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A Wisdom of an Over Thinker Man

By : Syahfikri Zein (0304173171)

Morning, a time that usually people begin their daily activities with spirit. But, it’s not
like Joni. While people getting busy with their works, his body still get relax on his mess bed,
with wistful eyes he got relax to play with his mobile phone. Actually, not only because she is
lazy, but he is only a student at State Islamic University Of North Sumatera grade sixth semester
who enter the class in the afternoon around 4 pm. That’s why he just stuck in her boarding house
from morning until afternoon. His daily lives in her boarding house before study time is just
cleaning his house, sweeping the floor, washing his clothes, and do some cooking sometimes. As
a man and a human, he sometimes be lazy to cook, but he is so lucky because in front of his
boarding house there is a small restaurant, so it very support him of lazy to cook.

Joni is kind of over thinking man. His eyes often empty of view. Think even about the
small think that shouldn’t be thought. Like, “why my neighbor look at me with frowned?”.
Furthermore this time he has a more serious problem. His mind can’t stop thinking of “I can be
like this, I got bored with this daily activities that don’t have values, I must look for some
activities to fill my empty time!”. But, at the same time his mind also think, “But, how is the
way? What does a man like me can do?”. Yes, that conversation between he and himself just like
that in almost every day. Actually before he has a job as a online transportation driver, but he
stop forced because his account blocked from the online transportation company. Yes, that
situation exactly made him have bad mood for days.

Time has shown at 03:30 pm, it’s he time for him to prepare himself to go to his campus
which located at Pancing street, to go there he usually take the time about 15 minutes. So, he
only has 15 minutes to prepare himself like taking a bath, clothing and make himself tidy. After
all the preparation has done, he is ready to go to his campus using his red motorcycle. Before he
go, suddenly he heard a voice from Bu Dini, an owner of a small restaurant in front of his
boarding house. “Where do you go, ndok?”, Bu dini said with hand moving a spatula. “As
usually Bu, To my beloved campus.” Joni answered. “Be careful, ndok. Study well in order to
make your parents proud of you.” Bu Dini said with smiling. “OK Bu Dini, I’ll go now, I almost
be late!”. Joni said with smile just to end the conversation quicker because if he continue, it will
take much time. So, switch on his motorcycle machine, and go to the behind side of the small
restaurant and said, “Assalamu’alaikum Bu Dini, I go!” with a fake smile. “Wa’alaikumsalam
Ndok, be careful”.

Time has shown at 4:13 pm and Joni has just arrived at campus. He starring at his wrist
and said, “ Oh my god, the class is already started. I must be late. It all because of Bu Dini”.
Then he put off his helmet and directly step his feet quickly to his class which is located in the
third floor of his faculty building. He run with a red face show because as a English Department
student, he already know that his lecture very hate of lateness. After he arrived in front of his
class, she look that the door is locked. And then he starring at the hole key of the class door. His
mouth is open then said in his deep heart “Shit, Mr Joko, this killer lecture. He should be angry
with me!”. With the cold hand, I open the door slowly and all of my friend in that class suddenly
starring at me with afraid face. Then my face is getting more red and pale, bravely I come to the
Mr Joko table and said “I’m sorry for being late sir”. He look at me for a while, and then starring
again to the presenter who presenting their material”. My breath got shorter. “I must be death!”
my heart shouted. Then Rehan as my best friend at the class who sit in front call me, “Hey,
stupid, just go back to your seat, come and sit here beside me!” Rehan said with small voice.
And then I go to that chair and sit. “Why are you late? Your boarding house is just about 15
minutes from here, you must look at me which my house is about 1 hour from here, but I’m not
being late!” Rehan said the punch Joni’s right arm. “It because of Bu Dini!”, Joni answered.
“what happen with that old lady?’. Rehan said with a louder voice. “when I want to go here, he
talked so much to me, it made my time wasted so much”. Joni answered. Then, Rehan said “Oh
my god that old lady! She always forget about time! Ok, just calm down bro! take your deep
breath and let it go!”. Rehan tried to get the situation be better.

