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Country Product Sum - Revenue

Albania 1791
Detafast Stain Rem 1791
Australia 409.59
Super Soft - 1 Litre 409.59
Azerbaijan 1323
Detafast Stain Rem 1323
Bangladesh 1037.08
Detafast Stain Rem 617.5
Super Soft - 1 Litre 419.58
Botswana 1692
Detafast Stain Rem 1692
Bouvet Island 732.87
Super Soft - 1 Litre 129.87
Super Soft - 250ml 603
Brazil 1440
Detafast Stain Rem 1440
Burkina Faso 2628.27
Pure Soft Detergent 490.5
Super Soft - 1 Litre 1928.07
Super Soft - 500ml 209.7
Burundi 1692
Detafast Stain Rem 1692
Canada 2845.59
Super Soft - 1 Litre 409.59
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2436
Cape Verde 227.43
Pure Soft Detergent 227.43
Chad 1144
Detafast Stain Rem 1144
Chile 259.35
Pure Soft Detergent 259.35
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 602.49
Pure Soft Detergent 602.49
Colombia 2552
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2552
Croatia 750
Detafast Stain Rem 750
Cuba 742.5
Super Soft - 250ml 742.5
Denmark 836.5
Detafast Stain Rem 300
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 536.5
Dominican Republic 678
Detafast Stain Rem 678
El Salvador 382.5
Super Soft - 250ml 382.5
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 754.92
Super Soft - 500ml 754.92
Fiji 1058.5
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 1058.5
Finland 2276.5
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2276.5
France 3016
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 3016
French Southern Territories 1479
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 1479
Gabon 678.3
Pure Soft Detergent 678.3
Gambia 231
Pure Soft Detergent 231
Georgia 819
Detafast Stain Rem 819
Guadeloupe 492
Detafast Stain Rem 492
Guinea 573.18
Super Soft - 500ml 573.18
Hungary 1215
Detafast Stain Rem 1215
Iceland 1628.37
Super Soft - 1 Litre 1628.37
India 312
Detafast Stain Rem 312
Indonesia 1293
Detafast Stain Rem 1104
Pure Soft Detergent 189
Kazakhstan 416
Detafast Stain Rem 416
Korea 850.5
Pure Soft Detergent 850.5
Korea, Republic of 537
Pure Soft Detergent 537
Kyrgyzstan 468.33
Super Soft - 500ml 468.33
Liberia 600
Detafast Stain Rem 600
Macedonia 807
Pure Soft Detergent 807
Madagascar 907.16
Pure Soft Detergent 279.5
Super Soft - 250ml 40.5
Super Soft - 500ml 587.16
Malawi 2856.5
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2856.5
Malaysia 973.5
Pure Soft Detergent 60
Pure Soft Detergent 913.5
Malta 1359
Pure Soft Detergent 1359
Mauritania 1286.16
Super Soft - 500ml 1286.16
Mayotte 111.72
Pure Soft Detergent 111.72
Moldova 276
Detafast Stain Rem 246
Pure Soft Detergent 30
Mongolia 2407
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2407
Montserrat 1408.59
Super Soft - 1 Litre 1408.59
Morocco 31.5
Super Soft - 250ml 31.5
Nepal 422.5
Pure Soft Detergent 422.5
Netherlands Antilles 219.78
Super Soft - 1 Litre 219.78
New Caledonia 261
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 261
Niger 1009.11
Pure Soft Detergent 414.96
Super Soft - 500ml 594.15
Nigeria 143
Pure Soft Detergent 143
Niue 717
Pure Soft Detergent 42
Super Soft - 250ml 675
Norfolk Island 319.2
Pure Soft Detergent 319.2
Pakistan 405
Pure Soft Detergent 405
Palau 714.45
Pure Soft Detergent 679.5
Super Soft - 500ml 34.95
Panama 2106.05
Detafast Stain Rem 474.5
Pure Soft Detergent 682.5
Super Soft - 1 Litre 949.05
Philippines 604.5
Detafast Stain Rem 604.5
Poland 534
Detafast Stain Rem 534
Puerto Rico 486.78
Pure Soft Detergent 486.78
Reunion 873.75
Super Soft - 500ml 873.75
Saint Helena 336
Pure Soft Detergent 336
Saudi Arabia 45
Pure Soft Detergent 45
Sierra Leone 801.99
Pure Soft Detergent 801.99
Slovenia 567
Super Soft - 250ml 567
Solomon Islands 522.69
Pure Soft Detergent 522.69
South Africa 139.86
Super Soft - 1 Litre 139.86
Svalbard and Jan Mayen 546.63
Pure Soft Detergent 546.63
Syrian Arab Republic 645.63
Pure Soft Detergent 387
Super Soft - 500ml 258.63
Tanzania, United Republic of 1845
Detafast Stain Rem 1845
Tonga 617.5
Pure Soft Detergent 617.5
Trinidad and Tobago 1425.96
Super Soft - 500ml 1425.96
Tunisia 1530
Detafast Stain Rem 1530
Turkey 423
Detafast Stain Rem 423
Turks and Caicos Islands 461.5
Detafast Stain Rem 461.5
Tuvalu 1269
Detafast Stain Rem 1269
United States 1044
