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1.1 Latar Belakang

Humans breathe oxygen in free air and release carbon dioxide into the
environment. Respiration is a double process that is the exchange of gas in the fingers
or "deep breathing" and that occurs in the lungs "outside breathing". External
breathing which is the exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood and air. Deep
breathing which is the exchange of O2 and CO2 from the bloodstream to body cells.
In humans, the respiratory system, including the channel, is used to carry air
into the lungs where gas exchange occurs. The diaphragm draws air in and also
removes it. Various variations of the respiratory system are found in various types of
living things.
1.2 Rumusan masalah
1. What is a respiratory system?
2. What are the types of human respiratory organs?
3. What are the problems / abnormalities in the human respiratory system?
1.3 Tujuan
1. To find out the understanding of the respiratory system
2. To understand the structure of respiratory organs or respiratory devices in humans
3. To find out disorders / abnormalities in the human respiratory system
A. Understandig of the respiratory system
Respiration is the process of air taking to get Oxygen (O2) required for
oxidation of foodstuff that happens in cell with its final product is energy. Air taking
from surrounding is different for each kind of organism but, by the big line, air taking
by organism is separadet into two, those are indirectly and directly.

Air taking indirectly happens in organism that already has particular

respiratory organ, while air taking directly happens in organism that has not yet
particular respiratory organ.
Commonly organism needs oxygen to breathe, even-though obligate anaerobic
microorganism can live forever without oxygen (O2) and facultative anaerobic
microorganism can live temporary withut oxygen (O2).
The constituter organ of respiratory system in organism is different, some are
simple and there are also complex systems. Commonly the higher level of organism
then he the more complex constituter organ of its respiratory system. Besides also,
respiratory organ is adjusted with its living place, therefore respiratory organ in
organism that lives on land is different with respiratory organ in organism in the
B. Respiratory System in Human
Respiration in human is included indirectly respiration. Air frm atmosphere enters
into the body with the mediator of respiratory organs.
C. Human respiratory organ
Human respiratory rgan cnsist f nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, and lung.

 Nasal cavity
Nasal cavity is the entering place of respiratory air. In nasal cavity is fund
smooth hair and mucilage membrane that have function of filter air. Air that enters
becomes rather humid and chages air temperature to be suitable with body
Nasal cavity is divided into two chambers by nasal cavity separatr that is
strengthened by cartilage, while in its both sides is found flat protrusion of
cartilage called concha. Concha many contains blood capillary s if the entering air
has temperature lower than body temperature blood capillary will release its energy
to nasal cavity causes the etering air becomes warm.

Nasal cavity can be separated into three regions, those are:

Vestibulum, found behind of nose hole

The region of the end of olfactory nerve, found above of nasal cavity
Respiratory regin, the biggest area in nasal cavity
 Pharynx
Pharynx is a canal that has the length of 12 until 14 cm, it lies in parallel with
vertebrae. Pharynx is happening place of crossing between respiratory tract with
digestive tract. Below pharynx is found the base of throat bar called larynx.

Larynx is complex structure that has shape of inversed cone that is composed
of nine cartilages and an amount of muscle. The leghth of larynx is about 3 or 4 cm.
Cartilage that is found in larynx’s entering door is called epiglottis. Below epiglottis
is found thyroidal cartilage that form Adam’s apple more appears is man than
woman. In larynx part is also found slit that goes to trachea called glottis and voice
band. There are several muscles that control the tension of voice bands so it vibrate
and produce sound.
 Trachea
Trachea is pipe that has length about 11 cm it lies in frount of esophagus.
Trachea wall consist of three layers, those are:
1. The outer layer consist of connective tissue
2. The middle layer consist of smooth muscle and cartilaginous ring.
3. The most inner layer consists of ciliated epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue
produces mush of mucilage that has main function to catch tract foreign
thisngs that will enter into the lung and return it to upper course of
The lower end of trachea ends like inversed Y letter, forms tw bronchi, that is
right bronchus and left bronchus. The position of bronchi that goes to the left lung
and right lung are differs. Bronchus that goes to the left lung its position is flatter
than bronchus that goes to the right lung. This is one cause the right lung is easier
attacked by disaese.

In the lung, bronchus has branches again becomes very small canals bronchioles.
The end of bronchioles is small bulb called lung bulb (alveolus).

 Lung
Lung is located in chest cavity, it has one pair that is right lung and left lung.
The right lung consist f three lobes, while the left lung consist of two lobes. As well
as right lung is bigger than left lung. Right lung and left lung is covered by lung cover
membrane called pleura. In the lung is found alveolus that its amount is s many. In
human is found about 300 billion of alveoli.
D. Disorders of the respiratory system
1. Sinusitis, which is an infection of the sinuses. This infection occurs when the nasal
passages that lead to sinus congestion.
2. Tonsillitis, which is an infection of the tonsils so that it is inflamed and swollen.
Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils that occur in the pharyngeal region are
called tonsils. If it occurs in the nasopharynx is called adenoids.
3. Laryngitis, which is an infection of the larynx that causes hoarseness or hoarseness.
4. Bronchitis, which is an infection of the bronchial region that is usually preceded by
a bacterial infection.
5. Pneumonia, which is an infection of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria so
that the bronchi and alveoli contain lots of fluids. This condition resulted in the
disruption of the air exchange process.
6. Tuberculosis or tuberculosis, which is an infection of the lungs caused by the
bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
7. Chronic bronchitis, which is blocked airways by mucous fluid so that the air supply
to the lungs is disrupted.
8. Fisema, which is a disorder in the lungs characterized by damage to the walls of
the alveoli so that the air exchange is reduced.
9. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease (inflammation) of the airway causing
hyperesponsive airway enhancement that causes recurrent episodic symptoms in
the form of wheezing (wheezing sounds), shortness of breath, chest feels heavy and
coughing especially at night before dawn. These symptoms occur associated with
broad, varied airway obstruction and are often reversible with or without treatment.
As is known, the breath of human breath originates from the mouth and nose, then
unites in the neck area into a trachea (throat) that will enter the lungs. In the lungs,
one tracheal airway will branch off, one to the left lung and another to the right
lung. After that, each will branch out again, the longer the course is smaller until
23 times and ends in the alveoli, where there is an exchange of gas, oxygen (O2)
into the blood vessels, and carbon dioxide (CO2) is circulated.
10. Lung cancer, more experienced by men than women. The cause of this cancer is
one of them triggered by long-term smoking habits, both active and passive.
11. Flu, which is a disease characterized by slimy nasal cavity, cough, and fever. This
disease is caused by an influenza virus infection.



Understanding breathing or respiration is a process ranging from oxygen
uptake, expenditure of carbohydrates to the use of energy in the body.
Humans inhale breathe oxygen in free air and remove carbon dioxide into the
environment. Respiratory devices in humans are the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. And there are some disorders in the
human respiratory system.
In animal respiration also involves various means of respiration. Animals that
live in terrestrial environments mostly breathe using lungs, whereas animals that live
in water breathe using gills.
Take care of the health of respiratory organs, especially in the lungs and other
respiratory system organs. In order to avoid disruption in our respiratory system,
avoid air pollution and toxic gases, and especially avoid smoking. And take care of
your lungs (pulmo) to keep them clean, because the lungs are susceptible to infectious
diseases so that they cause tissue damage.

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