precipitously like a down-hill ski-slope. Low levels of glutathione are associated with a host of
degenerative diseases, and critically low levels of serum and tissue glutathione often predict
that death is imminent. Supplementation with bioactive whey protein helps restore these
precious glutathione levels, and helps the supplemental vitamins we are taking to work more
effectively to maintain optimum health! Because neither bioactive whey protein, nor glutathione
is a drug, no disease treatment claims can be made on the basis of these findings.

 Q. Are there any interactions known between prescription medications and Immunocal
bioactive whey protein?
 A. No, there are no known interactions between bioactive whey protein and prescription drugs.
Bioactive whey protein is composed of the same basic proteins which are found in human
breast milk, and should be considered to be as safe to take as mothers' breast milk.
Furthermore, bioactive whey protein is 90% protein, and is one of the best sources of highly-
absorbable protein on the planet. Patients taking immunosuppressant drugs such as
Cyclosporin® should consult their physician before taking bioactive whey protein.

 Q. Are there any side effects associated with bioactive whey protein?
 A. Bioactive whey protein increases serum and liver glutathione levels. When liver glutathione
levels rise, the liver is able to more effectively detoxify the body (which is a beneficial function of
bioactive whey protein). Some people (especially those who have been exposed to high levels
of environmental toxins) may have a mild temporary reaction to these mobilized toxins as the
liver is removing them from storage in body fat. Typically, reducing the dose of bioactive whey
protein will allow these temporary side effects to quickly disappear. Bioactive whey protein is
composed of the same basic proteins that are found in human breast milk, and has the same
side effect profile as mothers' breast milk. Because bioactive whey protein is a milk protein,
persons who are mildly allergic to milk proteins may experience minor gastric distress from
bioactive whey protein. This gastric distress usually disappears if you reduce the dose. Persons
with serious milk-protein allergies should not take bioactive whey protein

 Q. Can you overdose bioactive whey protein? Is there any potential for toxicity if you
take too much?
 A. Your greatest risk is wasting your money if you take "too much" bioactive whey protein, since
it is relatively expensive. Scientific data suggests that there is limited benefit from exceeding 3
grams per day (3 packets per day) of bioactive whey protein. Because our cells have an innate
mechanism of "feed-back inhibition" with respect to the glutathione synthesis precursors
(building blocks) provided by bioactive whey protein, there is no potential for making "too much
glutathione" within the cell if large quantities of bioactive whey protein are consumed. Bioactive
whey protein supplementation will result in establishment of normal glutathione levels, (NOT
excessive glutathione levels) within the cell. Excess bioactive whey protein would be
metabolized as protein (whey protein is an excellent source of protein, containing 90% protein
by dry weight).
 Q. Because Immunocal bioactive whey protein is 90% protein, is it contraindicated in
patients on renal dialysis who must limit protein intake?
 A. No, bioactive whey protein is not contraindicated in these patients. Although we suggest that
you consult your personal physician with medical questions such as these, there is no reason to
believe that bioactive whey protein would be harmful in these patients. Bioactive whey protein is
one of the most easily digested and most easily absorbed forms of protein in the diet. Its Protein
Efficiency Ratio (PER: a mark of the quality of a protein) is extremely high, and in conditions
such as renal failure where protein intake must be limited, it is most prudent to consume the
highest quality proteins such as whey proteins and egg white proteins, versus lower quality
proteins that produce more problematic metabolic waste by-products and residues.

 Q. Is bioactive whey protein contraindicated in Celiac Sprue disease?

 A. No. These patients are usually instructed not ingest wheat or gluten. There is no wheat, or
gluten found naturally in bioactive whey protein. Furthermore, at least one brand of bioactive
whey protein (Immunocal) is lactose-free. There is no reason to believe that that Immunocal
bioactive whey protein would be detrimental in patients with Celiac Sprue.

 Q. Who should not take the product?

 A. People with an allergy specifically to milk protein, (which is very rare). NOTE: Please
understand that lactose intolerance is NOT a milk allergy. Also, anyone who has had an organ
transplant and is receiving immunosuppressant therapy should not take bioactive whey protein
unless instructed to do so by his or her physician or another health care professional. The
immune system needs to be suppressed in order to prevent organ rejection, and bioactive whey
protein may counteract immunosuppressant medicines such as cyclosporin®.

 Q. What are some of the critical ingredients in a daily amount of Immunocal bioactive
whey protein (1 pouch)?
 A. 9 grams or 90% Protein, 0 Fat, less than 0% Lactose, 60 mg of Calcium, 4 micrograms of
Selenium, 30 Mg of Potassium, 0.05 mg of Iron, and approximately 40 Calories.

 Q. What is the recommended dose for taking Immunocal bioactive whey protein?
 A. Check with your physician or health care professional. If you do not have a documented
glutathione deficiency and are taking bioactive whey protein to maintain good health, one pack
per day is not unreasonable. Generally, most studies conducted using bioactive whey protein in
patients with glutathione deficiencies used at least 20 grams per day (2 pouches), and some
studies showed increased effectiveness using up to 30 grams (3 pouches) per day. Most people
use 2 boxes per month (this provides 2 pouches, or 20 grams per day per month).

