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A.S.M. Faruk Hossain

Product Executive, PMD
Mob: 01717678894
Techno Drugs Ltd.
What are we talking about?
 What is puberty?
 What are the changes I can see and
what is private?
 What are the reproductive organs and
how do they work?
 How do I take care of my changing
What's Happening to my Body?
Your Changing Body
 When we talk about these changes it is normal to feel…

curious disgust comfortable

shy embarrassed excited

What is puberty?
 Itis the time when our bodies change
from a child’s body to an adult body.

Girls – Start to release Boys – Start to make

eggs sperm cell
What is puberty?
 These
are the cells that are necessary to
make a new human.
When do changes happen?
 Anywhere between 8 and 17 years old?
 Most people begin between the ages of 10
and 14
 When you start makes no difference to how
you develop.
 No age is better than any other one.
 For some most changes happen in a few
 For some changes happen slowly over lots of
Boys, Girls,

Adapted from: Beyond the Basics: A Sourcebook on
Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education.
Canadian Federation for Sexual Health, 2005.
Girls Boys
 Get taller and heavier  Get taller and heavier
 Hips get wider and more  Nose and jaw get bigger
curvy  Face gets longer
 Face changes shape  Get more muscles
 Oily skin and hair, pimples  Oily skin and hair, pimples
 Voices get a little deeper  Body sweats more
 Hair grows under the armpits  Hair grows on the face, under
and around the genitals armpits, around the genitals
 Hair on arms and legs grows  May get more hair on arms, legs
darker and chest
 Breasts and nipples get  Voice gets deeper
larger  Penis and testicles grow, scrotum
 Body sweats more changes
 Internal and external sex  May have mood swings, sexual
organs grow thoughts and feelings
 May have mood swings,
sexual thoughts and feelings.
What causes these changes?
 Hormones – chemical messengers that travel the
blood stream from the place where they are
made to the place where they do their work.
 Each hormone has a specific job
 Both girls and boys make the same sex hormones.
The main ones are testosterone and estrogen.
 Boys make lots of testosterone, and not so much
 Girls make lots of estrogen, not so much
Boy Parts

and Labeling
Boy Parts
Seminal Vesicles
Prostate Gland
Vas Deferens

Source: Always Changing Program, PHE Canada, 2011

 Hormones makes the testicles grow and
they start making more testosterone and
producing sperm.
 After puberty you make 200,000 – 400,000
sperm cells a day for the rest of your life.
Erection and Ejaculation
 If semen is going to come the penis is
likely to be erect
 A penis gets erect when blood rushes into
 Muscles push the semen into the urethra
and out the penis
 This is called ejaculation.
Erection and Ejaculation
 Ifa boy wakes up and finds a wet sticky
spot on his pyjamas, semen came out
when he was sleeping. This is called
nocturnal emissions, or a “wet dream”.
 Some boys have wet dreams and some
Girl Parts

and Labeling
Girl Parts
Fallopian Tubes

Source: Always Changing Program, PHE Canada, 2011

 Girls are born with hundreds of thousands
of tiny eggs, called ova – one is called an
 These egg cells are only half formed
 At puberty hormones tell the ovaries it is
time to start releasing ova
 Usually one egg at a time matures
(develops) and is released from an ovary.
 At the same time the uterus starts to grow
a thick lining on the inside wall
 The lining has lots of tiny blood vessels
 The lining is there to protect and feed an
egg that has combined with a sperm to
form a fertilized egg.
 If the egg does not meet a sperm, the
lining is not needed, and is then shed. This
is often called a period.
Questions about Periods
 When will a girl gets her first period? – No
one can tell exactly when it will start.
 How long will the bleeding last? – It can
vary from 3 – 8 days.
 How much will a girl bleed during her
period? – Usually only a few tablespoons.
 How often will a girl get her period – It is
often unpredictable at first but later will
arrive between every 23 – 35 days.
Questions about Periods
 Will it hurt? – the bleeding itself is not
painful, but cramping that can help to
remove the blood from the uterus can be
 Will people know when a girl has her
period? – Not unless she tells them.
Pads and Tampons
 Girls use pads or tampons to catch the blood that comes
from the vagina.
 Pads are a sticky strip of material the absorbs the blood.
They are placed in the underwear. It should be changed
 A tampon is a small plug of material that fits inside the
vagina to absorb the blood. This should be changed
Daily Checklist for a Changing
 Shower daily
 Use deodorant or anti-perspirant on the
 Wash face daily to help prevent acne
 Brush teeth twice per day
 Use shampoo on your hair to prevent
 Eat a well balanced diet
 Get plenty of exercise.
Thank you
Have a Good Day

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