Vi Summary, Conclusion and Suggestions

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6.1 Summary

Road Transport sector is the backbone of Indian economy. Transport and

communication are the most important requirements for over all development of

a region for trade, commerce and industry. Development in these fields facilitates

momentum to social interaction, educational development and to improve over all

perception of the human being.

Of all means of transport, road transport is one of the most basic necessity

to the community. In spite of the development of a variety of modes of public

transport, the dependence of the commuting public on the road based system

continues everywhere to be considerable. The inherent flexibility of bus

operations enables it to reach the remotest areas and bus services can be

availed to meet practically every type of requirement.

Basing on the decision and recommendation of the planning commission

that wherever road transport services are run by a state, a corporation should be

formed so that it may provide the necessary economy and lead to a more

efficient administration, the Road Transport Corporation Act of 1950 (RTC Act)

came into existence.

The origin of Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (A.P.S.R.T.C)

dates back to June 1932, when it was first established as NSR-RTD (Nizam

State Rail & Road Transport Department) a wing of Nizam State Railway in the

erstwhile Hyderabad State. On 1-11-1951 NSR-RTD were separated and a

separate Road Transport Department (RTD), under the control of Home

Department of Hyderabad State was formed. A.P.S.R.T.C under the present

name was established on 11th January 1958 in pursuance of the Road Transport

Corporation Act 1950. The entire network is now under the administrative control

of 23 Regional Managers in 6 zones. Zonal Head Quarters is at Hyderabad and

is headed by the General Manager.

A.P.S.R.T.C is committed to provide consistently high quality of services

and to continuously improve the services through a process of team work for the

utmost satisfaction of its passengers and to attain a position of pre-eminence in

the Bus Transport sector. The corporate philosophy of A.P.S.R.T.C is to provide

safe, clean, comfortable, punctual and courteous commuter service at an

economic fare, to provide employee satisfaction in financial and humanistic

terms, to strive towards financial self-reliance in regard to performance and

growth and to attain a position of reputation and respect in the society. History of

A.P.S.R.T.C has been briefly discussed.

A.P.S.R.T.C. gained reputation with many of its achievements at national

and international level. It entered Guinness book of world Records on 31.11.99

as the largest bus operator in the world.

The chartered institute of Transport with its Head Quarters in Great Britain

adjudged A.P.S.R.T.C as the safest Road Transport Corporation (R.T.C.) and

awarded ‘Road Safety Award’ for 1996-97. A.P.S.R.T.C has also received a

number of other awards.

A.P.S.R.T.C has Received

 Awards from Association of State Road Transport Undertaking

(ASRTU) for operating city buses with best fuel efficiency for the years

from 1986-87 to 1996-97 and again for the years 1998-99, 1999-2000.

 Road Safety Award from the Transport Department Council, New Delhi

for the year 1987-88.

 H.N. Thadani Award from Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering for

the year 1992-93 for introducing innovative systems in industrial

Engineering Field.

 The Rolling Trophy from the Federation of Andhra Pradesh (A.P)

Chambers of Commerce and Industries for the year 1983-84 for

Integral Development

 The Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) awards for

highest fuel efficiency (KMPL) for 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-

99, 2009-10 & 2010-11.

 The ‘May Day Award’ for the best management with outstanding

contribution towards Harmonious Industrial Relations and Labour

Welfare for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999.

A.P.S.R.T.C had to think of changes in the organizational set up sometime

in the year 1975 in view of considerable growth in the size of the organization

between 1965 and 1977, in terms of fleet, staff, depots and divisions. After about

three years of deliberations and preparatory work, the area regional set up was

introduced with effect from 16th January, 1978 and the A.P.S.R.T.C Regions are

formed in different areas all over the state in a phased manner. As a

consequence of this, A.P.S.R.T.C Visakhapatnam Region was formed in

November 1994. There are now 5 Urban depots functioning under A.P.S.R.T.C

Visakhapatnam Region, viz., Simhachalam Depot (SML), Gajuwaka Depot

(GWK), Waltair Depot (WTR), maddilapalem Depot (MDP) and Visakha Steel

Depot (VSC).

