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Keywords: Falls prevention/Patient

safety/Care bundles/Quality Nursing Practice

●This article has been double-blind
peer reviewed Patient safety
Using a regional initiative to improve falls prevention resulted in the development
of champions who ensure falls avoidance is a priority on wards

A care bundle approach

to falls prevention
In this article... 5 key
 hy FallSafe works
The contents of a falls prevention care bundle 1 Over 200,000
falls are
reported annually
What falls champions do
in acute NHS trusts

Authors Debbie Sutton is FallSafe project

coordinator; Julie Windsor is falls lead
wards and specialties. The original FallSafe
project was run at 16 sites in the south cen-
2 The Royal
College of
Physicians has
specialist nurse; both at Queen Alexandra tral region in 2010-2012, funded by the reduced falls by
Hospital, Portsmouth Hospitals Trust; Health Foundation and delivered by the 25% in 16 hospitals
Janet Husk is patient safety and quality Royal College of Physicians. through its FallSafe
improvement programme manager at the FallSafe lead nurses were supported to project
Royal College of Physicians, London.
Abstract Sutton D et al (2014) A care
bundle approach to falls prevention.
inspire ward colleagues and multidiscipli-
nary teams to introduce and sustain an
evidence-based falls prevention care
3 FallSafe
involves simple
Nursing Times; 110, 20, 21-23. bundle. The project resulted in a measur- rigorously applied
Falls cause harm and distress to NHS able improvement in falls-related care and in a care bundle to
inpatients every year. One hospital’s suggested a 25% reduction in falls (Royal reduce the
implementation of a regional FallSafe College of Physicians, 2012). incidence and
project has increased the use of evidence- severity of falls
based measures to prevent falls. The
project relied on a network of falls
champions, who were nurses or healthcare
Introducing FallSafe in the trust
Effective change management is essential
to organisational development. Teasdale
4 Portsmouth
Hospitals Trust
has improved
assistants who taught and inspired their (1992) suggests six strategies to embody implementation of
colleagues to implement care bundles. into planning change: falls prevention

» Create ownership and involvement; measures in 14
ore than 200,000 patient falls » Create a positive environment; wards through
are reported annually in acute » Identify the need for change with staff; FallSafe
hospitals (National Patient
Safety Agency, 2010). Between
2008-09, 777 falls in NHS settings caused
» Work with staff on an action plan;
» Communicate the changes;
» Anticipate conflicts and resistance.
5 After
FallSafe more
severe harm, and 68 contributed directly to All these strategies were used. patients at risk had
patient death (NPSA, 2010). As part of Portsmouth’s falls strategy a cognitive
As well as the distress and anger experi- implementation and in the light of assessment
enced by patients and their families, there emerging FallSafe project results, many of
is a huge financial cost associated with the care bundle elements had already been
unplanned care and treatment necessi- introduced and were included in the trust’s
tated by falls. The social and psychological falls prevention and care plan (Portsmouth
costs associated with loss of confidence, Hospitals Trust, 2012). This plan is
fear of falling and consequent social expected to be used routinely for all inpa-
isolation are also significant (Salkeld et tients identified as being at risk of falling
al, 2000). on admission or during their stay.
Before starting work on wards, the falls
The FallSafe project specialist nurse met senior management
Our aim was to introduce FallSafe, an ini- and news of the project was disseminated
tiative in which falls prevention interven- via the local falls network. A project coordi-
tions are rigorously applied in care bun- nator was appointed to drive the implemen-

dles, into a an acute hospital across several tation and a band 5 clinical educator was All call bells had to be within patients’ reach / Vol 110 No 20 / Nursing Times 14.05.14 21

