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Dr.SANJAY 7014964651

 A pulse with full expansion and sudden collapse is
Corrigan's Pulse.
 Posterior tibial pulse is assessed by nurse at below the
medial Malleolus.
 Rapid administration of blood containing citrate cause
 Maintain inflow and outflow chart is essential
intervention while giving IV Fluid.
 Gradual change in position of the patient after surgery to
prevent sudden drop in BP.
 Anorexia with nausea and vomiting ix alerting clinical
features of lithium toxicity.
 Spinach is a good source of Folic acid,
 Digoxin can cause the Myocardial contractibility.
 In unconscious client on the respiration status assessment
early hypoxia is identify by cyanosis.
 Episiotomy is best done in Medio laterally.
 The passage of Flatus is best assessment finding in
 Monitor bowel activity while patient is taking codeine
sulphate drug.
 The first priority of eclampsia patient is Clean and
Maintain an open airway.
 Immediate nursing action on cardio arrest patient is
begin Mouth to Mouth respiration.
 Gluten Free Diet for the patient of Malabsorption patient.
 Me conium stained liquor is clinical finding of fetal
 Fasting Blood sugar test is detecting the amount of
Glucose in Blood.
 Nylon is non-absorbable sutures.
 The patient lines on his back with one pillow under head
is called Genu pectoral Position.
 Blood clot in the cannulas stop the running satisfactory
 Vitamin B Alpha tocopherol.
 Intestine is affected in Typhoid.
 Cessation of breathing is known as apnea.
 In excessive vomiting Hypovolemia occur.
 Kwashiorkor condition is developed by Protein
 Presence of glucose in renal in known as Glycosuria.
 In diabetes patient Polysaccharides is main
 Respiratory rate is termed as tachycardia.
 The process used by the family to achieve goal is include
in family functioning.
 Massaging the legs is contraindicated in case of
 Greenish amniotic fluid is help to diagnose the me
conium aspiration.
 Booster dose of DPT vaccine is given at age of 18
 MORO's reflex disappears by the age of 3 months.
 A voluntary agency is classified because it is a non-profit
 Abdominal distension is not seen diaphragmatic hernia.
 Neonatal Hypoglycemia is treated by Dextrose.
 The most appropriate time to collect a sputum specimen
from a patient is on Awakening.
 Chemical alteration of a drug in a living organism is
called as Biotransformation.
 Monitoring drug therapy by measuring plasma
concentration of drug is known as therapeutic drug
 The side effect of sulfonamide in infant is Jaundice.

1. What should be included in the nursing care plan for a client with
diabetes insipidus?
1. Blood pressure every hour
2. Strict intake and output
3. Urine for ketone bodies
4. Glucose monitoring four times a day

