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Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during

resistance spot welding Part I: fusion zone

M. Pouranvari*1, M. Alizadeh-Sh2 and S. P. H. Marashi3
Weldability is one of the key requirements for automotive materials. This two-part paper aims at
understanding the metallurgical phenomena during resistance spot welding of stainless steels, as
interesting candidates for automotive body in white. Part I addresses the phase transformations in
the fusion zone of three types of stainless steels including austenitic, ferritic and duplex types. The
solidification and solid state phenomena including columnar to equiaxed transition, ferrite–
austenite post-solidification transformation, martensitic transformation and carbide precipitation
are discussed. Particular attention is given to the effect of high cooling rate of resistance spot
welding process on the ferrite–austenite transformation. Key factors controlling the hardness of
the fusion zone are highlighted.
Keywords: Resistance spot welding, Welding metallurgy, Stainless steel, Phase transformations, Fusion zone

This paper is part of a special issue on Problems in the Welding of Automotive Alloys

Introduction adequate protection to its passengers against injuries in the

event of a crash, largely depends on the integrity and the
Materials selection is a key stage for the vehicle design. mechanical performance of the spot welds.7–9 Therefore,
Increasing global demands for energy conservation, study of welding metallurgy of stainless steel sheets is a
environmental protection and improved crashworthiness prerequisite for their use in automotive structural parts.
have prompted automotive manufactures to develop light- Mechanical performance of resistance spot welds is sig-
weight automobiles.1,2 Vehicle weight reduction can be nificantly affected by:7,10–15
achieved by replacing heavy steel components with materials
such as advanced high strength steel (AHSS), aluminium, (i) weld physical attributes, particularly the fusion
magnesium or glass fibre reinforced polymer composites.3 zone (FZ) size: the weld nugget size is controlled
The possibility of using stainless steels in structural by heat generation and heat dissipation, which in
automotive was studied by a next generation vehicle turn are governed by electrical resistivity and
(NGV) programme.4,5 Next generation vehicle demon- thermal conductivity of the metal sheets being
strated that using stainless steels reduces weight and, at welded respectively.7 Table 1 16 shows a sum-
the same time, increases safety, sustainability and mary of physical properties of the ASS, FSS,
environmental resistance of the structural automotive martensitic stainless steel (MSS) and DSS com-
systems. Stainless steel can be used in door pillars pared with low carbon steel. The higher electrical
including A and B pillar reinforcement parts, bumper resistivity and lower thermal conductivity
beams, rollover bars, crash boxes, suspension/wheel coupled with the lower melting temperatures of
housings and subframes.4–6 Under impact, high strength stainless steels contribute to the lower currents
austenitic and duplex stainless steels (DSSs) offer and shorter welding times, which are necessary
excellent energy absorption in relation to strain rate. for the development of an acceptable weld
Therefore, they are ideal for the revolutionary ‘space nugget. The high coefficient of thermal expansion
frame’ car body structure concept. Moreover, nowa- of stainless steels compared to the low carbon
days, using austenitic stainless steels (ASSs) and ferritic steels make them more susceptible to solidifica-
stainless steels (FSSs) in structural frameworks and body tion cracking during welding
panelling of buses and coaches is widely accepted.5 (ii) metallurgical factors: mechanical properties and
Resistance spot welding (RSW) is a critical joining pro- failure behaviour of the spot welds depend on the
cess in vehicle production. Vehicle crashworthiness, which weld metallurgical characteristics including micro-
is defined as the capability of a car structure to provide structural and hardness characteristics of the
weldment. It is shown that the hardness charac-
teristic, which in turn is governed by weld phase
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of transformations, is the key controlling factor in
Technology, Tehran, Iran interfacial to pullout failure mode transition of re-
Young Researchers and Elite Club, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran sistance spot welds.7 Therefore, studying the phase
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University transformations in FZ and heat affected zone is
of Technology, Tehran, Iran critical for understanding the failure mode beha-
*Corresponding author, email viour and mechanical properties of the joints.