Visakhapatnam is one of the fast growing cities in Asia and is abound with

industrial development. In view of the educational institutions it has and also

other state and central offices, Public sector and Private sector establishments,

there is increasing need for speedy and convenient conveyance system for

carrying various categories of people in the city to reach their destinations well on

time. They look forward for a convenient and comfortable public transport system

in the city.

The urban Transportation of A.P.S.R.T.C Visakhapatnam Region is

expected to work with efficiency in meeting the demands of various categories of

people of Visakhapatnam. There are no studies available on the urban

transportation of A.P.S.R.T.C Visakhapatnam Region. It is in this contest an

attempt is made to study the urban Transportation of A.P.S.R.T.C-

Visakhapatnam Region to have an understanding on some important aspects

relating to personnel management and performance evaluation indicators.

In the chapter on personnel management, a fair attempt is made to

understand the organizational structure of A.P.S.R.T.C Visakhapatnam Region,

different categories of employees, their duties, scale of pay, recruitment, training,

appointment, various facilities available to the employees, and other service

conditions. The administrative procedure followed in all the above official matters

by the Regional Manager is as per the rules and regulations of A.P.S.R.T.C, Acts

and G.O’s communicated by the head office from time to time. The industrial

relations existing between the employees unions and management of the

Visakhapatnam region are good. This situation helps the employees to exhibit

team work in their performance and get awards at the state and national level to

the region.

Evaluation of performance of five urban depots of A.P.S.R.T.C

Visakhapatnam Region since its formation in 1994 on selected financial and non-

financial indicators, as dictated by the available data from the office records, for

improvement wherever necessary is taken up. The financial indicators taken up

for study are schedules, Fleet-held, Earnings Per Kilometer (E.P.K), Earnings

Per Bus (E.P.B), volume (vehicle productivity), Average Vehicle utilization

(A.V.U.), Occupancy Ratio (O.R), Bus Staff Ratio (B.S.R), crew utilization,

Employees productivity, H.S.D Oil KMPL and non-financial indicators are bus

Cancellations, break downs and accidents. The following are the major findings

derived from the data analyzed. The total period of study from 1993-94 to 2009-

10 is very large and hence is divided into two groups that is from 1993-94 to

1999-2000 as one group and 2001-10 as another group for convenience and

comparison of study of parameters and their respective growth rates.

Major Findings

1. During 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years the growth rate trends in the operation

of schedules by VSC depot is found to be highest when compared with

other depots, but between 2000-01 and 2009-10 years GWK depot has

operated more schedules than other depots.

2. From the data it can be concluded that during 1993-94 and 1999-2000

years the trends in the fleet held by VSC depot is found to be higher than

other depots. But during 2000-01 to 2009-10 period MDP depot is at the

top in its fleet held.

3. During 1993-94 and 1999-2000 years the trends in earnings per

kilometers of MDP depot is found to be higher than other depots, but from

2000-01 to 2009-10 years VSC depot is the best in its earnings per


4. The trends in earnings per bus of MDP depot during the period 1993-94

and 1999-2000 years is found to be higher than other depots, but from

2000-01 to 2009-10 years VSC depot is the best in its earnings per bus.

5. The data analysis infers that during 1993-94 and 1999-2000 years the

trend in kilometers operated by VSC depot is found to be higher than other

depots. But from 2000-01 to 2009-10 years MDP depot is the best in its

kilometers operated.

6. From the analysis it can be inferred that during 1993-94 to 1999-2000

years the trends in average vehicle utilization of MDP depot is found to be

higher than other depots, but from 2001-02 to 2009-10 years VSC depot is

the best in its performance of vehicle utilization.

7. The trends in occupancy ratio of VSC depot between 1993-94 to 1999-

2000 and 2001-2010 years is found to be higher than other depots.

