ABSTRACT Political Science

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LGBTQ community rights: the journey till now the following statements signifies the journey of
LGBTQ community and what rights they are enshrine with. LGBT ’Q’ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender) and Q stands for ‘Queer or Questioning of their sexual identity. This term LGBT
has some reference one or the other in pre-colonial societies in India in Vedic text ‘Manusmriti’
Lesbianism was treated as heinous crime and for it more serious punishment was there and in
Islamic period, the Muslim Shariat law treats homosexual conduct as a serious offence therefore
in different religion different punishments were provided to homosexual offences in India.
Before 19th century these problems were secluded to limited area but in 19th century the LGBT
community got instigated and raised their voices in support of violation human rights and
following that in 20th century more and more movements came in fourth and now current
scenario is that on 6th September 2018 supreme court had passed the judgement on
decriminalizing section 377 of IPC. so the long tussle between LGBT community and judiciary
came to an end from Delhi high court 2009 judgement (Decriminalized sex between consenting
adults of the same gender) to overturning that judgement in 2013 by supreme court and in 2017
after supreme court said that Right to privacy is a fundamental right which open the door for
fresh pleas to decriminalize gay sex which now in 2018 has been decriminalizes part of 377 of
IPC which criminalizes consensual unnatural sex. What I contributed in this research project is
that after the recent judgement the adverse effect of this will be a ground for politics.

This further embraces on echo criticisms, identity politics or we can say LGBT politics and
contribution of LGBT political studies beyond the study of sexuality and politics. Political
science and political theory provides a deeper understanding of issues that lie at the intersection
of sex and politics.

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