Detafast Stain Rem 1044
United States Minor Outlying Islands 500.5
Pure Soft Detergent 500.5
Uruguay 913.5
Pure Soft Detergent 913.5
Vanuatu 2059
Super Soft Bulk - 2 L 2059
Virgin Islands, British 54
Pure Soft Detergent 54
Western Sahara 801
Pure Soft Detergent 801
Yemen 621
Detafast Stain Rem 621
Zimbabwe 1668.33
Super Soft - 1 Litre 1668.33
Total Result 82543.11
Distributor ID Distributor Name Country Product Code
23345 Devin Abbott France SUPA105
23278 Aphrodite Brennan Malawi SUPA105
23303 Guinevere Key Colombia SUPA105
23353 Zahir Fields Canada SUPA105
23289 Deacon Craig Mongolia SUPA105
23378 Brynne Mcgowan Finland SUPA105
23283 Lani Sweet Vanuatu SUPA105
23324 Noble Warner Burkina Faso SUPA104
23264 Levi Douglas Tanzania, United Republic of DETA800
23291 Jelani Odonnell Albania DETA800
23305 Jared Sandoval Botswana DETA800
23350 Hiroko Acevedo Burundi DETA800
23300 Rhona Clarke Zimbabwe SUPA104
23348 Tad Mack Iceland SUPA104
23290 Rama Goodwin Tunisia DETA800
23328 Keaton Wolfe French Southern Territories SUPA105
23294 Samuel Ayala Brazil DETA800
23371 Doris Williams Trinidad and Tobago SUPA103
23288 Ingrid Bush Montserrat SUPA104
23347 Nell Maddox Azerbaijan DETA800
23361 Benedict Byrd Mauritania SUPA103
23275 Ethan Gregory Tuvalu DETA800
23297 Ursula Mcconnell Hungary DETA800
23327 Fletcher Jimenez Chad DETA200
23325 Isadora Mcclure Indonesia DETA100
23292 Liberty Mcbride Fiji SUPA105
23335 Noble Gilbert United States DETA800
23314 Maxine Gentry Panama SUPA104
23329 Melinda Cobb Uruguay PURA250
23332 Yael Carter Malaysia PURA250
23317 Kay Buckley Malta PURA250
23271 Athena Fitzpatrick Reunion SUPA103
23287 Joy Vazquez Korea PURA250
23349 Amery Frazier Georgia DETA200
23309 Buckminster Hopkins Sierra Leone PURA200
23338 George Best Western Sahara PURA250
23301 Maxwell Parker Falkland Islands (Malvinas) SUPA103
23320 Lance Little Croatia DETA100
23365 Gwendolyn Walton Cuba SUPA102
23302 Isaac Wolf Panama PURA500
23266 Celeste Pugh Gabon PURA200
23307 Oprah Ellis Dominican Republic DETA100
23368 Emerson Beard Niue SUPA102
23286 Renee Padilla Yemen DETA800
23373 Maite Henson Bangladesh DETA200
23380 Ivory Chang Tonga PURA500
23284 Clark Weaver Palau PURA250
23306 Ima Cummings Philippines DETA200
23281 Adria Kaufman Bouvet Island SUPA102
23351 Nyssa Quinn Cocos (Keeling) Islands PURA200
23282 Amir Alexander Liberia DETA100
23376 Imogene Bradshaw Niger SUPA103
23354 Gwendolyn Mccarty Madagascar SUPA103
23337 Bell Prince Guinea SUPA103
23326 Katelyn Joseph Slovenia SUPA102
23316 Robert Juarez Svalbard and Jan Mayen PURA200
23362 Jerry Alvarado Korea, Republic of PURA100
23296 India Gilbert Denmark SUPA105
23352 Iliana Porter Poland DETA100
23304 Deanna Santana Solomon Islands PURA200
23369 Ivor Mclaughlin United States Minor Outlying Isl PURA500
23268 Latifah Wall Guadeloupe DETA100
23315 Anika Tillman Burkina Faso PURA250
23342 Paul Duke Puerto Rico PURA200
23333 Sawyer Stokes Malta PURA250
23263 Xerxes Smith Panama DETA200
23270 Wanda Garza Kyrgyzstan SUPA103
23272 Anjolie Hicks Turks and Caicos Islands DETA200
23274 Asher Weber Macedonia PURA100
23364 Mercedes Humphrey Turkey DETA800
23276 Hayes Rollins Nepal PURA500
23343 Josiah Yates Bangladesh SUPA104
23344 Winifred Cantu Kazakhstan DETA200
23299 Germaine Kidd Niger PURA200
23310 Kenyon Joyce Canada SUPA104
23358 Joel Rivers Australia SUPA104
23323 Colby Knapp Pakistan PURA100
23267 Vance Campos Syrian Arab Republic PURA100
23340 Lael Gould El Salvador SUPA102
23269 Jane Hernandez Macedonia PURA100
23308 Dara Cunningham Saint Helena PURA100
23356 Colette Sargent Norfolk Island PURA200
23318 Shea Cortez India DETA200
23357 Cyrus Whitley Denmark DETA100
23377 Eleanor Hopper Madagascar PURA500
23311 Forrest Macdonald New Caledonia SUPA105
23379 Desirae Perkins Chile PURA200
23360 Barrett Mckinney Syrian Arab Republic SUPA103
23339 Basil Vang Moldova DETA100
23341 Noel Key Gambia PURA100
23374 Ebony Mercer Cape Verde PURA200
23273 Isaac Cooper Netherlands Antilles SUPA104
23280 James Spencer Burkina Faso SUPA103
23370 Clark Orr Indonesia PURA100
23372 Phillip Perkins Nigeria PURA500
23265 Uriel Benton South Africa SUPA104
23346 Aretha Patton Bouvet Island SUPA104
23312 Thomas Barnes Mayotte PURA200
23355 Victoria Solis Palau PURA250
