Proteomics Study in Urolithiasis: Manavi Jain, Paramveer Yadav and Priyadarshini

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Current Proteomics, 2020, 17, 88-94

ISSN: 1570-1646
eISSN: 1875-6247

The journal for current and in-depth reviews on proteomics

Proteomics Study in Urolithiasis Impact



Manavi Jain1, Paramveer Yadav1 and Priyadarshini1,*

Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India

Abstract: Urolithiasis, which is the presence of stones in the urinary tract, has long been linked with a
higher risk of causing chronic kidney diseases and associated illnesses, such as diabetes-affecting 12%
of the world population. This clinical condition arises due to the supersaturation of urine and altera-
tions in the expression of cellular and urinary proteins. The renal stone mineral composition has been
ARTICLE HISTORY well understood and incorporated as a routine part of stone removal, however, the protein composition,
an essential fraction of the stone matrix has been inadequately understood and not adeptly established.
Stone proteomics consists of a number of techniques including crystal analysis using X-ray diffrac-
Received: April 20, 2019 tometry and IR spectroscopy, sample purification, identification and characterization of proteins using
Revised: May 23, 2019
Accepted: July 09, 2019 high throughput mass spectrometric methods. However, not many studies have utilized the data ob-
tained from these experiments to assign functional significance to associated identified proteins. Pro-
10.2174/1570164616666190722161823 tein network analysis using bioinformatic tools such as STRING to study protein-protein interactions
will enable researchers to get better insight into stone formation mechanics. Hence, a comprehensive
proteomic study of kidney stone matrix will help in deciphering protein-crystal pathways generating
novel information useful for clinical application.

Keywords: Urolithiasis, X-ray diffractometry, IR spectroscopy, protein-protein interaction, string, protein network analysis.

1. INTRODUCTION affected by the anomalies in the urinary chemical constitu-

tion [6]. Based on various compositional experiments kidney
Urolithiasis is the term used to describe a condition in
stones are known to be a complex mixture of inorganic and
which the stones are developed within the urinary tract lead-
organic substances resulting in the formation of organic ma-
ing to health threats throughout the globe because of its fre- trix due to the trapping of urinary biomolecules within the
quent occurrence rates and also due to the absence of ade-
inorganic mineral layers at some stage during stone for-
quate cure. The stone formation may be a systemic disorder
mation [7]. About 75% of stones are principally made of
associated with metabolic syndrome [1] or it may also be
calcium oxalate crystals, but up to 50% of these comprises
closely associated with diabetes, hypertension and obesity
calcium hydroxyl phosphate (brushite or calcium hydroxyap-
with lower dependence on the gender gap and higher impli-
Current Proteomics

atite) in trace or greater amounts; 10-20% constitutes magne-

cation towards diet and environmental factors [2]. Urolithia- sium ammonium phosphate (struvite or triple phosphate); 5%
sis affects 12% of the world population-all ages, sexes and
of urate; and 1-2% are composed of cystine [8, 9].
races-at some period during their lifetime by various stone
types [3, 4]. The organic matrix constitutes 2-5% of the total stone
weight and is significantly composed of proteins, lipids, gly-
Urine, in physiological state, is supersaturated with salts
cosaminoglycans and carbohydrates [7]. Several studies had
which in a normal individual does not lead to stone formation.
illustrated the crucial role played by kidney stone matrix
However, in a pathological condition, these supersaturated proteins in the process of crystallization. Proteins are the
salts cause ectopic biomineral crystallization eventually lead-
large and complex biological molecules, which have an im-
ing to stone formation. Different phases of stone formation are
portant role in the form of catalysts, cellular messengers or
nucleation, growth, and aggregation [5]. Large aggregates
structural elements and are needed for the proper functioning
remain in the kidney and interfere with the urinary system
of our body [10]. However, under certain biological envi-
process. The type of renal calculi, which may also vary in
ronments, these proteins influence the development of kid-
size and shape, depends on the mineral composition which is ney stones. They serve as stimulating or inhibiting agents in
the calculi formation [5, 9]. Various in-vitro studies have
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Biotechnology, revealed the presence of many proteins with such stones like
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India; albumin, osteopontin, Tamm-horsfall protein, prothrombin
Tel: 01202594211(0); E-mail: related proteins and uromodulin [5, 7, 11, 12]. Mostly, the

