Classroom Observation 1-Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8

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Lesson Plan in


August 27, 2019

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, the learners would have accomplished the following:
a. Compare and classify the musical instruments of Japan
b. Identify through listening the characteristics Japanese music
c. Sing accurately representative songs from East Asia simulating their singing style
d. Show appreciation of the Music of Japan

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Music of Japan

Reference: Music and Arts 8, pp.57-60
Learning Materials: Music of Japan (Powepoint), Musical Instruments of Japan
(pictures), Musical Instruments of Japan (multimedia), Manila
paper, marking pens, masking tape.

III. Procedure

A. Classroom Management
1. Prayer
2. Greeting
3. Cleanliness and orderliness
4. Checking of attendance

B. Review of Previous Lesson

“What was our previous lesson all about?”

“Give some examples of musical instruments of Southeast Asia.”
“Why is it important to learn about Southeast Asian music?”

C. Motivation: Sing Along (Singing Activity)

Play the multimedia presentation entitled “Sakura” and sing along with the class.

“Did you like the song? Why?”

“What was the message of the song?”

D. Activity 1: Identifying Musical Instruments of Japan

Group learners into 5 and ask them to identify and categorize the musical instruments of
Japan and present their output on the board. Outputs will be processed during discussion
about the Music of Japan

E. Discussion: Music of Japan

Show the map of East Asia to the Class. Ask one learner to point the location of Japan on
the map.

“What are the nearby countries in Japan?”

“How did nearby countries influence the music and culture of Japan?”

Show the slide on different musical instruments of Japan, their description and uses.
Process the student’s answers from Activity 1

F. Activity 2: Reflections on the Music of Japan (Listening Activity)

Provide guide questions for the listening activity. Play the multimedia presentation of
different musical instruments of Japan. (5 minutes)

Give time for each group to discuss their answers (5 minutes)

Guide questions:
1. How did the musician play the instrument?
2. What feelings did the musical instrument convey? Give at least 3
3. What images came to your mind while listening to the music? Give at least 3
4. What characteristic of the music do you like most and why?

Group 1 KOTO
Group 3 BIWA
Group 4 TAIKO

Rubrics 10 9 8 7 6 Score
Promptness The group were The group were The group were The group were The group took
able to present able to present able to present able to present too long to
their output their output on their output one their output two present their
before the time minute after the minutes after output to the
allotted time allotted time the allotted class
Cooperativeness The members One to two Three to four More than half Only one
were very members were members were of the group member of the
cooperative in not cooperative not cooperative were not group
accomplishing in in cooperative in accomplished
the task accomplishing accomplishing accomplishing the task
the task the task the task
Relevance/Accuracy The responses The responses The responses The responses The responses
given by the given by the given by the given by the given by the
group were group were group were group needs group is
outstanding very satisfactory improvement unsatisfactory

G. Evaluation: Answer the following questions in a ¼ sheet of paper:

1. It is a two-meter long 13-string zither made of Paulownia wood (Answer: Koto)

2. A three-string lute made of sandalwood similar to Banjo (Answer: Shamisen)
3. Large Japanese drums (Answer: Taiko)
4. Short-necked lute used in Gagaku (Answer: Biwa)
5. Japanese bamboo flute with four or five finger holes (Shakuhachi)

IV. Agreement (by Group)

Practice the song “Sakura” for a group presentation next meeting.

Prepared by:

MAPEH Teacher

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