100 Essays Vol. 4

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1. Essay on Traffic Rules

2. Essay on Health Education

3. Essay on Mobile Phone

4. Essay on Adventure

5. United We Stand Divided We Fall

6. Unity is Strength

7. Where there is a will there is a way

8. Work is Worship

9.Essay on Moral Values

10. Essay on Discipline

11. Essay on Ethics

12. Essay on Good Manners

13. Essay on Honesty

14. Essay on Importance of Good Manners in Life

15. Essay on Kindness

16. Essay on my Duty towards my Country

17. Essay on Punctuality

18. Essay on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

19. Essay on Time

20. Essay on Time Management

21. Essay on Value of Time

22. Essay on Values

23.Conservation of Nature Essay

24. Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

25. Essay on Forest

26. Essay on My Garden

27. Essay on Natural Resources

28. Essay on Natural Resources Depletion

29. Essay on Rainy Day

30. Essay on Save Water Save Earth

31. Essay on Save Water Save Life

32. Essay on Seasons in India

33. Essay on Water

34. Nature Essay

35. Rainy Season Essay

36. Spring Season Essay

37. Summer Season Essay

38. Winter Season Essay

39. Essay on Health and Fitness

40. Essay on Addiction

41. Essay on AIDS

42. Essay on Cancer

43. Essay on Environment and Human Health

44. Essay on Happiness

45. Essay on Health

46. Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

47. Essay on Importance of Yoga

48. Essay on Yoga

49. Junk Food Essay

50. Obesity Essay

51. Anti Leprosy Day

52. Army Day

53. International Customs Day

54. International Day of Education

55. Martyrs Day

56. National Girl Child Day

57. National Youth Day

58. Oil and Gas Conservation Week and Fortnight

59. Pin Code Week

60. Pravasi Bhartiya Divas

61. Republic Day of India

62. Subhas Chandra Bose Birthday


64. Central Excise Day

65. International Day of Women and Girls in science

66. International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

67. International Mother Language Day

68. National Deworming Day

69. National Science Day

70. Road Safety Week

71. Sant Ravidas Jayanti

72. Valentine’s Day

73. World Cancer Day

74.World Day of Social Justice

75. World Radio Day

76. World Wetlands Day

77. Dandi March Day

78. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

79. International Day of Forests

80. International Day of Happiness

81. International Women’s Day

82. Martyrs Day

83. National Safety Day

84. Ordnance Factories Day

85. World Down Syndrome Day

86. World Forestry Day

87. World Kidney Day

88. World Meteorological Day

89. World Poetry Day

90. World TB Day

91. World Water Day

92. World Wildlife Day

93. Zero Discrimination Day

94. Ambedkar Jayanti

95. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

96. Prevention of Blindness Week

97. World Book Day

98. World Earth Day

99. World Health Day

100. World Haemophilia Day


1. Essay on Traffic Rules
Traffic Rules are definite rules and regulations formed by the government
and other relevant agencies for the safety and convenience of daily road commuters and
other travellers. Some rules vary for different types of road users i.e. cyclists, pedestrians, car
drivers etc, while some are common. Whatever the rule may be, it is formed with just one
prime objective – to ensure the safety of all road users.


Below we have provided essay on traffic rules and covered various topics. By going through
them you will be able to define traffic rules, know the traffic rules in India, know the
significance of traffic rules for commuter’s safety, know about traffic signals and rules, know
how to raise awareness about traffic rules and how could obeying traffic rules effect our daily
life. You can very well use the following traffic rules essays in a school competition, debate or
a talk about traffic safety or relevant issues.


Indian roads are overcrowded with various types of vehicles – cars, buses, trucks, farm
vehicles (tractors etc), along with bicycles, rickshaws (three wheeled passenger cart),
motorcycles and pedestrians. Even vendors and road side stalls could be easily spotted
encroaching on the road. With so much huge variety of vehicles and different commuters, it
becomes imperative to design specific rules, to be followed while using the road in order to
ensure safe transit for everyone. Thus, traffic rules come into picture. They are a set of rules
and regulations formulated, to be obeyed while using the roads.

The rules to regulate traffic on the roads have been put in the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. The
Act came into effect from 1st July 1989 and is uniformly applicable throughout India.

Some of the most significant traffic rules in India are – mandatory registration and insurance
of all private as well as commercial vehicles; issuing of driving licenses only to the adults on or
above the legal age of 18 years; fine and imprisonment on drunken driving; speed limits and
zebra crossings for the safety of pedestrians and other commuters; mandatory helmets and
seat belts; fitness certificate for all types of vehicles; while approaching an intersection, give
right of way to vehicle already traversing on the road etc.



Traffic rules and regulations are formulated to regulate traffic, for the safety and convenience
of all types of road users. They are very essential to ensure safety of various road users and as
well as their easy commuting.

What Makes Indian Roads Unsafe

Indian roads are overcrowded with variety of vehicles and daily commuters. Our highways and
city roads are carrying much more traffic than what they were actually designed for. But, it is
only tip of the iceberg; main problem lays in the variety of vehicles on the same road and of
course they all want to reach on time.

We have slow moving traffic like – rickshaws, carts along with cars, buses, trucks, bicycles,
motorcycles, pedestrians and often animals; all using the same road. Besides, motorcyclists,
bicycle riders and pedestrians are the most vulnerable, as they are difficult to spot on a
crowded and busy road. Not to mention the road sides stalls and eateries, those have
encroached on the road and footpaths, only making things vulnerable for pedestrians. In this
scenario, a collision is the only next reality, if traffic rules are not followed promptly.

How Traffic Rules Improve Safety

The traffic rules and regulations are designed in such a way, so that they ensure the safety of
all the commuters. Some rules are formulated for specific types of users, while some are
common. Rule like “keep left” is meant to give pass to vehicles coming from opposite
direction, as well as to other vehicles approaching from behind and travelling in the same
direction. Rule mandating a slow down while approaching a zebra crossing is meant for the
safety of pedestrians.


Wearing helmet while riding a bike or bicycle is meant for safety of the rider. Likewise, there
are many rules like wearing seat belts while driving, driving within limited speed, no drunken
driving, giving way to pedestrians (as they are most vulnerable), following traffic signals and
signs; all are designed for the safety of road users and ensure their easy transit.


Traffic Signals

Traffic signals constitute an essential part of traffic rules and regulations. Every city commuter
faces traffic signals, while on the road and must follow them in order to ensure safe and
regulated transit. The main objective of traffic signals is the regulation of traffic. Traffic signals
are also commonly called traffic lights, traffic lamps and signal lights.

Where and Why Are Traffic Signals Installed

Traffic signals are installed at road intersections and at pedestrian crossings. Intersections are
the vital junction points where, an unregulated traffic flow could lead to accidents and long
traffic congestions. Traffic lights alternate the right of way for vehicles passing through the
intersection, thus making the commuting easy. Traffic signals are also installed at pedestrian
crossings to regulate their movement, alternatively it with the vehicles’. Traffic signals are also
installed at rail road crossings and on connecting roads to hospitals, schools or other
significant junctions.

Traffic Signals History

World’s first traffic signal was installed in London in 1868, it was a gas lit signal operated
manually. Though, it didn’t last for even a month and exploded. The first traffic light in India
was installed in 1953, at Egmore Junction near Chennai – the capital of southern Indian state
Tamil Nadu. Next the city of Bangalore, now capital city of southern Karnataka state, installed
its first traffic signal at corporation circle in 1963.

Traffic Signals/Rules in India

Traffic signals or traffic lights are signaling devices installed at various intersections. They use a
definite color representation system with a vertical display of colored lights. Indian traffic
signals have three primary colors – red, orange (amber) and green. Red instructs to stop;
orange to get ready and green gives permission to wade through. Traffic lights are also
installed for pedestrians, often having the same color codes (Red-Stop, Amber-Wait, and

While following the traffic signals, there are a few more things that one should keep in mind.
While stopping on a red light, one should make sure to stop well before the zebra crossing
meant for the pedestrians; turn left on a red signal only when there is no sign prohibiting the
move; even though the signal turned green, don’t accelerate instantly, rather make sure that
the traffic from other side has stopped and also that there is no stray vehicle. A flashing red

signal is a strict indication to stop, while a flashing orange (amber) light directs to proceed
with caution.

Manual Signals

There are various manual signals using the gestures of hand for the regulation of traffic. These
signals are used by the traffic policemen as well as vehicle riders. They include stop signal,
slow down signal, right turn signal, left turn signal etc.



The reluctance to follow the traffic rules in India varies from place to place, similarly as its
cultures and languages. People in some parts of India diligently obey the traffic rules while in
some other parts they tend to be habitual offenders. Surprisingly, those who disobey the rules
are well aware of them, and also the consequences that could arise by not following them.
Still, they display their reluctance and regularly flout the rules, putting their own life as well as
life of others in danger.

Present Indian Scenario

Our reluctance to follow the road traffic rules could be assessed from a recent 2018 statics,
which states that road accidents in India claim 400 lives every day. Prime causes behind the
fatalities are – over speeding, jumping signals, overloaded commercial vehicles, overcrowded
passenger vehicles, not wearing safety gears etc. Most vulnerable are the two wheeler riders
and pedestrians, who are difficult to spot on crowded and busy roads. According to a recent
study, two wheeler drivers in India constitute 40% of total road accident deaths annually.

Reasons for Low Awareness

People’s reluctance to follow traffic rules could be attributed to various factors. There is no
organized road safety education in the Indian system. Children come to know about the
general traffic rules by their parents or by self observation. There are hundreds of traffic signs
that the children have never been told about.

The usual “let go” attitude also plays a significant role in Indian context. People tend to follow
the irresponsible drivers. If a single driver jumps a red signal, he will be followed by many
others. As if, they were not waiting for the lights to turn green, but for someone to jump it.

Another reason behind low awareness is liberal monitoring. People disobeying traffic rules are
seldom confronted, thus making them more reluctant. When not stopped for a number of
times, they become habitual offenders, compromising their own safety as well as safety of

Methods to Increase Awareness

There are many initiatives that could be taken to increase public awareness. An organized
structure for providing education regarding road safety and rules, in the schools must be
provided. Road safety and rules could be started as a subject in schools and professional
courses. Use of print and electronic media could also be vital tool in raising awareness. Any
message sent by celebrities, through print or electronic media will have greater influence on
the attitude of people. A mandatory training session for are new driving license holders, on
road safety and rules too will help in raising awareness.


Regular campaigns should be organized by the governments in coordination with relevant

departments, wherein people must be taught about traffic rules and regulation, also
encouraged to use proper safety gears. A strict monitoring and a policy of zero tolerance
towards offences like drunken driving, over speeding etc, will send a strong message to the
public and deter them from flouting the rules.



Road traffic rules are mandatory for all the occupants of the roads, including car drivers, bike
riders, bus drivers, truck drivers, pedestrians and passengers. They are designed to regulate
the flow of traffic and make daily commuting safer for every user.

Various Traffic Rules and Their Significance in Our Daily Life

Traffic rules that we follow daily while commuting from one place to another, help us reach
our destination safely. Some of the most common traffic rules that one should follow while
using the road and their significance are described below-

1) Driving With a Valid Driving License

If you are driving with a valid driving license, you have probably reached the permissible age
limit to drive. Also, you must have undergone the necessary training provided about road
safety rules and regulations by the licensing authority; making you a responsible driver behind
the wheels.

2) Keeping Left

This is another significant rule obeyed while daily commuting. You must keep left of the road
while leaving or entering, to make way for the approaching vehicles, already at high speed on
the road. You must also keep left to make way for an emergency or other vehicle coming from
behind at high speed. This way you ensure that both reach their destinations safely.

3) Never Approach a Road From Wrong Side

Approaching a road suddenly from wrong side might have fatal consequences. A wrong and
sudden approach might surprise the other drivers/riders, resulting in confusion and collision.
It’s advised to look for any approaching vehicle on the main road and in case they seem far,
approach the road slowly, keeping left always.

4) Always Wearing Safety Gears

A driver must wear all the safety equipments required for the vehicle. Wearing a seat belt or a
helmet could be all the difference between life and death. General conception that safety
gears are not required while city commuting is a myth. Either on city roads or highways, safety
belts and helmets have proven their mettle in saving lives.

5) Following Traffic Signals

A junction or a roads intersection is the most critical point that an everyday commuter has to
pass through many times in a day. It is difficult to judge which way the vehicle coming from
front will turn or to see any approaching vehicle from either left or right. Continuing blindly on
a junction might have fatal consequences. Always follow the traffic rules or the signals of the
policeman, who alternates the movement, ensuring safe transit for all.

6) Waiting For The Pedestrians

On foot pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the roads. They depend on other drivers
for their own safety. A negligent driver could hit an unsuspecting pedestrian, crossing the road
or waiting for a bus to arrive. While daily commuting one should always make way for the
pedestrians at zebra crossings or other spots, and ensure safe transit for all.

7) Don’t Drink and Drive

A Drunken driver not only risks his own life but also the lives of other road users. Drinking
hampers one’s ability to make decisions and foresee the consequences. The drivers get
negligent and over speed compromising the safety of their own as well as others. Either for
daily commuting or for sometimes, drunken driving must be strictly prohibited.


Traffic rules play a vital role in ensuring our safe transit to office and house every day. Even if
someone flouts the rules and reaches safely is only because of other good commuters who
follow and respect traffic rules. That is, if all the vehicles jump the signal, then no one is going
to get to the destination safely or at least on time. It is therefore imperative for all, to
diligently follow the traffic rules and regulations while on the road.


2. Essay on Health Education
The term “Health Education” refers to a profession wherein people are taught about the
promotion, maintenance and restoration of their health. Health in this aspect refers to mental
health, physical health, psychological health, social health, sexual health and reproductive
health. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health Education as a program to
improve health literacy and develop skills which are conducive to individual and community


Below we have provided Health Education essay of varied lengths, covering all the significant
aspects of health education. You can choose any of the essay on Health Education as per your
requirement. You can use them for essay writing competition or presentation in your
school/college or elsewhere.


In a lay man’s term, Health Education is defined as a program which teaches an individual or a
community about the methods to improve their health conditions by providing health literacy.
Health Education covers various aspects, ranging from social health, mental health to sexual
and reproductive health.

Every year, millions of lives are lost globally because of infectious diseases, and other causes
due to the lack of health education and general public awareness. The situation is more critical
in developing countries where high mortality rate of infants exists due to lack of basic health
amenities and low public awareness. In India diseases like diarrhea, infections of lower
respiratory tract and other communicable diseases, constitute the prime causes of infant
mortality. Health Education; therefore, becomes a necessity to raise the literacy level of
people in areas concerning health and hygiene of self, as well as that of community.

However, the average life expectancy by birth in India has increased from 49.7 years in 1970-
75 to 69.1 in 2018, due to the government’s efforts in promoting health education through a
well trained and equipped staff. Also the infant mortality rate has nearly halved to 34 per 1000
births, since the past decades.



“Health Education” refers to educating an individual or a community for adopting better,

healthy and hygienic living conditions. Health Education aims to raise awareness of individuals
and communities on various aspects of health like – physical health, mental health,
psychological health, prevention of diseases, sexual and reproductive health etc. Health
education is a broad subject and might also include topics like health issues of alcohol, drugs,
tobacco and environmental health.

Who are Health Educators

Anyone with proper knowledge of health and hygiene and relevant knowledge on health
issues could provide health education through face to face interaction with individual or
community. However, some people are especially trained for the purpose and are certified
health specialists, also referred to as health educators.

The government of India has launched a number of programs for promoting health care,
preventing communicable – non communicable diseases and other relevant causes. The
programs have a dedicated team of trained professionals functioning as health educators and
medical supervisors. Health educators interact with villagers in remote areas, educating them
on the issues of general health and diseases.

Teachers in schools could also function as health educators by educating children about
maintaining proper health and hygiene. They can educate children about various
communicable and non communicable diseases and how to prevent them by adopting health
habits and hygiene.


Health Education in developing countries is an absolute necessity, in order to raise health

literacy and lower the mortality rate arising due to various diseases and other health related
issues. There is also a need for mandatory health education in schools by making the
necessary policy changes in this regard. The authorities must also ensure that the program is
backed up by a trained workforce, specializing in interacting and educating children and
teachers. Also the teachers could be trained as health educators, to spread awareness among
the students and community.



Health Education refers to educating individuals, groups or communities in areas of health. It

aims to educating people on how to maintain personal health. However, in broader aspects,
health education also aims to improving the overall health of a community. It also covers
various areas of health as – physical health, mental health, psychological health, emotional
health, sexual health and reproductive health.

State of Health Education in India

The need for public health education in India was realized as early as in 1940, when a
committee under the chairmanship of Sir Joseph Bhore (Indian Civil Servant) emphasized on
the inadequate teaching on public health in undergraduate training programs for medical

Today health education in India has been considerably improved, backed by various institutes
and a trained workforce including doctors, nursing workers paramedics etc who specialize in
areas of public health.

Presently, India has two types of public health professionals – one who is trained in core
public health or specializes in a specific public health area; second, who acquire a medical
degree or diploma before specializing in public health.

Though, the state of health education in India is constantly improving because of various
government initiatives to improve and increase trained workforce; still, there is a shortage of
trained professionals and a need to increase their numbers and skills.

Role of Health Educator/Teacher in Health Education

The spread of diseases and subsequent deaths could best be prevented by educating people
on the various areas of health education. Here comes the role and need for a health educator.
A health educator is a professionally trained individual who specializes in areas regarding
public health. He is well equipped with resources and strategies to educate individuals, groups
or communities on how to maintain proper health and hygiene. School teachers are also
trained in areas public health under various programs, in order to increase the workforce and
to reach out to more and more people.


Despite all the institutes that provide professional courses on public health, there is a shortfall
of trained public health work force in India. There is a need to set up more institutes and
including professionals from other fields in order to fill the gap. Also, the number of students
opting for public health is considerably low with regards to other professional degree or
diploma courses. Thus, for improving public health, we need to build institutes giving public
health professionals, create job opportunities for those professionals and framing a career
path for them.



Health Education constitutes educational programs directed towards improving the state of
health and hygiene among individuals and communities. Health Education provides
information about the factors that affect the health and hygiene of an individual or a

Strengths of Health Education in India

One of the main strengths of Health education in India is the presence of an adequate multi
level infrastructure both in the government and non government sectors. The central health
education bureau works in collaboration with the state health education bureau, up to the
block level.

Another strength of Health education in India is an efficiently trained work force. Majority of
health educators in India are either graduate or post graduate.

Another strength of health education in India lies in the successful information dispensation
throughout its states, despite the linguistic variations. India has 15 official languages and
several local dialects; even then health education programs are able to successfully convey the

Weaknesses of Health Education in India

Weaknesses of the health education in India include high dependability on print media, lack of
research and conventional training methods of educators, inability to reach all the remote
villages and no avenues of professional growth for health educators.

Most of the campaigns on health education, either in government or non government sector
rely on print media for promotion; through, newspapers, posters and pamphlets. Around 40%
of Indians are unable to read or write, which defeats the purpose as the promotion fails to
reach the uneducated at ground level.

Another weakness of Health education in India is the absence of better growth avenues for
the functionaries. Because of not being properly organized, the profession is non lucrative for
youths, who rather opt for other more promising professional courses.
Also, the mode of training and education in public health is conventional and there is a dire
need to integrate modern techniques along with better exposure to the professionals.

Methods to Improve Health Education in India

One of the best ways to improve the state of public health education in India is to let a well
trained workforce reach out to people in remote areas. More emphasis should be given on
interacting with the villagers on occasions of public gathering like – fares, markets etc.
Moreover, methods like plays, folk shows should be used to convey the message, rather than
print media.

People visiting hospitals and clinics are more conscious about health issues and so efforts
must be made to educate them. They naturally tend to be more receptive and benefit from
the programs.

Schools could also play a significant role in spreading health education. Schools are the best
place to interact with children belonging to different sections of society. Teachers could be
adequately trained to impart health education to the children. Children on the other hand
could share their knowledge with their parents, relatives and friends.

Also it should be made compulsory for any medical professional to serve a fixed tenure in
some remote village, where s/he is vested with the responsibility of educating people about
health and hygiene along with addressing their ailments.


It is imperative for India to improve to a never seen before standards of health. For which it
also necessary to target the marginalized sections of Indian society; for it is them who are
deprived of basic health amenities and are oblivious of many health concerns. There is a need
to open new avenues of health education, at ground level as well as strengthening the
infrastructure related to health education.



“Health Education” aims to impart knowledge regarding measures to be taken by an individual

or community in order to improve their overall health. India is a developing nation, but various
communicable and non communicable diseases still claim thousands of lives annually. Also,
the figures reveal varying infant mortality rates from states to states – it is 6 per 1000 births in
Kerala and in Uttar Pradesh it is 64 per 1000 births.

The prime cause of high infant mortality is the absence of trained medical professionals and
people’s own ignorance about health conditions. In such state of affairs, it becomes
imperative for India to have an effective infrastructure backed by equally effective work force
to address to the medical needs of people and also to raise their level of health education and

Importance of Health Education

Health education improves the status of overall health of an individual and community,
ultimately resulting in a better overall health of the nation. Health education is directly related
to a nation’s economical growth, as a better health education results in high life expectancy
and a raised standards of living.

Who Provides Health Education

Health Education is provided by trained professionals known as – health educators. They are
certified specialists holding a certificate in public health or on a specific health issue. The work
force of Public health education constitutes of doctors, paramedics and the nursing staff. They
are trained in areas of health and hygiene and also are well equipped with necessary
resources to reach out to people and educate them. Many professionals from different fields
too, volunteer to provide health education to masses after going a required amount of

Motive of Health Education

Health education aims at improving the health condition of an individual and a community. It
teaches an individual the ways to stay healthy and remain safe from diseases. It also aims at
developing in them a sense of responsibility towards themselves as well as towards the

Health education is very significant in developing nations. It imparts to the people, the basic
health knowledge about health and hygiene, by shaping their day to day activities. Moreover,
other than physical health, health education also aims for addressing other serious issues like
stress, depression or other emotional disturbances.

India’s Stand on Health Education

In the recent years there has been an increasing trend in non medical professional institutes in
India, offering public health programs to the students. Today around 23 institutes in India
today offer Master in Public Health with annual enrollment of 573 candidates.

School Health Program was launched by the Government of India in 2009, with aim of
addressing to the health needs of school going children. The program not only caters to the
physical well being of school going children but also to their emotional, psychological and
nutritional needs. Every year huge funds from centre and states are allocated for the
programs which benefit millions of students from marginalized sections of the society.

The Pradhanmantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PSSY) was also launched in 2003, with the aim
of making tertiary healthcare services affordable to the masses and also to improve the
quality of medical education.


Despite various government programs regarding improving and promoting quality of health
education in India, many still don’t have access to basic healthcare services and are out of the
reach of public health educators, due to the lack of necessary infrastructure at ground level.
Many programs which aimed at raising public awareness about AIDS, cancer, malaria etc,
failed to build the necessary infrastructure at the grass root level. In order to make health
education in India a success, there is a need for adequate infrastructure and well trained and
equipped work force.


3. Essay on Mobile Phone
Technological advancements have made our life easy. Today we can talk or video chat with
anyone across the globe by just moving our fingers. Such high levels of communication have
been made possible by one of the most significant and popular device for communication –
Mobile Phones. Today, mobile phone users in the world are around 5 Billion. Despite having
several advantages, mobile phones also have a few disadvantages.


Below we have given a set of 5 essay on mobile phone and has covered various related topics
to fulfill your requirements. After going through the following mobile phone essay you will
learn various significant topics on mobile phones like – its uses and abuses, is it helpful or
rather annoying, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and how mobile phones are
important for our daily life, etc.


A mobile phone is a communication device, often also called as “cell phone”. It is a device
mainly used for voice communication. However, technological developments in the field of
communication have made the mobile phones smart enough to be able to make video calls,
surf the internet, play games, take high resolution pictures and even control other relevant
gadgets. Because of this mobile phones today are also called “Smart Phones”.

World’s first ever mobile phone was demonstrated way back in 1973, by the Motorola’s then
President and COO, John Francis Mitchell and an American Engineer, Martin Cooper. That
mobile phone weighed around 2 kilograms.

Since then mobile phones have evolved in technology and shapes. They have become smaller,
slimmer and more useful. Today mobile phones are available in various shapes and sizes,
having different technical specifications and are used for a number of purposes like – voice
communication, video chatting, text messaging, multimedia messaging, internet browsing, e
mail, video games and photography. They also have short range wireless communication like
Bluetooth and infrared. Phones having wide range of advance functions and large computing
abilities are called smart phones. They have an edge over other conventional mobile phones,
which are used only for voice communication.



There is no denying the fact that mobile phones are useful gadgets. They help us in our
everyday life in a number of ways, making it easy and convenient. But, mobile phones are a
blessing till they are used only for useful purposes. Using them beyond a certain limit even
when there is no need at all, is not an use, but and abuse.

Uses of Mobile Phone

Mobile Phones can be used for a number of purposes like – voice communication, sending e
mails, sending text messages, browsing internet, taking pictures. Smart phone today have
better computing abilities and have many advance functions like – real time video chatting,
interactive voice response, document manager, social media, high resolution camera, music
player, location finder etc.

Communicating with our loved ones, friends or colleagues has become a matter of seconds
due to the mobile phones. You just have to dial the other person’s number from your phone
and wait till he/she responds to it. Mobile phones today have become so useful that, they
have actually replaced the use of laptops and other bigger gadgets. Today, people send e
mails, browsing the internet, manage social media accounts, power point presentations,
perform calculations, and much more by using their smart phones.

Abuses of Mobile Phone

Excessive and unnecessary use of a mobile phone leads to its abuse. Even, talking for long
durations on mobile phones over trivial and insignificant issues is also a type of abuse. Doctors
have repeatedly warned that continuous and excessive use of mobile phones is harmful to
health. Another abuse of mobile phones includes listening to loud music. Mobile phones are
handy and are easy to carry in pockets. Some youngsters today have taken this entertaining
capability of mobile phones to a new level of abusing it. They drive or walk on busy roads,
listening to loud music, with ear plugs; unable to listen an approaching vehicle and respond on
time, resulting in accidents.


It is established beyond doubt that mobile phones are useful and necessary gadgets for our
everyday life. Without mobile phones, life would be harder, both personally as well as

professionally. But, despite the uses that mobile phones serve in our everyday life, we must
also be aware of its abuses. Mobile phones could have health and safety consequences when
not used appropriately.



Mobile phones are a boon as they are used for a number of useful purposes. Nevertheless,
there is also no denying the fact that a gadget as useful as a mobile phone could sometime be
annoying and irritating.

Boon or Bane

Of course mobile phones are a boon given to the number of useful purposes they are used for
like – internet, voice or video chat, documentation etc. Despite from the usual there are other
uses like – social media and remain updated about the developments. Today every mobile
phone user has a social media account, which he manages from his mobile phone. It helps
him/her to remain connected to family and friends as well as other dignitaries like politicians,
actors, cricketers etc.

But despite all the advantages, mobile phones could sometimes be annoying too. The use of
mobile phones for various purposes and the accessibility of internet have compromised the
privacy of the user. Also, every form that we fill today has a mandatory column asking to
provide the phone number. Today the number of a common mobile phone user is available
with many marketing agencies whose main aim is to sell their product. This loop hole in
privacy has led to unwanted and unexpected marketing calls. People get annoying calls from
insurance agents, marketing executives, etc, trying to sell their products to the mobile phone
user, who is not at all interested.

Next in line is social media. Social media is a place where people share their views, pictures etc
with those who are connected. However, this has also compromised the privacy to a certain
level as someone undesirable could also peek into your account and send annoying messages;
trailing you regularly. Such unwanted social buffs could be really annoying and some people
are known to be trailed so regularly using inappropriate and indecent comments that they had
to totally shut down their social media account.


In the end it would be more appropriate to say that mobile phones are both a boon and a
bane. They are a boon when used appropriately and within limits but could be bane when
they are used with mala fide intentions. Even a useful gadget as a mobile phone could be well
annoying when it is used with the bad intention of deceiving someone, trailing him/her
inappropriately on social media and other accounts.



An electronic gadget as a mobile phone has both advantages and disadvantages. There are a
number of advantages of mobile phones and also a good number of disadvantages. Though,
most of the disadvantages arise from it’s over use or misuse. Below we will go through both
the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

Advantages of Mobile Phone

1) Communication

It is one of the prime significance of mobile phones. You can instantly connected to the person
you want to convey an important message or to have a casual chat. Distance too doesn’t
matter and even people situated on two extremes of world can be connected within seconds.

2) Internet Browsing

Rapid advancements in mobile phone technology have led to an ease of internet accessability
on mobile phones. Today, one can check the news, send/receive emails, and manage social
accounts, all on mobile phones.

3) Performing Business

Mobile phones have become so popular that many established business groups cannot even
think about their marketing strategy without considering mobile phone users. Social media
accounts are the easiest way to connect with millions of users (in these case consumers) in a
very less time.

4) Learning Applications

There are a variety of applications available on mobile phone which helps the students to
learn and evolve their skills. Moreover, there are a number of online free tutorials available
for the children and other willing audience.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

1) Making People Non communicable

Widespread use of mobile phones has made people meet less and talk more. One doesn’t care
to meet a friend who stays just yards away; they rather just chat over phone or comment on
social media account.

2) Time wastage

Now day’s people have developed an addiction to the mobile phones. As mobile phones
became smarter, people became dumber. People are habitual of surfing the internet, even
when they don’t need to.

3) Causes Ailments

Long exposure to mobile phones, stresses our eyes, brain and other organs resulting in various
kind of ailments. Staring long hours on the screen, results in damage of eye sight, stress and
headache along with sleeplessness and dizziness.

4) Loss of Privacy

Use of mobile phones for various purposes has resulted in compromising the privacy of the
user. Today anyone could easily access the information like where you live, who are your
friends and family, what is your business, where is your house etc; by just easily browsing
through your social media account.

5) Money Drain

As grew the usefulness of the mobile phones so grew their purchasing and maintenance cost.
Today people are spending a good amount of money on buying smart phones, which could
rather be spent on more useful things like education.


A mobile phone could both be an advantage or a disadvantage; depending on how it is used

by the prospective user. While used only when needed, it is of course an advantage, but when
used beyond a certain limit or for a totally different purpose for which it intended to, it is
definitely a disadvantage.



Mobile phones are a useful gadget for our every day chorus. Gone were the days when mobile
phones were only used for communication purposes. Today, they are used for various
purposes in our daily life and have become an inseparable asset.

Mobile Phone Importance in Daily Life

There are several advantages of mobile phones in our daily life. Some of the major advantages
are listed below-

1) Keep connected

The most significant importance of mobile phones is that, they keep us connected to our
friends, relatives and others. You can talk video chat with whoever you want, by just operating
your mobile phone or smart phone. Imagine shuttling between office and home to know the
where about of your family and friends. Today, you can stay up to date about the school
timing of your kid’s school on your phone.

2) Every day commuting

Mobile phones have become useful for every day commuting. Today, one can assess the live
traffic situation on mobile phone and take appropriate decisions to reach on time. Many apps
provide navigation assistance to a stranded driver or someone who wants to get to a
particular place.

3) Keeps Us Informed

Applying for jobs, sharing your Curriculum Vitae has become so easy with the use of mobile
phones. With 24 hours access to the internet, there is no time boundation and you can apply
for a new job, even in the middle of night. Apart from it, one also has a 24/7 access to the
developments around the world.

4) Provides Entertainment

Another daily use importance of mobile phone is that it can be used as an entertainment
device. Whenever we get bored of routine work or during the breaks, there are a number of
things you could do on your smart phone to relax. One can listen to music, watch movies or
just watch the video of one’s favorite song.

5) Security Device

For daily commuters, mobile phones could be a blessing in disguise. They are handy and easy
to be carried around in pockets. Every city commuter today has a mobile phone in his/her
pocket or bag. They could be really useful gadgets in case of emergency. Relatives, friends as
well as emergency services could be easily and instantly contacted when needed.

6) Managing Tasks

Mobile Phones today have become smarter and are used every day for a number of official
purposes. Today they are used for managing everyday tasks like – meeting schedules, sending
and receiving documents, giving presentations, alarms etc. Mobile phones have become an
essential gadget for every office goer.

7) Take Photographs

Taking photographs has become a craze due to the advancement in mobile phone technology.
Today mobile phones come equipped with high resolution cameras. Any picture could be
easily taken and instantly uploaded over social media and other accounts. It helps us our
family and friends to stay connected with the developments in our daily life.

8) Mobile Banking and Payment

This is another significance of mobile phones in our everyday life. Today, sending or receiving
money has become easier as never before. Money could be transferred almost instantly to
friends, relatives or others by using mobile baking in the smart phone. Also one could easily
access his/her account details and know past transactions. The transactions have become
much convenient with the use of mobile phones, which would rather have required a visit to
the bank.


There are innumerable ways in which a mobile phone could be useful in our everyday life. It
keeps us updated of the developments around, stay us connected, entertain us, help us find
job and opportunities etc. Besides, there are hundreds of utilities that could be used to make
life easy and entertaining as well. But, despite all the importance that a mobile phone has, it
is advisable to use it only on purpose and not misuse or over use it.


4. Essay on Adventure
Adventure is an exciting, bold, and risky activity full of potential and dare which gives an
unusual experience to the people who try adventurous activities. Some people love doing
adventurous activities such as skydiving, mountain climbing, traveling, scuba diving, river
rafting, gymnastic activities, etc.


Adventure is everything which we do with full excitement, courage and joy without thinking
about the result. Here we have provided variety of essay on adventure for the students. All
the adventure essay are written using easy words and simple sentences which can be easily
understood by the students. They can select anyone of these according to their need and


Adventure is the experience of some exciting activities. It is the unusual experience which
comes from the activities full of courage, excitement and joy. It never thinks about the result.
It may result positively which gives some benefits and negatively which hurts and make losses.
However, adventurous people never mind the result and continue their adventure. Adventure
exists in everything however it differs in the people’s mind. Adventurous people think about
the adventure as a new chance and opportunity to go ahead and get success or experiences
through failure however coward people take it as a fearful act and never try to do.


Bold people do adventure always in their life. They suppose adventure to do anything in their
life. We can experience adventure everywhere like getting birth, first day of school, interfere
with first class teacher first time, going to tour at some adventurous places, participate in
some adventurous sports, games, taking dive in the swimming pool from high height and so
many activities. Doing adventure in the life may be risky to a great extent however it may also
bless with blessings of success.

It may be activities full of courage, joy and excitement with potential of doing anything. It may
create physical and mental danger to the people. People doing activities like exploring,
skydiving, mountaineering, participating in sports, river rafting and so many are really great
who keep themselves in danger all time. People may get affected physically, mentally,
financially, psychologically and intellectually but they become used to of taking risks.


Adventure is the collection of exciting activities which gives some unusual experiences. Such
activities become full of excitement and courage which are generally daring and risky in
nature. There are many people whom life becomes full of adventurous experiences. They
become used of living risky and dangerous life. The meaning of adventure differs person to
person however adventurous people take is in the same way. Adventurers take risky steps
without thinking a little bit about unknown outcome. Adventures give excitement and courage
to do anything impossible.

Doing adventure require full courage and excitement with strict discipline without worrying
about outcome. Doing adventurous is not possible for everyone as now-a-days it has become
so costly and competitive however nothing can stop people who are really adventurous.
Ballooning sport is very adventurous having large scope for adventure however not affordable
by everyone. It is full of risks of changing weather and helium filled in it. Other adventurous
activities are crossing the Atlantic, mountain climbing, car racing, buggy jumping, speed
boating, sky diving, adventure trips, visiting dangerous and rare places, trekking and many
more. Brave people try to do activities never done before in order to make records.


Doing adventure is the most exciting experience of life. It contains lots of joy and happiness
however full of risks. People are great who try adventures in life for unknown outcome.
Adventure means differently for person to person as it gives different feelings and
experiences. The feeling and experience of one person for any adventure can never be
compared to the feeling an experiences of another person. Everyone gets pure joy ad
happiness. A life without adventures is like a body without heart for all adventurers. Some
great people have said that without adventures our lives are just an empty book.

Adventure makes our life worth, valuable and meaning, so we should try adventure at least
once in life. It gives lots of courage and happiness to learn and live long life. Once I did an
adventure in my past life. I went to the Nainital a year back, it was amazing to see for me as I
never had seen such a beauty on the earth. It was full of greeneries and beautiful natural
sceneries. Everything was amazing like running clouds, a big Tal on the top of maintain, lakes,
very simple people and other things. It gave me feeling of heaven on the earth. It was so cool
and lovely environment. I wander there for whole day however I stay fresh and my eye was
not tired. Somewhere roads were broken, inclined and so risky however I fully enjoyed all
without fearing a little bit. I took lots of snaps to catch my adventure into the camera for my


Adventures are activities full of excitement and enthusiasm to do anything impossible. All the
adventures are simple. It is tough to do however give amazing experiences in the life. It makes
us to learn new things in life and arise some positive hopes within us. It ca be done by some
daring people only however it gives different experiences to all according to the people
thinking and ability to bear problems. It depends on how and in what way people take things

in their mind. Some people take it easy and start doing as they already know about all the
challenges of adventure. However some experience it tough and decide to never do it again.

Now-a-days, many discoveries channels on the TV shows variety of adventurous activities on

daily basis. I am really fond of seeing all the adventures like sky diving, fishing, swimming, high
jumping, mountain climbing, ballooning, crossing Atlantic, car racing, buggy jumping, speed
boating, adventure trips, visiting dangerous and rare places, trekking and so many activities.
Such people doing adventurous activities in their life are creating challenges for us to do such
things in life. They give us dare, excitement and most importantly a positive future for
ourselves. They tell us that life is full of lessons and not empty for anyone, it is full of joy and
adventures. They let us know that we all have many road to go to our destination, it is another
thing that some are full of only happiness and some are full of adventure and challenges. But
adventures give us lots of good experience and teach us to always chose tough path if you
really want to enjoy the life. Such adventures make us brave and tough and prepare us to face
anything in life and live a challenging life.


Adventure is doing anything first time, new, amazing or risky in the life with courage and
excitement and without fear. My first day of school was adventure to me which gave me
unforgettable experience. I always remember that event. I was so excited that how I would
wake up in the early morning, get fresh, take bath, breakfast, and gets prepared for the
school. My mother was also little bit worry about my first day to school as I was little bit
naughty and lazy. She thought that how I would do everything at right time. At night, I went to
my bedroom and closed the door. I still remember that I was not slept whole night.

I started wearing my the school dresses, shoes, hang my school bag to shoulder, take water
bottle, my books, pencil box, and all thing which my mom brought for my school purpose. I
was so excited that how I look in school dress, how I wear my socks and shoes, how I use my
things in proper way and so many. Finally, night got over and it became morning with the nice
sounds of birds in the sky. Sun was shining and sunlight was coming to me through window.
My mom entered to my room, she tried to awake me by her lovely voice. Soon, I came out of
my cover sheet and gave surprise to my mom. She was shocked and took me to prepare.

I went to my school with my mom in the school bus. I met there with friends and teachers. I
was taken to the classroom by my class teacher and my mom was waiting outside in the
garden like other moms. I was very silent in the classroom however I heard that my friends
were weeping for their mother. My teacher closed the door and started showing us some

interesting stories on the smart board. Everyone became happy. Then teacher asked
introduction of everyone and told her name to us. She told us that we are good boy and we
have come to school daily without missing our mom. She was talking so politely and treating
everyone in very sweet manner. She told that when you all come to school daily I would tell
you nice stories on daily basis. After two hours, school became off and we all went to home
with mom. It was the first time when my mom saw positive changes within me, she just said,
you are a good boy.


5. United We Stand Divided We Fall

This phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall” is commonly used at different places to
emphasize as to how important it is to stay united. The importance of team work has been
stressed upon here. “United we stand, divided we fall” is a phrase used to inspire unity and
team work. As per this phrase if members of a group work on their own to serve their own
individual interests rather than working as a team then they are likely to be doomed and


Here are some ‘United we stand, divided we fall essays’ of varying lengths to help you with the
topic in the exam, classroom, etc. You can choose any essay on United we stand, divided we
fall according to your need:


“United we stand, divided we fall” means that it is wise to stick together and work in
collaboration with others instead of working against each other. Working as a team is a sure
shot way to success.

Origin of the Phrase – United We Stand, Divided We Fall

The phrase was coined during the ancient era by the Greek storyteller Aesop. It had a direct
mention in his fable “The Four Oxen and the Lion” and indirect one in “The Bundle of Sticks”.

The New Testament also includes a similar phrase that reads, “And if a house be divided
against itself that house cannot stand”. Other phrases from the New Testament read, “And
Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought
to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” and “But he,

knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to
desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth”.


The statement is used commonly to emphasize the importance of working in coordination

with each other. It is indeed true that a single person cannot accomplish a difficult task or may
take a lot of time and energy to do it however if the same task is handled collectively by more
men it can easily be accomplished.


The phrase coined by the ancient Greek storyteller Aesop states the importance of working
together as a team. “United we stand, divided we fall” implies that if we work on something as
a team and live in harmony with each other we shall succeed in life and if we go against each
other and try to work on a task alone we are likely to fail at it.

Explanation by Example

“United we stand, divided we fall”, the phrase is used commonly at several places. However, it
has best been explained through the story of a farmer and his sons. The sons could not break
a bundle of sticks when they were asked to do it individually however when they were asked
to perform the same task jointly they could do it easily. This clearly explains that when people
come together they can perform even a difficult task with ease.

Use of the Phrase at Different Places

In the U.S. history, the phrase was first used by John Dickinson in his pre-Revolutionary War
song, “The Liberty Song”. It was published in the Boston Gazette in July 1768.

In December, 1792, the first Kentucky General Assembly adopted the official seal of
Commonwealth with the state motto, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”.

Since 1942, the phrase has become the official non-Latin state motto of Kentucky.

The phrase is written around the center circle on the Missouri flag.

It became popular in India during its struggle for freedom from the British rule. It was used to
inspire people to come together and fight for independence.

Ulster loyalists have also used this phrase. It is seen in some loyalist Northern Irish murals.

The phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall” has also been used in several songs by different


It is rightly said that, “United we stand, divided we fall”. In life, we come across several
situations at home, in school, office and other places wherein this phrase holds true. We must
thus work and live in harmony with others.



‘United we stand divided we fall’ is the famous proverb that almost everyone knows. It means
that people who are united are the happy people and can achieve any goal in life; but if we
keep on fighting and stay away from each other, we fail. Unity holds great significance in every
phase of our lives, be it personal or professional. In sports, at office, in family; everywhere
happiness and success are the result of unity.


Unity means union or togetherness. Strength is basically the direct result of Unity. A group of
people which stays united always achieves more success than a single person. That’s why
groups are created in almost every field such as office, military forces, sports, etc. In our
personal lives too, we live together in the family which give us strength and power to bear our
sufferings and celebrate our happiness. At office, teams are formed to achieve any desired
result. Likewise in sports and military, groups are created and strategies are made to achieve


In olden days, man lived alone. He travelled and hunted all by himself which sometimes gave
opportunities to fierce animal attack and kill him. Then he realized that if he joined hands with
other hunters, he would be able to face several common dangers and challenges. This is how,
villages got formed which later got developed into the towns, cities and the countries. Unity is
required everywhere, as it strengthens the will and power to transform an unacceptable
system. Even in music concerts or dance troupe, etc if the group is united; they perform in
harmony and synchronisation but the moment each individual starts showing their individual
talent, the outcome can be chaotic and disastrous. Unity teaches us to be disciplined; it makes

us polite and considerate and the lesson to live together in harmony and peace. Unity gives us
the confidence and power to demand things and achieve result. Even in factories, etc.
labourers work in group and form union, if they are undermined or suppressed by the owners.
People who work alone can be defeated easily and they little or no confidence to fight for
their rights but if they work in groups, they can achieve wonders.

The greatest example is the freedom of our nation; the great Mahatma Gandhi united all the
citizens of India belonging to different caste and creed and started the non-violence
movement. The world knows, it was all due to his will and the unity of the great freedom
fighters and the citizens which ultimately helped in winning the Independence of India.


Unity is the greatest quality of mankind. No single person can achieve, what is to be achieved
by a group of people. The real strength lies in being united. A country is strong whose citizens
are united; a family is strong whose members stay together. There are several examples which
prove that united we stand, divided we fall. Thus unity is important in each and every sphere
of our lives.



United we stand and divided we fall is a famous proverb which signifies that if we are united
and stay together, then no one can defeat us. But if we constantly fight and have conflicts or
misunderstandings, we may attract outsiders to take advantage of ourselves which may
ultimately result into our failure. The proverb clearly indicates that unity is the source of
strength and people who are united have the capability to tackle any kind of situation as they
share each others’ burden and hardships.


Unity means staying together. Unity has an important significance in each and every aspect of
people’s lives. In the sports ground, be it cricket, football, baseball, basket ball or any kind of
sport, a united team and an appropriate strategy results into the success of the team; but if
there is a conflict or unhealthy competition amongst the team members or there is
unnecessary misunderstandings amongst them, they may invite the opponents to take

advantage of their shortcomings and win the game. Likewise, if the members of a family stay
together and support each other in every phase of life, no outsider can harm the family.

Famous Story

There is a famous story which is the base of the proverb ‘united we stand, divided we fall’.
There was an old man who lived in a village with his three sons. The sons always fought with
each other and would not pay any heed to their father. The man fell sick and assumed that he
would die soon; he was very worried about the fact that once he dies, people would take
advantage of his sons’ altercations. He called all his sons and asked them to break a bundle of
stick, one by one. None of them could do it. He then untied the bundle and gave each stick to
each one of them asking to break, which they could very conveniently accomplish. He then
told his sons that they should stay like the bundle of the stick so that no one can break them;
but if they keep on fighting and separated, they will be broken by the outsiders easily.


Unity is important in every phase of our lives. An individual can certainly survive alone, but for
being happy and celebrating happiness or to bear the sufferings of life, one needs a
companion and a family. Likewise, even a corporate cannot be successful, if it doesn’t have
the team working with unity to achieve the common goal of the company. A nation also
becomes economically strong if the countrymen support the government.


No matter, how successful we become, we will always need people who can stand by us and
support us. The proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ will continue to teach lesson to
people for years to come. Unity is the pillar of success and it also makes people considerate
and understanding. It’s very easy to fight and stay apart from each other, but unity always has
an upper hand over everything else.


6. Unity is Strength
Unity is Strength is an old proverb. It holds as true in the current times as it did when it was
first introduced. It implies that we become stronger if we stay united.

Unity is Strength is a commonly used proverb that holds good in almost every sphere of life –
be it a person’s professional life, relationships or the society as a whole.


Here are essays on Unity is Strength of varying lengths to help you with the topic whenever
you need. You can select any Unity is Strength essay as per your need:


Unity is Strength is a proverb that almost everyone has heard of. It often forms a part of the
moral science course in junior classes. The meaning of this proverb is simple yet profound.
While it simply means that we must stay united in order to stay stronger however practicing
this can be as difficult especially in today’s competitive world. It is ironic how we are taught to
stay united yet made to compete against each other at every step in our life.

A number of related proverbs such as “Union is Strength”, “United We Stand; Divided We Fall”
and “Strength is in Unity” have been coined in the past. Many stories have also been written
to explain how staying united and maintaining cordial relations with others renders strength.
When we stand united we can fight anything or anyone as we become more powerful. On the
other hand, if we fight with our neighbours, friends and relatives and constantly try to prove
that we are better than them then in the end we shall be left alone. This is true for every
relationship as well as in our professional life. When we work as a team and help each other
out, we are able to work better on a project. On the contrary, if we have conflicts within the
team then we are likely to fall short.



The importance of staying united in every situation is emphasized through the proverb – Unity
is Strength. This has been used as a motto for various organizations as well as missions across
the globe. Though the wordings in many cases have been changed slightly however the
meaning remains the same.

Importance of Staying United

We cannot deny the importance of staying united in various situations. Believing in these
words of wisdom and acting according to them helps build a better life and countering them
can create difficulties. A common example to explain the same can be a family situation. If all
the members in a family stand united and help each other with their tasks each one of them
will benefit in the event. However, if they counter each other at every instance and try to
enforce their ideologies and rules on each other, they shall never be happy. Besides creating a
tense environment at home which is especially bad for the growth of the kids, such an attitude
will also encourage outsiders to take advantage of the situation.

If we look around, the families where people respect and take care of each other are happier.
The children there get a healthier environment which is essential for their all round
development and the adults in the family also live a wholesome life. They depend on each
other and take it as their responsibility to fulfil all their duties with joy. They do not crib,
complain or conspire against each other. On the other hand, the families where people don’t
stand by each other and are busy trying to put the others down do not only ruin their own life
but also that of their coming generations. People belonging to such families often feel lonely
and end up in depression.


It is time people should recognize the importance of staying united and imbibe it in their life to
live a healthier and happier life.



The proverb, Unity is Strength implies that when we stay united we stay stronger and can
withstand almost any problem. On the other hand, if we keep fighting and become selfish in
our endeavours we often fall flat.

Unity is Strength – Related Proverbs

The proverb came into being centuries back and is still used widely. If we understand its
importance and implement it in our lives, we shall be able to do better in our lives. A number
of related proverbs have sprung up from time to time. Some of these include “Union is
Strength”, “United we Stand, Divided we Fall”, “Strength lies in Union”, “Union gives Strength”

and “Strength is in Unity”. Though the wordings of these proverbs vary slightly, their meaning
is the same. It is that when we are united we are stronger compared to when we move alone
and plan against our own people.

Many fables have also been written to explain this proverb. Some of these include the stories
on the farmer and his sons, the flock of doves and the lion and four bulls. The moral of all
these stories is “Unity is Strength”. Many of these have been taught to us in junior classes.

Unity is Strength – the Concept Seems Forgotten

While children are taught the importance of staying united during their school days however
they are not given the right kind of environment to practice it. There is so much competition in
today’s world that people have forgotten the concept of “Unity is Strength”. They are only
running after success and see their peers as a hindrance in the same. The competition begins
at the school level itself. At the time when good moral values must be inculcated in children,
their parents are busy comparing them with their classmates, cousins and friends. They
constantly nag their children and pressurise them to outperform the others and hence all
these children can think about is to defeat their peers. Instead of standing united with their
classmates and friends they view them as their competitors and look for opportunities to
show them down.

With time this attitude only grows stronger. In the corporate offices these days, or for that
matter in every profession, the competition is extremely tough. Even if a project is to be
handled as a team everyone tries to steal the limelight and take the credit rather than
focusing on working and winning as a team.


There are situations when we need to take up tasks as individuals and work upon
outperforming others. We must work accordingly during those times. However, we must not
breed the feeling of rivalry against others.



In today’s times, where there is cut throat competition with every individual trying all his
might and applying every method (fair or unfair) to reach the top, very few recognize the
importance of the proverb, “Unity is Strength”. It has only become confined to motivational

lectures and inspirational books. Very few people actually understand its importance and
apply it in their lives. But those who do are actually more satisfied and content in every sphere
of their life.

The Usage of the Proverb – Unity is Strength

The proverb has been used at various places since centuries. It finds its origin in Dutch
Republic where it was used for the first time. Presently, the national coat of the armed forces
in Haiti and Bulgaria has this inscribed.

Belgium took this as their motto post the Revolution of 1830. Other countries that have used
this proverb as their motto in the past include Greece, Netherlands, Canada, Georgia, South
African Republic, Malaysia and United States.

Stories Related to the Proverb

One of the famous stories explaining this proverb is that of a farmer and his sons. This farmer
was very hard working. He toiled day and night to serve his family. He had four sons who
always quarrelled with each other. The farmer was worried that if they continued to stand
against each other people will easily take advantage of the situation.

In order to make them understand the importance of staying united, the farmer asked them
to get one stick each. He asked them to break their stick into two. His sons broke their
respective sticks effortlessly. He then asked them to make a bundle of four sticks and try to
break it. Each one of them tried to break the bundle one by one but failed. The farmer then
explained how we are stronger when we stand united. Nobody can break us when we are
together. On the other hand, if we fight and do not support each other, it is easier for the
others to break us emotionally, physically as well as mentally. His sons understood the lesson
and pledged to stay united thereafter.

Another famous story that explains this proverb well is that of a Lion and four bulls. In a forest,
there were four bulls that always moved in a group and stayed together. This is why the lion
was never able to hunt them down though he longed to eat them. One day, a fox conspired
against them and broke their friendship. Now, these bulls went their own way. They roamed
around alone in search of food and lived separately. The lion learned about this and took
advantage of the situation. He hunted each of them one by one and succeeded in the mission.
This clearly shows the true meaning of the proverb, “Unity is Strength”.


Children are taught the importance of standing united as a part of their moral science lessons.
However, its importance is often overlooked. The world would be a better place if we
inculcate this in our lives.



Unity is Strength implies that if we stand together we shall always be stronger mentally,
physically and emotionally. As Mattie Stepanek elaborated, “Unity is Strength…when there is
teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”.

Unity is Strength Proverb Applies to Relationships

People in this world are so blinded by power and success that they want to be ahead of their
relatives, colleagues and friends. They get into personal and professional rivalries with each
other most of the times. They do not understand that they can move ahead and enhance their
skills if they share their knowledge and help each other. When we go against our own team
members and begin to compete with them in an office setting, people from the other teams
or departments benefit from the situation.

Another reason why people fall apart is because of mistrust. This is especially true when it
comes to a husband and wife relationship. Couples are often seen doubting each other. They
question each other for the smallest of things and doubt them of cheating or lying. Many
times outsiders take advantage of the situation. They fuel the doubt and create conflict
between the two to fulfil their own selfish motives. This does not only have a negative impact
on the two but also on their kids. If the husband and wife stay united and defend each other
no one can create a rift between them.

In many families, brothers and sisters fight with each other and develop rivalry. This often
happens due to the division of property or family business. In such a case, the outsiders take
advantage of the situation and end up grabbing a large share. If the siblings stand united they
shall be able to grow the business better with their joint efforts and skills.

Unity is Strength Applies to Societies and Nations

The proverb does not only hold good when it comes to professional and personal relationships
but also for the society and nation as a whole. The localities and societies where people stay
united are loved by all. People living here meet and greet their neighbours with smile, help
each other out in crises, guard their neighbour’s house when they are away and are always
ready to help one another. They celebrate all the functions together and conduct other social
gatherings every now and then. In today’s times, when most people are suffering from
loneliness and depression such a neighbourhood can be a boon. It is also good for the all
round development of the kids who often feel lonely in the nuclear family system. The
chances of thefts and robberies in such societies are also low. Same goes for the nation as a
whole. If we stop fighting over trivial matters among ourselves, we can never grow stronger as
a nation.

Similarly, various nations around the globe are busy fighting with each other in order to prove
they are better than the other. Today, every nation has nuclear weapons, so many terrorist
organizations have been formed and there are so many corrupt people trying to pull each
other down. People are living in constant fear. If we stop all these mal-practices and become
united the world would become a much better place to live.

India’s Freedom Struggle is an Apt Example

India’s freedom struggle is one of the best examples of “Unity is Strength”. The British
government used the policy of divide and rule to strengthen its ground in India. But the
citizens of the country soon understood this manipulation tactic. They all stood together and
drove the British out of the country.


There is no doubt about the fact that our strength lies in unity. Several stories as well as real
life incidences have proved the same in the past. We must thus follow the path of unity.


7. Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way is a proverb that reveals the importance of will power and
strong determination in life which helps to definitely reach to the set destination by facing all


Where there is a will there is a way is a most famous and old English proverb. Students may be
assigned by their teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on this topic during
exam or occasionally in the classroom. We have provided below some paragraphs, short
essays and long essays on where there is a will there is a way under various words limit in
order to help students. You can select any ‘where there is a will there is a way’ paragraph or
essay according to your need and requirement.


Where there is a will there is a way is an old saying in English which means that if we don’t
have strong determination and will towards our goal, we cannot work hard and thus cannot
achieve success in life. Our strong will power to achieve success creates a way of surety to get
success. Our will makes sure but easy path for us to climb the ladder of success. This proverb
teaches us that if we really determine to do something (whether easy or tough), we can do it.
Sometimes the task may be too difficult however the strong will power help us to confront all
the difficulties and creates a way.

Where there is a will there is a way


Generally, all of us have a goal in life which we work to achieve; however, the final goal is
achieved only by the people who have strong will power and work hard with complete
dedication. Will power is necessary to create a way of surety of getting goal in life. Most of us
do not succeed in life as they don’t have strong determination and will towards achieving the
goal. The meaning of this English proverb ‘where there is a will there is a way’ is when we
have strong will to get something in life; surely we get that in future. Most of the people who
are not determined towards their goal generally tend to curse their fate or misfortune.

But the fact of getting failure in life is that we don’t have will and dedication towards the task.
We should blame ourselves and our negligence only and not our fortune. Having wish to get
something is not enough; we have to work actively in right direction with strong will power.


Where there is a will, there is a way is an old saying in English which teaches us about the
most important topic of getting success in life. Making a nice goal becomes our motto
however achieving a goal needs strong will and dedication. People without having will power
never achieve the success and they curse their fate. This common saying simply means that if
the person is determined enough to get something completed, he/she always find a way to do

Determination is necessary to get completion in the task as it helps person to fight with all
difficulties and get success. Without determination and will power we generally tend to give
up very easily in the starting as we become hopeless from small difficulties. To learn or
achieve something in life, will power acts as a catalyst and enhances the speed of action. It
needs a hard and continuous practice to deeply learn things. We can pass the exam by reading
the lessons just a night before the exam however we cannot top in the class, district or state
without hard work for the whole year. So, it is good to have determination even to the
smallest tasks in life and never give up easily.


As we all know that nothing is impossible in this world however it is very difficult to achieve
something in life without determination and will power. Strong will gives us power to go
ahead and continue the tasks till we achieve the success. The proverb ‘where there is a will
there is a way’ teaches us the same that we must be determined towards our goal otherwise

we will get failure. People having strong will are the ones who can do wonders in their life.
Human will power is very powerful which can defeat any difficulty and give ex-traordinary
results. In the first sight it seems that many tasks are almost impossible to complete and some
people lacking the will power get frightened away. Only few people have the necessary
strength and will to complete their goal.

In spite of having strong will, other things are also required like discipline, continuity,
dedication and patience. We have to work hard, get up early in the morning, and work more
than specified number of hours with full commitment. We just need to work continuously
without postponing the things and waiting for the result. Don’t give an excuse to your hard
work and never complain to your fate.

Some of the people get discouraged by the few continue failures as they lack the power of
determination and patience to wait for final results. We should take failures positively as it
makes us strong and teaches us that something we are doing wrong in wrong direction.
Failures are stepping stones to the success and we must continue hard work as there is no
shortcut to success.