Ñ 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 15 December 2014; accepted 04 February 2015
DOI 10.1179/1362171815Y.0000000015 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2015 VOL 20 NO 6 502
Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

Table 1 Typical physical attributes of wrought stainless steels16

Property* MSS FSS Austenitic SS DSS Low carbon steel

Tm/8C 1480–1530 1480–1530 1400–1450 1430–1450 1538

r/mV m 550–720 590–670 690–1020 770–1000 120
K/W m21 K21 28.7 24.4–26.3 18.7–22.8 16.2–19.0 60
CTE/mm m21 C21 11.6–12.1 11.2–12.1 11.7–19.2 13.3–13.7 1.17

*Tm melting range, r electrical resistivity, K thermal conductivity at 1008C, CTE mean coefficient of thermal expansion 0–5388C

The phase transformations in FZ of stainless steel of low carbon steel sheets in the range of 800–5008C,
weldments including solidification transformations, fer- which is critical for martensitic transformation, is
rite–austenite transformation and carbide precipitation roughly ranged between 6000 and 80008C s21. Gener-
are controlled by the ratio of chromium equivalent to ally, the experienced cooling rates during RSW of fer-
nickel equivalent (Creq/Nieq) and the cooling rate.17–20 ritic, austenitic and DSSs are lower than those
The cooling rate of RSW is significantly higher than that experienced during low carbon steel RSW, mainly due to
of the conventional arc welding processes. Gould et al.21 their lower thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity.
proposed a simple analytical model predicting cooling However, the cooling rates for stainless steels, in the
rates of resistance spot welds, as follows range of 1200–14008C, which are critical for solidifica-
 2   tion and post-solidification solid state transformations,
LT ap T are ranged between 6000 and 10 0008C s21. These
Lt 2
2 4tS TP 3
extremely high cooling rates can affect the phase trans-
formations in the FZ of stainless steel RSW.
 4T P 2  2  k   t S   5 ð1Þ Welding and joining of stainless steels is an inter-
1þ p
kS tE cos p
2tS x esting issue in welding community. Welding metal-
lurgy of stainless steels joints during arc welding
where a is thermal diffusivity of the steel sheets, TP is the processes is well researched.17 Table 2 shows a sum-
maximum temperature experienced in FZ during weld- mary of typical metallurgical problems during welding
ing process, ts is the sheet thickness, tE is the electrode of stainless steels.17,18 However, there are limited
face thicknesses (i.e. the distance of water cooled hole to publications on resistance spot weldability of stainless
the electrode surface), kS and kE are thermal conduc- steels.22–27 The current understanding of the process–
tivities of steel and electrode respectively and x is the structure–property relationships is limited for RSW of
position through the spot weld in sheet thickness direc- stainless steels. Therefore, improving the knowledge
tion. Figure 1 shows the calculated cooling rates for regarding the microstructural characteristics and
RSW of different grades of stainless steels and low failure behaviour of stainless steels is a priority for the
carbon steel with thickness of 1.2 mm for the tempera- successful implementation of new design in vehicle
ture range of 400–14008C. The cooling rate during RSW applications.
This two-part paper investigates the welding metal-
lurgy of three types of stainless steels including asute-
nitic, ferritic and duplex grades during RSW. The aim of
the present part is to investigate and analyse the solidi-
fication and solid state phenomena in FZ of stainless
steel resistance spot welds. In the second paper, the
phase transformations in heat affected zone and mech-
anical performance of the welds are discussed.

Table 2 Typical metallurgical problems of stainless steels

during conventional arc welding processes17,18

Stainless steel grade Typical problems

Austenitic N Solidification cracking

N Hot cracking in partially melted
N Weld sensitisation in HAZ
N Knife line attack (in stabilised
N Possible sigma phase formation
1 Calculated cooling rates during resistance spot welding Ferritic N Significant HAZ grain growth
of stainless steels and low carbon steel at sheet/sheet resulting in low toughness
N Formation of martensite in grain
interface. Sheet thickness is 1.2 mm. Typical values for
boundaries of HAZ
physical properties of steels are used for calculation. Martensitic N Retention of undesirable delta
Peak temperature of weld nugget during welding is ferrite in FZ
assumed to be 2008C higher than melting point. Electrode N Very hard and Brittle martensite
face thickness is 8 mm. Value of 320 W m21 K21 is con- formation in HAZ
sidered for thermal conductivity of class II resistance N Hydrogen induced cracking
Duplex N Unbalanced microstructure
welding manufacturing alliance copper based electrode

