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1.1 Background

Eve teasing is normally meant as teasing a girl or boy. Eve teasing refers to a public sexual
harassment or street harassment to a girl or a boy, when it turns into a serious issue.  Eve teasing
was described as staring, stalking, passing comments, and inappropriate physical touch. Perceived
consequences of eve teasing included tight restrictions on girls’ mobility, inability to attend
school or work, girls being blamed, and causing family problems.

Causes of Eve teasing

Wrong Mind-set
Mind set of people is changing day by day to look at girls and women in negative sense. Because
of this negative mind-set, eve teasing is increasing in daily life. Number of males thinks that
women are only to fulfill the physical needs.

Male dominant society

We have male dominant society where male are considered always powerful and strong while
women are weak and powerless. This male dominating society pushes women to be quite on any
issue related to the male. This is the reason even after facing the eve teasing women and girls are
not reporting.

Now a days eve teasing becomes a part of fun especially in college going boys. Due to physical
attraction sometimes male can’t control himself and he indulges with eve teasing.

It is one of the main reasons, due to modernization the pattern of girls clothe changed a lot which
attracts the boys. These attractions due to modernization become a reason for eve teasing.

Bad impact of electronic and social media

Now a day electronic and social media is playing a vital role in fixing behavioral pattern.
Negative attitude towards women and girls has been exposed through the movies and various
television programs which revealed in increase in eve teasing. Easy availability of internet and
social media on mobile phone increased access of vulgar and even porn films which increase the
greed towards sex which starts with eve teasing.
Eve-teasing is a widespread social evil and a complex problem. We are used to see the girls
subjected to teasing from television screen to nearby street. It starts at the face of a girl much
before she reaches adolescence. Eve teasing is not depends on the how the woman looks or
what she has wears or where she goes even aged woman are facing such kind of teasing.
Everyday every woman faces the some kind of the eve- teasing. School and college going girls
and female garment worker are at top of the list of victims of eve- teasing. Adolescent girls are
the main victims eve teasing. Whistling, catcalling, touching or groping, flashing, blowing
kisses, stalking, sexual gesturing or unsolicited photography are all instances of eve-teasing
suffered by all sorts of women.
Usually the young men, especially when associated with friends are mainly responsible for eve-
teasing. Eve-teasing is a widespread social evil and a complex problem. We are used to see the
girls subjected to teasing from television screen to nearby street. It starts at the face of a girl much
before she reaches adolescence. Eve teasing is not depends on the how the woman looks or
what she has wears or where she goes even aged woman are facing such kind of teasing.
Everyday every woman faces the some kind of the eve- teasing. School and college going girls
and female garment worker are at top of the list of victims of eve- teasing. Adolescent girls are
the main victims eve teasing. Whistling, catcalling, touching or groping, flashing, blowing
kisses, stalking, sexual gesturing or unsolicited photography are all instances of eve-teasing
suffered by all sorts of women. Usually the young men, especially when associated with friends
are mainly responsible for eve-teasing
Women are not only standing but also competing with men at various positions even the crime
against the women in society is increasing in many forms. Violence against women is experienced
by women of all ages and social classes, all races, religions and nationalities, all over the world. It
is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men. Eve teasing is one of the huge issues of metropolitan