Where there is a will there is a way is a nice old saying which has proved its meaning by
hundred percent. If we have a desire to do something, things will come to our way but we
need to be dedicated to that. There will be some hindrance in the way but will power gives
surety to win the goal. Will is the wish to do anything in life. Dreaming is good but not working
properly to fulfill the dream is not good. If you see dreams, work accordingly to complete
them. The meaning of this proverb applies to all the work areas of life. If you want that good
things of life come to your way, you need to work hard accordingly with complete dedication
and patience.

You cannot get good result and success in the first attempt though you can succeed after a
number of hard trials. We all are well aware of the simple story of a thirsty crow who worked
hard in filling the pitcher through small stones to get the water level up so that he can drink
the water and quench his thirst. He was in the search of water for hours however when he got
water, it was very low in the pitcher. He tried number of ways to quench his thirst with no
success. He thought a trick and started picking and collecting pebbles one by one in the
pitcher. Finally, he got success in bringing the water level up and quenching his thirst.

His will power to quench his thirst made him able to defeat all the difficulties and get success.
His thirst was very important which made him strong and win. All the trials and success of that

crow teaches us that never become hopeless even when you are surrounded by difficulties.
Just be patient and continue the hard work, surely you will get success.


We generally make lots of promises to our self everyday such as to maintain daily routine,
daily exercise, finish home work on time, house cleaning, obey parents and teachers,
commitment towards study daily, etc. However, sometimes we do not win because of the lack
of will power and strong determination. Whenever we see towards our history, we find many
great personalities like Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Edmund Hillary, Swami
Vivekananda; etc who saw various big dreams and the most important point is that they were
able to fulfil their dreams just because they had strong will power towards their goal. They
were very clear about their decisions and each step decided for reaching towards the goal.

They never gave up in front of their hard times and continued walking on their way by
overcoming all the difficulties. They were able to find out the right path of success. Now-a-
days, most of the people of this generation don’t have patience and will. Thus they lack
achieving their goal due to their wrong attitudes and greediness. Just think, what will happen
if clouds stop raining, sun stop giving sunlight, rivers stop giving water, trees stop giving fruits,
etc. We cannot live our life happily if nature stops helping us. We can learn about how to
develop commitment towards our work from each and every natural cycle.

This English proverb ‘where there is a will there is a way’ is means that we cannot succeed in
life without having the will power and determination towards the goal achievement. Suppose
that a student want to get first position in class without hard work and proper preparation,
he/she cannot do the same in any condition as he/she lacks the determination and will of hard
work. However, he/she can achieve the goal next year after hard work and complete

Achieving things which are impossible can be easily obtained by the strong will power and
hard work. So, we can possible the things which are impossible through our continuous hard
work. We all have internal will power, determination, dedication and capacity of hard work.
We just need to recognize our internal strength and develop such natural powers within us to
reach to the goal by overcoming all the difficulties of the way. We need to focus on our goal to
get ultimate victory because where there is a will, there is a way.


8. Work is Worship
‘Work is Worship’ is a proverb that refers to the importance and value of work in our life. In
this proverb, an honest work is said that it is worship; because it is our honest work only which
satisfies our all needs and takes us to the heights of success.


Now-a-days, essay writing is in practice in the schools and colleges. It is a good strategy
followed by teachers in the schools and colleges in order to enhance the English writing skill
and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is an effective way to get views, new ideas
and positive suggestions by the students about any topic. Following are some paragraphs,
short essays and long essays on Work is Worship to help students in completing their task in
the classroom. All the Work is Worship essay are written very simply. So, you can select any
essay according to your need and requirement:


If we understand the real meaning of work is worship, work is really the real worship as
without work our life is waste. If we follow it well all through our life, it acts as the key to
success, progress and happiness. If people understand its meaning in true sense, it will surely
positively change the scenario of world economy and help people to strongly face the tougher
challenges in life. However, we cannot ignore the type of people living together on this planet.
Worker earns honestly, idle people depends on others like a parasite, etc. Our life and body
get rust if we spend it without any work, aim or purpose. Hard work is the way to get
greatness in life. It is considered that, only people who take interest in their work do worship


Work is worship is a famous proverb which compares the work with worship. It does not even
compare; it is telling about the surety that work is worship. It tells us that, it is not important
to worship for hours at home or temple to get the God; it is enough to be intermingled with
full interest in our work to get success and the blessings of God too. The works done in the
offices, factories or other fields is more valuable than the worship done in temple, church or
mosque. Work in real means is the physical or mental effort done to maintain well-being
lifestyle all through the life. We work to earn money to bring physical, mental, psychological

and social happiness which ultimately balance the state of body, mind and soul. Satisfaction
comes through the work keeps body and mind happy which satisfies the soul more than the
worship does.


Life, given by God on the earth, is very beautiful. We have already provided all the necessary
things required to live a happy life. However, most of the people do not understand the
essence of life and start following bad ways. Work is worship is a proverb which tells us that
work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. The happiness and
satisfaction we get from the work cannot get the same through the worship. If the person has
faith at own hard work, he/she cannot lose hope even when life becomes miserable.

We should take our work as worship and get involved in this with peaceful mind and soul. It
will give us the real pleasure of life. So, we must worship our work. Worshiping our work
values a lot; more than worshiping in temple. If we see towards history, we found that all the
great people who had achieved greatness, only because of their huge passion in the work in
their respective fields. They were the person who had not done different things, but they
done things differently with high level of passion and commitment in their work. Work is the
true essence of life which brings great ideas in the mind and makes people great personalities.


Work is worship is the famous proverb which means that work is worship in the true sense.
Work is truly the worship to the man because without work he cannot survive on the earth. It
is our work which gives us new face and adds meaning to the life. Without work life will be
dull, uninteresting, idle and monotonous. Great civilization and culture can be achieved only
through the committed work. Man is the most intelligent, skilled and capable creation of the
God who can make anything possible through the hard work that’s why work is highly valued
over worship. Man has a more intelligent brain using which he can decide the right work to
reach to the logical conclusion.

An idle man who does not involve in his work interestingly, generally become an unhappy
person. It is well said that an idle mind becomes devil’s workshop. The nation becomes
stronger when its manpower is fully and suitably employed in the interested field. Without
work one cannot get a worth living. Working with full commitment in our interested field gives
us real peace and satisfaction which leads us towards success. Continuous work makes us
more capable day by day which develops lots of confidence. We should work for improvement

and stability within us and not for awards and glory. We should not be lazy and work with
harmony with the huge desire to progress.


As we all know about the famous proverb ‘work is worship’ which means that without work no
one can be blessed by the blessing of God. One who is lazy cannot please the God even when
he/she worship for many hours; however, one who is committed to his/her work can easily
please the God even when he/she remembers the God only once a day or not. Man is
considered as the most intelligent creation of the God. The life of man is completely depends
on their hard work unlike other animals, birds, etc. Man cannot get anything without work
even a lazy man starts losing his mind because ‘An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop’.

The whole civilization of man has been evolved for years only because of their hard work. All
the inventions and discoveries in the field of science are resulted as the human’s continuous
hard work with patience. Constant work in the right direction and in the right field leads
people towards successful career and further progress in future. Work is not like worship but
work is worship which we all should follow in our life. We cannot get anything to eat without
work, we have to arrange all the necessities then we can live our life.

People, who work regularly and systematically, show better results than the lazy people. All
the great personalities’ lives are the example of hard works they have done during their
lifetime. Continuous hard work does not only lead to the better results but also increases the
self-confidence level. Developed nations all over world (like USA, Japan, China, Germany, etc)
are only through their hard works individually and collectively. Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped
in India as the great god of the workers to get blessings in order to continue the hard work.
However, most of the people become very lazy and expect more than their work.


Whole life is a struggle and we have to be attentive through our hard work to win the battle of
life. All the lives taken birth on this planet will die a day. So, to run our life most fluently in the
best way, we have to be committed to our work. Time does not wait for anyone so we must
make our every minute useful. Our life is full of various events and actions. People are blessed
who complete their work timely; however, those who do not, but postpone or hesitate in
doing their work, achieve nothing in the life. Lazy people can never achieve the heights of
glory whereas active people win a list of glory.

People who have short life but full of action are much better than the people having long life
but full of inactivity and laziness. It is truly said that people with one crowded hour have
worthy glorious life than those who have long life without a name. Man life is counted in
quality deeds but not in years because age and longevity of a man does not matter however
work matters. This proverb ‘work is worship’ tells us about the worth of work together with
the worship. It compares the work of man with the worship of God. The right example is, oak
tree lives for years (almost three hundred) however when it falls down, its wood is bald and
useless for us. On the other hand, lily flowers lives for a day only but it gives a memorable
fragrance all around us which creates joy and pleasure within us.

Our noble thoughts are useless if we do not transform them into golden deeds. We should not
waste our time in crying for the sorrowful past, doing wrong deeds, or waiting for the right
time to start a work. All time is best to start a nice work and win the success. If we compare
between work and worship, we find that God also become happy with hard working man
instead of lazy man without work. So, we can say that work is worship because worship
without work is nothing however work without worship is everything. We should consider our
work as worship and try to be busy in the hard work. Work adds meaning to the life and brings
confidence and salvation. Work is a best exercise to our body and mind which brings real
pleasure in life. Work is also the way to new opportunities together with the skill


9.Essay on Moral Values

Moral values are the good values that our taught to us by our parents and teachers. These
include being honest and kind, showing respect towards others, extending help to those in
need, being faithful to ones partner and cooperating with others to name a few. Imbibing
good moral values make a person a good human being. A person who sticks to his moral
values is said to bear a good character.


Here are essays on Moral Values of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.
You can choose any Moral Values essay as per your need:


Moral values are good values such as compassion, generosity, honesty, kindness, integrity,
politeness, perseverance, self control and respect. Individuals who possess these qualities are
considered to be an asset to the society. They do not only lead a disciplined life but also help

in bringing out the best in those around them. Their dedication towards work, sense of self
control and helping nature is appreciated by everyone.

Every parent wants his child to bear a good moral character. Many families in India are
especially strict when it comes to imbibing moral values. They stress upon its importance and
try to help their children inculcate the same from an early age. However, the moral values in
the society are degrading with time.

There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to moral values. As per one, a person must
bear good moral values even at the cost of his/ her happiness. On the other hand as per the
other one a person must not be too strict with oneself and that moral values may be altered
to some extent if they become a cause of stress. The youth these days is more inclined
towards seeking happiness rather than valuing moral values. This may be attributed to the
growing influence of the western culture.



Moral values include being honest, kind, showing respect to others, helping others, having a
sense of self control, treating everyone equally and imbibing other such good qualities. A
person possessing such qualities is known to bear a good moral character. On the other hand,
those who do not possess such qualities are looked down upon by the society.

It requires conviction to follow good habits and imbibe moral values. Not every individual is as
strong willed to follow these habits. However, we must try to imbibe these.

Moral Values in Office Setting

People look forward to individuals with good moral values. One of the things that the
interviewer examines during a job interview is whether the prospective employee bears good
moral values. Besides the basic moral values, every organization has a defined ethical code of
conduct that the employees are expected to follow. An organization with disciplined
employees who possess good moral values runs more systematically compared to those
where these basics things are not sorted. There is less corruption and everyone gets a fair
chance to learn and grow in such an environment. This is the reason why employers give
special attention to this quality while selecting an employee.

However, unfortunately, the youth today does not give much importance to the moral values.
The growing competition these days is one of the reasons for the degradation of these values.
In an attempt to grow professionally, people do not hesitate to lie, deceive and use other
unethical and immoral practices. This disturbs the work environment. It is because of this that
the deserving employees lead a lifetime on the same position while the ones who employ
immoral practices reach on the top.


Our society needs more individuals that possess good moral values in order to grow and
develop the right way.



Moral values are the values defined by the society based on which a person’s character is
judged. A person is said to be good or bad on the basis of these values. A person’s choices and
decisions in life are dependent to a large extent on the moral values he/she bears.

Why Are Moral Values Important?

Moral values define the norms of right and wrong and good and bad. These defined norms
help the people understand as how they must act in the society in order to lead a peaceful life.
Decision making becomes easy to some extent as a person knows the repercussions of his
behaviour based on the moral principles he has been taught since childhood.

Moral values give us an aim in life. We are grounded in reality and are motivated to do good
for those around us if we bear good moral values. Helping others, caring for those around us,
taking wise decisions and not hurting others are some of the examples of good moral values.
These values help in bringing out the best in us.

Moral Values in Indian Society

The Indian society and culture gives high regard to the moral values. From the childhood itself,
individuals are expected to behave in a manner which is morally correct. They are taught what
is right and wrong as per the society. Talking with respect with the elders and with patience
and love with those who are younger to us is one of the first lessons taught to us. One is also
taught to bear a good moral character. Indulging in drinking, smoking and other such
notorious activities is almost a taboo in the Indian society, particularly for the women. It is
considered to be against the custom and tradition of the Indian society. People in India have

been known to have broken family ties with those who tread on the path which is not morally

However, with the changing times and growing attraction towards the western culture many
people are defying these set norms of morality. Everyone these days wants freedom to live
their life their own way and the strict moral values often hamper their happiness. Many
people go against the society to seek freedom and happiness.


While individuals must bear good moral values, sometimes they seem too far-fetched. With
the changes in the mindset and the way of living, moral values must also be altered and
should not remain too stringent.



Moral values are the good values taught to help people lead a disciplined life. Moral values
include good habits such as honesty, helpfulness, integrity, respectfulness, love, hard work
and compassion.

Importance of Moral Values in a Student’s Life

A student’s life is full of challenging. This is a growing age wherein a person learns several
lessons each day. The lessons learned during this age stay with us for the rest of our lives. It is
thus important to help the students inculcate good moral values. After all, they are the future
of the nation. Children with good moral values grow up to become responsible youth. Those
who are devoid of good values do not only spoil their lives as they grow older but are also a
threat to the society.

Imbibing Good Moral Values in Students

Parents as well as teachers must put in special efforts to help students imbibe good moral
values. Children are quite observant. Most of the things they learn in life is by observing their
teachers, parents and elder siblings. They pay more heed to the way their elders act and
behave and imbibe the same rather than what they are instructed to do. For instance, they
will be inspired to speak the truth if they see their elders doing the same. On the other hand, if
they are repeatedly asked to speak the truth but see their elders doing otherwise, they too
shall be tempted to lie. It is thus the responsibility of the parents and teachers to behave
properly to demonstrate good values so that the children inculcate the same. They must

inspire the students to be polite, help others, speak the truth, be compassionate and take up
responsibilities with pleasure.

Schools must also focus on imparting moral values to the students by way of good moral
stories and lessons rather than merely lecturing them on the same. Evil practices and bad
habits must be condemned so that the students stay away from them. Inculcating good moral
values in students is as important as teaching them other subjects.

Moral Values and Today’s Generation

Times are changing and the mindset of people is changing with time. While it is good to move
with the time however moving away from ones roots and moral values is not a good thing.
Today’s generation is not as conscious about being morally and ethically correct as the earlier

They have a different outlook towards life. Indulging in frivolous act, lying for their benefit,
smoking, drinking and having drugs is a common sight these days. While this was considered a
taboo a few decades back, youth these days indulges in the same without any inhibitions.
Most of this can be attributed to the influence of the western culture. Besides, parents these
days have also become extremely busy in their lives that they hardly get time to spend with
their children and teach them what is right and wrong.


A person must bear good moral values such as honesty, helping nature, decency,
righteousness and self-discipline. Such a person is an asset to the society.



Moral values are the values defined by the society to guide individuals to lead a disciplined
life. While the basic moral values such as honesty, kindness and cooperative behaviour remain
the same some values may change or modify over the time.

Changing Moral Values in the Society

From Joint Family to Nuclear Family System

Moral values differ to some extent based on the society one lives in. They also differ from
generation to generation. India is one such country that boasts of its rich moral values and
deep rooted culture. Respecting our elders is the first and foremost value taught to us. Our
parents emphasize its importance since our childhood. Talking ill to the elders – be it our

parents, grandparents, relatives or any other elder is considered offensive. India is known for
its joint family system. Children continue to live with their parents and siblings even after their
marriage in our country. Until few year back, this was more of a custom. Even if the house was
small or there were differences among the family members, people were still expected to stick
together and live under one roof.

Sons and daughter in laws were expected to take care of their parents during their old age and
anyone who urged to live separately was considered to be disrespectful towards his parents.
Such young couples were talked ill about in the neighbourhood and among the relatives.
Often, the family disowned their sons because of this reason. However, people these days
understand that it is important to give space in relationships in order to nurture them well.
Just like the western countries, people in India have also started living in nuclear families
these days and the society has slowly and gradually accepted this. It is no longer considered to
be morally or ethically wrong.

Arranged Marriages to Love Marriages

People in the west find our arranged marriage system rather weird however in India it is a part
of our tradition. While there is a growing trend of love marriages since the last few decades,
prior to that having affair and expressing the desire to have a love marriage was considered to
be morally wrong. Girls who expressed their wish to marry a boy of their own choice were
thrashed severely by their family members and were considered to have low moral values.
Young couples in love had to struggle hard to get approval for marriage. It used to get all the
more difficult if it was an inter-caste relationship. Many instances of honour killing have also
come into limelight in the past owing to this reason.

However, the concept of love marriage has now become quite common in our country and a
person’s moral values and character are not judged because of this.

Marriage to Live-in Relationships

Live in relationships are quite common in the western countries however in India these
relationships are not considered morally correct. Here, it is advocated that a couple can live
together under one roof only when they are married. While live-in relationships were
considered a taboo until a few years back, many sections of the society have now begun to
accept it. Many young couples these days especially those living in the metropolitan cities
have started getting into such relationships. Though, a large section of the society still
continues to consider it wrong.


Moral values are thus a type of law defined by the society to dictate an individual on how he
should and should not behave. While moral values are important and good for the society

some of these are too overrated. These must be inculcated and advocated for the good of the
society and not to suffocate the individuals. It is important to alter them from time to time to
match the mindset of the newer generation.


10. Essay on Discipline

Discipline is very necessary to all to live a successful and happy life. Here we have provided
number of essay on discipline for your school going kids and children. Students in the school
are generally assigned to write discipline essay. So, you can help your kids using these essays.



Discipline is the most important thing in everyone’s life. Without discipline one cannot live a
happy life. It is the act of living life following some rules and regulations. Discipline is
everything which we do in the right way in right time. It leads us on the right path. We all
follow various types of discipline in our daily lives. There are many examples like we wake up
in the early morning, drink a glass of water, go to washroom to get fresh, do brush our teeth,
take bath, take breakfast, go to school in uniform at right time, etc all are discipline.



Discipline is highly valuable in our every walk of life. We have to follow it all time whether we
are in the school, home, office, institutions, factory, playground, battlefield or other places. It
is the most important necessity of the happy and peaceful life. It gives us lots of great
opportunity, right way to go ahead, to learn new things in life, to experiences more within less
time, etc. and grow. Whereas, lack of discipline cause lots of confusion and disorders.
Indiscipline gives no peace and progress in the life instead creates lots of problem.

Discipline is following the orders of our elders, superior officers, teachers and parents who
lead us towards success. We need to follow rules, obey orders and behave well in orderly
manner. We should value the importance of discipline in our daily lives. People, who are not
disciplined in their lives; face lots of problems and get disappointments.


Discipline is the right way of doing things in well behaved manner. It needs a control over the
mind and body. Somebody has natural property of self-discipline however somebody has to
develop it inside them. Discipline is the ability to control on the feeling and do right thing at

right time as well as overcome the weaknesses. Life without discipline is incomplete and
unsuccessful. We need to follow some rules by respecting our elders and seniors.

It is very necessary tool for everyone in every walk of life whether at home, office, playground
or other place. Our daily lives would become unorganized if we do not follow the discipline.
Everything in this world has discipline and organized by the discipline. Air, water and land give
us the way to live life. The whole world, country, society, community, etc would become
disorganized without discipline as everything needs discipline. Discipline is the nature which
exists in everything made by the nature.


Discipline is being obedient and have self-controlled behaviour to follow orders of proper
authority. Discipline is of great importance in the whole life and needed in every walk of life. It
is required by everyone who needs to work on any project seriously. It we do not obey and
follow the orders, rules of the superiors; definitely we would suffer problems and may be

We should always be in discipline and obey the order of our parents and teachers to be
successful in our lives. We should get up from the bed in the early morning. We should drink
water and go to toilet to fresh, brush our teeth, take bath and then take our healthy breakfast.
We should never go to school without taking food. We should do our homework in clean and
neat way at right time. We should never deny, disrespect, and unhappy our parents and follow
their all orders. We should go to school at right time and in the proper uniform. In the
classroom, we should do prayer to the God according to the school norms. We should follow
the teacher’s orders, do proper work in good hand writing and learn everything in right

We should not misbehave with the teachers, principal, maid, gate keepers or students. We
should behave well with all whether at home, school, office or other places. No one can
achieve anything big in the life without discipline. Thus, we all should follow obey of our
parents and teachers to be a successful person in the life.


Discipline is the act of keeping our body, mind and soul under control and does all the works
in right manner by following the orders of the parents, teachers or elders of the family. It is
the act to train our mind to accept rules and regulations to be in discipline. We can see the
example of real discipline in every natural resource in our daily lives. Sun rises and sets at right
time every day, moon rises and sets at right time, morning and evening come daily without

getting late, river always run, parents always love, teachers always teach us and many more.
So why we should be back in our life, we too should follow all the discipline necessary in our
lives to go ahead without suffering from problems.

We should follow parents, teachers and our elders. We should listen them to know about their
experiences and learn from their wins and failures. Whenever we start looking deeply at
anything, it gives us a valuable lesson in the life. The seasons come and go in right pattern, sky
rains and stops, etc becomes at right time to make our lives in balance. So, we too need to be
in discipline to maintain the life cycle on this earth. We have lots of responsibilities to our life,
parents, teachers, family, environment, atmosphere, etc. As a human being, we have great
mind to think, decide about right or wrong, and implement our plans to change it into action.
So, we are highly responsible to know the necessity and importance of this discipline in our

Indiscipline causes lots of confusion in the life and makes a human being irresponsible and
lazy. It lowers the confidence level and makes mind unsure to do anything even a simple work.
However, being in discipline lead us ahead towards highest ladder of the life.


Discipline is something which keeps everyone under good control. It motivates a person to go
ahead in the life and get success. Every one of us has experienced discipline in different forms
according to their own requirement and understanding towards life. It availability of it in
everyone’s life is very necessary to go on the right path. Without discipline life becomes
inactive and useless as nothing go according to the plan. If we need to implement our strategy
in right way about any project to be completed, we need to be in discipline first. Discipline is
generally of two types. One is induced discipline in which we learn to be in discipline by others
and another one is self-discipline which comes from own mind to be in discipline. However
sometimes, we need motivation from someone effective personality to improve our self-
discipline habit.

We need discipline in many ways at many stages of our life so it is good to practice discipline
from the childhood. Self-discipline means differently to different people such as for students,
it means motivating ownself to get concentrated on the study and complete assignments in
right time. However, for working person, it means to get up from bed on time in the morning,
do exercise to get fit, go to office on time, and do job tasks properly. Self-discipline is highly
required by everyone to have, as in modern time no one has time for others to motivate
towards being in discipline. Without discipline one can be failure in the life, she/he cannot
enjoy academic success or other success in the career.

Self-discipline is required in every field like dieting (it needs to control over fatty and junk
foods), regular exercise (it needs to concentrate), etc. One can get health disorders and fatty
body without control over food so it needs discipline. Parents need to develop self-discipline
habits as they need to teach their kids a good discipline. They need to motivate them all time
to behave well and do everything at right time. Some naughty children do not follow their
parent’s discipline, in such cases parents need to have dare and patience to teach their
naughty children. Everyone has different time and capacity to learn the meaning of discipline
according to the nature. So, never give up and always try to get in discipline, as a small step
can be converted to large step a day.


11. Essay on Ethics

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines the concepts of right and wrong within a society.
The ethics defined by various societies are more or less the same. The concept is simple
however since each human being is different from the other hence it can be a cause of conflict
at times.

Ethics and aesthetics both are the sub-branches of the branch of philosophy called Axiology.
The concept of ethics is largely based on the culture and religion of a society. Here are some
essays on ethics to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any ethics essay as per
your need:



Ethics help in answering the questions of human morality by providing a set definition for the
concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, vice and virtue and so on. When in doubt we
always think about the moral and ethical values we have been taught since our early years and
almost immediately get clarity of thoughts.

While the ethics have been set for the well being of the society and the overall good of the
people living there, these can even be a cause of unhappiness for some. This is because
people have gone overboard with these. For instance, in earlier times women in Indian culture
were seen as home makers. They were not allowed to go out and work or question the
decisions of the male members of the family. While these days women are being given
freedom to go out and work and take various decisions on their own, many people still stick to
the ethics and norms defined centuries back. They still believe that a woman’s place is in the
kitchen and that it is ethically wrong for her to go out and work.

So while ethics and moral values must be embedded in people for the smooth functioning of
the society and must be redefined from time to time for the proper growth and development
of individuals as well as the society as a whole.



The term ethics has been derived from the Ancient Greek word Ethos that means habit,
custom or character. This is what ethics are in the real sense. A person’s habits and character
speak volumes about the ethical values he/she possesses. In other words, a person’s ethical
values define his character. We are all told as to what is good and what is bad based on the
ethical norms set by the society.

The Philosophy of Ethics

The philosophy of ethics is deeper than it appears on the surface level. It is divided into three
arenas. These are the normative ethics, applied ethics and meta-ethics. Here is a brief look at
these three categories:

Normative Ethics: It deals with the content of moral judgement. It analyses the questions that
spring up while considering how to act in different situations.

Applied Ethics: This category analyses the norms set about the way a person is supposed to or
rather allowed to behave in a given situation. It deals with controversial topics such as animal
rights and nuclear weapons.

Meta- Ethics: This field of ethics questions how we understand the concept of right and wrong
and what all we know about it. It basically looks at the origin and fundamental meaning of the
ethical principles.

While the ethical realists believe that individuals realize ethical truths that already exist,
ethical non-realists, on the other hand, are of the opinion that individuals explore and invent
ethical truths on their own. Both have their own arguments to back their opinions.


Most people blindly follow the ethics defined by the society. They stick to habits that are
considered good as per the ethical norms and refrain from indulging in those that are
considered to break these norms. However, there are some who question these values and go
by what they think is right or wrong.



Ethics are defined as moral principles that describe the norms of good and bad and right and
wrong. As per French Author, Albert Camus, “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon
this world”.

Types of Ethics

Ethics have broadly been classified into four different categories. Here is a brief look at these:

Duty Ethics: This category associates ethics with religious beliefs. Also known as deontological
ethics, these ethics categorize behaviors and acts as being right or wrong. People are expected
to act as per them to fulfill their duty. These ethics are taught to us from the very beginning.

Virtue Ethics: This category relates ethics with a person’s personal behaviour. It focuses on a
person’s moral values, the way he thinks and the kind of character he bears. Virtue ethics are
also embedded in us since our childhood. We are taught what is right and wrong even though
there is no logic behind it in many cases.

Relativistic Ethics: As per this, everything is equal. Each individual has the right to analyze the
situation and form his own version of right and wrong. The advocates of this theory strongly
believe that what may be right for one person may not be correct for the other. Also what is
correct in certain situation may not be appropriate in the other.

Consequential Ethics: During the age of Enlightenment, there was a quest for rationalism. This
category of ethics is associated with that quest. As per this ethical theory, the outcome of an
individual’s behaviour determines the wrongness or rightness of his behaviour.

Ethics Differ in Different Cultures

As per some, ethics are the values that must be taught since childhood and that one must
strictly abide by them. A person who defies these is considered to be ethically wrong. Some
people are quite rigid about following the ethical codes. They constantly judge others based
on their behaviour. On the other hand, there are people who are flexible about the same and
believe that these can be altered to some extent based on the situation.

Now, the basic code of conduct and ethics expected from individuals is almost the same
across nations. However, there may be certain ethical behaviours that may be right as per
certain cultures but not accepted in others. For instance, in the Western countries women
have the freedom to wear any kind of dress they want but in many of the eastern countries
wearing short dresses is considered ethically wrong.


There are various schools of thoughts that have their own versions of ethics. Many people go
by the norms of right and wrong others make their own version.



Ethics define the way a person should behave in any given situation. They are embedded in us
from our childhood and almost every decision we make in our life is largely influenced by our
ethical values. A person is considered good or bad based on his/ her ethical conduct.

Ethics hold immense importance in both our personal and professional life. A person who
holds high ethical values, truly believes in them and follows them would be much more sorted
as compared to those who follow the set ethical norms but do not really believe in the same.
Then, there is yet another category of people – those who do not believe in the ethical norms
and thus do not follow them. These may be a cause of disruption of peace in the society.

Importance of Ethics in Our Personal Life

The minds of the people are conditioned as per the accepted moral and ethical values existent
in the society they are brought up in. The importance of ethics cannot be undermined. A child
needs to be taught what behaviour is accepted in the society and what is not from the very
beginning in order for him to live in harmony with the society. This system has basically been
put in place so that people know how to act right and maintain peace and harmony in the

Taking decisions becomes easier for people as the right and wrong has already been defined.
Imagine if the right doings and wrong doings were not defined, everyone would act as per
their will based on their own versions of right and wrong. This would make things chaotic and
give rise to crime.

Importance of Ethics in Our Professional Life

Maintaining ethical conduct is extremely important at work place. Besides the basic ethics and
values defined by the society, every organization determines its set of ethical values. Every
individual working in that organization must follow them to maintain the code of conduct.
Some examples of common ethical codes set by organizations can be to treat employees
fairly, deal with honesty, never leak the company’s inside information, respect your co-
workers and if something appears wrong with the company’s management or some employee

it must be addressed politely and directly rather than creating unnecessary issue about the

Setting these workplace ethics helps in smooth functioning of the organization. Any employee
seen violating the ethical code is issued warning letter or penalized in different ways based on
the severity of the issue.

In case of absence of the set ethical codes in an organization, things are likely to become
chaotic and unmanageable. It is thus essential for every organization to set these norms.
Ethical codes in an organization do not only help in ensuring good work environment but also
teach the employees as how to deal with the clients in different situations.

A company’s ethical code basically echoes its core values and responsibilities.


Setting an ethical code for the society as well as at work places and other institutions is
essential. It helps the people recognize as to what is right and what is wrong and encourages
them to behave the right way.



Ethics are defined as a system that determines what is right or wrong. This system has been
built to ensure the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. A person possessing high
ethical values is the one who conforms to the ethical norms set by the society without
questioning them.

Ethics Vs Morals

Ethics and moral values are usually used interchangeably. However, there is a difference
between the two. While ethics are the standards set by the culture one follows, the society
one dwells in and the organization one works in to ensure that a person behaves righteously,
moral values on the other hand are embedded in a person’s behaviour and define his

Ethics are based on external factors. For instance, women in the Middle-Eastern culture are
required to cover themselves from head to toe. In certain middle-eastern countries they are
not allowed to work or even go out without being accompanied by a man. If a woman tries to
challenge this norm, she is considered to be ethically wrong. Ethical behaviour is also set
based on a person’s profession. For instance, doctors, policemen and teachers are expected to

behave in a certain manner to fulfil their professional duty. They cannot go against the ethical
code set for them.

The moral values of a person are mainly influenced by his culture and the family atmosphere.
These are the principles he creates for himself. These principles define his character and he
takes his personal decisions based on these. While the ethical code one is expected to follow
may vary based on the organization he works with and the society he lives in, the moral values
of a person remain the same throughout. However, certain events in a person’s life may
change his beliefs and he may imbibe different values based on the same.

How Are Ethics and Moral Values Related to Each Other?

As mentioned above, ethics are imposed on us by the society and moral values are our own
understanding of what is right and what is wrong. These are closely related to each other. An
individual whose moral values match the ethical standards set by the society is considered to
have high moral values. For instance, a man who respects his parents and obeys everything
they say, visits the temple daily, gets back home on time and spends time with his family is
said to have good moral values.

On the other hand, an individual who may not be religiously inclined, may question what his
parents say based on logic, hang out with friends and return late from the office may be
considered to be one with low moral values as he does not conform to the ethical code set by
the society. Even if this person is not harming anyone or is not doing anything wrong he would
still be considered one with low morals. While this may not be so in every culture but in India
people are judged based on such behaviour.

Conflict between Moral Values and Ethics

At times, people are caught between their moral values and the defined ethical code. While
their moral values may stop them from doing something, the ethical code set by their
profession might require them to do so. For instance, the corporate culture these days is such
that you may be required to have a drink or two to build PR during the official parties. While it
is alright as per the ethical code of the organization and may even be required at times to
maintain relations with the clients, a person’s moral values may suggest him to do otherwise.


Ethical codes are set to ensure peace and harmony in the society. However, these must not be
blindly passed on from generation to generation. This is because what may be right during one
age or culture might not be appropriate when applied to another.


12. Essay on Good Manners
Good manners are very necessary to have for a person in order to live a happy, disciplined and
peaceful life as well as get success in any field. Teachers generally assign their students to
write something (paragraph, short essay or long essay) on good manners in the classroom
during class tests or exam. It is a nice topic which can help students to be aware of all the
good manners as well as encourage them to inculcate such manners.


So, we have provided here various paragraphs, short essays and long essays on good manners
under different word limits. You can select any of the good manners paragraph or good
manners essay according to your need and requirement.


Good manner means having polite or well-bred social behavior by the people. Having good
manners in life matters a lot for living a social life. It should be inculcated especially in children
from childhood. Behaving in well or bad manner is the most important part of the human
nature and life. Good manners help us in getting respect and dignity in the society whereas
bad manners defame us. Good manners help us to develop good habits which improve the
physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being (thus overall development of the society) of
person. A well behaving man, having all the good manners, is becomes the important citizen in
the society as he never hurts the feelings of others.


Good manner is the well behaving manner of the person which adds good impression on
others as well as gives good feeling and confidence about oneself. Practicing good manners is
very important for all of us and it is good if we do it from childhood with the help of parents
and guardians. We must follow all the good manners whether we are at home, school, college,
office, tourist places, or with friends.

Good manners are more than opening doors and writing thank you notes. Being polite and
courteous to others shows our real behavior, thinking and mind level. It attracts people’s mind
and attention if they get respect from us. Being a well behaved person, we set a standard for
others too which encourage them to practice good manner and behave well. It is not easy to
follow all the good manners for everyone however can be easily followed after practicing well.


Man is considered as the most intelligent creation of God on the earth as he lives in the
society as well as he has capacity to think, talk and act accordingly. So, he must know how to
behave well and practice good manners to behave well with others in the society. Parents
must teach their kids how should they behave with family members, neighbors, teachers, etc
and respect the views of others. Being a well behaved person, one must be polite, gentle,
disciplined, and sweet. Some people behave well with sweet words only in front but behind
they talk bad, that is not the good manner.

Good manners help a person to show the same character; both, in front and behind of people.
The words and behavior of a good mannered person never changes and remain same in all
conditions. Well mannered people know well that how to show or explain the bitter truth with
sweet words. People, who lack good manners generally, have sharp and clever tongue. Bad
people always behave roughly and abuse others without any reason. They never hesitate to
behave badly in the society. They show that they lack a good culture, society and discipline,
thus they hated everywhere. And good mannered people are honored everywhere.



Good manner can be defined as behaving well with courtesy and politeness to show correct
public behaviour to the people living in society. Some of the good manners are like polite,
courteous, humble, respectful and well-cultured social behavior found in some people. Any of
the men or women is distinguished and recognized in the society by his/her good manners. A
person is known in the society not only for his intelligence but also for his behavior and

Importance of Good Manners in our Life

Good manners are very important in our daily and every parent must teach their children the
good manners and importance of them in life. Good manners are required to create an
effective interaction with friends as well as make a good impression on them. It helps us to
remain positive throughout the day. We must use the magic words like “sorry”, “please”,
“thank you”, “excuse me”, etc whenever required without getting late in order to maintain a
happy relationship. Parents must help their kids to essentially practice such words to behave
well in everyday life. These words show the feeling of sorry, happy, appreciation and respect
to the people.

Good manner open the door to new conversation with people and opportunities in life. If
someone talks to you with rudeness, don’t talk him in his way, just talk him in your way of
behaving well as rudeness creates rudeness.


Practicing good manners is necessary to be a great and noble personality in the society. It
maintains the positivity in our soul and mind. Our good behavior shows our ideal force of
character. We should show respect and reverence to people to create positive interaction.



Good manners are very necessary in life as they help us to behave well in the society with
people as well as help us to maintain smooth, easy and positive relationship. Good manners
help us to win the heart of people in the crowd and give us a unique personality. Good
manner makes us person of pleasing and obeying nature which is genuinely loved and
appreciated by all in the society.

What are Good Manners

A person with good manners shows respects towards feelings and sentiments of people living
around. He/she never differentiates people and shows equal regard and kindness to everyone
whether elder or younger than him. Modesty and courtesy are the essential traits of a well
behaving person. He/she never feel proud or arrogant and always take care of the feelings of
other people. Practicing good manners and following them all through the day bring sunshine
and add qualities to the life. He/she always becomes mentally happy as good manners enrich
his/her personality.

Teaching good manners to all the students is a boon to them and country from parents and
teachers as they are the bright future. Lack of good manners among youths of the country
lead them at the wrong path. Practicing good manners cost nothing but pay us a lot all
through the life. Some of the good manners are like:

Thank you: we must say thank you whenever we receive anything from someone.

Please: we must say please while requesting for something to others.

We should always support people who are in pain.

We should always accept the mistakes and say sorry without hesitation.

We should be disciplined and punctual in daily life.

We should always compliment others for their good behaviour and qualities.

We must listen to people very attentively who are talking to us.

We should take permission before touching or using the things of someone else.

We should always respond with a smile to other’s questions.

We should never interrupt between the meetings of elders and must wait for our turn.

We must be respectful to the elders (whether in family, relationship or neighbors), parents

and teachers.

Excuse me: we must say excuse me while getting attention for something.

We must knock the door before entering to other’s home or bedroom.


Good manners are vital to us for getting popularity and success in life as nobody likes a
mischief person. Good manners are like tonic to the people living in society as practicing them
take nothing but benefits a lot whole life. People with polite and pleasant nature are always
asked by the large number of people as they put magnetic influence over them. Thus, we must
practice and follow good manners.


Good manner is very significant to the people living in society. People can be benefited from
the good manners in many ways at home, school, office or other places. People with good
manners must have courtesy, politeness and respect to others and themselves too. Good
manner is all which we behave well with others with humble respect. Bad behaviour never
gives happy feelings to self and others. Just think that how sad and disrespected we will feel
when someone is talking to our friend and turning his back to us.

Good mannered people are always liked and get respect and fame in the society as they
behave well in same manner with all (good or bad). They consider the feelings of other people
and always become kind. Teachers teach the lesson of good manners to their students in the
classroom and instruct them to follow all that at all places forever. Parents also should help
their kids at home to learn good manners properly as what kids learn in their childhood carry
all through the life. We must first behave to others like what we wish in return from others.
According to the Golden Rule “We should treat people the way we would like other people to
treat us”. If we treat people with respect, we too will be treated in the same way by them.

Following good manners everywhere we go, we can better encourage people to behave well
in the same manner to everyone. Some of the important good manners we can practice in our
daily life are like:

We must learn the habit of sharing (but not grabbing) things to others.

We should be helpful, polite and humble to others at all places.

We must use ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’ and ‘time wish’ whenever required.

We must respect the property of others and always take permission before using.

We must help our family members in completing their chores.

We must be responsible and self dependent for everything whether at home or outside the

We must behave well with humble respect to our teachers, parents, other elders and senior

We should not interfere between elder’s talk and must wait for our turn.

We should hold the door open when someone is coming in and must hold his/her load if
he/she is carrying something.

We should maintain cleanliness at home, school, and all other public places.

We should not use offensive language to others at home or public place.

We must leave the seat for senior citizens while using public transport.

We should never make fun of anyone as everyone has feelings and respect.

We should not use mobile phone unnecessarily while being in group or public place.

We should chew food properly and don’t talk to anyone while eating.

Following good manners not only increase the respect in people’s mind but also make us
pleasant from inside. It creates the good impression in society, school, sports team, friends
group and family. Life becomes much more pleasant day by day. Practicing good manners take
nothing but give much more all through the life. We must practice good manners as well as
encourage others to practice for the welfare of oneself, family, society and nation.


13. Essay on Honesty
Essays or paragraphs writing are common phenomenon running now-a-days in the schools
and colleges. It is a nice strategy which helps teachers to enhance student’s writing skill and
knowledge about any topic. It motivates students to write their views, innovative ideas and
positive suggestions about any topic they have been assigned for. The great news is that, we
are working very actively in this field to help both, students and teachers. Our written essay
on honesty may help students to get their destination very easily. They can easily participate
in the essay writing competition without any hesitation. Following honesty essay may help
you, so have a look according to your need and requirement:



Honesty means to be truthful for a person in all the aspects of life. It involves to not to tell lie
to anybody, never hurt anyone through bad habits, activities or behavior. Honest person
never gets involved in the activities that are morally wrong. Honesty is to not break any rule
and regulation, be in discipline, behave well, speak truth, be punctual, and help others
honestly. Being honest helps a person to get trust of all in the surrounding, lot of happiness,
blessings from supreme power, and many more things. Being honest is really very beneficial in
the real life. It is not a thing which one can buy or sell; it is a good habit which can be obtained
through practice only.


Honesty is the component of moral character which develops good attributes including
truthfulness, kindness, discipline, integrity, etc. It involves the absence of lying, cheating
others, theft, and lack of other bad habits which hurt people. Honesty is really of being
trustworthy, loyal, and sincere throughout the life. Honesty is very valuable and good habit of
much importance. There is a well said proverb by the Benjamin Franklin that “Honesty is the
best policy”. Another quote by Thomas Jefferson is that “Honesty is the first chapter in the
book of wisdom”. Both are truly said by great people in the past however will be truth in the
future forever.

Honesty leads a person towards an auspicious path which gives real happiness and joy. A
person can be honest only when he/she follows honesty in various aspects such as honesty in
speak, honesty in workplace, honesty in justice, honesty in behaving, and all the activities we
do in our daily life. Honesty makes a person free of all troubles and fearless.


Why Honesty is Important

Honesty is considered as the best policy of life however it is not so easy to have or develop.
One can develop it through practice but need more patience and time. Following are the
points proving why honesty is important:

Without honesty one cannot make a trustworthy relationship with family, friends, teachers,
etc in any situation. Honesty builds trust in the relationship.

One cannot read anyone’s mind however he/she can feel that how much a person is honest.
Honesty is a good habit which gives everyone a happy and peaceful mind. Dishonest never let
any relationship to grow and create lots of problems.

Telling lie hurt the loved ones which creates the condition of betrayal in the relationship.
Being honest gives a happy face and fearless mind.

Telling truth only because of some fear does not make a person really honest. It is a good
quality which assimilates in the people’s behavior forever. Truth always become painful
however gives nice and happy results.

Honesty is a power having capability to remove corruption and solve many social issues from
the society. Practicing honesty can be complicated and confusing in the starting however
makes one feel better and relaxed later. It makes a person feel comfortable and free of any

It is a quality which can be developed anytime however good to practice it from the early
childhood with the help of parents, grandparents, teachers and neighbors. It is very important
to be honest in all the aspects as it contributes positively a lot throughout the life.



Honesty is the quality of being honest, truthful and sincere throughout the life. It is necessary
for a person to be honest for himself as well as others. Honesty itself brings lots of good
qualities in the person and makes able to tackle any bad situation in the life with full courage
and confidence that’s why it is called as “honesty is the best policy”.

How Honesty benefits a Person

Following are the points proving the fact that how honesty benefits a person. Honesty is a
good habit which a person must acquire to get several benefits in life such as:

Honesty makes a person of good health and happiness. Being honest makes mind free from
worries, tension and stress of being caught for the act of dishonesty. In this way, it keeps away
from stressful life and several diseases (like high blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, weak
immune system, diabetes, etc).

It helps in maintaining the peace of mind. Honesty motivates a person to live without fear and
free of all the problems. However, dishonesty makes a person lack of mental peace and
internal satisfaction. Honesty develops positive attitudes to take better decisions and improve
quality of life.

Honest people are really loved, trusted, respected and cared in the society and family. Their
personal, working and corporate relationships become strong and trustworthy.

Being honest promotes goodwill and positive energy in the body and mind.

Honesty helps to make better place in the people’s heart, family, society and nation. It helps
to make strong interpersonal relationship with positive people.

It removes all the negativities from mind by improving mental health.

Honest people easily attract and influence others towards them.

It brings transparency in the life, awakens real powers and talent of a person. An honest
person easily realizes his divine purpose of life and achieves salvation.

It keeps one close to the religious responsibilities.


Dishonesty is not good, it may benefits a person in the starting however does not have nice
result. Dishonest people are curse to the society and nation as they ruin whole system of
society. Practicing honesty in the life is always supported by all the religions. Dishonest people
can never be religious as they are not faithful to their religion. Honest people always become
faithful and trustworthy in all the aspects of their life.



Honesty is truly the best policy as it is the foundation of a well working relationship. Not only
that, it nourishes the life of people in many ways. Trust is the base of any relationship which is
obtained from the honesty. Generally people feel hard to be honest as it is quite tough to
maintain honesty.

What is Honesty

Honesty is a good quality which involves being truthful and trustworthy in all the aspects of
life forever. It never involves cheating and being unethical to others in life. It is a moral
behavior based on truthfulness and free from all the evil motives.

Importance of Honesty

Honesty is the good quality and great virtue of much importance. It is always adored in the
family, society and all over the world. A person having the property of honesty truly becomes
an honest man. Whether a person is honest or dishonest completely depends on his/her
family ethics and surrounding environment. If parents are honest, surely they will pass it to
their children genetically, otherwise it can be developed practically which needs patience and

An honest person is always known for his/her honesty just like a sun is known for its eternal
light and unlimited energy. It is a quality which helps a person to succeed in life and get much
respect. It gives identification to the moral character of a person. Dishonest people may easily
get trust and respect from other people; however, lose that forever whenever get caught.

Being dishonest is found sin in all the religions however people practice it for their short time
benefits and selfishness. Dishonest people always become hated and disbelieved in the family
and society. They never get support and sympathy from good people even God. They never
become morally strong and their life becomes miserable. An honest person moves freely in
the society and spread his/her fragrance in all directions. Being honest is never mean to bear
the bad habits of others or bear the ill-treated activities. Everyone has rights to reveal and
take action against what is going wrong with him.


Honesty is a virtue which shows moral ethics of a person. If all the people seriously practice to
get honest, then the society will become an ideal society and free of all the corruptions and
evils. There will be huge changes in the day-to-day life of everyone. It can happen very easily if

all the parents and teachers understand their responsibilities towards the nation and teach
their children and students about moral ethics.



Honesty is a word which we all much familiar of it however not so used to of. There is no any
concrete method through which honesty can be tested however it can be felt to a great
extent. Honesty is a virtue which reflects people’s mind towards goodness. It brings stability
and lots of happiness in the life as it easily wins the confidence of people in the society.

What is Honesty

Honesty means being honest and truthful to anyone in all aspects. It is the act of doing good
by considering what is universal good in any situation without anyone’s force. Honesty is the
way we do for others in good and selfless manners. Some people only show to be honest
however in real life they never become honest and it is wrong way to cheat innocent people.
Honesty is truly a virtue which reveals good qualities of a person.

Role of Honesty in Life

Honesty plays various important roles all through the life which can be seen very clearly with
open eyes. Being said an honest person by the people in society is the best complement for
that person. It is the real property a person earns in life which never finishes. Lack of honesty
in the society is the biggest gap now-a-days among people. It is due to the lack proper
interpersonal relationship between parents-children and students-teachers. Honesty is not a
thing which can be bought or sold. It can be developed slowly thus home and school are the
best place for a child to develop good habits.

Home and school are the place where a child learns moral ethics. Thus, there should be some
essential tactics in the education system to keep a child close to the morality. Children must
be instructed properly right from their childhood to practice honesty at home and school with
the help of parents and teachers. Youths of any country are the future of that country so they
should given better opportunities to develop moral character, so that they can lead their
country in better way.

Honesty is the true solution of all human problems. Now-a-days, everywhere is corruption and
various problems in the society just because of the reducing number of honest people. In such
a fast and competitive environment, people have forgotten about the moral ethics. It is
necessary to rethink that how to bring honesty back in the society to let everything go in
natural manner.


People should realize the value of honesty in order to manage the social and economical
balance. Honesty is very necessary to be followed by people as it has been an essential
requirement in the modern time. It is a good habit which makes a person capable enough to
solve and handle any difficult situation.


14. Essay on Importance of Good Manners in Life

Importance of good manners is known by all. Possessing good manners helps in creating a
good and lasting impression. Behaving nicely with others does not only make a good
impression on them but also makes us feel content.


Good manners and their importance must be taught to children from an early age. It is the
duty of the parents and teachers to ensure their children inculcate good manners. Here are
essays on Importance of Good Manners in life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in
your exam. You can choose any Importance of Good Manners in life essay of your choice:


It is said that “A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait”. Hence, it is
necessary to have good manners to be respectful in public. We think that intelligence and
money are the only ways to gain respect among people and in society, but this is a very wrong
notion. Even if one is intelligent or rich or both at the same time he won’t be treated with
respect if he lacks good manners and treats others well.

The way one behaves in public sets a standard for other people also to behave with him
accordingly. The need of adopting good manners in public is not only to gain respect, but also
to show people that you are considerate about their feelings and their dignity. Moreover,
good manners lead to good habits and good habits eventually lead to individual growth as well
as overall development of a country.

It is very important to understand the importance of the magical words such as “thank you,”
“sorry,” “please,” “excuse me” and gestures such as holding the door for others, not using
phone while we are with someone, listening, offering your seat to someone in need, smiling at
strangers while having an eye contact and many such small actions which can make someone
feel a bit more happy and comfortable with you. These actions and words will also induce
positivity in our mind and soul.



Manners are basically a reflection of one’s character. They are a type of non-verbal
communication with the surroundings we are dealing with. Every surrounding demands a
different set of manners and it is very important to deal with it accordingly. Manners are the
way we behave with people. It is specifically the behaviour that is socially acceptable and
right. It is the way you show respect for their feelings.

Benefits of Good Manners in Life

Good manners are important in both personal and professional life of a person. Manners help
in keeping things together and right. Without good manners everything would be a mess,
classrooms would sound more like a fish market, dining tables would be full of gross scenarios,
salesman would fail at his sales and every such thing would go wrong.

Having good manners shows that you respect the person you are interacting with. It will help
you provide a positive image of yourself to the world. Your manners are the first thing a
person would consider while judging you, because it is what sets your first impression. Even in
the interviews, before evaluating your communication skills and technical knowledge your
manners and etiquettes are taken into consideration.

The people you connect with everyday can be pleased with how you treat them. This quality
of treating people right can come to your aid in every circumstance. It can help you while
socializing with different types of people. You can easily make new friends and win their trust.


Keeping in mind the importance and benefits of good manners, one should always try to
inculcate these in his day to day life. By way of this, he would not only benefit himself but will
also contribute towards a more balanced and sophisticated society. Above everything it is our
moral duty to treat everyone right.

3 (400 WORDS)


Courteous and kind behaviour of the people is termed as having good manners. It is a way in
which a person acts with others. It can be expressed through your conduct, your words and
your deeds. It is something that has to be taught and inculcated from the very beginning.
Childhood is most likely the time when you can actually teach things to the child and can
moreover be assured that it would remain with him till he lives.

Every day, every situation in our lives we got to follow a conduct, a conduct that is kind, gentle
and respectful to everyone be it your boss or a janitor, it is a courtesy we owe to people, to
strangers and to the known ones.

Importance of Good Manners

Having good manners is considered a virtue. It is very important to have good manners. A
person’s manners describe his character. In each and every phase of life a person is going to
be judged on the basis of his first impression, and it is what lasts forever in a person’s mind.
Our manners introduce us to others before we speak.

Thus, it becomes very important for a person to create a right first impression. Good manners
are one of the traits that count the most. A good conduct towards a person makes him feel
respected and he or she instantly starts getting a good vibe for that person. Friendships are
initiated and relationships are strengthened on the basis of good manners.

Examples of Good Manners

Here are some of the examples of good manners:

Knocking a door before you enter a room shows that you respect the person and his privacy.

Greeting everyone with a smiling face when you meet is a basic code of conduct which shows
that you are happy to have that person there.

Using words such as please, sorry and thank you shows that you respect the person’s

Talking slowly in the public places shows that you respect the dignity of that place.

To share your things with others and help them when in need shows that you are making
efforts for that person and thus he or she is important to you in life.

In a group discussion when you don’t cut anyone’s point and let everyone get their chance to
speak, it shows that you respect the speaker and his right to speak.


Many more such small things that we tend to ignore in our day to day lives can have a great
impact on us and our lives. Thus, one should always act keeping these things in consciousness.
Good manners are important and must be inculcated in our lives.



Good manners are defined as courteous behaviour of a person. A person having good
manners is polite and socially acceptable. He possesses a behaviour that is liked by all and
which shows respect towards all classes of society. Everyone in a society is distinguished by
the manners he or she possesses, everything else namely smartness, intelligence and
appearance is considered secondary. Importance of good manners can be classified into two
parts. Here is a look at both these to understand them well:

Importance of Good Manners in Social Life

Good Manners are a kind of way to interact with people. It is more of an art, the better you
become you get to discover more and more perks of learning it. Some common and known
advantages of good manners are:

A person with good manners is loved by all

He or she becomes more desirable

As you have treated everyone with respect you also easily get favors from everyone in the
hour of need

Even if you are in a situation wherein you have to interact with new people, it won’t be a
difficult task for you. A person with good manners can easily draw everyone’s attention.

Nowadays, with proper learning and practice everyone can learn to behave decently, one can
so easily pretend to be well mannered but the real test of being genuine comes during the
trying times. It is normal to lose your mind at times in such situations but even in these times
if you prove to be kind and respectful only then you can be considered legitimate mannered.

Importance of Good Manners in Professional Life

Nowadays, being mannered in your professional life is of prime importance. In job interviews,
first thing that is considered is the etiquettes and behaviour of a person. Many people even
after trying for numerous times despite having technical knowledge fail to clear their job
interviews. One of the reasons can be lack of good manners during interview.

Even though people are aware how important it is to behave properly they fail at times,
maybe because their brain is not habitual of keeping their behaviour in tact due to
nervousness. One of the reasons for this is that we don’t practice being mannered in our day
to day lives. Thus, it is very important for one to inculcate these things as soon as possible.

It’s not only about behaving properly during the interview but also in the office during normal
working days, communicating with your seniors and juniors, your manners during a business
meeting, or at the time of presentation, etc. We are being observed at every step at our
workplace. Thus, it is necessary to learn manners in order to prosper in career.


Treating everyone with kindness and respect will not only make them happy but will also gain
that same kindness and respect for you. Who in this world doesn’t want to be treated nicely?
But before asking for it we shall give. It’s the only reasonable way we can expect for a good
treatment from others.



What is it that momentarily comes to your mind if you consider an image of an ideal person in
your life? It would with no doubts be some well mannered person with splendid personality,
who is intelligent and has good sense of humour.

In this case one can compromise on sense of humour and even a bit of on intelligence and
personality but manners – manners and etiquettes hold a staunch ground here. What is the
point of person being smart and intelligent if he or she cannot treat the ones they interact
with rightly and spoil the mood of everyone around? Yes, that is the importance of good
manners and etiquettes in one’s life. It is a code of behavioural conduct that is polite and
socially acceptable and liked by all.

Why is it Important to Have Good Etiquette and Manners in Life

Good manners will not only make things better in your surroundings but will eventually make
things good for you. When we live in a society, there are some things that are expected from
us as an individual. These include a conduct that is helpful, polite and kind to everyone. It
helps in keeping things easy and smooth. Here is how you can positively impact the people
around you by proper etiquettes and manners:

Not honking unnecessarily on the road conveys that you don’t want to cause unnecessary
noise pollution and you respect the person driving ahead of you.

Eating with sophistication and not making unnecessary noise while chewing shows that you
respect the dignity of the place and people surrounding you.

Being silent when you are in a classroom or meeting and listening to the people shows that
you are genuinely interested in what the speaker has to speak and indirectly you encourage a
person to speak or perform better.

Using your mobile phone unnecessarily when you are in a group or with an individual person
shows that you are ignoring them and have no wish to be there with them, so use of mobile
should be avoided.

Maintaining cleanliness in public places, offices and institutions conveys that he or she
respects the dignity of the place and the people who are using it.

Being polite with everyone will help them say their thing openly and will make them like you.

Using offensive language in public shows you hinder the peace of mind of the people
surrounding you. Thus, use of these words should be avoided.

Making fun of people’s weakness shows that you are inconsiderate and you are ignorant
about the feelings of the person concerned. Instead encouraging them would work wonders
for you and the person both.

Complimenting a person genuinely would show that you are actually concerned about that
person and thus keep notice of what he or she does and would also make that person like you.

Having fine etiquettes can also help you with your confidence with time.


At times it is hard for us to be mannered and keep up with social conducts especially when we
are with our close ones. We tend to grow highly informal when we’re around them which up
to some limit is acceptable but it is also important to keep in mind that we do not cross our

To survive in this competitive and fast growing world wherein everything is so temporary it is
extremely important to impress other people genuinely. Good manners go a long way in
making our lives better. They help in being socially accepted, having loving relationships and
doing well professionally. A person who is good mannered is loved by everyone and is much
likely to prosper in personal and professional life.


15. Essay on Kindness

Kindness is a virtue that is rarely found these days. People these days are so busy gratifying
their own needs and desires that they overlook that of the others. Being kind to others is out
of question for most.

Kindness is the quality of being polite and considerate towards others. It is a quality that not
everyone possesses. Very few people in this world are blessed with this quality and their
presence is a blessing for those around them. Here are essays on Kindness of varying lengths
to help you with it in your exam. You can select any Kindness essay given below as per your



Kindness simply means being good to people around us. It can be done by being polite to
them, offering them emotional support, helping them financially, boosting their morale or by
simply being supportive to them. Kind words and kind deeds done by us are not only a boon

for the recipient but are also a blessing to us. When we help others with their tasks, are polite
to them and do other such acts of kindness it gives us a sense of accomplishment and joy.

Kindness has been described differently in different religious books and literature in the past.
However, they all echo the same thought. All of them advocate that human beings must show
kindness to other human beings as well as other creatures. We must be polite, friendly and
helpful. While we should exhibit kindness we must not do it with the aim of getting anything
in return. Kindness is a selfless act.