Nursing Practice

seconded for two days a week to support Box 1. Care Bundle A – Box 2. Care Bundle B
training in care bundle elements. for all inpatients – for patients at risk
Fourteen wards were chosen, with spe- from falling
cialties, including trauma and orthopae-
dics, medicine, surgery, oncology, medicine ● Call bell within reach
for older people, rehabilitation and stroke. ● Falls history taken ● Cognitive assessment
Each ward identified a FallSafe cham- ● Fear of falling discussed ● Bedrail assessment
pion nurse or healthcare assistant to lead ● New night sedation avoided ● Appropriate bed in use and in
the work, plus a deputy where possible to ● Appropriate footwear available appropriate place
provide support. All champions were ● Timely provision of walking aids ● Visual assessment
expected to complete the falls prevention ● Mobility status communicated ● Lying and standing blood pressure
e-learning materials produced for the orig- ● Personal items within reach ● Manual pulse check
inal FallSafe project, and to encourage ● No trip or slip hazards ● Medication review
their ward colleagues to do so as well. ● Urinalysis undertaken ● Medical review of bone health
The project was launched with a study ● Toileting plan in place
day, and study days took place at monthly
intervals over the six-month implementa- falls champions were asked to collect base-
tion period. Each included an opportunity line data for bundle A for 20 patients on » Another ward held a productive
for the falls champions to share experi- their ward. Sets of three bundle elements discussion with the ward pharmacist
ences, successes, challenges and the many were introduced over periods of between and medical team, which resulted in
inventive ideas they developed to over- two weeks and one month, after which night sedation being dispensed earlier
come barriers. There was also teaching data on the newly introduced elements in the evening to identified at risk
from consultants and therapists who were was collected. After all of bundle A had patients so its effects would have worn
an important part of the wider falls team. been introduced, baseline data for off by the morning.
At each study day, the FallSafe cham- bundle B was collected. Elements from the » An initiative between ward and
pions were given a pack containing a sum- bundle were then introduced and data col- catering staff improved the supply of
mary of the work needed over the next lected in the same way as for bundle A. milky drinks and biscuits to prepare
month plus data collection sheets. They patients for sleep.
then introduced the bundle elements to Results
their ward, ensured colleagues were compe- Quantitative results from the measured Challenges for champions
tent to carry them out then audited each ele- audit of care bundle elements are shown in Some significant issues made it chal-
ment to test the extent to which it was being Tables 1 and 2. Data was collected between lenging for some wards to implement the
implemented. This was achieved using a 1 January and 31 May 2013. Overall, there care bundles.
plan, do, study, act (PDSA) approach. was an improvement in implementation. Several champions found that the
Champions undertook a range of initia- timing of drug rounds, the frequency
tives that included, putting prompt sheets Qualitative outcomes of ward rounds and the ability to identify
into nursing notes, creating posters and The falls champions developed innovative the therapists and junior doctors attached
asking for a column for mobility status to ideas to improve ward culture around falls to their wards affected how successful
be added to handover sheets, as well as prevention among all staff: they were in communicating on intro-
using ward meetings. » Wards developed laminated sheets or ducing bundle elements. This was particu-
One study day included a session on used whiteboards to show individual larly an issue when action from the team
personality types. This had a terrific patients’ mobility requirements so all was needed with, for example, medication
impact on all participants, who engaged those caring for them could see at a reviews, avoiding night sedation and
well with the session. Beginning to under- glance what help might be needed. communicating the results of lying
stand how personality influences the Some wards used the purple colour and standing blood pressure. This problem
ability to communicate with others and scheme from the FallSafe resource pack was particularly acute if the falls cham-
how their personality governed their (RCP, 2012) in poster information for pion nurse worked mainly nights or
response helped staff see how they might patients and visitors. the ward duty system was based on
vary their approach. This was particularly » One champion drafted a traffic light 12-hour shifts.
valuable to champions who were finding it guide for medications that increase fall The striking improvement in cognitive
difficult to persuade others to engage. risk. After consultation with the screening reflects the concurrent hospital-
Comments received included: pharmacy department, this was wide introduction of a Commissioning for
“The session was enlightening – made me developed into a chart that could go in Quality and Innovation target for
evaluate what type of learner I am and, by the drug trolley. dementia. This illustrates the benefits of
doing that, it made me rethink how I get » Another champion designed a guide identifying and carrying out actions that
messages across to people.” sheet to be kept within the cover of the will draw attention to aspects of care that
nursing notes folder to prompt and are relevant to a patient group, in this case
Data collection guide to the relevant pages of the those with dementia. Tackling all issues
There were two groups of care bundle ele- nursing care booklet. relating to dementia through the CQUIN
ments. Bundle A (Box 1) was applied to all » One ward negotiated the provision of automatically included specific falls issues.
inpatients and bundle B (Box 2) to those two walking frames that patients could It is pleasing to see that many of the
identified as being at risk of falling. use out of hours when there is no interventions that rely on good essential
Before the bundles were introduced, physiotherapy cover. nursing care scored highly. However, there

