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Name: Monica Rible Seat #: E1

Course and Year: BSCE-1 Date: September 5, 2019


In this forth chapter, I felt grateful to encounter statistics it has to deals with
collection, presentation, analysis, and also interpreting data. We have a seat work and
answered all of it by brainstorming and sharing what we have learned based on the
discussion and on our own concept by the topic. I learned that in investigating a set of
numerical data the most appropriate to describe is the measure of Central Tendency
where it has common methods of mean, median and the mode. And also, in collecting
data it should be arranged in an increasing or decreasing order of magnitude. And
lastly, we can understand directly the situation of the certain problem by just watching
the visual representation of data because it will be easy to determine the facts and
interpret it, this method also can be used in companies and businesses.

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