Occupancy ratio can be increased by introducing longer buses, courteous

behaviour of the staff and by adopting ‘shout and load’ slogan and also by

not allowing autos and other private vehicles at the bus points.

8. The data indicate that during the period 1993-94 to 1999-2000 the lowest

recorded bus staff ratio is by the VSC depot and between the period 2000-

01 and 2009-10 the lowest recorded bus staff ratio (on schedules) is by

SML depot.

9. During the period of study that is, from 1993-94 to 2009-10, Maddilapalem

depot recorded highest growth rate and showed the best performance in

its employee productivity- kms.

10. Between 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years the trends in H.S.D. oil Kmpl of

buses operated by SML depot are found to be higher than other depots.

But during 2000-01 to 2009-10 years the WTR depot exhibited its best

performance in its H.S.D. oil Kmpl.

11. The growth rate trends in percentage of total cancelled kilometers during

the period 1993-94 to 1999-2000 show that GWK depot topped in

cancellation of bus services with 16.03 and the minimum growth rate in

cancellations is -7.71 recorded by WTR depot. Interestingly during the

period 2000-01 to 2009-10 there are no cancelled kilometers in any of the

depots under study.

12. During the period 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years the growth rate trends in

percentage of mechanical cancelled buses show that GWK depot

recorded highest cancellations with 13.55 whereas VSP depot showed the

best performance with 0.00 level cancellations. During 2000-01 to 2009-

2010 the high growth rate of mechanical cancelled buses is 0.01 of MDP

depot and the lowest recorded growth rate value -21.48 is that of WTR


13. The analysis of data shows that during 1993-94 to 1994-2000 years the

trends in the growth rate of traffic cancelled (kms) services of

Simhachalam depot recorded maximum cancellations with 7.02 and the

minimum growth rate is achieved by WTR depot with -4.24. But from

2000-01 to 2009-10 years MDP depot recorded maximum cancellations

with 6.45 and the minimum is recorded by WTR depot with -0.97 with its

best performance.

14. It can be concluded that during 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years, the trends in

the percentage of agitation cancelled services of Maddilapalem depot is

highest with 33.26 and the lowest is recorded by GWK depot with 2.12

cancellations. In continuation of this, that is, during 2000-01 to 2009-10

years VSC depot’s performance is the best with its lowest record of -13.30


15. The growth rates in the percentage of crew cancelled services during

1993-94 and 1999-2000 years indicate that GWK recorded maximum

number of cancellations with 13.93 and the minimum -5.30 cancellation is

recorded by MDP depot, whereas during 2000-01 to 2009-10 years WTR

depot recorded maximum cancellation with 6.08 and the minimum is

recorded by MDP depot with -2.95.

16. The analysis of data explains that during 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years, the

trends in breakdown rate of GWK depot with 7.17 is found to be higher

than other depots and in the same period the lowest growth rate is

recorded by VSC depot with -1.52. But during 2000-01 to 2009-10 years

the breakdown rates are brought down in all the depots and of all. VSC

Depot recorded the lowest breakdown rate with -8.29.

17. During 1993-94 to 1999-2000 years GWK depot registered the highest

growth rate in accidents with 22.59 and the lowest in the same period is

recorded by WTR depot with -13.92. During 2000-01 to 2009-10 period

VSP depot recorded 0.85 growth rate in accidents, where as the lowest

growth rate of -5.68 is established by WTR depot, and is the best in its


18. More than sixty percent of respondents are travelling as standees in buses

due to non availability of seats. Hence, more number of buses and longer

buses with more seating capacity are to be planned by the RTC

authorities for the convenience of the commuters. In majority of the cases,

the seat reservation pattern in the buses is not being followed by the


19. More than seventy percent of respondents wish for suitable change in bus

timings and improved bus operations to suit their travel timings and to

reach their destinations in time. Most of the respondents are satisfied with

the courtesy of bus staff towards their commuters.

