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Fire Officers Advance Course Cl. Nr. 2020-01 DR. MARLON TUIZA
Bravo Company

1. Why are Filipinos not into Philosophy compared to Chinese?

Chinese are well known for their philosophies such as Confucianism, Daoism
Mohism and Legalism. On the other hand, Filipinos have their own philosophies that
they believe in and these are the common values that we have learned from our
ancestors. Chinese philosophy was more into religion, nature and behavior while
Filipinos were focused more into values and behaviors. Since the time being, our
forefathers have brought us to this philosophy so as to live happily and peacefully.
They have instilled in our minds that it is important to enjoy life with compassion to
others and to help our fellowmen. Like the values of “pakikisama”, “hiya” and
“pakiramdam”, all of which are focused on dealing with the people around us.

2. What is the relation of man to the material world?

The material world is the one we are living in. It is the creation of God through
which is called the earth. According to the book of Genesis, God created man in His
image and likeness. He is the creation of God through which He turns him to be the
steward of the earth. Steward meaning a caretaker, a manager and anytime can be
replaced or is not permanent. Therefore, being the manager or a caretaker, we the
human beings will then end all into death. Our stay here on earth is temporary thus we
should not be attached into it. Nobody is permanent in this world.

3. Compare and contrast equity and equality

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, equity is defined as justice
according to natural law or right. It is a freedom from bias or favoritism. On the other
hand, equality was defined from Cambridge Dictionary that it is the right of different
groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment.
To further explain the two, let me explain it through an example. Both of them
give opportunity to all. Just like in a promotion that all qualified are given the opportunity
to apply for a certain position. Everybody who possesses the qualification may be
allowed to apply but since a promotion is based on quota, all of the applicants will be
weighed out and screened according to their submitted supporting documents. The
most qualified applicant will be given the chance to take the position.
4. Differentiate nationalism from patriotism
Nationalism and patriotism seems to be identical by nature. Both of which
pertains to our love for our country. But these two have their differences and these are:
Nationalism means to give more importance to unity by way of cultural background to
include their language and heritage. It is implied that the love of one person to his
country is above all other countries. It is best shown for one's thinking in terms of his
advocacy, ideals and attitude.
On the other hand, patriotism refers to the love of a country with emphasis on
values and beliefs. There is an action being done by a person to show that he is a
patriot. One example for this is a soldier who is willing to sacrifice his own self to serve
the country.

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