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Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

Experimental higher than that at nugget centre (,14%). The

ferrite content of the FZ is determined during
Three different types of stainless steels were used as the ferrite–austenite transformation. During this
base metals, including AISI 304L ASS, AISI 430 FSS reaction, austenite consumes the ferrite via a
and 1Cr21Ni5Ti DSS. The chemical compositions of the diffusion controlled reaction. When FZ solidifies
sheets used in this study are given in Table 3. The sheet in FA mode, the ferrite content increases with
thickness for all steels is 1.2 mm. increasing cooling rate because the diffusion
Resistance spot welding was performed using a controlled solid state transformation of ferrite–
120 kVA ac pedestal type RSW machine operating at austenite (stage III) has less time to occur at high
50 Hz controlled by a programmable logic controller. cooling rates, and therefore, the FZ has higher
Welding was conducted using a 45u truncated cone amount of residual ferrite. Therefore, the higher
resistance welding manufacturing alliance class 2 electrode d-ferrite at nugget edge compared to that at
with 8 mm face diameter. Squeeze time, welding time, nugget centre can be related to the higher cooling
electrode holding time after current off and electrode rate at nugget edge than that of at the weld
pressure were kept constant at 0.8, 0.24, 0.2 s and 4 bar nugget edge due to the enhanced quenching
respectively. Welding current was incrementally increased effect of water cooled electrodes
from 7.5 to 11 kA with a step size of 0.5 kA. (ii) fusion zone microstructure prediction using con-
Samples for metallographic examination were ventional constitution diagrams: the solidification
prepared using standard metallography procedure. mode and ferrite content of the weld FZ of ASS
Optical microscopy was used to examine the can be predicted by the WRC-1992 diagram
microstructures of the joints. Marble etchant developed by Kotecki and Siewert28 and function
(10 g CuSO4, 50 mL HCl and 50 mL H2O) was used for fit model proposed by Babu et al.29 WRC-1992
macrostructural examination of the joints. Mixed acids (Fig. 4a) predicts an FN of 8. In function fit
reagent (10 mL HNO3–10 mL C2H4O2–15 mL HCl) was mode, using a thermodynamic approach, the
used for examination of FZ microstructure of ASS weld. difference in free energy between ferrite and
Kalling’s no. 1 reagent (33 mL H2O, 1.5 g CuCl2, 33 mL austenite was calculated as a function of com-
HCl and 33 mL C2H5OH) was used for examination of position, and this was related to the FN. The
FZ microstructure of ferritic and DSS welds. Vickers function fit model (accessible online at Ref. 30)
microhardness test was performed using an indenter predicts an FN of 4 (Fig. 4b). Both model pre-
load of 100 g for a period of 20 s. dictions are well below the measured FN. WRC-
1992 diagram and function fit model were
Results and discussion developed based on arc welding data. The
underestimation of FN using WRC-1992 can be
Microstructural evolution in FZ of austenitic attributed to the high cooling rate of RSW
stainless steel spot welds compared with those of arc welding processes,
Figure 2a shows a typical macrostructure of ASS spot weld. which suppresses solid state austenite–ferrite
In FZ, the full austenitic structure of the base metal transformation resulting in a higher non-equili-
(Fig. 2b) transforms to a dual phase microstructure brium residual ferrite content in the FZ. Vitek
consisting of austenite plus lathy delta ferrite (Fig. 2c). The et al.31,32 developed a model, called ORFN
morphology of ferrite suggests that solidification occurred (accessible online at Ref. 33), for predicting fer-
at FA mode under rapid cooling condition. According to rite number in stainless steels welds as a function
Fig. 3a, the solidification and post-solidification of cooling rate and composition. According to
transformation path can be summarised as follows17 Fig. 1, the cooling rate of austenitic welds in the
I II III range of 1200–14008C, where ferrite–austenite
L!L þ F !L þ F þ A!F þ A transformation occurs, is approximately 7800–
Regarding phase transformation in the FZ of AISI 304L 8700 K s21. According to the ORFN model
welds, two points should be mentioned: (Fig. 4b), considering the cooling rate effect, the
(i) ferrite content of the weld nugget: it is interesting predicted FN is 18, which is much close to
to note that AISI 304L welds exhibited two measured FN.
distinct regions in weld nugget, marked by zone I It is interesting to note that when ferrite is present in the
at the nugget centre and zone II at the nugget FZ of ASS welds, sigma phase embitterment may occur
periphery (Fig. 2a). The dual core characteristic by an exposure to temperatures between 500 and
of the weld nugget is related to the difference in 8008C.18 Owing to high cooling rate of the RSW process,
volume fraction of d-ferrite phase at nugget edge the formation of sigma phase is not possible. According
and nugget centre (Figs. 2c and d). Microstruc- to Fig. 1, the cooling time between 800 to 5008C for
tural examination showed that the volume frac- AISI 304L RSW is estimated as 0.19 s. However, the
tion of d-ferrite phase at nugget edge (,24%) is decomposition of delta-ferrite to the sigma and austenite