1875-6247/20 $65.00+.00 © 2020 Bentham Science Publishers

Proteomics Study in Urolithiasis Current Proteomics, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 2 89

studies are associated with the isolation, identification and lipids such as cholesterol, triglycerides have also been shown
characterization of stone associated proteins but the func- to be a notable fraction of the matrix [22].
tional significance of these proteins remained unexplained
Stone mineral composition analysis is a necessary meas-
[13]. This review discusses the methods by which kidney
ure for determining the aetiology and the desired medical
stones are analyzed, the matrix proteins are extracted and
identified, utilizing the obtained information to gain protein- intervention for the medication of the patient’s disease.
However, it is also essential for selecting an appropriate pro-
crystal interactions and aid in disease management as well as
tein extraction method. Several biophysical techniques are
preventing the recurrence. However, the basic mechanism
used for accurate renal stone analysis, such as infrared spec-
behind the adverse yet extraordinary effects of these matrix
troscopy, X-ray crystallography, micro Computed Tomogra-
proteins is not well recognized, which needs to be explored.
phy (micro-CT) and electron microscopy. These techniques
along with the well-constructed reference libraries, form the
2. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOPATHOGENESIS OF basis for complete stone analysis [23]. Mineral constituents
can be analyzed by Infrared spectrometry (IR spectrometry),
Prevalence of urolithiasis has changed in the last several but the crystal structure cannot be established. X-ray diffrac-
decades. Factors which commonly affect urolithiasis are age, tometry can determine the mineral composition based on
eating habits, geographic distribution, climate, lifestyle, drugs, crystal structure without damaging the stone sample. High-
genetic and metabolism [14]. resolution X-ray powder diffraction crystallography is con-
sidered a gold standard in identifying the crystal but has cer-
Urine is supersaturated in nature and this condition leads tain shortcomings including the amount of sample require-
to crystallization. The process of kidney stone formation ment, and time taken to acquire diffraction data [24]. Fourier
starts from crystal nucleation of supersaturated urine. These Transform spectroscopy is a well-recognized method of
crystal nuclei serve as nidus for the stone formation, which choice that allows speculation, which alone will certainly not
further grows in size. These grown crystals aggregate to- unravel the mystery of why proteins reside in the stone ma-
gether to form the kidney stone. We all have supersaturated trix, however a comprehensive proteomic analysis may help
urine but only a few develop kidney stones. In healthy indi- arrive at some answers. The first step in the proteomic analy-
viduals, due to the presence of inhibitor molecules, these sis involves stone demineralization in which using a glass
crystals are flushed off from the urine. Kidney stone patients mortar and pestle, stones are pulverized into fine powder. To
lack these inhibitors and have a large number of promoters. enhance the extraction of proteins various extraction buffers
Biomolecules serve as inhibitor or promoter are proteins, can be used utilizing: Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetic Acid
lipids and glycosaminoglycans [7, 14, 15]. (EDTA), Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS), urea, Dithio-
threitol (DTT), formic acid or a combination of these in ad-
3. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF RENAL CALCULI dition to Tris HCl, glycerol and β -mercaptoethanol and in-
Most abundant kidney stone is calcium oxalate followed termittent sonication steps [25-27]. Then removal of extrac-
by calcium phosphate, uric acid and cysteine [14, 16]. Urine tion buffer components and desalination is done using cen-
is supersaturated with calcium, oxalate, phosphate, uric acid trifugation and dialysis steps. Following which proteins are
or cysteine. Inorganic and organic composition of kidney separated using chromatographic techniques, eluted using a
stone depends on the type of crystals and modulators present desirable elution buffer, concentrated using lyophilization
in the urine. and filtrates stored at -80ºC. Total protein content can be
determined using Bradford assay, Lowry assay, complete
Composition of drug-induced renal calculi is of two types. acid hydrolysis as well as various other assays [25-28]. It is
First one is formed by drug or its metabolites, while the se- possible that a sufficiently large fraction of stone matrix pro-
cond one is formed by common composition. The cause of teins is resistant to extraction using the above methods [29].
later one is the metabolic effect of the drug on urinary pH and This may be due to the low abundance of these proteins or
high excretion of calcium, phosphate and citrate [17]. their tight interaction with the crystal surface.