If God has been kind enough to give us the things we need we must be kind to others and
render help in whatever way we can. As Lord Buddha said, “A generous heart, kind speech and
a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity”.



A person with a pleasant disposition and a concern for others is said to be kind. Such people
are empathetic towards others. They help those around them whenever there is a need and
never hesitate to go out of their way to bring a smile on other people’s face.

Small Acts of Kindness can Make Big Difference

Showing kindness towards others does not necessarily mean doing something big for them. It
can be something as small as being polite and offering emotional support to someone. It can
be something as tiny as passing a smile to the old lady who sits all alone in her balcony
watching people go by or giving a small bite of your bread to the sparrow that tweets on your
terrace every day. Such acts of kindness don’t take much but can make a big difference in the
other person’s life.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to offer help and be nice to people around. You just need to
have a good heart. Each one of us has something to give to the world. We just need to
recognize what it is. Besides, we need to understand the need to be kind to people around us.
We need to understand that the world would become a much better place if people are kind
to each other.

By being kind to the other people we do not only help them and light a smile on their face but
also feel good at a deeper level. It gives a sense of satisfaction.


We can rarely find kind people around. In fact, if we look at it, are we kind ourselves? We may
feel the pain of people around us but how many times have we lend a helping hand towards

them? If we expect others to be kind towards us, we must first inculcate this habit in



It is rightly said, “You will never have a completely bad day if you show kindness at least
once”. Being kind and compassionate towards others brings immense joy. The joy of giving is
much greater than that of receiving. Kindness gets us closer to God and renders inner peace.

Acts of Kindness Never Go Unnoticed

While we must indulge in acts of kindness selflessly without expecting anything in return,
however it is said that no act of kindness, even the smallest one, goes unnoticed. This is
because God is watching us at all times. And he is known for being fair in his ways.

Being kind in general by being polite with others keeps us in a good mood as compared to the
times when we get into arguments, or judge others or raise our voice. Similarly, offering even
a small help to someone makes us feel good about ourselves. Helping others and being kind to
them gives us an immediate sense of satisfaction. And whatever we give comes back to us in
abundance. This is also known as the law of Karma.

However, if we show kindness to others hoping that we will get something in return then it is
not considered an act of kindness. It is rather an act of selfishness.

Kindness towards Animals

Not just with human beings, we must also be kind towards animals. Many people throw
stones at the street dogs and cows to scare them away. It is alright if done as an act of self
dense however many people do it just for fun. We must rather be kind towards them. Treating
the animals appropriately and feeding them are two of the ways to show kindness towards
them. We waste a lot of food ever now. We throw our leftover food in the dustbin. Instead of
throwing it away like that, we must take out some time to feed cats, dogs and cows roaming
around near our house with it. We can also show kindness towards them by adopting them.
Likewise, we can feed the birds by hanging bird feeders in our lawn or balcony. These small
and random acts of kindness will not only do good to these birds and animals but will also
make you feel better about yourself.


People who indulge in charity work and help other people with various big and small tasks are
happier than those who only work for themselves.



In many cultures kindness is considered to be an essential virtue. It is said to be among the

seven essential virtues that the moral intelligence consists of. The other virtues include
conscience, respect, tolerance, self-control, fairness and empathy. Being kind means being
polite and friendly and helping those around us.

Kindness is an Uncommon Trait

Though essential, kindness is not a trait that is found commonly in people these days. In
today’s times people have become extremely self-absorbed. All they can think about is
themselves. The growing competition at various stages in our life is one of the main reasons
why people are turning out to be this way. Everyone around is busy making themselves better
and showing the world as to how better their life is compared to that of others. They do not
hesitate hurting those in their way to achieve what they want. While there is nothing wrong
with improvising oneself but one must understand that there is much more to life and it is not
always just about them. People have become ungrateful and do not understand that God has
been kind enough to them and they must in turn be kind towards others.

Now, while most people do not possess the trait of kindness, it can be embedded in them with
little effort. This can be done by teaching its importance from the very beginning. Importance
of kindness must be taught in school. Workshops must be conducted and lectures must be
given to tell children as to why being kind to people is necessary. This subject must form an
essential part of the curriculum in schools. It is essential to emphasize its importance
repeatedly from the very beginning for people to understand and inculcate it.

Kindness is Essential in Relationships

What is the most common trait that people look for in a relationship? It is nothing else but
kindness. Nobody likes to befriend people who are rude, arrogant, selfish and haughty.
Everyone likes those who are polite, soft-hearted, kind and generous. We must be kind to
those around but as it is said charity begins at home so we must start with our near and dear

Many people are kind and polite to their neighbours, friends and colleagues but are rude with
their immediate family members such as their wife, parents, children and siblings. They scold
them, do not pay much attention towards them and often indulge in arguments with them.
Such people cannot be called kind no matter how nice they are with people outside or the
amount of charity they do. If they are not kind at home, they are merely donning a facade to
maintain a good image outside. In reality, they are frustrated inside and all their frustration
comes out at home.

If a person is really kind at heart, he will be equally kind at home as well as outside. Being kind
to people without expecting anything in return renders inner peace and happiness. It makes
life sweeter.


Practicing kindness is not difficult. Showering kindness on those around us should be the
ultimate goal of each one of us. Try it and see how it can be one of the most joyful experiences
in life.



A person who is kind is said to bear a good moral character. He is loved and talked highly
about by people around. However, this should not be the reason to indulge in acts of
kindness. Kindness is something that must be done selflessly. If we expect people to
appreciate us or return the favour then it is not kindness, it is selfishness. It clearly indicates
that we are doing it with a selfish motif.

Different Definitions of Kindness

Different learned people and religious scriptures have defined kindness differently in the past.
As per Chinese teacher and philosopher, Confucius, “Of neighbourhoods, kindness is the most
beautiful. How can the man be considered wise who when he had the choice does not settle
in kindness”. He urges to “recompense kindness with kindness.”

As per ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, kindness means “helpfulness
towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper
himself, but for that of the person helped”. As per American writer and humorist, Mark Twain,
“Kindness is the language which the dumb can speak, the deaf can hear & the blind can see.”
As per Talmud, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism, “deeds of kindness are equal in weight to
all the commandments.”

“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any
good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall
not pass this way again”, said the American philosopher, William Penn.

The definitions of kindness may differ but the essence of all these is the same. Kindness is
referred to as an essential virtue.

God Has Been Kind to You; You Must Be Kind to Others

If God has been kind enough to give you a good life, you must be kind enough to help those
around you build a good life too. This is to say that if you earn well then give a small amount
of your earnings in charity. If you are good in studies then do not hesitate to help your fellow
students if they come to you for any kind of assistance. If God has made you physically-abled
then help those who aren’t. For instance, you can help a blind person cross the road or carry
the grocery bag home for the old lady who lives in your neighbourhood. If you have enough
space in your balcony or garden then hang bird feeder and keep a bowl of water filled for the
birds. Donate your old clothes and shoes to the poor and needy. There are so many poor kids
who roam around without shoes and clothes. A number of NGOs request people to help them
serve such people. Even a small contribution from your side can make a difference. Likewise,
do not waste food. Give the leftover food to those who need it instead of showing it the

If you can take out some time from your schedule then get involved in social service. You can
begin by providing basic education to the poor little children around your house who cannot
afford to study in the school.

These are small examples of how you can spread kindness. Imagine if each one of us
inculcates this quality and is kind to everyone around, this world will become a much better
place to live.


People must be kind to those around them and see how things change for good. Being kind to
others, helping them and spreading smiles does not only do good to the recipients but also
offers a deep sense of satisfaction to the one who indulges in the act.


16. Essay on my Duty towards my Country
Duty of any person of the country in his/her any age group is a must to do responsibility of
that person towards his/her country. There is no any particular time which will call anyone to
perform the duty towards country however it is the birth rights of every Indian citizen to
understand and perform all the duties towards their country as daily routine or whenever
required according to the type of duty. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has said
to discuss this topic in the schools, colleges and other places at the Republic Day celebration
of India 2016.


We have provided here variety of essay on my Duty towards my Country in order to help
students. All the my Duty towards my Country essay are written using simple English language
especially for the students. They can select anyone according to the need and requirement:


We can say that duty is a moral and legal responsibility of a person which he/she must have to
perform towards country. It is a task or action needed to be performed as a job by each and
every citizen of the country. Performing duties towards the nation is the respect of a citizen
towards his/her nation. Everyone must follow all the rules and regulation as well as be
courteous and loyal for responsibilities towards the nation. There are various duties of a
person towards nation such as economical growth, development, cleanliness, good
governance, quality education, removing poverty, removing all the social issues, bring gender
equality, have respect to everyone, go for voting, remove child labour to give healthy youths
to the nation and many more.


Duty towards country is having moral commitments and performing all the individual or group
responsibilities. It is must be understood by each and every citizen of the country. India is a
country which believes ‘unity in diversity’ where people of more than one religions, casts,
creed and languages live together. It is a country famous all across the world for its culture,
tradition and historical heritages however still counted as developing country because of the
irresponsibility of its citizens.

There is a big gap between rich and poor people. Rich people do not understand and perform
their responsibilities towards poor people. They forget their responsibility of economical
growth in the country which is possible by eliminating poverty from the country. Everyone
should help backward people to grow up, remove social issues, corruption, bad politics, etc
running in the country. A very good example of loyal and selfless duty towards country is the
duty performed by the Indian soldiers at the borders.
They stand up there 24 hrs to protect us and our country from the rivals. They perform their
duty regularly even they face various big problems on the orders. They are away from their
loved ones and do not get comfort and luxury life. However, despite of getting all the basic
facilities in our life, we are unable to perform even our small responsibilities like cleanliness,
following rules, etc.


Individual Duties of People towards Country

Being a citizen or a member of the society, community, or country needs some duties to be
performed individually. Everyone has to perform duties of citizenship in the country in order
provide bright future. A country is backward, poor, or developing, everything depends on its
citizens especially if a country is democratic country. Everyone should exist in the state of
good citizen and be loyal towards country. People should follow all the rules, regulations and
laws made by the government for their safety and betterment of life.

They should believe in equality and live with proper equation in the society. Being a common
citizen, no one shows sympathy with the crime and must raise voice against that. People in
India have power to elect their chief minister, prime minister, and other political leader
through their votes, so they never waste their votes by selecting bad leaders who can corrupt
their country. However, they should understand and know properly about his/her leaders and
then give right vote. Their duty is to make their country clean and beautiful. They should not
destroy and dirt the heritages and other tourist places. People must take interest in the daily
news other than their daily routine activities in order to know what bad or good are going on
in their country.


India is a religious, cultural and traditional country and famous for the unity in diversity.
However, it needs more efforts from the end of its citizens to keep it clean, free of corruption,
free of social issues, crimes against women, poverty, pollution, global warming, etc for more
development. People need to understand their duties towards country instead of shouting
and blaming to the government. Each and every person is individually responsible for the
growth and development in the country. People should never forget a famous quote said by
Lao Tzu that, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. Everyone should be
aware of their fundamental duties and follow without ignorance. As being a good and
responsible citizen of the country, everyone must perform duties very loyally as:

People should obey all the rule and laws made by the government. They should respect the
authority and do not break rules as well as motivate others to do the same.

They should not bear any crime against them and must raise voice against corruption. They
must perform civic and social duties without negatively affecting the society.

They should provide solutions to needy people, vote intelligently and pay their all taxes a
proper time.

They should take the help of acts like RTI, RTE, etc for the goodness of society.

Everyone must involve in the cleanliness campaign to keep surroundings and locality clean.
They should teach kids to use dustbin to throw useless things and take care of the public

People, who are able, must leave their gas subsidy for poor people.

Everyone should be honest and loyal to the country and fellow citizens. They have feeling of
respect to each other and must respect social and economic policies for the welfare of the

People must involve their kids in the education and take care of their health and childhood.
They should not force their kids for child labour and other crimes.

People should try their best to make a best country of the world.



Duty of a person is the responsibility which he/she needs to perform individually. A citizen
living in the society, community or country has various duties and responsibilities towards the

society, community and country to be performed in right manner. People should have faith in
goodness and never ignore important duties towards their country.

My Duties towards my Country as being a Citizen

Years have been passed since our country got independence from the British rule by the
sacrifices of many great freedom fighters. They were real followers of their duties towards
country who really made possible the dream of freedom in the country by paying very costly
cost of lives of millions of people. After independence of India, rich people and politicians got
involved in their own development only and not the country. It is true that we have been
independent from the British rule however not from the greediness, crimes, corruption,
irresponsibility, social issues, child labour, poverty, cruelty, terrorism, female infanticide,
gender inequality, dowry death, gang rape, and other illegal activities.

It is not enough making only rules, regulations, laws, acts, campaigns and programmes by the
government, they are needed to be followed strictly by each and every Indian citizen to be
really free from all the illegal activities. Indian citizens need to perform their loyal duties
towards country for the betterment of everyone by eliminating poverty, gender inequality,
child labour, crimes against women and other social issues. Indian citizens have right to select
their own political leader which can lead their country in right direction towards development.
So, they do not have right to blame bad people in their life. They must keep their eyes opened
while voting their political leaders and chose the one who is really free of corrupt mind and
has capability to lead a country.


It is must for the people of India to perform their duties individually towards country to really
become independent in true sense. It is very necessary for the development of the country
which can be possible only from the end of its disciplined, punctual, dutiful and honest



A person has various duties in his/her life towards himself, family, parents, kids, wife,
husband, neighbors, society, community and most importantly towards the country. Duties of

a person towards country are very important to maintain its dignity, bright future, and lead it
towards betterment.

Who am I

I am an Indian citizen as I took birth here. As being a responsible citizen of the country, I have
many duties towards my country which I must fulfill all that. I have to perform my duties in
various aspects and all that related to the development of my country.

What is Duty

Duty is a task or action needed to be performed by each and every individual of the country
on regular basis for the betterment and more development. Performing duty loyally is the
responsibility of Indian citizens and is the demand of development in country.

What are my Duties towards my Country

Citizen of a country is the person who lives almost his/her full life and leaves his/her ancestors
too, so everyone has some duties towards country. Take an example of home in which various
members live together however everyone has to follow all the rules and regulations made by
a most senior person or head of the family for the betterment and peaceful life in the home.
Just like that, our country is like a home in which people of various religions live together
however they need to follow some rules and regulations made by the government for more
development in the country. Loyal duties of citizens aim to remove all the social issues, bring
real independence in the country and come under the category of developed countries.

People working in the government or private offices, must go on time and perform their
duties loyally without wasting time as there is a true saying that “if we destroy time, time will
destroy us”. Time never waits anyone, it runs continuously and we should learn from the time.
We should not stay until we get the goal in our life. The most important goal of our life is to
make our country a great country in true sense.

We should not be selfish people and understand our duties towards country. It’s we, not
others who are both, the victim and the benefiter. Our each and every activity affects us in
positive and negative manner (if we do positive we become benefiter and if we do negative
we become victim). So, why we do not take pledge today to take our each and every step
positively in right direction in order to get protected from being a victim in our own country. It
is us who have right to rule the country by selecting a good leader. So, why we blame others

or politicians, we should blame only us and not others as it’s we who are not performing
duties according to the demand. We have been involved in our own daily routine only and
have not any mean to other’s life, extracurricular activities, political affairs of the country, etc.
It is our mistake that our country is still in the category of developing country and not in the
developed country.


It is a big problem man; we should not take it easy. We should not be greedy and selfish; we
should live and let others live a healthy and peaceful life. The bright future of our country is in
our own hand. Still there is a time and chance for us, we can do better. Start living with open
eyes and perform true duties towards the country. We should maintain the cleanliness of our
heart, body, mind and surrounding areas for the good start.


Duties of Citizens towards Country as: Following are the responsibilities of Indian citizens at
their different positions:

Parents: Parents are highly responsible for their country as they are the main source of giving
good or bad leaders to the country. They are considered as the first basic school for their kids
so they should be attentive all time as they are responsible to nourish the future of the
country. Because of some greedy parents (whether poor or rich), our country is still having
poverty, gender inequality, child labour, bad social or political leaders, female infanticide, and
thus poor future of the country. All the parents should understand their duties towards
country and must send their kids to the school (whether boy or girl) for proper education, take
care of the health, hygiene and moral development of their kids, teach good habits and
etiquettes, and teach them their responsibilities towards country.

Teacher: Teachers are the secondary source of giving their country a nice future by making
their students as good and successful citizens of country in the future. They should understand
their duties towards country and never show difference among their students (rich and poor,
genius and average students, etc). They should teach their all students in equal manner in
order to give good leaders and bright future to the country.

Doctor: A doctor is considered as God for the patients as he/she gives new life to them.
Because of some greedy doctors, high technique treatments are not available within the
country. They are very costly to which poor or even middle class people cannot afford. Some
government doctors do not perform their duties well in the hospital and open their personal

clinics at many places to earn more money. They should understand their responsibility of
making available all the costly treatments at affordable cost within the country. They should
not go abroad after higher study however, work in their own country for better development.

Engineer: Engineers are highly responsible for the infrastructure development in the country.
They should positively use their knowledge and professional skills in right direction to develop
their country. They should not involve in corruption and be loyal to their duties.

Politician: The status of the country depends on its politician. A politician (who is not greedy
and not involved in corruption) plays various great roles in the development of country
whereas a corrupt politician can destroy the country. So, a politician must understand and
perform his/her duties towards country.

Policemen: Police is allotted at various places in the city, state and national level in order to
maintain security, peace and harmony all over the country. They are the hope of people, so
they should be loyal towards people as well as country.

Businessmen: The duty of a businessman towards his country is to create more employment
in the country and not in abroad in order to improve economy as well as reduce poverty in the
country. He should not involve in the corruption and smuggling.

Sportsperson: Sportsperson should play their games and sports loyally in their own country
and should not involve in any type of corruption or match fixing as they are role model to
many growing youths of the country.

Common Citizen (Aam Adami): Common citizens are highly responsible in various ways to their
country. They should understand their loyal duties and chose a good leader to lead their
country in right direction. They should make their home and surrounding areas neat and clean
so that they can be healthy, happy and free of diseases. They should be disciplined, punctual,
and always be on time without getting late even for a minute to their job where they are
working in any profession.


17. Essay on Punctuality

Students are generally assigned to write paragraphs, short essay or long essay in their schools.
Now-a-days, essay writing has been common phenomenon in the schools and colleges. It is
followed by the teachers to enhance student’s writing skill and knowledge about any topic. It
is also used to get student’s views, ideas and positive suggestions about any topic. We have
provided below some paragraph, short essay and long essay on punctuality in order to help
students to get their destination very easily.


Have a look on the following punctuality essay according to your need and requirement:


Punctuality is the property of any person to be on exact time or complete any task within the
given time. A person who always does his/her works on time is called as punctual. Punctuality
is the characteristic of a person which makes him capable to handle all the appointments on
time. It enables a person to do right thing at right time without any excuse of delay in work.
Punctuality is a very necessary trait which must be in all the people. It plays various great roles
in every walk of life and benefits a person in many ways. Students must be taught to reach
their schools at right time. Punctuality is a powerful quality which can make a person
successful and famous personality.


Punctuality is a good trait which can be developed at any age however good to develop from
childhood; as the nature and capacity of following things reduces slowly with age. It is a
quality of doing things promptly at right time. It is a fundamental virtue which always gives it
beneficial fruits all through the life. Lack of punctuality in the life causes various harmful
effects. It is considered as the best key to success in every field of work. People, who cannot
be punctual, get failure in their life. Following are some tips to develop punctuality:

It needs patience, activeness, and discipline in life.

A person needs to develop positive attitudes to be punctual.

It needs much practice and dedication towards work.

Develop habit to see clock at minimal interval of time.

Set alarm before sleeping to be on time.

Develop respect for time.

Develop habit of maintaining a diary to be on time for every appointment.

Read encouraging articles on internet to get motivated.



Punctuality is a habit of person to do any task on time. It is one of the most important secrets
of the success for any person. Punctuality is the most important character of leaders who lead
the country or other tasks. Being punctual means to be on time as well as maintains
everything related to task in orderly manner in order to complete the task. It is an etiquette
which motivates a person to do works in timely manner and keeps him well aware of the
importance of time. A punctual person knows well to manage and respect his/her time.

Value and Importance of Punctuality

A person, who is punctual, lives a much disciplined life and gets lots of respect in the family
and society. He does all the works on time successfully without any interference. Employees
working in the defense system are trained in tough manner to be disciplined and punctual on
their duty whether it is raining, sunny, thundering, or other natural disasters. Punctuality leads
a person towards success located at any highest point. This quality can better develop from
the childhood by the help of parents at home and teachers at school. A punctual student gets
love and respect in the family, school and society as well as goes ahead to the destination.



Punctuality is one of the most important characteristics of a successful person. A person with
this quality can easily complete all his/her task on right time or before time. It makes me really
surprised when I think that what will happen if each and every citizen (student, officer,
teacher, leader, politician, doctor, engineer, trader, etc) of the country will be punctual. I
think, it will surely make all the systems on track and lead the country towards glory and
success. Punctuality is an essential trait,

helps people to build bright career. If we have a look on the history of any great man, we
know the real facts of their successful life. It enables a person to schedule all the tasks of a day
and perform in easy manner on time. Punctual people never waste their time even a minute
or second.

Advantages of Punctuality

Punctuality is virtue of a disciplined person. It makes a person more efficient and helps him to
go with time. A punctual and disciplined person always becomes happy, fit and healthy. A
person with this quality never feel relax without completing his/her tasks on time. He/she
wakes up early in the morning, completes all the daily routine tasks and gets involved in the
tasks what he/she needs to go ahead in life. Punctual and disciplined people never get failed
in their life and always get respect.

Other than human lives, if we have a look on the natural processes (like sun rise, air blow,
water flow, moon rise, sun set, seasons arrival, flower blooming, and many more), all happens
on right time without getting late even for a minute. All the natural processes are best
example to us to learn something about punctuality.



Punctuality is a most important characteristic that everyone must have to be a successful

person. It makes a person capable enough to complete all the required tasks at already
decided time. The word meaning of punctual is ‘on time’. It is very necessary for everyone to
be on time. What will happen if a doctor gets late to the operation theatre, student gets late
to the examination hall, etc. Everything will get messed up, a student can be out of
examination hall and a patient can be dead.

Importance of Punctuality in Student’s Life

It is very necessary for a student to be punctual all time in order to achieve what he/she wants
in life. It is one of the noblest virtues which make students more civilized and cultured.
Students need this quality to develop as a habit to do things in correct time. Being punctual
proves this proverb ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means doing tasks within time saves time and
unnecessary troubles.

Punctuality is of great values to the students as it teaches them discipline also. Using this,
students can be on right time everywhere such as in school, in lab, in class, in library, at home,
in examination hall, in project, etc. They can perform better at both place home and school. It
helps in removing laziness and negative attitudes of the students. A disciplined and punctual
student always gets respect, recognition and social acceptance in the school and society. They
appreciated a lot by the teachers and parents.

Punctuality is the key to success for all the punctual students. Students should follow all the
great world leaders to achieve fame and success. It provides students various golden
opportunities to do better in life in many areas. No one of us has born with the virtue of
punctuality; everyone has to develop it on their own. It makes certain the path of success.


Punctuality is a necessary trait for all. It needs to be developed by all especially youths of the
nation as they are future and have to lead their country. The rate of development in any
country depends on how people of that country are punctual and disciplined to their job. So,
punctuality is a key to success for everyone.



Punctuality means always being on time. Being a punctual person benefits a lot all through the
life in various effective ways. It is a must to have habit by everyone as it helps in all the public
affairs of any civilized society. Without punctuality everything becomes disordered and life
never goes smooth. For a punctual person, it becomes very hard to waste his/her valuable
time. They always handle all the daily routine works and job appointments at right time.

Punctuality is the Key to Success

It is very true that punctuality is the key to success because the person who does not
understand the meaning and value of time can never get success in his/her life. Being a
successful person means arriving to the destination what a person want in the life. And it can
happen only when he/she does all the works on time dedicatedly and regularly. Punctuality is
the secret of all the successful people in this world. in life. It makes the path very clear to go
ahead and get success and fame all over the world. Successful people know very well the
value of time as well as how to utilize time in proper manner in their life.

It is well said that ‘Time and tide, waits for none’. It means that both, time and tide never wait
anyone. No one can store the time to use in future however everyone can use it completely by
going side to side with time. Everyone has to understand the value of time in order to live a
meaningful life. No one take birth with this quality however some people develop it later in
their life according to their need and requirement. It is the most important virtue which can
be acquired step by step. It can be developed better from the childhood by the help of parents

and teachers at home and school respectively. Any good habit becomes very good and never
goes whenever it is acquired well by the person. It becomes the permanent part of people’s
nature. The habit of punctuality looks in the personality of a person.

A punctual student can better perform his/her school tasks in due time than the one who is
not punctual. A punctual person looks very healthy, fit, strong, trustworthy and beautiful.


Punctuality plays a great role in people’s life by giving them their way to destination. All the
parents and teachers should understand their responsibilities and help their children and
students in developing punctuality in their growing age. Punctual and successful people
become the role models and worthy personalities of their society and country. People, who
destroy their time can never do things what they want and become failure. So, everyone must
be punctual in this competitive world to survive happily.


18. Essay on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

India is a democratic country where its citizens live freely however they have lots
of rights and responsibilities towards their country. Rights and responsibilities are two sides of
a coin and both go side to side. If we have rights we must have their corresponding
responsibilities too. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand with us where we live in
whatever home, society, village, state, or country. Now-a-days, students gets assigned by their
teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on any topic to enhance their English
writing skill and knowledge as well as spread awareness. Following are some paragraphs, short
essays and long essays on Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens to help students in
completing their related task. All the Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens essay are written
very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:


Citizen is the person who lives as an inhabitant in any village or city of the state and country.
We all are citizen of our country and have various rights and responsibilities towards our
village, city, society, state and country. Rights and duties of each citizen are very valuable and
inter-related. Every state or country provides its citizens some fundamental civil rights such as
personal rights, religious rights, social rights, moral rights, economic rights and political rights.
As a citizen of the country we are morally and legally required to complete our duties always

together. We should love and respect each other and live together without any difference. We
are expected to sacrifice time to time in order to protect our country.


Citizens living in the country must know their rights and responsibilities. Understanding all the
rules and regulation presented by the government may help every citizen in completing their
responsibilities towards country. We must understand our rights for our own well being and
freedom in the country as well as serve for the communities and country. The constitution of
India (called as supreme law of India) came into force in 1950 on 26 January which has given
democratic rights to the Indian citizen. According to the Indian constitution, people of India
have various rights and responsibilities.

There are around six fundamental rights of the Indian citizens without which no one can live in
the democratic manner. Means, democracy in the country can work only if its citizens have
rights. Such rights prevent the government from being dictatorial and cruel. Fundamental
rights help people in their moral, material and personality development. In case of rights
violations of someone, courts can protect and safeguard them. There are some fundamental
responsibilities too for the peace and prosperity of the country.


Fundamental rights of the Indian citizens are given to them for the basic and essential
conditions of good life for their progress. Without such rights no Indian citizen can develop
his/her personality and confidence. These fundamental rights are preserved in the Indian
Constitution. Fundamental rights are protected and guaranteed to the citizens by supreme law
while ordinary rights by the ordinary law. Fundamental rights of the citizens are not violable in
ordinary situation however in some reasonable circumstances they can be suspended but

Six fundamental rights according to the Indian constitution are Right to Equality (Article 14 –
Article 18), Right to Religion (Articles 25 – Article 28), Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 –
Article 24), Right to Culture and Education (Articles 29 – Article 30), Right to Freedom (Articles
19 – Article 22), and Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32). Citizens enjoy their
fundamental rights living anywhere in the country. He/she can go to the court for legal
assistance in case his/her rights are violated by force. There are various responsibilities too of
the good citizens which everyone must follow in order to improve surroundings and get inner
peace. Fulfilling responsibilities towards country gives sense of ownership for the country.

Being a good citizen of the country, we should not waste electricity, water, natural resources,
public property, etc. We should follow all the rules and laws as well as pay tax timely.


Fundamental rights given to the Indian citizens are essential part of the Constitution. Such
fundamental rights can be altered by the Parliament using special procedure. No person other
than Indian citizen is allowed to enjoy such rights except right to liberty, life, and personal
property. Other fundamental rights except right to life and personal liberty can be suspended
during time of emergency. If any citizen found his/her rights violated can go to the court
(Supreme Court and High Court) for enforcement. Some fundamental rights are positive or
negative in nature and always become superior to the ordinary laws. Some fundamental rights
like freedom of speech, assembly, cultural right and educational rights are limited to citizens

There were no fundamental duties preserved in the Constitution of India when it came into
force in 1950. However, ten fundamental duties (covered by Article 51 A) were added in the
42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India in 1976. Following are the fundamental
responsibilities of the Indian citizens:

Indian citizen must respect their National Flag and the National Anthem.

They must respect, value and follow all the noble ideals used in the national struggle for

They must to protect the power, unity and integrity of the country.

They guard the country and maintain the spirit of common brotherhood.

They must protect and preserve the cultural heritage sites.

They must protect, preserve and improve the natural environment.

They must safeguard the public property.

They should develop scientific temper and spirit of inquiry.

They must work hard to get excellence in every area of individual and collective activity.


Fundamental duties of the Indian citizens are mentioned in the 42nd Amendment of the
Constitution of India in 1976. All the responsibilities are very important and necessary for the
vital interest of country. They can be civic duties or moral duties which cannot be enforced
legally upon the citizens even by the courts. One cannot be punished if he/she is not
performing his/her duties as there is no legal force governing these duties. Fundamental
duties (right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of
religion, cultural and educational rights and right to constitutional remedies) are the integral
part of Constitution of India having moral impact and educative value upon the Indian citizens.
Inclusion of such responsibilities to the Constitution is important for the progress, peace and
prosperity of the country.

Some of the fundamental responsibilities mentioned in the Constitution of India are like
respect to the National Flag, the National Anthem, citizens must defend their country, commit
to provide National service whenever required, safeguard the public property, etc. Such rights
and responsibilities are very important for National interest of the country however not
forcefully enforced to the people. In order to completely enjoy the rights, people must
perform their responsibilities towards country in a well manner as rights and responsibilities
are related to each other. As we get rights our responsibilities increases too towards individual
and social welfare. Both are not separable and vital regarding prosperity of country.

As a good citizen of the country, we need to know and learn our all the rights and duties for
the welfare of our society and country. We need to understand that all of us are responsible
for good or bad condition of the society. We need to change our thinking into action to bring
some positive effect in our society and country. If the individual action performed by a person
can change the life; why not, our collaborative actions have positive effects over the society
and country. So, the duties of citizens matters a lot for the prosperity and peace of society and
entire country.


As we are a social animal, we have lots of responsibilities for the development as well as bring
prosperity and peace in the society and country. In order to fulfill our responsibilities we have
given some rights by the Constitution of India. Rights are very necessary given to the citizens
for their individual development and improve the social life. Democratic system of the country
is completely based on the freedom of its citizens to enjoy their rights. Rights given by our
Constitution are called as Fundamental Rights which cannot be taken back from us in normal
times. Our Constitution gives us six rights such as:

Right to Freedom: It is very important fundamental right which makes people able to express
their thoughts and ideas through speech, writing or other means. According to this right, a
person is free to cherish, criticize or speak against the governmental policies. He/she is free to
carry on any business in any corner of the country.

Right to Freedom of Religion: There are many states in the country where people of various
religions live together. Each one of us is free to practice, propagate and follow any religion we
like. No one has right to interfere with the faith of anybody.

Right to Equality: Citizens living in India are equal and have no any difference and
discrimination between rich and poor or high and low. A person of any religion, caste, creed,
sex or place can get the highest position in office for which he/she has ability and required

Right to Education and Culture: Every child has right to education and he/she can get
education in any institution up to any level.

Right against Exploitation: No one has right to force anybody to work without wages or against
his/her wish or children below 14 years of age.

Right to Constitutional Remedies: It is the most important one which protects all the
fundamental rights. If someone feels that his/her rights are being harmed in any condition
he/she can approach to the court seeking justice.

As we know that both, duties and rights go side by side. Our rights are meaningless without
duties thus both are inseparable. We do not have right to get benefited with rights if we do
not follow our duties properly for the smooth running of country. As being the citizen of the
country, our responsibilities and duties are:

We must respect the National Flag and National Anthem.

We should respect and obey the laws of our country.

We should enjoy rights and freedom under the limit without interfering with freedom and
rights of others.

We should be ready to protect our country whenever required.

We should respect and protect national property and public property (such as railways, post-
offices, bridges, roadways, schools, colleges, historical buildings, places, forests, etc).

We should pay our taxes with honesty in timely manner.


19. Essay on Time
Our time is one of the things that must be used wisely and efficiently. A person who uses his
time efficiently can never fail in life. Man must realize the importance of time and should use
it efficiently. Time management is a challenge however with little effort one can overcome the
hindrances and learn this art.


Here are essay on Time of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can
choose any time essay which is best for you:


Time is one such thing that cannot be brought back once it is gone. It is simply irreversible.
This is the reason why we must spend it wisely and ensure it is not wasted. However, even
though all of us know that time once gone can never be brought back most of us waste it
without any inhibitions. We often indulge in useless tasks at the time we should be working on
something important. We wile away our precious time thoughtlessly until it is too late.

Many people have the habit of doing their tasks at the last moment. When there is little or
almost no time left the work is done in haste and anything done in haste can never be
accomplished appropriately.

We must recognize the importance of time and manage it efficiently. A person who learns the
art of time management can accomplish almost any task in his life. However, it is easier said
than done. It takes a lot of conviction to manage time efficiently. Time management should be
among one of the good habits that children must be taught from the beginning. A child who
understands the value of time is more disciplined. He grows up to be a responsible and
successful person.



Time is one of the most precious things we have. It must be valued as we can never bring it
back once lost. The mantra to be successful in life is to manage the time efficiently.

Time is Precious for Us

The life stories of successful people around the world have one thing in common and that is
their realisation about using their time efficiently and their effort to practice the same. This
shows that one of the first things to succeed in any field is to know that you have to
accomplish a lot and your time is limited. Thus, you must make the most of the time you have.

Everyone gets 24 hours in a day. Some are able to accomplish numerous tasks in the time they
have while others just sit and complain that they do not have enough time to do their tasks
properly. The trick is to manage whatever time we have in a manner that all the tasks can be
completed efficiently. In order to do so we must first plan rather than just beginning with the
work right away. We have a number of tasks to handle in a given day. This is the reason why
we need a planned approach.

The first thing we must do is to prioritize our tasks. The most important tasks must be
completed first and we can move to the less important ones later. It is a good idea to time
each task and work accordingly. Preparing a to-do list helps a great deal. This way we know
what to do when and approximately how much time we require completing the same. This
way we do not waste the time spent in trying to figure out what to do next after
accomplishing each task.


Time is indeed valuable for all of us and we must utilize it wisely to avoid haste and live a
disciplined life.



Time is extremely precious and it should thus be spent wisely. Money spent can be
replenished but time once gone can never be brought back. So, it must be valued more than
money. While each one of us should spend time wisely, students must particularly utilize their
time with utmost caution.

Managing Numerous Tasks in Limited Time

Students have numerous tasks to handle in a limited period of time. They need to go to
school/ college, seek professional coaching, indulge in self study, participate in different extra-
curricular activities, play sports and do a lot of other essential tasks for their all round growth
and development. It is difficult to juggle between so many things. Everything can be managed

efficiently only if a student learns the art of time management. Without proper time
management everything becomes a mess and students have a hard time accomplishing the
tasks assigned to them.

It is thus essential for the students to recognize the value of time and spend it wisely in order
to do well in their life.

Building Better Tomorrow

A student who learns the value of time becomes disciplined in life. Discipline plays a vital role
in shaping a person’s future. Students who manage their time efficiently are focused. They set
both short term and long term goals for themselves and work hard towards achieving the
same. They are well aware about the fact that the time is limited and they must make the
most of it if they truly want to succeed in life. This is one habit that helps them create a
balanced life. They are able to manage their personal and professional life well as they grow

Parents and Teachers Must Help

It is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to help the students understand the
importance of time. Parents must especially ensure that their children follow a fixed daily
routine from the very beginning. They must prepare a schedule that accommodates all the
activities of their children and also gives them enough time to relax and unwind. The activities
must all be scheduled as per their priority and they should also be timed. This will help in
inculcating discipline among the children from an early age. Managing time properly and
following a systematic approach towards things will then become a way of life for them.


Students must realise the importance of utilising their time efficiently if they want to make it
big in their life. Parents and teachers must help them recognize the value of time.



In earlier times, people led a far more disciplined life compared to today. They woke up early
in the morning and started with their daily chores well in time. They toiled hard all day long

and accomplished all their tasks with dedication. They also made it a point to sleep on time.
They focused on their work and managed their time efficiently. However, in today’s time, with
so many distractions around, it has become difficult for people to maintain focus and
accomplish their tasks timely. Even though people know that time is valuable, they are unable
to manage it properly as they remain distracted by mobile phones, tabs, television and other
sources of entertainment.

Wasting Time: The Worst You Can Do to Yourself

It is essential to understand the value of time. Wasting time is the worst thing one can do to
himself/ herself. Time must always be used in a constructive way. We must value time just like
we value all our other valuable belongings. We must not waste time indulging in non-
productive tasks such as watching TV, surfing the internet and chit chatting over the phone.
This is not to say that we should refrain from these completely. It just means, we must
prioritize our tasks and accomplish all that is of importance and indulge in the aforementioned
only for a limited time.

Realise the Importance of Time

It is time we all should recognize the importance of time. We must use it for our good as well
as the good of those around us in order to build a better society. Parents must spend quality
time with their children to build a strong bond with them. They must also teach the
importance of time to their children and help them manage their time efficiently. A nation
where each individual utilises his time efficiently and leads a disciplined life is likely to grow at
a greater speed compared to a country where people wile away their time uselessly.

Make the Most of the Time

We must utilize our time wisely to make the most of it. It is best to prepare a schedule each
morning and work according to it in order to make the most of the time we have. This is not
only useful for students and working professionals but also for housewives and other people.
There are numerous tasks that every person needs to handle in a day. In order to complete all
the tasks in a timely manner, it is always good to schedule them properly. Now, this is not
means that we must spend all our time working. If we do that then our productivity is likely to
decline. We must thus squeeze in some time during the day for recreation as well. We must
also ensure that we take adequate sleep as it is very important for working efficiently for the
rest of the day.


It is rightly said, “The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because when you give
your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back”. We must all
recognize the importance of time and spend it in the right manner to do well in our life.



Time Management is an art that not everyone possesses. It requires a good amount of effort
to learn and put this art into practice. Only a person who recognizes the value of time can
understand the need to manage it efficiently. However, even as many people recognize the
importance of time sooner or later they aren’t able to manage their time properly. One of the
main reasons for this is the numerous sources of entertainment available these days. With the
growing use of mobile phones, internet connection and social media platforms, staying
focused and managing time efficiently has become a big challenge.

Ways to Manage Time Efficiently

Here are a few ways that can help you manage your time efficiently:

Set Goals

Set small term as well as long term goals. These goals will serve as a driving force for you. This
will give you the zeal to work hard with dedication and utilize all the time you have to achieve
the goals. It is a good idea to reward oneself at every achievement to achieve the next
milestone with all the more dedication and conviction. This helps in staying motivated.

Prioritize Tasks

It is extremely important to prioritize your tasks in order to manage your time efficiently. The
important tasks must be accomplished first and then you should move on to the less
important ones. It is suggested to club similar tasks and complete them in one go as this speed
up the work. It is also a good idea to complete the easier tasks first so that the beginning is
smooth and you stay motivated to accomplish more.

Prepare To Do Lists

It is always good to prepare a daily to-do list at the beginning of each day. This is yet another
way to speed up the work. This will help you figure out all that you require working on during
the day and thus you can manage your time accordingly. This way you will not even waste
time thinking about what to do next after completing each task. It also gives you a feeling of
accomplishment at the end of the day and thus acts as a good motivation factor.

Learn to Say No

Many people are not able to say no to the other people when asked for help. Even when they
have their own work pending, they go out of their way to help the other person. This hampers
their work. It is important to know what your priority is and treat it like that. Always
remember, you can truly do good to other people when you are content with your life.

Take Adequate Sleep

It is essential to take adequate sleep to make the most of the rest of the time you have. If you
toil hard until late night and again wake up early in an attempt to spend more hours working,
you will not be doing any good. This will decrease your productivity rather than giving you
more time to work. You must make it a practice to sleep for 7-8 hours a night in order to
manage your time efficiently.

Eat Healthy and Exercise Daily

It is also important to eat a healthy diet and take out at least an hour each day to exercise.
This helps in keeping one fit and energetic. Only a person who is fit and active can manage his
time efficiently. Having junk food and leading a sedentary life will make you lethargic and you
will not be able to manage your time efficiently.


Thus, taking care of small details in our daily routine can help in managing our time efficiently.
It will take some effort initially however soon it will become a way of life.


20. Essay on Time Management
Time management refers to the efficient use of time. We all have the same twenty-four hrs
every day at our disposal. If we use our time productively and effectively we can make the
most of the time available to us, and succeed. We need to do this in a stress-free and relaxed
manner so that it is our best that comes out. By overworking we stress ourselves, and that is
neither judicious nor sustainable. We need to strike a balance between work and rest, and use
our physical, mental and intellectual resources in the best way and wisely manage our time.

You will find here below a number of short paragraphs on Time Management of varying word
lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Time Management will help students in completing
their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple
words and with small sentences. Students can select any Time Management paragraph
according to their particular requirement.



We need to manage our time effectively. We do many different activities each day. Some of
these are routine activities that we do every day. For instance, getting ready in the morning or
going for a morning walk or jog are activities that we do each morning. Similarly, we go to
school in the morning each working day at the same time, taking the school bus or going by
walk. By managing our time effectively we can be punctual and do our activities without
stress. For this we need to plan our day well and follow a practicable time table.


By time management we mean the proper managing of our day so that we can be successful
in completing all the tasks and activities we need to do in the most efficient and best possible
way. By drawing a practicable time table we can accommodate our activities for each day in a
proper way so that each activity gets the duration of time it deserves. If we waste time on
useless activities we will have less time for useful and important activities because the time
we have in a day is fixed. If we waste our time, we get stressed out doing the important and
necessary activities for the day. We also need time to relax and sleep so that we may be
refreshed and rejuvenated otherwise we will not be able to work at our optimal and most
productive level. Therefore it is important to manage our time well.


We all have the same number of hours at our disposal each day. If we spend the twenty-fours
that we have in a day in an efficient way we can be successful in completing the tasks and
achieving our goals for the day. If we waste our time on vain activities we either get stressed
out doing the tasks we need to do or fail to do what needs to be done. If we wish to succeed
in achieving our short term and long term goals we need to manage our time effectively. It is
best to draw a time table for ourselves. The time table must be practicable so that we can
actually follow it. Otherwise we will get disillusioned and stressed out by being unable to
follow the time table. We must accommodate leisure activities as also rest and relaxation in
our daily routine so that we feel refreshed to be able to work efficiently. We must also have
an exercise regimen that can keep us physically fit and healthy. By maintaining a discipline and
a schedule we can accomplish our activities and targets rather than by doing our tasks in a
haphazard or in an erratic manner.


We do many different activities each day, and we need to do them on time. We have a fixed
time to go to school each morning. We need to take the bus or go by bike or by foot and reach
the school on time. If we are not punctual we lose out on completing all the activities we need

If we manage our time effectively we can accomplish all the activities and tasks we wish to.
This requires drawing up a practicable time table. If we can stick to the time table we can then
succeed in achieving our goals whether they are in the short term or long term. It is important
that we draw up a time table that we can adopt practically. If it is impracticable we get
disappointed and dejected and discard it completely. Therefore, a time table must be one that
we can go by.

We also need to prioritize our activities. If we give attention to the most important tasks we
can achieve our long term goals easily. On the other hand, if we spend time on unimportant
tasks or on useless activities we reduce the productive time available for the important

We also need to figure out the time of the day when we are most productive and complete
important tasks at that time. For instance, the mind is the most refreshed after a good night’s
sleep, and that is when we can devote our time to doing our studies.


Time management refers to the managing of our time effectively so that we may be able to
complete all the tasks and activities that we need to. This requires proper apportioning of our
time according to the particular activities. In other words, we need to prioritize our activities
and tasks so we may be able to complete our important tasks, and not waste time on useless
or unnecessary activities. So we need to draw up a time table. We need to be practical while
doing so. Otherwise we will draw up a time table that we will not be able to stick to, and as a
consequence feel dejected and disappointed. If we are to feel confident and follow the time
table it should be a clear and practicable one. Every effort that we make that helps us succeed
in accomplishing our tasks successfully will give us the impetus to be more time-conscious and
punctual. This requires a discipline that we must follow.

Time management, discipline and prioritization

Time management and discipline go hand in hand. If there is no discipline we cannot be

punctual, and we cannot succeed in completing our tasks well. Time management requires
prioritization of our activities, and discipline to follow a practical time table that we draw up
for ourselves.

We can prioritize our activities best by setting our goals. Our goals are both in the short term
and in the long term. We need to discover the best way in which we can reach these goals
through a proper utilization of the resources we have of time and energy. Discipline requires
that we do the tasks we need to do and not waste time and energy on useless and wasteful
activities. At the same time, we must have sufficient time for sleep and relaxation, and leisure
and fun activities.


When we manage our time effectively we can be productive and achieve our goals. Time
management refers to the proper apportioning of our time for all the tasks and activities that
we need to accomplish.

Time management can help us be punctual. Being on time is a very important quality that we
must possess. When we are late we cannot make the most of the time available. We either
cannot complete the task at hand or lag behind. It comes to us a demerit to be late. If we are
late we also show ourselves in poor light. If we are late where it is a group that is involved, we
lose out on the group activities and learnings. Being late also shows disrespect for our own as
also the other person’s time.

Time management is necessary so that we can be in time for every activity. For instance, if we
need to catch the school bus at a fixed hour every day we need to wake up on time and get
ready so that we can be at the school bus stop at the right time. Similarly, since school begins
each day at the same time every day we need to be at school at the right time. Therefore, we
need to have the discipline of waking up at the right time each morning.

Time management through discipline of a time table

Time management therefore hinges on discipline. We need to make a time table for ourselves
and follow it. The time table must hence be a practicable one. If we have the discipline to
follow the time table, we can be on time for every activity and task.

Putting the time available to good use also requires seeing how best to do an activity in the
most efficient way. We need to be creative, and see how we can spend our resources of time
and energy in the most optimal way so that we are successful in achieving our goals within set
time frames.

Time management requires giving due attention to the activities we need to complete. For
this it is important to prioritize our activities.


We set many goals for ourselves to achieve. We set goals in the short term and in the long
term. One of our goals in the short term is to go to school at the right time. For this we need
to get up on time and get ready and leave home well in time so that we may reach school on
time. If we fail to go to school on time we suffer. Likewise, we have goals in the long term such
as a course we wish to do or a profession we want to follow. This requires hard and concerted
work over a long time. This is therefore a long term goal.

Our goals determine the path we follow. And to attain our goals we need to use the resources
we have optimally. We need to use our physical, mental, intellectual and emotional strength
judiciously. Similarly, we must use our time well. If we waste our strength and our time on
flippant and wasteful activities we accordingly get lesser of these resources to use on tasks
that are of importance in realizing our goals.

Time management – wise and judicious use of time

Time management is all about the wise and judicious use of time, and apportioning the
available time for the activities required to be done. If we manage our time well we can make

the most of it. We need to therefore draw up a time table for ourselves according to our daily
activities, and the goals we wish to achieve, whether it is in the short term or long term. The
time table should be a practicable one so that we can actually follow it. Being impractical in
drawing up a time table will leave us disillusioned and disappointed as we would not be able
to follow it. And the purpose may be defeated. While we need to work hard, we need to give
sufficient time to rest and relaxation too as also to leisure and fun activities, for all work and
no play makes us unproductive.

Discipline and focus improve productivity

Following a time table requires being disciplined and serious about our purpose. This requires
clarity of mind and purpose, and an ability to focus our mind on the activity at hand. For this
we need to develop our mind’s strength by paying attention to the task at hand at any point in
time. Practices such as meditation can help in this so that we become more productive.


21. Essay on Value of Time

Time is precious and priceless for everyone, so we never waste time. We should use our time
properly in positive manner. Let your kids know about the value of time from their childhood
using such simple and easily written essay on value of time.


We have provided various value of time essay for the use of school students.


Time is more than money as money spent can be earned again however once time spent can
never be earned. There is a common saying that “Time and Tide waits for none”. It is as true
as existence of life on the earth. Time runs continuously without stoppage. It never waits
anyone. So, we should never spend our precious and priceless time without purpose and
meaning at any stage of our life. We should always understand the meaning of time and use it
accordingly in positive way to fulfill some purpose. We should learn something from this
continuously running time. If it runs regularly without any stoppage, then why we cannot.

Value of Time


Time is very precious to all of us. We should the value and respect the importance of time
every single moment. We should not waste time at all till the end moment of our life. Time is
very strong and powerful than everything in this world. It may destroy a lazy person as well as
strengthen a hard working person. It can give lots of happiness, joy and prosperity to one
however it may drop everything of one.

We should learn the regularity, continuity and commitment from the time every single
moment. It runs continuously without any disturbance. We too always try to go with time side
by side to get real success in the life. There is a true saying that “If we ruin the time, it ruins us
and our life”. We should understand the value of time and go ahead with it because time
never stays for anyone special.


Time is priceless to everyone; time is free to all however, no one can buy it or sell it. One can
destroy the time as well as use the time however it is true that one who destroy the time can
definitely be destroyed by the time and one who use the time can definitely be blessed by the
time. One who loses the time can never get it again. Time may destroy our health if we do not
take our food in timely manner or take our medicine at right time. Time is like a running river
which goes constantly ahead but it never runs back.

We should be very punctual according to the time and do our all work with time. We should
wake up at right time, drink water in the morning, get fresh, do brush, take bath, eat
breakfast, get prepare, go to school, do class work, eat lunch, come to home, do home work,
go to play, read at night, take dinner and sleep at right time. If we do not do our daily routine
at right time, we can be back from others in the life. If we want to do something better in life,
it needs proper commitment, dedication and full use of time.


Time is the most valuable thing on this earth; nothing can be compared with it. Once it goes,
never be back. It always runs only in forward direction and not in backward direction.
Everything in this world depends on time, nothing happens before time. Everything requires
some time to get done. If we have not time, we have nothing. Loss of time is considered as the

worst thing on this earth because wasting time, wastes us and our future. We never acquire
lost time again. If we have lost our time, we have lost everything.

Most of the people value their money more than the time however it is true that nothing is as
valuable as time. It is time which gives us money; prosperity and happiness however nothing
in this world can give time. Time can only be used; one can never buy or sell it. Most of the
people live their life in useless way. They enjoy their time by only eating, playing or other lazy
activities with their friends. In this way they spend days and years. They never think that what
they are doing, in what ways they are living their time, etc. Even they never regret their ways
of time wasting and never become sorry. Indirectly they have lost their lots of cash and most
importantly the time which they never get back.

We should learn from the mistakes of others as well as should inspire from the success of
others. We should use our time in doing some useful works so that time may bless us, not


There is a common and true saying that “Time and Tide waits for none” which means time
never waits for anyone, one should have to go with time side by side. Time comes and goes as
usual but never stays. Time is free of cost for all but one can never sell it or buy. It is
unbounded means no one can limit the time to any boundation. It is the time which makes
everyone to dance around. Nothing in this world can defeat it or win from it. Time is called as
the strongest thing in this world which can damage and improve anyone.

Time is very powerful; one can kneel down in front of it but never defeat it. We are not able to
measure its potential because sometime only one moment is enough to win whereas
sometime it takes whole life to win. One can be richest in a minute and one can be poor in a
moment. Only one moment is enough to create a difference between life and death. Each and
every moment brings lots of golden opportunities to us, we just need to understand the
indication of time and use it.

Every moment is a big store house of the new chances in the life. So, we never let go off such
precious time and make full use of it. If we do late in understanding the value and indication of
time, we may lose both the golden opportunities and most precious time from our life. It is
the most basic truth of the life that we should never allow our golden time to pass away from
us unnecessarily. We should utilize time positively and fruitfully to go to our destination. The
best way to utilize time in useful manner, we should make a time table to do everything at
right time.


Time is most powerful and precious thing than other things in life even from money in this
world. Once a precious time goes, it goes forever and never come back as it runs only in the
forward direction and not in the backward direction. It is very true that if one person does not
understand the value of time, time also never understands the value of that person. If we
destroy our time, time also destroy us very badly. It is true that “time and tide waits for none”.
At a moment, time gives only one chance, if we lost it once, can never get back.

It is a wonderful thing which has no beginning and ending. It is a powerful thing within which
things are born, grow, decay or die. It has not any limitation and boundation so it moves
continuously at its own pace. No one of us has command over time at any stage of life.
Neither it can be analyzed nor criticized. Generally everyone becomes conscious about value
and importance of time however many of us lose patience during bad situations of life and
start wasting time. Time never stops for anybody and never show kindness to anyone.

It is said that time is money however I think that we cannot compare time with money as once
money lost can be earned by any means however once time lost can never be earned by any
means. Time is more than money and other precious things in the universe. The ever changing
time shows the unique property of nature that “Change is the law of nature”. Everything in
this world changes according to the time because nothing is independent of time. People think
that how long the life is, however the truth is that the life is too short and we have so much
things to do in our life. We should use every moment of our life properly and meaningfully
without wasting time.

Our daily routine schedule such as school works, home tasks, hours of sleep, waking time,
exercise, eating, etc should be well planned and organized according to the time. We should
enjoy working hard and never postpone good deeds to work later. We should understand the
value of time and use it accordingly in constructive manner so that we can be blessed with
time not destroyed with time.


22. Essay on Values

Values are the teachings given to a person mostly by his elders. A person’s behaviour and
actions are largely based on the values he inculcates during his childhood. It is the
responsibility of the teachers and the parents to give good values to their children to help
them become good human beings.


Here are essay on Values of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can
select any Values essay which you like best for you:


A person with good values is always looked up to by other people. Such a person is reliable
and trustworthy and is thus welcomed everywhere. Good values help in giving a positive
direction to both our personal and professional life.

It is the duty of the parents to imbibe good values in their children. The values we learn during
our childhood remain with us all through our life. Our character and overall personality is
determined to a large extent by the kind of values we inculcate during the early years of our
life. We grow up to be responsible and honest adults if we are taught these values during our
childhood. Likewise, if we are not taught the importance of these chore values then we do not
give much heed to them and grow up to be irresponsible.

While imbibing good values in children is of extreme importance unfortunately not much time
is invested by the elders to teach these values. In this competitive world, we are losing values
as instead of teaching good values to the kids people are only focusing on academics and
looking for ways to beat others. They do not realise that a degree is of no use if a person does
not have good values.

It is time we must all realize the importance of good values and help the future generations
learn the same.



Values are of utmost importance for a person. This is because they go on to determine his/her
behaviour, nature and overall attitude towards life and other people. The decisions we take in
our life are largely based on the values we possess. Our decisions in life do not only impact us
but also our family, our organization, our society as well as our nation. A person with good
values is likely to take wise decisions considering the good of everyone around. On the other
hand, a person who lacks values shall fail at it and may end up creating a problem for himself
as well as those around him.

Importance of Values

Some of the values include honesty, dedication, commitment, optimism, courtesy, patience,
compassion, forgiveness, cooperation, unity, self control, respect, love and care. All these
values build a strong character. Good values make a person humble and dependable. Whether
it is a job or a personal relationship, a person with good values is looked upon by everyone. A
person’s values reflect in his personality.

A person with good values exudes positive vibes and spreads love and joy. He is considerate
about the needs of others. Besides doing well in his own life, such a person is often seen
uplifting and helping others whenever he can. Such a person believes in himself and also
understands the importance of unity and teamwork. He doesn’t lose his temper easily and
practices forgiveness. He is certainly an asset to any organization. The families who raise such
individuals must be appreciated for the efforts they put in.


Thus, values are of utmost importance. A nation with large number of people with good
values will certainly progress and develop faster compared to one where people lack values.
Values help in nurturing us at an individual level and we go on to build our surroundings better
by the strength of our character.



Our values help in giving us the right direction and purpose in life. They give us the sense of
right and wrong without which decision making can be extremely difficult. It would not be
wrong to say that values make a man human. Without values a man would be no less than an
animal wandering around clueless about which way to go and how to handle his life.

Values Build Strong Character

Values are the good teachings we get from our parents and teachers mostly during our
childhood years. We are taught the importance of good values such as self control, discipline,
integrity, compassion, dedication, hard work, team work, forgiveness, empathy, helpfulness,
loyalty, perseverance, consistency, optimism, dependability, efficiency, respect, patriotism,
love, care and responsibility.

We are also encouraged to imbibe these as they help in taking our life in the right direction.
Good values help in building a strong character. Our values make us sensitive towards the
needs of others in the society and also help us in taking the right decision for ourselves. They
render wisdom as well as strength of character and thus make us human.

Values Build Healthy Environment

Man is a social animal. He cannot live in isolation. A healthy environment is essential for the
proper growth and development of an individual and an individual with good values helps in
creating a healthy environment. So, basically both are interdependent. A place where
individuals act responsibly, stay united, follow the right path and carry out their tasks with
determination is happier and likely to develop better. Individuals can behave in such a way
only if they imbibe good values.

Good values are thus imperative for humanity. Man can live peacefully and grow properly only
if he has good values. Values help in building a healthy social environment. They make us
human and make the society worth living. Imbibing good values is thus important for every


Values help us understand what is right and what is wrong for us as well as for those around
us. This helps us make various decisions in life. Values are thus of utmost importance. Our
personality and character is built based on the kind of values we have. A person usually picks
up values from his family members, teachers and other people he is surrounded by during his
childhood. It is important for the parents and teachers to give good values to the children in
order to make them human and sensitive to those around them.



The terms, ethics and values are mostly used interchangeably. However, there is a difference
between the two. While the values are imbibed in us since our childhood and help in shaping
our character and attitude, ethics are the way we behave. Ethics are basically referred to
moral values put in practice. While our moral values determine our ethical conduct, ethical
codes may be defined by external entities. For instance, each organization defines an ethical
code of conduct for its employees so as to ensure a healthy work environment. Schools,

colleges and other institutes also have their set of ethical code that needs to be followed to
maintain the decorum of the place.

Values Must be Imbibed

It is essential for a person to imbibe good values in order to live in a society. Honesty,
discipline, positive attitude, dedication towards work, helping others, feeling the pain of
others, forgiveness, determination, respect, love, commitment, acting responsibly and taking
responsibility for ones deeds are some of the values that we must all inculcate. These values
are essential for the positive growth of an individual.