Table 3 Chemical compositions of investigated stainless steels/wt-%

Base metal C Cr Ni Mn Mo Si Nb Cu Ti N

AISI 430 0.05 16.9 0.16 0.48 0.02 0.28 ... 0.16 ... ...
AISI 304L 0.025 18.5 8.09 1.48 0.03 0.34 ... 0.22 ... 0.08
1Cr21Ni5Ti 0.095 21.0 5.5 0.57 0.16 0.62 0.02 0.21 0.58 ...

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Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

2 a typical macrostructure of AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel resistance spot weld, b base metal microstructure, c
microstructure gradient in fusion zone, d microstructure of weld nugget centre (zone I) and e microstructure of weld nugget
edge (zone II); volume fractions of d-ferrite at weld nugget centre (zone I) and weld nugget edge (zone II) are different

phase during ordinary aging process requires at least microstructure of the FSS welds, predicts a fer-
0.5 h at 7008C.34 ritic microstructure with small amount of mar-
tensite for the investigated steel, which is in
Microstructural evolution in FZ of FSS weld accordance with metallographic observations
Figure 5a shows a typical macrostructure of the (Fig. 5d)
AISI 430 FSS spot weld. Large columnar ferrite grains (iii) carbide precipitation: the FZ exhibits a fine dis-
are evident in the FZ (Figs. 5a and b) compared to the persion of precipitates within the ferrite grains
fine grains of the base metal (Fig. 5c). The microstruc- (Fig. 5d). It is shown that in unstabilised alloys
ture of the FZ is composed of columnar ferrite grains such as type 430, these precipitates are primarily
featured by extensive fine precipitates plus some mar- chromium rich carbides.17 These precipitates
tensite at the grain boundaries (Fig. 5d). According to form due to the supersaturation of carbon in
Fig. 3b, the solidification and post-solidification trans- the ferrite phase at elevated temperature. The
formation path can be summarised as follows solubility of carbon in 17 wt-%Cr alloys drops
dramatically upon cooling, decreasing from
L!L þ F !F !F þ A!F þ M !F þ M þ C 1 0.15 wt-% at 14008C to ,0.03 wt-% at 10008C.17
The intragranular nature of precipitates suggests
Three interesting phenomena were observed in the FZ: precipitation at high cooling rate, which is a
(i) grain growth of ferrite: large columnar grains are characteristic of RSW process
evident in the FZ (Fig. 5a and b) (iv) precipitate free zone: according to Fig. 5d, there is
(ii) martensite formation: the formed high tempera- a precipitate free zone in the ferrite beside the
ture austenite transformed to martensite upon martensite (i.e. the austenite at high temperature)
cooling. According to Fig. 5e, the Balmforth35 in the FZ. Owing to high solubility of austenite
diagram, which can be used to assess the for carbon, it can act as a sink for carbon at

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4 Prediction of fusion zone microstructure using WRC-