23322 Arsenio Knowles Malaysia PURA100
23298 Ryder Conner Virgin Islands, British PURA250
23367 Roary Dixon Saudi Arabia PURA250
23334 Silas Battle Niue PURA100
23285 Leonard Cardenas Madagascar SUPA102
23375 Brittany Burris Palau SUPA103
23336 Petra Mckenzie Morocco SUPA102
23279 Angela Wise Moldova PURA100
Product Sales Channel Date Sold Month Sold Quantity
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Online 41150 8 208
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Direct 41145 8 197
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Retail 41138 8 176
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Direct 41070 6 168
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Retail 41123 8 166
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Online 41078 6 157
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Online 41084 6 142
Super Soft - 1 Litre Retail 41134 8 193
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41139 8 205
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Retail 41139 8 199
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41147 8 188
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41085 6 188
Super Soft - 1 Litre Online 40915 1 167
Super Soft - 1 Litre Retail 41146 8 163
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41132 8 170
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Retail 40923 1 102
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Retail 41082 6 160
Super Soft - 500ml Online 41136 8 204
Super Soft - 1 Litre Direct 41074 6 141
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41088 6 147
Super Soft - 500ml Online 40915 1 184
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Retail 40912 1 141
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41133 8 135
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Retail 40939 1 176
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Retail 41082 6 184
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Online 40911 1 73
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41134 8 116
Super Soft - 1 Litre Retail 41131 8 95
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 40931 1 203
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Direct 40950 2 203
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Direct 40956 2 196
Super Soft - 500ml Retail 40966 2 125
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 41077 6 189
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Retail 41112 7 126
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41083 6 201
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 41133 8 178
Super Soft - 500ml Retail 41109 7 108
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Direct 41075 6 125
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41099 7 165
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Online 41117 7 105
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41132 8 170
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Retail 41094 7 113
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41146 8 150
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41129 8 69
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Online 41114 7 95
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Retail 41112 7 95
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 41077 6 135
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Online 41068 6 93
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41103 7 134
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41124 8 151
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Retail 41142 8 100
Super Soft - 500ml Direct 41113 7 85
Super Soft - 500ml Online 41124 8 84
Super Soft - 500ml Retail 41097 7 82
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41142 8 126
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Retail 41061 6 137
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41139 8 179
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Retail 41068 6 37
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Online 41097 7 89
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Retail 41061 6 131
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Retail 41092 7 77
