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Taytay's pride and glory are the talents and skills of its people. Evidence in2016,The National

Competitiveness Council has named Taytay as the 2nd Most Competitive Municipality (1st and 2nd

class) from being 10th place in 2014 and being 3rd place in 2015.Taytay is one of the municipalities in

the Philippines that has high financial capability with Php.622 million making it the 3rd richest

municipality and from the quality yet affordable fabrics, clothes and textiles to the popular manufactures

of modern products, with that the town is making a name to be the Garments and Wood works Capital of

the Philippines.

The history of the municipality of Taytay dates back to pre-Spanish times when the traditional

community was ruled by a native chieftain and his wife, presumably as a distinct pre-Hispanic barangay

composer of 30 to 100 families. The barangay was supposedly part of the kingdom of Namayan which

reached its peak in 1175.Namayan's territory has been described bordering Manila Bay, the Pasig river

and Laguna lake. A more precise description of Namaya's administrative area is given by Franciscan

scholar Fr. Felix de Huerta, who noting that Namayan was a confederation of several barangays,

identified these component communities as they were named during the mid-19th century. Under the

Spanish rule the territory occupied by the previous 26 towns of Rizal province begun with organization of

the provinces of Tondo and Laguna during the Spanish regime. Some of the towns like Pasig, Paranaque,

Taytay and Cainta were already thriving. Tagalog settlements carried on trade with the Chinese and Arab

traders long before the Spanish conquest. From the reports of the enconmiendas in 1582 to 1583, the

enconmiendas of Moron (Morong) was under the jurisdiction of La Laguna and the Enconmiendas of

Passi (Pasig), Taitay (Taytay) and Tagui (Taguig) belong to the province of Tondo. It was recorded in

1591, the Enconmiendas of Moron and Taitay were under the jurisdiction of the Franciscan order in the

province of La laguna; and the Enconmiedas of nabutas (Navotas), Tambobo (Malabon), Tondo,
Paranaque, Longolo (Dorgalo), Tagui and Pasig were under the jurisdiction of the Augustinians in the

province of Tondo.

In 1860, by the virtue of circular no.83, dated September 2, 1859 the province of Tondo became

the province of Manila. All it’s town where place under the administration, fiscal supervision and control

of the governor of the new province. In the early 1980s, Baviera (2008) taught of organizing of local

Filipino tiangge in order to race the status of small and medium Filipino entrepreneurs while promoting

the world-class quality products and craftsmanship. Therefore, Mr. Baviera helps to gather together the

countries small and medium entrepreneurs coming from various regions. It consisted of different villages

that showcase varied Philippine made crafts, arts, delicacies, footwear, leather goods, garments, pets and


According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a tiangge or bazaar is type of market found especially

in Middle Eastern-Countries that has rows of small shops which sell many different kinds of things and

products or, it is a market place in a street full of small shops with smaller price and different varieties of


In year 2010, the administration of Taytay Major Joric Gacula, saw the need and the potential

quality of the garment vendors in their own local tiangge in town. At the same year, an amendment to

Taytay local tax ordinance no.10 was approved and the Kalayaan Park was opened to encourage small

retailers to register with the municipal government to sell their good's: an initial 400 retailers registered.

At 2013, a council resolution authorized the mayor to enter into lease contract with Club Manila

East compound for a larger space that could serve as a venue for micro, small and medium garments

manufactures to sell their products. This place is now called the Taytay Municipal Tiangge or the Taytay

New Public Market. The vendors are merely required to register with the department of trade and

Industry, acquire a barangay clearance, and obtain a business permit. A total of 1516 vendors registered

during the tiangge opening.

According to Mercado (2015), approximately 38,000 families in Taytay are into dressmaking.

Since the program was implemented to top into this underground economy, Penida said, the municipality

saw a surge in the number of registered seller. From only 400 in 2013 it rose to 4,000 in 2015. With this

increase, fees and taxes collected from the revitalized merchandising sector those from 75,000 pesos to

409,400. In terms of job generation, Pineda said that from 3,960 individuals employed in the local

garments in 2012up to 36,310 are now counted among its workforce.

In the modern times, Filipinos experience so many changes in terms of economics, societal and

education. In marketing strategy, many entrepreneurs find an easy way to bargain their products like

online shopping, whole selling and reselling.

However, tiangge industry is spreading all over the country. There are large and small types of

“tianggian” where the buyer is free to choose the product they want. There are many options and choices

while you are strolling around tiangge. You can buy clothes especially RTW (Ready-to-Wear),

accessories, curtains, bed sheets, kitchen utensils, woodcrafts, rags and many more.

As of this moment, the local government aims to increase the standard quality of the local

products through planning and preparing the vendors for upcoming changes and innovations. And now

that they have achieved their initial goal of "Lurking back" their dressmakers and retailers to Taytay. The

next objective is to transform and promote the municipality into a shopping mecca with a small town

charm but with the variety and bargain process.

According to Mr. Andres, a successful entrepreneur and true-blooded native of Taytay, Rizal one

of the issues found were there will be a new way of selling products, and many opportunities will be

given to the entrepreneurs. A Canadian researcher, Endy (2010) said that "Setting up lean start-up

operations should be driven by your customer needs married to a fast, lean, high quality supply chain."

The benefits of the study to community, is helping to increase the economical progression of the

town, and also to promote the local products of Taytay, Rizal especially the garments and woodworks.
The benefits of this study for the researchers is to aim and learn the dynamism of selling, also the process

of the economy, and to be aware on the economic status of the municipal and now it helps producer.

The dynamics of selling in tiangge can have different kinds of theory, one of that is the Chaos

theory. It is branch of mathematics focused on the behaviour of dynamical systems that are highly

sensitive to initial conditions. (Edward Lorenz, 2010) summarized the theory of "The New Dynamism of

Selling" is the mother of all sales training programs. It is a refreshing new training course that addresses

several critical selling issues (like sales planning, costumer-centricity, personal branding, social selling

and relationship-management) that most sales people have taken for granted and also it helps to takes into

account the challenges of today's market, present solutions, and tools to address these issue. It helps the

researcher to refresh new dynamism of tiangge.

Name/s____________________________________________________ __________ Score: ________



Your research background should be:

- in form of paragraphs
- it does not have a word limit
- should be written using third person
- for an easier creation, make sure to relate your background to your research questions.


1. Create first sentence (thesis statement) about your topic has to be interesting and new to the

Poor Opening: Metal foams are a new class of material attracting interest world-wide.

Why is this a poor opening? The sentence is poor because it states a general idea about the topic
without a position (what the writer believes)

Strong Opening: Metal foams are not as strong as they should be.

Why is this a strong opening? The sentence highlights the problem.

2. Define the topic/product/ideas/concepts that which your research will talk about. After
defining, make sure to provide lots of interesting information about the topic.
3. What are the changes or how did your topic/product/ideas/concepts evolve (past to present)?
4. What do the researches (internationally and locally) say about on the
topic/product/ideas/concepts which your paper talks about?
5. What are the gaps/issues/controversies you found based on the studies you have read and
have? Why are these considered as gaps/issues/controversies?
6. Why do you want to study these gaps/issues/controversies? Relate them to the benefits to the
a. Your respondents
b. Community
c. Society
d. Research

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