20. The study reveals that the commuters are dissatisfied with the inadequacy

of services and insufficient number of trips operated by the Corporation.

Further, the frequent break-downs resulting in unreliable services, the high

number of cancellations resulting in ineffective services, late departures

and late arrivals resulting in unpunctuality of services and the poor

passenger amenities in the bus stops have resulted in poor commuters

satisfaction towards the services provided by Urban Transport authorities

of Visakhapatnam.

The above mentioned points are to be examined by the authorities

concerned on priority basis and take suitable steps to plan and provide city

services to the convenience and satisfaction of its commuters.

Empirical study on the performance of urban Depots of A.P.S.R.T.C

Visakhapatnam Region is conducted by random survey through a questionnaire

and this information is elicited from different groups of commuters, namely,

students, employees, businessmen and others of the 5 urban depot areas. The

information obtained from them on the maintenance of bus timings, frequency of

buses, bus shelter facility, availability of seats, observation of reservation of seats

meant for ladies, P.H. persons and senior citizens, courtesy of staff towards

commuters, maintenance of the bus etc. are analysed and steps to be taken up

for improved performance by the authorities are discussed.

The conclusions arrived at basing on the studies are presented for

examination and necessary action by the authorities concerned.

Information collected through personal interview, from city bus passengers

and the suggestions given by them for the operation of city services by the

authorities concerned in a manner convenient and comfortable for their travel are

also recorded. These suggestions should be examined and they need to be

given due consideration by the APSRTC Urban Transportation authorities of

Visakhapatnam Region and plan the operation of city services to the

convenience, comfort and satisfaction of its commuters.

6.2 Conclusion

Urban Transport of A.P.S.R.T.C Visakhapatnam region has to be an

efficient, adequate, economical and co-ordinated transport service to the

traveling public of the city. Transport authorities have to balance their diverse

goals of offering public service and achieving profits for self sustenance.

Basing on the studies conducted, the following are some of the

conclusions arrived at for better performance of the depots to its commuters.

Bus Schedules

Operation of bus schedules is the top priority of the depot authorities. Bus

timings should be strictly maintained as late running of buses can cause much

inconvenience to the long distance traveling public, employees and students.

Earnings per Kilometer (E.P.K)

The Earnings per Kilometer (E.P.K) is related to the carrying capacity of

buses, fare structure and earning potential of the route (s). Conductors should be

deputed for refresher courses conducted at the staff Training college,

Vizianagaram periodically to perform their duties in the best possible manner to

attain good Occupancy Ratio (O.R) and increase the earnings which will help the

organization to go into profits. Attractive incentives to the best performers should

be introduced.

Average Vehicle Utilisation (A.V.U)

If a vehicle is used more intensively, i.e., if it is run for more number of

hours per day, unit time cost will be lower. A rise in vehicle utilisation per day

therefore reduces the unit time cost and promotes efficiency. Maximum vehicle

utilisation by the Depot manager concerned reduces the unit time cost, increases

earning potential of the route and promotes efficiency of the depot.

Occupancy Ratio (O.R)

Occupancy Ratio can be increased by the courteous behavior of the staff,

introducing longer buses, neat maintenance of the buses and by adopting ‘shout

and load’ slogan introduced by the A.P.S.R.T.C. authorities. The need of the hour

is that occupancy ratio should be increased by laying emphasis both on

comfortable travel and amenities at bus stations.

Crew Utilisation

Crew Utilisation is one of the contributing factors for running the

organization on profitable lines. Crew who are idle should be avoided as slight

reduction in staff cost will result in huge earnings to the organization.