2. What must the nurse do when preparing a client for a computed

tomography (CT) scan?
1.Administer a laxative prep
2.Encourage fluids
3.Explain the procedure
4.Administer a radioisotope
3. Antibiotics are ordered for a client who has had a transsphenoidal
hypophysectomy. He asks why he is receiving an antibiotic when he
does not have an infection. The primary reason for administering
antibiotics to this client is based on which information?
1.Antibiotics will help to prevent respiratory complications following
2.Meningitis is a complication following transsphenoidal
3.Fluid retention can cause dangerously high cerebro spinal fluid
4.Hormone replacement is essential after hypophysectomy.
4. Twelve hours after a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, the client
keeps clearing his throat and complains of a drip in his mouth. To
accurately assess this, the nurse should test the fluid for:
5. The client is ready for discharge following an adrenalectomy. Which
statement that the client makes indicates the best understanding of the
client’s condition?
1.“I will continue on a low-sodium, lowpotassium diet.”
2.“My husband has arranged for a marriage counselor because of our
3.“I will stay out of the sun so I will not turn splotchy brown.”
4.“I will take all of those pills every day.”
6. What is the nursing priority when administering care to a client with
severe hyperthyroidism?
1.Assess for recent emotional trauma.
2.Provide a calm, nonstimulating environment.
3.Provide diversionary activity.
4.Encourage range-of-motion exercises.
7. Which problem is most likely to develop if hyperthyroidism remains
1.Pulmonary embolism
2.Respiratory acidosis
3.Cerebro vascular accident
4.Heart failure
8. Which nursing care measure is essential because a client has
1.Administer artificial tears.
2.Encourage the client to wear her glasses.
3.Promote bed rest.
4.Monitor her pulse rate every four hours.
9. A client who has just had a thyroidectomy returns to the unit in stable
condition. What equipment is it essential for the nurse to have readily
available? 1. Tracheostomy set
2.Thoracotomy tray
3.Dressing set
4.Ice collar
10. What is the best way to assess for hemorrhage in a client who has
had a thyroidectomy?
1.Check the pulse and blood pressure hourly.
2.Roll the client to the side and check for evidence of bleeding.
3.Ask the client if he/she feels blood trickling down the back of the
4.Place a hand under the client’s neck and shoulders to feel bed
11. Which finding would be the greatest cause for concern to the nurse
during the early postoperative period following a thyroidectomy? 1.
Temperature of 100°F
2.A sore throat
3.Carpal spasm when the blood pressure is taken
4.Complaints of pain in the area of the surgical incision
12. An adult is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of
hypothyroidism. Which findings would the nurse most likely elicit
during the nursing assessment?
1.Elevated blood pressure and temperature
2.Tachycardia and weight gain
3.Hypothermia and constipation
4.Moist skin and coarse hair
13. Which diet does the nurse expect will be ordered for the client
with hypothyroidism? 1. High protein, high calorie
2.Restricted fluids, low protein
3.High roughage, low calorie
4.High carbohydrate, low roughage
14. An adult with myxedema is started on thyroid replacement therapy
and is discharged. The client returns to the doctor’s office one week
later. Which statement that the client makes is most indicative of an
adverse reaction to the medication?
1.“My chest hurt when I was sweeping the floor this morning.”
2.“I had severe cramps last night.”
3.“I am losing weight.”
4.“My pulse rate has been more rapid lately.”
15. The nurse’s next door neighbor calls. He says he cannot awaken
his 21-year-old wife. The nurse notes that the client is unconscious
and is having deep respirations. Her breath has a fruity smell to it.
The husband says that his wife has been eating and drinking a lot
recently and that last night she vomited before lying down. What is
the most appropriate action for the nurse to take? 1. Start
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2. Get her to a hospital immediately
3.Try to rouse her by giving her coffee
4.Give her sweetened orange juice
16. A client is diagnosed as having insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus (IDDM). She received regular insulin at 7:30 A.M. When is
she most apt to develop a hypoglycemic reaction?
3.Early evening
4.During the night
17. The nurse is teaching a client to self-administer insulin. The
instructions should include teaching the client to:
1.inject the needle at a 90-degree angle into the muscle.
2.vigorously massage the area after injecting the insulin.
3.rotate injection sites.
4.keep the open bottle of insulin in the refrigerator.
18. An adolescent with IDDM is learning about a diabetic diet. He
asks the nurse if he will ever be able to go out to eat with his friends
again. What is the most appropriate answer for the nurse to give?
1.“You can go out with them, but you should take your own snack
with you.”
2.“Yes. You will learn what foods are allowed so you can eat with
your friends.”
3.“When you get food out in a restaurant, be sure to order diet soft