Kidney stones comprise crystalline or inorganic phase and Mass spectrometry technology has been widely used to
the non-crystalline or organic phase. The inorganic compo- discern proteins by connecting the peptide tandem mass
nents comprise 90% of the stone and form the crystal struc- spectra with the mass of the theoretical peptide fragments
ture. These include calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric [25, 26, 30, 31]. Proteins are digested to small peptides of a
acid, struvite and cystine [18]. Commonly, a compound mix- predictable sequence using a specific proteolytic enzyme,
ture of these crystalline constituents forms a stone. On the then are sequenced into fragment ion masses. These are
other hand, progress in determining the matrix composition matched with the theoretical masses using a suitable data-
has been slow partly due to its insolubility and partly be- base with a sophisticated algorithm to communicate a certain
cause of its variable nature within and between two stones. level of confidence to the matches allowing protein identifi-
The organic phase of the stone matrix comprises the macro- cation. Several studies have used one and two dimensional
molecules, which are primarily found in the urine [19, 20]. gel electrophoresis followed by in-gel digestion with trypsin
Boyce characterized the organic matrix as 64% protein, 9.6% and subsequent Liquid Chromatography (LC)/Mass Spec-
non-amino sugars, 5% hexosamine, 10% bound water, and troscopy (MS) or Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ioniza-
the remaining as inorganic ash [21]. In addition to these, tion (MALDI)-MS/MS to identify proteins [32-35]. Some
90 Current Proteomics, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 2 Jain et al.