 Q. What is the recommended intake of protein for an average adult per day? A. 50-60
grams of protein. Three packets of bioactive whey protein would provide 50% of this
recommended daily intake.

 Q. What is the difference in taking Immunocal bioactive whey protein as opposed to
taking antioxidants?
 A. Vitamin E and C are important antioxidants, and you should consider these important
supplements in your diet. Bioactive whey protein is not an antioxidant per se, but provides the
building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione, which is THE principle intra-cellular antioxidant.
Glutathione is the most potent cellular antioxidant known to man, and is hundreds of times more
potent than vitamin C or vitamin E. For this reason, glutathione has been called the "Super
Antioxidant". By raising the glutathione level within our bodies we provide for the optimum
functioning of other lesser antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. More importantly, glutathione
serves as a detoxifying agent for multiple toxins that we encounter on a daily basis through the
environment and medications we are exposed to. Glutathione has been demonstrated to act as
an effective protectant against ultraviolet radiation, which is important in view of the continued
loss of the ozone layer.

 Q. How much does Immunocal bioactive whey protein cost?

 A. Immunocal is available from the manufacturer or manufacturer's representatives for as little
as $59.40/box.

 Q. Is there a test to determine if my glutathione levels are low?

 A. Yes. We know of a licensed laboratory that charges only $40 for this test. DISCLAIMER: We
are NOT associated with this laboratory, nor do we receive ANY reimbursement from
recommending their services.

 Q. Is Immunocal bioactive whey protein listed in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR)?
 A. Yes. Immunocal bioactive whey protein produced from organic USA cow's milk and
manufactured and processed in the United States is the ONLY nutritional product sold by direct
sales to be listed in the prestigious PDR, which is also frequently called the "physician's bible",
and is owned and consulted by virtually every physician in the USA and world-wide! Physicians
have relied on the PDR for up-to-date information on prescription drugs for over 50 years. The
PDR is considered the standard prescription drug reference and is found in virtually every
physician's office. Although this brand of bioactive whey protein does NOT require a
prescription, it's inclusion in the PDR is a result of recognition by the medical community, of the
extensive clinical data supporting it's effectiveness, and as a result of it's recognition by
Medicare and Medicaid as reimbursable. The publisher of the PDR, Medical Economics, also
produces a smaller companion volume for non-prescription drugs and herbal medicines. This
volume may contain references to other bioactive whey proteins and other nutritional

 Q. Is Immunocal reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid and Private Insurance programs?

 A. Yes. Although Medicare and Medicaid do not endorse or "approve" any company's product,
Immunocal meets the coding determination for coverage by Medicaid, Medicare, and many
private insurance programs. Although the purchase of bioactive whey protein does not require a
doctor's prescription, a prescription is required for reimbursement coverage under Medicare and
Medicaid. NOTE: Immunocal has it's own NDC (National Drug Control) registry number: 28770-
0970-01, and is being approved on a state-by-state basis for reimbursement. The code
for Medicare is: B4155. Currently, Ohio, New Jersey, Minnesota, Nevada, and New York have
established reimbursement guidelines, and decisions in 18 states are currently pending. In
some of these states (notably New York State and California), Immunocal is available without
restriction on Medicaid. In other states, the physician must be willing to write a letter of
necessity in addition to writing a prescription for it to be reimbursed. It meets the requirements
for enteral nutritional supplements which are covered by Medicare/Medicaid for nutritional
management of the patient. This is available for general practitioners to prescribe.
For Medicare patients, current coverage is limited to Naso-Gastric (NG) tube feedings,
but Medicaid is much less restrictive. Medicaid has broader prescribing parameters for both oral
as well as tube-feeding nutritional management. Immunocal one of the few nutritional
supplements to be listed in the year 2000 through 2008 edition of the prestigious Physicians'
Desk Reference (PDR). Physicians have relied on the PDR for up-to-date information on
prescription drugs for over 50 years. The PDR is considered the standard prescription drug
reference and can be found in virtually every physician's office, hospital, and pharmacy in the
United States. The inclusion of this product in the PDR is a reflection of it's credibility within the
medical community, and is also a result of Immunocal's recognition by Medicare and
Medicaid. For questions regarding reimbursement procedures in your State, please
contact your State office of Medicare or Medicaid, or contact your private insurance plan
provider directly.
 Q. What is the best way to mix Immunocal?
 A. Because bioactive whey protein is a very fine and delicate powder, the manufacturer
recommends mixing it with water or any juice or liquid that is not above lukewarm (less than 110
degrees F, and NEVER above 120 degrees F) temperature. First, mix the packet with approx. 1
tablespoon of the liquid you have chosen to form a paste. Second, now pour the liquid to fill your
glass. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, stir, and enjoy. It can also be mixed in applesauce,
yogurt, or sprinkled over cereal without any particular mixing procedure. The product CANNOT
be mixed in a blender (mechanical mixing damages the milk proteins). You must stir by hand, or
you can purchase an inexpensive "vortex-mixer".

 Q. How can I order Immunocal?

 A. The most economical way is to select "ImmunoDirect monthly autoship program". You will
get the lowest discount and can cancel at any time--even the following week--without penalty or
obligation. Most folks chose to continue to receive Immunocal on a monthly basis, conveniently
shipped to their home the same time each month.

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