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Dawn Newspaper 9-5-20202

Personal Data Protection Bill on website of Minsitry of IT and Telecom for consultation :

- Article 14 of constitution provides for the dignity of person and privacy of home as a
fundamental rights.

Strength of Bills :

- Strong regime for holding data-processing entities.

- The right of a data subj including right to correction.erasure , compliance with data acess
request withdrawal of consent for processing data.

Vast Inequalities:

Socio-economic inequalities being a serious problem

- Same situation in Pak , income an inaccurate predictor of quality healthcare , education

attainment and equal employment opportunities.
Dawn Newspaper 9-5-20202

- Inequality takes much form such as wealth, income, health, education and employment

- What is required is collective introspection followed by collective action.

Policy response to make world fairer and more equitable:

- Government can implement progressive income taxes to reduce disparity.

- They can introduce wealth tax to tackle wealth inqualities.

Dawn Newspaper 9-5-20202

Global Affairs Current Affairs Magzine

A brave new world post COVID-19

As the wave of COVID-19 meanders across the globe , its pushing human race to transform and alter
the path we operate and live.

World after pandemic :

1. The world may appear more digitalized and virtual as compared to pre-pandemic instinctive and
physical world.
2. Limit physical contract
3. Contactless payment options through more mobile device and increase of voice and machine
vision interfaces that recognize faces and gestures may gain traction to limit physical contact
4. The big data may become more significant than the big bang , as national or global apps could
result in better system.
5. A strengthen digital infrastructure may sprout in a post-COVID-19 world and lead to digital
management of official work and online business which can save resources.
6. Social distancing could lead to digital events and gathering , hence creating new business
7. E-supports may also gain popularity as video game are already popular.
8. Advanced e-learning facilities would lead to a more facilitated teaching-learning experience.
9. Led to revolutionary changes in medical science such as the usage of artificial intelligence for the
promotion of tele-medicines.


- Digital Dictatorship means digital slavery of the masses.

- Virtual reality is an alternate reality who may negate the human reality.
- Human intelligence may be forced to partner with artificial intelligence ; hence resulting into
robotic world.
Dawn Newspaper 9-5-20202

- There a cooperate driven technologically advanced world can easily render human emotions
- Massive realization of keeping economy afloat. Resultantly , ppl would be required to keep
consuming and buying for the sake of economy.
- New colonies of digital dictatorship have emerged as new platforms to control the world.
- The imposition of digital transaction and criminalization of cash among the masses would
further strengthen in post COVID-19
- This would lead us into an ‘’Orwellian Reality ‘’ as the central pillar of human society ,
language, seems to be scumbbing to a digital algorithem language like ‘new speak’ in the
landmark novel 1948.
- The digital corporate are equipped enough to both control and manipulate human behavior
and desire like the state of ‘ double think’ in an Orwellian dystopia.
- Digital Dictatorship might render human society incapable of freedom of speech ,choice and

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