cities of India. A large number of Indians have faced or facing the eve teasing at public places,
shopping malls and public transport system. Women face the threats of eve teasing at everywhere.
The issue of eve teasing is increasing day by day not only in the urban areas but also in the rural
areas. Eve-teasing is a widespread social evil and a complex problem. We are used to see the girls
subjected to teasing from television screen to nearby street. It starts at the face of a girl much
before she reaches adolescence. Eve teasing is not depends on the how the woman looks or what
she has wears or where she goes even aged woman are facing such kind of teasing.
Eve teasing is addressing to emerging issues. It has become a serious issues resulting in terrible
and sometimes horrifying consequences. However, eve teasing is considered as a public nuisance
all over the world, in our country it has gradually become brutal form of sexual harassment often
resulting in grievous hurt, abduction, acid throwing, rape murder and forced suicide. Girls and
women face rude comments, gesture with hands, legs or fingers and so on. In our country, there
are so many loopholes and farces in the law that the perpetrators seldom are punished. As a result,
the rate of eve teasing is increasing. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to explore the
attitude of males and females of different educational level toward eve teasing which is
expected that will help us to understand its causes, the current picture of eve teasing in
our society. But unfortunately very few research has been done on this matter. Therefore, our
present attempt is construct a scale that will help us to measure the attitude toward eve teasing.
This research aims to study the impact of eve teasing on both men and women and gives them the
opportunity to come out in open and talk about the experience they face and helps men to come
out in open and talk about the incident and how they have been affected by it. By shedding light
on the impact such incidences have on men, this research helps to bridge the gap between men
and women by showing the direct or the indirect impact they face through such events. The
research considers including men in the study because they have been the silent sufferers of such
events in a direct or in an indirect way.

1.2 Research Questions


 What are the causes of eve teasing?

 What is the psychological impact of eve teasing?

1.3 General Objectives

 To know about the personal and demographical information of the respondent

 To know about the experiences of eve teasing

1.4 Specific objectives

 To know the causes of eve teasing

 To know the psychological impact of eve teasing

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Eve teasing is a euphemism used in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan for public sexual harassment,
street harassment or molestation of women by men. The term of ‘eve teasing’ has different usages
in different countries. In France reference is made to ‘droit de cuissage’ (right to the thigh), in
India the term ‘eve teasing’ has been used, in the Netherland it is referred to as ‘unsolicited or
undesired intimacies’, while in Malaysia words like ‘gatal or miang’ (literally means itchy) are
often used to described it. However, the condition of "eve teasing" is so acute in India. [ CITATION
pur99 \l 1033 ]

The term ‘Eve-teasing’ most likely references the biblical ‘Eve’, the supposed first woman whose
appearance seems to fair, divinely fair, beauty, fairest of creation and the quotations of ‘Teasing’
comes from an animal whose mouth fills with venom. Eve teasing means harassment of or
sexually aggressive behavior toward women. The concept of eve teasing vary among and within
societies, depending on whether individual are born and socialized as men or women in a specific
social economic class in a society, universal consensus exists on the key characteristics of
definition on eve teasing or sexual harassment. [ CITATION bur06 \l 1033 ].
According to CEC (1993), “Sexual harassment or eve teasing means unwanted conduct of a
sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex, affecting the dignity of men and women in the
society. This can include welcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct.”

Eve teasing a social menace in India was a study done in 2016 which focused on women of India
facing eve teasing and what impact it has on women. This study focuses on shedding light on the
impact it has women's mental health, psychological, social, mental issues that they face after
experiencing such an event. Also, the research focuses on giving future directions to the research
and actions that can be taken by the government and stakeholders of the India (Hussain, 2016).
Eve-teasing is a recent phenomenon in Bangladesh focused thorough media in 1990s. But
the cases were a few and countable. Now a days particularly around two thousands of the
incidents of eve-teasing occurred here there and everywhere it have become rampant. No media
and newspaper now are without the silly news of eve-teasing every day. A research has shown
that 91.3% women are victim of eve-teasing either this way or that way, out of these 87%

incidents go to the age level of 10 to 18 years. 60% women are eve-teased by mobile miss cal
and sexy massages. Some are adversely affected by internet pornography and the percentage of
this group is 10.8%. This fact was found out by Bangladesh National women Lawyer association.
They prepared a document containing 1000 women of 10 to 15 years age group to know
about the eve-teasing situation. (Research of BNWLA, Daily Prothom Alo, 2010)