other studies have used LC-MS/MS or MALDI-MS/MS of Corresponding author (Priyadarshini et al. 2009) had
the entire extracts [25, 36-38], using LC gradient profiles to done the proteomic analysis of renal stone where the protein
separate the concentrated, reduced and alkylated tryptic pep- was extracted through EGTA method. Extracted proteins
tides. The peptide elution pattern is assessed, peptide retention were purified from anion exchange chromatography. This
time is determined, ion peak areas are calculated from extract- protein was found to be the inhibitor of calcium oxalate
ed peptide ion chromatogram generated from liquid chroma- growth process. Homogeneity of purified protein was studied
tography in combination with mass spectrometry [28]. by RP-HPLC. Peptide mass fingerprinting of purified protein
was done by MALDI-TOF analysis and mass spectrometric
The acquired spectrometric data from the experiment can
data obtained were searched on Mascot search engine. A
be searched against the protein sequence database of
novel calcium oxalate inhibitory protein, phosphate cytidyl-
HUMAN using X!Tandem algorithms as shown by Witz-
yltransferase 1 from the organic matrix of human calcium
mann et al. [28]. General parameters, such as parent monoi- oxalate stone was purified [26].
sotopic mass error, static modification etc. were set and the
results were further validated using PeptideProhet [39] and In another study, corresponding author along with co
ProteinProphet [40]. MS spectra can also be analysed using workers (Singh SK et al. 2012) reported cationic proteins
SEQUEST, MASCOT and studied through a database Histone lysine N-methyl transferase, Inwardly rectifying K
search. In addition to this a software can be used with an channel and Wnt2 protein as inhibitor of calcium oxalate
algorithm for matching the observed peptide spectra with the crystal nucleation and growth [42].
theoretically derived one in the tandem mass spectrum data-
base and assigning scores [33]. These scores in combination 6. PROTEINS IN UROLITHIASIS
with other predictors, such as the calculated Grand Average
of Hydropathicity (GRAVY) score, aliphatic index, number Source of the matrix proteins is a complicated issue gov-
of negatively and positively charged residues for the identi- erned by several separate and overlapping events. First be-
fied proteins are used by the algorithm to assign each peptide ing, the surrounding milieu in the early stages of crystal
with an overall score [41]. Only validated proteins with growth in the renal tubule leading to the inclusion of macro-
probability of greater than or equal to 90% and peptides with molecules present in the urine based on their crystal binding
probability of greater than or equal to 80% significance are capacity. Second, proteins present due to the abrasion of the
reported. Identity can be further validated by using immuno- urothelial lining on crystal obtaining a microscopic size dur-
logical assays specific for the identified proteins [28]. ing further growth, aggregation and getting lodged in the
kidney tubule. Due to simple perfunctory trauma and the
subjection of crystal to negatively charged side chains of
proteins, certain typical organizational proteins such as col-
lagens, and fibrinogen, are likely to get entrapped between
the developing stone surface and epithelium layer [25]. Mac-
romolecular modulators of crystallization are highly promi-
nent in the local environment at the time of cell injury due to
crystal adhesion, inflammation and cell recovery. For in-
stance, Thongboonkerd et al. (2008) revealed that the pres-
ence of COM crystals altered the levels of 53 proteins, out of
which levels of 25 proteins were increased and levels of re-
maining 28 protein were reduced in renal epithelial cells
Uromodulin, albumin, calgranulin and hemoglobin are
commonly detected proteins irrespective of the crystal con-
stituents [33]. Albumin, uromodulin and hemoglobin are
abundantly found in blood and urine, as a result also found in
the stones [34]. Albumin and uromodulin have been reported
to have both stimulatory and inhibitory activity in crystal
aggregation of calcium stones [44, 45]. Albumin serves as
Inhibitor of aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals and pro-
moter of nucleation of calcium oxalate crystals [12, 46, 47].
Osteopontin which is present in the organic matrix of kidney
Fig. (1). Schematic representation of proteomic analysis of sample.
stone is basically found in kidney, bone and breast milk. This
For urolithiasis study, sample can be renal cells, calculi or urine. protein is reported to be the inhibitor of crystallization of
Suitable method can be adopted for extraction and estimation of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate [48].
protein followed by purification characterization and PAGE analy- Osteopontin (OPN) which is known to partake in the reg-
sis. Purified proteins can be identified and characterized by Mass ulation of mineralization, both physiological and pathologi-
Spectrometric analysis and database search from search engines. cal, is produced by the kidney and is commonly found in
Interaction between identified proteins can be studied through pro- urine. Several studies indicate that osteopontin plays an in-
tein network analysis. hibitory role throughout the crystal formation process of cal-
Proteomics Study in Urolithiasis Current Proteomics, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 2 91