1992, function fit (FF) model and ORFN model: a WRC-
1992 diagram and b, c predicted versus measured ferrite
number for AISI 304L austenitic and 1Cr21Ni5Ti duplex
stainless steels respectively. Measured volume fraction
3 a schematic showing solidification and post-solidification of ferrite Vf was related to the ferrite number using
transformation path in austenitic stainless steel and FN 5 ðV f Þ½20:025813 ðFeÞ2 1 5:408679 ðFeÞ 2 102:3902, in
duplex stainless steel welds and b vertical section of which Fe is iron content of base metal in wt-%.32 Experi-
Fe–Cr–C phase diagram at 17%Cr; blue dashed line enced cooling rate by welds are specified
shows transformations path in fusion zone of AISI 430
containing 0.05% carbon high Cr/Ni ratio of DSSs, they solidified in F
mode (i.e. the FZ is fully ferritic at the end of
elevated temperature. Short range diffusion of solidification). The volume fraction of austenite in
carbon from ferrite into the austenite reduces the the FZ is determined during post-solidification
local concentration in the ferrite, and upon solid state transformation of ferrite–austenite
cooling through the precipitation range, there is during cooling. Indeed, the rapid cooling rate of
little or no driving force for precipitation.17 RSW process significantly hinders the nucleation
and growth process of the austenite formation
Microstructural evolution in FZ of DSS spot weld resulting in improper phase balance (i.e. low
Figure 6a shows a typical macrostructure of the DSS austenite content)
weld. During welding, the balanced ferrite–austenite (ii) fusion zone microstructure prediction using
microstructure of the base metal (Fig. 6b) transforms to conventional constitution diagrams: WRC-1992
an unbalanced microstructure consisting high volume (Fig. 4a) predicted a ferrite number of 25, which
fraction of ferrite with small amount of austenite along is equivalent to 16 vol.-% of ferrite for investi-
the ferrite grain boundaries plus extensive precipitates gated DSS. Therefore, the WRC-1992 highly
(Fig. 6c). According to Fig. 3a, the solidification and underestimates the FN. The function fit model
post-solidification transformation path can be summar- (Fig. 4c) predicts an FN of 72, which is still lower
ised as follows than the measured value. The inability of WRC-
I II III IV 1992 diagram and function fit model to predict
L!L þ F !F !F þ A!F þ A þ C 1 the FN can be attributed to two factors:
Regarding phase transformation in the FZ of DSS (1) the presence of a significant amount of
RSWs, some points should be mentioned: titanium in the FZ (i.e. 0.58%), which plays
(i) unbalanced microstructure in FZ: austenite–ferrite important role in phase balance. Ti as a
phase balance is key issue in fusion welding of strong carbide former and ferrite promoting
DSSs.17 However, as can be seen, the FZ exhibited element can remove carbon from the matrix
high volume fraction of ferrite (,90%). Owing to by the formation of TiC and reduce the

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Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

5 a a typical macrostructure of AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel resistance spot weld, b columnar grains in fusion zone, c base
metal microstructure and d detailed microstructure of fusion zone showing ferrite grains decorated by extensive precipi-
tates (PP) with some martensite (M) at grain boundaries. Precipitation free zone is also evident within ferrite grains adjacent
to martensite layer. e prediction of fusion zone microstructure using Balmforth diagram

tendency to austenite formation.17 The suggests that they are Cr rich precipitates.
function fit model, which considers the Since the solubility of carbon in ferrite is far
interaction of C and carbide forming less than that of the austenite, the high fer-
elements, provides improved FN prediction rite content of the FZ, after dRc phase
(2) however, the function fit model does not transformation, provides high content of
account for the effect of cooling rate. The supersaturated carbon in the ferrite phase.
calculated cooling rates for DSS in the Therefore, high affinity of chromium for
temperature range for solid state ferrite– carbon leads to precipitation of Cr carbide
austenite transformation, i.e. 1200–14008C, precipitates
is about 6000–68008C s21. According to the (4) columnar equiaxed transition (CET) grain
ORFN model, which considers both the structure in the FZ: Fig. 6e indicates two
cooling arte and Ti effect, the predicted markedly distinct structural zones in the FZ,
ferrite number is 104, which is closer to the columnar region at nugget edge and
measured FN equiaxed zone inside the nugget. The CET is
(3) precipitation: dramatic precipitation reaction usually assumed to occur when the advance
is evident within ferrite grains of the FZ of the columnar front is blocked by equiaxed
(Fig. 6d). Since the investigated DSS is grains that grow in the constitutionally
nitrogen free, these precipitates cannot be undercooled liquid ahead of the columnar
chromium nitride, which are commonly dendrites.38 The grain structure is generally
expected in DSSs weldments.17,36,37 The related to the solidification conditions such
SEM-EDS of these precipitates (Fig. 7a) as local thermal gradient G and local

