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?auline and Dale have very different api*ions abut havtng siblings.

Read their
vis}tts and answer the qtrcstions belovt-

I, Pauline, orn on only I, Dale, hcve on older

child and I love it. First, when brother and a younger sister,
I wcrs little I got all the otten- ond I love being the middle
tion. My grandporents, and child of three. First, there's
eveE my porents to some always someoile around to do
extent, spoiled me. I got more things with, even if it's iusf
presents ond toys thon I wotching TY. Second in addi-
would hove if I had brothers cnd sisters- Next, tion to oll the stuffI hove, there's my brothet's
growing up we never hsd to rctredule oround ond sistet's stuff, too. Tl/hotever I wont or need
kids'octivities. I wss it, so no waiting or giving is usuolty availoble to we or bororr. fhir{
up something or other because a brother or sis* having a brother ond sister meons there is
ter had o conflict or "dibs," Third, I olwoys had olways sooreone to tolk to who understoods
myolyn room ollto myself" There were nobig- what ifs like to be a kid- We hetp each other
ger or younger brothers ond sisters to mess r,ith oll kinds of things from honaework to put-
with my stuff or borro*r' &ings frorn me. ting o united front on to the parents rrhen we
Finclly, ond maybe best of oll, I never hod to worrt something. Finally and best of all, there
stoy home to watch o brofher or sister or drog ore three of trs to do the drores oround the
them along with me somewhere. house, ond we con even trode if we want to.

1. What do Pauline and Dale share in commont lhq bdlh walt qlf Ulion

2. lach person exalts the advantages of their situation and ignores the disadvantages.

One disadvantage Dale could point out to Pauline about being an only child is that it ca$ be
lonely. Name another"
One disadvantage Pauline could point out to Dale about having siblings is that there is little
or no privacy. Name another. rnh A'i/
3. Pauline and Dale have opposing views. ls one right and one wrong? \trhy or why not?

4. lf you had to trade places with Pauline or Dale, which would you choose? Palt
5. Describe your own situation: Are you an only child or do you have siblings? lf you do, how

many and where do you fall in the age range? t l'alc ,9t'blhr-c

6. Are you happy with your situation as Pauline and Dale are, or would you rather it was a

different way? Cive your vielvs and explain why.

Reading C-omprehensioa r Saddleback Educarional Publitlaine 02002 3 Varsaru hrine, C.A 92618rPhme{S88}SD[-BACKrwm'r*dWrm

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