cium oxalate in vitro; also hindering the adhesion of crystals alteration (increase or decrease) in protein abundance levels
to cultured epithelial cells [49]. related to a process, and even about the changes that might
be occurring in the specific binding of a protein with its sub-
Calcium binding proteins, calgranulin A and B produced
strate by interacting with different intermediate binding part-
mainly by leukocytes and monocytes which are gathered to
ners [55].
suppress inflammation, play an inhibitory role in the crystal-
lization of calcium oxalate monohydrate [33]. Cathepsin G Identification of a large number of proteins involved in
protein belonging to peptidase S1 family participates in the urolithiasis has inspired scientists to study their interaction.
engulfment, eradicating and digestion of pathogens and helps Currently, reports on the role of individual protein on uro-
in recasting the connective tissue at the inflammatory site lithiasis are available. To determine and analyze the type of
[50]. Another inflammatory protein found to be involved in functional association between the proteins identified and to
the process was Azurocidin secreted from granulocyte [51]. connect their role in crystal modulation and stone formation
However, it remains uncertain as to what roles these proteins various databases and tools have been used. Ingenuity Path-
play in the process of kidney stone formation-as an inducer way Analysis (IPA) software server can be used to order
or simply getting engulfed into the process by means of in- stone-specific proteins into canonical pathways [28]. Inter-
flammation. ProSurf can be used for studying interacting amino acid resi-
dues in proteins [56]. In addition to these, Human Proteome
The peptide chain of inter-α inhibitor and acidic protein
Map, Gene Ontology database and many more such tools can
nephrocalcin are reported to inhibit the calcium oxalate crys- also be used. Proteins can also be placed onto gene regula-
tallization [52, 53]. The role of proteins in different phases of
tion networks and multiple specific pathways using online
calcium crystallization is presented in Table 1.
tools, one such being STRING.
Tamm-Horsfall protein is a glycoprotein, which has its
Protein networks or protein-protein interaction networks
origin from an ascendant limb of loop of Henle. THP is an
can be created by the help of STRING, which acts as a data-
inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystal aggregation. Effect of THP
base for predicting interactions between the proteins. In the
is dependent on its own concentration, urinary pH and ionic network, nodes represent different proteins of interest along
strength. It plays dual role in calcium oxalate crystallization
with their interaction which needs to be studied, and the edge
depending on the renal environmental conditions [54].
represents the interactions or associations between the nodes
Some of the other abundantly found inhibitors of crystal- or proteins. No edge means no interaction between the pro-
lization include Chondroitin Sulphate and Heparan Sulphate. teins (Fig. 1). The nodes and edges are the basic components
Some known promoters include CD44, Monocyte Chemoat- of the network [56, 57].
tractant protein-1, and Annexin II [7, 52]. In STRING, the user enters the proteins of interest either
by name or by sequence, for which the interactions are to be
7. PROTEIN NETWORK ANALYSIS predicted. STRING collects and combines all the publicly
Protein network refers to the network of interacting pro- available information related to the proteins including both
teins responsible for the occurrence of various biological direct (physical) and indirect (functional) interactions [57,
processes. Most of these processes are dependent on the ac- 58]. Depending upon various attributes selected by the user,
tivity of more than one protein. Hence studying these Pro- the interaction network is presented along with the predicted
tein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) creates an understanding association. This association can be used to infer functional
about modification of kinetic properties of enzymes, any significance of the identified proteins in crystal modulation

Table 1. Role of proteins in involved in nucleation, growth and aggregation of kidney stone formation.

Sr. No. Name of Protein Role in Kidney Stone Formation (Inhibitor or Promoter) Refs.

Inhibitor of aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals, promoter of nucleation of calci-

1 Albumin [12]
um oxalate crystals

2 Osteopontin Inhibitor of crystallization of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate, [11, 48]

3 Tamm-horsfall protein Inhibitor at high pH, promoter at low pH [11, 55]

4 Phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1 Inhibitor of growth of calcium oxalate crystallization [26]

5 Histone lysine N-methyl transferase, Inhibitor of growth of calcium oxalate crystallization [42]

6 Inwardly rectifying K channel Inhibitor of growth of calcium oxalate crystallization [42]

7 Wnt2 protein Inhibitor of growth of calcium oxalate crystallization [42]

8 calgranulin A and B Inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystallization [33]

9 Nephrocalcin Inhibitor of calcium oxalate aggregation [52, 53]

10 Inter-alpha-inhibitor Inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystallization [52, 53]

92 Current Proteomics, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 2 Jain et al.

and hence stone formation. Such an analysis was performed CONFLICT OF INTEREST
by Peerapen et al. (2018) using the STRING tool which re-
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
vealed that the identified proteins were involved in important
functional networks relating to cell proliferation, wound
healing, oxidative stress and cellular junction integrity. As a
result, the study helped in determining the biological path- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ways through which the calcium oxalate monohydrate crys-
Authors acknowledge Jaypee Institute of Information
tals produced cytotoxicity in renal cells [13].
Technology, Noida for providing infrastructure facility for
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