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LIL Quark-Part One 1/22/01 8:49 AM Page 35

T h e H i g h e r Po w e r Wi t h i n U s • 35

trust in the higher power of the universe and to live in accordance

with universal principles, the changes I have felt and seen in my life
are truly miraculous.
Those of you who have felt deep spiritual awareness through-
out your lives already have a solid foundation to build upon. For
those of you who have felt spiritually “disconnected” as I have, I
hope my words will support and encourage you to find this inner
connection for yourself. There is no specific way to do this; every-
one’s experience is different. If this is something that you desire,
ask within yourself that you be guided into an experience of your
own spiritual nature. This may take some time, but if you desire
it, it will happen. The words and exercises in this book may help
you with this.
The universe has both personal and impersonal aspects; as I
surrender and trust more, I find my relationship with this higher
power becoming more personal. I can sometimes sense a presence
within me, guiding me, loving me, teaching me, encouraging me. In
this personal aspect, the universe can be teacher, guide, friend,
mother, father, lover, creative genius, or fairy godmother. In other
words, many of my needs and desires can be fulfilled through this
inner connection. I often find the most powerful communion with
the universe when I am alone, especially out in nature. At such
times, the places inside of me that sometimes feel empty are filled
with the energy of spirit. Here I find a guiding presence that
nudges me in the direction I need to go, and helps me to learn the
lesson that lies in taking each step along my path.

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