Employees Productivity

The success in achieving the targets set by the depots, depend to a great

extent on the contributions of the employees, working in the depots. It is a

collective effort of the employees working in the depot whose discipline, sincerity

and commitment contribute to the best productivity of the employees of the depot

concerned. Employees’ productivity can be increased by the harmonious

industrial relations existing between different cadres of employees working in the


Increase in H S D Oil KMPL (KMS/Liter)

Increase in H S D Oil KMPL is measured in terms of fuel consumption and

is dependent on the driving habits of the drivers, maintenance of the vehicles and

the roads on which the vehicles move. One of the important steps that can be

taken up for increase in KMPL is that drivers should be well-trained in their

driving habits to improve the fuel efficiency. They should also be educated about

the importance of fuel conservation. If there is excess fuel consumption, in the

official record that is maintained, the driver concerned should be made



Passengers expect regular and punctual service. A high rate of

cancellation of scheduled service is an indication of declining efficiency.

Cancellation of vehicles may take place on different grounds, Viz., mechanical

cancelled, traffic cancelled, agitation cancelled, crew cancelled, etc. Every effort

should be made by the Depot managers to bring down the cancellations to zero

level as to the minimum possible for the benefit of its commuters.

Break Downs

Modernization of aged fleet with new vehicles will bring down the rate of

break downs to a reasonable level. There must be concerted action to minimize

the break down rate by regular inspection and better maintenance of vehicles,

introduction of new buses in place of over aged buses and by checking the

performance of mechanical staff concerned with the vehicle maintenance in the



Awareness about the causes of road accidents can bring down the

accidents rate. Road accidents cause great concern not only to the travelling

public but also to the authorities because they have to pay heavy compensation

to the accident victims.

Road accidents can be controlled to some extent by adopting the following


Drivers newly appointed should be given training in the Staff Training

College at Vizianagaram and in-service drivers should be deputed for undergoing

refresher course in driving periodically. Awareness should be created on the

causes of road accidents and should be educated on road safety measures to be

followed. Smooth driving, respecting the traffic signals, signboards, pedestrians

and other vehicles is essential to have accident-free driving. Periodical health

check ups on physical fitness, vision and general health of drivers are important

for safe driving. Strict measures are to be taken to control driving in intoxication.

Identity Display by Employees

Drivers, conductors and all the employees working in the Depots are

required to wear the prescribed uniform and have their identity card with them

when they are on duty.

Maintenance of Buses

There is every need for improvement in the maintenance of the buses.

Strict check up and inspection by the vehicles as per the norms should be carried

out in the garage. It is to be noted that the maintenance of the bus includes its

cleanliness, seating comfort, good condition, easy movement of window doors,

climate protection at top and windows, availability of FIRST AID BOX and

suggestions box.

Route Planning

As far as possible stress should be laid by the Depot Managers on

selecting such routes which offer a higher and regular traffic potential together

with adequate vehicle ultisation, although operation of uneconomical routes

cannot be ruled out on account of the state Government’s policy to operate such

routes as a social commitment to the people of that area.

Publicity and Public Awareness Programmes

It has been identified that public at large are not aware of the strengths of

the organization and the contributions it made for the welfare of the society.

Publicity and Promotion of R.T.C. brand, its utility and advantages and benefits it

passes on to the society has to be taken up with all seriousness to make its

presence and indispensability felt by a common man. Some of the measures that

can be taken up by the authorities to educate people and also motivate them to

prefer urban transportation for their movement in the city are given below.

 Massive Publicity campaign even by using electronic media is required to

enlighten the masses on the concessions extended to underprivileged;

facilities/amenities provided; marketing schemes/programmes undertaken


 The traditional folk media can be utilized for educating people on the

advantages of travel in city services of APSRTC.

 Street plays can be organized at places on days where large

congregations assemble. For this purpose the available creative talent in

staff/employees should be put to use.

 Distribution of pamphlets, publicity through erection of attractive hoardings

on R.T.C. at important centers, through T.V. channels, R.T.C

advertisements on autos and buses, screening of documentary shows on

R.T.C in theatres etc.



should be made popularized.

The above plan of action is expected to establish credibility on the

operations of Urban Transport in Visakhapatnam to gain customer confidence

and enhance customer satisfaction.