Recent surveys of 512 educational institutions of 64 districts of Bangladesh show 62% school
girls are victims of eve-teasing. Another research shows 87% girls of schools and colleges
become victim of eve-teasing while they go to their school-college and back. Action Aid
Bangladesh found that 41% girl students do not find their campus saves from eve-teasing. 63.6%
studentssay many teachers are involve in eve-teasing activities. Bangladesh National Lawyer
association has given another statistic that in 2006 there are 24 stories of eve-teasing in various
newspapers, 20 in 2007, 39 in 2008, 54 in 2009, 52 in 2010 (Najneen Akhter, Daily
Janakontha, 2010). But Odhiker has reported in 2011 there are 672 incidents of eve-teasing.
According to Odhiker report there were 129 incidents in 2010 (Odhikar, 2010).Above statistics
clearly show that the incidents of eve-teasing are alarmingly increasing year by year. 38.1%
students say they know about man eve-teasing victims caused by teachers. (Statistics of Child
Parliament, Daily Amar Desh, 2010)

While the term ‘eve teasing’ is not used in Indian Penal Code, it does prohibit eve teasing-like
behaviors in Section 294 prohibits making a girl or woman the target of obscene gestures,
remarks, songs, or recitation punishable by up to 3 months in prison (Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014). It
is described by Gosh as “a set of behaviors that is construed as an insult and an act of humiliation
of the female sex” (S. Ghosh, 1990, p. 100).

The day-to-day threat of eve teasing in South Asia is significant enough to curb women and girls’
participation in public, including school and work, resulting in untold opportunity costs for
women and society (Crouch, 2010; Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014). Not only is it a threat to a woman’s
safety, prevailing attitudes about gender roles that lay blame with the victim may exacerbate
feelings of shame and humiliation. Indian women tend to be valued by society in relation to their

role in the family, namely as a chaste and modest wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, and mother
(Srinivasan & Lee, 2004).

Qualitative studies from India and Bangladesh report that eve teasing is a ubiquitous threat for
women that often occurs in broad daylight, and can lead the victim to feel unsafe, embarrassed,
disgusted, objectified, fearful, and humiliated (Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014; Nahar, Van Reeuwijk, &
Reis, 2013). Women from upper-middle-class families in New Delhi reported lesser stigma with
being victimized, whereas adolescent girls from Bangladesh, including urban and rural dwellers
from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, said they feared being blamed by society and even
their families. More importantly, being harassed and blamed for eve teasing may reduce a girl’s
chance of being matched with a suitable husband and could drive up the price of her dowry
(Nahar et al., 2013). These fears do not seem unfounded, as accounts of marriage proposals being
retracted and families marrying off young girls to preempt damage to a girl’s reputation are not
uncommon (Hoque, 2013).

While the impact of eve teasing on the victim is a primary concern, it is important to understand
the perpetrator’s intent and cultural factors that influence such behavior to inform prevention
strategies. For example, the Hindi film industry has been blamed by some for promoting sexual
violence because films popular among youth often portray eve teasing as an effective romantic
pursuit (Ramasubramanian & Oliver, 2003). Conversely, Osella and Osella (1998) describe eve-
teasing-like behaviors in a much more nuanced manner to deepen understanding of courting
behavior among youth in Kerala. They explain that while male youth often begins their flirting
gambit with an aggressive comment that may include a double entendre that is sexual in nature,
the female recipients have the power to end the interaction by not responding or through an
insulting retort of her own. If she is receptive to the attention she may offer very subtle cues or
“tune” into the attention and both parties may enjoy ongoing flirting that most often does not
result in a sexual relationship, but is interesting and fun nonetheless. While it is important to
acknowledge that both parties may enjoy the interaction, the initial aggressive and sexually
charged “gambit” is often neither given with genuine romantic intent, nor welcomed by the
recipient. Given the ubiquity of eve teasing and the common sentiment by women that is a “little
rape” (Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014), a more appropriate means for men to convey romantic interest is
needed. This is especially pertinent in the wake of the highly publicized cases of violence against

women, including the New Delhi gang-rape in 2012, which began with eve-teasing-like behaviors
by a group of men.