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Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

6 a typical macrostructure of 1Cr21Ni5Ti duplex stainless steel resistance spot weld; b base metal microstructure showing
ferrite and austenite phase, dark particles are TiC; c, d detailed microstructure of fusion zone showing ferrite grains with
some austenite grain boundaries along with Cr rich extensive precipitates; and e columnar to equiaxed transition in grain
structure of fusion zone

solidification growth rate R. It is generally (2) as the solidification proceeds, the solidifica-
believed that there is a critical G/R ratio for tion rate R drops. This is again due to the
CET grain structure. A low G/R value reduced quenching effect of the water cooled
implies a large zone of constitutional electrodes resulting in lower heat conduction
undercooling ahead of columnar grain front, through electrodes and, hence, lower solidi-
which is essential for the formation of fication rate
equiaxed grain structure.39,40 The following (3) Gould41,42 in his work on the modelling of
points should be considered for explaining primary dendrite arm spacings in resistance
the CET in the FZ of the DSS resistance spot welds determined solidification con-
spot weld: ditions (G and R) using a numerical thermal
(A) solidification conditions (G and R): during RSW, modelling. According to the results pre-
solidification generally initiates at the two oppos- sented in Gould’s work, during spot welding
ing sides of the weld nugget at surfaces closest to the of 1.25 mm thick low carbon steel sheets, the
welding electrodes via epitaxial growth resulting in values of G and R at the beginning of soli-
a coarse columnar grain structure with a preferred dification are 21508C mm21 and 16 mm s21
orientation. However, as the solidification pro- respectively. However, at the end of solidi-
ceeds, the ratio of G/R changes in a way that may fication, the values of G and R are reduced
promote the formation of the equiaxed grain to 4008C mm21 and 8 mm s21 respectively.
structure at the weld centre: Therefore, the G/R ratio decreased from
(1) as the solidification proceeds, the thermal 135 to 508C s mm22. The lowering of G/R
gradient G drops due to increasing the dis- ratio with progress of solidification can
tance of the solid–liquid interface from the encourage CET in the FZ
electrodes as well as progressive release of (B) chemical composition of the weld pool: it is shown
the heat of fusion from weld pool that increasing the alloying element content of the

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Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