6.3 Suggestions

It is essential for the Urban Transport authorities of APSRTC

Visakhapatnam Region to know the needs and requirements of their commuters

to render a satisfactory service to them. The authorities are expected to keep in

touch with its passengers to have an understanding of their inconveniences,

difficulties and their expectations to enable them to provide a safe, convenient

and comfortable public transport to them in the city. Public may be eager to give

their suggestions on various aspects, namely, increase in frequency of services,

introduction of new services, extension of the routes of existing services, revival

of bus services which are suspended, amenities to be provided in the bus stops,

steps to be taken up for safe and comfortable travel etc. It is in this context

information is collected from different categories of people through questionnaire

and also by personal interviews conducted at different bus points covering all the

five urban depots namely Gajuwaka, Simhachalam, Waltair, Maddilapalem and

Visakha Steel City. It is sincerely believed that the suggestions given by the

public will be of immense value in making the Urban Transport of Visakhapatnam

a note worthy one. The following are the requests and suggestions recorded from

the various categories of people of Visakhapatnam, given for their comfortable

and convenient travel in the city.

Increase in the Frequency of City Services

 There is a need to increase in the frequency of ordinary city service No.

400N to Vadacheepurapalli to RTC complex in the morning between 7.00

AM & 9.00 AM to facilitate students to go to their educational institutions

because most of these institutions are located surrounding the complex

areas, and also to enable working class people residing in the colonies

there to attend their daily works at different places in the route covered.

 It has been identified from the sample respondents that there is a demand

for increase in the frequency of 222 service in the morning between

7.30 AM and 9.00 AM from RTC complex to Tagarapuvalasa as more

number of engineering colleges are located in this route and students and

employees request for the above frequency of bus service in that route,

and also during the same timings most of the vegetable venders come to

the city to sell their vegetables and flowers brought from Tagarapuvalasa.

 According to the survey made on commuters, it has been noticed that the

increase in the frequency of 60C services from Arilova colony to Old Post

Office in the morning between 6.30 AM and 10.00 AM and in the evening

between 6.00PM to 9.00PM will be convenient to working class people

which will help them to reach different places of their work in the route


 To help people of Pendurthi area, to come to the city, for shopping,

business and also report to duty in the shops where they work as

employees, go to Government Hospital for medical assistance and also

visit popular beach point, there is a need of increase in the frequency of

28 H/V city service from Pendurthi to Rama Krishna Beach (R.K. Beach)

Via Purna Market and King George Hospital (KGH).

 There is a demand for increase in the frequency of 400 city service from

Maddilapalem Via Dock Yard, Naval establishment, Scindia, Hindustan

Polymers, Zinc factory etc. to Gajuwaka in the morning times between

8.00 AM and 10.00 AM to enable the employees working in the above

central government establishments and also help the students to attend

their schools and colleges.

 There is a need to increase in the frequency of 38D city service from

Nadupur to RTC complex in the morning time between 7.00 AM to

9.00 AM as many of the working class people from the area come to the

city in search of different types of labour works they attend to.

 There is a request for increase in the frequency of 400S city service from

RTC complex to Sabbavaram via Narava to enable small business people

and vegetable venders to do their business in these remote rural villages.

 There is a need to increase in the frequency of 541 city service from

Maddilapalem to Pendurthi Via Sujatha Nagar, China Mushiravada for the

convenience of number of passengers traveling in this route.

 There is a request to increase the frequency of 900k from RTC complex to

Bhimunipatnam for the convenience of students studying in Gayathri

College and Gitam University and also for the convenience of public

visiting the site seeing places like Vuda Park, Tennati Park, Red Sand

Hills, Thotla Konda – a place of Boudharamam, Fish & Prawn culture

centres, Silver Beach, Bhimili Beach etc.

Extension of the Existing City Route Service

 There is a need for extension of 666 city bus service, originally from

Paravada to Kurmannapalem, upto Vadacheepurupalli for the benefit of

students, employees and public residing in the areas of NTPC, Pharma

City, Paravada and Vadacheepurupalli.