The ubiquitous nature of eve teasing may be influenced by the strict patriarchal culture in
northwest India. The World Health Organization suggests that strict patriarchal norms that favor
family honor over the well-being of girls are a community-level risk factor for sexual violence (D.
Ghosh, 2011). The strength of these norms is evidenced by frequent media reports of cases where
eve teasing leads to suicide, interfamily violence, early or forced marriages to preempt or repair
the threat to a girl’s reputation, and even honor killings (Hoque, 2013; Wang, Modvig, &
Montgomery, 2009). Strict patriarchy is particularly prominent in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and
northern India, particularly Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh (Sen, 2001). Previously
unpublished research from the first author among youth in rural Punjab found that eve teasing and
the resulting social isolation of adolescent girls is a common problem.

Chesfeeda Akhtar (2013) provides analysis of the magnitude of eve teasing & it's relation to
socio-economic & psychological factors. It also assesses women’s response to the eve teasing.
According to study eve teasing affects badly on women's development. Any act of gender
based violence that resulted in or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological
harm or suffering to women including threats of such acts coercion or arbitrage
deprivation of liberty life whether occurring in public or private life.(Shally, 2005) stated that
eve teasing is one of the form of violence against the women and girls. Eve teasing remains
the first or introductory incident of violence against women. It is because of male dominated
society and women protests very silently against such heinous crime. The origin of eve-teasing,
the depth of eve-teasing as a problem, the problems caused in the households and individuals and
the role can be played are discussed


Research Methods

Research Methodology explains the methods by which we may processed with our research.
Research methodology involves the learning of the various techniques that can be used in the
conduct of research and in the conduct of tests, experiments, surveys and critical studies.

We may deal with different cases with different activities of different nature of client at that time
we should be aware about the situation and favorable technique of handling the problem by
following the ethical code. As in the case of many social studies, various methods for research
and types of tools can be used in knowledge, attitude and practice study.

3.1 Selection of the study area:

This study focus on Ilam municipality of Ilam district. It is located in a part of province no.1 and
is one of the major places in Nepal for tea production.

3.2 Research Design

The research was conducted in Ilam municipality of Ilam district with representative mix of rural
and urban areas. To conduct the camp research work, it incorporated quantitative approach,.
Quantitative method was used for the survey data collection and analysis. The secondary data was
collected from relevant books, journals, research works, written documents, and website.

3.3 Area of the study and sample design

This report is primarily based on research conducted on ilam municipality of ilam district of
Nepal in the social work research camp held in Shrawan17, 2076. The report is based on 50
interviews, where the study was focused on the different ethnic groups. The researcher conducted
interviews in various villages of Ilam district. All the respondents were advised of the purpose of
this research and how the information would be used for generating the camp report. The
interview was recorded using questionnaire, with the respondents consent and it was conducted at
the respondent's home.

3.4 Nature and Sources of Data

For the research, to collect the information, questionnaires and interviews will be the tools for
primary sources. The questionnaires were open-ended questions. Focal Group Discussions were
also primary data collection tools. Collected primary quantitative data were clearly edited, coded
and classified systematically for analysis. Articles, books, reports, and net-internet and website,
reports, thesis are the sources for secondary data.

3.5 Data Collection Method

Purposive sampling method will be used to select sample for household survey. The purpose is to
observe the eve teasing. And methods like:

 Household Survey
 Field Observation

3.6 Home visit:

The key informant's interview was taken from the home visit by taking different wards of the Ilam
municipality as a research area.

3.7 Data Analysis

It has been devoted in presenting and analyzing the data and information. The raw data collective,
coded, tabulated, and presented in the presentable form. Data analysis for quantitative studies, on
the other hand, involves critical analysis and interpretation of figures and numbers, and attempts
to find rationale behind the emergence of main findings. Comparisons of primary research
findings to the findings of the literature review are critically important .Data analysis methods in
the absence of primary data collection can involve discussing common patterns, as well as,
controversies within secondary data directly related to the research area.