22 Nursing Times 14.05.14 / Vol 110 No 20 /

Table 1. Care bundle A: change from baseline motivated people to behave differently. For
after implementation FallSafe to work in any setting, staff needs
to understand that implementation will be
Total number of patients audited: 280 (14 wards, 20 patients each time) time well spent. Fewer falls means less
Bundle element question % yes at % yes when % change unplanned work and fewer procedures – a
baseline in place good outcome for both patients and staff.
Call bell in sight/reach? 90 92 2.0
Safe footwear available? 87 92 6.4 The quality of falls prevention initiatives
Falls history taken? 67 80 19.4 in hospital wards could be improved if a
rolling programme of auditing the care
Asked about fear of falling? 47 59 25.8
bundle elements could be incorporated
Urinalysis performed? 44 55 25.3 into routine patient safety audits. Nursing
Night sedation avoided? 86 92 7.4 documentation could be reviewed to
streamline the recording of falls-related
Assessed for walking aids? 83 91 9.1
Mobility status communicated? 82 89 9 Encouraging falls champions to share
Walking aids available? 76 83 9 information from falls reporting with
Personal items in reach? 95 96 1.5
ward managers and the rest of the ward
team might raise awareness of times of day
No visible slip or trip hazards? 95 95 0.1 or places where falls are frequent.
The mean relative change was 10.4%.
A care bundle approach to falls prevention
Table 2. Care Bundle B: Change from baseline can be implemented with sustained effort
after implementation and commitment from multidisciplinary
ward teams that include nurses, doctors,
Total number of patients audited for baseline bundle B was 280 (14 wards with 20
therapist, pharmacists, catering and
patients). During implementation, numbers varied since only patients at risk were
domestic staff.
included. On average there were 120 patients, within a range of 90–130.
It is best driven by a nominated member
Bundle element question % yes at % yes when % change of the nursing team with a strong person-
baseline in place ality and leadership attributes who is able
Cognitive assessment completed? 46 76 64.8 to inspire and motivate others, and who
recognises several teaching and communi-
Bedrail assessment completed? 94 100 6.1
cation styles will be required. Service
Appropriate bed? 97 100 6.1 development, however patient focused,
Basic visual assessment completed? 90 93 3.3 can fail without effective leadership.
Attention must be paid to how people
Lying and standing BP recorded? 41 52 26.5
are treated and motivated (McClenahan,
Pulse checked manually? 60 50 -16.6 1999) because “the strength of the NHS lies
Medication reviewed? 76 85 11.8 within its staff , whose skills, expertise and
dedication underpins all that it does”
Medical review of falls risk factors/ 68 58 -15.6
(Department of Health, 2000). NT
Toileting assessment/plan? 95 96 1.7 References
Department of Health (2000) The NHS Plan: a
Appropriate bed position? 97 98 0.2 Plan for Investment, a Plan for Reform. London:
Stationery Office.
The mean relative change was 8.5%. McClenahan J (1999) Emerging problems with
merger policy. In: Appleby J, Harrison A (eds)
Health Care UK 1999/2000: the King’s Fund
should be no complacency: on a 36-bed Many ward managers were sympathetic Review of Health Policy. London: King’s Fund.
ward, even a success rate of 92% leaves two and imaginative in supporting falls cham- National Patient Safety Agency (2010) Slips, Trips
or three patients unprotected. pions, rostering so they could attend study and Falls Data Update June 2010.
There were differences between wards days and encouraging them to use ward Portsmouth Hospitals Trust (2012) Policy for the
when it came to their ability to introduce meetings and handovers to communicate Prevention and Management of Adult in-patients
and implement the care bundle elements FallSafe information. Making time to do at Risk of Falling or Who Have Already Fallen.
and to share the work among colleagues. It the FallSafe work, which involved data col- Royal College of Physicians (2012) Implementing
is worth reflecting on the extent to which lection as well as designing communica- FallSafe: Care Bundles to Reduce Inpatient Falls.
the lack of tangible resources affected the tions materials for staff and patients,
overall project. The original FallSafe project proved very difficult for some champions.
Salkeld G et al (2000) Quality of life related to fear
offered salary uplifts and protected time to Overall, it seems the ability to manage of falling and hip fracture in older women: a time
falls champions and equipment budgets to time and prioritise falls had a greater trade off study. British Medical Journal; 320: 341-346.
wards taking part. We had no extra budget, impact than money. There was little evi- Teasdale K (1992) Managing the Changes in Health
Care. St Louis Mo: Mosby.
nor could protected time be offered. dence that more money would have / Vol 110 No 20 / Nursing Times 14.05.14 23

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