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Luis Landa American School and Institute

Christopher Ivan Aguilar Pineda

Subject Matter:

Mr. Ibrahim Mendoza

4˚ grade

IV Partial
April 24, 2020
Chapter 9 Review and Test Prep
Use Vocabulary
Deposition Landform
Earthquake Landslide
Epicenter Volcano
Erosión Weathering

Use the vocabulary word from the list above that best completes each sentence

1. During a(n) earthquake underground rock suddenly shifts and Earth´s crust shakes.
2. Hoy magma moves upward and erupts from a(n) volcano
3. The epicenter is the place on Earth´s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
4. Gravity causes the rapid downhill movement of rock and soil known as a(n) landslide
5. An example of erosion is glaciers dragging rock and soil
6. Weathering occurs when acid in rainwater changes rock
7. Sand dunes may result from deposition by wind
8. A plateau is one kind of landform
9. Many earthquakes are caused by plate movement along a(n) fault

Explain Concepts
10. How does flowing water sort particles?
 Water - water flowing in rivers and streams and in ocean waves carries particles of
rock, soil, and sand. The particles scrape against each other and they gradually
become smaller and smaller
 ice - when water sinks into rocks and freezes, it expands and causes deeper cracks in
the rocks, eventually causing the rocks to split.
 temperature changes - When a rocks surface gets hotter, it expands or grows larger.
When it gets colder, the surface contracts or gets smaller.
 chemicals - chemicals cause rocks to change into different materials. The new
materials can break into smaller pieces.
 living things - As trees and plants grow, they get bigger (and their roots get bigger),
which can cause side walks or rocks to split.
11. Why do trees or plants growing on a hill help control erosion?
Growing plants on a slope helps control erosion in two ways: The roots grow into the
soil, creating a web or structure that holds the soil in place, and the aboveground
growth creates a cover that protects the soil surface from direct rain. The more low-
growing perennials and grasses you have, combined with trees and shrubs, the more
support the area has for slowing erosion and the potential breakdown of the hill
structure and topsoil layer.

Process Skills

12. Classify Name onw way that volcanoes are classified

 Shield volcanoes
 Cinder cone volcanoes
 Composite, or strato, volcanoes

13. Infer Many volcanoes are located near the Pacific Ocean-on the east coast of Asia and
on the west coasts of North and Sout America. What can you infer about Earth´s crust in
these areas?

Compare and Contrast

14. Make a graphic organizer like the one below. Show how erosion by moving water and
erosion by glaciers are alike and how they are different.

Different Alike Different

The water is in a
liquid state The two

1 are
only in
different Glacial erosion is
states caused by the
movement of ice on the
Earth's surface.
Test Prep
Choose the letter that best completes the statement or answers the question
15. One cause of physical weathering is
A. Ice
B. Deposition
C. Chemicals
D. Acid rain

16. Which of these is the result

A. A delta
B. A valley
C. A river
D. A fault

17. Which statement is true?

A. Waves in the ocean cause erosion but not deposition
B. Wind causes most landslides
C. Thunderstorms can cause earthquakes
D. Volcanic eruptions can affect the climate

18. Weathering is
A. Caused only by living things
B. What scientists do to make weather forecasts
C. Something that happens gradually
D. Most often seen before earthquakes

19. Explain why the answer you chose for question 18 is best. For each of the answer you
did not select, give a reason why it is not the best choice.
Weathering is the destructive process by which rocky materials change color, texture,
composition, firmness or shape when in contact with atmospheric agents; something
that happens gradually. It is not caused only by living things

20. Writing in Science Descriptive Suppose that you are un Hawaii and you are watching
Kilauea erupt. Write what caused the eruption and describe what you see ad feet.
Kilauea is a hyperactive volcano in Hawaii, which erupting could be caused by a lot of
rain, changes in the water content in the Earth's subsoil can trigger an eruption. Under
the pressure of magma, wet rock breaks more easily than dry rock.

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