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Online 41102 7 82
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 41102 7 109
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41088 6 122
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Online 41126 8 106
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Online 41096 7 73
Super Soft - 500ml Retail 41067 6 67
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Direct 41121 7 71
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Retail 41143 8 153
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml Online 41093 7 47
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Online 41122 8 65
Super Soft - 1 Litre Online 41144 8 42
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Online 41265 12 64
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Retail 41087 6 104
Super Soft - 1 Litre Online 41077 6 41
Super Soft - 1 Litre Retail 41071 6 41
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41272 12 135
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41101 7 129
Super Soft - 250ml Online 41095 7 85
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41063 6 116
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Retail 41099 7 112
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41081 6 80
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml Online 41099 7 48
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Retail 41107 7 50
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Online 41075 6 43
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres Retail 41072 6 18
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41270 12 65
Super Soft - 500ml Online 41073 6 37
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml Online 41101 7 41
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Retail 41026 4 77
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41257 12 57
Super Soft - 1 Litre Online 41256 12 22
Super Soft - 500ml Online 41002 4 30
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Retail 41028 4 63
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml Online 41255 12 22
Super Soft - 1 Litre Retail 41248 12 14
Super Soft - 1 Litre Online 41119 7 13
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml Online 41096 7 28
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Online 41026 4 16
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Retail 41009 4 20
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Direct 41118 7 12
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml Retail 41023 4 10
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41260 12 14
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41114 7 9
Super Soft - 500ml Retail 41029 4 5
Super Soft - 250ml Retail 41091 7 7
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml Online 41020 4 10
Unit Price Revenue
14.5 3016
14.5 2856.5
14.5 2552
14.5 2436
14.5 2407
14.5 2276.5
14.5 2059
9.99 1928.07
9 1845
9 1791
9 1692
9 1692
9.99 1668.33
9.99 1628.37
9 1530
14.5 1479
9 1440
6.99 1425.96
9.99 1408.59
9 1323
6.99 1286.16
9 1269
9 1215
6.5 1144
6 1104
14.5 1058.5
9 1044
9.99 949.05
4.5 913.5
4.5 913.5
4.5 882
6.99 873.75
4.5 850.5
6.5 819
3.99 801.99
4.5 801
6.99 754.92
6 750
4.5 742.5
6.5 682.5
3.99 678.3
6 678
4.5 675
9 621
6.5 617.5
6.5 617.5
4.5 607.5
6.5 604.5
4.5 603
3.99 602.49
6 600
6.99 594.15
6.99 587.16
6.99 573.18
4.5 567
3.99 546.63
3 537
14.5 536.5
6 534
3.99 522.69
6.5 500.5
6 492
4.5 490.5
3.99 486.78
4.5 477
6.5 474.5
6.99 468.33
6.5 461.5
3 459
9 423
6.5 422.5
9.99 419.58
6.5 416
3.99 414.96
9.99 409.59
9.99 409.59
3 405
3 387
4.5 382.5
3 348
3 336
3.99 319.2
6.5 312
6 300
6.5 279.5
14.5 261
3.99 259.35
6.99 258.63
6 246
3 231
3.99 227.43
9.99 219.78
6.99 209.7
3 189
6.5 143
9.99 139.86
9.99 129.87
3.99 111.72
4.5 72
3 60
4.5 54
4.5 45
3 42
4.5 40.5
6.99 34.95
4.5 31.5
3 30
Which Country has Highest Revenue?
Which Sales Channel has highest Revenue?
Which Products has most units sold?
For France which channel has highest sales quantity?
How many distributors sold Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml through each sales channel, and what are
How many distributors sold more than 100 units of Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml product through e