Even a well-educated and intelligent person is not respected if he does not possess good
values. People rather look up to a person who has a friendly disposition and bears good moral
values. Such a person is dependable and trust worthy – a quality which has become very rare
in today’s competitive world. It is time we must realize that one of the basic qualities required
to inspire others and be a true leader is having good values.

Ethics Must be Followed

Only a person who possesses good values can behave ethically. It is the behaviour of a person
that shows the kind of values he has. Various organizations, institutes and other places
determine a set ethical code of conduct. People working, studying or visiting these places are
expected to follow their ethical code failing which strict action can be taken against them.

Ethical behaviour is not that hard to achieve. It includes basic things such as talking politely
with others, behaving calmly even during difficult times, respecting the fellow students/ co-
workers, maintaining discipline and acting responsibly. Following these ethics helps in creating
a healthy environment and it is thus essential.

The Role of Parents and Teachers

Parents and teachers play a vital role in nurturing children. They must take it as their
responsibility to teach good values to children and sensitize them about the need to follow
ethical behaviour. Schools must have a separate period to teach the importance of values and
ethics so that children learn about them from the beginning. They must also train the students
on the way to imbibe the values.


A person who bears good values finds it easy to abide by the ethical code of conduct defined
by an external entity. He manages to win several hearts and is appreciated for his behaviour
and attitude towards others. On the other hand, a person who lacks values is often found
breaking the ethical code of conduct and getting into trouble every now and then. One must
imbibe good values and behave ethically to do well personally as well as professionally.




Values are the positive teachings provided to us to help us tread the right path in life. These
can even be referred to as the good qualities that every parent wants his child to imbibe. A
person who imbibes good values grows on to become a responsible individual who is capable
of demarcating right and wrong. Thus, he is able to take wiser decisions in life.

Importance of Values

Values are of utmost importance for an individual. An individual with good values is loved by
everyone around as he is compassionate about others and behaves ethically.

Values Help in Decision Making

A person is able to judge what is right and what is wrong based on the values he imbibes. This
helps at various steps in life as it makes the decision making process easier. A person with
good values is likely to take better decisions.

Values Give Direction to Our Life

Values give us clear goals in life. They tell us just how we should behave and act in different
situations and give right direction to our life. A person with good values can take better charge
of his life.

Values Build Character

A person who possesses good values such as honesty, loyalty, reliability, efficiency,
consistency, compassion, determination and courage certainly has a strong character. Values
help in building our character.

Values Help in Building a Society

A society with people who bear good values will definitely grow better. With their hard work,
compassion, honesty and other values such people will help in growth of the society and make
it a better place to live.

Characteristics of Values

Here are some of the characters of values:

Values are based on various things. While the basic values remain the same across cultures
and are intact since centuries some values may vary. They may be specific to a society or age.
For instance, in the past it was considered that women with good moral values must stay at
home and not voice their opinion on anything. However, this has changed over time.

Our culture and society determine the values to a large extent.

We imbibe values during our childhood years and they remain with us throughout our life.

Our family plays the most important role in rendering values to us.

Our decisions in life are largely based on the values we possess.

Values are mostly permanent and seldom change.

A person is known by the values he possesses. The values of a person reflect in his attitude
and overall personality.

Decline of Values in the Modern Times

While values are of great importance and we are all aware about the same unfortunately
people these days are so engrossed in making money and building a good lifestyle that they
often overlook the importance of values. At the age when children must be taught good
values they are taught to fight and survive in this competitive world. Their academics and
performance in other activities is given importance over their values.

Parents as well as teachers teach them how to take on each other and win by any means
instead of inculcating good sportsman spirit in them and teaching them values such as
integrity, compassion and patience. Besides, children look up to their elders as their role
models and it is unfortunate that elders these days lack values. Thus, the children learn the


It is important for people to realize that values must be given top most priority in a child’s life
in order to help him grow into a responsible and wise human being. After all, children are the
future of the society. There can be nothing better than a society where majority of people
have good values and follow the ethical norms.


23.Conservation of Nature Essay

Conservation of Nature refers to the preservation of resources that are produced naturally.
These include water, sunlight, atmosphere, minerals, land, vegetation and animals. Many of
these resources are depleting at a rapid pace due to over utilization. The importance of
conservation of nature must be understood and steps must be taken to ensure the ecological
balance. Conservation of nature implies the conservation of resources that are formed
naturally, without any human intervention. The importance of conservation of natural
resources has been stressed upon often enough as it is essential for maintaining a balanced
environment on earth. Here are essays of varying lengths on the topic to help you with it in
your exam.



Conservation of nature is basically the conservation of resources such as air, water, sunlight,
land, vegetation, animal life and minerals. All these resources are obtained from nature
without any interference from the mankind. These resources are further employed to produce
various things that make the lives of human beings as well as other living beings comfortable.

Natural resources are broadly categorized into renewable resources and non-renewable
resources. Renewable resources are the ones that replenish naturally. These include air, water
and sunlight. The use of these resources is encouraged over the non-renewable resources as
the latter do not replenish and are fast depleting.

Conservation of nature is an issue that must be taken seriously. While the governments of
different countries are employing various means to conserve nature, individuals must also
come forward to contribute their bit in this direction. Some of the ways in which the common
man can help in the conservation of nature is by planting trees, restricting the use of paper,
stopping wastage of water and electricity, stopping ill practices such as hunting of animals,
and employing rain water harvesting systems. It does not take much to put the above
mentioned ideas to practice. However, if each one of us contributes our bit to it, the
difference it will bring about would be tremendous.


Nature fulfils our basic requirement to live by providing us air, water, land, sunlight and plants.
These resources are further used to manufacture various things that make life more
convenient and comfortable for the human beings. Unfortunately, man has grown so
engrossed in over-utilizing these resources to invent newer things that he has almost
forgotten the importance of conserving them. As a result, many of these resources are
depleting at a fast pace and if it continues this way then the survival of human beings as well
as other living beings on Earth would become very difficult.

Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies and
conservation of resources such as minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. to ensure that all these
continue to be available in abundance. There are many ways in which the common man can
help in the conservation of nature. Here are some of those that can be done easily and can
make a huge difference:

Restrict Usage of Water

Water must be used wisely else that day wouldn’t be far when we will have to pay a huge
price for it. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, limit the number of showers, use the
waste RO water to water the plants or clean the house so as to ensure wise usage of water.

Limit Usage of Electricity

Limiting the usage of electricity is also essential for the conservation of nature. Simple things
such as turning off the electric appliances when they are not in use and switching to energy
saving lights, such as LED lights, to save electricity can help in this direction.

Plant Trees and Grow Vegetables

It is advised to plant as many trees as possible to make up for those that are cut each day. Also
grow vegetables at home to restrict the usage of chemical fertilizers used in professional

Besides these, people can do their bit by limiting the usage of paper, employing rain water
harvesting system, restricting usage of cars and lastly by spreading awareness about the
conservation of nature.


Nature has given us several gifts such as air, water, land, sunlight, minerals, plants and
animals. All these gifts of nature make our planet a place worth living. Survival on Earth would
not be possible without any of these. Now, while these natural resources are present on Earth
in abundance, unfortunately the requirement of most of these has increased tremendously
over the centuries due to growth in human population. Many of the natural resources are
being consumed at a far greater speed as compared to their rate of production. There is thus a
need for conservation of nature and the natural resources it offers. Here is a look at some of
the ways in which these resources can be conserved:

Reduce Water Consumption

Water is available in abundance on Earth and this is one of the reasons people do not think
much before using it. However, if we continue to use it at this pace we may not be left with as
much of it in the future. Simple things such as turning the tap off while brushing, using
washing machine only when its tub is full, using the left over water in the bottles to water the
plants, etc can help in this direction.

Reduce Usage of Electricity

Energy saved is energy produced. It is thus suggested to restrict the usage of electricity.
Simple practices such as turning off the lights before leaving your room, turning off the
electric appliances after use and switching to energy saving fluorescent or LED bulbs can make
a difference.

Restrict Usage of Paper

Paper is made from trees. Using more paper means encouraging deforestation which is one of
the main causes of concern in today’s time. Make sure you use only as much paper as is
required. Stop taking print outs and use e-copies instead to do your bit.

Use Newer Agricultural Methods

The government must teach methods such as mixed cropping, crop rotation and appropriate
use of pesticides, insecticides, manures, bio fertilizers and organic fertilizers to the farmers.

Spread Awareness

Spreading awareness about the conservation of nature and the methods to be used for the
same is very important. It can be achieved only when more and more people understand its
importance and the ways in which they can help.

Apart from this, it is important to plant more and more tress, contribute towards lowering the
air pollution by using shared transport and employing rain water harvesting systems to
conserve nature.


Conservation of nature refers to the conservation of all those resources that are formed
naturally without any kind of help from the human beings. These include water, air, sunlight,
land, forests, minerals, plants as well as animals. Together, all these natural resources make
life worth living on Earth. Life would not be possible without air, water, sunlight as well as
other natural resources present on the planet. It is thus essential to conserve these resources
in order to keep the environment intact. Here is a look at the kind of natural resources present
on Earth and the ways to conserve these:

Types of Natural Resources

Renewable Resources: These are resources such as air, water and sunlight that replenish

Non-Renewable Resources: These are resources like fossil fuels and minerals that do not
replenish or form very slowly.

Biotic: These come from living beings and organic material like plants and animals.

Abiotic: These are derived from non-living things and non-organic material. These include air,
water and land as well as metals like iron, copper and silver.

Natural resources are also divided into categories such as actual resources, reserve resources,
stock resources and potential resources based on their development stage.

Methods for Conservation of Nature

Conservation of nature is a subject that requires serious attention. Most of the resources of
nature are depleting at a fast rate. This is because the demand of these resources is high while
the rate of their formation is low. However, it needs to be understood that nature has given us
abundance of all that we require. We require using the available natural resources wisely and
must employ the below mentioned methods to conserve these:

Limit Usage

Water and electricity are two things that are being wasted the most. It is essential to
understand the importance of saving both these. Use only as much water as you require.
Same goes for electricity. Use the electric appliances wisely and turn them off when they are
not in use. Similarly, the use of other resources such as paper, petroleum and gases must also
be restricted.


There are a lot of things such as paper, cardboard, metal, tin, aluminium foil, glass bottles,
plastic containers as well as water that can be recycled and reused. The government is using
methods to pick these things from the waste to recycle them. You can also do your bit by
employing rain water harvesting system to reuse water.

Replenish Nature

Plant more and more trees to make up for those that are cut for manufacturing paper,
furniture and other items made of wood. Also ensure cleanliness around your area. Do not
throw waste products in water bodies and elsewhere.

Spread Awareness

Lastly, spread as much awareness as you can about the importance of conservation of nature.


The consumption of natural resources has far exceeded their production. It is the duty of each
one of us to stop wasting these gifts of nature and start using them wisely so as to maintain
ecological balance on Earth. The aforementioned methods should help in this direction.


Conservation of nature is basically the conservation of all those resources that nature has
gifted to the mankind. These include minerals, water bodies, land, sunlight and atmosphere. It
also includes the preservation of flora and fauna. All these help in creating a balanced
environment that it fit for the survival of human beings as well as other living organisms on
Earth. Conservation of nature is thus vital.

Natural resources have been categorized based on their characteristics. Here is a look at this
classification, the ways employed to conserve each of these and the related concerns.

Classification of Natural Resources

Natural resources are broadly classified based on their capacity to renew, source of origin and
stage of development. These are further divided into sub categories. Read on to learn about
these in detail:

Certain resources are renewable while others are non-renewable. Here is a detailed look at
both these categories:

Renewable Resources: These are the resources that replenish naturally. Some of these include
air, water, land and sunlight.

Non-Renewable Resources: These resources either form at a very slow speed or do not form
naturally. Minerals and fossil fuels are some of the examples of this category.

Based on their origin, natural resources are divided into two types:

Abiotic: These are those resources that come from non living things and non organic material.
Few examples of this type of natural resources include water, air, land and metals such as
iron, copper, gold and silver.

Biotic: These resources are derived from living beings and organic material such as plants and
animals. This category also includes fossil fuels as they are obtained from decayed organic

On the basis of their stage of development, natural resources are categorized in the following

Actual Resources: The development of these resources is dependent on the availability of

technology and the cost involved. These are used in the present times.

Reserve Resources: That part of the actual resource that can successfully be developed and
used in future is known as reserve resource.

Potential Resources: These are the resources that exist in certain region but require some
work before they can actually be put to work.

Stock Resources: These are those resources that are surveyed but cannot be put to use
because of lack of technology.

Methods for Conservation of Nature

Whether renewable or non renewable, biotic or non-biotic, the resources of nature must be
conserved. Here are some of the methods that the government and individuals should employ
for conservation of nature:

Over utilization of natural resources must be stopped. The available resources must be used
wisely without any wastage.

Hunting of wild animals must be stopped for the preservation of wild life.

Farmers must be taught the method of mixed cropping, use of fertilizers, insecticide,
pesticide, and crop rotation. The use of manures, organic fertilizers and biofertilizers should
be encouraged.

Deforestation should be controlled.

Rain water harvesting systems should be installed.

The use of renewable resources such as solar, hydro and wind power must be encouraged.

Water must be recycled for using in agricultural processes.

Car-pooling is a good way to bring down the consumption of fossil fuels.

Restrict the use of paper and encourage recycling it.

Save electricity by replacing old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Also, turn off
the light and electronic items when you do not require them.


Conservation of nature is important to ensure a balanced environment. However, sadly

enough many natural resources are depleting at a fast rate. Each one must contribute his/ her
bit towards conservation of nature by employing the above mentioned methods.


24. Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Natural resources are commonly referred to the resources that are a gift of nature. They are
produced naturally without the intervention of human beings. Sunlight, water, soil and air are
some of the examples of natural resources. These are available in abundance in nature.
However, there are various other natural resources also that are not found as easily. These
include minerals and fossil fuels. Here are essays on natural resources of varying word lengths
to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any natural resources essay as per
your need:



Natural resources are the resources that are available naturally on our planet. We do not
require any human intervention to derive them. These resources are essential for the survival

of living beings. While some of the natural resources such as air, water and sunlight are used
directly; others serve as raw material to produce various items of necessity.

Many of the natural resources are present in abundance and are renewable. This means that
these can be recycled and reused. However, there are many others that are non-renewable or
take thousands of years to replenish. Many natural resources are depleting fast. This is owing
to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the growth in population. The consumption of
natural resources is on an increase continually owing to the rapid population growth.

Deforestation is another cause for the depletion of natural resources. Land is being used for
urbanisation. This has led to the loss of wildlife and trees. The raw material derived from them
is thus decreasing by the day. The growing pollution is affecting the water bodies negatively.
The coming generations may have to face scarcity of water that was once available in

It is high time we humans must stop wasting the natural resources and use them wisely.



Natural resources are the resources that are made available by nature. Man does not have to
work to derive these resources. Some of the examples of natural resources include water, air,
sunlight, wood, minerals and natural gases. While many of the natural resources are available
abundantly in nature others take time to form and are not available as freely.

Types of Natural Resources

While the characteristics and use of each natural resource is different from the other, these
have broadly been classified in two categories. These are the renewable natural resources and
non-renewable natural resources. Here is a look at these in detail:
Renewable Natural Resources: Renewable natural resources, as the name suggests are the
ones that can be renewed naturally and used over and over again. Water, solar energy, wood,
biomass, air and soil fall under this category. While many of these resources such as water, air
and sunlight is easily renewable it takes time to renew natural resources such as wood and
soil. Renewable resources are further categorized into organic and non-organic.

When renewable resources are derived from living things like animals and plants these are
termed as organic renewable resources. When renewable resources are derived from non-
living things, they are termed as inorganic renewable resources.

Non-Renewable Natural Resources: These are the resources that cannot be renewed or
recycled or take a very long time to form again. Coal, oil, minerals and natural gases are
examples of non renewable natural resources. While these form naturally without any human
intervention, non-renewable natural resources such as minerals may take thousands of years
to form. These are also divided into two categories – Organic and Non-organic.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from living organisms are called organic natural
resources. One of the examples of this can be fossil fuel.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from non-living things such as wind, minerals, land
and soil are known as inorganic natural resources.


Natural resources, especially the non-renewable resources, must be used wisely so that these
are not depleted from nature.



Natural Resources are the resources that have been available in nature since the beginning of
the time. These resources make life possible on earth. Life on our planet would not have been
possible without natural resources such as air, sunlight and water. Other natural resources are
also as important and have become an integral part of our life.

Natural Resources Employed to Different Uses

While natural resources fulfil the basic necessities of man and other living beings on earth,
they also form the basis for deriving various things. These things make life easier and
comfortable. Today, man cannot imagine his life without most of these. Here is a look at the
various ways in which natural resources are used:

Sunlight: It is used to generate solar power which is used in various appliances. Sunlight also
enables the process of photosynthesis.

Air: Air is used to generate wind energy. Wind mills are employed to generate the same. It is
used for various purposes such as grinding grains and pumping water.

Water: Water is used to generate hydroelectric energy. It is also used for various cleaning
tasks and cooking.

Minerals: Minerals are used for generating several items that are used in our day to day lives.
Wires, aluminium cans and parts of automobiles are among some of the things that are made
with different kinds of minerals. Minerals such as gold and silver are used to craft jewellery.

Natural gases: These are used to generate electricity. These are also used in the kitchen for
the purpose of heating.

Coal: This is another natural resource which is used for the purpose of generating electricity.

Plants: Plants offer a number of natural resources such as wood, fruits and vegetables. While
fruits and vegetables are essential to keep the living beings alive, wood is used to manufacture
various pieces of furniture, paper and other products.

Animals: Animals also provide numerous natural resources. They provide milk which is used to
produce curd, cheese, butter and many other dairy products. Animal fur and skin are also used
to derive various clothing items and other things of necessity. Woollen sweaters and caps,
leather belts and bags, silk saris and bed linens are among some of the things made with the
natural resources derived from animals.


Thus, natural resources are not only useful in their raw form but are also useful when they are
employed to generate other stuff. Man has certainly made use of these resources in the best
possible ways to make life better.


Natural resources are a gift of the nature. These are consumed by the living organisms directly
as well as indirectly. Direct consumption of natural resources implies using these resources in
their pure form. The best examples of these can be sunlight and oxygen. Indirect consumption
of natural resources means using them by modifying them or by generating other goods and
services with their help. For instance, minerals, wood and many other natural resources are
crafted into different materials before putting them to use.

Uses of Different Natural Resources

Natural Resources offer several uses. Without these, life would not be possible on earth. As
per a survey, the developed countries use greater amount of natural resources compared to
under-developed countries. Here is how these are used for various purposes:


Natural resources produced by animals are the kind of natural resources that are much in
demand. This is because they provide us food which is essential for the survival of the living
beings. Animals are tamed and reared to fetch organic natural resources from them. Milk and
other dairy products that provide essential nutrients to the living beings are derived from
animals. Fossil fuels derived from animal wastes are also employed for various tasks such as
heating, running vehicles and generating electricity. Animal fur and skin is used for
manufacturing clothes, bags, shoes, belts and other such items.


Plants provide us with fruits and vegetables that are essential for the survival of the living
beings. Various medicines for curing different illnesses are also produced from these natural
resources. Plants also provide us oxygen and absorb the harmful and toxic gases such as
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This functions naturally without any human interaction.
Besides, plant waste also contributes in producing fossil fuels which are used in various ways.

Apart from this, trees provide wood that is used for various purposes such as constructing
houses, crafting furniture, making paper and producing various other big and small things that
we cannot do without.

Minerals and Metals

Metals and minerals are also used for different purposes. All of these have their unique
properties and are useful in their own way. Some of the uses of minerals and metals include
creating batteries, manufacturing medical equipments, manufacturing automobile parts,
crafting jewellery, constructing buildings and manufacturing utensils. These resources are
limited and fall under the non-renewable natural resources category.

Sunlight, Air and Water

The importance and use of these natural resources is known to all. These are available in
abundance in the atmosphere and are used directly in their pure unadulterated form by the
living beings. These are also modified and used to run various processes. Fortunately, these
are renewable natural resources and are replenished and replaced easily.


We consume a good amount of natural resources on a daily basis knowingly or unknowingly.

While some of these are abundantly available in the atmosphere, most of these are fast
depleting from earth. It is essential to use the natural resources wisely and stop any kind of
wastage to ensure that these are available for our coming generations too. The government of
every country must keep a check on the consumption of these resources and take measures to
reduce wastage.


Natural Resources are bliss for the mankind as well as other living organisms. These form an
essential part of our lives. In fact, life on earth wouldn’t be possible without most of these
natural resources.

Distribution of Natural Resources

Natural resources are distributed unevenly on Earth. Different parts of the planet are rich in
different kinds of natural resources. While some places receive abundance of sunlight others
remain devoid of the same for most part of the year. Similarly, while certain places have
numerous water bodies others have rich mineral fields. There are many factors that influence
uneven distribution of natural resources. Climate and land type are among the main factors.

Countries that boast of rich reserves of natural resources include China, Iraq, Venezuela,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Canada and Brazil. Here is a look at the natural
resources these countries are rich in:


Russia ranks number one when it comes to natural resources. The country boasts of
abundance of timber, oil, natural gas, coal and gold. One of the main reasons of its economic
growth is export of these valuable natural resources.


China has a rich reserve of coal, timber and various metals. It supplies these resources to
various parts of the world.


Iraq is known to have a whopping 9% of the total world’s oil deposits. Besides oil, it is also rich
in phosphate rock.


The country is rich in natural resources such as natural gas, iron and oil. It ranks six worldwide
when it comes to oil reserves. It exports oil to many countries around the world.

Saudi Arabia

The country encompasses the fifth largest natural gas reserve. Timber is also found in
abundance in Saudi Arabia.

United States

The United States comes on the second position when it comes to the availability of natural
resources. It is known for its coal, natural gas and oil reserves and gold and copper deposits.


Canada comes on number four when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is
known for its oil deposits. It supplies oil to various countries worldwide. It is also known for its
uranium, phosphate and natural gas reserves and timber production.


Brazil is the world’s second largest iron producer. It also generates a good amount of timber
which is supplied to various countries worldwide. Besides, Brail is known for its deposits of
uranium and gold.

Similarly, different regions grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables and export them to
other places. Same is the case with animals. All kinds of animals are not available everywhere.
The raw materials they produce are thus exchanged between countries.

Impact of Uneven Distribution of Natural Resources

This uneven distribution of natural resources gives way to international trades which
promotes businesses and boasts the economic growth of various countries around the world.
However, it also has a downside to it. It has led to power play among the countries. Countries
that have higher deposits of oil, natural gases, minerals and other natural resources control
and exploit those that have fewer resources. Due to this the rich and developed countries are
getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.


While natural resources are essential for us so much so that our life on earth is not possible
without the existence of these resources, human beings are using these without any
inhibition. They do not realise the fact that most of these resources are non-renewable and
many others take thousands of years to renew. We must use natural resources wisely and
avoid any kind of wastage to help our future generations enjoy the kind of comfort and luxury
we enjoy.


25. Essay on Forest
A forest is basically a piece of land that encompasses large number of trees and various
varieties of plants. These beautiful creations of nature serve as home for different species of

A vast expanse covered with dense trees, shrubs, mosses and wide variety of plants is referred
to as a forest. There are different types of forests around the world that are home for
different varieties of flora and fauna. Here are essays on forest of varying lengths to help you
with the topic whenever you required. You can chose any forest essay according to your need:



A forest is known as an intricate ecosystem that is densely covered with trees, shrubs, grasses
and mosses. The trees and other plants that form a part of the forests create an environment
that is healthy for the breeding several species of animals. These are thus a habitat for a large
variety of wild animals and birds.

Different types of forests grow in different parts of the world. These are mainly divided into
three categories – Rain Forests, Coniferous Forests and Deciduous Forests. Forests form an
important part of the ecological system mainly because they aids majorly in biodiversity. A
large number of birds and animals survive only because of the presence of forests.

However, unfortunately forests are being cut at a rapid speed to serve various purposes. The
increase in the demand of various commodities derived from the trees that grow in different
forests and the need to accommodate the growing population are among the major reasons
for deforestation. It is important to realise that forests are essential for the survival of the
mankind. Forests help in purifying the atmosphere, aid in climate control, act as natural
watershed and are a source of livelihood for many people.

Forests must thus be preserved. Deforestation is a global issue and effective measures must
be taken to control this issue.


Forest is generally referred to a vast area covered with different types of plants and trees.
These are mostly a habitat for various wild animals and different species of birds. Forests are
formed of different layers that have their own importance and functions.

Importance of Forests

Forests form an important part of the ecological system. The need to preserve forests and
grow more trees is often stressed upon. Some of the top reasons to do so are as follows:

Purification of Atmosphere

It is common knowledge that plants exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide. They also
absorb other greenhouse gases that are harmful for the atmosphere. Trees and forests thus
help in purifying the air we breathe as well as the atmosphere as a whole.

Climate Control

Trees and soils regulate the atmospheric temperatures through the process of
evapotranspiration. This aids in stabilizing the climate. Forests keep the temperature cool.
They also have the power to build their own microclimates. For instance, the Amazon creates
atmospheric conditions that promote regular rainfall in the surrounding areas.

Habitat for Animals and Birds

Forests serve as a home for numerous species of wild animals and birds. These are thus a
great means to maintain biodiversity which is extremely essential for maintaining a healthy

Natural Watershed

The trees form a shade over the rivers and lakes running from the forest and keep them from

Source of Wood

Wood is used to build different pieces of furniture including tables, chairs and beds among
other things. Forests serve as a source of different types of woods.

Means of Livelihood

Millions of people around the world rely on the forests for their livelihood directly or
indirectly. Around 10 million are directly employed for the conservation and management of


Forests are thus important for the survival of the mankind. From the fresh air we breathe to
the wood we require to build the bed we sleep on – Everything is derived from forests.


Forest is a huge expanse covered with trees. There are different types of forests across the
world. These have been categorized based on their types of soil, trees and other species of
flora and fauna. A large part of earth is covered with forests.

The Origin of the Term – Forest

The term forest comes from the Old French word fores meaning vast land mainly dominated
by trees and plants. It was introduced in English as a term that referred to wild land that
people explored for hunting. It may or may not be occupied by trees. If this was the case,
some people claimed that the term forest was derived from the Medieval Latin word foresta
that meant open wood. This term in Medieval Latin was specifically used to address the king’s
royal hunting grounds.

Different Layers in a Forest

A forest is composed of different layers that play their part in holding the place together.
These layers have been termed as the Forest Floor, Understory, Canopy and Emergent layer.
Among these, the Emergent layer exists only in the tropical rain forests. Here is a closer look at
each of these layers:

Forest Floor

This layer comprises of decomposing leaves, dead plants, twigs and trees and animal
droppings. The decaying of these things forms new soil and also provides the required
nutrients to the plants.


This layer is composed of shrubs, bushes and trees that are used to grow and live in canopy’s
shade. It is known to be devoid of enough sunlight.


This is formed when a large number of branches, twigs and leaves of huge trees intertwine.
These fully grown trees receive the maximum amount of sunlight and form a protective layer
for the rest of the plants and trees in the forest. This is known to be the thickest layer. It
restricts much of the rain from reaching the plants and trees it covers. Monkeys, frogs, sloths,
snakes, lizards and different species of birds are known to live here.

Emergent Layer

This layer, that forms a part of the tropical rain forest, is composed of scattered tree branches
and leaves that layer up above the canopy. The tallest of trees reach this place and form a part
of this layer.


Forests are an essential part of the environment. However, unfortunately the human beings
are cutting trees blindly to serve different purposes thereby disturbing the ecological balance.
The need to save trees and forests must be taken more seriously.


A forest is a vast land that encompasses a large number of trees, vines, shrubs and other
varieties of plants. Forests also consist of mosses, fungi and algae. These are home for a wide
variety of birds, reptiles, microorganisms, insects and animals. Forests maintain biodiversity
on earth and are thus important for maintaining a healthy environment on the planet.

Types of Forests

Forests around the world have been classified into different categories. Here is a look at the
various types of forests that form a part of the earth’s ecological system:

Tropical Rainforests

These are extremely dense forests and majorly or entirely consist of evergreen trees that
remain green all round the year. You can see lush greenery around however since these are
covered with canopy and an emergent layer over the same, these are devoid of enough
sunlight and are thus mostly dark and damp. They receive plenty of rainfall all round the year
but still the temperature here is high as these are located near the equator. Numerous species
of animals, birds and fishes breed here.

Sub-Tropical Forests

These forests are situated at the north and south of tropical forests. These forests mostly
experience drought like situation. The trees and plants here are adapted to sustain the
summer drought.

Deciduous Forests

These forests are mainly home for trees that lose their leaves each year. Deciduous forests
mostly penetrate in regions that experience mild winters and warm yet moist summers. These
can be found in different parts of the world including Europe, North America, New Zealand,
Asia and Australia. Walnut, oak, maple, hickory and chestnut trees are mostly found here.

Temperate Forests

Temperate forests see the growth of deciduous and coniferous evergreen trees. Located in
North Eastern Asia, Eastern North America and Western and Eastern Europe, these forests
receive enough rainfall.

Montane Forests

These are known as the cloud forests. This is because these forests receive most of their
downpour from the fog or mist that comes from the lowlands. These are mostly located in the
tropical, sub tropical and temperate zones. These forests experience cold weather as well as
intense sunlight. Conifers occupy large part of these forests.

Plantation Forests

These are basically large farms that grow cash crops such as coffee, tea, sugarcane, oil palms,
cotton and oil seeds. Plantation forests produce about 40% of the industrial wood. These are
particularly known for producing sustainable timber and fibre.

Mediterranean Forests

These forests are situated around the coasts of the Mediterranean, Chile, California and
Western Australia. These have a mix of softwood and hardwood trees and almost all the trees
here are evergreen.

Coniferous Forests

These forests are found near the poles, mainly the northern hemisphere, and experience a
cold and windy climate all through the year. They experience the growth of hardwood and
conifer trees. The growth of pines, firs, hemlocks and spruces is a common sight here. The
conifer trees are evergreen and well adapted to the drought like condition here.


Forests are a beautiful creation of nature. Different parts of our planet encompass different
types of forests that are home for various plants and animals and a means of livelihood for
numerous people.


A vast land covered with trees, plants and shrubs and mostly home for different species of
wild animals is referred to as a forest. Forests are an essential part of the Earth’s ecological
system. They help in maintaining the planet’s climate, purifies the atmosphere, protects the
watersheds, are a natural habitat for the animals and a major source of wood that is used for
the production of several products used in our day to day life.

India – Among the Countries with Largest Forest Cover

India is among the top ten forest-rich countries in the world with the others being Australia,
Brazil, China, Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Russian Federation, United States of
America, Indonesia and Sudan. These countries along with India constitute around 67% of the
total forest area in the world.

Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra are among the
states that have the largest forest cover in India.

Top Forests in India

India is known to encompass several lush green forests. Many of these have even been turned
into tourists spots. People from far and wide visit these to experience the wilderness and
enjoy the serenity they offer. Here is a look at some of the top forests in the country:

Sundarbans, West Bengal

The Sundarban forests located in West Bengal top the list when it comes to the most alluring
forests in the country. These are home to the white tiger which is a variant of the royal Bengal

Gir Forest, Gujarat

Spread across an area of more than 1,412 sq km in Gujarat’s Junagadh district, the Gir forest is
home for the Asiatic Lion.

Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand

Established in the year 1936, this place is a delight for the wildlife lovers. This is one such
forest in the country that is known to attract the maximum number of tourists from around
the world.

Ranthambore, Rajasthan

Ranthambore located near the town of Sawai Madhopur in the Indian state of Rajasthan is
home to leopards, tigers and marsh crocodiles. It is also known for the Padam Talao Lake that
grows abundance of water lilies.

Khasi Forests, Meghalaya

This place in northeast India is known for its lush greenery. The Khasi forests receive high
amount of rainfall and remains green all round the year.

Forestry in India

Forestry in India is a major rural industry. It is a means of livelihood for a large number of
people. India is known to produce a vast range of processed forest products. These do not just
include those made from wood but also substantial amount of non-wood products. Its non-
wood products include essential oils, medicinal herbs, resins, flavours, fragrances and aroma
chemicals, gums, latex, handicrafts, incense sticks and thatching materials.

The Problem of Deforestation

Deforestation is the process of clearing trees from a large part of the forest for purposes such
as farming and construction of buildings. Trees are never re-planted on such a land.

Statistics reveal that around half of the forests around the world have been destroyed ever
since the evolution of the industrial age. The number is likely to increase in the times to come
as industrialists are continually using the forest lands for personal gain. Large number of trees
is also cut for producing various goods made from wood and other components of the trees.

Deforestation has a negative impact on the environment. Some of the problems it causes are
soil erosion, disruption of the water cycle, climate change and loss of biodiversity.


Forests are a boon for the mankind. India especially has been blessed with some of the most
beautiful forests that are home for many rarer species of birds and animals. The importance of
forests must be recognized and the government must take measures to control the issue of


26. Essay on My Garden

Gardens are special. They add to the beauty of the house as well as the surrounding areas. The
fresh air they render is much-needed in today’s environment that is otherwise filled with

Everyone should own a garden. It is the best part of the house. Gardens filled with bright
colourful flowers are a treat for the eyes. Here are essays on My Garden of varying lengths to
help you with the same in your exam. You can choose any My Garden essay as per your need:



My Garden is my favourite part of my house. I can spend hours in my garden without getting
bored. It makes me come alive and I just love that feeling.

It is my mother who maintains the garden at our place just as she takes care of various other
household chores. She is a huge nature lover and it was her idea to build a beautiful garden at
home even though there isn’t a lot of space here. Most of the people in our neighbourhood
have converted this place in their house into car parking area or have covered the place to

build a small room. But my mother chose to convert this small piece of land into a lovely

Our garden is full of colourful flowers. We have a row of roses on one side and a row of
seasonal flowers on the other side. These flowers include marigold, petunia, pansy, hollyhock,
aster, alyssum, hibiscus, sunflowers and lilies. It is extremely delightful to see these flowers
blooming. My mother ensures that the plants get water and manure regularly so that they
grow and bloom the way they should. I also help my mother with these activities.

I am thankful to my mother for giving me such a beautiful place to sit and rejoice nature.



My garden is full of aromatic herbs. My grandfather loves gardening and I love helping him
with this activity. We have grown numerous types of plants in our garden. Most of these are
herbs such as aloe vera, basil, mint, coriander, curry plant and lemon grass. This helps in two
ways. It adds to the beauty of the house and also provides natural herbs that offer so many
health benefits.

My Morning Begins Here

My morning begins in my garden. As I wake up, the first thing I do is to head straight to my
garden. It is the best way to begin my day. I just love the essence of this place. My grandfather
is already seated on the small bench we have placed there. I go and sit right next to him. I
practice deep breathing for around 15 minutes and then have a look at the various plants
around the garden. The sight is extremely refreshing. I begin with my daily tasks only after
spending around half an hour in my garden.

The Best Way to Spend My Evening

I often go out with my friends in the evening after my tuition classes. It gives me respite after
a long day at school and coaching institute. We go to the nearby market to have some evening
snacks and chit chat for a while before heading home. While I do look forward to this time
every day, I love spending the evening hours in my garden all the more. Many a times, I call
my friends to my place. We sit in the garden while my mother serves hot soup and snacks. For
me, it is simply the best way to spend the evening hours.


My garden is an integral part of my life. This place can uplift my mood in fraction of seconds. I
help my grandfather take care of my garden.



I just love nature. Hills, valleys, sunsets, sea, plants, trees and flowers – I love everything that
is natural and organic. Every time we visit a hill station, I feel like staying there forever. It gets
difficult for me to return as I feel so attached to the very essence of the places where nature
can be seen in its pure, unadulterated form.

My Garden – My Idea

While I cannot bring along hills and valleys back home, I can certainly feel the enchanting
smell of the flowers and plants by growing some at my place. As we were coming back from
our trip to Assam, I was missing the lush green tea gardens and the beautiful flowers in the
botanical garden there. It was like I had left my heart there. It was then that the idea of
growing my own garden sprang in my mind. I spoke about it to my sister and she was equally

Since we live in a flat, we did not have a proper area that could be turned into a garden.
However, we could certainly fill one of our balconies with different types of flowers and feel
their aroma fill in our house.

We spoke about the idea with our parents and they agreed to it on the condition that we will
have to take care of the entire thing on our own.

Our Visit to the Nursery

On the weekend that followed, I and my sister visited the nearby nursery. There were
numerous flowers out there and it was difficult to choose a few among them. It took almost 2
hours to choose the plants we wanted to get home. Among the flowering plants we choose
rose, marigold, pansy and aster. Besides, we also brought home areca palm, spider plant, aloe

vera, basil and asparagus. The nursery in-charge told us ways to take care of different plants
so that they remain green for long.

We handpicked the plant pots. Most of them were white coloured plastic pots of the same
size. We called home a gardener to place all the plants in the pots. Once this was done, we
arranged the pots strategically so that the entire balcony was evenly covered with them. It
looked beautiful.

We visit the nursery quite often to pick more plants to add to our collection. Seasonal flowers
do not last long and we love picking different plants to fill their place.


I personally take care of each and every plant grown in my garden. Our balcony turned garden
is extremely beautiful and we often receive compliments for the same from our neighbours
and friends.



I always wanted to grow a garden at my place but it did not seem possible as we lived in a
small flat in Delhi. There was a beautiful garden at my friend, Riya’s place and I wished we had
one too every time I saw it. My prayers were soon heard and we shifted to my father’s home
town, Chandigarh. The house here was big and there was enough space that could be turned
into a garden.

Hiring a Professional Gardener

Luckily for me, my mother is as fond of plants and flowers as me. Thus, I did not have to
convince her to grow a garden she too wanted to do it. After we got settled in the new place,
we decided to shape the barren piece of land at our place into a garden. Since, the house had
been vacant since years the soil in the garden was not good enough to grow grass and plants

So, my mother decided to hire a professional gardener. He worked on the soil for about a
week during which he watered it regularly, used different tools to dig it and poured manure.
Soon after, he planted grass and a few plants. We were delighted to see our little garden

Growing the Garden

I and my mother decided to visit the nursery to buy different plants for our garden. It was
summer season and the nursery was blooming with pink and white lilies, colourful hibiscus,
roses, pansies, sunflowers and bougainvillea. We loved them all and it was extremely difficult
to choose among them. After mulling for over an hour, we finally choose a few saplings of
hibiscus, bougainvillea, lilies and roses.

The saplings we brought were planted strategically in different parts of the garden. The
bougainvillea being a climber was planted near the fence. Within a month it climbed the fence
and spread over it. The beautiful bunches of pink flowers that grew on it were a visual treat.
We decided to plant similar flowers together. So the roses were planted in one corner. A row
of lilies was set close by and hibiscus plants were planted at the other corner of the garden. It
all looked extremely beautiful. The plants soon found their roots in the garden and small buds
began to spout. Each time I saw a bud, I got extremely thrilled. Our garden was soon
blossoming with flowers. The sweet fragrance of the flowers filled our house.

It has been 3 years now and my garden is filled with a variety of flowers and leafy plants. We
keep bringing different types of flowers from time to time. However, roses, lilies and
bougainvillea can always be found in my garden. We have also added a row of basil. The
aroma of basil is quite soothing. We also use it in our kitchen quite frequently.

We still have the same professional gardener who works with dedication and takes care of my
garden very well.


It is quite amazing to have a garden at home. I am thankful that we shifted to a city like
Chandigarh where I could have the luxury of growing a garden.



For me, a garden is an integral part of the house. This is because I have seen one at my place
ever since I my childhood. I have learned to crawl, walk and eat in my garden. I have
numerous fond memories attached to it and it forms an important part of my life. It is my
grandmother who beautified this place. She has put immense efforts in growing the garden
and maintaining it.

Benefits of Gardening:

The Gazebo in My Garden

Since we live on the outskirts of the city, we have the luxury of having a big house and quite a
big garden. Besides the beautiful trees and flowers that form a part of my garden, there is a
beautiful gazebo set up here that adds to its beauty. The gazebo is set in one corner of the
garden and it is my favourite spot. My father chose its design and it is appreciated by all.

We host a lot of parties at home and the gazebo is a hot favourite spot of the guests. During
the times, when the weather is pleasant, my parents usually plan barbeque in the garden and
everyone just loves sitting in the Gazebo with their plate of snacks.
I also love spending some time during the evening hours at this quite place in my garden.
Many a times, I also study here. I find it easier to concentrate here compared to other parts of
my house.

Organic Vegetables and Fruits in My Garden

Besides beautiful rows of leafy plants and multi-hued flowers, my grandmother has also
planted many vegetables in our garden. Spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, green chillies, carrots
and eggplants are among some of the vegetables that grow in my garden. Herbs such as
coriander, mint and curry plant have also been planted. All these vegetables grow in
abundance in my garden and we often cut and cook them for our meals.

Apart from these, my garden also has quite a few fruit trees. Lemon tree, mango tree, banana
tree and papaya tree have always been a part of it. They bear fruits and fill the air with their
refreshing smell. Many a times, I have been made to climb the mango tree to pluck the
mangoes. It is super fun and I always look forward to it.

Maintaining Garden is not Easy – a tough task

Though having a garden adds to the beauty of the house, it is quite a task to maintain it. Many
people love the idea of growing plants and try their hands at it but give up in some time. This
is because plants require utmost care. It is essential for you to take care of them on a daily
basis in order to keep them fresh and green and help them grow.

Plants do not only require water but also need different types of manures to grow. Hats off to
my grandmother who is so dedicated towards taking care of our garden even at this age. She
makes sure the plants are watered twice a day and all the required manures are added from
time to time. She also ensures that weeds and unwanted plants that hamper the growth of
the other plants are removed timely.

We have hired a professional gardener who comes to our place thrice a week and takes care
of our garden. My grandmother supervises him and gets the tasks done properly.


Some of the best memories of my childhood are attached to my garden. I love it when my
entire family sits together in the garden to have their evening tea. I also love the winter
afternoons when we have our lunch in the garden. It is simply amazing. Having a garden at
home is blissful.


27. Essay on Natural Resources

Natural resources are commonly referred to the resources that are a gift of nature. They are
produced naturally without the intervention of human beings. Sunlight, water, soil and air are
some of the examples of natural resources. These are available in abundance in nature.
However, there are various other natural resources also that are not found as easily. These
include minerals and fossil fuels. Here are essays on natural resources of varying word lengths
to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any natural resources essay as per
your need:



Natural resources are the resources that are available naturally on our planet. We do not
require any human intervention to derive them. These resources are essential for the survival

of living beings. While some of the natural resources such as air, water and sunlight are used
directly; others serve as raw material to produce various items of necessity.

Many of the natural resources are present in abundance and are renewable. This means that
these can be recycled and reused. However, there are many others that are non-renewable or
take thousands of years to replenish. Many natural resources are depleting fast. This is owing
to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the growth in population. The consumption of
natural resources is on an increase continually owing to the rapid population growth.

Deforestation is another cause for the depletion of natural resources. Land is being used for
urbanisation. This has led to the loss of wildlife and trees. The raw material derived from them
is thus decreasing by the day. The growing pollution is affecting the water bodies negatively.
The coming generations may have to face scarcity of water that was once available in

It is high time we humans must stop wasting the natural resources and use them wisely.



Natural resources are the resources that are made available by nature. Man does not have to
work to derive these resources. Some of the examples of natural resources include water, air,
sunlight, wood, minerals and natural gases. While many of the natural resources are available
abundantly in nature others take time to form and are not available as freely.

Types of Natural Resources

While the characteristics and use of each natural resource is different from the other, these
have broadly been classified in two categories. These are the renewable natural resources and
non-renewable natural resources. Here is a look at these in detail:
Renewable Natural Resources: Renewable natural resources, as the name suggests are the
ones that can be renewed naturally and used over and over again. Water, solar energy, wood,
biomass, air and soil fall under this category. While many of these resources such as water, air
and sunlight is easily renewable it takes time to renew natural resources such as wood and
soil. Renewable resources are further categorized into organic and non-organic.

When renewable resources are derived from living things like animals and plants these are
termed as organic renewable resources. When renewable resources are derived from non-
living things, they are termed as inorganic renewable resources.

Non-Renewable Natural Resources: These are the resources that cannot be renewed or
recycled or take a very long time to form again. Coal, oil, minerals and natural gases are
examples of non renewable natural resources. While these form naturally without any human
intervention, non-renewable natural resources such as minerals may take thousands of years
to form. These are also divided into two categories – Organic and Non-organic.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from living organisms are called organic natural
resources. One of the examples of this can be fossil fuel.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from non-living things such as wind, minerals, land
and soil are known as inorganic natural resources.


Natural resources, especially the non-renewable resources, must be used wisely so that these
are not depleted from nature.



Natural Resources are the resources that have been available in nature since the beginning of
the time. These resources make life possible on earth. Life on our planet would not have been
possible without natural resources such as air, sunlight and water. Other natural resources are
also as important and have become an integral part of our life.

Natural Resources Employed to Different Uses

While natural resources fulfil the basic necessities of man and other living beings on earth,
they also form the basis for deriving various things. These things make life easier and
comfortable. Today, man cannot imagine his life without most of these. Here is a look at the
various ways in which natural resources are used:

Sunlight: It is used to generate solar power which is used in various appliances. Sunlight also
enables the process of photosynthesis.

Air: Air is used to generate wind energy. Wind mills are employed to generate the same. It is
used for various purposes such as grinding grains and pumping water.

Water: Water is used to generate hydroelectric energy. It is also used for various cleaning
tasks and cooking.

Minerals: Minerals are used for generating several items that are used in our day to day lives.
Wires, aluminium cans and parts of automobiles are among some of the things that are made
with different kinds of minerals. Minerals such as gold and silver are used to craft jewellery.

Natural gases: These are used to generate electricity. These are also used in the kitchen for
the purpose of heating.

Coal: This is another natural resource which is used for the purpose of generating electricity.

Plants: Plants offer a number of natural resources such as wood, fruits and vegetables. While
fruits and vegetables are essential to keep the living beings alive, wood is used to manufacture
various pieces of furniture, paper and other products.

Animals: Animals also provide numerous natural resources. They provide milk which is used to
produce curd, cheese, butter and many other dairy products. Animal fur and skin are also used
to derive various clothing items and other things of necessity. Woollen sweaters and caps,
leather belts and bags, silk saris and bed linens are among some of the things made with the
natural resources derived from animals.


Thus, natural resources are not only useful in their raw form but are also useful when they are
employed to generate other stuff. Man has certainly made use of these resources in the best
possible ways to make life better.


Natural resources are a gift of the nature. These are consumed by the living organisms directly
as well as indirectly. Direct consumption of natural resources implies using these resources in
their pure form. The best examples of these can be sunlight and oxygen. Indirect consumption
of natural resources means using them by modifying them or by generating other goods and
services with their help. For instance, minerals, wood and many other natural resources are
crafted into different materials before putting them to use.

Uses of Different Natural Resources

Natural Resources offer several uses. Without these, life would not be possible on earth. As
per a survey, the developed countries use greater amount of natural resources compared to
under-developed countries. Here is how these are used for various purposes:


Natural resources produced by animals are the kind of natural resources that are much in
demand. This is because they provide us food which is essential for the survival of the living
beings. Animals are tamed and reared to fetch organic natural resources from them. Milk and
other dairy products that provide essential nutrients to the living beings are derived from
animals. Fossil fuels derived from animal wastes are also employed for various tasks such as
heating, running vehicles and generating electricity. Animal fur and skin is used for
manufacturing clothes, bags, shoes, belts and other such items.


Plants provide us with fruits and vegetables that are essential for the survival of the living
beings. Various medicines for curing different illnesses are also produced from these natural
resources. Plants also provide us oxygen and absorb the harmful and toxic gases such as
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This functions naturally without any human interaction.
Besides, plant waste also contributes in producing fossil fuels which are used in various ways.

Apart from this, trees provide wood that is used for various purposes such as constructing
houses, crafting furniture, making paper and producing various other big and small things that
we cannot do without.

Minerals and Metals

Metals and minerals are also used for different purposes. All of these have their unique
properties and are useful in their own way. Some of the uses of minerals and metals include
creating batteries, manufacturing medical equipments, manufacturing automobile parts,
crafting jewellery, constructing buildings and manufacturing utensils. These resources are
limited and fall under the non-renewable natural resources category.

Sunlight, Air and Water

The importance and use of these natural resources is known to all. These are available in
abundance in the atmosphere and are used directly in their pure unadulterated form by the
living beings. These are also modified and used to run various processes. Fortunately, these
are renewable natural resources and are replenished and replaced easily.


We consume a good amount of natural resources on a daily basis knowingly or unknowingly.

While some of these are abundantly available in the atmosphere, most of these are fast
depleting from earth. It is essential to use the natural resources wisely and stop any kind of
wastage to ensure that these are available for our coming generations too. The government of
every country must keep a check on the consumption of these resources and take measures to
reduce wastage.


Natural Resources are bliss for the mankind as well as other living organisms. These form an
essential part of our lives. In fact, life on earth wouldn’t be possible without most of these
natural resources.

Distribution of Natural Resources

Natural resources are distributed unevenly on Earth. Different parts of the planet are rich in
different kinds of natural resources. While some places receive abundance of sunlight others
remain devoid of the same for most part of the year. Similarly, while certain places have
numerous water bodies others have rich mineral fields. There are many factors that influence
uneven distribution of natural resources. Climate and land type are among the main factors.

Countries that boast of rich reserves of natural resources include China, Iraq, Venezuela,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Canada and Brazil. Here is a look at the natural
resources these countries are rich in:


Russia ranks number one when it comes to natural resources. The country boasts of
abundance of timber, oil, natural gas, coal and gold. One of the main reasons of its economic
growth is export of these valuable natural resources.


China has a rich reserve of coal, timber and various metals. It supplies these resources to
various parts of the world.


Iraq is known to have a whopping 9% of the total world’s oil deposits. Besides oil, it is also rich
in phosphate rock.


The country is rich in natural resources such as natural gas, iron and oil. It ranks six worldwide
when it comes to oil reserves. It exports oil to many countries around the world.

Saudi Arabia

The country encompasses the fifth largest natural gas reserve. Timber is also found in
abundance in Saudi Arabia.

United States

The United States comes on the second position when it comes to the availability of natural
resources. It is known for its coal, natural gas and oil reserves and gold and copper deposits.


Canada comes on number four when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is
known for its oil deposits. It supplies oil to various countries worldwide. It is also known for its
uranium, phosphate and natural gas reserves and timber production.


Brazil is the world’s second largest iron producer. It also generates a good amount of timber
which is supplied to various countries worldwide. Besides, Brail is known for its deposits of
uranium and gold.

Similarly, different regions grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables and export them to
other places. Same is the case with animals. All kinds of animals are not available everywhere.
The raw materials they produce are thus exchanged between countries.

Impact of Uneven Distribution of Natural Resources

This uneven distribution of natural resources gives way to international trades which
promotes businesses and boasts the economic growth of various countries around the world.
However, it also has a downside to it. It has led to power play among the countries. Countries
that have higher deposits of oil, natural gases, minerals and other natural resources control
and exploit those that have fewer resources. Due to this the rich and developed countries are
getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.


While natural resources are essential for us so much so that our life on earth is not possible
without the existence of these resources, human beings are using these without any
inhibition. They do not realise the fact that most of these resources are non-renewable and
many others take thousands of years to renew. We must use natural resources wisely and
avoid any kind of wastage to help our future generations enjoy the kind of comfort and luxury
we enjoy.


28. Essay on Natural Resources Depletion
Resources that occur in nature without the intervention of man and are necessary for
humanity to survive and grow are known as natural resources. They can be found all around
us – the air, the sun, the soil and even underground minerals are all examples of natural
resources that we need and use in one way or another. Below you will find essays on
Depletion of Natural Resources. These Natural Resources Depletion essays vary in length and
can help you in your examinations. Choose whichever essay you want to as per your




The earth provides all the materials required for living beings to survive and thrive on this
planet. Natural resources are what we call these materials. Some basic examples of natural
resources are air, water, sunlight, soil, coal and oil.

Natural Resources in India

India is a country rich in natural resources of all types. In fact, it has the world’s second largest
deposits of coal, the third largest deposit of manganese and the fourth largest deposit of iron.
It also has the world’s second largest population of 1.35 billion people who need to utilize
those resources to survive.

Depletion of Natural Resources

Any resource is depleted when we use it up faster than it can be replenished. Resources such
as sunlight and wind are renewable. However, other resources such as fossil fuels, minerals
and even water are non-renewable; they are being consumed faster than they can be
replenished. As life spans and the population of the country have increased, the demands
made upon these resources have become increasingly unsustainable.


India is diverse not only in its peoples and culture but also in the type of resources it has.
Unfortunately, the sheer size of the population means that these resources are going to be
exhausted soon. If we want to preserve the progress we have made we need to move away
from non-renewable resources and turn our attention to renewable resources; otherwise the
depletion of our natural resources will not only continue, but also escalate.



Natural resources are so important to us because the biggest fact is that global human and
economic development cannot happen without them. As the global economy has grown,
especially since the Industrial Revolution, our demand for these resources such as minerals,
fossil fuels, water, wood and land have increased exponentially. Unfortunately, little has been
done to regulate these demands, resulting in considerable over-exploitation. This, in turn, has
caused not only depletion of the resources but also environmental damage to an
unprecedented degree.

Facts and Figures

Over the past 25 years, global extraction of resources has increased fairly steadily. In 1980, the
number was around 40 billion tons. In 2005, it had become 58 billion tons, an increase of
about 45 percent.

Water may cover 70 percent of the earth but only 2.5 percent of that is fresh water. Most of
that water is in the form of permanent icecaps and ice. Therefore, we actually have access to
very little of the earth’s fresh water supply – an access that is increasingly being put under
strain by the increasing population and pollution of most of the sources of fresh water. The
UN has predicted that 1.8 billion people will be living in regions that will face water scarcity by

Oil is one of the most basic natural resources required for global development. However, at
our current rate of consumption, it will run out in another 46.2 years. The same holds true for
natural gas, which will run out in 58.6 years if we continue to use it at current levels.


These are only some facts about the depletion of natural resources. All the figures given here
are dependent upon how much of these resources we use currently. The problem with this
model of prediction is that with a global population that will hit 8 billion soon and will
continue to increase afterwards, resources will be consumed faster. The fact is that unless we
regulate the consumption of resources we are likely to run out of them much sooner than we



Modern society uses a huge amount of natural resources, whether they are clean water or
fossil fuels. However, our dependency on these resources is increasing but the actual amounts
of the resources are decreasing because we are using them faster than they can be replaced.
The ramifications of this depletion are being felt far and wide not only on an economic level
but also on a socio-political level. We need to find solutions before these resources inevitably
run out.

Reduce Fossil Fuel Dependency

When we generally talk about reducing fossil fuel dependency we tend to look at reducing the
use of electricity, which is produced using fossil fuels, and gasoline. Therefore, individuals and
organizations can both contribute to this reduction. Solutions such as carpooling, using energy
star appliances, purchasing locally grown food that isn’t transported over long distances and
using vehicles with higher mileage are all things that we as individuals can do. Organizations
and governments need to start looking into alternative sources of energy such as solar and

Clean Water

Water is seen as a renewable resource and since it is necessary to human survival, it is used
extensively. However, the fact is that the world’s fresh water supplies cannot keep up with the
increase in population. Add to this the pollution of fresh water bodies such as rivers and lakes
and we have a massive problem. Individuals can contribute to resolving water depletion by
ensuring that water leaks are promptly detected, tap water isn’t allowed to run unnecessarily

and soaps and detergents that don’t pollute water are used. Industries need to invest in
technology that takes care of toxic waste instead of merely dumping them in the closest water

Preserve Forests

We have managed to cut down half the world’s forest cover since industrialization, a state of
matters that cannot be allowed to continue. Simply by using less paper, we can reduce the
number of trees that are cut down annually for this purpose. Alternative materials for
furniture and other items must be used. We also need to start planting more trees to replace
the ones that are cut down.


These are some of the ways in which the problem of natural resource depletion can be
tackled. Only a concerted effort by people, industries and governments will show appreciable
results. It is time to think beyond profit and convenience. If we do not do so now, it will be too
late when we do start.



The human population on earth is increasing by leaps and bounds. The more people there are
on this planet, the more resources they need to survive and thrive. However, the planet
comes with finite resources – resources that are being consumed at an exponential rate. Even
the renewable resources such as water and soil are being consumed at a far higher rate than
they can be replaced. The inevitable result of this is the depletion of essential natural
resources which will have some profound consequences for humanity and for the planet.

Effects of Natural Resources Depletion

We need various minerals to provide housing, clothing and food to the increasing population.
The Industrial Revolution heralded large-scale exploitation of minerals and the rates of
consumption have only increased since. It is projected that minerals such as gas, copper and
zinc will see a decline in production over the next 20 years due to lack of availability.
Aluminium, coal and iron will face a similar decline during the present century.

Oil is fundamental to today’s global industrial economy. However, oil reserves are projected to
run out soon and the peak oil period, the period when we reach the maximum rate of
petroleum extraction globally, is very close. Once we hit this period, oil production will start
declining. The effects of this will be widespread. Prices of liquid fuel are bound to increase and
those prices will be volatile. This will, in turn, affect not only economies but society and even
global politics.

Forests are an essential natural resource; however, we have cut down around half of the
world’s forests for agriculture, industrialization and housing. The impact of this uncontrolled
deforestation is staggering. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased,
water cycles have been altered, fertile layers of soil have been eroded and biodiversity has

Water is the most necessary natural resource of them all. We wouldn’t survive a week without
it. Naturally, it is the resource that has seen the highest amount of exploitation. At the
moment, most of our fresh water supplies come from ground-water, which is non-renewable.
It is also unevenly distributed which has political, social and survival effects. Countries are
ready to go to war over sources of water. People immigrate to other countries if they run out
of water in their own. However, the biggest concern is the depletion of global supplies. We
may soon be facing a time when we do not have enough water to drink or use for farming,
causing famine on a very large scale.


Whenever we use something up before it can be replaced, we run out. This is basic common
sense. However, in the interests of global development we have been using up our natural
resources as though they are infinite, which they are definitely not. Unless we become more
responsible and learn to balance preservation of resources with economic development we
will soon face a time when we simply won’t have resources to exploit. Regulation and use of
alternative resources is essential to halt and perhaps reverse resource depletion.



Natural resource is the name given to all the resources that are freely available in nature
without human intervention. These range from electrical, magnetic and gravitational
properties and forces to sunlight, air, water, minerals, soils, oil, trees, vegetation and even
animals. We can see in our surrounding, the earth has plenty of natural resources.

