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Dive Tables and Equivalent Air Depth - PowerPoint PPT


Gil Stephen

 357 Presentations
  Australia
 Joined 02/07/2012

Presentation Transcript

1. Dive Tables and Equivalent Air Depth

2. Introduction • Recommended Nitrox Dive Tables • Equivalent Air Depth metres sea
water (msw) • Use of EAD & Tables • Air Tables & computers • Nitrox computers
3. Nitrox Tables • Buehlmann Tables • Definitions • Use – as air tables • Specific Nitrox
Tables: • EAN28 • EAN32 • EAN36 • EAN40 • See Appendix 2
4. Nitrox Tables • Extra Rule • when moving from one mix to another the RNT is
calculated using the table of new mix to be used • Longer RNT • Rule applies from any mix
(EANx or air) to any other mix (EANx or air)
5. Equivalent Air Depth • Nitrox – ppO2 > ppO2 Air • Nitrox –ppN2 < ppN2 Air • Depth
where EAN ppN2 equivalent to air • Depth where ppN2 of Nitrox = ppN2 of Air • Known as

6. EAD - example Example: EAN36: ppN2 = 0.64 bar At 25m = 3.5 Bar (absolute) x 0.64
= 2.24 bar ppN2 Air: ppN2 = 0.79 bar Depth using air at which ppN2 = 2.24 bar 2.24 / 0.79
= 2.83 Bar or 18.3m The equivalent air depth using EAN36 at 25m is 18.3m
7. EAD • Used for any mix • Given depth • Determine no-stop times • EAD 18.3m - use
air tables • Calculated in two ways: • Use EAD formula • Use EAD table (Appendix 3)
8. EAD Formula EAD (Bar) = FN2 in mix x P / 0.79 (FN2 in air) FN2 = decimal fraction of
nitrogen P = pressure of dive (absolute) EAD in bar – convert to metres for equivalent
depth in msw
9. Example: Using Nitrox 32% at 33 metres. Go across to reach 32%. Go down to 33
metres. Follow the row across to the left, where the E.A.D. can be read: 27 metres.
10. Using EAD and Air Tables • Use EAD with any Buehlmann Air table • Determine no-
stop time • Care not to exceed depth • Used for repetitive dives • Keep within no-stop times
• Extra benefit of nitrox over air on safety stop
11. Air Tables & Computers • Nitrox mix with standard tables or computer • Advantage •
Reduces risk DCI • MOD (max ppO2 1.4) • CNS% • No-stop times
12. Nitrox Computers • Use specific nitrox computer • Specify mix used prior to every
dive • Include in buddy check • Track oxygen • Track nitrogen • CNS% • No safety
advantage • Pre-selected % safety margin built in latest models • Multi-level diving •
Always follow manufacturer’s recommendations
13. Summary • Nitrox Dive Tables • EAD concept and use • Air Tables and computers •
Nitrox computers • Safer options • Plan the dive and dive the plan
14. Questions?

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