Sales Channel Data

Product Count - Distributor Name Sum - Revenue
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml 1 750
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml 1 461.5
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml 3 1849.5
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml
Super Soft - 1 Litre 1 1408.59
Super Soft - 250ml
Super Soft - 500ml 1 594.15
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres 2 5292.5
Total Result 9 10356.24
sales channel, and what are their revenues?
nt - 250ml product through each sales channel, and what is their revenue?

Online Retail
Count - Distributor Name Sum - Revenue Count - Distributor Name Sum - Revenue
3 1272 4 2682
5 2424.5 2 1963
9 11385 3 4500
6 1749 5 1275
8 3487.26 3 1484.28
2 549 6 3708
4 1527.5 2 1118
5 2847.15 5 5054.94
1 382.5 6 2659.5
5 3767.61 5 2705.13
4 8410 5 7235.5
52 37801.52 46 34385.35
Total Count - Distributor Name Total Sum - Revenue

8 4704
8 4849
12 15885
11 3024
11 4971.54
11 6106.5
6 2645.5
11 9310.68
7 3042
11 7066.89
11 20938
107 82543.11
Sort products and sales channel in descending order by sum of quantity
Sort the distribtors in alphabetical order by first name

Distributor Name (empty)

Adria Kaufman
Amery Frazier
Amir Alexander
Angela Wise
Anika Tillman
Anjolie Hicks
Aphrodite Brennan
Aretha Patton
Arsenio Knowles
Asher Weber
Athena Fitzpatrick
Barrett Mckinney
Basil Vang
Bell Prince
Benedict Byrd
Brittany Burris
Brynne Mcgowan
Buckminster Hopkins
Celeste Pugh
Clark Orr
Clark Weaver
Colby Knapp
Colette Sargent
Cyrus Whitley
Dara Cunningham
Deacon Craig
Deanna Santana
Desirae Perkins
Devin Abbott
Doris Williams
Ebony Mercer
Eleanor Hopper
Emerson Beard
Ethan Gregory
Fletcher Jimenez
Forrest Macdonald
George Best
Germaine Kidd
Guinevere Key
Gwendolyn Mccarty
Gwendolyn Walton
Hayes Rollins
Hiroko Acevedo
Iliana Porter
Ima Cummings
Imogene Bradshaw
India Gilbert
Ingrid Bush
Isaac Cooper
Isaac Wolf
Isadora Mcclure
Ivor Mclaughlin
Ivory Chang
James Spencer
Jane Hernandez
Jared Sandoval
Jelani Odonnell
Jerry Alvarado
Joel Rivers
Josiah Yates
Joy Vazquez
Katelyn Joseph
Kay Buckley
Keaton Wolfe
Kenyon Joyce
Lael Gould
Lance Little
Lani Sweet
Latifah Wall
Leonard Cardenas
Levi Douglas
Liberty Mcbride
Maite Henson
Maxine Gentry
Maxwell Parker
Melinda Cobb
Mercedes Humphrey
Nell Maddox
Noble Gilbert
Noble Warner
Noel Key
Nyssa Quinn
Oprah Ellis
Paul Duke
Petra Mckenzie
Phillip Perkins
Rama Goodwin
Renee Padilla
Rhona Clarke
Roary Dixon
Robert Juarez
Ryder Conner
Samuel Ayala
Sawyer Stokes
Shea Cortez
Silas Battle
Tad Mack
Thomas Barnes
Uriel Benton
Ursula Mcconnell
Vance Campos
Victoria Solis
Wanda Garza
Winifred Cantu
Xerxes Smith
Yael Carter
Zahir Fields
Total Result
Display the top 4 products by quantity sold
Filter for countries revenue between $1000 and $2500
Insert Calcuated Field for Tax which is 5% of Revenue and Show sales channels as separate colum

