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Swollen gums

Prepared by : Alaa Abdulkareem

Group -A-
Swollen gums
● Swollen gums , also called gingival swelling, are

often irritated, sensitive, or painful. If gums

become swollen, they may protrude or bulge out.

Swelling in gums usually begins where the gum

meets the tooth. gums may become so swollen,

however, that they begin to hide parts of your

teeth. Swollen gums appear red instead of their

normal pink.
What causes swollen gums?
1. Gingivitis
Gingivitis is the most common cause of swollen gums . It’s a
gum disease that causes your gums to become irritated and

2. Pregnancy
Swollen gums can also occur during pregnancy. The rush of
hormones your body produces during pregnancy may increase the
blood flow in your gums. This increase in blood flow can cause
your gums to be more easily irritated, leading to swelling.
3. Infection
Infections caused by fungi and viruses can potentially cause swollen
gums. If the patient has herpes , it could lead to a condition called
acute herpetic Gingivostomatitis , which causes swollen gums.
Other causes
Some other health issues may cause gum swelling, though they may be less
common. Other possible causes of swollen gums include:

* side effects from some medications

* Malnutrition

* sensitivity to oral products, such as ingredients in a toothpaste or


* wearing poorly fitting dentures, crowns, or other dental appliances

Medical treatment for swollen gums begins with seeing a dentist.

Seeing a dentist for regular checkups and cleaning may help identify
and prevent oral health issues before they cause problems.

Depending on the cause of swollen gums, using oral rinses that help
prevent gingivitis and reduce plaque. In some cases, antibiotics may be
● One common treatment option is scaling and root planing. This procedure
includes scrape away diseased gums, dental plaque, and calculus, or
tartar, on the roots of the teeth to allow the remaining gums to heal.
● The type of medication or treatment that will be recommended depend on
the underlying cause.

Medical treatments for oral issues may include:

1- medicated mouthwashes

2- ointments

3- toothpastes
Taking steps to treat swollen gums is a key part of any dental treatment.
These measures may help prevent swelling or ease the symptom:
* Brush regularly.

* Floss regularly.

* Use gentle oral products such as toothpaste and mouthwash

* Avoid tobacco, including smoking or chewing it.

* Avoid alcohol and alcoholic mouthwashes, as the alcohol may dry out and irritate
the gums.

* Avoid sharp foods , which may get stuck in teeth and cause pain

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