4.“Eating out will not be possible on a diabetic diet. Why don’t you
plan to invite your friends to your house?”
19. At 10 A.M., a client with Type 1 diabetes becomes very irritable
and starts to yell at the nurse. Which initial nursing assessment
should take priority?
1. Blood pressure and pulse
2. Color and temperature of skin
3. Reflexes and muscle tone
4. Serum electrolytes and glucose
20. An elderly woman has been recently diagnosed as having Type 2
diabetes. Which of the following complaints that she has is most
likely to be related to the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?
1.Pruritus vulvae
21. A client has a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy to remove a
pituitary tumor. When the client returns to the nursing unit following
surgery, the head of the bed is elevated 30 degrees. What is the
primary purpose for placing the client in this position?
1.To promote respiratory effort
2.To reduce pressure on the sella turcica
3.To prevent acidosis
4.To promote oxygenation
22. The nurse is discussing discharge plans with a client who had a
transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. Which statement made by the
client indicates a need for more teaching?
1.“I won’t brush my teeth until the doctor removes the stitches.”
2.“I will wear loafers instead of tie shoes.”
3.“Where can I get a Medic-Alert bracelet?”
4.“I will take all these new medicines until I feel better.”
23. A woman with a tumor of the adrenal cortex says to the nurse,
“Will I always look this ugly? I hate having a beard.” What is the
best response for the nurse to make?
1.“After surgery, you will not develop any more symptoms, but the
changes you have now will linger.”
2.“That varies from person to person. You should ask your
3.“After surgery, your appearance should gradually return to
4.“Electrolysis and plastic surgery should make your appearance
24. A client develops hypoparathyroidism after a total thyroidectomy.
What treatment should the nurse anticipate?
1.Emergency tracheostomy
2.Administration of calcium
3.Oxygen administration
4.Administration of potassium
25. A woman with newly diagnosed Type I diabetes mellitus says she
wants to have children. She asks if she will be able to have children
and if they will
be normal. What is the best answer for the nurse to give?
1.“Women with diabetes should not get pregnant because it is very
difficult to control diabetes during pregnancy.”
2.“Babies born to diabetic mothers are very apt to have severe and
noncorrectable birth defects.”
3.“You should be able to safely have a baby if you go to your doctor
regularly during pregnancy.”
4.“You should consult carefully with a geneticist before getting
pregnant to determine how to prevent your baby from developing
26. A client is admitted to the hospital with recently diagnosed Type I
diabetes mellitus and is to have fasting blood work drawn this
morning. At 7:00 A.M., the lab has not arrived to draw the blood.
The client’s dose of regular insulin is scheduled for 7:30 A.M. What
is the best action for the nurse to take?
1.Give the insulin as ordered
2.Withhold the insulin until the lab comes and the client will be
eating within 15 to 30 minutes
3.Withhold the insulin until the blood has been drawn and the client
has eaten
4.Do not administer insulin until the blood work has been drawn and
the results have been called back to the unit
27. An adolescent with newly diagnosed Type I diabetes mellitus asks
the nurse if he can continue to play football. What is the best answer
for the nurse to give?
1.“Now that you have diabetes, you should not play football because
you may get a cut that will not heal.”
2.“If you work with your physician to regulate the insulin dosage and
your diet, you should be able to play football.”
3.“It would be better for you to work as equipment manager so you
will not be under as much stress.”
4.“You can probably continue to play football if you can regulate it
so that you have the same amount of exercise each day.”
28. The client is a 62-year-old woman who is 30 pounds overweight.
She comes to the doctor’s office complaining of headaches, frequent
hunger, excessive thirst, and urination. The presenting complaints
suggest that the nurse should assess for other signs of which
2.Acute pyelonephritis
3.Addison’s disease
4.Diabetes mellitus
29. An elderly client with Type 2 diabetes mellitus develops an
ingrown toenail. What is the best action for the nurse to take?
1.Put cotton under the nail and clip the nail straight across
2.Elevate the foot immediately
3.Apply warm, moist soaks
4.Notify the physician
30. A woman with hypothyroidism asks the nurse why the doctor told
her she cannot have a sedative. The nurse’s response is based on
which of the following facts?
1.Sedatives potentiate thyroid replacement medication.
2.Clients with hypothyroidism have increased susceptibility to all
sedative drugs.
3.Sedatives will have a paradoxical effect on clients with
4.Sedatives would cause fluid retention and hypernatremia.

1. 2 11.3 21.2
2. 3 12.3 22.4
3. 2 13.3 23.3
4. 1 14.1 24.2
5. 4 15.2 25.3
6. 2 16.1 26.2
7. 4 17.3 27.2
8. 1 18.2 28.4
9. 1 19.2 29.2
10.4 20.1 30.2

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