Depletion of Natural Resources

There are two types of resources available – renewable and non-renewable. Renewable
resources are resources that are replaced over time and, therefore, can be used repeatedly.
Some good examples are water, wind and sunlight. Non-renewable resources are resources
that are finite; they either cannot be replaced or are replaced very slowly. A resource is
depleted when it is consumed faster than it is replaced. Either type of resource can be
depleted if its rate of consumption is higher than its rate of replacement.

Causes of Depletion of Natural Resources

Some of the major causes of depletion of natural resources are:

Growth of Population – Population growth is the leading cause of the depletion of natural
resources. Simply put, the more people there are on the planet, the more resources they
consume. Sooner or later, resources are consumed faster than they can be replaced. In our
quest for convenience and comfort, we have exploited many of the resources available to us
with little thought to their replenishment. A perfect example of this is water. Even though 70
percent of the earth is covered in water, we have exploited the resource and polluted it so
much that today water fit for human consumption is becoming scarce.

Deforestation – One of the most abundant natural resources available to us are forests. They
perform various functions such as absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, holding
the soil together and even affecting the rainfall. As we cut down forests for the wood, the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, slowly increasing global temperatures.
This, in turn affects climate patterns and, therefore, rainfall. In addition, the soil that was held
together by the roots of these trees is also swept away. This eventually turns vast forests into

Use of Fossil Fuels – Fossil fuels are fuels such as coal and oil that are formed from dead
animal and plant life facing enormous pressure and temperatures under the earth. Since the
Industrial Revolution, these fuels have been essential to every aspect of our lives.
Unfortunately, since it takes them hundreds of thousands years to form, they are not easily

renewable. To make matters worse, we are consuming them at a very fast rate. Our
population is also growing exponentially and the demand for these fuels is increasing whilst
their supply is decreasing.

Pollution – When substances that are poisonous or harmful to the environment are
introduced into said environment, they can have lasting and, sometimes, permanent effects.
This introduction is called pollution. Pollution affects air, water and land making it one of the
most insidious and dangerous causes of resource depletion since it attacks the basic resources
we need to survive. The problem is that most of the pollution in the modern age has been a
direct or indirect result of human activities. Factories spewing smoke, cars venting out exhaust
fumes, disposal of toxic chemicals into water bodies and into air – all these activities pollute
and leave behind resources that are not only unusable but also harmful.


These are some of the major causes of the depletion of natural resources on our planet. We
are finally waking up to the fact that everything on our planet is finite and our over
consumption of these resources will leave us without the means to survive very shortly. We
have swung into action but a lot more needs to be done before things can be changed.


29. Essay on Rainy Day

The monsoon season is considered the best among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by
one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to walk in
the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids,
adults or elderly people – everyone loves this day.


Here are essays on Rainy Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You
can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need:


There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite
season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. I and my cousins wait all
year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the
season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so
refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain.

We like to play in the garden as the rain showers pour on us. We sing songs and jump in the
muddy puddles to splash water on each other. We fight like cats and dogs on the ground
splashing water and sticky mud on each other. Our mothers always shout on us but we just
like to ignore and enjoy. I hate it when the rain stops and we need to get back. My mother
cooks moong dal and onion pakoras with mint chutney on these days. I just love this
combination. After taking shower we enjoy eating pakoras together.

Enjoying the rain with cousins is the best part. We have so much fun together. I simply love
rainy day.



A rainy day spreads instant joy and calmness in the atmosphere. It brings a smile on
everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate. Inviting friends and celebrating with
them on a rainy day is all the more enjoyable.

Farmers Await Rain

A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly
for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of
rain is what they yearn for each year. Monsoon season these days gets delayed often and
rains have become quite erratic. The farmers in such a situation wish and pray that the rain
falls at the right time. The first rainy day of the season is especially a day to rejoice for the
farmers. This is because it marks the beginning of the monsoon season that promotes the
growth of crops. There is greenery all around. The fields seem to appear full of life on a rainy

Rainy Day is Special in the Life of School Kids

School kids are overjoyed on a rainy day. Rainy day for them means a day full of fun. Small kids
are seen holding colourful umbrellas and wearing beautiful raincoats on rainy days. There is
colour all around. If the rain is heavy, many kids get the privilege to go to school with their

parents and not by auto rickshaws or buses. Kids usually look forward to this change. If the
rain is heavier, many parents refrain from sending their kids to the school. At times, the
schools also declare holiday on such a day. What more can a school going child ask for? They
get a chance to stay home and play in the rain with their siblings and friends.


A rainy day is certainly not an ordinary day. It impacts our lives in some way or the other. It
mostly brings a positive note.



Monsoons in India are welcomed with joy as rains provide fresh and breezy atmosphere after
the sunny climate. Earth is transformed into a rich green land with blooming flowers dancing
and celebrating monsoon. The soothing smell of rain and cooling showers of rain make us feel
so fresh.

My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day

Last year when I was in 5th standard, one morning I woke up for school and was getting ready
to attend my classes. It was during the monsoon season, the month of July. The weather
outside was dark and gloomy. In my mind I was praying to God constantly that if it rains and I
don’t have to go to school. After I had my milk and my mother packed my lunchbox, I was
ready to leave for school. But it did not rain and I had to go. My dad dropped me to the

In the classroom, I sat on a seat by the window still expecting it to rain. I felt lazy and sad in
the classroom and all my attention was outside the window wishing it rains. My class teacher
scolded me for staring outside the window constantly. As the second period that is the Maths
class, got over, my wish came true. It started raining and the bonus was that there was no
teacher in the class. My eyes sparkled with joy and I jumped off my seat to peep out of the
window to enjoy the droplets of rain. I was trying to grasp the drops of rain and it made me
extremely happy.

Everyone in the class was happy and cheerful. Everyone was jumping, chit-chatting and smiling
with joy. Me and some of my classmates tore some pages from our books and made paper
boats. Outside the window there were small puddles and we dropped our boats in to the
puddles to float. It made us jump and giggle as our boats floated in water. We were grasping
the drops of rain from the window and splashing at each other. After a while our Science
teacher came in the classroom and every one settled back to their seats. She declared a
holiday as the rain was expected to get heavier in some time. We all hopped from our seats
with excitement. We packed our bags, got into our raincoats and ran outside the classroom to
enjoy the rain. We went back home jumping and dancing in rain.


It was one of the best days of my life. Rainy days really bring joy and happiness in everyone’s



Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by everyone. People of every age group love and
cherish this day. In my family everyone from my grandfather to my younger sister gets
overjoyed on such a day. Rains transform the weather from blazing hot and dry to refreshing.
Plants, birds and human beings, everyone participates in celebrating rains. Trees turn greener,
peacocks begin to dance, farmers turn cheerful and we all relish the rain party on the earth.

How the Weather Impacts Our Mood?

We live in Delhi, a state which is famous for its extreme weather conditions. Heat waves
engulf this part of the country for most part of the year. Rains offer the much needed respite
from the hot weather. Monsoon is thus one of the most awaited times of the year in Delhi.

Weather has a strange way of impacting our mood. During the hot sunny summer days,
people often tend to get angry and aggressive very quickly. The sweat and scorching heat
during such a day gives rise to violence and fury. People are often seen in a bad mood and
tend to get into arguments and fights easily. On the other hand, a pleasant rainy day uplifts

the mood automatically. It is a treat for the senses. Everything around appears joyful. People
plan outings with their loved ones on such a day just because of the awesomeness it offers.

An Ideal Rainy Day

A rainy day is loved by everyone. There would hardly be anyone who despises it. Everyone has
his own way of rejoicing the rain. While some love walking in the rain, others love to drench
and dance while yet others love the view sitting on their window sill.

My ideal rainy day would be sitting by the window and watching rain, catching some droplets
of rain and feeling the chilly breeze on my cheeks. I enjoy writing in my diary sitting by the
window. It calms my heart and brings new and creative thoughts in my mind. My mother gets
me hot cup of coffee and we enjoy our coffee together. I often turn on soft music and relax on
an armchair sipping my coffee.

After spending my afternoon and relaxing with my mom, I love to go on a drive with my dad in
the evening to explore the city and relish the beauty of nature. We visit our favourite
restaurant during the rains and enjoy having crunchy onion and mirchi pakoras with mint
chutney. By the time we drive back home, it’s usually dark. I feel so weary and sleepy as I
return home. All I do on my return is just change and go to my bed. I really have a sound sleep
on a rainy day as the weather is extremely chilly.


So my idea of rainy day is to spend my day with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is
so much fun to spend time with family during rains. I love my family and I love rains too.



How rhythmic and soothing the nature is on a rainy day. Dark clouds marching in the sky and
showering the droplets of rain, trees rinsing and dancing with charming bliss, dark and gloomy
day gleaming our hearts, frogs popping here and there, kids jumping with joy in the muddy
pools of water, beautiful peacocks spreading feathers and dancing to compose an art
attracting their mates, farmers sway with cheer and new hopes gleaming their eyes –
everyone participates to celebrate the joy of rains.

Rainy Day Spent at the Seashore

It is so calming to be out in the nature to enjoy its beauty on a rainy day. I walk up to the
seashore to relish a day like this in my white dress. White dress, as I like the contrast it gives,
the dark weather and a white dress is a pretty combination and I love it. As soon as I reach
there, I remove my flip-flops and throw away my pink umbrella on the sand and run towards
the sea. I walk bare feet at the edge of sea with my chin up to feel the chilling breeze on my
cheeks. I grasp the tiny-mini droplets of rain. The glimpse of droplets blending in to the sea
waves, soothe my eyes. The refreshing aroma of rain calms my heart. The melodies of droplets
make me sway along with the beat. I fantasize like I am the mermaid at the edge of sea. Me
and my fantasies…! I stand still drenched in water shivering and clutching myself smiling at the
lure of nature.

Rainy Day at Home

On the weekends when it is raining I just love to spend my day inside my home. Something
about rainy days makes me feel so lazy and so cozy. I just love to snuggle into my blanket
reading a love story. My mom loves to make delicious chocolate cookies for me on rainy days.
The aroma of hot cookies in the chilled weather, spells some kind of magic on me. I really feel
very hungry during these days and I keep on munching all day long. I prefer having my hot
chocolate cookies dipped in milk, I just love it. I later spend my whole day lying on sofa in my
pajamas and watching my favorite movies.

Rainy Day Serves an Inspiration for Writers and Poets

We all read poems, stories and books. There is so much and so beautifully written about the
scenic beauty of nature. Writings about rains are obviously more alluring than writings about
sunny days or winters. Rainy day is an inspiration for poets primarily because it gives the
world, a fresh and new perspective. The everyday world that seems so conventional and
colourless suddenly turns so diverse, refreshing, colourful and magical. Poetry is as alluring as
the rainy day. Or maybe rains just create the poetic mood, the beautiful scenery, rainbows,
background music of raindrops, hot cup of coffee everything inspires writers. Other than the
poets, the rainy season is an inspiration for all writers as we have been reading about the
beauty and effects of rain in stories and books as well.


Thus, everyone has his/ her own ideal way of enjoying a rainy day however some might even
just hate rainy days. For some, it’s an excuse to just be at home and for others to take up new
adventures. Some might get too lazy while others might just get creative. Some spend their
time cooking aromatic food while others like me spend time eating and gaining weight. All in
all, rains are beautiful and bring cheer to life but too much of rain can even be harmful for our


30. Essay on Save Water Save Earth

Water is one of the most essential natural resources that mankind has. It is believed that first
traces of life on earth were found in water. Almost 70% of our planet is covered with water
and life on earth is impossible without water. We need water for our various daily needs and
activities and in this process we end up wasting a lot of water. It is high time that we now
realize that we have to save water to save life.


In these essays we have tried to cover all the aspects of water conservation regarding save
Earth in varying lengths to help you with the same in your exams and school assignments. The
entire essay on Save Water Save Earth is written in easy English language, you can select any
Save Water Save Earth essay as per your need. You can also get more details on how to save
water to save earth, why to save water, how to save water to save mother earth, what is the
importance of saving water, what are the effects of water wastage, what are the ways to
preserve water, how water is vital for life on earth, how saving water will save earth etc.


We keep on hearing everywhere that we must save water in order to have a safe future but
we always take it lightly. Since the time we get up in the morning and till we sleep in the night
we need and use water in number of ways. Actually it is impossible to imagine our day without
water. But at every step we end up wasting it a lot. We have been taught in schools that
almost 70 percent of our planet is covered with water, but not all of it is fit for our use hence
we must not waste water.

Our government and other awareness creating organizations have time and again tried to
educate us regarding the importance of water conservation. There are many ways by which

we can save water in our daily life. Simple acts like closing the tap when not in use, trying to
reuse water in washing clothes, using bucket instead to shower are some ways by which we
can save a lot of water. If we will not take the required steps in time then soon we will face a
massive shortage of water. Humans cannot survive without water and it is us only who are
wasting it the most. We must not forget that we need to save water to save earth.



Mother Nature has bestowed us with many of its gifts in abundance and one of them is the life
giving liquid; water. We have so much water around us in many forms that we have forgotten
to appreciate this gift of nature. We humans have been misusing rather abusing this
wonderful gift. It is high time that we realize that we have to now take some serious steps
towards water conservation. We have to save water so that we have enough for future.

Save Water Save Earth

Clean Water is still a luxury in many remote regions of India. Many have to walk for kilometres
every day in order to get two buckets of clean water for their family. On the other hand there
are many of us who just waste water every day mercilessly. Getting the access of clean
drinkable water should be the right of every citizen. We have to understand the importance of
water and also must be aware of the problems that are related to the lack of it. We must
educate our children that they must use water very wisely and must save for the future. We
also contaminate the clean water that makes it unfit for drinking purposes. Various projects

on water conservation have been initiated by our government to create awareness on saving
water yet many continue to suffer due to the scarcity of water.


We all know that life will cease to exist without water yet we do not take any steps to
preserve it. It becomes our duty to save water for our future generations. If water will not be
there everything will vanish from earth. There will be no plants, no animals, no crops will
grow, and we will not be able to survive. It is therefore important for us to wake up now and
make amends in our actions.



Our mother earth has always protected us and has always made sure that we get everything
that we need. All the natural resources have been there for the benefit of the mankind. But
sadly in return we have only exploited and misused these resources. Water is a natural
resource that is the foundation stone of all life forms. It is believed that the first ever life form
on earth was born in water. This clear liquid runs as the backbone of living world. We have not
only abused this resource but have also made it scarce. We have polluted rivers, oceans and
have even disturbed the level of underground water.

Save Water Save Mother Earth

We cannot imagine life on earth without water hence we must realize that it is very
important. According to research it is known that there is only 1% of fresh water of all water
on earth. We humans are wasting it like anything. Those days are not far away when water
will be as expensive as gold. There are number of ways in which we are contributing to the
waste of water as given below-

Leaving taps open when not in use.

Leaving water sprinklers open in lawns and parks when not needed.

Not reusing water: Most of the water can be reused hence so much can be saved.

Polluting the rivers and other water bodies.

Unplanned water management.

Deforestation also causes loss of underground water.

We must also remember that around 70% of our body is water, if there is not enough water
on earth how will we survive. We waste so much water in our daily activities like washing cars,
vegetables, clothes etc. Soon there will be a time when there will be very less or no water for
our survival. Already there is very little water that is fit to use and remaining requires a
lengthy process of purification before it gets consumed. We need ways where proper
management of water must be done.


It is high time that we realize that we are creating a very big problem for ourselves and the
consequence will be such that we might not be able to deal with them. Without water the
whole living kingdom will die and soon we will have barren Earth. Wake and save water to
save Mother Earth.



Our mother nature has bestowed us with many useful gifts and water is one of them. We have
abundant of water supply available on earth and nature does not charge any fees for its usage.
But the unfortunate part is that we as humans do not realize this and take this gift for granted.
We waste water in large quantities daily, we pollute the water bodies, and we abuse this
wonderful gift. There are still many villages in this world where people walk many kilometres
top get access of fresh water daily. We know that water is highly essential for our survival yet
we fail to stop its misuse. The result is that fresh water is becoming scarce day by day and this
poses a big threat to our survival.

Importance of Saving Water

There is no rocket science in the fact that it is very important to save water otherwise we will
not be able to live. Water is the backbone and the foundation for all the life forms on this
earth. Although we feel that water is enough on Earth but we do not realize that water is not a
limitless resource. If we will not make efforts to conserve water soon the supply of fresh water

will be exhausted. Water preservation must be at the top priority for the government
authorities and for us citizens as well.

Preservation of water will have many positive effects on our society. Increase in urbanization
results in draining of underground supply of fresh water. This results in less water available for
important activities like farming and irrigation etc. If we conserve water we will be able to
have enough water for our farms and the crops will be much better. Saving water also means
not cutting trees as the roots hold the underground water table. In an effort to save water we
will have to plant more trees and in return we will create a greener Earth.

We also have to protect out water bodies if we want to save water. The amount of pollution
caused by us in the rivers and seas is alarmingly high and it is killing the aquatic life. We must
stop water pollution immediately and make an effort to clean the rivers that have been
polluted by us. A good aquatic ecosystem will make a better planet for us as well.
Conservation of water will also ensure a proper balance in the life on the planet Earth.


We must realize that although we have a free supply of water by nature but it comes with a
huge cost of responsibility. There is a huge campaign about saving water but we never take
any note of that. As the citizens of this country we must teach our children and the younger
generation about the importance of water conservation. It is important to pass on the
knowledge so that the future can be saved. If we do not start saving on time soon the fresh
water will exhaust and we will die.

(600 WORDS)


Every day we hear to commercials and campaigns on saving water. Everyone around us is
shouting out to us but are we really listening. Have we ever thought seriously about this
problem? Water is one of the most precious free gifts that the nature has provided us with.
We see an abundant supply of flowing water everywhere around us and we take it for
granted. Water is highly essential for our survival and the whole living kingdom depends on it
completely. Wastage of water is one of the most common problems all around the Globe.

Humans waste a large amount of water on daily basis and this has now become one of the
major concerns. Many campaigns have been initiated in this direction but they are not proving
as useful as they should be. Our Government has also started various programs and initiatives
in order to conserve water but until we as individuals will not realize the graveness of the
problem nothing will happen.

Effects of Water Wastage

The wastage of water has many harmful effects on us. We are losing the precious life giving
liquid day by day.

One of the major effects of wastage of water is that the water table is decreasing. Water table
is the amount of underground water which is very important for a balanced ecosystem.

Wastage of water also causes harm of agricultural activities. We know that water is one of the
major parts on the crop cultivation. Proper irrigation is very important for a good crop hence if
we waste water very little is left for the farmers to use.

Too much wastage can also cause very little water left over for personal use. We need water
for all our day to day activities.

The pollution of the water bodies is also one of the major concerns if the environmentalists

We are also losing precious aquatic life.

By wasting water we are also disturbing the ecological balance of the nature.

Ways to Preserve Water

There are number of ways that we can apply on our day to day life to save water:

Turn off the tap while brushing and use it only when required.

Take to bucket baths instead of showers, this can save a lot of water.

Fix any water leakage that is there in your house.

Turn off the tap while washing hands.

Try to reuse the water that you have used in doing laundry. Soapy water can be reused easily.

Use less water in washing cars.

Use less water for washing vegetables.

Do not let the lawn hose keep running for too long.

Do not pollute the water bodies.

Plant a tree, this will be very useful.

Conserve electricity as many power plants run on hydro power. So saving electricity will help
you save water in return.


Although we all are aware of the fact the wasting water is bad but very few of us take this
seriously. We have to understand the importance of water conservation and we must take
steps in saving water. Not only that, we must also teach our children in their student life about
the importance of conservation so that they can save their own future.



Water is one of the most important natural resources given by Mother Nature. It is not only
important but a necessity for the survival of all the living species on this planet. It acts as a
backbone to the existence of life on earth. Apart from supporting life, water also acts as a
medium which helps to flourish biodiversity and in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.
We should feel lucky that earth is the only known planet which has water and all known forms
of life in the universe.

It is the natural tendency of human beings that they start taking things for granted and same
thing has happened with this precious natural gift also. People waste too much of water
during their daily activities without thinking of the end result. The sources of fresh water are
very limited and if we do not wake up now then it might be too late for us to act. Thus it is
important that we take drastic steps now for the conservation of water and save our planet
from getting barren.

Why to Save Water

It is a common question that why we should save water when we already have huge water
bodies like oceans, seas, rivers, lakes etc. We completely admit that around 71% of earth’s
surface is covered by water but the reality is that only 1% of it is fit for the human
consumption and use. Also the sources of fresh and clean water are very limited and those
available also are prone to pollution and contamination.

Another issue is the ever growing population which raises an exceptionally high demand on
the sources of clean drinking water. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have also put
pressure on these sources of water. All these factors have overused the ground water to fulfil
the high demands leading to the decline in the ground water level and pollution of water
bodies. Also scanty rainfalls and droughts in many areas have only added more to the

If these things continue without any control then very soon there might be huge water crisis in
the world. Forecasting this issue in the future it becomes important that we start taking action
now itself. It is important that we make people aware about the ill effects of water scarcity
and its effect on our planet and lives.

How Water is Vital for Life on Earth

Water plays a vital role in survival and maintenance of life on earth. It is because of water that
earth is called as a blue planet. Water is the rare commodity in the universe and wherever it
exists there will be definitely some forms of life. It is because of water that life has flourished
on earth and nowhere else. Many space expeditions have been launched just to find water on
other planets as it is believed that if there is water there might also be a possibility of life.

Human body consists of 57-60% of water and we cannot even imagine how water scarcity
could affect the normal health of a human being. All the species on the earth are totally
dependent on water and if there will be no water available on earth then it might also become
a barren land just like other planets in our solar system.

How Saving Water will Save Earth

Fresh water sources are depleting day by day due to scanty rainfalls and droughts. The water
present in rivers and lakes are also getting used up by fulfilling the demands of urban
population. Pollution and contamination of water bodies have also made many water sources

unsuitable for human consumption. If these things are not controlled and no steps are taken
for the conservation of water then it will pose a serious threat to the survival of life on earth.
Conservation of water will benefit us in many ways and some of them are described below:

Support Life on Earth

Conservation of water will ensure the availability of fresh water for our future generations. It
will help the survival of human beings as well as other species on earth and maintain the
balance of the earth’s ecosystem.

Replenish Ground Water

Nature has its own way of replenishing its resources. Saving water will reduce the pressure on
ground water helping it to replenish gradually by rainfalls and ground water river streams.

Supports Vegetation

The increase in ground water will help to sustain the vegetation that majorly depends on
groundwater, like plants and trees. The more vegetation available on earth will help to hold
more water on earth from evaporating thus balancing the water cycle.

Availability of Water to Deprived Areas

The more we conserve water, more it becomes available to the areas which are deprived of
water supply helping the population to have access to clean and safe water. Access to clean
water will also help to reduce the number of deaths caused due to consumption of
contaminated water.


We can save water in various ways and what exactly it requires is a sense of responsibility and
care for Mother Nature. Our small steps taken together will not only benefit us but it will also
make earth a better place to live in for our future generations. We should make the habit of
saving water and avoid its wastage not only in our homes but also in our localities, society
offices etc.

We should also spread the awareness regarding Save Water, Save Earth initiative and make
people realize how water scarcity could affect us and our ecosystem. If we unite together for
the cause and include water saving habit in our routine then there will be no water scarcity in
the world and everyone will have access to safe and clean water.


31. Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is highly necessary for the existence of life on earth. Water is as much needed for the
survival as air in atmosphere. All living beings either human, plants or animals are completely
depends on fresh potable water. In this section we are presenting five essays on Save Water
Save Life in different word limit for you to analyzing the importance of water in our life; also
with solutions to conserve water for the survival of living beings on the earth.


You can go through these long and short save water save life essays to know the answers of
following questions such as what is the importance of water, what is Importance of Water
Conservation, what are Various Steps for Social Awareness, What are the Solutions to
Conserve Water, how to Save Water Save Life Save World, what is Water Shortage, what is
World Water Day, why do we say Water is Life, why do we Need to Save Water, what is Save
Water Initiative, How to Save Water and many more. You can select any Essay on Save Water
Save Life as per your need:


Water is the second substance after Air to survive on the earth for all living beings. Apart from
water used as drinking, it also has various uses such as washing, cooking, cleaning etc. Water
is not only vital for the living being but also important for plant or trees. This precious element
is needed for agricultural sector and for various industries too.

Importance of Water

Water is so important since beginning of life that all the major civilization take place near the
river in the world. Rivers plays an important role in developing major cities in India as
transportation is much easier through river. Nowadays Scientists are talking about the life on
Mars as they found some frozen water and moisture in Air. Scientists are still exploring the life

on mars, but main point is that due to water availability, we can imagine of life otherwise
there is no possibility of life thus we can also say that ‘water is life’.

Water is important for the ecological balance of the earth i.e. Water from Sea evaporates and
joins the air as water vapor and turn into cloud. When cloud transfers from sea to plain area,
and cool down, it converted into rain and fill the river and ground water again.



‘Save water to save life on earth’, this rule has become the prime need for all of us now. We
all know that water is as essential as air to live on earth but the worst part is that fresh water
has been declining day by day. Due to lack of water many natural crises are happening in
world like drought, different diseases, environmental pollution and the global warming, still a
major part of world population is not understanding the importance of water saving.

Importance of Water Conservation

Cycle of nature is completely depends on water. Until the water evaporates and mix into air
there will be no rain on earth which causes damaged crops and worst situation of drought all
over the place. Every living being whether they are human, animal or plants requires water to
survive here. Not only for drinking water is essential for domestic use like washing, cleaning,
moping, cooking and even for agriculture and industrial use including power plant.

In many areas of India water is so less in quantity even fresh water is about to nil. In those
places people have to either too much charge or to go hundreds of miles far to get potable
water for their daily use. Water is so important constituent for all living beings that if we still
not find the solution for conserving it, survival on earth would be in danger.

Use of Water for Urbanization

Urban areas are generally found in the river side. Each and every industry require water for
different types of manufacturing where water is used for fabricating, processing, washing,
diluting, cooling, or transporting a product. One of the major uses of water is in power plant to
produce electricity.


On earth water is a limitless natural resource which again forms by recycling but the fresh and
potable water is our prime need which has to be saved for our secure healthy life. Without
doing effort to save water, one day life on earth would not be possible anymore.



Water is the precious substance on the earth for all living beings. Nobody can even think to
live without water. It is hard to say but the fact is potable water is diminishing day by day in
whole world even where earth is covered with 71% of water. To spread awareness about ‘save
water save life’ various countries are organizing different events and programs.

Various Steps for Social Awareness

In current time everywhere people are talking about shortage of water resources, depletion of
ground water level, drought in many part of world and implementation of rain water
harvesting etc. Depletion of water resources has become a global problem for the world now
and major fact is that this is happening when the earth is covered with about 71% water.
Actually useful water is available only 3.5%, other is Ocean water that can’t be used.

To face and solve any such issue social awareness is must for all. The whole world is now
united to solve such global issue of water depletion.

United Nation (UN) celebrates 22nd March as “World Water Day” to provide the importance
of fresh water and supporting the management of fresh water resources.

Government of India (GOI) is also taking various steps for augmentation, conservation and
efficient management of water resources by creating social awareness among people.

GOI and state government has prepared several departments to create awareness in people,
such as dedicated minister for “Drinking Water and Sanitation Ministry” to rejuvenate “Ganga
and other Rivers”.

Central Ground Water Board is also taking steps for regulation of ground water development
and for promoting rain water harvesting and artificial recharge.

Spiritual leader “Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev” has created awareness by “Rally for Rivers”
campaign. In this campaign, he gave the simplest solution to rejuvenate India’s rivers by
maintaining minimum of one kilometer tree cover on river sides. Forest trees can be planted
either on government land or tree-based agriculture brought in on farm land. This will ensure
our rivers are fed throughout the year by the moist soil. This will also reduce floods, drought
and soil loss which would also result in terms of increase in farmers’ incomes.


Everyone should understand the importance of water in our life and problem faced during
scarcity of water. Government and NGO are spreading awareness about importance of water
and how to save water in day to day life. Water is precious and we should not waste it.



The biggest problem of global warming is undoubtedly a huge water depreciation on earth
which is mainly caused due to misuse of water all over the planet. In today’s time it is highly
require to understand the formula of “conserve water save earth”. Pure water is the prime
source of all necessities, which a living being want in manner to live a healthy life.

What are the Solutions to Conserve Water?

Better and less use of water is the requirement of us to prevent the worst situation of drought
on earth. In this essay, we will focus on how to conserve water in manner to save beauty
greenery atmosphere and most importantly life on earth. If we seriously think over it we
found it is not difficult at all. First we need to start from our daily routine life.

Our new generation is highly required to understand the formula of “conserve water save
earth”. We can save it on every second of our life. A small step can add hundreds of gallons in
water savings. Here are some points we need to focus in our daily life.

A little precaution during routine activities like turn off the tab while brushing, washing hand
and shaving can save a huge quantity approx 160 gallon of water per month.

Use of bucket instead of taking shower will also do the needful regarding saving water.

Watering plants in morning and evening time instead of afternoon is always the better
solution to save water although planting trees in spring season can also be added to the

Without making delay it is needed to repair all leakage in house to prevent unnecessary water

Instead of using bucket, washing the car with pipe is always the bad choice in matter of water

Use of washing Machine and dishwasher always helps in saving water with the condition when
they are fully loaded.

Apply the correct process of water recycling in your house always proves a right decision in
terms of conserve water save life example recycling of rainwater in other household activities.

Conserving water is something that makes nature and our future safe and secure. We all know
that day by day the level of water on earth is declining and due to which our nature is badly
suffering. It should be better to learn and apply how to conserve water and keep its purity for
the healthy life of our future generation.


After seeing the current situation of water available on the planet, each and every single drop
of water is needed to be saved now. As we know that 71% area of earth is covered by water
but the fact is only 3.5% is left as useful for living being thus it is the prime need of us to
understand the importance of water to the sake of our future generation by maintaining the
cycle of natural resources specially the blue part of earth which is ‘water’.



One of the major natural resource on earth is water which is the most important substance on
the earth for all living being like human, animal, plant etc. Water is required for our daily
needs even we can’t imagine surviving without water. We require water for each and every
thing such as drinking, cooking food, bathing, cleaning etc where water is necessary for living
beings it is also much require in other areas of agriculture, manufacturing companies,
different types of chemical industries, power plants and many more. Unfortunately lack of
water on earth has become a big problem for whole world nowadays.

Save Water Save Life Save World

Water is the prime need for living on earth. To make life healthy and safe all living being
require water. As the population is increasing day by day the water consumption is also
increasing and due to urbanization trees are decreasing on regular basis which results in form
of pollution, drought in various areas, damaged crops and the worst situation of global
warming. Thus it is the high time for all to make habits to save water in manner to save life
and save world.

Water Shortage

We always heard news about water scarcity in different part of world. Here we define what
water scarcity is. It is the huge shortage or absence of fresh water resources all over the
world. According to data one third of global population about 2 billion people are living under
situation of water scarcity for 1 month in a year also we can say that half a billion people in
whole world face water crisis for whole year. It is now declared that, Cape Town, city of South
Africa is supposed to become the first major city to run out of water soon.

Water covers about 71% space on the earth, still there is a huge water shortage in world.
Ocean contain 96.5% water as saline water which can’t be used by human beings without
treatment, only 3.5% water is there for use which is available in the form of Ground water,
Glacier, Rivers and Lakes etc. These natural resources of water are depleting very rapidly due
to increase in consumption because increasing population increases wastage of water, speedy
industrialization and urbanization. Some parts of India and other countries are facing acute
shortage of water and unfortunately government has to arrange water by road tanker or train
for those places. In India water availability per person has been reduced by 70% between the
time period of 1951 to 2011 and is expected to reduce again by 22% till 2050.

World Water Day

United Nation (UN) has announced 22nd March as “World Water Day” to aware people about
the value of fresh water and the harmful impact on earth due to its absence. This year 2018
theme of world water day was ‘Nature for water’ which means exploring nature-based
solutions to the water challenges we face in the 21st century.


Water is our precious natural resource which every person needs to survive. If we say ‘water is
life’ then there is nothing wrong in this. Thus we are focusing on save water save life and also
save world. Potable water means the water considered as safe enough for human
consumption is needs to be saved for our future prospects. To Protect our natural eco-system
from further damage and to escape the earth from situation of global warming we are highly
require to conserve water and maintain its quality by not adding chemicals or garbage into it.



As we all know that after Air, Water is the one of the most important resources for the
existence of life on this planet. It is so important for the survival that we can’t even imagine
life without water. We all know that around 71% of earth’s surface is covered by water,
basically in the form of oceans, seas, rivers, glaciers etc but though we have such a huge
amount of water bodies, out of it only 1% of water is clean and suitable for human

Water is essential not only for the survival of human race but also for other species that exist
on earth. From a biological point of view water has many properties which allow organic
compounds to react and allow replication. All the known forms of life are highly dependent on
water. Seeing the scarce quantity of clean water available on earth and high dependency of
species on water, it becomes extremely important for us that we save water to save lives.

Water is Life

Water is the essential component of our life and our survival is majorly dependent on it. It is
not possible to imagine life without water and if we want to save life then it is no doubt that
we have to start it from saving water. Apart from consumption, water is also an integral part
of our daily life, ranging from bathing, cooking, washing, gardening to agriculture and
industrial use, water plays an important role in our daily routine.

Animals and vegetation on earth are also dependent on water and if there is a shortage of
water then it will seriously hamper their growth and development affecting the balance of the
ecosystem and breaking the food chain. Hence it is very important to ensure that there is a
proper supply of water for the survival of all the species on earth.

Need to Save Water

Many regions around the world are facing extreme water scarcity due to scanty rainfalls and
decline or depletion of ground water. In some places either the ground water is contaminated
or it has been over used and has not been replenished due to scanty rainfalls. These factors
have lead to drought situations in those areas leading to scarcity of water.

Industrialization and urbanization has also added to the problems by which groundwater has
been over used to fulfill the exceptionally high demands of the population. As per the WHO
report, 1 out of nine people and around 844 millions still do not have access to safe water.
Seeing the statistics and current situation, the water crisis in future seems inevitable and calls
for an immediate action plan for the conservation of water so that we can save this precious
resource for today as well as for our future generations.

Save Water Initiative

‘Save Water’ is an initiative which helps to promote the conservation of water by spreading
awareness among people regarding the importance of water and to save it for our better
future. The save water campaign makes people realize that the sources of pure and fresh
water are very limited and if it is overused then chances are that they might not be able to
fulfill the high demands of the population in near future posing a question on our survival.

Though 71% of earth is covered with water but this water is unfit for direct consumption so
whatever fresh water we have on earth should be utilized in a responsible way without
wasting a drop of it. It is the responsibility of every global citizen to save water and conserve
it for future because the population is increasing day by day but the sources of clean water are
the same.

If we want to make a proper availability of fresh water to sustain life in future then we have to
start saving water from today and include water saving habits in our daily routine then only
we will be able to conserve water and maintain the supply of water in the areas which are
deprived of fresh and clean water.

Save Water Save Life

As we all know that water is life and all the known forms of life are totally dependent on it.
But still around 21% of communicable diseases in India are caused due to the consumption of

unsafe water and this situation has arisen due to the scarcity of clean drinking water. Around
163 million people in India still lack access to safe drinking water and giving an open invitation
to various diseases and epidemics which might sometimes turn out to be fatal.

Looking at the increasing population and high demands of clean water it is important that we
should start conserving water from today onwards. If each and every citizen of India saves at
least a litre of water in a day, it can definitely make a huge difference. Your one litre of saved
clean water could give life to a child who does not have access to clean water. The water
saved by you could be used in the areas which are deprived of water supply due to high
demands. Your small step taken to save water could make a huge difference in the lives of
many people.

How to Save Water

Water is equivalent to life and if we want the survival of human race then we have to strictly
include the habit of saving water in our daily routine. Following are few methods which will
help you to save water and utilize it in a better way:

Turn off tap tightly when not using it i.e. during shaving or brushing teeth.

Install a low-flush toilet which uses less water.

Use less shower baths and instead bath with a mug and bucket.

Use drip irrigation instead of flood irrigation in agriculture.

Water your garden in evening and avoid over watering.

Turn off running taps at public places and immediately report leaks to the authority.

Install Rainwater Harvesting System in your building and localities.

Re-use the waste water of RO filters in washing or gardening purposes.

Install float valve in overhead tanks to avoid overflow.


Water is the base of life, for example, if you just leave a pan with water for few days then
something will definitely grow out of it. This shows that how water supports all forms of life
on earth. Be it humans, animals, or plants and trees or any other living species, their survival is

totally dependent on water. If they are deprived of water then it becomes difficult for the
species to survive even for a shorter duration. As a most intelligent species on earth it is our
prime responsibility that we must save water so that all forms of life could flourish on earth
and maintain a proper balance of the ecosystem.


32. Essay on Seasons in India

India is a country with large variations in seasons and other environmental aspects. In a
nutshell, there are four basic seasons in India namely the winter season, summer season, rainy
season and lastly the spring season. The intensity of each of the four seasons in India varies
from region to region depending upon the topographical factors, latitude and longitude of the


Here are essays on seasons in India of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.
You can select any seasons in India essay as per your need:


The various seasons India experiences throughout the year are broadly classified as summer,
monsoon, winter and post monsoon period. Usually these seasons prevail in a particular
duration around the year but not necessarily because there are many other environmental
and anthropological factors that hinder the process of these seasons such as global warming
and deforestation. The time period and intensity of these seasons in different parts of the
country vary largely due to different topographical features. Many activities such as travelling
and school calendars depend upon the seasons and climate of an area.

The meteorological department of India bifurcates the months of a year according to the
seasons as follows:

Winter (December, January and February)

Summer (March, April and May)

Monsoon (June to September)

Post Monsoon (October to November)

These classifications are made keeping in mind the changes in temperature, air pressure,
topography, amount of rainfall, changes in directions and intensity of air current etc.

Traditionally, India has six seasons namely Summer, Spring, Monsoon, Autumn, Winter and
Prevernal season. They are divided among the twelve months of a calendar with each season
having a span of exactly two months. Each season has its own beauty and is loved for different



Typically, the seasons in India are divided into 4 categories which are summer (March – May),
winter (December – February), monsoon (June – September) and post monsoon also known as
north east monsoon (October – November). The span of these seasons varies from 2.5 to 3

During the winter season the temperature varies from 10 to 15 degree Celsius. Northern part
experiences snowfall along with rain. December and January are usually the coldest months.
In winter time, it is observed that nights are longer than days.

India being a tropical country, summer is a bit extreme in certain parts. The temperature is
highest in April and May and varies from 32 to 40 degree Celsius. In summer the days appear
comparatively longer than nights.

The Indian Monsoons typically start in June and extend till September. In India, majority of
precipitation is caused by the south – west monsoons. The south west monsoon originates
from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

The months of October and November fall under the post monsoon season. Some parts of
India receive their precipitation from the north east monsoon such as Tamil Nadu. This season
marks the transition between a wet and dry season. The temperature slowly starts lowering
during this transition.


So, these are the seasons of India as classified by the meteorological department. The span
and intensity of these seasons are not fixed and are subject to change depending upon certain
external environmental factors such as air pressure, direction of air currents, cloud formation,
anthropological factors such as deforestation and pollution etc. As the environmental factors
experience major changes, these changes are reflected largely in the duration and intensity of
the seasons in India and also the neighboring parts. Hence, due to vast geographic scale and
varied topography generalizations cannot be made for the seasons of India.



Anthropological factors such as pollution have caused havoc to the generally smooth seasonal
cycles of India. Various activities such as deforestation, urbanization, industrialization, etc
have brought an adverse effect on the seasonal changes in India. Excessive deforestation for
the construction of residential buildings and industries to cope with the growing demands of
the people has led to loss of valuable green cover in the country which in turn has caused
disturbance in the rainfall pattern and has also led to the loss of valuable soil cover and floods
in various parts of the countries.

Causes of Adverse Effect on Indian Climate

The major cause of climate change is as follows:


Burning of fossil fuels

Emission of greenhouse gases



Due to the change in rainfall and temperature patterns people have to face extreme climatic
conditions. Indian monsoons lead to floods in parts of north east and northwest while the
southern parts experience drought to the extreme levels. These changes are confusing
scientists and meteorological experts from a considerably long time. It is difficult to assign
exact reasons to these adversities. These changes can be permanent or the climate might
return to its normal state.

Due to the increase in C02 concentrations in the atmosphere along with the stimulation of
production of greenhouse gases, winters are becoming relatively warmer in tropical countries.
The presence of these gases in the atmosphere along with the presence of favorable
conditions for their oxidation has led to thinning of the ozone layer. Ozone layer obstructs the
harmful U.V. radiations from entering the earth’s atmosphere. But due to the damage caused
by the greenhouse gases on the ozone layer, the radiations make it through the earth’s
atmosphere thus increasing the temperature on the surface and contributing to certain
problems such as skin cancer.

According to past records, it is true that climate change is a natural phenomenon but the
research from the past few decades suggests that the sudden exponential changes are a result
of increasing population and industrialization. Many scientists argue about the irreversibility
of these climatic conditions and changes but many others are optimistic about the new
researches and enlightenment among people about the changing scenario.


Numerous scientists have sought out ways to reverse the effects of global warming or we can
say that at least they’ve all tried. Numerus books, research papers, documentaries, movies etc
have been introduced on the growing concern of global warming and its association with
climate change.



In India, different regions experience different climatic conditions. While in summers, certain
regions in the country may experience extreme heat others may have a rather less hot but
humid climate.

What Causes Change In Seasons?

The tropical and sub-tropical parts in India consist of four seasons namely winter, summer,
monsoon and post monsoon. As the change in day and night is caused by the rotation of the
earth on its axis similarly the change in seasons is caused by the revolution of earth around
the sun in elliptical orbits. The difference in the intensity of seasons in different parts is a
result of the slight tilt of the earth.

At different times during the year, the northern or the southern axis is closer to the sun.
During this time the part closer to the sun experiences summer as it recieves direct heat from
the sun. Whereas in winter, the earth moves away from the sun in the elliptical orbit and
hence the sun rays have to travel a longer distance to reach the earth, which results in lower
temperature on the earth at that time of the year.

The above stated are the natural processes which bring about the change in the seasons
around the year. The changes by these processes are subtle and people can easily adapt to the
whereas the change in seasons caused by anthropological factors such as emission of
greenhouse gases are more adverse and extreme and cause difficulties to living creatures and
even property.

Geographical Aspect of the Indian Lands

India’s geography is extremely contrasting at different places: With the Thar desert in the west
and Himalayas in the north. This diversity in topography affects the climatic and cultural
conditions in various parts of the country.

India can be regarded as both tropical and sub tropical as the tropic of cancer passes roughly
through its center. The Northern Part is kept relatively warm as the Himalayas act as a barrier
to the cold central Asian wind entering the country. Extreme temperatures recorded in India
are 51 degree Celsius in Rajasthan and the lowest being -45 degree Celsius in Kashmir.

The Physical Features are divided into six regions as stated below:-

Northern Mountains

Northern Plains

Indian Desert

Coastal Plains

Peninsular Plateau


Natural Calamities

A calamity is addressed as a disaster when it has severe effect on life and property which
results in death and loss of valuable monetary assets. Disasters due to seasonal changes and
effects of it are a bit common in India. Natural disasters may be the result of earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, hurricanes etc. The areas subject to heavy rainfall are more prone to flash
floods and cyclones whereas certain areas in the southern parts experience severe droughts.
In colder regions of Himalayas and areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and
Sikkim, snow storms and avalanches are the cause for destruction of life and property. Other
disasters include heat waves, hailstorms, landslides etc. Heat wave causes many health
problems and at times even death. Hailstorms destroy the standing crops and also effect life
and property. Cyclones are more frequent in the coastal regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.


India is a land of diversity and this diversity can also be seen in its seasons. Nature is truly
incredible. Change in season throughout the year offers a good experience to the inhabitants
of the country. However, extreme weather conditions can at times be hazardous.



According to the Hindu calendar, the seasons in India are classified into six types. These are
Vasanth Ritu (Spring Season), Sharad Ritu (Early Autumn), Varsha Ritu (Monsoon Season),
Sishira Ritu (Late Autumn), Greeshma Ritu (Summer Season) and Hemantha Ritu (Winter

Classification of Seasons by the Hindu Calendar

The classification by the Hindu calendar includes the names of the seasons as in Sanskrit, the
cultural and festive values associated with these seasons. In other aspects these classifications
are similar to those made by the Meteorological Department of India.

Vasanth Ritu

Vasanth Ritu or the spring Season is a time of moderate climate that is neither too hot nor too
cool. Spring season brings about a pleasant weather along with the bloom of flowers and
maturing of the shrubs and trees. Usually this is the most loved season due to pleasant and
lively weather. An important Hindu Festival – Mahashivratri falls in Vasantha Ritu.

Sharad Ritu

Sharad Ritu or the autumn season marks the onset of winter and acts as a transition period
between hot, scorching heat rays and cool winter winds. This is the time when trees shed their
leaves and many of the Hindu festivals such a Diwali (Festival of lights), Navratri and Durga
Puja fall during this time. The mid time of Sharad Ritu is autumnal equinox. It takes place when
the earth’s axis is inclined neither away nor in the direction of the sun.

Varsha Ritu

Varsha Ritu or the Monsoon/ Rainy season is when it rains heavily in many parts of India. It
starts usually in June and extends until September. The onset of this season is a mark of
certain Indian festivals such as Janmastami (Birth of lord Krishna), RakshaBandhan, etc. India
being a largely agricultural governed country, this season is extremely important. A fair rainfall
ensures good crop production and happy farmers.

Sishira Ritu

Sishira Ritu or the late autumn season gives way to many important harvest festivals. Festivals
such as Lohri, Pongal, etc are celebrated during this season. Shishir Ritu starts with the winter
solstice when the sun reaches its highest points in the sky. It usually starts in December and
extends till January.

Greeshma Ritu

Greeshma Ritu or the Summer Season is when the temperature starts increasing across
various parts of the country due to the fact that earth is revolving very close to the sun on the
elliptical orbit. It usually prevails from April to early June. Festivals such a Guru Purnima fall
under this Ritu. India being a tropical country, the weather during this season is extreme and
sometimes unbearable. In some parts the temperature is raised to as high as 45 degree
Celsius. In GreeshmaRitu, the day seems longer than the night which is the complete opposite
of the scenario during Hemantha Ritu or the winter season.

Hemantha Ritu

Hemantha Ritu or the winter season prevails from early December to February. Winter season
in the western countries is extreme and tiresome whereas in various parts of India a pleasant
weather prevails in the winter months.

So the above stated was the brief explanation about the various seasons of India as classified
by the Hindu calendar. Many bifurcations have been made relating to the seasons in India.
Different entities and organizations such as The Meteorological department of India have
made these classifications.

The duration of these seasons is not exactly constant and is subject to change with the
alterations in external factors such as air pressure, temperature, direction of air currents,
amount of precipitation etc.


India is one such country that enjoys all the seasons. People living get a chance to wear
different kinds of outfits as the weather changes. The food preferences of people also change
according to the seasons. So, they enjoy different delicacies to treat their taste buds during
different seasons.


33. Essay on Water

Water is a colourless and odourless substance that is essential for the survival of the living
beings. It is derived from various sources including rivers, lakes, oceans and streams and has
several uses.

Water constitutes of almost 71% of the Earth’s surface. On earth, it moves constantly via
water cycle. This is the cycle of evaporation and transpiration, precipitation, condensation and
runoff. Water is used in numerous ways and is vital to all living beings. Here are essays on
water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any water
essay according to your need:



Water, known to be the universal solvent, plays a key role in the survival of various forms of
life on earth. It is used for various purposes such as drinking, cleaning, cooking, washing and
bathing. Besides these domestic uses, major amount of water is used in the agricultural sector
mainly for the purpose of irrigation. A substantial amount of this substance is also used in the
industrial sector.

However, unfortunately despite being aware about the importance of water in our lives,
people around the world are leaving no stone unturned in wasting water and deteriorating its
quality. The techniques used for irrigation in many parts of the world including India are old
and mundane and often cause immense loss of water. Several industries make use of a good
amount of water however they end up throwing their waste in water bodies without realizing
that the deterioration of water will ultimately lead to their own loss.

Many areas around the world are facing water deficit and many more are likely to face this
problem in the times to come. It is time the government must take effective measures to store
and save water and channelize it properly for appropriate distribution. The general public
must also be sensitized on efficient use of water.


Water is one such substance without which we cannot imagine our life. Besides, quenching
our thirst, this transparent chemical substance is used for several other purposes. It is used to
accomplish several household tasks. Water is also used for agricultural purpose and is needed
for industrial use. Here is a brief look at how it is used at different places.

Agricultural Use

It accounts for around 70% of the water used around the world. In agriculture, water is mainly
used for the purpose of irrigation. In addition to this, it is also used for the raring of the
livestock. Most of the water used for irrigation is extracted from rivers. Groundwater is also
used for this purpose.

Rivers are thus said to be of great importance for the farmers. Not only do they provide water
for irrigation but they also play a vital part in the water cycle.

Industrial Use

Industrial use of water includes water used for the purpose of washing, diluting, cooling,
transporting, fabricating, manufacturing and processing of various products. Thermal power
plants, engineering and pulp and paper industries are among the one that consume the
maximum amount of water.

Domestic Use

At home water is used for many purposes. This mainly includes drinking, cooking, bathing,
washing utensils, washing clothes, cleaning houses, cars and other vehicles, watering plants
and for the purpose of sanitation.

Each country has its own system of water supply to ensure water reaches every household so
that the aforementioned basic needs of its citizens are met. While water is used as it is for
cleaning, washing and bathing purpose, it needs to be purified before drinking as well as prior
to using it for the purpose of cooking.


Water is vital for the survival of the mankind. However, unfortunately it is being wasted at a
rapid speed around the world. Everyone should contribute his/her bit towards saving water.


Water is derived from various sources. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and rain are known to be
some of the main sources of water. This free flowing and readily available colourless,
odourless substance is needed for domestic, agricultural as well as industrial use.

Sources of Water

The sources of water are mainly divided into two categories – Surface Water and Ground
Water. Rain water pours and collects on earth in the form of surface water as well as ground
water. Here is a brief look at both these sources of water:

Surface Water: It is found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, seas and other such sources. The
water in lakes and rivers comes from rain and the melting of snow. The river water flows into
the sea.

Ground Water: It is found under the land. Water travels under the surface of the land by way
of soil on the non-porous rocks and fills the opening in these rocks. The rocks that store and
send out groundwater are known as aquifers. At times, the water stored in these rocks bursts
in the form of springs due to high pressure. Ground water is also extracted by digging wells
and tube wells.

Water Available for Human Use

Our planet is rich in water with around three-fourth of its surface being covered with water.
However, only a small part (just about 2.7%) of the total resources of water is available for the
human use.

Around 97.3% of water on earth forms a part of the oceans. It is salty and cannot be used for
the purpose of irrigation or any other agricultural use. It is not even good for industrial or
domestic use. Out of the 2.7% fresh water available on earth, the inland surface water that is
the water available from sources such as rivers, lakes and ponds accounts for just about
0.02%. This water is crucial for the growth and survival of all forms of terrestrial and
freshwater aquatic beings.

It is thus important to use it wisely. This point is emphasized time and again. However, its
criticality is not yet recognized by the people. It is essential to understand the importance of
saving water else we will have to learn it the hard way.


Many areas around the world get sufficient water supply. However, several others, especially
those that are a part of the developing countries, face water deficit. The government of such
countries must ensure proper supply of water to various areas and the people must use water
wisely and avoid any kind of wastage to ensure the flow.


Water (chemical formula H2O) is a transparent chemical substance. It is one of the basic
necessities for every living being be it plants or animals. Just as air, sunlight and food, water is
needed for the proper growth and development of life on earth. Besides quenching our thirst,
water is used for numerous other activities such as cleaning, washing and cooking to name a

Properties of Water

Water is mainly known for five of its properties. Here is a brief about these properties:

Cohesion and Adhesion

Cohesion, also referred to as water’s attraction to other water molecules, is one of the main
properties of water. It is the polarity of water by way of which it is attracted to other water
molecules. The hydrogen bonds present in water hold the water molecules together.

Adhesion is basically water’s attraction between molecules of varied substances. This

substance bonds with any molecule it can form hydrogen bonds with.

Lower Density of Ice

The hydrogen bonds of water turn into ice when cooled down. The hydrogen bonds are stable
and maintain their crystal like shape. The solid form of water which is ice is comparatively less
dense as its hydrogen bonds are spaced out.

Water’s High Polarity

Water has high level of polarity. It is known to be a polar molecule. It is attracted to other
polar molecules and ions. It can make hydrogen bonds and is thus a powerful solvent.

Water’s High-Specific Heat

Water can moderate temperature owing to its high specific heat. It takes a long time when it
comes to heating up. It holds its temperature for long when heat is not applied.

Water’s High Heat of Evaporation

This is another property of water that renders it the ability to moderate temperature. As the
water evaporates off a surface it leaves a cooling effect on the same.

Avoid Wastage of Water

Water is required for most of the activities we indulge in our day-to-day life. It is necessary for
us to conserve it else our planet will be devoid of fresh water in the years to come. Here are a
few ways in which water can be conserved:

Fix leaking taps immediately to avoid wastage of water without any delay.

Avoid the use of shower while bathing.

Keep your tap off while brushing your teeth. Turn it on only when required.

Wash full loads of laundry instead of half. This will not only save water but save a substantial
amount of electricity too.

Do not leave the water running while washing dishes.

Use rainwater harvesting system.

Avoid using water hose for cleaning gutters. You can use brooms or other techniques instead.

Use the right size of pans and other dishes while cooking and eating food. Avoid using those
bigger than your requirement.

Try to water your plants by hand rather than using sprinklers.

Cover the pools so as to avoid water loss due to evaporation.


We must not waste water and contribute our bit towards its conservation. We must practice
and promote activities and plans that help in conserving water and protecting its sources to
meet the current and future demands of living beings.


Water is the most common liquid found on our planet. It is vital for the survival of every living
being. Around 71.4% of Earth is covered with water. However, while most part of our planet is
covered with water, fresh water that can actually be used for drinking, cooking and other
activities is quite less. It is thus important to use this substance wisely.

Different Forms of Water

Water is present in three different forms on Earth – Solid, Liquid and Gas. Here is a brief look
at these forms:

Solid: Water freezes at 0 degree to form ice which is its solid state. As water freezes, its
molecules move apart and this makes ice less dense compared to water in its liquid state. This
means that ice is lighter than the same volume of water in its liquid state. It can thus float on

Liquid: This is the most common form of water. Water in its liquid state is used in several ways
including drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, irrigating fields and processing and preparing
various products in industries.

Gas: As water boils, it changes from liquid to gas, often referred to as water vapour. Vapours
are always present around us. When the water vapours cool, they form a cloud.

What is Water Cycle?

Water cycle is the term given to the circulation of water on, below or above the Earth’s
surface. It is the process wherein water circulates between land, oceans and atmosphere. This
involves precipitation, snowfall, drainage in rivers, lakes and streams and its return to

atmosphere by way of evaporation and transpiration. Water cycle is also referred to as
hydrological cycle.

Water Scarcity in India

Like most of the other developing countries, many parts of India also face scarcity of water.
People in the country do not get clean water for drinking and there is water deficit for the
purpose of sanitization as well. None of the cities in the country receives piped water 24/ 7. It
is supplied for just a few hours each day mostly for a couple of hours in the morning and an
hour or two in the evening. The quality of water has deteriorated in most of the water bodies
in the country. This is because of the discharge of industrial and domestic waste in water.

The scarcity of fresh water in the country is often attributed to lack of proper planning at the
government’s end, corruption, increased rate of corporate privatization and increasing
amount of human and industrial waste that is discarded into water. The situation is expected
to worsen in the times to come as the population of the country is likely to increase to 1.6
billion by 2050.

Here is a look at some of the other causes of water scarcity in India:

Traditional techniques of irrigation employed in our country cause a lot of water loss.

Lack of proper planning and distribution of water among domestic consumers, agricultural
sector and industrial sector.

Decline in traditional water recharging areas.

Urban development has choked the ground water resources.

Increasing number of recreational activities associated with water.


While water is available on earth in abundance, it needs to be understood that the amount
that can be put to use for various domestic, agricultural and industrial use is limited. It is
essential to use it wisely so as to ensure it reaches every one and is also available in
abundance for our coming generations. The government must employ effective techniques to
save water and distribute it evenly in various areas across the country. The general public on
the other hand must use it wisely to ensure that it is not wasted.


34. Nature Essay


We live on the most beautiful planet, Earth which has very clean and attractive nature full of
greenery. Nature is our best friend which provides us all the resources to live here. It gives us
water to drink, pure air to breathe, food to eat, land to stay, animals, plants for our other
uses, etc for our betterment. We should fully enjoy the nature without disturbing its ecological
balance. We should care our nature, make it peaceful, keep it clean and prevent it from the
destruction so that we can enjoy our nature forever. Nature is a most precious gift given by
the God to us to enjoy but not to harm.



Nature is the most beautiful and attractive surrounding around us which make us happy and
provide us natural environment to live healthy. Our nature provides us variety of beautiful
flowers, attractive birds, animals, green plants, blue sky, land, running rivers, sea, forests, air,
mountains, valleys, hills and many more things. Our God has created a beautiful nature for the
healthy living of us. All the things we use for our living are the assets of nature which we
should not spoil and damage.

We should not destroy the originality of the nature and should not imbalance the ecosystem
cycle. Our nature provides us beautiful environment to live and enjoy so it is our responsibility
to keep it clean and away from all the damages. In the modern era, many selfish and bad
activities of the human being have disturbed the nature to a great extent. But we all should try
to maintain our nature’s beauty.


The nature is everything around us which surrounds us with beautiful environment. We see
and enjoy it every moment. We observe natural changes in it, hear it and feel it everywhere.
We should take full advantage of the nature and go out of home for the morning walk daily to
breathe pure air and enjoy morning beauty of nature. All though the day it changes it beauty

like in the morning when sun rises everything looks bright orange and then yellowish. In the
evening when sun sets it again becomes dark orange and then light dark.

The nature has everything for us but we do not have anything for it even we are destroying its
property day by day to just fulfill our selfish wishes. In the modern technological world lots of
inventions are getting launched daily without its advantage and disadvantage to the nature. It
is our responsibility to save the declining assets of our nature to make possible the existence
of life forever on the earth. If we do not take any step towards nature conservation, we are
keeping our future generations at danger. We should understood its worth and value and try
to maintain its natural shape.


