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Technical and Usage Information

Genesys 20 Setup
Unpack the shipping carton and verify that all equipment is present. If an item is missing, contact GEX.
Included in the carton:
‰ Genesys™ 20 spectrophotometer
‰ Genesys™ 20 Operator’s Manual (in four languages)
‰ Warranty card
‰ Power cable - appropriate to the country of use.

Additional items that may be included:

‰ Dosimeter holder P4502 and/or P4506
‰ RS232 serial cable P4130
‰ PENvac P8005

Place the instrument on a flat, even surface, with unobstructed airflow around the instrument on all sides. Connect the power cord to the A/C
connector on back of the instrument. The instrument automatically switches to voltages between 110 to 240V. The instrument is set by GEX to
start up in Absorbance Mode at the 554 nm wavelength and to communicate with WINdose for Excel software. This program is purchased
separately and requires installation on your computer (see the WINdose for Excel Installation and Operations Manual for system requirements).
If using the GEX WINdose for Excel software, start your computer before turning the Genesys 20 instrument on. The instrument may be turned
off and on without rebooting your computer. It is strongly recommended that the instrument be turned off and on once per day, to allow it to run
through its self checks. Perform the following on a daily basis:

• Remove the cuvette cup and turn on the instrument

• Allow the instrument to warm up for at least 30 minutes
• Insert the cuvette cup
• Insert the sample holder (for GEX holders see the particular holder information sheet)
• Close the sample compartment lid and press the “0 ABS” button

Power up initialization usually takes about 3 minutes.

Checkout Spectrophotometer Operation:

These steps should be performed the first time the system is started, and some of them routinely as part of the periodic calibration checks,
whenever a problem is suspected with dosimetry, and especially after maintenance and/or lamp replacement.
1) The instrument is designed to operate with the sample compartment lid down. The instrument will have difficulty stabilizing and
display a large photometric drift if the lid is left open during initialization and operation.
2) Read page 2 and pages 6-8 of the Operator’s Manual to learn how to use the Utility keys.
3) Set the desired Display Language (page 6 of the Operator’s Manual). The instrument is shipped with English as the default. (Note:
The numeric output through the RS232 is set to English format only by Spectronic Unicam and cannot be changed to any other
4) Check Lamp Alignment (page 11 of the Operator’s Manual). The lamp may have lost alignment due to bumps and shaking during
shipment. Slamming the sample compartment lid down can also affect the alignment.
5) Check Lamp Hours (page 8 of the Operator’s Manual). There will be several already on the instrument due to manufacturer and GEX
checkout. Lamps have an expected lifetime of approximately 1000 hours, but GEX recommends replacement after approximately 800
hours to ensure that the light intensity remains consistent.
6) Check instrument drift. Insert the dosimeter holder fully and gently close the sample compartment lid. Press the 0 ABS/100% T
button. The display should show 0.000. Observe the absorbance display at intervals for 30 minutes, the drift in the reading should be
no greater than 0.003 A. Vibration can affect the frequency and size of the drift: make allowances for other equipment operation,
slamming drawers or doors, stacking things on the lab table, heavy movements, tapping or hitting the instrument, etc.

G E X C o r p o r a t i o n 7 3 3 0 S . Al t o n W a y , 1 2 - I C e n t e n n i a l , C o l o r a d o 8 0 1 1 2 U S A
Tel: 303-400-9640 FAX: 303-400-9831 E-mail:
100-110 031405
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Technical and Usage Information

Spectrophotometer Calibration:
Check calibration with GEX part #P4220 - Spectronic Standards, or an equivalent set of optical calibration standards traceable to National or
International standards. The recommended procedure is described in the Spectronic Standards Operator’s Manual.
Individual company standard operating procedures will dictate the frequency of calibration. GEX Corporation recommends the following
minimum schedule:
‰ Immediately following lamp replacement.
‰ After any maintenance or service.
‰ Monthly.

Dosimeter Holders:
GEX supplies dosimeter film holders (part #P4502 hinged WINdose holder, and part #P4506 DoseStix holder) precision machined to control the
dosimeter position throughout the readout process and to minimize light scatter from the film surfaces.
1) Orient the holder properly in the instrument. The conical hole of the P4502 must face into the main body of the instrument, i.e. away
from the user. If the holder is positioned backwards measurements will be inconsistent.
2) Insert the holder firmly. There should be some resistance from the compartment spring, but it is not necessary to use a force. Push the
holder down until it seats at the bottom of the sample compartment. Lightly touch the dosimeter holder and attempt to wiggle it in the
sample compartment. If the dosimeter holder does not return to its original position, this may indicate that the spring is worn and the
sample compartment holder should be replaced.
3) Characterize instrument and personnel variation (See GEX recommended procedure #100-252 for detailed instructions). Insert the
holder, close the sample compartment lid and zero the instrument. Completely remove the dosimeter holder from the instrument, then
re-insert it, close the sample compartment lid and observe the absorbance reading. WARNING: Always gently close the lid, do not
let it drop or slam the lid closed as this can jar the light detector and cause mis-measurement.
4) Perform this measurement 30 or more times to learn how inserting the dosimeter holder can affect measurements. Perform these
measurements using all personnel who will be expected to make measurements. It is recommended to record these instrumentation
and personnel characterization measurements, to estimate the contribution of dosimeter handling by personnel to measurement
uncertainty, and to include this estimate in the total estimated uncertainty of the dosimetry system. If the variation in this test is
greater than 2%, alter handling methods and perform the test again. If the variation still exceeds 2%, check the instrument calibration.
5) It is strongly recommended that all new personnel or those who have not used the instrument for a long period of time be required to
demonstrate consistent measurements with the empty holder before being allowed to make dosimeter measurements.

Troubleshooting Suggestions:
Please read pages 13-14 of the Operator’s Manual, particularly the sections on error messages related to “Filter Whl Init Fail/Insufficient
Energy” and “Mono Init Fail/Insufficient Energy.”
The major causes of these error messages have been, in order of frequency:
‰ Dosimeter holder not inserted fully or inserted sideways.
‰ Sample compartment door open during instrument startup.
‰ New lamp installation.

Always check the first two situations before opening the lamp compartment and adjusting lamp alignment.

The Genesys 20 spectrophotometer is supplied with a full one-year manufacturer’s warranty against instrument failure. Please fill out and send
the warranty card directly to Thermo Electron Corporation to insure quicker service. GEX Corporation does not warrant user modifications. Any
usage of the data derived from usage of this instrument is the responsibility of the user.

©2002 GEX Corporation. WINdose is a trademark of GEX Corporation. Genesys is a trademark of Thermo Electron Corporation.

G E X C o r p o r a t i o n 7 3 3 0 S . Al t o n W a y , 1 2 - I C e n t e n n i a l , C o l o r a d o 8 0 1 1 2 U S A
Tel: 303-400-9640 FAX: 303-400-9831 E-mail:
100-110 031405
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