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Tema: El Sistema Financiero y la era de las plataformas Digitales

Objetivo particular:

Que el alumno conozca los temas recientes que esta analizando y estudiando el sistema financiero con esto nos referimos a: Criptomonedas, Fintex, Mercado de valores,
Bancos y Banco Central.


Se investigara en las plataformas digitales: Edx, Coursera, Moocs y Youtube los temas que pudieran ser de apoyo al material de estudio de los Seminarios de Desarrollo I y II
de la licenciatura en economía de la UAM-Azcapotzalco.


Al final del curso el alumno adquirida las herramientas necesarias que le permitan dar solución a los problemas económicos que suceden en las actividades financieras.
Plataforma: COURSERA

Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
Robert J. Shiller is Principiante  Module 1 38 horns
inglés Sterling Professor of Welcome to the course! In this ial-markets-global
Robert Shiller Subtítulos en Economics, Departme opening module, you will learn
Universidad Sterling español nt of the basics of financial markets,
Professor of Economics and Cowle insurance, and CAPM (Capital
de Yale
Financial Economics at s Foundation for Asset Pricing Model). This
Markets Yale University Research in module serves as the foundation
Economics, Yale of this course.
University, and  Module 2
Professor of Finance In this next module, dive into
and Fellow at some details of behavioral
the International finance, forecasting, pricing,
Center for Finance, debt, and inflation.
Yale School of
Management. He  Module 3
received his B.A. from Stocks, bonds, dividends,
the University of shares, market caps; what are
Michigan in 1967 and these? Who needs them? Why?
his Ph.D. in economics Module 3 explores these
from the concepts, along with corporation
Massachusetts basics and some basic financial
Institute of Technology markets history.
in 1972. He has written  Module 4
on financial markets, Take a look into the recent past,
financial innovation, exploring recessions, bubbles,
behavioral economics, the mortgage crisis, and
macroeconomics, real regulation.
estate, statistical
methods, and on
public attitudes,
opinions, and moral
judgments regarding
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
Inglés She is frequently recognized Principiante  Introduction to 20 horns
Subtítulos en for her outstanding teaching; Financial Accounting, a-darden-financial-accounting
español she was the recipient of the the Financial
Universidad de Luann J. Lynch University of Virginia Alumni Statements, and the
Financial Virginia Almand R. Board of Trustees Teaching Balance Sheet.
Accounting Coleman Award and elected Faculty  Introduction to
Fundamentals Professor of Marshall in 2000 and 2013, Recording Transactions
Business was nominated for the  The Income Statement,
Administration Outstanding Faculty Award Revenue and Expense
from the State Council of Transactions, and
Higher Education for Virginia Adjusting Entries.
(SCHEV) in 2001, has been  The Statement of Cash
recognized as an Outstanding Flows, Financial
Professor in BusinessWeek’s Statement Preparation
Guide to the best Business
Schools and is frequently
nominated for the
Outstanding Faculty Award at

Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
She is frequently recognized Principiante  Introduction to 20 horns
for her outstanding teaching; Financial Accounting, a-darden-financial-accounting
she was the recipient of the the Financial
Universidad de Luann J. Lynch University of Virginia Alumni Statements, and the
Financial Virginia Almand R. Board of Trustees Teaching Balance Sheet.
Accounting Coleman Award and elected Faculty  Introduction to
Fundamentals Professor of Marshall in 2000 and 2013, Recording Transactions
Business was nominated for the  The Income Statement,
Administration Outstanding Faculty Award Revenue and Expense
from the State Council of Transactions, and
Higher Education for Virginia Adjusting Entries.
(SCHEV) in 2001, has been  The Statement of Cash
recognized as an Outstanding Flows, Financial
Professor in BusinessWeek’s Statement Preparation
Guide to the best Business
Schools and is frequently
nominated for the
Outstanding Faculty Award at
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duració Link
curso sobre el instructor n
Inglés Federico Ast es profesor de Principiante 20 horns
Universidad Federico Ast Subtítulos la Facultad de Ciencias  El Nacimiento del
La Disrupción Ph.D. en en español Empresariales de la Blockchain blockchain-espanol#syllabus
del Dirección de Universidad Austral, Doctor
Blockchain Empresas | IAE en dirección de empresas y  Criptomonedas: la
Business emprendedor con amplia Transformación de
School experiencia en la industria las Finanzas
del blockchain. Es fundador  El Blockchain y la
de Crowdjury y Kleros, dos Disrupción del Mundo
proyectos que utilizan el Legal
blockchain para la
transformación de los
 Las Organizaciones
Descentralizadas y el
sistemas legales y de
Gobierno del
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duració Link
curso sobre el instructor n
Lee Reiners joined the Principiante 20 horns
Inglés Duke Global Financial  Welcome to FinTech
FinTech Law Duke Subtítulos Markets Center as Law and Policy intechlawandpolicy#syllabus
and Policy University Lee Reiners, en español executive director in 2016.
At Duke Law, Reiners  The Evolving
teaches FinTech and the Relationship Between
Law as well as seminars FinTechs, Regulators,
relating to financial policy and Traditional
and regulatory practice. He Financial Institutions
writes frequently on FinTech  Cryptocurrency and
and other financial Initial Coin Offerings
regulatory matters on The
FinReg Blog. Prior to joining
 FinTech Lending
Duke Law, Reiners worked  Banking Regulation in
for five years at the Federal the U.S.
Reserve Bank of New York
(FRBNY), first as a
supervisor of systemically
important financial
institutions and then as a
senior associate within the
executive office.
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
I first taught Economics of Principiante 44 horns
Economics of Inglés Money and Banking in Fall  Introduction
Money and Universidad Subtítulos 1996. From the beginning, I arn/money-banking
Banking de Columbia en español have used the course to  Introduction,
Perry G
challenge myself to make sense continued
of the rapidly evolving monetary  Banking as a Clearing
and financial system outside my System
window. Many of my students
work, or aspire to work, at one
 Banking as a Clearing
System, continued
of the downtown financial
institutions, and those who don't
are highly motivated to
understand how this crucial
heart of the modern economy
actually works.
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
. Before becoming an Principiante 10 horns
Faculty Inglés academic, he was an an  Equity Markets n/financial-markets-intro?
Director-PGP Vaidya Subtítulos Investment Banker with
to Financial Finance & ISB Nathan en español JPMorganChase Bank in  Currency Markets
Markets Alumni Hong Kong, New York, and  Fixed Income
Endowment Singapore and has advised Markets
Research financial institutions and
Fellow corporates in Asia-Pacific
 Macroeconomic
region on hedging and risk
management. He
specializes in Credit
Derivative, Foreign
Exchange and Fixed
Income products. He has
also advised corporates in
Telecom, Media and
Technology space on
mergers and acquisitions,
divestiture, acquisition
financing, capital structure
advisory, alternative
investments, and debt
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
Principiante 10 horns
Finance for McMaster Inglés  Welcome & inance-markets?#syllabus
Everyone: University Arshad Subtítulos Interest Rates
Markets Ahmad en español
 Bonds
 Stocks
 Deriviates &
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor Jess Alonso El experto en Principiante 10 horns
Curso Bitcoin y Español trading se ofrece  ¿Qué es Bitcoin? ogia/blockchain/curso-bitcoin-
Trading como guía en los  ¿Dónde comprar y-trading-criptomonedas-
CriptoMonedas primeros pasos y vender
dentro del mercado 20610
de criptodivisas.
 La historia de
Bitcoin y datos
 Cómo recibir y
enviar bitcoins
 Cómo comprar y
vender bitcoins
 ¿Qué son
 ¿Dónde comprar
y vender
 Cómo hacer
Trading: desde el
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor
La Disrupción Universidad Federico Ast   Principiante 10 horns
del Blockchain Austral Ph.D. en Inglés Federico Ast es  El Nacimiento del n/blockchain-espanol?
Dirección de Subtítulos en profesor de la Blockchain page=1&configure
Empresas | IAE español Facultad de  Criptomonedas:
Business School Ciencias %5BclickAnalytics
Empresariales de la %5D=true&indices
de las Finanzas
Universidad Austral, %5Bprod_all_products_term_o
 El Blockchain y la
Doctor en dirección ptimization%5D%5Bconfigure
Disrupción del
de empresas y %5D%5BclickAnalytics
Mundo Legal
emprendedor con
amplia experiencia  Las Organizaciones %5D=true&indices
en la industria del Descentralizadas y el %5Bprod_all_products_term_o
blockchain. Es Gobierno del ptimization%5D%5Bconfigure
fundador de Blockchain %5D%5BruleContexts%5D
Crowdjury y Kleros,  El Camino Hacia un %5B0%5D=es&indices
dos proyectos que Mundo de Pares %5Bprod_all_products_term_o
utilizan el blockchain
para la
transformación de %5D%5BhitsPerPage
los sistemas legales %5D=10#about
y de justicia.
Nombre del Institución Instructor Idioma Breve reseña Nivel Programa Duración Link
curso sobre el instructor

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