Chapter - 2 Research Methodology

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Chapter -2

Research Methodology

(1) According to you, is it possible to implement “One Nation One Election” in India?

-To know about people’s view about feasibility of simultaneous election in India.

(2) What are the hurdles in the path of the “One Nation One Election”?

-To know about the problems in the implementation of “One Nation One Election”

(3) Will you support “One Nation One Election” initiative if it will be implemented?

-To know whether people are ready to accept simultaneous election or not.

(4) According to you, what is the main benefit of “One Nation One Election”?

-To know about the main benefit of simultaneous election.

(5) According to you, what is the main Limitations of “One Nation One Election”?

-To know about what factor restraints simultaneous election?

(6) Which will have maximum accuracy combine election or separate election?

-To know about people’s opinion for the accuracy of election by different method.

(7) Can simultaneous polls make long term policy more effective?

-Information about long term effective of simultaneous election.

(8) “Budget can be more accurate with simultaneous polls”. Stat you agree for the

-Whether budget is more accurate with simultaneous election or not.

(9) According to you, does India have proper strategy and infrastructure to conduct unified

-To check whether india is ready to implement simultaneous election or not.

(10) It is possible to control illegal political party funding with simultaneous election?

-To know about government can control illegal funding with simultaneous election
polls or not.
(11) Will simultaneous election reduce election work burden of government?

-To know whether simultaneous election will reduce work burden of government
employees or not.

(12) Will simultaneous election have any impact on result of election?

-To know about the impact of simultaneous election system on election result.

(13) Can simultaneous election have impact on local parties and local interest?

-To know about the impact of simultaneous election on local party.

(14) How frequently do you vote?

-On extent at frequently of people’s voting.

Sources of Data



Primary data refers to the First hand data gathered by the researchers him.

(a) Research instrument: A structure undisguised questionnaire is used as an instrument for

primary data collection.

(b) Population: Population for this study is Ahmedabad city.

(c) Sampling Element: Sampling Element for this study is an individual who resides in

Ahmedabad and wanted to respond for this study.

(d) Sample Size: Sample Size for this study is 250 respondents, as suggested by our project



Data collected by someone else for some other purpose (but being utilized by the
investigator for another purpose) is called secondary data.
Secondary data for this research is collected from the sources such as:
(b) YouTube
(c) The Economic Times, Mint, Sandesh.

(1) Time & Finance.

(2) Study is limited to Ahmedabad

(3) Sample size is only 250

(4) Respondents not willing to reply

(5) Not use any advanced statistic method.

(6) People with vernacular languages can’t fill the questionnaire easily

(7) Because of having busy schedule and lifestyle, people aren’t interested
to fill up the questionnaire and they haven’t sufficient time for it.

(8)People don’t want to share their personal information like

name,contact number, salary, etc.

(9) To save time, people fill the questionnaire very quickly without
reading and understanding questions. They give rapid and random answer
to avoid it and
to save time

(11) Some people haven’t sufficient knowledge about election system in

IndiaSo, they aren’t give the proper answer.

(12) Some people don’t co-operate just because of specific mindset like
privacy of data and many other

(13) People don’t understand the purpose of survey and its importance so
that they refused to fill up the questionnaire.

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