Nature is the most precious and valuable gift to us from the God to live our life here on the
earth. Nature makes our life easy by providing all the required resources for daily living. We
should thankful to our nature for helping, caring and nurturing us like a mother. We can enjoy
the sweet sound and scenery of the nature if we peacefully sit in the early morning in the
garden. Our nature is adorned with lots of scenic beauty which we can enjoy anytime. Earth
has geographical beauty and known as the city of garden or heaven. But it is sad to say that
such beautiful gifts of God are declining day by day due to the technological advancement and
high level of ignorance of the human beings.

Nature is like our real mother which never harms us but always nourishes us. Walking in the
lap of nature in the early morning makes us healthy and strong as well as keeps us away from
many lethal diseases like diabetes, chronic heart diseases, high blood pressure, liver problem,
digestive system ailments, infections, brain disease, etc. It is good for our health to hear the
soft sound of the birds, rattle of the breeze, sound of running fresh air, sound of running
water in the river, etc in the early morning. Most of the poets, writers and people used to of
yoga and meditation are seen in the early morning in the garden to re-energize their body,
mind and soul.


Nature is the most important and integral part of the lives of everyone. Everyone has been
blessed with the true love of God in the form of beautiful nature. We should never miss the
pleasure of enjoying the nature. Nature has been the most favourite topic of the works of
many famous poets, writers, painters and artists. Nature is the beautiful creation of the God

which he blessed to us as a precious gift. Nature is everything which surrounds us like water,
air, land, sky, fire, river, forests, animals, birds, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea, lake, rain,
thunder, storm, etc. Nature is very colourful and has both living and non-living things in its lap.

Everything in the nature has their own power and uniqueness provided by the God. It has its
many forms which are changing by season to season and even from minute to minute such as
sea looks bright blue in the morning but by noon it looks emerald green colour. Sky changes its
colour all through the day from pale pink at sunrise, dazzling blue in late morning, bright
orange in evening at sunset and purple by twilight. Our mood also gets changed according to
the nature such as happy and hopeful at sun shine, rainy season and spring season. We feel
heartily happy at moonlight and little bored and tired in high sun light.

Nature has some powerful transformative power which changes our mood and behaviour
accordingly. Nature has power to recover the patients from their diseases if they are provided
with the required and pleasant environment. Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we
should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations. We should cut trees and
forests, should not despoil the ocean, rivers, should not make hole in ozone layer, should not
increase green house effect, global warming and many more through our selfish activities. We
should get fully aware about our nature and try our best to keep it natural so that it can
nourish life on the earth forever.


Nature is the natural environment which surrounds us, cares us and nourishes us every
moment. It provides us a protective layer around us to prevent from the damages. We are not
able to survive on the earth without nature like air, land, water, fire and sky. Nature includes
everything around us like plants, animals, river, forests, rain, lake, birds, sea, thunder, sun,
moon, weather, atmosphere, mountain, desserts, hills, ice, etc. Every form of nature is very
powerful which has ability to nourish as well as destroy us.

Now a day, everyone has less time to enjoy nature. In the increasing crowd we forgot to enjoy
nature and improve health. We started using technological instruments for our health fitness.
However it is very true that nature has power to nourish us and fit us forever. Most of the
writers have described the real beauty and advantage of the nature in their writings. Nature
has ability to make our mind tension free and cure our diseases. Because of technological
advancement in the life of human being, our nature is declining gradually which needs a high
level of awareness to keep it in balance and to conserve natural assets.

God has created everything very beautifully seeing which our eyes can never be tired. But we
forgot that we too have some responsibility towards our nature to relationship between

nature and human beings. How beautiful scenery it looks in morning with sunrise, songs of
birds, sounds of lakes, rivers, air and happy gatherings of friends in the evening in garden after
a long day of crush. But we forgot to enjoy the beauty of the nature in just fulfilling our duties
towards our families.

Sometimes during our holidays we spend our whole day by watching TV, reading news paper,
playing indoor games or on the computer but we forgot that outside the door we can do
something interesting in the lap of nature ad natural environment. Unnecessarily we left on all
the lights of home, we use electricity without need which ultimately increases the heat in the
environment called global warming. Our other activities like cutting trees and forests increase
the amount of CO2 gas in the environment causing green house effect and global warming.

If we want to be happy and healthy always we should try our best to save our planet and its
beautiful nature by stopping our foolish and selfish activities. In order to keep ecosystem in
balance we should not cut trees, forests, practice energy and water conservation and many
more. Ultimately we are the real user of the nature so we should really take care of it.


35. Rainy Season Essay



I like the rainy season most. It is my favourite and best season among all four seasons. It
comes after summer season, a very hot season of the year. I become very restless in the
summer season because of too much heat, warm air and skin problem. However, all the
problems become over as soon as rainy season comes. Rainy season falls in the month of July
(Hindi month of Shawan) and stays for three months long. It is the lucky season for all and
everyone loves and enjoys it. In this season we enjoy eating naturally ripen sweet mangoes.
We also celebrate Many Indian festivals with great enthusiasm in this season.


Rainy season starts in India in the month of July when winds of South West Monsoon starts
blowing. According to the Hindi month it falls in Asadha and Shawan. Everyone enjoy it a lot as
environment becomes so clear, cool and clean because of the fresh air and rainy water. Plants,

trees and grasses become so green and look very attractive. New leaves are arising to the
plans and trees as they get natural water after a long time of hottest summer. The whole
environment gives a greenery look all around which is very nice for the eyes.

Rainy season brings my lots of favourite festivals like Raksha Banhan, 15 August, Teej,
Dussehra, etc. We also enjoy eating lots of fresh fruits and well ripe mangoes in this season. I
never want to lose this season. My mom cook lots of delicious dishes (such as pakaude, edli,
halwa, tea, coffee, sandwich, etc) to us while its raining.


I think rainy season is liked by everyone as I like it very much. It makes me feel slightly cool
and happy. After all it comes after a long period of summer season. People, especially farmers,
in India worship God Indra to rain for the wellness of this season crops. Rain-God is the most
important god for the farmers in India. Rainy season gives new life to everyone on this earth
like plants, trees, grasses, animals, birds, human being, etc. All the living things enjoy the rainy
season by getting wet into the rain water.

I generally go to the top floor on the roof to get wet in the rain water. Me and my friends
dance and sing songs in the rain water. Sometimes we become in the school or school bus
while its raining and then we enjoy with our teachers. Our teachers tell us stories and poems
on the rainy season which we enjoy a lot. When we come to home, we again went outside and
play in the rain. The whole environment becomes full of greeneries and it looks clean and
beautiful. Every living thing on this earth gets new life by getting the rain water.


In India rainy season starts in the month of July and continues till end of September. It brings a
new hope and big relief in everyone’s life after an unbearable hot summer. Plants, trees, birds,
animals, including human beings wait for this season very eagerly and get prepared to
welcome the rainy season. Everyone gets a respiration of relief and comfort. Sky looks very
bright, clean and light blue colour and sometime gives look of Indra Dhanush means Rain Bow
of seven colours. The whole environment presents a very attractive and beautiful scene. I
generally, take snaps of the greenery environment and other things to catch all the memories
in my camera. White, brown and dark black shades of the clouds look wandering in the sky.

All the trees and plants get covered with new green leaves and lawns and fields gets covered
with the great looking green velvet grass. All the natural water resources such as pits, rivers,

ponds, lakes, ditches, etc get filled with water. Roads and playgrounds become full of water
and muddy clay. Rainy season has lots of advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it gives
relief to everyone however on the other hand it brings lots of fear to us of various infectious
diseases. It helps farmers in the good cultivation of crops however it spreads various diseases
in the environment. Sometimes, it causes too much inconvenience to the skin health. It causes
diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid and other digestive system disorders.


Importance of Rainy Season for Nature

Rainy season is the lovely season for all of us. Generally, it begins in the month of July and
ends in September. It comes after the hot summer season. It brings new hopes and life to the
living things which are most probably become dead because of the heat of summer sun. This
season gives lots of relief through its natural and cool rain water. All the ponds, rivers and
streams become full of water which was dried due to the heat. So, it gives new life to the
water animals. It returns greenery to the gardens and lawns back. It gives environment a new
attractive look. However, it is so sad that it stays only for three months.

Importance of Rainy Season for Indian farmers

Rainy season is of great importance for the Indian farmers as they really need more water for
their crops cultivation. Farmers generally make many pits and ponds to collect rainy water for
further use in the fields. Rainy season is actually a boon from the God to the agriculturists.
They worship Rain God, if it does not rain after and finally they get blessed with the rains. Sky
looks cloudy as lots of white, brown and dark black clouds runs from here and there in the sky.
Running clouds contains lots of rain water and rains when mansoon comes.

My Last Year Experience of Rainy Season

Rainy season adds scenic beauty to the environment. I like greenery too much. I generally go
outside with my family to have some enjoyment of the rainy season. Last year I went to the
Nainital and had amazing experiences. Many watery clouds were touching our body in the car
and go outside from window. It was raining very slowly and we enjoyed a lot. We also enjoyed
water boating in the Nainital. The whole Nainital was looking amazing full of greeneries.


Rainy Season is one of the four main seasons of the India. It falls every year after summer
season especially in the month of July and ends in September. Clouds in the sky rains, when
mansoon occurs. In the summer season it becomes too hot and water from the water
resources like Ocean, rivers, etc goes up in the sky as vapours. Vapours get collected in the sky
and makes clouds which runs in the rainy season when monsoon blows and clouds come in
friction to each other. It starts thundering, lightings and then raining.

Rainy season has lots of advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Rainy Season

Rainy season liked by everyone as it gives too much relief from the hot heat of sun. It removes
all the heat from the environment and gives cool feeling to everyone. It helps plants, trees,
grasses, crops, vegetables, etc to grow properly. It is a favourable season for the animals too,
as it gives lots of green grasses and small plants for them to graze. And finally we get fresh
cow or buffalo milk twice a day. Each natural resource like river, pond and lakes become full of
rain water. All the birds and animals become happy by getting lots of water to drink and grow.
They start smiling, singing and take high fly in the sky.

Disadvantages of Rainy Season

When it rains, all the roads, plan fields and playgrounds become full of water and muddy. So,
we get lots of problems in playing daily. Without proper sun light, everything in the house
start smelling. Because of the lack of proper sunlight, the risk of spreading infectious diseases
(like viral, fungal and bacterial diseases) increased to a great extent. In the rainy season,
muddy and infected rainy water of the land gets intermingled with the main source of the
water inside the ground so the risk of digestive disorders also increases. There is a risk of flood
in the rainy season if it rains heavily.

After all, the rainy season is mostly liked by everyone. It looks green everywhere. Plants, trees
and creepers get new leaves. Flowers start blooming. We get a big opportunity to see a
beautiful rainbow in the sky. Sometimes sun goes off and sometimes come out so we see the
hide-and-seek of the sun. Peacocks and other forest birds start dancing in full swing by

spreading their wings. We enjoy whole rainy season with our friends in the school as well as


36. Spring Season Essay

Spring season is the favorite season of the year and liked by everyone than other seasons.
Students may be assigned by their teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on
spring season. So, we have provided here various paragraphs and essays on spring season
under different words limit. You can select any spring season essay according to your need.



Spring season is a pleasing season of everyone. Spring season in India falls during the months
of March, April and May. It comes after a long three months of winter season during which
people feel relief from the winter cold. In the spring season temperature become moderate
and everywhere looks green and colorful because of the blooming trees and flowers. After a
long wait, finally time comes when we start wearing lighter clothes and can go outside the
door more often. Small children do kite flying. Holi festival falls in the starting of this season
when everyone fully enjoy the coming of spring by playing holi with colors and water.


Spring comes after winter season in the months of March, April and May in India. This season
ends in the form of summer season. Spring starts in the month of March and ends in the
month of May in India. In some parts of the India, people do not fully enjoy this season
because of the warm atmosphere. Temperature becomes very normal, not too cold like winter
and not too hot like summer during the whole spring however at the end it starts warming
slowly. At night, weather becomes more pleasant and comfortable.

Spring season is very effective; when it comes it wakes up everything in the nature like trees,
grasses, flowers, crops, animals, human beings and other living things from the long sleep of
winter season. Human beings wear new and light clothes, trees get full of new green leaves
and branches and flowers become more fresh and colorful. Everywhere fields become full of
new grasses and thus entire nature looks green and fresh-looking.


Spring season is known as the most pleasant season in India. Everything in the nature become
active and feels new life on the earth. Spring season brings lots of happiness and relief in the
life after three months long winter season. Spring falls after the winter and before the
summer season, in the months of March, April and May. The occurrence of spring season
varies from country to country as well as temperature of this season also varies from place to
place in the country. Cuckoo bird starts singing songs and enjoys eating mangos. Everywhere
in the nature becomes full of aroma of romance such as flowers start blooming, trees start
getting new leaves, sky becomes cloudless, rivers murmur mildly, etc. We can say that nature
joyfully announces loudly that spring has come; now it’s time to wake up.

The beauty of this season and all around happiness makes mind very creative and gives energy
to the body to start new works with full confidence. The sound of birds in the early morning
and moon light in the night, both become very pleasant, cool and calm. Sky looks very clear
and wind becomes very cool and refreshing. It is important season for farmers as their crops
ripen in the fields and it is time to cut them. Everyone feels joy and happiness as this season is
a season of festivals like Holi, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, Good Friday, Easter, Bihu,
Navroze, Basakhi, etc.



Spring season is the best and most favorite season of the year. People (especially kids) are
fond of this season because of its beauty, slight cool and comfortable nature. It is the queen of
all seasons of the year and considered as the favorite season of the poets. It comes after
winter season and before summer season. It begins from the month of March and ends in the
month of May. On the arrival of spring season everything on the earth looks adorable and
charming. All the trees gets new clothes in the form of new leaves, flower starts blooming and
fragrancing, birds start dancing and singing on the tree branches, sky becomes clear, cloudless
and blue, fields become full of green grasses and other so many changes occur in the nature.

Spring season is the season of flowers and festivals thus brings lots of joy and happiness.
Colorful and beautiful flowers completely win the heart and green grasses give us a nice
ground to walk in the garden. Beautiful flying butterflies catch our eyes often in the morning
and evening. Day and night both become very pleasant and cool. Environment becomes full of
charming sounds of bees, cuckoo, and other birds in the early morning.

Season of Joy and Happiness

Spring season provides great pleasure, joy and happiness. There is too much cold in winter,
too hot in summer and it becomes mud and dirt everywhere in the rainy season that’s why
spring is called as season of joy and happiness. Everyone enjoy this season to a great extent
and wants to grab its all attraction between the winter and summer.

Spring is the season of joy and happiness for all the living beings like tree, plants, flowers,
animals, birds, human beings, etc because it is neither hot nor cold. Days and nights become
almost same length, neither too short nor too long. Everyone becomes fed up of cold in
winter, hot in summer and mud and dirt in rainy season.


The real beauty of spring nourishes our health and we forget about all the sorrows of life. It
fills heart with lots of joy and happiness. So, we really enjoy this season with pleasant sights



Spring season falls in India in the month of March, April and May between winter and summer
season. It is known as the King of the all seasons and famous as nature’s youth.

Advantages of Spring Season

Spring season gives nice feelings, good health and new lives to the plants. It is a most beautiful
and attractive season gives nice weather to flowers to bloom. Bees and butterflies makes
round and round on the flowers bud and enjoy sucking tasty juice (essence of flowers) and
make honey. In this season people enjoy eating King of fruits, mango. The bird cuckoo sings
nice songs by sitting on the leafy twig and wins everyone’s heart. A very sweet and cool air
blows from the south direction which brings nice smell of flowers and touches our heart. It is
the season of festivals of almost all religions during which people do nice preparations and
enjoy get together with their family members, neighbors and relatives. It is the season of
farmers when they bring new crops to their home and take some relief. Poets get good poetic
imaginations in their minds and write sweet poems. In this season, mind becomes more
creative and full of nice thoughts.

Disadvantages of Spring Season

There are some disadvantages too of the spring season. As it is the end of winter season and
start of summer season, it is the more sensitive season to the health. Various epidemic
diseases like common cold, smallpox, chicken-pox, measles, etc are common so people have
to take extra preparations of their health.


Spring season is the king of all seasons of the year. During the spring season nature appears in
its most beautiful form and fills our heart with lots of pleasure. In order to fully enjoy spring
season we should take care of the health and get vaccinated against various epidemic


Spring season remains for three months however seems like remains for short duration
because of its all around beautifulness. Birds start singing sweet songs in the welcome of
spring season. Temperature remains normal, neither too cold nor too hot in this season. It
makes us feel like the whole nature has covered itself with green sheet because of the natural
greenery everywhere. All the trees and plants get new life and new form as they develop new
leaves and flowers on their branches. Crops get fully ripen in the fields and look like real gold

New and light green leaves starts putting on the branches of the trees and plants. After a long
silence of winter season, birds start singing and sounding here and there near to the houses or
in the sky. On the occurrence of spring, they feel fresh and break their silence through their
sweet songs. There activities make us feel that they are feeling so happy and thanking to the
God for giving such nice weather.

On the start of this season, temperature becomes normal which makes people feel relief as
they can make some outing without having lots of warm clothes on their body. Parents enjoy
with their kids by arranging some picnics during the weekends. Buds of the flower get bloom
in their full swing and welcome the nature with their nice smile. Blooming flowers give a
beautiful sight and romantic feelings by spreading their sweet fragrance all around.

Human beings and animals feel healthy, happy and active. People start doing their lots of
pending works and projects because of the very low temperature of the winter season. Very

cool climate and normal temperature of the spring makes people do much work without
getting tired. Everyone starts nice day from the morning and in the evening, even after lots of
rush, feel fresh and cool.

Farmers feel very happy and relief as they bring new crops to their home successfully as a
reward after long labour of many months. We celebrate Holi, Hanuman Jayanti, Nav Ratri, and
other festivals in the spring season with our friends, family members and relative. Spring
season is a nice gift to us and whole environment from the nature and give us important
message that sadness and happiness continues one after another. So never feel bad and keep
some patience, because there is a good morning after every black night.


37. Summer Season Essay

Summer is the hottest season of the year however very interesting and entertaining season
especially for the kids because they get chance to enjoy swimming, hilly regions, eat ice-
creams, lassi, favorite fruits, etc. They enjoy school off in the summer season. It is one of the
four temperate seasons of the year which falls between spring and autumn. We have provided
below some essays on summer season under various words limit in order to help students
who have been assigned by their teachers to write some paragraphs or complete essay on this
topic. You can select any of the paragraphs or essays according to your need and requirement.



Summer is the hottest season having longest days and shortest nights. It is quite longest
season than other seasons of the year. During summer solstice, days become longest and
nights shortest. Summer season generally starts soon after the Holi festival (in the month of
March) and ends in the month of June. As day-length increases, summer season temperature
become at highest peak point; however, as day-length decreases, summer temperature goes
down slowly. When it becomes summer in Northern Hemisphere, it becomes winter in
Southern Hemisphere. Weather becomes quite dry in this season however because of high
temperature, warm air runs all through the season which is intolerable to us.

Summer Season


Summer season covers the months March, April, May and June. It is the hottest season of the
year as temperature reaches at its highest point. During this season, days get longer and
hotter whereas nights shorter. In the middle of the day, sun rays are very hot. Hot wind runs
all through the day which makes all around environment dry and rough. During peak summer
season, small streams, wells, and ponds get dry up. People living in the rural areas suffer the
lack of water, high heat, dryness, etc a lot because of the lack of electricity and other
comfortable resources.

In spite of high heat, people enjoy eating summer season fruits like mangoes, cucumber,
jackfruits, lichee, muskmelon, watermelon, etc in abundance. People in the urban areas enjoy
a lot of activities in this season like swimming, tour to the hilly regions, Water Park, Fun Food
Village, etc.


Summer season is the hottest season of the year which makes outing almost impossible all
through the day. People generally go outside to the market in the late evening or night. Most
of the people enjoy morning walk in the summer season because of its cooling effect. Dusty,
dry, and hot wind runs all through the day. Sometimes, people suffer heat stroke,
dehydration, diarrhea, cholera and other health disorders due to the summer. Following are
some points we should follow during summer season:

It is very sunny season.

We should wear comfortable cotton clothes.

We should eat and drink cold things to fight summer heat.

We should take lots of precautions to be healthy and fit all through the season.

We should go to the hilly regions in summer vacation to easily combat with summer heat.

We should drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and heat stroke.

We should not go outside during day time especially 10am to 5pm to avoid harmful ultraviolet

We should keep a bowl of water and some rice grains outside in the corridor to save birds
from the summer heat.

We should ask for water to the people especially goods sellers, postman, etc.

We should use cooling resources for our comfort in summer season; however, try to use less
electricity to reduce the bad effects of global warming.

We should not waste water and electricity.

We should plant more trees in our surrounding areas and water them on daily basis to reduce
the summer heat.


Summer season is one of the four seasons of the year. In spite of being a hottest season of the
year, kids like it most as they get summer vacation to enjoy in many ways. Summer season is
caused due to the tilt of Earth’s rotational axis towards the sun during year-long earth’s
revolution around the sun. Summer season brings very hot and dry weather (in Mediterranean
regions) and rainy weather (in Eastern Asia because of Monsoon). At some places, storms and
thunderstorms (which produce hail, strong winds and tornadoes especially afternoon and
evening) are very common in the spring through summer.

Most of the people living in the urban areas cannot bear too much summer heat that’s why
they went to seaside resorts, hilly regions, beaches, camps or picnics at cool places in the
summer vacations with their kids. They enjoy swimming, eating summer fruits and drinking
cold drinks. For some people, summer season is good as they enjoy and entertain them at cool
places; however, it really becomes intolerable for people living in the rural areas because of
the lack of summer heat beating resources. At some places, people suffer a huge lack of water
in their own areas and they have to carry drinking water from long distance.

It is all over good season for the children as they get one and half months long summer
vacation, enjoy at home with family, go for touring at cool places, enjoy swimming, and eat
ice-creams including summer fruits. Generally, people enjoy summer morning walk before sun
rise as it gives cool, calm and happy feeling with fresh air.


Mainly, there are four seasons in India; summer season is one of them. It is very hot season
however mostly liked by people. It occurs for four months (March, April, May and June)
however May and June are high heated months of the summer season. Summer season is

caused because of the movement of the earth around the Sun (called as earth’s revolution).
During this movement, when part of earth comes nearer to the sun, gets heated (because of
straight and direct sun’s rays) which bring the summer season. In this season, days become
long and night short.

It falls after the festival of Holi and ends before the start of rainy season. All the water
evaporated during summer season, stores in the form of vapor in the atmosphere (which
makes clouds) and fall as rain in the rainy season. There are some advantages as well as
disadvantages of the summer season. On one hand, when it is the season of enjoyment and
rest for kids; on the other hand, it puts people at various problems and risks such as high heat,
storm, heat stroke, dehydration, summer-boils, weakness, restless, etc. Mid-day of summer
days become full of terrible heat which cause many weak people to die or suffer from sun-

At many places in India, people suffer scarcity of water and drought condition as wells, canals,
and rivers go dry. Trees suffer falling of leaves because of lack of water. Everywhere dusty and
hot wind runs which keeps people at health risk. We need to eat more fruits, cold things and
drink more water in order to beat the summer heat.



Summer is the hottest season among four seasons of the year. It begins on the day of Summer
Solstice however ends on the day of Autumnal Equinox. Southern and Northern Hemispheres
are located in opposite directions; so, when it is summer in Southern Hemisphere, it is winter
in the northern hemisphere.

Facts about Summer Season:

Following are some facts regarding the summer season:

Summer season occurs as earth is tilted towards the sun (means hemisphere tilted in the
direction of the sun experiences summer whereas hemisphere tilted away to sun experiences

Children become happier in summer as they get long vacation from school.

December, January, and February are also the months of summer however in the Southern
Hemisphere, and June, July, and August are months of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

It is the season which keeps people outdoor for most of the time.

It contains longest and warmest days of the year.

We get interesting fruits and crops.

Why Summer is Hot Weather

It is the season of excessive temperature and dry weather including violent monsoons which
causes rising death tolls. Weather in this season grows warmer because of the high
temperature which leads to droughts with short water supply, scarcity or completely lack of
water in some regions. Heat waves and spikes in temperature make this season excessively
hot weather which creates number of problems to both, people and wildlife.

Many summer deaths (people or animals) are caused by dehydration due to heat waves.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high heat waves are the reason
of deadliest extreme weather in summer. So, it is good to stay well hydrated all through the
season. According to the National Academy of Science’s Food and Nutrition Board, women
should normally take 2.7 liters of water and men 3.7 liters on daily basis in the summer.
However, people involved in vigorous exercises must take more water than normal.

It has been recorded by the NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center that year 2014 was the
hottest summer. According to NASA, global heat is increasing during summer year by year
because of the human created global warming. And, it seems that, this rising temperature will
soon make this world a summer-like place all through the year.


As we are human being, the most intelligent creation of God, we must think and act positively
towards this ever increasing temperature. We should enjoy the summer season by using all
the comfortable resources however we should not cross the limit. We should enjoy within
limit and always save water and electricity. We should not waste water and electricity because
there is very less percentage of clean water on this earth and unnecessary use of electricity
cause global warming. Come on! We can do it by joining our hands together.


38. Winter Season Essay
We have provided variety of essay on winter season in order to help students. Now-a-days,
essay writing competitions have been very common in the schools to enhance students skill
about any topic. All the essays are written using very simple words under various words limit
according to the class of students. Dear students you can select any winter season essay given
below according to your need and requirement.



Winter season is the coldest season of year, starts from the month of December and ends in
the month of March. December and January are the peak winter months and counted as the
coldest months when temperatures falls around 10 to 15°C (means 50 to 59°F) in the
northwest regions of country however, in the southeast regions (mainland of country) it
remains around 20 to 25°C (means 68 to 77°F). a high speed cold winds blow from the north
region in the peak winter months. We have to face a thick fog which often hides the sun light
causing cold becomes severe all through the winter season.


Winter season is very cold and one of the four seasons of India. It falls in the month of
December and ends in march during Holi festival. December and January are considered as
the peak cold months of the winter season. It comes after the autumn season and finishes
before the spring season (later summer season). We generally feel slight decrease in the
atmospheric temperature from Diwali festival (start of winter) till Holi festival (end of winter).

We have to face high degree cold and high speed cold winds during the peak winter months.
We feel a huge level changes in the atmospheric temperature and day and night routine. In
the winter season, night becomes long and day becomes short. Sky often looks clear however
sometimes it remains unclear all through the day because of the thick fog during peak cold
months. Sometimes it rains also during the winter season and makes condition more worse.


Winter season is the coldest phase of the year, starts from December and ends in March. It
feels very cold everywhere all through the winter season. Atmospheric temperature falls very

down especially during the peak winter months. Hilly regions (including houses, trees and
grasses) gets covered by the thick layer of white snow and looks very beautiful. In this season,
hilly regions looks like an awesome scenery. Due to the severe cold weather conditions in the
winter, people have to face lots of difficulties while going out of their homes.

At some places of the country, climate remains moderate with normal temperature (not too
cold and not too hot) and gives very pleasant feeling. Everyone wears thick woolen clothes all
thorough the winter to keep body warm as well as getting safety from very low temperature.
We likes to take a sip of hot coffee, tea, soup, etc in the morning and evening to get slight
heat and pleasurable experience. We generally go to the picnic on Sunday in the afternoon to
get some heat from the natural sunlight and enjoy with our family and friends. We go into the
bed early in the night to get heat and be safe from the winter.



Winter season is a very cold season of the year in India. It starts after the autumn season and
finishes on the arrival of spring season. We feels huge level of changes in the atmosphere in
the winter season in comparison to the other seasons of the year. Atmospheric temperature
becomes very low, cold winds blow in high speed, day becomes short and night becomes long,
etc. Sometimes, we do not see sunlight because of the thick clouds in the sky however on
other winter days sky looks very clear and blue. Atmosphere becomes very dry however dusty.
Sunlight of the winter season becomes very very mild and light warm. It creates much
problem in drying the wet clothes all through the winter. It is a season of healthy and favorite
fruits orange, guava, chickoo, papaya, amla, carrot, beetroot, grapes, etc.

Why Winter Season Comes

As we all know that earth revolves around other planets on its tilted axis. Tilt of rotational axis
of earth plays main role in the weather changes all through the year. Whenever earth makes
round in the northern hemisphere (means farthest from sun), it becomes winter season.
Seasons change when

earth rotates away or toward the sun through its year long path. Earth is tilted by 23.5 degrees
to its ecliptic plane.

Natural Scenery during Winter

Hilly regions become very beautiful during winter season as everything gets covered by the ice
and give awesome look like scenery. Ice on the things look as beautiful as pearls. Flowers of
different colors bloom when sun rises and give the environment a new look.


Winter season is the coldest season of the year in India. Winter season can be characterized
by cold wind blow, falling of snow, very low atmospheric temperature, short day, long night,
etc. This season lasts about three months, starts from December and ends in March. There
becomes winter vacation in the schools for small kids in the peak winter days (last week of
December and start week of January) to save them from high cold. People having their
business or working in the office get problems in continue their job because of disturb
schedule. Sun rises late in the morning and sets early in the evening with very slight heat

Winter season is quite difficult season for everyone especially poor people because of lack of
woolen clothes and proper home. They generally seen taking sun bath in the sunlight on the
footpaths or other open places like park, etc in order to keep their body warm. Many old
people and small age kids lost their life because of very much cold weather.

Winter season is a season of healthy fruits and green leafy vegetables such as grapes, orange,
apples, guava, papaya, sugarcane juice, pineapple, carrot, amla, cabbage, beetroot, turnips,
cauliflower, radish, tomato, potato, etc. We can say winter season a health making season.
Winter season is a season of crops like wheat, barley, mungfali, and few other crops. Various
kinds of seasonal flowers (dalais, roses, etc) blooms in beautiful colors and enhance the
beauty of nature.

The main agents of winter season are the cold winds and frost which make this weather more
dry dull and chill. It rains sometimes without weather which makes life really miserable.
Winter’s cold rain destroys crops, vegetables and fruits. Frost makes very difficult to go
outside home at night in winter.

Winter season has its own importance as well. It is useful to make health, good for walk in the
morning, environment full of fresh air to breathe in, no fear of mosquitoes, good for farmer’s
crop, etc.



Winter season is one of the four seasons in India, starts from December and lasts till March.
Winter days are bright and pleasant because of the low heat sunlight. Hilly regions of the
northern India look very beautiful because of the heavy snowfall. December and January are
the peak winter months during which we feel lots of problem because of much cold weather.
It is the best season to go on long drive and tour. This season attracts more tourists traffic to
India as well as invites beautiful birds in the pleasant surroundings of sky.

Winter season creates some problems too for the poor people as they have no or less warm
clothes and proper home. Various birds are migrated and animals go to hibernation because
of much cold. Fog and mist are very common during this season that cause more traffic and
road accidents. We have to wear many woolen clothes and stay in the home for many days to
get protected from the cold.

Duration of Winter Season

The start of winter season slightly varies all over India according to the regions and rotation of
earth on its tilted axis all around the sun. According to the recent meteorology, winter season
falls in December and ends in February (or start of March) for the Northern Hemisphere. For
the people of Southern Hemisphere, winter months are June, July and August.

Features of Winter Season

We feel many variations in the winter season than other seasons such as long nights, short
days, cold weather, cold wind, snow fall, winter storms, cold rains, thick fog, frost, very low
temperature, etc.

Things to Enjoy in Winter

We can enjoy many winter activities according to the interest and condition of weather such
as ice skating, ice biking, ice hockey, skiing, snowball fighting, building snowman, snow castles,
sledging and many more activities.

Some Winter Facts

Winter is one of the important seasons in India which begins on the Winter Solstice however
ends on the Vernal Equinox. Winter has shortest days, longest nights and lowest temperatures
than all other seasons. Winter season comes when earth tilted away from sun. It is the season
of health making however bad for trees and plants as they stop growing. Many animals
hibernate during this season because of unbearable cold weather. Snow falling and winter
storm are very common during this season.


39. Essay on Health and Fitness

The maintenance of health and fitness helps a person to be in the general state of health and
well-being. It provides ability to perform physical actions without being tired or restless.
However, the maintenance of health and fitness requires regular physical exercise with
balanced diet. It is very necessary for all to maintain their health and fitness in order to be fit,
healthy, fearless of diseases, and get so many other benefits. Now-a-days, teachers generally
assign their students to write some paragraphs or full essay on any topic to enhance their
English writing skill and knowledge as well as spread awareness. Following are some
paragraphs, short essays and long essays on health and fitness to help students in completing
their task. All the health and fitness essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay
according to your need and requirement:



A person with good health and fitness becomes able to live his/her life to its fullest extent. It is
very important for a person in life to be physically and mentally fit to live a healthy and happy
life. Healthy and fit people become less prone to the medical conditions. Fitness does not
mean to be physically fit only, it also means with healthy mental state of the person. One can
get healthy mental state if he/she becomes physically fit. The simple way to remain healthy
and fit is having stress free mind with regular exercise and balanced diet. People who maintain
their ideal weight become less prone to the cardiac and other health problems. People who
are physically active can easily maintain a relaxed state of mind. Healthy and fit people can
easily face all the ups and downs of their life and less affected by any drastic change.

Health and Fitness


People are being more conscious towards their health and fitness as time changes. Male
wants to have a muscle bound body whereas female a slim and trim look. Everybody is doing
lots of struggle on daily basis to achieve a perfect body. Getting healthy and fit body and mind
requires lots of patience, time, commitment, goal, believe, and a strong mind to face all the
struggles. Some people have ability to maintain fitness on their own however some need a
good qualified personal trainer to take care of the daily exercises and diet. People who are in
corporate businesses have very little movement and lot of sitting all through the day. That’s
why they face being overweight, obese, lazy, and tired. It is proved with studies that people
who are more fit and healthy achieve greater success in life.


Health is a very important aspect in the life of everyone. Nothing is more important than
health and fitness for any human being. Healthy and fit people really enjoy their life very
happily and peacefully. An unhealthy person cannot enjoy life in full extent. He/she cannot
enjoy eating, watching sports, or other luxury of the life. It is truly said by our elders that
health is wealth. In order to maintain good health we need to properly take care of the
hygiene and sanitation all around us. We have to eat healthy and complete food in timely

We should eat green and fresh vegetables, milk, fresh fruits, egg, etc. Our body need sufficient
amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins on daily basis to be fit and healthy. Together with
the healthy food and physical activities we need to maintain cleanliness in our home and
surrounding areas including our personal cleanliness. The maintenance of physical and mental
fitness is very important for a person needed to be successful and do best to the society. It is
truly said by the Buddha about health and fitness that, “To keep the body in good health is a
duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”.


Most of the common people never realize the importance of being healthy and fit. They
generally underestimate the importance of good health as they never know the advantages of
it. We all know that health is wealth but only few people follow it in their life. Being healthy
and fit, helps us in carrying out our daily tasks. Being healthy is not only a body free of
diseases, but it also means to have a tensionless mind. If a person has unhealthy mind, he

cannot has an unhealthy body. Good health of both, body and mind helps us to get success in
life and enjoy it in full extent. Good mental health makes us feel like a well-being and healthy
body gives us physical strength and confidence. Good physical health helps us in our trouble
times whereas poor physical becomes more weak and prone to diseases.

We need to be aware about all the points of how to keep us healthy both physically and
mentally. Some people know well about how to keep their body neat, clean and healthy
however they carry some tensions in their mind, so they always lack of being fit. Mental
tension gradually deteriorates the good condition of body and makes it weak. People, who are
serious about their health and fitness, do exercises on daily basis and eat healthy food in
timely manner. They are much conscious about their health and avoid being lazy, eating
unhealthy food and sedentary life.


Now-a-days, people have been so busy in their hectic life style and do not have time to keep
themselves healthy or stay fit. It is the fact that we must eat healthy, practice cleanliness and
involve in daily physical exercises in order to remain healthy and fit. As we know that there is
no alternate to the hard work, in the same way there is no alternate to the health and fitness.
Health and fitness is the combination of healthy living with healthy lifestyle. Psychological
health is very necessary with the physical health of a person in order to be healthy and fit. We
need to eat healthy food and do physical exercises on daily basis in order to remain physically
healthy however we need to think positive to remain mentally healthy.

We need to get self motivated as well as take part in the fitness-style activities. We should
take our fitness as the matter of every-day routine. Being fit should be our first aim of living a
healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t require exercising for hours, just a small amount of exercise and
healthy food on daily basis is enough to maintain the health and fitness. We should keep our
eyes always open and select stairs instead of the elevator, use cycle instead of car or bike for
nearby areas, walk to the next bus stop, etc creates really a big difference. Being involved in
daily physical exercises not only keep us fit but also improve our lifestyle and healthy living. It
increases our energy level and thus confidence level.

We should enjoy spending hours on morning walk, running, working out at the gym or other
physical activities to keep body functioning well as well as improve muscle endurance. We
should eat fresh cooked food instead of stale food in order to remain away from the digestive



Health and fitness is the state of being healthy both, physically and mentally. Regular exercises
and balanced diet can improve health and fitness of a person. We can define health as the
state of complete mental, physical and social well-being of a person. It is not only the absence
of illness, diseases or infirmity. We can define the fitness of any person as the ability to meet
demands of the environment.

How to Maintain Health and Fitness

There are various ways we can keep us healthy and fit if we follow regularly the following:

We should regularly involve in the daily physical exercises by getting some time from our
much hectic schedule. 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on daily basis or five to six times a week is
ideal for anybody to remain fit.

Healthy and clean food in right amount and at right time is very necessary for a person to stay
healthy and fit. Healthy nutrition with high-fiber, low-fat, high protein, and rich source of
vitamins and minerals is the key to good health.

In order to get fit and healthy, good sleeping pattern is very necessary for any person. We
need to maintain a discipline in our daily routine and focus on good sleeping pattern which
must start and end at right time. Taking quality sleep of eight hours each night boosts our
immune system and helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases as well as improves mood.
Inadequate sleeping pattern leads to the sleep disorders and various mental disorders.

Importance of Health and Fitness

Health and fitness is very important for people who want to live a healthy life very happily and
peacefully. A healthy and fit person is only capable to live life to its fullest extent. We can say a
person healthy and fit if he/she is physically and mentally fit. Physically and mentally fit people
become less prone to the medical conditions. Health and fitness of any person helps in:

Decreases the risk of diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, colon
cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, stroke, breast cancer, etc).

Make them feel better both, physically and mentally.

Improves their confidence level.

Heals injuries soon.

Helps to live longer by adding years to the life.

Reduces stress and improves quality of life.

Reduces anxiety level, stress, and feelings of depression.

Conclusion: Regular physical activities and routine exercise is very necessary for the people of
all age group especially younger generations. Health and fitness brings happiness in the life
and helps a person to live stress free and disease free life.


40. Essay on Addiction

Addiction of anything is bad – be it a drug, a person or a habit. While everyone around may
advise to leave the addiction, the person who is actually addicted to something knows how
difficult it is to do so.

Addiction is difficult to get rid of and some of these may even be contagious. So your addiction
is not only spoiling you but can have a negative impact on those around you. It may be
anybody – your children, siblings or friends. Here are essays of varying lengths on Addiction to
help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any addiction essay of your interest:



There are various types of addictions that different people get caught up with. Our company
and circumstances usually play an important role in it. People are aware about the
consequences before they indulge in such habits but still they do. For instance, people know
that drugs are not good for them and it is highly likely to get addicted to them. But many a
times they feel the urge to try these just out of curiosity or to heal their pain temporarily
thinking that they would just have it once or twice but soon get addicted to them. Likewise,
people are aware that once they begin playing a video game in between their office hours
they will get addicted and wouldn’t be able to stop but they still play and end up ruining their

Overcoming any kind of addiction is quite difficult – be it drug addiction, mobile addiction,
gambling addiction, social media addiction or shopping addiction. Even though there are
treatments available for the same, it can take months or years to get rid of them. Many
people return to their addiction after weeks, months or years of recovery just because it
works as an escape for them. It is thus suggested to avoid these in the first place. Stay away
from such chronic habits to live a healthy and fulfilling life.



Addiction is something that can make us lose interest in everything around us and keep us
glued to one particular thing. This particular thing can be a drug, mobile, internet, food item,
gambling or just about anything. Addiction to anything can have an adverse effect on our life.

Causes of Addiction

Escape from Pain

Drugs, alcohol, mobile phones, social media, excessive shopping, eating our favourite food all
help in bursting stress and provide an escape from pain. People indulge in these to get rid of
pain temporarily. These habits can turn into addiction if we don’t guard ourselves on time.


Our company and social environment have a huge impact on our habits and overall
personality. If we socialise with people who party every other day and drink heavily, we are
also likely to develop that habit. Likewise, if your friends have the habit of shopping
excessively you are also likely to develop that habit.

Lack of Knowledge

At times, people do not have knowledge about the consequence of indulging in a particular
game or having a certain substance. They indulge in it just for fun and then get addicted to it.

Ways to Avoid Addiction

Avoiding addiction of any kind is easier than getting rid of the habit later. Here is how you can
do so:

Stay aware and be alert at all times. Before eating or drinking anything regularly, know if it can
lead to addiction.

Choose your company wisely.

Even if people in your family or friend circle are addicted to alcohol, drug or any other habit
that may be addictive, you must practice self control to avoid it. Self-control is basically the
key to avoiding it.

Look for healthier options to overcome your pain rather than going for these temporary


Addiction to anything has a negative impact on our mind as well as body. We must thus
identify the causes of addiction of different kinds and avoid them by taking the
aforementioned measures.



Addiction is defined as a complex brain condition that may be caused by overindulgence in a

particular habit or thing. As Patrick Carnes said, “Addiction is a relationship, a pathological
relationship in which obsession replaces people”. Obsessing over anything is termed as
addiction to that particular thing. Addiction to anything – be it drugs, internet, social media or
gaming can have fatal consequences.

Addiction to Anything is Bad

Different people get addicted to different things. Some may be obsessed with a person and
thus get addicted to talking to him or being with him all the time, some may be obsessed with
their own self and may get addicted to taking selfies and boasting about themselves on the
social media, some may be obsessed with shopping and may get addicted to visiting markets

and malls to buy unnecessary stuff. Our company and circumstances usually play an important
role in developing such addictions.

Even though people know about the harmful consequences of addiction, they are unable to
stop themselves from indulging in the same. Addiction to drugs is the worst kind of addiction.
People usually develop this habit in their youth and even after trying hard they aren’t able to
get rid of it later in life. Many treatments have been developed to overcome drug addiction.
However, if a person does not follow self control no amount of therapies or treatments can
help him get rid of it.

Addiction Free India

Numerous youths in India are addicted to alcohol and drugs. This takes a toll on both their
mental and physical health. Drug addiction does not only harm the addict but his entire family
suffers with him. Besides, a person’s professional life also goes for a toss due to this habit.
While on the one hand, we talk about empowering our youth and hope that they will
contribute towards the development of our country on the other hand we see thousands of
youths ruining their lives due to addiction to drugs and alcohol.

The youth must be sensitized towards this issue. The government must also play its part by
putting a ban on the sale of such substances to put a stop to these practices. Anyone seen
selling these illegally must be severely punished.


It is time to act responsibly and say no to drugs or for that matter to addiction of any kind. The
government or our friends and family members cannot help much if we are not ready to help



Addiction of any kind can have an adverse effect on the victim as well as those close to him. It
is said that, “Addiction is a family disease. One person may use, but the whole family suffers”.

Consequences of Addiction

Here is a brief look at the consequences of addiction:

Health Hazards

The health hazards associated with drug and alcohol addiction are known to all. These are bad
for your physical as well as mental health. Those addicted to certain foods develop eating
disorders and also incur various health problems such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular
problems. Addictions of other kinds also impact the health negatively.

Monetary Issues

When you are addicted to something you spend on it excessively. You are so obsessed with it
that you do not realise that you are over spending. It can dig a hole in your pocket and your
budget can go for a toss. Those addicted to gambling, drugs and alcohol mostly borrow money
to quench their addiction and often end up in debt.

Relationships Problems

People addicted to drugs and alcohol often lose their sense of control and end up indulging in
unnecessary arguments and conflicts with those around them thereby straining their
relationships. Those addicted to social media and internet are so engrossed in their mobile
that they ignore and neglect their family members. Those having gambling addiction are
frustrated most of the times and this affects their relationships negatively.

Adverse Effect on Studies/Work

Addiction also hampers ones studies and work life. When you are addicted to something, all
you can think of is that particular thing. You lose focus and your grasping power also goes
down drastically. Besides drugs and alcohol, mobile addiction is also hampering work to a
great extent these days.

Ways to Get Rid of Addiction

While the harmful consequences of addiction are stated time and again however people still
get addicted to various things. Though these things give them temporary pleasure, they are

aware that these are not good for them. Those trying hard to get rid of addiction of any sort
can try the following:

You need to understand that you cannot just decide one day and leave your addiction then
and there. You will have to go slow on it. Give yourself some time. It is a good idea to choose a
date when you will finally quit your addiction. This will keep you motivated.

Take one step at a time when trying to get rid of your addiction and stay determined.

It is suggested to identify what triggers you to indulge in that habit and avoid the trigger. Also
identify what triggers you to do otherwise and do that.

It is wise to seek professional help if you are trying to get rid of alcohol or drug addiction.

Your friends and family members are always ready to support you in this direction. Seek help
from them.


Addiction to anything influences our decisions and choices. We are not able to think rationally
when we are addicted to something as our prime focus is the thing or habit we are addicted
to. This has negative repercussions on our relationships as well as work. It is suggested to
avoid these in the first place however if you develop some kind of addiction, you can get rid of
them with the help of aforementioned tips.



The term addiction is often associated with drugs. However, this is not the only kind of
addiction, a person can get addicted to numerous other things. This may include addiction to
food, addiction to video games, addiction to mobile, addiction to the internet, addiction to
social media, shopping addiction and gambling addiction to name a few.

Types of Addiction

Here is a brief look at the common types of addictions:

Food Addiction

Many people get addicted to the taste of certain foods such as some special kind of chips or
burger from a particular restaurant or pizza of a special flavour or noodles or just about
anything. Some people are addicted to eating spicy food so they can have anything which is
spicy. Likewise, some people have a sweet tooth and thus crave for sweets all the time. The
addiction is so much so that even if they are not hungry they still crave for such foods and
overeat. Most of the food items people are addicted to are unhealthy. Overeating and over
indulging in unhealthy food habits can be hazardous for health.

Mobile and Video Game Addiction

Everyone these days is glued to mobile phones. We are constantly on our phones, texting,
calling and surfing endlessly. We are so engrossed in it that we forget the people around us.
Many gaming sites have been developed these days and most games on these sites are
extremely addictive. People these days can be seen playing games such as Candy Crush
constantly on their mobile phones and laptops. This mobile and video game addiction does
not only strain our personal relationships but also hampers our work.

Internet and Social Media Addiction

Surfing the internet has also become an addiction for some. Social media platforms have
further aggravated this addiction. We want to show off everything we do to the world. We are
so caught up with recording the moments to propagate that we are having fun that we
actually forget to have fun. Taking selfies is another addiction that people have developed
these days.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

This is the worst kind of addiction as it can impact your mental as well as physical health
adversely. Also drug and alcohol addiction is very hard to get rid of. Drug addicts often
develop serious health problems. However, they are not able to leave this addiction even
though they know the consequences. Heroin, Cocaine, Marijuana, Hallucinogens and Crack are
some of the common types of drugs that are used get into that feeling of ecstasy for a short

Shopping Addiction

Many people develop the habit of spending money on things they don’t even need. They see
shopping as a way to release their stress. It gives them a different sort of pleasure and to
experience the same they indulge in it regularly. For some, it becomes addiction. They go on
shopping sprees even though they do not require anything. They keep buying stuff not only
for themselves but for anyone and everyone they know.

Gambling Addiction

Once a person starts gambling, he cannot leave the habit easily. Whether he wins or loses, he
is drawn to indulge in it time and again. This soon becomes an addiction. Gambling has ruined
the personal and professional life of many around the world. Casinos and bars take advantage
of this weakness of people and make profitable business.


The irony is that even though people know that over indulging in anything can lead to its
addiction however they still cannot stop themselves from doing so. We must take control of
our life and avoid these harmful habits so that they don’t take charge of our life eventually.


41. Essay on AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a syndrome that, as the name suggests,
weakens the body’s immune system. The infection is caused by a virus known as Human
Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV and is transmitted through unprotected sex, use of needles
already exposed to the virus, transfusion of unscreened blood and through gestation from an
infected mother to her child. Below you will find essays on AIDS, its causes, symptoms,
treatments and prevention. These essays are of different lengths and should prove useful in
your exams. Choose the essay {you need} as per your requirement.




Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a pervasive disease that is caused by HIV or
Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacking the immune system of the human body. It has no

known cure although there are medicines to slow down or completely inhibit the virus spread.
Since one of the main methods of transfer of the virus is through unprotected sex, AIDS also
carries with it a stigma that ensures that society didn’t discuss it openly for a long time.

Unfortunately, this taboo meant that not enough information was being shared about how
the disease spread, since most people were wary of talking about it. Combine the lack of a
cure with this lack of information in public forums and you get a pandemic that has resulted in
over 28.9 million deaths.

Importance of Awareness

There is only one way to fight the spread of AIDS and that is through creating awareness.
Ignorance of is the causes and methods of transfer of HIV and it only makes a bad situation
fully worse. It is imperative, therefore, that people be made aware of what AIDS is, how it
spreads and what can be done to prevent infection.

Governments and non-profit organizations have instituted various programs not only to do
health check-ups but also to dispel the prejudice that attaches itself to this disease and those
who suffer from it. Awareness programs have spread information about HIV and how to
prevent it for years now and their efforts have borne fruit. The results speak for themselves.
The percentage of people with HIV has reduced considerably.

So that people do not become complacent and forget that AIDS is still very much a player in
the deadly diseases field various awareness initiatives have been undertaken, the most
prominent of which is World AIDS Day – a day when people show their solidarity with those
who are afflicted with this disease and remember those who were struck down by it. Other
initiatives target vulnerable people and communities so that they are fully informed and able
to prevent the disease from spreading.


While new therapies can help in controlling HIV from spreading all over the body, awareness is
the key to actually prevent AIDS from spreading across populations. It also helps to remind
one that while the pandemic is under control now it is by no means gone and carelessness or
apathy will definitely ensure that it comes roaring back.



AIDS has ended up taking well over 28.9 million lives in the years since the disease was first
discovered. Thanks to various myths and misconceptions about the syndrome, the virus
spread like wildfire and infected millions of people before it could be contained. The fact that
it attacks white blood cells thereby weakening immunity is what makes it so deadly, since it
undermines the human body’s defence and leaves people who are HIV positive at massive

Thanks to concerted efforts by governments across the world, advancements in medicine and
awareness campaigns, the number of HIV positive people has reduced. However, no cure for
the disease has been found yet. There are treatments available but they can only inhibit the
virus; they can’t eliminate it from the body entirely. In these circumstances, it becomes
imperative that we focus on prevention to get to the root of the problem.

Preventative Measures

In order to prevent AIDS from spreading, we need to first know how it spreads. There are
three main ways in which HIV can move around from one person to another – unprotected
sexual intercourse with an HIV positive partner, transfer of HIV from mother to child, either
during pregnancy or during breast feeding, transfusion of blood and needle sharing amongst
drug users. Therefore, any preventative measures need to take these factors into account.
Some things that one can do to protect themselves are:

Preventive Measures for AIDS

Know your partner’s status – Both you and your partner should get regularly tested for HIV.
Many health centres in different countries offer testing kits. If you are hesitant to visit a
doctor, you can get one these kits and determine your partner’s and your health status.

Practice safe sex – Since one of the major reasons for the massive spread of the virus is
unprotected sex, it is absolutely imperative that you practice safe sex. Condoms are a must. In
addition, it is best to restrict the number of partners you have sex with. The more people you
have sex the greater chance of you contracting HIV or other STDs

Test regularly – Ensure that you and your partner go for periodic and regular check-ups, not
only for AIDS but also for other STDs. Having an STD greatly enhances your risk of contracting

Don’t abuse drugs – Don’t do drugs. However, if you are, ensure that the needles you use are
sterilized and never share them with someone else.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis – Talk to a doctor or health care provider about post-exposure

prophylaxis. This reduces the chance of HIV infection in its early stages. It must be taken
within three days of exposure to HIV.


Since there is no cure for AIDS at the moment, prevention is definitely better than cure in the
case of this disease. Some simple preventative measures can ensure that the spread of the
virus is limited if not completely halted.



The fact that India has the world’s second-largest population is part of the reason that India
has the world’s third largest HIV epidemic. In terms of percentage, this statistic is around 0.3
percent, which might not seem too large. However, when this statistic is converted to actual
numbers it becomes 2.1 million people who are HIV positive. This number is as per data
collected by UNAIDS for the year 2016. AIDS-related causes killed 62,000 people in the same

At Risk Demographics

The most at-risk sections of the population are sex workers, men who have sex with men,
people who inject drugs and transgender people. These are some of the most vulnerable
groups in society since most of them are subject to discrimination and stigma. That
discrimination makes it difficult, if not outright impossible, for them to access healthcare. Add
to this the fact that activities associated with sex work such as running a brothel are illegal,
gay and bisexual men face social stigma if they come out, drug addicts are generally reviled
and transgender people are looked down upon and you have the perfect combination of
circumstances that breed an epidemic.

Prevention and Treatment Efforts

Fortunately, there has been a concerted drive by the UN, the Indian government and various
non-profits organizations to reduce the risk that these sections of the populace face. The
number of AIDS testing and counselling sites has gone from only 67 in 1997 to 20,000 in 2016.
In addition, HIV awareness campaigns have been ramped up and testing and treatment have
been made free. Thanks to these and other measures, the number of people living with HIV
has actually gone down from 5.1 million in 2003 to 2.1 million in 2016.

New Challenges

While the measures put in place have helped in controlling the epidemic, India cannot rest on
its laurels. States with larger populations such as Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Uttar
Pradesh and Rajasthan have recently reported infection in new pockets. India needs to expand
its policies to reduce harm and to decriminalize homosexuality and drug use so that these
sections of society can have access to care and treatment without fear of repercussions.


We must take care of our health and our health status should be checked out periodically to
remain away from this deadly disease. We should also motivate and suggest others to do the
same. This disease cannot be eradicated from the society; so, we must focus on its prevention.



AIDS is a public health issue, perhaps the most important such issue in recorded history.
Although the AIDS pandemic reached its peak in 2005 and has declined since, there are still
around 37 million people worldwide who are HIV positive. Moreover, as of 2017, AIDS has
been responsible for the deaths of 28.9 million to 41.5 million people around the world.
Raising awareness about this disease is absolutely vital. This is why the WHO has marked the
World AIDS Day as one of eight official global campaigns.

What is World AIDS Day?

1st December is the day designated as World AIDS Day, an international day that is meant to
spread awareness about AIDS. However, this is not the only reason this day is celebrated. It
also allows people who aren’t HIV positive to support and ally with those people who are. It is
also a day when those who eventually succumbed to the disease are commemorated. It is the
first ever day dedicated to a global public health issue.

Importance of World AIDS Day

There is no denying the fact that the spread of AIDS isn’t as rampant as it once was. Thanks to
awareness campaigns, scientific advances and new treatments we can understand and
combat the disease better. However, there is no avoiding the fact that nearly 37 million
people are living with this disease and new pockets of infection are being discovered every
day. Moreover, people with AIDS are still subjected to discrimination and live in fear of the
stigma that the disease carries with it. Therefore, it becomes very important to remind
everyone that AIDS is still very much out there; the government and public must continue to
spread awareness, raise funds and combat the prejudice and discrimination that people who
are HIV positive face. This is why World AIDS Day is celebrated annually as a reminder that
AIDS hasn’t gone away.

What to do on World AIDS Day/Activities

On World AIDS Day, we need to show our support for those who are living with this disease
and those who have been struck down by it. One of the most common ways to show solidarity
is to wear the HIV Awareness red ribbon. These ribbons can be found in packs of 100 at the
online store of the National AIDS Trust or NAT. The order is free but those who buy the packs
must show that they will use the ribbons for fundraising. The Trust also sells red ribbon
brooches from the online store. Another way to show support is to either organize or
participate in World AIDS Day events.


While the AIDS pandemic has been contained to a certain degree, the disease has still not
been eradicated. Until that goal is reached, World AIDS Day needs to continue so that people
don’t labour under the misconception that this deadly disease is gone; instead there is
awareness about the disease, its prevention and its treatment.



The AIDS pandemic that, at one time, threatened to spread like wildfire throughout the
world’s populations has been checked to some extent. Thanks to determined campaigns
worldwide, more people are becoming aware of AIDS – not only how deadly it is but also what
causes it and how to treat it. The more information we have, the better we can fight.
Therefore, it becomes vital that we know as much as we can about this syndrome to help stop
its spread.

Causes of AIDS/HIV

AIDS is caused by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a retrovirus, which means that it
replicates by inserting a DNA copy of its genome into host cells. In this case, the host cells are
white blood cells known as T-helper cells or CD4 cells, which are part of the immune system.
HIV destroys these cells and makes copies of itself, thereby, weakening the human immune
system. In practical terms, it lowers our ability to fight off diseases over time. This doesn’t
mean that every person who is HIV positive has AIDS. However, if treatment is not made
available in time, someone who is HIV positive can develop AIDS.

Transmission of AIDS/HIV

HIV can be transferred in one of three ways:

Blood – HIV can be passed on through blood transfusion, although this is fairly uncommon
these days. Most developed countries have strict screening processes in place to ensure that
the blood being transfused is not infected. However, there is another way for blood to pass
from one person to another and that is through sharing needles as many drug users often do.
If these needles are shared by someone who is HIV positive, the virus will be transferred to the
person they’re sharing with.

Perinatal – If an expectant mother or new mother is HIV positive, she can pass on the virus to
her child. This can happen during the pregnancy, during childbirth or, later, during breast

Sexual transmission – HIV can be transferred through the sharing of bodily fluids during sex.
These fluids include genital, rectal and oral fluids. This means that without the protection of a

condom, the virus can be transmitted through oral, anal or vaginal sex. It can also happen if
sex toys are shared with someone who is HIV positive.

Symptoms of AIDS/HIV

HIV doesn’t always have readily identifiable symptoms. However, certain symptoms can show
up depending upon how far it has progressed in the body.

Early symptoms – Not everyone shows signs of being HIV positive at this stage. Nevertheless,
approximately 80 percent of people who are HIV positive do show symptoms not unlike those
of the flu. These symptoms generally include chills, fever, muscle aches, joint pain, night
sweats, sore throat, red rash, enlarged glands, weakness, fatigue, thrush and weight loss.
However, these symptoms also show up when the body is fighting of other viral infections.
Therefore, people who have recently been at risk of contracting HIV should get tested

Asymptomatic HIV – After the symptoms of the early stage run their course, HIV positive
people may not see other symptoms for months or even years. This doesn’t mean that the
virus is dormant. This is the time when the virus is busy attacking the CD4 cells and weakening
the immune system. Without proper medication, this process goes on even though the person
will not show any symptoms.