Time has shown at 5 pm. The class should’ve stopped. But Mr.Joko still enjoy his
explanation. “Han, look at that white hair man! We should buy him a wrist. So that he can look
at the time!” Joni said and pointing his finger to the wall clock in front of the class. Then at the
back side of them, Agung as the leader of the class reply and said, “You seems like just know
him a day, Jon!, the ending of his explanation is the word that this class waiting for the most,
keep calm bro!”. then Rehan says, “Yes, you need too calm down bro!. you’re being too loud!”.
Joni start to put his books and pen in his bag and says, ”I just get bored with that old guy, even
when he just speaking made me annoyed.” Rehan close his mouth with his hand to hiding his
laugh and says, All the human in this world already knew it Bro!”. After 30 minutes, finally Mr.
Joko end up his class. Most of students in the class who put their arm in their cheek with empty
view suddenly changes into like just woke up in the morning. Then a girl from the left side
shouted, “Finally, the bad film is over! A film without subtitle haha”. Then Joni replied, “it
seems like watching movie with screen off haha” then without any further do, the students
directly step their legs to the door quicker than usual. Then, Joni and his best friend Rehan get
out from the class and walked down the stairs. In the third stairs he hold his pocket and her face
turned into pale act like confuse. “Why bro? you seem like looking for something.” Rehan said.
“My motorcycle key! Shit, where is my key?”. “Ok just take deep breath first! Then please
remember where the last time you put your key?’ Rehan tried to calming Joni. After several
seconds Joni starring at Rehan’s eyes with 2 big eyes ball, “Oh my god, because of lateness I
forgot to take off my kef from the motorcycle. Oh my reddie (the name of his motorcycle), you
must be lost because stolen” Joni said and punch the stairs hand holder. “Let’s check it stupid!”
Then suddenly Rehan grab his left hand and pull him to go down the stairs quickly and go to the
parking zone directly. “ Where did you put your reddie Jon?”. Rehan asked. Then Joni’s put his
hand in his head and said, “ It was in your left side exactly”. Then Rehan turning Joni’s body to
him. “Are you serious?” he said with 2 big ball of eyes. Then Rehan see a security who keep the
parking zone. “excuse me sir, my friend left his key in his motorcycle, and know his motorcycle
lost do you see it sir? A red Honda Beat?”. Then the security answered with relax face, “hmm,
I’m not sure, but you can go to security post to ask it to the security post”. Then Rehan shouted
to Joni and said, “Hey Jon, come and follow me!”. Then they step foot and their eyes keep
looking at the security post which located 100 m from the parking zone. Joni’s view look empty,
and sweat dripping in his face. “You need to calm down, we could find it!”. Rehan said. Then
they arrive in front of the security post and talk to Pak Luqman, one of the security who keep the
post. “Excuse me pak luqman, My friend’s motorcycle was….” Then without hear me further he
just smiling and said, “Go to the let side of this post”. Joni’s breath is become short. And Rehan
directly go there with quick step because of his curious. After several seconds, he back from
there with slower step and tidy face. “Did you see?” pak Luqman asked. “Yes, his reddie was
there”. Suddenly Joni wipe out his sweat but his face still shocked. “Where is the document of
it?” Pak Luqman asked to them. Then Joni take his wallet from his behind pocket and pick up the
STNK then giving it to Pak Luqman. “Here it is pak!”. He put it on the table. The pak Luqman
directly check this. “Ok, now If you want your motorcycle back you must give your copy of
identity, and fill this agreement book that if you do it again, we will not be responsible of your
motorcycle at all.” Pak Luqman said with serious face. Then Joni pick his pen and his identity,
then starts to write on the agreement book. While Joni’s writing, Pak Luqman said, “Actually the
only one who take responsibility of his thing is himself.” Joni and Rehan just showed their face
like they heard him well. After Joni finish his writing, he give the agreement book back to the
security. “Ok, if I didn’t save your motorcycle, maybe it should be stolen by a thief, right? So, is
there any thanks sign for it?”. Joni and Rehan look at each other and Joni show his pocket and
take all of the money which only 10k left. Then, Rehan pick up 10k from his pocket and give it
to Joni, “Just give it all to him”. Then Joni give the 20k to pak Luqman. Then the security give
the key and they directly leave the post with annoyed face. “See! Nowadays people. It’s all about
money”. Rehan said. “It’s ok bro! at least I’d be thank to him because she saved my reddie.” Joni
said and smiling. Then they take Joni’s motorcycle and ready to go home. Joni brings Rehan to
his house which is just in the back side of their campus. After arrive in Rehan’s house, then Joni
leave, “Thank you for today Han! See you tomorrow!”. “Take care!” Rehan said. Joni took a
lesson of that problem. It taught Joni that over thinking just made him not focus on something
else which maybe more important to himself. There is a wisdom in every problem that come to

Then Joni go back to his house just for take a bath and change his clothes and go outside
again to have dinner, almost every evening, he choose café as a place to have dinner because he
also looking for Wi-Fi.