maximum temperature of weld nugget during

welding. Therefore, it can be concluded that TiC
particles does not experience spontaneous melting
but remain solid. Therefore, the pre-existing TiC
particles in DSS sheets will act as inoculants to
promote the nucleation of equiaxed grains in the FZ.
The change in the ratio of G/R during FZ solidification
does not depend on the BM type. As it was seen above, the
grain structure of austenitic and ferritic FZ are entirely
columnar, while the DSS nugget exhibited a CET. There-
fore, it can be concluded that the occurrence of CET cannot
be entirely explained by the change in the solidification
conditions (i.e. lowering of G/R ratio from weld nugget
edge to weld nugget centre). Therefore, the main factor
governing the CET in DSS is the pre-existing TiC particles
in duplex steel base metal. The absence of pre-existing
inoculant in ASS and FSS base metals explains why CET
was not observed in their solidification structure.
Finally, it should be noted that the presence of equiaxed
grain structure can improve the fracture toughness of the
weld metal; however, high ferrite content of the FZ coupled
with the presence of extensive Cr rich precipitates increases
the brittleness of the weld and can be detrimental to
corrosion resistance. Applying a proper solid state
post-weld heat treatment can improve the ferrite/austenite
a Cr rich carbide in fusion zone; b Ti rich carbide in duplex balance and dissolve the carbide precipitates.
stainless steel base metal
7 Analysis by (SEM-EDS)
Fusion zone hardness
Hardness of the FZ is a key metallurgical factor in
weld pool decreases the constitutional under- determining weld ductility and failure mode transition.7
cooling which in turn enhances the CET.43 The Figure 8a and b shows the hardness values of the FZ and
carbon concentration in the steel may also be the hardness ratio of FZ to BM for various types of
important in the CET. Carbon segregates strongly stainless steels compared with low carbon steel23 and
during solidification, which could increase the AHSSs including dual phases,46 transformation induced
constitutional supercooling at the solid/liquid plasticity (TRIP),47 twinning-induced plasticity14 and
interface. In addition, high carbon levels can result d-TRIP48 steels. It is reported that high hardness of the
in a higher density of carbides in the melt, which FZ provides low fracture toughness path during coach
may act as nuclei for the equiaxed grains, as will peel and cross-tension loading conditions leading to
be discussed later. Poole and Weinberg,44 in their interfacial failure mode. A critical FZ hardness of 400–
study on the CET in grain structure of cast 450 HV has been defined by some researchers, which
stainless steels, found that when the carbon level is beyond that the interfacial failure is promoted.49,50 As
low (i.e. near 0.02 wt-%), there is no CET and the can be seen in Fig. 8a, the FZ hardness of the dual phase
cast structure is entirely columnar. However, when steels and TRIP steel exceeds 450 HV. However, the
the carbon content is more than 0.08 wt-%, a large hardness of the austenitic, ferritic and duplex welds
portion of the casting exhibits equiaxed grain ranged between 215 and 285 HV, which is well below the
structure. In the present study, it is believed that detrimental hardness value:
the high carbon content of the investigated DSS (i) the FZ hardness of ASS weld is determined by its
(i.e. 0.095 wt-%) plays a major role in observation ferrite content and grain size. While the base
of CET in the weld nugget metal is full austenitic, the two-phase structure of
(C) heterogeneous nucleation: the heterogeneous the FZ can strengthen it. However, cast structure
nucleation aided by constitutional supercooling of the BM with large grain size leave undermines
promotes the formation of equiaxed grains in the the effect of dual phase structure and leaves a
weld metal. It is shown that nitrides, carbides, slightly undermatch FZ compared to the BM
oxides and other materials which form particles in hardness (Fig. 8b)
the melt, before solidification, could act as nuclei (ii) the FZ hardness of the FSS weld is influenced by
for heterogeneous nucleation. Bramfitt45 demon- the ferrite gain size, volume fractions of grain
strated that titanium carbide is very effective in boundaries martensite and carbide precipitation
promoting heterogeneous nucleation for liquid hardening. Despite, the large ferrite grains of FZ,
iron. In the present work, the high carbon content the presence of martensite and extensive very fine
coupled with high titanium content leads to for- precipitates produces high FZ to BM hardness
mation of TiC particles in the base metal. The ratio (Fig. 8b)
SEM-EDS (Fig. 7b) confirmed that the dark (iii) the FZ hardness of DSS weld is dictated by the
particles in the BM microstructure (Fig. 6b) are Ti relative amount of c/d and their individual
rich carbides. The melting temperature of TiC was hardness as well as hardening via carbide
reported to be 31608C, which is well above the precipitation. On the one hand, the unbalanced

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2015 VOL 20 NO 6 509

Pouranvari et al. Welding metallurgy of stainless steels during RSW: Part I

constitutional diagram. The rapid cooling rate of

RSW process suppresses the completion of post-
solidification transformation of ferrite–austenite.
2. The presence of Ti and high amount of carbon
in the DSS plays key roles in microstructure
development in the FZ of DSSs:
(i) as a strong carbide former and ferrite
promoting element, Ti can remove carbon
from the matrix by formation of TiC
reducing the tendency for austenite
(ii) pre-existing TiC particles in duplex steel
base metal act as inoculants in the FZ pro-
moting the CET.
3. Fusion zone of austenitic, ferritic and duplex
stainless welds exhibited significantly lower hard-
ness values compared to ferritic–martensitic dual
phase and TRIP AHSSs. Despite the FZ of ASS
exhibited a duplex structure of austenite and ferrite,
its cast structure with large grain size leaves a
slightly soft FZ compared to the base metal.
Despite the unbalanced FZ microstructure of
DSSs, its hardness is comparable to that of the BM
due to the presence of extensive carbide precipi-
tates. The high FZ/base metal hardness ratio of
the FSS is due to martensite formation and
extensive carbide precipitation within the ferrite
(b) grains.
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