Late-stage symptoms – At this stage, the virus has already significantly weakened the immune
system, leaving the person vulnerable to several infections ranging from mild to serious. This
is the stage that is referred to as AIDS. Symptoms at this stage may include chronic diarrhoea,
blurred vision, fever that lasts for weeks, dry cough, constant fatigue, night sweats, glands
that are swollen for weeks, dyspnea or shortness of breath, white spots on mouth and tongue
and weight loss.

Once the disease has progressed to the stage where it is more or less full blown AIDS, a
patient becomes much more vulnerable to various other diseases such as tuberculosis.

Treatment of AIDS or HIV

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV at the moment. Since HIV is a retrovirus that replicates by
replacing the host cell’s DNA with copies of its own DNA, the best way to contain its spread is
ART or antiretroviral therapy. This is a drug therapy that prevents the virus from replicating,
thereby slowing or stopping its progress. It is best to start the treatment in the early stages of

infection so that the immune system isn’t significantly affected. At later stages, this treatment
can be combined with drugs that treat secondary diseases the patient may have contracted
due to lowered immunity.


Being diagnosed as HIV positive isn’t an easy thing to handle. However, with the treatments
now available to rein in the spread of the disease, patients suffering from HIV can still lead
long, healthy and productive lives.


42. Essay on Cancer

This is basically a disease that involves abnormal growth of cells that have the potential to
spread in different parts of the body. The disease may be curable if detected in early stages.
Cancer basically develops due to abnormal cell growth. It generates in one part of the body
and has the capacity to enter different body parts. Possible symptoms of cancer are the
formation of lumps, prolonged cough, abnormal bleeding, excessive weight loss and changes
in the bowel movement.


We are providing here some easy and effective cancer essays of varying lengths to help you
with the topic. You can select any short or long essay on cancer according to your need and


There are around 100 types of cancers that impact the human body. While some of these are
curable if detected during initial stages, the medical professionals across the globe are still
trying to identify cure for others.

Some of the possible symptoms of cancer are abnormal bleeding, blockage in the bowel,
excessive weight loss, pneumonia, excessive fatigue, changes in the skin and prolonged cough.

These symptoms do not appear in the initial stages of cancer and are often dismissed as
general bodily issues by the patients even when detected. These symptoms however may
even occur in those with other less serious health conditions. It is common for the cancer
patients to have undergone treatment for other diseases before finally being diagnosed with

A subset of neoplasms is formed in individuals suffering from cancer. A neoplasm, commonly

referred to as tumor, is basically a group of cells that undergo abnormal growth to the extent
to form a lump.

Some of the common causes of cancer include stress, lack of physical activity, pollution,
infections, radiations, diet, tobacco and obesity. In 5-10% of the cases, this disease is
inherited. It has been stated that around 70 – 90% of the cancers are formed due to
environmental factors such as poor lifestyle choices and pollution. These can thus be
prevented with some caution.


Cancer, a condition that is caused by excessive growth of cells, can be cured if detected at an
early stage. However, as the severity of the problem increases it becomes more and more
difficult to deal with it. As painful as the condition is, the treatments used to cure it are equally
agonizing. It is thus important to be alert and avert the problem from arising in the first place.
It is also essential not to neglect its symptoms to get rid of it at the earliest.

Symptoms That Must Not Be Ignored

Here are a few symptoms that are an early sign of cancer:

Weight Loss

Excessive weight loss without any drastic lifestyle change can be one of the early signs of
cancer. Keep a check on your weight and get alert if it goes down rather abnormally.


While it is common to feel fatigued due to various reasons however if you continue to feel
fatigued for no particular reason, it is time to consult your doctor.

Nagging Cough

A cough that goes over a couple of weeks must not be ignored as it may be a sign of lung

Changes in Bowel Movements

Prolonged constipation, diarrhea, pain while passing stool/ urine, blood in urine or any other
change in the bladder function or bowel movement may also be a sign of cancer.

Prolonged Sores

A prolonged sore that does not show any sign of healing must also not be ignored. It may be a
sign of skin cancer. One inside the mouth may be a symptom of oral cancer.

Lump Formation

Lump formation near the breast or the thickening of breast may be a sign of breast cancer.


With the disease spreading like wild fire with millions of people being affected by it each year,
it is imperative for you to learn how to prevent it and ensure that you do not ignore any of the
symptoms if they happen to crop up. Be aware, be safe!


Cancer is nothing but an unusual growth of cancer cells in any part of the body. Certain body
parts are more prone to developing these cells. If not treated on time, these can spread to the
other parts of the body. While most cancers are deadly, especially if detected at a later stage,
the good news is that you can prevent this problem.

Ways to Prevent Cancer

Prevention is always better than cure. So here are a few ways in which you can prevent this

Drink Plenty of Water

The health benefits of drinking plentiful water are known to all. This is especially helpful in
bringing down the risk of bladder cancer as water can dilute the concentration of agents
causing cancer and flush them. Have at least 8 glasses of water each day. The water must be
filtered and clean.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is no doubt the key to a healthy lifestyle. Have a healthy diet loaded with
various fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses to lower the risk of developing various kinds of

Have Green Vegetables

It is suggested to go for the greenest varieties of the green vegetables as these are rich in
magnesium that lowers the risk of cancer. It particularly reduces the risk of colon cancer in

Include Brazil Nuts in Your Diet

These are loaded with selenium that is said to reduce the risk of developing bladder, lung and
colorectal cancer. It is a good idea to have a handful of these in between your meals instead of
hogging on unhealthy snacks.


As per a research, those who have 5 or more cups of caffeinated coffee each day have a lower
chance of developing brain, oral and throat cancer compared to those who drink less.


The importance of exercising has been stressed upon time and again. Besides offering
numerous other health benefits, indulging in moderate exercise regularly helps in lowering the
risk of developing various types of cancers.

Avoid Filling Fuel Tank to the Top

A recent research shows that filling the fuel tank to the top can thwart the pump’s vapour
recovery system which is created to keep the toxic cancer causing air out.

Apart from inculcating these healthy habits, it is important to steer clear of tobacco
consumption and lower your alcohol intake.


As per the researchers, around 70% of the known causes of cancers are related to lifestyle and
can be avoided with little effort. It is essential to make it a habit to follow a healthy diet and
exercise regularly to stay fit and prevent this vicious condition.


Cancer occurs due to abnormal cell growth that typically occurs in any one part of the body
and spreads to others if not treated on time. There are numerous types of cancers. Some of
the common types of cancers include lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer,
kidney cancer and blood cancer. Millions of people incur this deadly disease each year. While
some fight it back bravely others succumb to it after some time.

Stages of Cancer

There are four stages of cancer. If detected at an early stage, it can be cured with the help of
surgery and medication however when detected at a later stage it usually proves fatal for the
patient. Here is a detailed look at the four stages of cancer:

Stage 1

In stage one, the cancer is small and is still contained within the organ it sprung up in.

Stage 2

The size of the tumour is larger in stage 2 however it hasn’t yet begun to spread in the
surrounding tissues. At times stage 2 of cancer means that the cancer cells have gone further
and spread in the lymph nodes near the tumour.

Stage 3

The tumour is much larger in this stage and it may have begun spreading in the surrounding
tissues. Cancer cells also spread in the lymph nodes in the area in this stage.

Stage 4

In this stage, the cancer has spread to other organ/ organs. It is also referred to as secondary
or metastatic cancer.

Sometimes these stages are further divided by the use of letters A, B and C.

Why is Staging Essential?

It is essential to diagnose the cancer stage as it helps in understanding the treatment required
for the patient. For instance, if a patient is still in the first stage of cancer then a surgery or
radiotherapy may help cure the same. It is a local treatment that only treats one part of the

If the cancer cells have broken from the original place and entered the lymph nodes which
means the patient has entered the third stage of cancer then adjuvant treatment is suggested.
This usually involves chemotherapy post surgery. This is done to kill the cancer cells broken
away from the primary tumour.

In case the cancer has spread to other parts of the body then local and adjuvant treatments
are not enough. It requires a treatment that covers the entire body. Such a treatment is

known as systemic treatment. It involves chemotherapy hormone therapy and biological
therapies that circulate in the bloodstream.

Staging is thus used as a means to describe the size of the cancer and the severity of the
problem. A number of tests are carried out by the doctors when a patient is diagnosed of
cancer. These are done to understand the size of the cancer and whether it has spread to the
other organs. This helps in identifying the stage of cancer a patient is suffering from.


Many types of cancers are curable if detected at stage 1 or 2. However, it becomes difficult to
deal with the problem as the stage goes up. The symptoms of this disease must not be ignored
and the patient must undergo treatment while there is still time.


Cancer, considered to be a deadly disease, is caused due to various factors including unhealthy
lifestyle, exposure to pollution, stress, exposure to radiations, infections, consumption of
tobacco and unhealthy dietary choices. There are numerous types of cancers that impact the
human body and the cause of their development varies based on their type.

Types of Cancers

While there are more than 100 types of cancers that can affect the human body here is a look
at the some of the most common types and learn a few important points about the same:

Lung Cancer: This type of cancer occurs in the cells inside the lining of the lungs. There are
mainly two types of lung cancers. These are small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Some of
the common symptoms of lung cancer include coughing up blood, breathlessness, chest pain
and weight loss.

Breast Cancer: This type of cancer is most common in women. However, men may also
develop breast cancer. Early signs of this type of cancer include a lump in the breast, dimpling
of skin, liquid discharge from the nipples and change in the breast shape.

Skin Cancer: Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancers. It affects more than a
million people every year. It can form in the skin cells in any body part. It is mainly caused due
to overexposure to sun. Skin cancer is further divided into different categories such as basal

cell skin cancer that occurs in the round cells inside the skin’s outer layer and squamous cell
skin cancer that occurs in flat cells on the top of the skin.

Melanoma: This is another kind of skin cancer that forms in the skin’s melanocyte cells. It
leads to the production of brown pigment melanin and is said to be the most dangerous types
of skin cancer. It may even be found in pigmented parts such as intestines and in the eyes.

Prostate Cancer: This mostly occurs in men over the age of 50 years. It develops in the tissues
inside the prostate gland. This gland forms a part of the male reproductive system. While most
prostate cancers grow slowly some might grow at a relatively rapid speed. Cancer cells may
spread from prostate to other parts of the body.

Kidney Cancer: Also known as renal cancer, it forms in the ducts of the kidney. Two common
types of kidney cancer are Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) and Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC).
Kidney cancer usually develops in people over the age of 40 years however there is one type
of kidney cancer that mostly affects young children.

Colorectal Cancer: Colon and Rectal cancers have also seen a rise. Colon is part of the large
intestine and helps in digestion while rectum is found at the end of the large intestine.

Bladder Cancer: The cancer cells that develop within the bladder tissue result in bladder
cancer. Lower back pain, pain in urination and blood in urine are some of the symptoms of
bladder cancer.

Leukemia: There are basically four major types of leukemia. These are acute myeloid
leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic
leukemia. This type usually forms inside the bone marrow or tissues that are a part of the
blood cells and is referred to as blood cancer.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: This includes different types of cancers involving white blood cells. It
usually causes lymph nodes, weight loss and fever. It can occur in different parts of the body.


It is suggested to follow a healthy lifestyle by indulging in regular exercise and following a

nutritious diet plan to prevent this problem. A person with good immune system is less likely
to develop this disease compared to someone with a poor lifestyle and weak immunity.


43. Essay on Environment and Human Health

Life on this planet is interconnected. Nothing is isolated and everything has an impact on
everything else. With concerns about climate change looming and becoming more immediate,
we need to understand how our environment and health are connected.


Below you will find some essays on environment and human health that can help you in your
examinations/assignments. Select any environment and human health essay you need from
the ones given below.



Human health is defined as the state of well-being with regards to the mental, physical and
social aspects of the human condition. A person cannot be called healthy merely because of
the absence of disease; he or she needs to be doing well in all ways to actually qualify as
healthy. Many factors play a role in determining our health – biological, nutritional,
psychological and chemical. These factors can be influenced by internal and external
conditions. Externally, the biggest factor that influences our health is our environment.

Environment and Human Health

Our environment isn’t merely the air we breathe, although that is a major component; it
ranges from the water we drink to the soil we grow our food in to the sounds and noises in
our surroundings. Each part affects us and thereby our health. With emissions from vehicles,
factories and fires, our air supply is full of toxic chemicals that present the risk of lung cancer,
heart disease and asthma. The food we eat is covered in pesticides that make soil less fertile
and can be carcinogenic for us. The human body needs water to survive but our water sources
are full of human and industrial wastes that create serious health issues.


We need to remember that we have to live in synergy with our environment. What we put out
in it will come back to us. Unless we do something now, the earth will very soon no longer be
a habitable planet.



Human tendency has always been to subjugate our surroundings. We take pleasure in
conquering and reshaping our environment as though it is beneath us and we are supreme.
However, the simple truth is that humans are as dependent upon the environment as any
other animals on the planet for our continued well-being. Therefore, if we harm our
environment, we harm ourselves.

Health and Environment

Our physical, mental and social well-being is dependent upon our surroundings. What we put
into the ecosystem is eventually cycled back to us. The pollutants we discard into this
ecosystem find their way back through the air we breathe, the food we consume and the
water we drink. Since we discard these pollutants because they are harmful to us, it follows
that when we inadvertently consume them afterwards, they will still have harmful effects on
our health.

Problems with this have been going on for quite some time. We use pesticides on our food
crops because the chemicals kill the pests that could destroy the crops. However, those
pesticides remain on the food when we consume them causing health problems ranging from
skin problems to cancer. The pesticides also reduce the fertility of the soil ensuring that the
next crop isn’t as bountiful.

Similarly, we discard human and industrial waste into whatever water body is conveniently
close. But we also use the same water bodies for drinking water. Water pollution leads to
diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery, lead poisoning, polio and arsenicosis amongst others.
The air is also polluted by all the gaseous emissions our activities release. Ranging from smoke
from fires to emissions from vehicles and industries, these pollutants cause respiratory
disorders such as asthma and bronchitis and can even result in lung cancer.


Environmental scientists have been raising the alarm for some time, but things are very critical
now. Our unchecked activities have had adverse effects on the ecosystem and some of that
damage is now irreversible. If we do not step up to the plate, we will render the earth
uninhabitable very soon.



As per the definition by WHO, “human health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”. This well-being does
not happen in isolation; it is affected by internal as well as external factors. Internal factors
include issues inside the human body such as immune deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and
genetic or congenital disorders.

External factors generally include three types of health hazards: physical hazards such as
ultraviolet and radioactive radiations, noise pollution, carbon monoxide and CFCs; chemical
hazards such as industrial effluents, heavy metals, pesticides and fossil fuel combustion; and
biological hazards such as parasites, bacteria and viruses.

This clearly means that our health is, to a great extent, dependent upon our environment and
the environmental factors that affect human health are mostly created by humans. What we
release into our eco-system eventually finds its way back to us.

How Environment Affects Human Health

Since we are completely dependent on the environment to survive, it is safe to say that any
changes to the environment will impact human well-being. However, the actual relationship
between these two is more complex than we believed and isn’t always easy to assess. The
most obvious impacts that we have seen are from deteriorating water quality, air pollution
and unsanitary conditions. Radiation poisoning too has deadly consequences for human

The response to these issues has been an overall attempt to clean up our ecosystem. While
that has worked for some countries, mostly in the developed world, it hasn’t been applied

thoroughly in the developing countries of the world. Bilateral and multilateral agreements
between countries have managed to address some of the more immediate concerns such as
the emission of CFCs into the atmosphere and the damage done to the ozone layer by them.

The corporate world is also trying to lessen its carbon footprint and turning to ‘green’
solutions. However, there are many concerns that have yet to be addressed and are spiralling
out of control such as biodiversity; on an average, one species dies out every day. In addition,
it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a proper supply of food so that the world
doesn’t starve.


We are simply too well-woven into our surroundings to be immune to the effects of any
changes in those surroundings. The problem is that because the relationship between health
and environment is complex, we aren’t motivated to make major changes; we’re waiting for
irrefutable evidence. By the time we do get it, it might be too late.



We are aware of the complex strands that bind us to our environment. We have already
started noticing the difference in our health and how it is related to what we do to our
environment. However, a point to consider is that if a bad environment can cause harm to
human health, a good environment can actually nurture it.

Unhealthy Environment Unhealthy Life

A report jointly published by the United Nations Environment Programme, the WHO, the
Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, the Convention on Biological
Diversity and the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel conventions states that in the year 2012
alone, approximately 12.6 million people lost their lives due to conditions brought on by
environmental pollution. UNEP also estimates that environmental degradation is behind 25
percent of all human diseases.

Environmental Pollution Impact

While environmental pollution may have an impact on everyone, research has shown that
there are certain demographics that are more vulnerable to its effects – the young, the poor,
women, the migrant workers and the elderly. In addition, diseases such as Ebola, Zika and
SARS are emerging every few months and spreading because of overpopulation, too much
livestock and the resultant environmental impact.

In order to stop the spread of these diseases, healthy ecosystems are essential. While tackling
these diseases, such ecosystems can also bring about economic development, reduction of
poverty, fewer risks to human well-being and the security of knowing that resources will not
run out.

Mental Health

Increasingly, studies conducted on mental health are relating good mental health with
exposure to nature. These studies have linked reduction of the symptoms of anxiety and
depression and lowered stress levels to the presence of green space close by. In fact, people
who moved to urban areas that are greener were seen to have improved mental health.

Water Contamination Impact

This is another example of environmental pollution affecting those in the lower economic
strata. In countries where the income levels are middle to low, unavailability of clean water is
responsible for 58 percent of the diarrhoea cases. Contaminated water and poor hygiene and
sanitation are responsible for the deaths of around 3.5 million people. They also cause the
premature deaths of around 25 percent of children younger than 14 years of age.

Approach to Resolution

There are several areas of immediate concern, based on the connection between poor human
health and environmental degradation. Some of them are:

Ecosystems that have degraded and natural systems on earth that are under pressure, which
are more likely to cause disasters such as disease outbreaks, scarcity of food and natural

Insufficient sanitation, poor hygiene and unsafe water that are the causes of deadly diseases,
poor mental health and even hit economic productivity badly.

Poor nutrition combined with dropping levels of physical activity, leading to the spread of non-
communicable diseases.


Directly or indirectly, a healthy environment means healthy people. This is not to say that
disease and malnutrition will be eliminated entirely but the incidences of these occurrences
will reduce and millions of human lives will not be lost every year.



Human health or human well-being is affected by two main factors – individual traits or
internal factors and ecological well-being or external factors. However, most of the time,
when research is conducted on the human health condition, these two factors are
investigated in isolation from each other. If one truly wants to answer the question – how
does the environment affect individual health – one has to look at both factors in tandem. This
becomes especially important now in light of climate change warnings and governmental
indifference to them.

Impact of Environment on Health

The drawback with health related environmental studies or environment related health
studies being conducted, especially those in the West, have narrowed their focus to
concentrate on specific allergenic, infectious or toxic agents. They aren’t focusing on broader
issues that cover psychological and social impacts too.

Some researchers agree that when studying human health it is important to take into account
the impact of the environment of the people being studied. That impact can be seen in the

fact that health inequalities exist as per the geography. In fact, health is impacted by the social
and physical environment.

Additional research has also shown that there is a direct relationship between people’s mental
health and the prevalence of green spaces; the more proximity to the green space, the better
the mental health.

Socio-economic Differences in Environmental Impact

That the environment and human health are intertwined cannot be denied. However, that
relationship works out differently in different places. In other words, depending upon where
you are in the world, the immediate health concerns and the environmental factors affecting
those concerns can be varied.

Developing countries tend to focus more on issues such as infant mortality, malnutrition and
infectious diseases. The immediate environmental concerns in these countries are sanitation,
hygiene, mining, ore processing, oil production and water quality. However, when one looks at
developed nations, health concerns revolve around issues such as cancer, lung disease and
heart disease. These countries have economies built around industries and those industries do
not dispose off their hazardous wastes responsibly, thereby contaminating nearby water
bodies and soil.

Considering these factors, it is no wonder that emphasis is placed more on the diseases than
on the causes behind those diseases. The causes vary; the diseases may not necessarily do so.

Examples of Environmental Impact on Health Globally

Unfortunately, there isn’t any part of the globe that is free of environmental damage, not
even the Polar Regions. If one goes looking, one will almost always find health concerns
related to those environmental issues. It doesn’t help that countries such as China and India
are developing very quickly. Their pace is such that environmental concerns aren’t being able
to keep up with development.

Untreated human waste, industrial effluents, agricultural runoff and just plain old dumping
are playing havoc with the ecology in both countries. Then there are the eastern European
countries, many of which are former Soviet Union states. Over the past decades, hazardous
waste such as heavy metals and nitrates were dumped without any plan or precaution. The

result is badly contaminated ground water and surface water, not to mention the lowered
quality of soil.

Some action is being taken finally where in such regions are being identified and efforts have
been made to remediate, reclaim and restore the soil and surface water in such places; the
effort comes too late, however, for the population that has already been exposed to these


If one really wants to know what the environmental impact on health looks like, they need to
stop looking at it in terms of discrete bubbles. They must study health disorders from an
individual as well as an environmental perspective.


44. Essay on Happiness

Happiness is something which is difficult to describe in words. It can only be felt. Happiness is
essential for leading a good life but unfortunately it is missing from the lives of most people
these days. Different people have different ideas of happiness. Some believe that it can be
found in money, others feel happy and content when they are in a good relationship yet
others feel elated when they are doing well professionally. Here are essays on happiness of
varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any happiness essay
according to your need:



Happiness is a very simple term which is used commonly. Even a small kid can tell the meaning
of happiness. But how many of us really know the meaning of true happiness and how to
attain that state? Not many! Most people look for happiness outside. They believe that they
can be happy if they possess certain things or be with certain people or reach a professional
height. This is what they have been fed with since their childhood. While all the mentioned
things are essential for a good living, they cannot bring happiness.

Happiness is something that only you can bring for yourself. If you choose to be happy and
channelize for thoughts accordingly, then you shall attain happiness. However, it is not as
simple as it seems. You need to make efforts to work on it. Secondly, it is not a one-time
activity. You need to practice certain things daily in order to achieve this state.

Now, while you need to look for happiness inside at times you need to seek help from your
family and friends. Many people these days suffer from depression because they choose to
deal with their problems on their own and not to involve others. This is wrong! It is important
to look within to find true happiness but it is equally important to surround yourself with
positive people.


Happiness is a state of bliss. If you train your brain to stay in this state it will stay this way. This
is because your mind believes whatever you say. However, it is not as simple as it seems. You
may experience happiness from time to time however it may take months or even years to
make this state last.

Ways to Attract Happiness and Make it Last

As per some recent studies, some of the habits to attract happiness and make it last are as

Be Content

Instead of getting super excited or depressed in different situations you must practice to
transform these activated feelings into deactivated feelings such as calmness and
contentment. These feelings are healthier and also easier to sustain.

Live in Present

You must stop thinking about your past mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes; nobody is
perfect. Stop blaming yourself or feeling guilty for all the bad decisions you have taken in life.
Also stop worrying about your future. Live in the present moment. Don’t let the good times go

Be Thankful

Remember all your past moments and decisions that brought happiness and rejoice them. Be
thankful to God for bestowing such joyous moments.

Develop Positive Thoughts

Your thoughts build your reality. Positive thoughts and positive mind attract positive things in
life and negative thoughts fetch similar experiences. So the only way to experience happiness
is to feel good about all that you have.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Steer clear from people who indulge in negative talks or de-motivate you. Surround yourself
with positive minds instead.


It is easy to get carried away by negative thoughts and get into a state of anxiety and stress
owing to several things in life. However, you must always remind yourself of the good times
and all the things you should be thankful about. This is a good way to shift your mood from
negative to positive.


Happiness is basically a state of being happy and content. Several philosophers have given
different views on this topic however the most dominant one is that happiness comes from
within and must not be searched for in the outside world.

Money Cannot Buy Happiness

It is sad how people look for happiness outside. Many people associate happiness with money.
If this was the case then rich people would have never felt sad. But on the contrary, we see
that it is the rich who seem more anxious, fearful, stressed and often experience relationship

problems and suffer from depression. Celebrities such as movie stars, singers and ministers
have hoards of money and yet the divorce rate of these people is much higher than the
general public. These people live in constant fear of being chased or hit and hence require
security all the time. They are more fearful about the safety of their children. They are also the
ones more prone to theft and robbery. Many of them have so much overflow of wealth that
they are constantly stressed about where to invest or hide it. On the other hand, those
belonging to the poor classes are often more carefree and joyous.

This is not to say that being rich is a bad thing. Having money means that you have access to a
lot of things. You can go on holidays, plan social gatherings, purchase good clothes, buy
properties, live in a good locality and a lot more and all this brings in a feel good factor which
is an essential component for being happy. However, believing that if you have all these you
will be happy is wrong. Materialistic things can make you happy momentarily but cannot help
attain true happiness.

Happiness Comes from Within

It is rightly said, “You will find true happiness in life when you realize it only takes “you” to be
happy. True happiness lies within yourself, it doesn’t come from others”. This point has been
emphasized at several places. But most people dismiss it as irrelevant. It needs to be
understood that happiness is basically a state of mind. It cannot be achieved from things we
see outside. We have the power to create it with the help of positive emotions which can be
achieved with good thoughts.


It is basically our thoughts that create our emotions. So we need to work upon building
positive thoughts and a positive outlook towards life and it would ultimately result in true


Happiness is something that everyone craves for but very few are able to attain. As simple as
it is to define, it is equally difficult to achieve it. This is because people often associate it with
people and things. Happiness is something that begins and ends with you. Only those who
realize this shall be able to attain true happiness.

Aristotle’s Philosophy about Happiness

Aristotle was one such philosopher who wrote at length about happiness. He believed that
happiness depends on our own self. As per him, happiness is the main purpose of human life.
He stated that happiness is a goal in itself and that it depends on virtue. However, Aristotle’s
virtues are more individualistic rather than being typically social virtues.

As per Aristotle, a truly happy life needs the fulfillment of many conditions such as being
physically and mentally fit. He has presented the theory of happiness in one of his most
influential works, Nicomachean Ethics. This theory of Aristotle holds relevance even in today’s
scenario. As per him, happiness is the end that meets all the needs. He states that almost
everything we desire, be it good relationships, money, success or power is because we believe
that these will make us happy. This is to say that everything else is just a means towards
attaining happiness and happiness is an end in itself.

Happiness in a Relationship

Many people associate happiness with money and several others associate it with
relationships. What they do not understand is that they can never truly be happy in a
relationship if they are not happy with themselves. Relationship problems have been growing
rapidly and the main reason behind this is that we expect too much from the other person.
We expect them to make us feel happy. We feed our brain with lies such as, ‘we shall be
happy if our partner buys us this dress’ or ‘we shall be happy if our partner plans a surprise for
us’. The problem is not just with couples. It is the same with every relationship be it a parent-
child relationship, brother-sister relationship or friendship.

Here are a few ways to help develop healthy and happy relationships:

Take Care of Yourself

Take good care of yourself. Do not give priority to the other person over yourself and let him
do the same. If you give too much and do not get anything in return you are creating a recipe
for disappointment.

Take Initiative

If you want to go somewhere then plan it yourself. Do not wait for your partner or parent or
child to take you there. Tell them you would love it if they come along. However, if they refuse
do not get disheartened. Continue with your plan.

Give Space

It is essential to give space to your partner and demand your personal space in a relationship
to build a healthy relationship.


We set unrealistic expectations from other people in our life and believe that if they truly love
us they would act in a certain manner. This is absolutely wrong. This only harms the
relationship rather than doing any good. It needs to be understood that the only person who
can make you feel truly happy is you.


Happiness is a way of life and not something that can be achieved and kept. People spend
their entire life running after happiness but end up dissatisfied. They are conditioned to
believe that they will be happy if they get admission in a good college or if they secure a good
job or if they get an understanding life partner. While all these help in building a good life
which is essential to attain happiness however these alone cannot bring happiness. Happiness
is something that comes from within and not from external things.

Happiness as per Buddhism

As per Buddhism, “Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely
relies on what you think.”

Buddha believed that happiness begins from understanding the main causes of suffering. He
has given an Eightfold path following which helps control the mind and ultimately leads to
happiness. However, this is not a one-time task. This needs to be followed daily. The idea is to
teach your mind not to dwell in the past or worry about future and to live in the present. The
here and now is the only place where you can experience peace and happiness.

Buddha has been described as “ever-smiling”. His portrayals mostly depict him with a smile.
This smile comes from a profound composure from within. Buddhism states that true
happiness can be attained by knowledge and practice to develop mental calmness and this
can be achieved by detaching oneself from the needs, wants and passions.

Happiness as per Hinduism

As per Hinduism, happiness is attained by way of one’s own actions, past deeds and the grace
of God. Three types of happiness have been mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. These are as

Physical Happiness: Also known as Bhautik Sukham, this can be attained from a comfortable
living, bodily pleasures and sensual enjoyment.

Mental Happiness: Also known as Manasik Anandam, this can be derived from a sense of
fulfillment and satisfaction. It is a state in which as person is free from all sorts of worries and

Spiritual Happiness: Also known as Adhyatmik Atmanandam, this can be attained when a
person is able to come out of the cycle or births and deaths and make a union with self.

The ultimate aim of a living being as per Hinduism is to experience supreme blissfulness as a
free soul in the heaven. The human beings can experience temporary happiness on earth by
fulfilling their duties however permanent happiness according to Hinduism can only be
achieved in the heaven by attaining liberation.

Happiness – Essential for Good Life

Whether you are a student, a working professional, a housewife or a retired person –

happiness is something that is essential for each one of you to lead a good life. It is necessary
for a person’s emotional well being. If a person is not healthy emotionally, his overall health is
likely to do down the drain in no time.

Unfortunately, even though happiness is extremely essential, people do not pay much
attention to ways in which they can keep themselves happy. They are all so engrossed in their
professional lives and other nitty-gritty’s of life that they forget to enjoy the good moments in
life. No wonder, the cases of stress, anxiety and depression are rising by the day.


The definition of happiness and the perspective of seeing and pursuing it may be different as
per different institutions however the sole meaning of it is to be in a joyous state. As hard as
you work to earn and maintain your lifestyle, if you work equally hard to attain happiness,
your life would be much better.


45. Essay on Health

Health refers to a person’s physical, mental and social well being. A person is said to be
enjoying good health when he is devoid of any physical ailments, mental stress and enjoys
good interpersonal relationships.

The definition of health has evolved over the decades. While earlier it only referred to the
physical well being of a person, it refers to a state when a person is enjoying good mental
health, is spiritually awakened and has a good social standing. Here are some essays on health
of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any health essay
according to your need:



Contrary to the popular notion, health does not just means being physically fit and devoid of
any ailments, it also means the overall well being of a person. It includes being mentally and
emotionally strong, possessing healthy inter-personal relationships, having good cognitive
skills and being spiritually awakened.

Being healthy is not a state; it is a way of life. It is a process. Keeping your physical health in
check requires you to have proper diet every day. You cannot have nutritious diet for two days
a week and hog on junk for the rest and still be healthy. Similarly, you cannot sleep for 24
hours on the same day and stay awake for the next three days. It is essential to maintain a
healthy lifestyle to stay in good shape and enjoy good health. In addition to having a rich diet
full of nutrients one must also have adequate sleep and exercise on a daily basis to maintain

It is also essential to surround oneself with people who bring in positivity and encourage you
to bring out the best in you rather than pulling you down. Besides being socially active and
maintaining good relations with people, it is also essential to look within. Squeeze in some
time each day to sit all by yourself to understand your needs better and take your life in the
right direction. This is a crucial step in keeping your overall health intact.


“Health is not just about what you’re eating. It’s also about what you’re thinking and saying.”
Generally, a person is said to be enjoying good health when he is mentally and physically fit.
However, health has more to it. The modern definition of health includes various other
aspects that need to be kept intact to enjoy a healthy life.

How the Definition of Health Evolved?

Initially, health only meant the body’s ability to function well. It was only disrupted because of
physical ailment or disease. It was in 1948 that the World Health Organization (WHO)
associated the term health with a person’s overall physical, mental as well as social well being
and not just the absence of ailment. While this definition was accepted by some, it was largely
criticized. It was said that this definition of health was extremely broad and thus seemed
rather vague. It was discarded as being impractical for a long time. 1980’s brought a new
concept of health. It stated health as a resource for living and not just a state.

Today, a person is considered healthy if he is enjoying good physical, mental, social, spiritual
and cognitive health.

Importance of Maintaining Health

Good health forms the basis for accomplishing various other tasks in life. Here is how it helps:

Family Life: Somebody who is physically unfit cannot take care of his family. Similarly,
someone experiencing mental stress and having the inability to handle his emotions cannot
build and promote good family relations.

Work: It goes without saying that a physically unfit person cannot work properly. Good mental
health is equally essential for working efficiently. To get recognition at work one must also
enjoy good social and cognitive health.

Studies: Poor physical and mental health is a hindrance in studying. It is important to maintain
good cognitive health in addition to good physical and mental health to study well.


It is essential to take utmost care of your health. It is only when you are healthy you would be
able to take good care of other aspects of your life.


Health is the name given to the state where a person is physically and mentally fit, has good
interpersonal relationships and is spiritually awakened. One must take utmost care of every
aspect of his health to enjoy a wholesome living.

Techniques to Optimize Health

Here are a few simple techniques to help optimize health:

Follow Healthy Diet Plan

The first step towards maintaining good health is to have a diet rich in various micronutrients.
Your diet must especially include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Also have pulses,
eggs and dairy products that help in your overall growth and cereals that render energy to
keep you going throughout the day.

Take Proper Rest

It is essential to give your body adequate rest to stay healthy and retain energy to work.
Sleeping for 8 hours a day is a must for this. In no case should you compromise on your sleep.
Lack of sleep leaves you lethargic and drains you both physically and mentally.


It is suggested to take out at least half an hour from your daily schedule to indulge in any
physical exercise of your choice. You may try brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, yoga or
any other exercise of your choice. This keeps you physically fit and is also a great way to relax
your mind.

Play Brain Games

As important as it is for you to indulge in physical exercise, it is equally important for you to
play brain games. These are good for your cognitive health.


Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and sit in self introspection. It takes you to a
higher state and gives more clarity of thoughts.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

It is essential for you to surround yourself with positive people. Be with those with whom you
can indulge in healthy and meaningful discussions and also those who bring out the best in
you rather than discouraging you. This is good for your emotional as well as social health.

Go for Routine Check-up

It is a good idea to enrol for annual health check-up. Precaution is always better than cure. So
if you see any kind of deficiencies or any such issue in the report you can seek medical help
and cure it just in time before it escalates.


Today, people are so caught up in the rat race that they forget to take care of their health. It is
essential to understand that health comes first. One must follow the aforementioned points to
optimize health and live joyfully.


Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. Health is of prime importance and
everything else comes later. Maintaining good health depends on a number of factors
including the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the kind of people we deal
with and the amount of exercise we indulge in.

Mental Health is as Important as Physical Health

While a lot of importance is given on being physically fit from a person’s early years itself,
many people overlook the need and importance to stay emotionally and mentally strong. It is
time people should understand how important it is to maintain mental health and work in that

Parents are often seen giving importance to the food their children should eat and the level of
hygiene that needs to be maintained to ensure their physical health. Many moms are seen
showing concern over their children’s eating habits. They force their children to have food
using different means to keep them physically fit and energetic. But we have seldom seen
anyone who pays as much attention to understand as to what is going on in their child’s mind.
Parents often give instructions to their kids to get tasks done but do not try to analyse as to

why their child is avoiding or denying something. Spending time with children and catering to
their emotional needs is as important as feeding them.

This does not only hold good for children but for people of every age. Each individual should
give as much importance to his mental and emotional health as he gives to his physical well
being. It is the lack of this that is giving rise to problems such as depression, hypertension and

Healthcare in India

There is no National health insurance system for the citizens of India. This is the reason why
the private sector is the main healthcare provider in the country. While there are government
hospitals at many places in the country where the diagnoses is done for free and people are
also given access to free medicines, many people hesitate visiting these facilities due to lack of
hygiene. Also, since these offer free services there is a lot of waiting here.

The government must work upon maintaining these facilities and should also set up more of
these so that the needs of every citizen can be catered to. The common man in India requires
bearing huge healthcare expenses. Most of the savings made by them are spent in taking care
of their family’s health. Those who buy healthcare insurance also need to spend amount from
their pocket when it comes to undergoing various treatments as there are loopholes in these


There is so much competition at every step in life. Each person wants to outshine the other,
be it at the school or college level or at maintaining a lifestyle later in life and their health
takes a backseat. People must recognize the fact that health comes first. It is only when we
are healthy we can work better on other aspects in life. The government must also provide
good healthcare facilities for the betterment of the country.


Health was initially known as a state in which a person was mentally and physically fit. It was
said to be disrupted when a person fell sick or suffered from other physical ailments.
However, over the decades, the definition of health has undergone change and it covers a
broader perspective now.

Different Components of Health

There are basically five components of health. A person is considered to be healthy when all
these are in check. Here is a look at these components:

Physical Health

Physical Health is being physically fit, devoid of any illness or disease. Good physical health
promotes longer life span.

How to Maintain Physical Health?

Follow a proper diet plan that includes all the essential micronutrients

Lower the consumption of oily, sugary and junk food

Avoid smoking, drinking and taking drugs

Take adequate sleep daily

Exercise regularly

Go for regular health check-up

Mental and Emotional Health

It includes the psychological and emotional well being of a person. Our mental health basically
impacts the way we feel, think and handle different situations. Keeping mental health in check
is as important as keeping physical health intact.

How to Maintain Mental and Emotional Health?

Take care of your physical health

Value and respect yourself

Surround yourself with good and positive people


Indulge in Exercise

Learn ways to deal with stress

Social Health

Social health is a person’s ability to build and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships
with his/ her friends, neighbours, relatives and others in the society. It also refers to a person’s
ability to act appropriately and adapt to different social situations.

How to Maintain Social Health?

Groom yourself

Learn good communication skills to communicate effectively

Be friendly and positive

Learn the art of anger management

Attend social gatherings

Be a good listener

Cognitive Health

When a person’s brain can perform all the mental processes efficiently he/ she is said to enjoy
good cognitive health. The processes and activities involve learning new things, good
judgement, efficient use of language to communicate your point and strong intuition.

How to Maintain Cognitive Health?

Eat healthy

Take 8 hours of sleep each day

Have herbs such as Brahmi, Aahwagandha and Calamus to boost brain power

Play brain games such as chess, Sudoku, word puzzles, etc

Indulge in meaningful discussions

Don’t multitask


Spiritual Health

It is basically establishing a sense of connection with a person’s inner self to understand the
meaning of life. Keeping the spiritual health intact helps a person become more positive,
patient and sorted in life.

How to Maintain Spiritual Health?

Take out time to sit in self-introspection for some time each day.

Take a diary and pen down your thoughts if you can’t concentrate while thinking


Practice deep breathing

Practice Yoga


What is Cultural Health?

It is basically an education discipline that educates about the appropriate cultural information.
It refers to intra or inter-cultural competence which is required to establish effective cross-
cultural communication.

This is divided into four categories:

National: It focuses on cultural literacy regarding values, principles and interests of the nation
a person belongs to.

Medical: It focuses on the cultural competency of medical representatives and organizations.

Ethnic: It focuses on cultural literacy regarding values, principles and interests of the ethnic
group a person belongs to.

Education: It focuses on the cultural literacy of the students and professionals. Many schools
have started incorporating it in their curriculum.


Health doesn’t only mean your physical and mental health it comprises of various other
elements as discussed above. While good physical health lays the basis for a healthy life, you
must keep all the other health components intact to enjoy a wholesome life.


46. Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of a good life. While it does not take much to achieve this
lifestyle many people these days are unable to follow it owing to several reasons such as
professional commitments, lack of determination and personal issues. It takes a good amount
of determination to lead a healthy lifestyle these days. With so many tasks to accomplish
during the day, our health often takes a backseat. It is important to realize the need to follow
a healthy lifestyle and understand the ways in which it can be achieved.


Here are some short and long essays on Healthy Lifestyle of varying lengths to help you with
the topic in your exams and school/college assignments. You can select any Healthy Lifestyle
essay as per your need and interest:


The term ‘healthy lifestyle’ is heard almost everywhere these days – on the television, on
social media platforms as well as in magazines. The need to follow a healthy lifestyle is
stressed upon via these mediums but people still ignore it and continue with their not-so-
healthy lifestyle and eventually bear its consequences.

A healthy lifestyle mainly includes following healthy eating habits, taking adequate sleep and
squeezing in some time for physical exercise each day. However, most people get so caught up
with their daily grinds that they neglect their health. Ignoring your health is the worst thing
you can do to yourself. Many people realize this only after they develop some health issues.

It is time people should understand that our health is of utmost importance and it is only
when we are healthy would we be able to work efficiently on other aspects of our lives.
Developing healthy habits requires just a few changes in the daily routine. These changes
eventually become a habit and before you know you are on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

It is better to take out some time to follow the healthy habits shared above when you are still
young and fit to avoid health issues later in life.


Ours is the generation of the computer, mobile, burgers, pizzas and late night parties–
basically everything that is unhealthy. Everyone is caught up between professional

commitments and personal issues and what they are losing on amidst all this chaos is their
health. People these days have become so involved in their daily grinds that they have
forgotten what it is to live a wholesome and healthy life.

Importance of Healthy Lifestyle

Our elders often stress upon the need for having a nutritious diet, sleeping and waking up on
time each day and going to nearby places by foot rather than using vehicles each time.
However, most of us ignore their advice and continue with our unhealthy way of living. What
they suggest is absolutely right. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle. The need to switch
to healthy habits is being stressed upon everywhere these days. Here is why it is important to
follow a healthy lifestyle:

It makes you more organized and increases productivity.

It makes you physically fit and keeps several health issues at bay.

It is a great way to live stress free.

It renders a positive outlook.

It brings us closer to our family and loved ones.

Indulging in unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, having junk food, spending too much
time on screen can lead to various serious illnesses and should thus be avoided.


“Health is Wealth”. It is indeed but seems like our generation has forgotten it. It is time to
slow down and take a look at the way you are living and treating your body. You may make
more money, win friends and afford the luxuries of life with the lifestyle you are following but
you are shortening your life span. Take charge of your life and switch to healthy habits while
there is still time.


Healthy lifestyle implies following good habits such as having a healthy diet, taking out time to
indulge in physical exercise regularly and taking adequate sleep at night. It is essential to
follow a healthy lifestyle to keep various illnesses at bay and live wholly.

How to Quit Unhealthy Habits?

While most of us are aware of the unhealthy habits we indulge in and many even try to quit
the same, we often fall short. You cannot just wake up one day and decide to quit your
unhealthy habits and voila you are done with it. No, it requires a lot of effort to quit such
habits especially if you have been following them since long. Here are a few things that should

Write Down

The first thing you should do is to write down the cons of the bad habits you have been
indulging in and the positive effects you can bring about in your life if you quit the same. Stick
it at a place where you can read it often enough. This should work as an inspiration.

Company Effects

Company affects our habits to a large extent. If you have been socialising with people who
indulge in drinking and smoking then it would be hard for you to quit these habit. It is time to
limit your contact with such people.

Avoid Triggers

There may be a number of things that might act as triggers. For instance, if you smoke more
when you are drinking then cut out on your drinks. If you have the habit of having chips and
cookies when you are watching TV then cut out on the time you watch TV.

Look for a Substitute

Boredom and stress are some of the common reasons people take to unhealthy habits such as
smoking, drinking, spending large amount of time on mobile or TV screens. Instead of
indulging in such activities you must make an effort to channelize your energy in the right
direction. For instance, you may follow something that interests you during your free time. It
can be anything from playing with your dog to dancing to sketching.

Seek Professional Help

If the above mentioned doesn’t help especially when it comes to getting rid of the addictions
you have developed then it is time to seek professional help.


You must not take your health lightly. It is time to switch to a healthy lifestyle if you haven’t
already to keep health issues at bay.


Healthy lifestyle is the need of the hour. While it came easy to the earlier generations these
days people find it hard to follow owing to the fast paced life. People are working hard,
partying harder and doing everything apart from taking care of their health. It is time we must
take our health seriously. A few healthy habits can help you develop a healthy lifestyle over a
period of time.

Healthy Habits That Must be Followed

Follow a Healthy Diet Plan

Following a healthy diet plan is of utmost importance when you are trying to live a healthy life.
Begin by following a healthy diet plan that includes all the essential micronutrients and steer
clear from junk food.

Wake Up Early

Most people are unable to indulge in exercise, have breakfast and spend few quality moments
with their loved ones in the morning because they do not wake up on time. Make it a habit to
wake up early each morning so that you have enough time to accommodate all these tasks.


Squeeze in at least half an hour each day to indulge in physical exercise of your choice. You
can choose to go for a walk, swim, practice yoga, deep breathing or do anything that interests
you. This helps in de-stressing.

Sleep On Time

Since you have to wake up early, it is essential to sleep on time. You must ensure that you take
at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

Put Your Mobile Aside

You should make it a habit to keep your phone aside while you are working to enhance
productivity. Also keep your phone at a distance when you are at home and spend quality
time with your family. The rays emitted by mobile phones are harmful it is thus suggested to
keep it away especially when you sleep at night.

Connect With Positive Minds

It is always good to be friends with people who bring in positivity in your life and stay away
from those who indulge in negative talks. Also socialise with those who follow a healthy
lifestyle rather than those who regularly indulge in unhealthy habits such as smoking or

Have Your Meals on Time

As important as it is to follow a healthy diet plan, it is equally essential to have your meals on
time. Make sure you do not skip your breakfast or any other meal of the day and have your
meals at the right intervals. It is also suggested to have 5-6 small meals during the day rather
than having three large ones.

Follow Your Interest

Most of us are so engrossed in our work these days that we forget to take out time to follow
our interests and hobbies. It is a good idea to squeeze in some time to follow your hobbies
such as gardening, reading, writing or anything of your choice. These act as a good
replacement for the unhealthy habits and also help in keeping stress at bay.


You must make an effort to deliberately inculcate these healthy habits in your daily routine to
attain good physical and mental health.


It is easy to inculcate bad habits however it takes a good amount of effort to unlearn them
and switch to a healthy lifestyle. The importance of healthy lifestyle has been stressed upon
often enough however not many take it seriously. Even those who plan to follow it to improve
their way of living often fall short as it takes a lot of determination to do so. It is suggested to
take one step at a time rather than going overboard with it. This will help you achieve your
goal over a period of time. Here is how to develop healthy habits and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Habits That Must Be Avoided


The first step towards a healthy lifestyle is to quit smoking and stop the intake of any tobacco
products you may be addicted to. This can obviously not be achieved in a day and would not
be easy. It is suggested to seek professional help to quit the same over a period of time.


Drinking occasionally is fine but if you are addicted to it then you must watch out. Excessive
drinking can lead to numerous health issues. If you are addicted to it then it is suggested to
take professional help and also reach out to your friends and family for support to get rid of
this habit.

Junk Food

Ordering out and having junk for most part of the week has become more of a religion these
days. It is time to watch out on your intake of junk food and switch to healthy homemade
food. This will not only keep you healthy but also in good shape.

Screen Addiction

Most people are glued to their mobile screens these days. This is another unhealthy habit you
ought to get rid of right away. Watching too much TV or spending too much time on the
laptop is also something you must avoid.

Skipping Meals

Many people these days get so engrossed in their tasks that they tend to skip their meals.
Morning hours are usually busy for most and there is a tendency of skipping the breakfast to
accommodate other tasks during that time. This is the worst punishment you are giving your

Overusing Pills

Many people look for an easy way out to get rid of their mental and physical pain and one
sure shot way is to gulp a pill or two. Pain killers work best for such people however it needs
to be understood that these only offer a temporary relief and can cause serious side effects.

Time to Follow Healthy Habits

Now that you know the habits that must be avoided you must work towards quitting the same
to give way to a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few things you can do in this direction:

Seek support from family and friends.

Limit your contact with people who indulge in unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking.

Remind yourself about the pros of following a healthy lifestyle.

Surround yourself with people who are following the kind of lifestyle you want to follow.

Follow your hobbies and interests during your free time so that you have no time to indulge in
unhealthy habits.

Indulge in physical exercises to promote the growth of endorphins. This is a great way to keep
stress and its negative repercussions at bay.


It takes a while to develop a healthy lifestyle especially if you are gripped with unhealthy
habits shared above. The task may not be easy but it would definitely be worth it. If you have
been planning to set things right it is time to stop procrastinating and start now.


47. Essay on Importance of Yoga

Yoga – An ancient form of exercise which evolved thousands of years back in the Indian
society and is being practiced continuously since then. It includes various forms of exercises to
keep a person in good shape and to get rid of various forms of diseases and inabilities. It is

also considered as a strong method for meditation which helps in relaxation of mind and

Yoga is being practiced worldwide today. Approximately 2 billion people around the world
practice Yoga. According to a survey, it is said that number of Americans doing yoga has grown
by 50% over the last few years to over 36 million as of 2016 from 20.4 million in 2012. In
addition to these 9 out of 10 Americans have heard of Yoga, one in three have tried yoga at
least once and more than 15% of Americans have done Yoga in the past six months. Yoga is an
ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India and is now practiced in
various forms around the world. Indians have known the importance of Yoga from decades
and from last many years the whole world is talking, practicing and adopting Yoga and its
benefits. People have known the Importance and power of Yoga over the period of time. Here
are essays on importance of yoga of varying lengths to help you with the topic whenever you
required. You can chose any importance of yoga essay according to your need:



Yoga is said to come from Hinduism long back and is being practiced worldwide today. People
have learned about the merits of Yoga and have accepted it in the form of exercise and
meditation. Basically Yoga is not only a form of exercise but it is an ancient wisdom for
healthier, happier and peaceful way of living. It helps in finding inner peace and leads to union
with self.

People generally think that yoga is a form of exercise that includes stretching and folding of
body part but Yoga is much more than just exercise. Yoga is a way of life or Art of living
through mental, spiritual and physical path. It allows to achieve stillness and to tap into the
consciousness of inner self. It also helps in learning how to rise above the pull of mind,
emotions and lower bodily needs and face challenges of day to day life. Yoga works on the
level of one’s body, mind and energy. Regular practice of yoga brings positive changes in the
practitioner – strong muscles, flexibility, patience and good health.

We should have patience towards yoga. People generally prefer shortcuts like the use of
medicine, steroids or surgery to reduce weight which obviously have ill effects over the period
of time.


Yoga aids in controlling a person’s body, mind and soul. It brings the physical and mental
discipline together to soothe the body and mind. It also aids in managing stress and anxiety
and keeps you relaxed. Yoga asana are known to develop vigor, flexibility and confidence.

Benefits of Yoga

Improves flexibility of muscles

Corrects the posture and alignment of the body

Renders better digestive system

Strengthens internal organs

Cures asthma

Cures diabetes

Helps in curing heart related problems

Helps in skin glow

Promotes strength and stamina

Tones internal organs

Improves concentration

Helps in mind and thought control

Keeps mind calm by overcoming anxiety, stress and depression

Helps in releasing tension

Helps in blood circulation and muscle relaxation

Weight reduction

Protection from injury

These are among the numerous benefits of yoga. Yoga focuses on your natural tendency
towards health and self-healing.

A yoga session mainly comprises of breathing exercises, meditation and yoga asana that
stretch and strengthen various muscle groups. It is a good substitute for avoiding medicines
that are harmful for our mental and physical health.

One of the main benefits of practicing yoga is that it helps manage stress. Stress is common
these days and is known to have devastating effects on one’s body and mind. Due to stress
people develop serious problems like sleeping disorder, neck pain, back pain, headaches, rapid
heart rate, sweaty palms, dissatisfaction, anger, insomnia and inability to concentrate. Yoga is
known to be really effective in curing these kinds of problems over a period of time. It helps a
person in managing stress by meditation and breathing exercise and improves a person’s
mental well being. Regular practice creates mental clarity and calmness thereby relaxing the


Yoga is a very useful practice which is easy to do and helps in getting rid of certain serious
health problems that are common in today’s life style.


Yoga is a practice that works on eight levels of development in the areas of mental, physical,
spiritual and social health. When the physical health is intact, the mind is clear and focused
and there is no more. The main goals of yoga include:

Physical Health

Mental Health

Spiritual Health

Self Realization

Social Health

Reasons to Practice Yoga Regularly

Yoga is an art which connects our body, mind and soul together and makes us strong and
peaceful. Yoga is necessary because it keeps us fit, helps burst stress and maintains out overall
health. A healthy mind can concentrate well and do everything.

Yoga is important because by practicing Yoga you are being benefited on the following points:

Inner Peace – Yoga helps achieve inner peace and fight against stress and other problems.
Yoga increases the peace level in an individual and makes him become more joyful resulting in
more confidence.

Healthy – A healthy person can achieve and do more work than an unhealthy person. Life
nowadays is very stressful and there is lot of pollution around us. This is a cause of numerous
health issues. Just 10-20 minutes of yoga each day can help regain your health. Better health
means better life.

Activeness – People nowadays feel lazy, tired or sleepy. Due to which they miss out most of
the fun in life and are not able to complete their work correctly. Being active keeps you aware
of the things happening around you and also helps you complete your work more efficiently
and quickly. And one way to achieve this is by practicing yoga regularly.

Flexibility – People nowadays suffer from joint pains, face difficulties while bending or
touching their toes. Regular practice of yoga helps in relieving these pains. The effect can be
seen in few days of practicing.

Increase Blood Flow – Yoga helps make your heart healthy and makes it work more efficiently
by increasing blood flow in your body and veins. It helps in keeping your body oxygenated.

Power to Concentrate – Yoga helps your body to calm down and relax which means there is
less stress and one can concentrate and focus quickly on his work. That is why children and
teenagers are encouraged to do yoga because it helps them concentrate better on their


Thus, yoga is a miracle and once followed, it will guide you the whole life. 20-30 minutes of
Yoga per day can change your life in the long run by promoting a balance between physical,
mental and spiritual health.


Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘YUJ’. It means to join, connect or unite. It is the union of
individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga is 5000 years old Indian
philosophy. It was first mentioned in the oldest sacred text – The Rig Veda (Vedas were a

collection of texts containing mantras, spiritual information, songs and rituals to be used by
Brahmins, the Vedic priests.

Yoga is being practiced in the Indian society since thousands of years. A person doing yoga will
move from one posture to the other called Asana. Yoga benefits people who practice it

The form of exercises performed in Yoga is called as ‘Asana’ which are capable of bringing
about stability of body and mind. Yoga Asana are the simplest and easiest way to reduce our
excess weight and keep fit.


Yoga originated in ancient India thousands of years ago, long before the first religion or belief
system was born. It is believed that Shiva is the first Yogi or Adiyogi and the first guru.
Thousands of years ago, on the banks of Lake Kantisarovar in Himalayas, Adiyogi shared his
knowledge into legendary seven sages as it was hard to put all his wisdom and knowledge in
one person. The sages took this powerful yogic science to various parts of the world, including
Asia, North Africa, Middle East, and South America. India is blessed to have found the yogic
system in its fullest expression.

The fossil remains of Indus-Saraswati civilization are an evidence of the presence of Yoga in
ancient India. This presence finds a mention in the folk traditions. It is included in the Indus
valley civilization, Buddhist and Jain traditions. According to the studies, Yoga was being
practiced under the direct guidance of a Guru and its spiritual value was given a lot of
importance. Sun was given the highest importance during Vedic period and that’s how
Suryanamaskar was invented later on.

However, Maharishi Patanjali is known as the father of Modern Yoga. He did not invent Yoga
as it was already there in various forms. He assimilated it into the system. He saw that it was
getting quite complex for anyone to understand it in any meaningful way. So he assimilated
and included all aspects into a certain format – Yoga Sutras.

The role of breath is very important in the practice of Asana or Yoga positions. Breath is a vital
force and our body requirement of oxygen changes depending on our actions. If we exercise
then we require more oxygen hence the breathing becomes faster and if we are relaxing then
our breathing becomes relaxed and deep. In yoga, the focus is integrated on breath while

indulging in slow movements as well as while doing complete Asana. Yoga promotes smooth
and relaxed inhalation and exhalation during the practice.


Yoga is only partially understood as being limited to Asana. But people fail to realize the
immense benefits Yoga offers in uniting the body, mind and breath. Yoga can be opted and
practiced by any age group and any body size. It is possible for anyone to start. The size and
the fitness level don’t matter as there are modifications for every yoga asana according to
different people.


Yoga postures have always been an important discussion in yogic culture. In some yoga
schools situated abroad, yoga postures are classified as Standing, Sitting, Lying on back and
Lying on Stomach but the actual and traditional classification of Yoga include four main paths
including Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Kriya Yoga.

Classification of Yoga

Here is a look at the four main paths of yoga in brief to understand their importance.

KARMA YOGA – It is also known as ‘Discipline of Actions’ in the western culture. This form is
one of the four essential pathways of Yoga. This teaches to perform one’s duty without getting
attached to the fruit or reward by doing selfless activities and duties. This is the main lesson
which is being taught to Karma yogis. It is for those who seek the spiritual path and seek union
with God. It can be also practiced in our routine life by conducting one’s duty in a sincere
manner without expecting the reward. This is the path of spiritual development. Basically
Karma is the action we do and its subsequent reaction. A life of individual is governed by his
karma cycle wherein if a person has good thoughts, good actions and good words he/she will
lead a happy life where as if a person has bad thoughts, bad actions and bad words, he will
lead an unhappy & difficult life. In today’s world it is very difficult to lead such a selfless life as
human beings are prone to fruits of labor they do. These are the reason why we are facing
problems like high stress, mental illness and depression. Karma Yoga teaches to get rid of all
the materialistic paths and lead a happy and content life.

JNANA YOGA – It is also known as the ‘Wisdom Yoga’. It is a very difficult and complex path
among all. This teaches a person to merge with the inner self by practicing various mental
techniques by meditating into deep conscience mind and conducting self questioning sessions.
It tells an individual to differentiate between permanent conscious and temporary
materialistic world. This path teaches to steady the mind and emotions by focusing on 6
fundamental virtues – calmness, control, sacrifice, tolerance, faith and focus. It is often
advised to practice Jnana Yoga under the guidance of a competent guru to achieve the goal
and to perform it in the best way.