After the required data collected they will carefully processed to make them ready for the
analysis. Data processing basically deals with data editing, coding. Classification and tabulation
of the collected data will be done. Data analysis is a process of reducing\ condensing the data in to

logical, understanding from such that can be studied and tested in scientific perspective. Different
figures are used in the data.


Data presentation and Findings


Frequency Percent
male 19 38.0
Valid female 31 62.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above given table shows 38% respondent are male and 62% respondent are female.

Frequency Percent

driver 7 14.0

student 22 44.0

Valid shopkeeper 11 22.0

business 10 20.0

Total 50 100.0

The above table shows that 44% respondent are students, 22% respondent are
shopkeepers, 20% respondent are businessman and 14% respondent are driver.


Frequency Percent
None 10 20.0
s.l.c 14 28.0
Valid +2 16 32.0
Bachelor 10 20.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019

The above table shows that 32% respondent are +2 students, 28% respondent are s l c
students, 20% respondent are bachelors student and 20% respondent are none.

Know about eve teasing

Frequency Percent

Valid Yes 50 100.0

Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 100% respondent knows about eve teasing.

Incident prevalent around you where you live work study

Frequency Percent

Yes 39 78.0

Valid No 11 22.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 78% respondent prevalent about eve teasing in their living
area, working area and study area and 22% respondent prevalent about eve teasing in
their living area, working area and study area.

Experienced eve teasing

Frequency Percent

Yes 49 98.0

Valid No 1 2.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 98% respondent has experienced eve teasing and only 2% has
not experienced eve teasing.

Age group effects the most

Frequency Percent

12 to 16 21 42.0

17 to 25 8 16.0

Valid 26 to 35 1 2.0

above 20 40.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 42% respondent says that 12to16 age group affects the most
by eve teasing, 40% respondent says that all the above age group affects the most by eve
teasing, 16% respondent says that 17to35 age group effects the most by eve teasing and
only 2% respondent says that 26to35 age group effects the most by eve teasing.

Involve most in eve teasing

Frequency Percent

man 23 46.0

woman 11 22.0
both 16 32.0

Total 50 100.0

Source: Field survey, 2019

The above table shows that 50% of respondent says that all the above age group involve
the most in eve teasing, 36% of respondent says that 16to21 age group involve the most
in eve teasing, 8% of respondent says that 21to26 age group involve the most in eve
teasing and 6% of respondent says that 26to31 age group involve the most in eve teasing.

Why man women tease woman man

Frequency Percent

for timepass 17 34.0

they think its cool 25 50.0

Valid they know they will not
8 16.0
be punished
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 50% of respondent says man\woman tease because they think
it’s cool, 34% of respondent says for time pass and 16% of respondent says they know
they will not be punished.

Incident to eve teasing make you feel

Frequency Percent

i feel bad,but i have

26 52.0
learned to live with it
i feel bad,but i feel
16 32.0
Valid helpless
i feel it unfair,so i fight
8 16.0
Total 50 100.0

Source: Field survey, 2019

The above table shows that 52% of respondent says they feel bad, but they have learned
to live with it, 32% of respondent says they feel bad, but they feel helpless and 16% of
respondent says they feel it unfair, so they fight back.

Draw the attention of by standers to the incident

Frequency Percent

No 30 60.0

Yes 5 10.0
depends 15 30.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 60% of respondent says no to draw the attention of
bystanders, 30% of respondent says depends to draw the attention of bystanders, 10% of
respondent says yes to draw the attention of bystanders.

Response when you feel eve teasing

Frequency Percent

physical 8 16.0

ignorance 32 64.0

Valid legal 4 8.0

social 6 12.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 64% of respondent response were ignorance, 16% of
respondent response were physical, 6% of respondent response were social and 4% of
respondent were legal.

Steps that should be taken to stop eve teasing

Frequency Percent

legal action 8 16.0

self defence 29 58.0

seeking help 13 26.0

Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 58% of respondent says of self-defense to stop eve teasing,
26% of respondent says of seeking help to stop eve teasing and 16% of respondent says
of legal action to stop eve teasing.

