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Worksheet/Information Sheet
Worksheet/Information Sheet No:

Class: Class 6 Student’s Name :

Subject:Physics Date:
Topic : Solids, Liquids and Gases Teacher’s Name:Shahriar Turja

1.1 Solids, Liquids and Gases


All the things you see around you are made up of some material. A wall might be made of brick or stone,
a lake is full of water, the air you breathe is full of different gases. Brick, stone, water, and air are all
different types of materials.

 What is matter?

A- A matter is that which occupies space and possesses rest mass.

 How many types of matter are there?

A- There are three types of matter. They are: Solids, Liquids and Gases.


The molecules or atoms in gases are loosely packed, i.e., they are not held together by strong forces
therefore particles (atoms or molecules) can move about at random.

Gases are hard to keep in one place. They have no fixed shape or volume. They have to be bottled up
very tightly and trapped on all sides or they will escape. To keep a gas you must put it in a container. A
gas will not stay in one part of a container but will spread out to fill it even if it is as large as a room.
Think of strong smells, such as the smell of petrol, the fragrance of a flower or perfume, bread baking, or
the warning smell of leaking gas. The way that these smells spread through the air or across a room is
called diffusion. Gases a ways spread out to take up as much space as they can: they disuse.
 Evan a balloon that is very tightly tied goes dawn after a few days. Explain Why?

A- The air inside it leaks out, or diffuses, through the walls of the balloon.

Note: Gases can be squeezed or compressed into a smaller space. For example, the air in car tyres has
been squeezed.

 What are the characteristics of gases?

A- Characteristics of Gases are: Gases have neither definite shape nor definite volume. They
expand to the size of their container i.e. they diffuse. Gases have low density, unless compressed.


The molecules or atoms in liquids are also loosely packed, i.e., they are not held together by strong
forces therefore particles (atoms or molecules) can move about at random.

A liquid can alter its shape, but not its volume, The open side of a liquid is called its surface. Liquids have
the same shape as their container, with a flat surface at the top. Funny things happen on the surface of
liquids. For example, some insects can walk on water. You can even float a steel needle on water. If you
place a tissue paper and a steel needle the tissue becomes wet and sinks but the needle stays afloat. It is
as if water has a kind of 'skin ' on its surface. This is called its surface tension.

 What are the characteristics of liquids?

A- Characteristics of Liquids are: Liquids have definite volume, but indefinite shape. They are
free to form droplets and puddles when they are not inside a container. When a liquid is inside a
container, it will take its shape. Unlike gases, a liquid will not change its volume to spread out and
completely fill a container.

Note: Like gases, liquids can diffuse. If you place one drop of ink in a beaker of water, the colour of the
ink gradually spreads through out the water. This is called liquid diffusion.

 Describe two examples which show that liquids have surface tension.

A- A needle floats in the water due to surface tension. Pondskater, a type of bug, usually walks
on water due to surface tension.

 Why do houses have a waterproof barrier between layers of brick close to the ground? What is
this barrier called?

A- The waterproof layer between the bricks stop rising damp from the ground. This saves the
wall from damage. This is called damp-proofing.

 What is Diffusion?
A- Diffusion is the net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of higher concentration to
a region of lower concentration.

 Give two examples of Liquid diffusion.

A- 1. A drop of ref dye on a glass of water causes the water to change its color to red.

2. A sugar cube placed in a liquid dissolves and diffuses throughout the liquid,
sweetening it evenly without stirring if it is left for some time.


The molecules or atoms in solids are closely packed, i.e., they are held together by strong forces and
cannot move about at random.

Solids don't need to be kept in a container. They have a fixed shape and volume. Unless they are melted
down, cut, or crushed they will keep this shape.

Have you ever looked closely at a grain of sugar or a pinch of salt? Sugar and salt are both made up of
tiny crystals. Many solids are found in the form of crystals. Each crystal has its own shape sometimes
very beautiful. Snowflakes have thousands of different patterns.

Many solids can be stretched. A rubber band, a piece of elastic, a guitar string all become longer when
they are pulled. A piece of steel or copper wire can be wrapped round a pencil to make a spring. This
spring can be stretched or squeezed. Let go of the spring and it 'springs' back to its first shape.

 What are the characteristics of Solids?

A- Characteristics of Solids are: Solid have a fixed shape and a fixed volume. They cannot be
compressed and have high density. Force of attraction between the particles is very strong therefore
they dont diffuse. The space between the particles of solids is negligible.


I. Materials can be labelled as solid, liquid, or gas.

2. A gas has no fixed shape or volume. It takes the shape of its container.

3. A gas spreads out to fill its container by a process called diffusion.

4. A gas can be compressed into a small space.

5. A liquid has a fixed volume but no fixed shape. It takes the shape of its container.
6. A liquid seems to have a skin on its surface. This is called its surface tension.

7. Liquids can diffuse and most liquids can be soaked up

8. A solid has a fixed shape and a fixed volume

9. Many solids exist as crystals.

10. Many solids can be stretched and squeezed.

Copy out and complete the statement:

a) Gases have no fixed ______ or ________

b) The spread of a gas throughout a room is called _______

c) Insects can float on water because of _______

d) Solids normally have a fixed _______ and _______

Shape, volume, diffusion, surface tension, shape, volume.

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