Revival of Suspended City Route Services

 There is a demand for the revival of 904 city service from Rishikonda to

Steel Plant Gate via – Rishikonda – Sagar Nagar – MVP Colony – Peda

Waltair – Andhra University – RTC complex – Railway Station – Scindia –

Gajuwaka – Kurmannapalem – Steel Plant Main Gate. This long route

service will help the public to travel without changing of buses in between.

 There is a request for the revival of bus service No 10 from Old Post

Office to Venkojipalem via – AVN College, Relli Veedhi, King George

Hospital (KGH), Collectorate and from there to MVP Colony via All India

Radio Station and Andhra University. This service is very helpful to the

public residing in these areas to reach the above important places in the


 There is need for the revival of 51 city service from Sagar Nagar to

Simhachalam Via Tennati Park – Appugharu – MVP Colony – Andhra

University – RTC Complex, Kancharapalem – NAD Gopalapatnam –

Simhachalam. This route facilitates the public to travel directly to the

above places without any change of bus in between.

 There is a request for the revival of 56 city service of Simhachalam Depot.

This route covers Pendurthi, Duvvapalem, SR Puram, MMG Colony,

Simhachalam, Old Adavivaram, Bus complex and Old post office for the

convenience of different categories of people residing in these areas.

 There is a demand for the revival of 28P bus service from Pendurthi to Old

Post Office in the following route – Pendurthi – Chinna Mushiravada –

Sujatha Nagar – Purushothamapuram – Nayudupeta – Old post office.

This service helps the working class and general public to attend their

work at different places in the route covered above.

Sanction of New Routes for the Operation of City Services

 There is a need to start new city bus services from Aganampudi to RTC

complex. This service would be the only service available to the school

children and college students coming from Talarivanipalem, Dibbapalem,

Bornammapalem to the city.

 There is a request for the introduction of ‘Ring road service’ covering RTC

Complex – Dock Yard – Scindia – Gajuwaka – NAD Kotha Road – RTC

Complex. This route is very convenient to the employees and also general


 There is a need for opening city bus service covering Railway Station –

Marripalem – VUDA colony – R & B Office – Madhavadhara – Punjab

Hotel Junction – Muralinagar in the morning times from 5.00 AM to 10.00

AM and in the evening times from 3.00 PM to 8.00 PM to facilitate the

passengers going to and coming from the Railway station and Air Port.

 There is a request for the introduction of City bus service from Rishikonda

to Railway Station via Sagar Nagar, Visalakshi Nagar, Police Quarters and

RTC complex. This service is helpful to the public residing in these areas

to attend to their different types of works in the city.

 There is a demand for the introduction of city service from Chinna Waltair

to RTC complex in the morning between 7.30 AM to 9.30 AM and again in

the evening between 4.30 PM to 8.30 PM for the benefit of students and

employees residing in Chinna Waltair.

Special Steps for Improved Customer Service

Rapport with Municipal Corporation Authorities

New buses acquired and plying them on damaged roads causes lot of

damage to the new vehicles. Travelling in city services on such roads is unsafe

and discomfort to the passengers. Maintenance of roads comes under the

administrative purview of corporation authorities. By maintaining a rapport with

municipal authorities, the RTC officials can bring this matter to the notice of the

municipal authorities and request them for a quick repair of the very badly

damaged roads which will help the vehicles from damage to some extent and

also help the passengers for their comfortable travel on city roads.

Maintenance of Buses

Cleanliness of the bus and regular checking as per the garage schedule

for each city bus should be strictly followed for the good condition and longer

service of the buses and also for the comfortable and safe travel of the


Bus Rapid Transit System

Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) proposed by the Government should

be materialized at the earliest to ensure speedy and comfortable travel to city bus


Autorikshaws and Mini Bus Vans

Suitable steps are to be taken to prevent the halting and waiting of

autorikshaws and minibus vans in the bus lane areas for loading of passengers,

actually waiting for city buses, in their vehicles. This important step is very much

expected to increase the occupancy ratio in city bus services.