Reasons that majority of cases are not reported

Frequency Percent

Fear 11 22.0

no easy way to report 6 12.0

lack of strong laws to
Valid convict the culprit 6 12.0

i don't expect any

27 54.0
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2012
The above table shows that 54% of respondent says majority of cases are not reported
because they don’t expect any results, 22% of respondent says of fear, 12% of respondent
says of no easy way to report, 12% of respondent says of lack of strong laws to convict
the culprit.

Changes after facing eve teasing

Frequency Percent

low self confidence 8 16.0

feeling depressed 6 12.0

feeling need to self
Valid improvement 21 42.0

involving in campaign
15 30.0
against eve teasing
Total 50 100.0
Source: Field survey, 2019
The above table shows that 42% of respondent says need to self improvement after facing
eve teasing, 30% of respondent says to involve in campaign against eve teasing, 16% of
respondent says feel low self confident and 6% of respondent says feel depressed.

 The research conducts shows most of the respondent knows about eve teasing.
 Maximum respondent were prevalent about eve teasing around they live, work and study.
 Most of the respondent has experienced eve teasing.
 Age of 12 to 16 group effects the most by eve teasing.
 All the age group of people involves in eve teasing.
 Most of the people tease because they think it’s cool, for time pass and few tease because
they know they will not be punished.
 Maximum number of incident of eve teasing make them feel bad, but they have learned
to live with it, they feel helpless and only few people feel it unfair, so they fight back.
 Maximum number of respondent doesn’t draw the attention of the bystanders.
 Most of the respondent wants self-defense, seeking help and only few wants legal action
to stop eve teasing.

 Most of the respondent says majority of cases are not reported to legal authorities because
they don’t expect any results, of fear, and few says because of no easy way to report and lack of
strong laws to convict the culprit.
 Most of the respondent says to self-improvement after facing eve teasing and other says
to involve in campaign against eve teasing, felt low self-confident and felt depressed after facing
eve teasing.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary

Eve teasing is the act of annoying a people or people in public places. Eve teasing is a common
evil practiced especially against women in public places and is often used as a method to show
women their rightful place by the patriarchy. Mostly women are often subjected to grouping,
suggestive remarks, whistling, catcalls and the like by men in public places like markets, malls,
streets and roads, movie halls, in buses etc. Rejection in love by a girl is another reason that the
boys resort to eve teasing as this is the form in which they take revenge.

Equality between both the genders does not go down well with boys even in today’s time and
hence it also leads for them to do eve teasing, as the usual impact is that the girls resent and then
resort to sit at home. People tease for time pass, they think it’s cool and also they think they will
not be punished. Eve teasing is one kind of sexual harassment of women by men with the use of
the “EVE”. It is the form of sexually aggression like –

 Erotic behavior towards females.

 Molestation
 Street harassment
 Whistling etc.

Modes of eve teasing are:

 Well-timed clap
 Sly whistle

 Seemingly casual touch

 Slang comment
 Cheap gesture

5.2 Conclusion

Eve teasing is a one of the serious problem. It shows the cultural dominance of males in the
society. Girls facing the problem of eve teasing with high intensity even our efforts are very less
to avoid eve teasing. Though it is true that strong laws and punishment are an effective deterrent
but that is not enough. Intention is not to punish the eve teaser but to prevent such crime so that
many girls can enjoy the social environment which is free from the fear. Now it is our duty as a
responsible person of the society to start the talking on this topic. If we could not start talking we
cannot act to change the present situation. We must stand up and speak and act against this
menace. We need to report all these cases and system has to take strong action against the eve
teaser. Eve teasing is increasing day by day. Every day so many women are victim of eve teasing
compared to men. Eve teasing should be prevented from the root. If people are more aware about
eve teasing and educated enough that it is a social crime the rate of eve teasing could get reduce.