Sum - Revenue Sales Channel

Country Direct Online
Azerbaijan 1323
Bangladesh 1037.08
Botswana 1692
Bouvet Island 129.87
Burkina Faso 209.7
Burundi 1692
Canada 2436 409.59
Cape Verde 227.43
Chile 259.35
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 602.49
Croatia 750
Dominican Republic
El Salvador 382.5
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Fiji 1058.5
Finland 2276.5
France 3016
French Southern Territories
Gabon 678.3
Guadeloupe 492
Hungary 1215
India 312
Kazakhstan 416
Korea, Republic of 537
Macedonia 348
Madagascar 866.66
Malawi 2856.5
Malaysia 913.5
Malta 882 477
Mauritania 1286.16
Mayotte 111.72
Moldova 276
Montserrat 1408.59
Nepal 422.5
Netherlands Antilles 219.78
New Caledonia
Niger 594.15
Nigeria 143
Niue 42
Norfolk Island 319.2
Pakistan 405
Palau 72
Panama 1157
Philippines 604.5
Poland 534
Puerto Rico 486.78
Saint Helena
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone 801.99
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Syrian Arab Republic 645.63
Tanzania, United Republic of 1845
Trinidad and Tobago 1425.96
Tunisia 1530
Turkey 423
Turks and Caicos Islands 461.5
United States 1044
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Vanuatu 2059
Virgin Islands, British 54
Western Sahara
Yemen 621
Zimbabwe 1668.33
Total Result 10356.24 37801.52
Show sales channels as separate columns

Retail Total Result

1791 1791
409.59 409.59
603 732.87
1440 1440
2418.57 2628.27
1144 1144
2552 2552
742.5 742.5
836.5 836.5
678 678
754.92 754.92
1479 1479
231 231
819 819
573.18 573.18
1628.37 1628.37
1293 1293
850.5 850.5
468.33 468.33
600 600
459 807
40.5 907.16
60 973.5
2407 2407
31.5 31.5
261 261
414.96 1009.11
675 717
642.45 714.45
949.05 2106.05
873.75 873.75
336 336
45 45
567 567
522.69 522.69
139.86 139.86
546.63 546.63
617.5 617.5
1269 1269
500.5 500.5
913.5 913.5
801 801
34385.35 82543.11
Provide a list of countries by Revenue of the combined Online and Direct Sales
Which products were sold in Colombia and Canada?

Product (empty)
Detafast Stain Remover - 100ml
Detafast Stain Remover - 200ml
Detafast Stain Remover - 800ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 100ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 200ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 250ml
Pure Soft Detergent - 500ml
Super Soft - 1 Litre
Super Soft - 250ml
Super Soft - 500ml
Super Soft Bulk - 2 Litres
Total Result

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