Replacement of Old Buses with New Buses

Replacement of old city buses by new longer and low floor buses with

lighting, good seating comforts with electronic display of route and stage details

and good audio (music) system is expected to increase the occupancy ratio.

Announcements at Bus Stops

City bus numbers and route details are to be displayed at important bus

stops for the convenience of passengers. Making announcements of city services

at the time of entering and leaving the bus stops will help the passengers waiting

in the bus stops to identify their buses easily.

Driving Habits

 Strict instructions should be given to the drivers that they should not move

the vehicles while the passengers are still boarding in or alighting from the

bus. Moving the vehicles without such proper observation and care are

resulting in accidents. There should be a check on such acts and action

should be taken on such careless and irresponsible drivers.

 It is observed that some drivers are either jumping a signal or goading the

motorists to make way in the busy traffic and this is to be controlled. Two

wheeler drivers and pedestrians and passengers are the most frequent

victims of this type of reckless driving.

Grievance Redressal Cell

A grievance redressal cell should function in the regional office to examine

and attend to the complaints / suggestions received from the commuters and the

commuters should in turn be informed about the action taken on their

suggestions by the authorities.

Operation of Special City Services

 It is suggested that operation of special city bus services coinciding with

flights and important train timings from Maddilapalem, Pedawaltair, RTC

complex, and Simhachalam will be very convenient to the passengers

going to airport/railway station from the above important centres.

Speed Breakers

 There is an immediate need in accident prone areas of bus stops like ESI

Hospital bus stop, New colony and Scindia bus stops and also in other

bus stops identified, speed breakers should be planned to control the

speed of the vehicles and to avoid accidents and ensure safety to the

people moving in those areas.

Bus Shelters

 Neat maintenance of the existing bus shelters and construction of new bus

shelters at important bus stops, with aminities for seating are to be

provided. Bus shelters in Muvvalavanipalem, opposite to Super Bazar

stop, and in steel plant sector 3 and 12 are in demand from the public.

Customized Scheduling

 Customer meets shall be organized at least twice in a year before the

onset of peak and slack seasons when schedules normally undergo

changes, to obtain feed-back on the operation to customize schedules.

Approach for Punctual Operation of Service

 The depot manager and all other front line supervisions at the depot with a

fixed weekly rotation programme have to ensure supervision of early

morning and second shift operations (evening shift). They shall record the

late departures and reasons in the proforma designed for this purpose and

submit it to the Depot Manager for review and follow up action. This kind

of approach is expected to give good results in maintaining the bus

timings well by the running staff.

Checkings at Enroute Points / Bus Station

 A minimum Quality Assurance Programme in the areas of punctuality,

cleanliness, regularity, closing of SR’s (Service Registers) and conducting

alighting checks of buses be assigned to the controllers enroute / pick up

points / bus stations in addition to their regular/ routine duties. They shall

record the details in the proforma designed for it and submit the same to

the Depot Manager on a day to day basis for taking appropriate action

wherever necessary to establish credibility on the operations to gain

customer confidence and enhance customer satisfaction.

Crew Awareness Campaign

Crew members, the drivers and conductors are required to be educated

on the present competitive scenario the public transport now is facing and the

need to improve the customer service by way of stopping buses wherever

passengers hail their hands / stop buses at their request to disembark,

demonstrate courteous behaviour, provide punctual service, arrange to reach

destination on stipulated time etc.

It is earnestly hoped that in spite of some limitations the data made

available by this investigative programme on urban transport of APSRTC

Visakhapatnam region would provide a better insight into the functioning of the

city transportation in Visakhapatnam for the authorities concerned to plan and

render service to the expectations and satisfaction of its customers and to the

well being of the organisation and its employees.


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