5.3 Recommendation
 There should be social worker in every college to counsel girls as well as boys
 Need to increase the role of family to give the moral education in the family
 There is a need of implication of laws that can directly make an effect on eve teasing
 Moral education at school and college level should get adopted
 Local police and school security should play strong role
 Aware of people around you
 Avoid getting overfriendly with strangers
 Self defense
 Have emergency speed dial numbers in your phone
 Carry pepper spray or small knife.


"Eve-Teasing". Time. 12 September 1960

Krug E, Dahlberg L, Mercy J, Zwi A, Lozano R (2002).

"Not just eve-teasing!". Deccan Herald. 7 March 2009. Archived from the original on 9 February
2015. Retrieved 9 February 2015

Reena Devi; Anu Jasrotia, Eve-Teasing in the Panjab

University Campus: A Study of Girls Hostel Students,

Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research Vol.2

Issue 8, August 2013,

Chesfeeda Akhtar, Eve teasing as a form of violence against women: A case study of District

Kashmir, International Journal of Sociology and

Anthropology, Vol. 5(5), pp. 168-178, August, 2013.

Shally, R. (2005). Women and Our Society. A Survey

Report of Unnayan Padakkhep, Dhaka: Banglade Afridi, Tehniya S (8 July 2013).

"Eve teasing: The power game". The Express Tribune. Pakistan. Retrieved 9 February 2015.

Barrett, Grant (2006), "Eve Teasing", The Official Dictionary of Unofficial English, McGraw-

Hill Professional, p. 109,

Shah, Giriraj (1993), "Eve-Teasing", Image Makers: An Attitudinal Study of Indian Police,

Abhinav Publications,

Eve teasing, Hoque, 2013; Wang, Modvig, & Montgomery, 2009




1. NAME :
2. AGE :
3. SEX :

7. Do you know about eve teasing?
a. Yes b. No
8. If yes ..........................................
9. Are incidents of eve teasing prevalent around you where you live, work and
a. Yes b. No

10. Have you ever experienced eve teasing?

a. Yes b. No
11. To which age group according to you eve teasing effects the most?
a. 12 to 16 b. 17 to 25 c. 26 to 35
12. Which age group involve most in eve teasing?
a. 16 to 21 b. 21 to 26 c. 26 to 31 d. Above
13. In your opinion, who involve in eve teasing the most?
a. Man b. Woman c. Both
14. In your opinion, why do men/ women tease women/men?
a. For timepass
b. They think its ‘cool’
c. They know they’ll not be punished
15. Has any of your friends as come across the same problem?
a. Yes b. No
16. How does an incident of eve teasing make you feel?
a. I feel bad, but I have learned to live with it
b. I feel bad, but I feel helpless
c. I feel it unfair, so I fight back
17. Generally, do you try to draw the attention of the bystanders to the incident?
a. Yes b. No c. Depends
18. If yes, what is the usual reaction of the bystanders?

a. Generally they do not pay attention

b. Stand there and watch
c. Confront the culprit
19. If no, please indicate why don’t you draw attention of the bystanders or try to
seek help?
a. I don’t need anybody’s help to take care of myself
b. I am fearful that if I raise voice what would the culprit do next time
c. I generally don’t have time
20. What is your response when you feel eve teasing?
a. Physical b. Ignorance c. Legal d. Social
21. Will it be easier to take initiative if you know the people around you will also
help and support you?
a. Yes may be
b. Yes certainly it gives confidence
c. No
22. According to you what steps should be taken to stop this eve teasing?
a. Legal Action b. Self Defense c. Seeking Help
23. In your opinion, what are the reasons that majority of such cases are not
reported to legal authorities?
a. Fear
b. No easy way to report
c. Lack of strong laws to convict the culprit
d. I don’t expect any results
24. What changes have occurred in you after facing eve teasing?
a. Low self confidence
b. Feeling depressed
c. Feeling need to self-improvement
d. Involving in campaign against eve teasing

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