At the tomorrow, he wake up from his sleep with shock, he was dreaming of his
hometown. “Shit! I dream about my hometown. Maybe it’s because of my bored activity here!”
Then as usually as his routinity. He take his mobile phone and check his lonely social media.
Then he is curious why the WhatsApp group in his class has so many notification. He is thinking
about the new task has just given but he totally wrong. Actually Agung or his leader of the class
share the announcement that the study in the campus must be stopped because the pandemic
Corona Virus Desease (COVID-19) already arrived in Indonesia and there are victims because of
it. So, the student may not come to campus again for time that can’t be guessed. After reading
that announcemet, Joni show his teeth then stand and jumping, “Yes, finally I can heal myself
from the boring activity here! Yuhuuu!”. After that he directly call his mother and inform this
that he will back to his beloved hometown, Langkat. And then he prepare his clothes and
anything that he will bring to his house. After everything is ready he turn on the reddie’s
machine to make it heat. Then from beside of him, Bu Dini is sweeping the yard. “Bu Dini,
please help me to look at my home sometimes you can. I’ll go back to Langkat today”. Joni said.
“Don’t you go to campus today Jon?” Bu Dini asked. “No, the university is closed for a while
because of the COVID-19 spread. So, the student can go back to their hometown Bu”. Joni
answer with happy tune. “Oh, I see. Take care ndok! Send my greeting to your family dear.”
Then Joni grab her hand and said “Ok Bu, Assalamua’laikum!”. Bu Dini wave her right hand and
say “Wa’alaikumsalam, be careful Ndok”. Joni rides his motorcycle without stopping to rest.
Because he believes that it’s ok to get tired first then I can rest well in my beloved house.
Furthermore the distance from Medan to his hous is only about 100 km. After 2 hours he finally
arrived at his house then take a bath after that he go to his bedroom and go sleep to take a rest.
It’s the beginning of him to do his routine in his house.

Joni is a closed person, it make him doesn’t have many friends so that he just keep
staying at home. After 2 weeks he start to got bored. He actually have a best friend in her
hometown. But they have distance about 20km. But for Joni, it doesn’t matter because he seldom
have a best friend who suitable with his character. His best friend’s name is al-farisyi. He also
call hi faris. After that he take his mobile phone and call hin. “Ris, how are you? Are you in your
house? I’m so bored being here for two weeks. May I come to your house?”. Joni asked. “Just
come sob!” Faris answered. After that Joni start riding with his reddie, he doesn’t care about
going alone. For him, it better for him to enjoy his travel alone. After several minutes, finally he
arrived to Faris’s house. But, He see the different thing happen with his best friend. I try to start
conversation to him and then he replied it not like usual. Then, Joni as an over thinker person
start to think there is any different with his best. Then he think and asked to himself, “Do I have
mistake?’. But, Joni keeps to think positively. Although it not as he expected, he can heal it with
saying to himself, ”It’s ok. However he is nice enough to give you chance to come to his house”.
Joni said to calm himself. Evening has come, it’s the time for him to go back. But, until the end
of their meeting he feels like there is a change from his best friend. Joni, who doesn’t have many
friends feeling insecure when his best friend has changed. In the road to his house, he ride his
reddie’s slower and think, “Why did he be changed? Maybe he got bored with me”. Then Joni
decided to wait for some days before he meets with Faris again because he thinks that Faris has
bored with him.

Day by day passed hardly, his feeling bored is as big as Fuji mountain. It already 2 weeks
he didn’t met with Faris. At 6 Am after he wake up, he directly chat Faris to inform that he will
come to his house today. But Faris not reply it. After several hours, Joni decided to just come to
Faris’s house. After he has arrived. He see Faris plays his mobile phone without reply his
message. “Why don’t you reply my message ris?. Joni asked. “Sorry I forgot to reply it. And I
want to say sorry because I have a agreement with my friend to play playstation. Do you want to
join with us?”. Faris asked. “But, don’t you know that I don’t like to do that?’. With forced, Joni
follow Faris to play PlayStation with his friends. He just keep patient to wait until they finish.
After finished, he talk to me to come to his house again. But, in his house he act like not be
attravtive again to make friend with me. At 5pm I go back from his house and realizing that his
best friend really changed to another person. From that he can learn that we can’t force someone
for liking us. It’s not good to beg someone to back like they’ve been before. All we must do is
just keep spread kindness. And never think that someone will reply your kindness. Be kind just
because you are a kind person.

Day by day he passed with more difficult. Joni can’t share anything to anyone. All of his
problem and thought is eaten just by himself. That cases make he thinks that even the closest
person taught him that he doesn’t need anyone. Then he realize that the pandemic is over. He
starts to make plan to go to Medan although his campus still closed. He thinks that he need to
looking for an activity or job, so that he can pass day by day easier. He become so grateful that
although his best friend has changed and no one can heard about his bored feeling. It made us
realize that he must move on from something that can destroyed you. Although it happens in a
comfort way. Because keep staying our comfort zone will not make you develop. Be grateful if
you has problem, because it might be a lesson behind it. After that at tomorrow Joni back to
Medan to looking for a job. Finally he found it. Now, he work at a café, where kind heart crew.
He being more grateful, because finally he can take action, not just thinking. Because he ever
heard a quote that said, “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger and there is a wisdom at
every problem”. That become his favorite quotes ever.


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