MPPKVVCL-Online Bill Payment

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19/02/2020 MPPKVVCL-Online Bil Payment

Energy Bill Payment Receipt

Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited

(Wholly Owned Government of M.P. Undertaking)

IVRS Number/आईवीआरएस सं या 1405009583

Payment Reference Number/भग

ु तान मांक 20200219111212800110168324114877759

Transac on Number/लेनदे न मांक 202047143533

Consumer Name/उपभो ता का नाम DR A K BADONIYA / R S BADONIYA

Bill Month/ बल माह January 2020

Due Date/ नयत दनांक 24-02-2020

Amount Paid/भग
ु तान रा श 1041.00

Bank Reference Number/बक संदभ 109776119917

Transac on Date and Time/लेनदे न त थ और समय 19-02-2020 18:44:37

Transac on Status/लेनदे न क ि थ त SUCCESS

Payment Mode/भग
ु तान का कार Net Banking

Note: Receipts generated from are valid and does not require

physical signature/authoriza on, the cer ficate can be validated online

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