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Auburn University

Managerial Accounting - ACCT 2210

Spring Semester 2011
Instructor: Mrs. Talitha S. Smith, C.P.A., MAc.
Office: 353 Lowder Business Building
Office Phone: 844-5360
E-mail Address:
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 11:15-12:00 p.m. or by appointment
GTA office hours: (Alison) Monday through Thursday 11:00-12:00 in room 302

1. Required
Managerial Accounting, Garrison and Noreen, 13th edition.
Notes from website.
Non-text-programmable calculator

2. General Content
The primary purpose of this course is to expose you to the issues faced in a career that utilizes managerial accounting concepts. Of all
areas in accounting, managerial accounting has changed the most over the past 10 years and likely is the area of accounting most in
tune with the new economy. This course will provide you with the basic building blocks needed to understand how decision makers
are influenced by the form, content, and timing of information generated from information systems

3. Class Preparation
Advance preparation for each class is expected. This includes study of the chapter, preparation of assigned homework and readings.
Questions and participation in class discussions is encouraged and expected. Class participation is expected to be active, which
includes: asking questions when a point is unclear, answering questions when asked by professor, and attentively following along with
the lecture. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points from the student’s point total at the end of the semester for each
of the following: ringing cellular phones, sleeping in class, disrupting class with talking between classmates, reading the
newspaper, studying for other courses, making impolite or insensitive comments, excessive tardiness and leaving class early.

4. Grading Points
Exams (5 @ 100 points each) 500
Homework (10 @ 5 points each) 50
Five examinations will be given during the semester. The exams will be presented in an objective, multiple choice format.
Presentation of a picture identification is required when turning in your exam. On exam days all personal belongings will be
placed on the side of the room. You should take your #2 pencil, blue scantron and calculator (without its case) to your seat. Exams
will not be scaled. Cell phones must be turned off and not at your desk. Use of a cell phone during an exam will be considered
academic dishonesty. The final exam is not comprehensive. The exam will be given at the university assigned time.
*Final exam times will not be changed, even if you have multiple exams on the same day.*
Makeups: Makeups of exams will be allowed with the presentation of a valid and verifiable university excuse. The acceptable
excuses are listed in the Tiger Cub. Your excuse must be presented within a week of the exam that was missed. The makeups are
given at a departmental exam time. They are Fridays at 4:00 p.m.

5. Graduate help
My graduate assistant will be holding help hours four times a week. If you seek help at these times, you are expected to be prepared.
That is, you should have attended class, read the textbook, and made a valid effort to understand the material or work out the problem
in question. When coming to me with questions, the same conditions apply.
You will also meet with my assistant if you would like review questions you missed on exams. You will need to have your grade slip
with you. The first four exams will be available during the graduate assistant’s hours for one week after grades are distributed. You
must present your exam grade slip and a photo identification before you can see a copy of the exam. This will be the only time during
the semester that you can review your exams.

6. Academic Dishonesty
Each student is expected to be familiar with the University’s policy on academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty will be dealt
with in the harshest manner available within University guidelines.

7. College and Departmental Policies

I. Drop policies dictated by the Auburn University Bulletin are strictly adhered.
II. Smoking, eating, and drinking (other than water) in class is prohibited.
III. The instructor reserves the right to enforce departmental policy restricting calculators for examinations. Calculators
are to be removed from cases prior to the exam and cannot be shared.

Academic Eligibility: depends partly on when you began your studies at Auburn University. Please see an academic advisor for the
standards that apply to you.
The instructor reserves the right to change deadlines, the course schedule, and classroom procedures and policies if circumstances
dictate. Any changes will be announced in class and will allow plenty of lead-time for any changes in due dates.

8. Students with Disabilities

You need to bring your accommodations letter to me during office hours. These need to be presented during the first week of
classes. Accomodations will not be given on a retroactive basis.
Course outline ACCT 2210—Spring 2011

Date Day Chapter Homework

1/12 W
1/14 F 2 Q 1-7; E 1-3
1/17 M holiday
1/19 W 2 Q 8-14; E 4-7
1/21 F 2 E 8-11
1/24 M 2 P 13,15,18(#1 & 2)
1/26 W 3 Q 1-8; E 1,3
1/28 F 3 Q 10-12; E 4,5
1/31 M 3 E 6,7,8
2/2 W 3 E 13,14
2/4 F Exam #1
2/7 M 4 Q 1-8; E 1-4
2/9 W 4 E 5-7
2/11 F 4 E 8,9,11; P 13
2/14 M 5 Q 1-5,7-11,14,15
2/16 W 5 E 1,3,6
2/18 F 5 E 4,5,8
2/21 M 5 P 12
2/23 W Exam #2
2/25 F TBA
2/28 M TBA
3/2 W TBA
3/4 F TBA
3/7 M TBA
3/9 W TBA
3/11 F 7 Q 1-7; E1,2,5
3/21 M 7
3/23 W Exam #3
3/25 F 11 Q 1-10
3/28 M 11 E 2,3
3/30 W 11 E 7,8,9
4/1 F 12 Q 1-12
4/4 M 12 E 1-3
4/6 W 12 E 5,6,8
4/8 F 12
4/11 M Exam #4
4/13 W TBA
4/15 F TBA
4/18 M TBA
4/20 W 15 Q 1-12; E 1
4/22 F 15 E 2,4,6
4/25 M 15 P 7,9
4/27 W 15

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