BHAKTI YOGA – Also known as ‘Spiritual or Devotional Yoga’. It is associated with divine love
as it is the greatest pathway to spiritual enlightenment through love and devotion. In this path
an individual sees God as the supreme expression and embodiment of love. Its main features
are – to chant the lord’s name, singing his praise or bhajans and engaging in worship and
ritual. It is the easiest and the most popular one. Bhakti Yoga leads to the purification of mind
and heart and can be achieved by numerous mental & physical yoga practices. It also gives
courage in adverse situations. It is basically developing compassionate feeling and focusing on
purifying inner self with pure divine love.

KRIYA YOGA – It is the physical practice wherein several body postures are performed through
meditation techniques of energy and breath control or pranayama. In this, the development
of body, mind and soul takes place. By practicing the Kriya yoga the entire human system is
energized in a short time. All the internal organs such as the liver, pancreas etc are activated.
Necessary hormones and enzymes are secreted to keep body healthy. The blood absorbs high
amount of oxygen and becomes de-carbonized quickly which helps in general well being and
number of psychosomatic diseases are avoided. Through more circulation in the head, the
brain cells are energized, the working capacity of brain is enhanced and the memory becomes
sharp and a person does not get tired easily.


A Yoga guru or teacher can teach appropriate combination of the four fundamental paths as it
is necessary for each seeker. Ancient sayings have stressed that it is essential to work under
the directions of a Guru to attain the above mentioned Yoga paths.


48. Essay on Yoga

Yoga is a good practice if one does in daily life. It helps to live healthy life style and better life
forever. We should let our kids know about the benefits of yoga as well as practice yoga in
daily routine. Yoga Essay is a general topic which students get in the schools during essay

writing. Enhance your kids essay writing skills by using such type of simply written essay on
yoga and its benefits. This Yoga Essay will help your child’s health and English skill as well.



Yoga is an ancient art which was originated in India around six thousand years ago. Earlier
people were used to of practicing yoga and meditation in their daily lives to live healthy and
strong whole life. However the practice of yoga was declining day by day in such a crowded
and hectic environment. Yoga is very safe and can be safely practiced by anyone anytime even
by children also to take it’s all the benefits. Yoga is a practice to bring body parts together to
make a balance of body, mind and soul. Earlier it was practiced by the yogis to meditate them.



Yoga is the most favourable method to connect to the nature by balancing the mind-body
connection. It is a type of exercise which performed through the balanced body and need to
get control over diet, breathing, and physical postures. It is associated with the meditation of
body and mind through the relaxation of body. It is very useful to control over mind and body
as well as getting proper health of body and mind by reducing the stress and anxiety.

Yoga can be practiced by anyone as an exercise on daily basis to fulfill the need of very active
and demanding life especially teenagers and adults. It helps in coping with the hard times of
the life and pressure of school, friends, family and neighbours. Through yoga practice one can
disappear his/her problems and stress given by others. It helps in easily accomplishing the
connection between body, mind and nature.


Yoga is most important for everyone’s life as it helps in balancing the relationship between
body and mind. It is type of exercise which helps in learning physical and mental discipline
through regular practice. It was originated in India long years ago in ancient time. Earlier
people belong to the Buddhism and Hinduism were used to of the yoga and meditation.

Various types of yoga are Raja yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakthi yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha yoga.
Generally Hatha yoga having many asanas is practiced by the people in India. A world level
event is celebrated every year called International Day of Yoga in order to increase the
awareness of yoga benefits among people all over the world.

International Day of Yoga or World Yoga Day has been declared (by the United Nations
General Assembly) to get celebrated on 21st of June after the suggestion and initiation of
India. Yoga includes pranayama and kapal bharti which are one of the best and effective
breathing exercises. Yoga is a therapy which helps getting rid of illnesses slowly if practiced on
regular basis. It makes some positive changes to the internal body and regularize the body
organs functioning. There is specific yoga for different purposes so only required ones can be


Yoga was originated in India during ancient time by the yogis. Yoga word is originated from the
Sanskrit language and has two meanings, one is union and another one is discipline. Practicing
yoga teaches us about the body and mind discipline by uniting or connecting both body and
mind. It is a spiritual practice used to meditate in the early morning to balance body and mind
as well as remains close to the nature. It was practiced earlier by the people of religions like
Hindu, Buddha and Jain. It is amazing type of exercise which makes life better by controlling
the body and mind. Yoga is a science of living healthy life forever. It is like a medicine which
treats various diseases gradually by regularizing the functioning of body organs.

Actually yoga is a practice of controlled body part movements and control of breathe. It
enhances the inner and outer body and mind strength by connecting both to the nature. It is
not a physical practice only as it makes a human able to get control over mental, emotional,
and spiritual thoughts. It can be practiced by the people at any age during childhood, teenage,
adult or old age. It needs only safe, slow and controlled movements of body with controlled
breathing. In order to make worldwide people aware of the yoga and its benefits, an
international level event (called International Day of Yoga or World Yoga Day) has been
declared to celebrate it annually.


Yoga is a most important and precious gift given by the nature from ancient time to get
connected throughout the life with nature. It is the practice of uniting the mind and body in

order to achieve the perfect harmony between both. It helps a person to get higher level of
consciousness by getting control over the body in all aspects like physically, mentally, socially
and intellectually. Yoga is promoted to get practiced daily in the schools and colleges for the
betterment of the students as well as increasing their concentration level towards study. It is a
systematic effort done by the people to attain the perfection by getting control over all
different nature elements exist in the body.

It needs very safe and regular practice to get benefited all the asanas of yoga. Yoga is
practiced to bring spiritual progress in the body and mind for self-development by controlling
the inner energy. The inhaling and exhaling of the oxygen during yoga is the main thing.
Practicing yoga in daily life regularly prevents from various diseases as well as cures fatal
disease including cancer, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, heart ailments, kidney
disorders, liver disorders, gynaecological problems and variety of mental problems.

Now-a-days, it is very necessary to practice yoga again to make lives of people better. Daily
yoga practice provides inner and outer body strength. It helps in strengthening the body
immunity system thus prevents from various diseases and cures different disease. It acts as an
alternative system of medicine if practiced continuously. It also reduces the side effects of
many heavy medicines taken on daily basis. The very good time for practicing the yoga like
pranayam and kapal bharti is the early morning as it provides better environment to get
control over body and mind.


Yoga is very safe, easy and healthy way to get fit whole life without any problems. It just needs
regular practice in right way of body movements and breathing. It regularizes the connection
between three components of our body such as body, mind and soul. It regularizes the
functioning of the all body organs and prevents the body and mind to get disturbed because
of some bad situations and unhealthy lifestyle. It helps in maintaining the health, knowledge
and inner peace. By providing a good health it fulfills our physical needs, through knowledge it
fulfills our psychological needs and through inner peace is fulfills the spiritual need thus it
helps in maintaining the harmony among all.

Regular practice of the yoga in the morning provides outer and inner relief by keeping away
from the countless ailments at the physical and mental level. Practicing postures or asanas
strengthens the body and mind as well as creates the feeling of well being. It sharpens the
human mind, improves intelligence and help in high level of concentration by steadying the

emotions and feelings. The feeling of well being creates helping nature within us and thus
enhances the social well being. Improved concentration level helps in meditating and provides
calming effect and inner peace to the mind. Yoga is like a practical philosophy which develops
self-discipline and self awareness within us through regular practice.

Yoga can be practiced by anyone as it is irrespective of age, religion, or health circumstances.

It improves the discipline and sense of power as well as provides a chance to life healthy life
without physical and mental problems. To enhance its awareness about all benefits all over
the world, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has suggested to the United Nations
General Assembly to declare the 21st of June as an International Day of Yoga so that each and
every may know about yoga and can been benefited. Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition which
was originated in India and practiced regularly by the yogis to get fit and meditate. By seeing
the benefits of implementing the yoga in daily life, United Nations General Assembly has
declared the International Day of Yoga to be celebrated every year on 21st of June.

We cannot count the benefits of yoga, we can understand it only a miracle which has been
gifted to the human fraternity by the God. It maintains physical fitness, reduces stress, control
on emotions, feelings, controls negative thoughts, feeling of general well being, improves
mental clarity, enhances self-understanding, connects to the nature and many more.


49. Junk Food Essay

Junk food is not a healthy food to the health which every kid and children must know because
they generally love to eat junk food. Essay on junk food is a common topic given to the school
students during essay writing competition in order to make them aware about junk food. Here
we have given some easy and simple junk food essay which you can chose according to your
need of words limit.



Good health is the necessity of living a healthy life for every one of us which needs to maintain
a healthy diet and healthy habits throughout the life. However, the custom of eating junk food
in many is increasing day by day and making our future sad and diseased especially our future
generations. Parents should be very conscious towards the eating habits of their kids and
children because in the childhood they never know and decide their good or bad so it is

parents who are fully responsible for the good or bad eating habits among their kids. They
should train their kids about eating habits from childhood and make them clear about the
differences between healthy and junk foods.

Junk Food


Generally, junk foods look so attractive and yummy for the people of every age group.
However, it is very true that they are so coarse from inside. What they look from outside
never become from inside. Junk foods are never considered healthy to the health, they have
been proved unhealthy in all ways. Junk foods are unfit to the health and one who practice to
eat junk foods calls so many disorders to his/her health. It may cause heart diseases, cancer,
early ageing, high blood pressure, bone problems, diabetes, mental disorders, liver disorders,
digestive system problems, constipation, diarrhoea, heart attack, prostate and breast cancer,
osteoporosis, and so many health disorders.

According to the research, it is found that puberty is the most sensitive age during which one
should practice healthy eating habits because during this age there are many changes occur in
the body to prepare one to enter to the adult age group.


The term junk food means a food do not good to the body health in anyway. It is less
nutritional and harmful to the body systems. Most of junk foods contain high level of
saturated fats, sugar, salt and bad cholesterol which are toxin to the health. They become lack
of dietary fibers so easily get involve in causing constipation and other digestive disorders.
Junk foods have gained so much popularity because of the nice taste and easy to cook. There
are many readymade junk foods available in the market packed in the polybags. Most of the
people are depend on such readymade foods because of their busy schedule or they do not
know to cook food at home.

The consumption of junk food all over the world is increasing day by day which is not good for
the future. People of all age groups like to eat junk food and they generally chose to eat
whenever they enjoy special time with family like birthday party, marriage anniversary, etc.
They easily become used to of taking soft drinks, wafers, chips, noodles, burgers, pizza, french
fries, Chinese dishes, and other varieties of fast food available in the market.


As we all know the truth about junk foods and it needs no introduction. However, it is a most
interesting question that why everyone likes to eat junk foods even after knowing its truth.
Nowadays every one of us is enjoying well the taste of junk food because it is delicious,
affordable and readily available. Junk foods have no nutritional value and essential ingredients
required for the health. I t is very harmful to the health if consumed on regular basis. It causes
a spike in body energy level and creates sleeping disorders. It reduces level of concentration
and calls to chronic diseases such as obesity, hormonal imbalances, heart diseases, high blood
pressure, diabetes, etc.

Junk foods become very oily and lack of dietary fibers thus they are hard to digest and require
more energy to perform the process from body and make a person lack of oxygen level in the
body which lead towards improper brain functioning. Junk foods are high in bad cholesterol
and cause heart and liver damage. Because of lack of dietary fibers they cause strain to the
stomach and other digestive organs and result in constipation.

Junk foods are always harmful to the heath and deteriorate the health condition if taken on
regular basis without providing any health benefits. We should avoid eating junk foods in
order to enjoy the good health and happy life all through the life.


The word junk food speaks itself a lot and indicates its harmful nature to the health. Junk
foods are trash food to the health because they are high in calorie, fat, cholesterol, sugar and
salt components. Nowadays kids and teenagers are more prone to eat junk foods daily in bulk
amount. They are leading their lives towards danger through their unhealthy lifestyle. They
generally eat chips, french fries, cracks, snack, chawmin, burger, pizza, pasta, and other junk
foods whenever they feel hungry. No junk foods are beneficial and provide no nutritional

It affects the health in all ways of the people of any age group, weight and health condition.
Junk foods are considered as high in calories however one who eat end up easily getting
exhausted and need more food frequently. Junk food does not provide appropriate level of

energy thus the eater develop tendencies of craving more food frequently. What we generally
acquire from the junk foods are unhealthy fats and not healthy ingredients thus we feel lack of
oxygen which causes poor brain functioning. We absorb much cholesterol from such type of
foods which causes plaque formation in the arteries and creates problems for the heart to
pump normal amount of blood. That’s why we feel high level fatigue. High level of bad
cholesterol destroys our liver and put more weight at the same time.

According to the research, kids and children eating more junk food on daily basis are
overweight and obese and highly prone to the heart and liver disorders. Such kids are more
prone to become diabetic and lethargic because of high sugar collection in their body in the
early ages. They get high blood pressure because of high amount of sodium mineral in the
junk foods. Kids and children should be trained by their parents to follow healthy eating habits
from the childhood.


Junk foods taste good that’s why it is mostly liked by everyone of any age group especially kids
and school going children. They generally ask for the junk food daily because they have been
trend so by their parents from the childhood. They never have been discussed by their parents
about the harmful effects of junk foods over health. According to the research by scientists, it
has been found that junk foods have negative effects on the health in many ways. They are
generally fried food found in the market in the packets. They become high in calories, high in
cholesterol, low in healthy nutrients, high in sodium mineral, high in sugar, starch, unhealthy
fat, lack of protein and lack of dietary fibers.

Processed and junk foods are the means of rapid and unhealthy weight gain and negatively
impact the whole body throughout the life. It makes able a person to gain excessive weight
which is called as obesity. Junk foods tastes good and looks good however do not fulfil the
healthy calorie requirement of the body. Some of the foods like french fries, fried foods, pizza,
burgers, candy, soft drinks, baked goods, ice cream, cookies, etc are the example of high-sugar
and high-fat containing foods. It is found according to the Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention that Kids and children eating junk food are more prone to the type-2 diabetes. In
type-2 diabetes our body become unable to regulate blood sugar level. Risk of getting this
disease is increasing as one become more obese or overweight. It increases the risk of kidney

Eating junk food daily lead us to the nutritional deficiencies in the body because it is lack of
essential nutrients, vitamins, iron, minerals and dietary fibers. It increases risk of

cardiovascular diseases because it is rich in saturated fat, sodium and bad cholesterol. High
sodium and bad cholesterol diet increases blood pressure and overloads the heart functioning.
One who like junk food develop more risk to put on extra weight and become fatter and
unhealthier. Junk foods contain high level carbohydrate which spike blood sugar level and
make person more lethargic, sleepy and less active and alert. Reflexes and senses of the
people eating this food become dull day by day thus they live more sedentary life. Junk foods
are the source of constipation and other disease like diabetes, heart ailments, clogged
arteries, heart attack, strokes, etc because of being poor in nutrition.


50. Obesity Essay

Obesity is a condition wherein a lot of excess fat accumulates in the body. It generally occurs
when a person consumes excessive food and does not indulge in physical activity on a regular
basis. Obesity increases the chances of incurring diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea and
osteoarthritis. Obesity is usually caused due to regular intake of excessive food and lack of
proper physical exercise. It is also suspected to be a genetic problem. This condition increases
the chances of developing various health problems requiring urgent attention. Here are some
essays of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams.



Obesity generally occurs when a person consumes more than the required amount of food on
a regular basis and does not indulge in physical activities to burn the excess fat. The problem
can also be genetic and may even be caused as a side effect of certain medicines or
psychological factors such as sadness, depression, nervousness, etc.

The problem can be prevented by following below-mentioned tips:

Follow a healthy diet that is full of various micronutrients. However, keep a tab on how much
you eat.

Instead of having three large meals a day it is suggested to have four-five small meals.

Squeeze in at least half an hour each day to exercise.

Keep a check on your body weight as well as your waist line.

Obesity is not just a problem in its own; it can lead to various serious health problems such as
cardiovascular diseases, brain stroke, infertility, sleep apnea and diabetes. If you do not
prevent this problem from occurring, you will have to undergo extensive treatment to cure it.
While doctors prescribe medicines, make changes in the patient’s diet and devise an exercise
regime to treat this problem, in certain cases the patients may even have to undergo a



Obesity is mostly the outcome of a combination of two things – regular intake of excessive
food and absence of physical activity. It may usually, not necessarily, be a genetic problem and
might even occur as a side effect of certain medicines. Here is a detailed look at the causes of
this condition and the ways to prevent and treat it.

Causes of Obesity

Excessive Food Intake and Lack of Exercise

One of the leading causes of obesity is the regular consumption of more than the required
quantity of food combined with lack of proper physical activity.

Psychological Factors

It has been observed that some people tend to eat excessively when they are going through a
tough time in life. This eventually leads to weight gain and obesity.


Obesity may even be inherited from the parents in certain cases.


Regular intake of certain medicines such as oral contraceptives and antidepressants may also
lead to weight gain and eventually result in obesity.

Methods to Prevent Obesity

Here is how to prevent this health condition from occurring:

Eat Right and Exercise

It is essential to have a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, whole
grains and cereals. Avoid oily and sugary food items.

Meal Size

Even as you choose to eat healthy, keep a tab on how much you eat and also the frequency of
your meals.


Make it a habit to indulge in 30-45 minutes of exercise each day.

Keep a Tab on your Weight

Keep a check on your body weight and waist line.


While it is best to prevent obesity by following the aforementioned tips, however if you fall
prey to this condition it is best to consult a doctor immediately to get it cured as it is not only a
problem in its own but can also lead to many other health issues such as heart problem,
gallstones, sleep apnea and infertility, to name a few.


Obesity usually occurs when a person makes it a habit to consume more than the required
quantity of food and does not indulge in enough physical activity. This condition may even be
inherited and might occur due to certain other reasons too. Here is a detailed look at the
various reasons that cause obesity, the impact it has on a person’s health and also the ways to
avoid it.

Causes of Obesity

Excessive Eating and Lack of Physical Activity

As stated earlier, the main cause of developing this condition is regular intake of more than
the required amount of food coupled with lack of physical activity.

Psychological Issues

It has been observed that some people tend to eat excessively when they are going through a
tough time.


Obesity may even run in the family. If either of the parents has this problem then it is likely for
the child to develop it.


Certain oral contraceptives, antidepressants and other medicines might also result in weight
gain and having these over a period of time may lead to obesity.

Effects of Obesity

Obesity can have several negative repercussions on a person’s body. It may lead to the

High Cholesterol Level



Sleep Apnea


High Blood Pressure

Ways to Prevent Obesity

As grave as this problem is, it can be prevented by making some simple yet healthy lifestyle
choices. Here is a look at the same:

Healthy Eating Choices

Keep a check on your calorie intake and have a fibre and nutrient-rich diet that includes green
leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and cereals.

Frequency and Size of Meal

Merely choosing healthy food options is not enough, you must also keep a watch on how
much and how frequently you eat. It is best to have five to six small meals at regular intervals
during the day rather than gulping three large meals.


Indulge in moderately intense exercise for 150-300 hours per week. This can include jogging,
swimming, cycling and dancing among others.

Watch your Weight

Keep a tab on your body weight as well as your waist size in order to ensure that things are
under control.


Obesity, a growing problem around the world, can be prevented by following a healthy diet
plan and setting a regular exercise regime. However, in case the problem occurs due to any
reason then it is suggested to seek medical help to get it treated at the earliest.


Obesity is said to be an outcome of regular consumption of excessive food and absence of

enough physical activity to burn the extra fat accumulated in the body. Read on to have a
detailed look at the causes of obesity, the ways in which it impacts our body and also the
methods to prevent and treat this problem.

Why does Obesity Occur?

As mentioned above, obesity occurs because of excessive consumption of food and lack of
enough physical activity. Here is a look at the other reasons that lead to obesity:


A person is likely to incur this problem in case both or one of his/ her parents suffers from this

Psychological Factors

Emotions such as boredom, nervousness, anger and stress impact eating habits in certain
people. These people increase their food intake as a response to these negative emotions.


Some antidepressants, anticonvulsants and oral contraceptives may lead to weight gain and it
may ultimately result in obesity.

Health Problems

Health problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothyroidism may also lead to

How to Prevent Obesity?

Healthy eating habits

Following healthy eating habits helps in curbing this issue to a large extent.

Portion size

Make sure you do not have heavy meals. It is suggested to have 4-5 small meals during the
day rather than having 3 large meals.

Physical activity

It is essential to be active through the day. Indulge in physical activities. It is suggested to

squeeze in at least half an hour per day to indulge in moderately intense physical activities
such as swimming, jogging, dancing and cycling among others.

Keep a tab on your weight

Keep a check on your body weight and waist size. Make necessary changes in your diet and
increase your exercise time in case you see an upward trend.

What are the Repercussions of Obesity?

An obese person stands a high risk of suffering from the below mentioned health problems:

Cardiovascular Disease

High Cholesterol Level

High Blood Pressure




Sleep Apnea



How to Treat Obesity?

Here is how to treat the problem:

Modification of Diet

An immediate change in the diet plan is essential to overcome this problem. Make sure you
consult a doctor to get the dietary changes made.


Indulging in physical exercise is the next big step towards controlling this problem. It helps in
shedding the extra calories.

Over-the-Counter Diet Pills

These pills are effective in reducing weight. However, they may have some negative side

Prescribed Medicines

It is best to consult a doctor and get medicines prescribed to overcome this problem.


This option is particularly suggested to those whose body mass index is 40 or higher or in case
the body mass index is greater than 30 and in addition to it, the person has at least one
medical condition directly linked to obesity.


Though a serious health problem, obesity can be cured by following a healthy lifestyle. It is
essential to follow a healthy diet plan and exercise regime to prevent this problem from


Obesity is a health condition wherein a person puts on excessive weight due to regular
consumption of more than the required amount of food and lack of physical activity. This
condition may even be genetic or might develop because of psychological factors or as a side
effect of certain medicines. Here is a detailed look at the causes and effects of obesity and
also the ways to curb this problem.

Causes of Obesity

Here are the various causes of obesity:

Overeating: Regular consumption of more than the required amount of food, particularly that
rich in fats, leads to weight gain. The frequency of food intake also impacts the metabolism.

Genetic: A person is likely to develop this condition if one or both parents suffer from obesity.
This is because genetics impact the hormones involved in fat regulation.

Lack of Physical Exercise: People who do not indulge in enough exercise burn fewer calories as
compared to those who are active. Consuming excessive food without indulging in physical
activity often leads to obesity.

Medicines: There are certain medications such as antidepressants, valproate, anticonvulsants,

some diabetes medicines and oral contraceptives that may result in weight gain and might
ultimately cause obesity.

Health Conditions: Health conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and
insulin resistance may also cause obesity.

Psychological Factors: Emotions like boredom, stress and sadness influence some people’s
eating habits. They increase their food intake as a response to these emotions.

Impacts of Obesity

Obesity increases the risk of developing various health problems including:

High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease

High Cholesterol Level

Sleep Apnea






Obesity can even have a negative impact on a person’s social and economic life. People
suffering from obesity are often discriminated and are prone to depression.

Ways to Prevent Obesity

Here are the ways in which obesity can be prevented:

Following healthy eating habits

Ensuring proper food intake

Indulging in physical activities

Keeping a tab on your weight and waist size

Preventing screen time

Ways to Cure Obesity

It is better to prevent the problem from occurring rather than looking for ways to treat the
same later. However, those who develop it owing to any reason must get it treated at the
earliest so as to prevent the risk of developing aforementioned health problems. Here are the
ways in which this problem is treated:

Dietary Changes: Making changes in your diet is the first step towards controlling obesity. If
you have already developed this condition, it is suggested to consult a physician to help you
make the required dietary changes.

Over-the-Counter Diet Pills: Over the counter diet pills include ingredients that help in
reducing weight and maintaining it over time. However, these pills may have side effects such
as heart palpitation.

Exercise: It is essential to devote 45-60 minutes to exercise each day. Indulge in moderately
intense exercises during this time to burn the excess body fat.

Prescribed Pills: Rather than going for over the counter diet pills, it is suggested to have pills as
suggested by your doctor in order to cure the problem.

Surgery: Weight loss surgery is suggested for those whose body mass index (BMI) is 40 or
higher or in case the BMI is 30-35 or greater and in addition to it, the person has a minimum
of one medical condition directly linked to obesity.


Obesity is a serious health problem that gives way to many other major health issues including
heart disease, sleep apnea, asthma, gallstones and infertility, to name a few. Caused mainly
due to excessive fat accumulation in the body, it can be prevented by following healthy eating
habits, regular exercise and keeping a tab on your body weight.


51. Anti Leprosy Day

Anti Leprosy Day (Martyrdom Day of Mahatma Gandhi) 2019 was celebrated all over India on
Wednesday, 30th of January.

Anti Leprosy Fortnight and Leprosy Seal Campaign was inaugurated by the President of India
Sri Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan on Anti Leprosy Day.

In Maharashtra, more than 28 thousand gram panchayats organised a campaign to end the
stigma and shame related to leprosy on 26th of January ahead of Anti Leprosy Day. Sparsh’s
Leprosy Awareness campaigns were organised in villages and awareness was made regarding
the disease which is considered as a shame in various rural areas.

Central Leprosy Division also organised awareness campaign on Anti Leprosy Day. A
nationwide message was spread through various electronic and print media. Various gram
sabha meetings were organised throughout the country to make people aware about the
disease. Leprosy detection campaigns were also organized at various places to detect the
disease and provide immediate health care support.

What are Special Activities done on Anti Leprosy Day?

On this occasion, a campaign named as the ‘Sparsh’ Leprosy Awareness Campaign, is

organized in all the Gramsabhas throughout the country by Central Leprosy Division,
Directorate General of Health Services Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It is to pay
homage to the Bapu by giving place to the leprosy affected people in family and society. This
awareness campaign includes the following important information about leprosy to help
leprosy affected people:

> Free of cost multi drug therapy is available at all government dispensaries, health centres
and hospitals to provide complete treatment to the leprosy affected people.

> This facility is given to all the leprosy affected people because only timely treatment
prevents disability (caused by leprosy).

> Some important symptoms of leprosy are like light color patches, redness, swelling and
nodule formation over the skin. People, who notice any of the above symptoms, must contact
their nearest government dispensaries, health centres and hospitals in order to get early
treatment and remain away from disability.

About Anti Leprosy Day (Martyrdom Day of Mahatma Gandhi)

30th January, the Martyrdom Day of the great person Gandhi Ji, is celebrated every year as
the Anti Leprosy Day all over the India in order to re-memorize his selfless efforts and care for
the people affected by the infectious disease leprosy (also known as the Hansen’s disease).

It is celebrated to understand the real need to fight against the leprosy. Anti-Leprosy Day
campaign is celebrated in the schools premises by showing the presentation as well as movie
to the students to aware them towards the much infectious disease Leprosy.

Anyone can be affected with this disease, so the day is celebrated to make aware the people
about the scientific reasons of leprosy as well as its medical cures. It would be celebrated at
the same day at 30th of January in the year 2014 in order focusing on the attention of people
and their awareness about this air-borne disease.

The day is also celebrated in the memory of Mahatma Gandhi who had tried very much for the
eradication of leprosy. Several programmes are organized at this day all across the India to
share the message with people to fight against leprosy and let them know that the disease is
completely curable.

According to the report it has been noted that there is a mark reduction in the disease rate as
the Government of India has made available the multi-drug Leprosy treatment (NLEP-National
Leprosy Eradication Program) free of cost at all government health centers all over the India.

Leprosy is the oldest recorded diseases in the world which is an infectious chronic disease
which targets affecting the nervous system (specially the nerves of the hands, feet and face).
The diseased patients were nursed by the Mahatma Gandhi Ji at the Sabarmati ashram.

A free check-up camp is organized at the anti leprosy day celebration for the leprosy patients
at each health centers which effectively changes the attitudes of people towards the disease.
It is a disease caused by the bacteria (Mycobacterium laprae), it is not the hereditary disease,
so it is fully curable by the regular and adequate treatment which is very necessary to cure the
disease and prevent its disabilities.

The Government of India has made a plan to completely eradicate it from the India by the
distant goal named Leprosy Elimination Target. Variety of leprosy control activities has been
launched by the World Health Organization for further reducing the disease worldwide.

The celebration of the day targets to aware people about disease myths such as it is not
spread by simply touching affected person.


> To raise the leprosy awareness among people.

> To offer help to those affected by disease through regular and free of cost treatment they

> To make the patients psychologically strong and help them to cope up with physical
impairments of skin sores and nerve damage.

> To ascertain that all affected people are getting the necessary treatment, rehabilitation and
care or not.

> To estimate the marked decrease or increase in the rate of spreading disease.

> The day also fights the age old superstitions related to the disease and makes people aware
that leprosy is also just a disease.

> It also helps to reduce the fear and stigma among people related to the disease.

> The day also reminds the great works of Mahatma Gandhi who selflessly took care of the
patients suffering with leprosy.


The World Leprosy Day coincides with Anti Leprosy Day and is celebrated on the last Sunday of
January every year across the world. The aim and objective of the World Leprosy Day is also
same as India’s Anti Leprosy Day. This day also commemorates the great works of Mahatma
Gandhi who was pioneer in understanding the stigma related to the disease and showcased
the importance of leprosy to the world and tried to end the psychological pressure and
discrimination leprosy patients’ face from the society.

Dedicating a day for leprosy patients was suggested by Raoul Follereau who was a French
activist who fought against the stigma and discrimination related to leprosy. He celebrated the
first world leprosy day on the last Sunday of January in the year 1954. This day was celebrated
with objective of treating leprosy patients just like other patients and helping them to live a
life with dignity and freedom.

Various awareness camps and campaigns are organized across the world to raise awareness
on leprosy and how early detection can help to completely cure the disease. It also aims to
end the stigma related to the disease and the discrimination the patients face from the society
and family. The day also focuses on inviting doctors and healthcare specialists around the

world to dedicate more resources on leprosy research works and raise fund so that the
disease could be completely eradicated from the world.

How Leprosy can be treated

Leprosy is an infectious disease which is caused by a long term infection from bacteria named
Mycobacterium Leprae. The disease can be easily treated by multidrug therapy (MDT) once it
is early diagnosed. The medicines are readily available at the government hospital free of cost.
The composition of the MDT comprises of medicines like Dapsone, Rifampicin and Clofazimine
etc which are highly effective against leprosy. The treatment of leprosy may range from six
months to 1 year depending on the type and stage of the disease.


52. Army Day

Army Day in India is celebrated with great enthusiasm every year on 15th of January. It has
been started celebrating to respect the Lieutenant General of India, K. M. Cariappa
(Kodandera Madappa Cariappa) who was the first Indian Army’s Commander-in-Chief. It is
celebrated every year at all the Army Command headquarters and national capital by
organizing army parades including many other military shows.


Army Day 2019 was celebrated on 15th of January, Tuesday. It was celebrated as the 71st
Indian Army Day in the national capital.

President, Prime Minister and other dignitaries greeted the Indian Army on the occasion and
thanked them for their vigilance and alertness.

It was first time in the history that a woman officer led an Army contingent on Army Day
parade. Lt. Bhawana Kasturi became the first woman officer leading a contingent comprising
of 144 male officers.

Captain Shikha Surabhi led the ‘Daredevil Team’ of Indian Army comprising of 33 men
performing daredevil stunts in the Army Day parade. The team also holds around 24 world
records which also includes the Guinness World Record. The team will also be the part of the
Republic Day Parade 2019 at Rajpath.

Indian Army had also organised video making, painting, photography, slogan writing
competition on the occasion of Army Day 2019. The best entries were featured on the Indian
Army Facebook Page and were also awarded with prize money.


It is celebrated to pay homage and salute to the courageous and brave Indian soldiers who
have been sacrificed their lives for protecting the country. Indian Arny General Kodandera
Madappa Cariappa was succeeded the British Army General Roy Butcher and became the first
Commander-in-Chief of the independent India.

Indian Army soldiers are always ready to fight with all the hard times at Indian borders as well
as with the natural disasters. They courageously face all the challenges and difficulties come
their way to save the nation and people.

Army Day Celebration

Indian army plays a great and big role during the disaster situations in the country as they are
dedicated to the country to become the War Winning Team. The day was decided to be
celebrated as the army day in India to start paying tribute to the sacrificed Indian army
soldiers at the “Amar Jawan Jyoti” at India Gate in New Delhi.

After paying homage, an excellent parades including military shows takes place to indicate the
new technologies and accomplishments in the Indian Army. Bravery awards including Unit
credentials and Sena Medals are distributed at this great occasion.

At the Army Day celebration in Jammu and Kashmir, serving army personnel get the bravery
and famed service awards (Sena medals, Vishist Seva medals and etc). The day has been
marked to memorize the daring and bold Indian soldiers who lost their lives while protecting
their nation.

Army Day Parade

Army day parade during the army day celebration is carried out by the Indian army soldiers
(Indian army bands) which involves the exhibition of BLT T-72, T-90 tanks, Brahmos Missile,
carrier Mortar Tracked Vehicle, 155 MM Soltum Gun, Advanced Light Helicopters of the Army
Aviation Corps and etc.

Serving Indian armies take a pledge at this day to maintain their service and protect the nation
from enemies whether they are foreign or domestic.

Facts an Indian must know about Indian Army:

The Indian Army is the second largest standing army in the world.

Indian Army has about 1,129,900 active troops and 960,000 reserve troops.

Indian Army functions at the Siachen Glacier which is about 5000 meters above sea level. The
glacier is regarded as the highest battlefield in the world.

The Indian army has a horsed cavalry regiment and this regiment is among last three such
regiments in the world.

Sepoy Kamal Ram of Royal Indian Army was the youngest Indian to receive Victoria Cross for
his valour in World War II at the age of nineteen.

Assam Rifles which was formed in the year 1835 is the oldest paramilitary force in India.

The High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS) from Indian Army is often regarded as one of the
elitist military training centres in the world. Even the US Special Forces were trained at HAWS
before their deployment during the invasion of Afghanistan.

In December 1971, the Battle of Longewala was fought between India and Pakistan. This
battle is interesting because with just 120 Indian soldiers and a jeep with a M40 recoilless rifle
stood its ground against 2000 Pakistani soldiers. While the Indian soldiers held their ground all
through the night, help from the Air Force came only in the morning.

From Field Marshal to Lieutenant General Cariappa

After an outstanding career, he became the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army on
January 15, 1949. A hardcore Infantryman, Field Marshal KM Cariappa was a thorough
gentleman who exhibited the highest standards of self discipline and compassion. Army HQ
has been organizing the ‘Field Marshal KM Cariappa Memorial Lecture’ every year, since 1995,
as part of Infantry Day celebrations.

Honouring Lieutenant General Cariappa

Gen Dalbir Singh, then Chief of the Army Staff, dedicated a statue of Field Marshal K M
Cariappa at the Army Parade Ground, Delhi Cantonment and rechristened the parade ground
as “Cariappa Parade Ground” on December 29, 2016.

President Ram Nath Kovind, the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces paying his
highest homages and said this year on 15th Jan, 2018,”On Army Day, greetings to the valiant
men and women of the Indian Army, to veterans and to families of those who have worn the
uniform. You are our nation’s pride, the sentinels of our liberty. Citizens sleep securely
knowing you are ever awake and ever vigilant,”.


53. International Customs Day

International Customs Day, well known as the ICD, is celebrated by the custom organizations
every year on 26th of January. It is celebrated to commemorate the very first official
conference of the Customs Co-operation Council means the World Customs Organization,
WCO. World Customs Organization, having over 177 custom administration members, is called
as the only intergovernmental organization which solely highlights on the customs matters.
World Customs Organization was established in the year 1952 as an autonomous body to
enhance the efficacy and effectiveness of the customs administrations all across the world.


International Customs Day 2019 was celebrated on 26th of January, Saturday.

International Customs Day 2019 theme was “Smart Borders for Seamless Trade, Travel and

The day was observed by the Commissionerate of Haryana in Sahnewal. Around 100 people
participated in the celebration including various custom brokers, trade representatives,
exporters and importers etc.

The Centre Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) organised a ceremony on International
Customs Day 2019 in New Delhi. Piyush Goyal, the Union Minister for Finance, Corporate
Affairs and Railways emphasized on the necessity of the simplification of the policies and laws
for the smoother functioning of trade and transport.

The day was also observed internationally by various organisations with the focus on seamless
trade, travel and transport.


International Customs Day is celebrated every year using different themes to focus on the
particular event:

> The International Customs Day theme 2019 was “Smart Borders for Seamless Trade, Travel
and Transport”.

> The theme for the International Customs Day 2018 was “A secure business environment for
economic development”.

> The theme of the celebration of international customs day 2017 was “Data Analysis for
Effective Border Management.”

> The theme of the celebration of international customs day 2016 was “Digital Customs:
Progressive Engagement”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2015 was “Coordinated Border
Management: an inclusive approach for connecting stakeholders”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2014 was “Communication:
sharing information for better cooperation”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2013 was “Innovation for
Customs progress”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2012 was “Borders divide,
Customs connects”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2011 was “Knowledge, a catalyst
for Customs Excellence” to effectively implement the mandatory services by the customs

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2010 was “Customs and
Business: improving performance through partnerships”.

> The theme of the celebration of International Customs Day 2009 was “Customs and the
environment: protecting our natural heritage”.

International Customs Day theme highlights the significance of business partnership approach.
It contributes in many areas such as trade supply chain security, worldwide customs growth,
enhancing business standards and public-private enterprises. WCO members celebrate
International Customs Day as a magnificent reminder to play vital role to the customs bodies
all over the world.


International customs organization plays a big role in developing the global business instead of
increasing the risks of international security. International security dangers negatively affect
the worldwide business scenario. So, the international customs day has been decided to
celebrate every year to fulfill the requirements of the customs bodies. It regulates the better
establishment and understanding of the business firms.

Growth of the international legal trades is stimulated by the World Customs Organization
through several vital steps. It helps in combating with the danger of the fraudulent activities
by promoting a candid, apparent and safe custom environment worldwide.

It is celebrated as a yearly event of the World Customs Organization to memorialize the

establishment of the World Customs Organization in the year 1953 in order to support the
International Customs cooperation. In order to get customs excellence, the secretary general
of the World Customs Organization has made a call for promoting the management and
professional training.

It is getting celebrated in different countries in different ways. In order to face the recent
trends and lots of challenges, The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority attempts regularly to provide
the excellent services and training to its officers.


The Customs Co-operation Council was marked on 15th of December in the year 1950 in the
Brussels. However, it came into force two years later on 4th of November in the year 1952
which was officially inaugurated on 26th of January in the year 1953 with the involvement of
representatives from different countries. The Customs Co-operation Council was approved as
a World Customs Organization in the year 1994 to become a global intergovernmental


> It is celebrated to enhance the effectiveness and efficacy of the member customs

> To innovatively assist the member custom administrations to actively contribute to the
custom development.

> To achieve the international level goals.

> To enhance the revenue collection, community protection, national security and trade
statistics collection.


54. International Day of Education

On December 3rd 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to observe
24th January (starting from 2019) as the International day of Education, to celebrate the role
of education in development. The decision was taken during Global Education Meet held at
Brussels in Belgium from 3rd to 5th December 2018.

The International Day of education is sponsored by the Nigeria’s permanent mission in the
United Nations. The resolution demonstrated the world’s political will towards providing
quality education to all and achieving sustainable development by 2030. It only reiterates the
importance of education in development and its essentiality for sustainable development


Being announced in 2018, the International Day of Education was celebrated globally on 24th
January 2019, Thursday.

The day was celebrated with a focus on improving the universal quality of education. Various
public and private sectors, governmental and non-governmental organisations observed the
day internationally by promoting education as the fundamental right of a child.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres invited the support and cooperation from
all the countries to emphasize the importance of education. UNESCO also observed the day by
organizing an event named ‘Maiden Celebration of International Day of Education’ which was
held at the UN headquarters in New York.


International Day Of Education is a manifestation of world’s political power’s will to improve

the standards of education and their resolution towards eradicating illiteracy. It also reiterates
the importance of education for the world’s social and economical development. The
observance is expected to improve the quality of education and protects the rights of the
student community. The nations together, will reach out to the masses stressing on the
importance of education and also the role that it plays in achieving the goal of sustainable
development by 2030.

Education plays very important role in eradication of poverty, illiteracy and providing
livelihood through employment, developing skills, improving health and sanitation,
economical and social development, high living standards, better hygiene and reduced crime
rates. Education is a one stop remedy for many social issues. It is also the most important
factor leading to the UN’s sustainable development goals by 2030.

The observance also stresses the fact that the education is not only a fundamental right but
also a necessity to achieve sustainable development; not to mention the role that education
plays in poverty eradication, generating employment and leading to social and economical


The resolution calls upon the countries, the UN member states, social activists, civil societies,
education institutes, private sectors, volunteers and professionals to observe the International
Day of Education in their respective capacities.

Promoting education, raising the standards of education and ensuring education for all are
some of the vital points to be acted upon. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization) will play a vital role, being the United Nation’s education body.

The observance of International Day of Education stresses to the nations, the need to adapt
to modernized academic programs; as the world has globalized and become interdependent.

Events will be organized to acknowledge the importance of education at every level – primary,
secondary and tertiary level also the distance education as well as vocational training
programs; providing opportunities to the illiterate as well as the educated, beyond the
limitations of age. Such programs will stress on improving employability and the quality of life,
through education.

The day not only stresses on academic education, but also on developing skills; raising
individual productivity and employability.

Efforts will be made towards developing co-operation between the member states on the
fields of education and sustainable development through education. The costs of all the
activities related to the observance are to be met voluntarily.


Despite being the world’s fastest growing economy, India still has a huge illiterate population
– 287 Million; 37% of the world’s total. It is very important for the Indian government to co
ordinate with the international community, to improve the state and quality of education in

Though, India has been celebrating its National education day on 11th November each year on
the birth anniversary of its first education minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad; it has remained
largely a commemoration event.

By joining hands with the UN and international community on the observance of the
International Day Of Education, India will open new venues for education and skill
development; leading to financial as well as social development of the country.

India could tap on the opportunity of inviting more funds from international community or the
United Nations, to utilize into her educational programs.

It is an era of globalization and our education system need to be the equivalent to global
standards. For that, we have to be observant and receptive to global changes in the field of

Observing International Day of Education will substantiate India’s resolve towards eradication
of illiteracy and sustainable development.


India could celebrate the International Day Of education by roping in different organizations,
education institutions and volunteers etc, to work towards the cause of education; either by
manual or financial contribution.

The government of India could call upon International voluntary organizations and non
government organizations to celebrate the International Day of Education, by organizing
various campaigns for raising awareness and funds.

Programs could be organized to reach out mainly to the deprived sections of the society and
addressing the issues which are acting as the constraints to their education.

One way of observing the International Day of Education could be through diplomatic
dialogue. Diplomats from the UN member states can be invited to speak on the issues of
education and its effects on the society. Diplomatic dialogues will provide an in depth
knowledge to our student community as well as government organizations and educational
institutions; making a way for self improvement through self assessment.

Such dialogues will make India aware of the state of education around the world; providing
opportunity to identify her own shortcomings and to work towards removing them.


55. Martyrs Day

Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India

Martyrs day in India is celebrated to pay homage to the victims who fought for the freedom,
welfare and progress of the India and sacrificed their lives. It is celebrated every year all over
the country on 30th of January. India is the country among other 15 countries of the world
where Martyrs Day is celebrated every year to pay homage to the freedom fighters.

Mahatma Gandhi was a Baniya (Merchant Cast) by birth but he always considered his religion
humanity. For him, war was the blunt weapon and he followed non-violence, the sharpest
weapon for getting the freedom.


Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India 2019 will be celebrated on 23rd of
March, Saturday. It was also celebrated on 30th January on the martyrdom of Mahatma

Martyrs Day – 30th January

The nation paid homage to all the martyrs and freedom fighters of our country who sacrificed
their lives for the nation. President Sri Ram Nath Kovind, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 71st martyrdom. Prime
Minister also urged people to observe two minutes of silence on Shaheed Diwas in his
monthly radio address program ‘Mann Ki Baat’. He also dedicated Salt Satyagrah Memorial in
Gujarat to the nation on the occasion.

In Guwahati, two minutes of silence were observed by the District and Sub-Divisional
Administrators to pay tribute and commemorate the sacrifices of our martyrs. In
Tiruvanantpuram, members of various political parties paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi
and organized an all-religion prayer meet on the occasion.

Martyrs Day – 23rd March

Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India 2019 was celebrated on 23rd of
March, Saturday. It was also celebrated on 30th January on the martyrdom of Mahatma

The Martyrs Day on 23rd March 2019 was celebrated with great patriotism by each and every
citizen of India. Prime Minister and the members of all political parties paid tribute to
Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh who sacrificed his life for the country at a very young age.

Naman- Shaheedo ke Sapno ko, a social and cultural development organisation organised a
march on Shaheed Diwas to pay tribute to the martyrs of our nation who sacrificed their lives
on the borders protecting their motherland. The march was flagged off from the Agrico
Ground, Jamshedpur. The organisation also facilitated around 45 soldiers and their family
members on the occasion.

Schools and colleges across the country observed the day by organising essay, drawing,
painting and debate competitions. Dramas and skits by the children showcasing Indian
freedom struggle was also organised in schools.


Mahatma Gandhi

Martyrs day is celebrated on 30th of January every year as on the same day, Mahatma Gandhi
(Bapu) was assassinated in the year 1948 before the sunset during the evening prayers. He
was a great freedom fighter of the India and counted as the greatest amongst the lakhs and
lakhs of martyrs. He did a very hard work throughout his life for the independence, welfare
and development of the India. 30th of January is the martyr day of the Mahatma Gandhi
which was declared by the Government of India as the Martyrs’ Day. Since then, 30th of
January is celebrated as the Martyrs’ Day every year to pay tribute to the Mahatma Gandhi.

January 30 of the year 1948 was the saddest day for the country which has become the most
poignant day in the Indian history. Gandhi Smriti, a place where Mahatma Gandhi was killed at
his 78 in the Birla House during evening prayers.

Losing the Father of the Nation just after the hard-won independence under his leadership
was the biggest misfortune for the country. He was killed in front of the big crowed came for
the evening prayer. After his assassination, a big crowed was gathered in front of the Birla
House to have a look of the Bapu. Bapu was the great person who had sacrificed his whole life
in company with the lakhs of men and women for the India Independence became a martyr.

So, the Martyrs Day in India is an occasion celebrated every year to memorize all the Indian
martyrs and pay tribute to them. After the independence of India, Bapu had started working
on the mission for setting up the harmony, peace and brotherhood among the people of India
but, he was killed while working on this mission.


Bhagat Singh

23rd of March is also declared as the martyrs day in India to remember the sacrifice and pay
homage to the Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar. Bhagat Singh, Shivaram
Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar were fought for India against the British rule for independence.

Bhagat Singh, a well-known freedom fighter in the history of India, was born on 28th of
September in 1907 in the Lyallpur, Punjab in the Sikh family. His father was the member of an
organization called Ghadar Party working for the independence of India. Bhagat Singh
together with his companions Rajguru, Azad, Sukhdev and Jai Gopal fought for the
assassination of Lala Lajpat Rai. The daring adventures of Bhagat Singh have become a great
inspiration for the youngsters of today.

In the year 1929, on 8th of April he together with his companions threw bombs over the
Central Legislative Assembly reading slogan “Inquilab Zindabad”. They charged with the
murder and hanged at 7.30 pm in the Lahore jail on 23th of March in the year 1931. Their
body was cremated at the banks of the Sutlej River. Now a day, a big Shaheedi Mela
(Martyrdom fair) is held in the birthplace Ferozepur, at the National Martyrs Memorial in the
Hussainiwala (Indo-Pak border).


At this day, the President of India including the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the
Defense Minister, and the service Chiefs get together at the Rajghat to the Samadhi of the
Mahatma Gandhi to put down flowers garland to the statue of Bapu. An honorable salute is
then given by the armed forces personnel and inter-services contingent to pay respect to the

Then, the gathered people keep silence for 2 mins in the memory of the Bapu, Father of the
Nation, and other martyrs throughout the country. At the same place, religious prayers and
bhajans are sung by the loved ones.

Children of the schools from the Kolkata are dressed like Bapu and gathered to play role in the
function at this day. The various other functions related to the Bapu’s life are carried out by
the schools students while celebrating the Martyrs Day.

However in India, more than one Martyrs Day (also called as the Sarvodaya day at the national
level) has been declared to honor the other martyrs of the nation.


13th of July is also celebrated as the martyrs day in India in the Jammu and Kashmir to
memorize the death of 22 people. They were killed by the royal soldiers while demonstrating
adjacent to the Maharaja Hari Singh of the Kashmir on 13th of July in the year 1931.


Lala Lajpat Rai

17th of November is celebrated as the martyrs day in the Odisha to observe the death
anniversary of the Lala Lajpat Rai (also famous as the “Lion of Punjab”). He was a leader and
freedom fighter during the independence of India from the British Raj.


Rani Lakshmibai

19th of November (birthday of Rani Lakshmibai) is also celebrated as the martyrs day in the
state of Jhansi. It is celebrated to pay honor to those who sacrificed their lives during the
rebellion of the year 1857. Rani Lakshmibai was the leading figure of that rebellion.


> “Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being
understood – never.”

> “The people who have really made history are the martyrs.”

> “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

> “Men do not accept their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and worship
those whom they have tortured to death.”

> “They’re not put on earth to be martyrs; they have to want to come out. It depends on your
culture, where you work, where you live. Each person’s circumstances are unique.”

> “It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs.”

> “Martyrs do not underrate the body, they allow it to be elevated on the cross. In this they
are at one with their antagonists.”

> “Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads haven’t been cut off.”

> “We, who are the living, possess the past. Tomorrow is for our martyrs.”

> “All religions have periods in their history which are looked back to with retrospective fear
and trembling as eras of persecution, and each religion has its own book of martyrs.”

> “These martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea.”

> “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.”

> “They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead
body, but not my obedience.”


56. National Girl Child Day

National girl child day is celebrated every year on 24th of January as a national observance day
for the girl child. This celebration was started to offer more supports and new opportunities to
the girls in the country. It is celebrated to increase the awareness among people about all the
inequalities faced by the girl child in the society. Inequality about girl child is a vast problem
which includes many areas like inequality in education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care,
protection, honour, child marriage and so many.

National girl child day has been started as a national girls development mission by the
Government of India. This mission raises the awareness among people all over the country
about the importance of girl’s promotion. It enhances the meaningful contribution of the girls
in decision making processes through the active support of the parents and other community


National Girl Child Day 2019 was celebrated on Thursday, 24th of January.

The day in 2019 was celebrated with theme of “Empowering Girls for a Brighter Tomorrow”.

Many programmes were organised for the occasion including awareness campaign on save girl
child, child sex ratios and creating a healthy and safe environment for a girl child.

Haryana was awarded for its good performance for the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ initiative of
the national government. The award was presented on 24th January at an event in New Delhi
organised on the occasion of National Girl Child Day. Rajasthan was also included in the award
for its improved performance for the same.

Andhra Pradesh celebrated a weeklong event on the occasion of National Girl Child Day. The
event included awareness programs, self-defence training, drawing and painting competitions
for children, child literacy etc.

National Girl Child day also marks the anniversary of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ initiative of the
government. The Ministry of Women and Child Development facilitated various secretaries,
commissioners and other government officials for their improved performance and support
towards the initiative.

Various celebrities and dignitaries also observed the day by sharing messages and pictures
with their daughters on social media and emphasised the importance of providing a better
and safe environment for the girl child.


It is celebrated to promote the girls position in the society to make their living better among
society people. It is very necessary to remove different types of social discrimination and
exploitation that girls generally face in their life. To increase the awareness about the
necessity of the girls right in the society, various political and community leaders speech to
the public about the girls right for the equal education and fundamental freedoms.

It is very necessary for the girls to get full potential, safe and enabling environment. They
should be aware of all their legal rights and the facts of life. They should be aware that they
have the good education, nutrition and health care rights. They should be well aware about
legislations including Domestic Violence Act 2009, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 and
Dowry Prohibition Act 2006 in order to get their proper rights and face all the challenges in

In our country, female literacy rate is still 53.87% and one third of the youngster girls are
malnourished. Reproductive age group women are anemic and suffering from various other
diseases just because of the gender discrimination in the society and limited access to the

health services. Various steps have been taken at national and state level by the Ministry of
Women and Child Development to improve the girl child status through a range of schemes.

The Women and Child Development Ministry had implemented a scheme called
“Dhanalaksmi” to make cash transfer to the girl child family to fulfil the basic needs such as
immunization, birth registration, school enrollment and maintenance up to the Class VIII. The
Right to Education Act has made available the free and necessary education to the girl child.


Varieties of events are organized all across the country to celebrate the girl child day to
promote girls position in the society. Government of India organizes a big campaign to
increase people consciousness towards the girl children in the Indian society.

National Girl Child Day celebration was started by the Women and Child Development
Ministry since 2008 to celebrate as the national observance. Through this campaign, the
Indian Government has highlighted the inequalities towards the girl in the Indian society. At
this day, various advertisements are run by the government on the TV channels, local
newspapers and radio stations and through the message of “Save the Girl Child”. NGO
organizations and non government organizations also come together and take part in the
celebration to fight against the social stigma about girl child.


> It is celebrated as a national observance to increase the consciousness of the people and
offer new opportunities to the girl child in the society.

> To remove all the inequalities faced by the girl children of the Indian society.

> To make certain that every girl child is getting proper respect and value in the Indian society.

> To ensure that the girl children are getting their all the human rights in the country.

> To work against diminishing the child sex ratio in the India and change the people mind
about the girl child.

> To initiate couple towards the girl child by increasing awareness about the importance and
role of the girl child.

> To address the girl children issues associated to their health, respect, education, nutrition
and etc.

> To propagate the gender equality among people in India.


Government of India has taken various steps by declaring variety of schemes to make the girl
child status better. Some of are:

> Sex determination during pregnancy through the clinics has been blocked by the

> Child marriages of the girls have been restricted.

> Antenatal care has been made necessary for all the pregnant women to fight with the
malnutrition, high illiteracy, poverty and infant mortality in the society.

> “Save the Girl Child” scheme has been introduced by the government to save the girl child.

> Girl child education status in India has been improved through the free and compulsory
primary school education for both boys and girls till 14 years of age.

> To improve the status of the girl child in India, the government of India has reserved 1/3
seats in the local government for women.

> Anti-MTP, anti-sati laws, anti-dowry Act has also been introduced by the legislature to
enhance the women status and employment opportunities.

> Five Year Plan has been implemented to pay attention towards the education status in the
backward states of the country.

> School children are well availed with the uniforms, noon meal and educational materials and
repayments to the SC and ST caste girl’s families.

> Balwadi-cum-creeches have been implemented for caring the girl babies and attend the
primary school.

> “Operation Blackboard” including other programmes has been organized for the teacher’s
education to make the school services advance.

> The Open Learning System has been established for easiness to the girls of backward areas.

> It has been declared for the girl child that “girls must be given equal treatments and
opportunities from the very beginning” to expand the opportunities for them.

> The SHG means Self-Help Groups has been introduced by the government as the main policy
in order to make better the livelihood of rural areas girls.


57. National Youth Day

National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) is celebrated with the great
joy and enthusiasm in India every year on 12th of January. It is celebrated to commemorate
the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, maker of the modern India. It was first declared by the
Government of India in the year 1984 to celebrate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda as the

National Youth Day. Since then (1985), it is started celebrating as the National Youth Day all
over the country.


National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) 2019 was celebrated all over
India on 12th of January, Saturday.

It was celebrated across the country with great zeal commemorating the teachings and
thoughts of Swami Vivekananda. There were various camps, discussions, group talks, youth
summits and youth festivals held across the nation on the occasion.

Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das unveiled Swami Vivekananda’s bronze statue on the
occasion of National Youth Day on 12th January. The statue is the tallest Vivekananda statue
in India with the height of 33 feet.

The Youth Affairs and Sports minister Col. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore started the celebration
of National Youth Day by launching National Youth Festival 2019 with the theme “Be the Voice
of the New India” and “Find Solutions and Contribute to Policy”. The festival will encourage
the youths to voice their opinions, ideas and thoughts through the platform and contribute in
the development of new India.

The Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Hyderabad organised a program based on the
theme ‘Channelizing Youth Power for Nation Building’. Chandigarh University also organised
the national youth summit ‘EVOKE-2019’ with the theme ‘Indian Youth: An Unpolished
Diamond’ on the occasion.


It is well known that the Government of India had declared to observe the National Youth Day
every year on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda on 12th of January. It was decided by the
Government of India in order to inspire all the youths of country towards the philosophy of
Swami Vivekananda and his ideals. The birthday of the Swami Vivekananda was decided to be
celebrated as the National Youth Day to complete the aim of making better future of the
country by motivating the youths through the way of life and ideas of the Swami Vivekananda.

It is the aim of great importance of distributing the ideas and ideals of the Swami Vivekananda
among the youths of India. It is the great way to wake up the eternal energy of the youths as
well as their big efforts to make the country developed.


Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12th of January in the year 1863 in the Pausha Krishna
Saptami tithi. The birthday of the Swami Vivekananda is celebrated every year at many
centres of the Ramakrishna Math, Ramakrishna Mission and their branch centres according to
the Indian culture and tradition. A great mangal aarti, hoom, devotional songs, meditation,
religious speech as well as the sandhya aarti is performed while celebrating the birthday of the
Swami Vivekananda.


National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) is celebrated by the youths
at all the schools, colleges by performing the parade, speech on Swami Vivekananda,
recitations, music, songs, conventions, Yogasanas, presentations, competition for essay-
writing, seminar, sports and etc. Lectures and writings related to the ideas of Swami
Vivekananda are also performed by the students to inspire the Indian youths.

Variety of other performances are also carried out by the people participated in the event all
over the India as well as outside the country in order to promote education, art, way of life,
trust among youths inspire their inner soul.

An event for two days for all the age group is organized by the Mission Bhartiyam in Uttar
Pradesh. This event includes dozen of activities and named as the Basti Yuvo Mahotsav. The
day is celebrated by the government, non-profit organizations as well as corporate groups in
their own way.

The event celebration is started in the early morning with the pooja of Holy Mother Sri Sarada
Devi, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Ramakrishnananda. A great hoom is

performed after the pooja by the Monks and devotees. Then devotees offer pushpanjali and
aarti to the statue of Swami Vivekananda. In the end, distribution of Prasad takes place.


Philosophies, teachings and ideas of the Swami Vivekananda are the great cultural and
traditional assets of India. Youths are the most important part of the country who leads the
country ahead, that’s why youths are selected to be inspired first by the ideas and ideals of
the Swami Vivekananda. So, the National Youth Day is started celebrating every year to
encourage and inspire the honorable youths of the India. Schools and colleges are delightfully
adorned to enthusiastically celebrate the event.

Swami Vivekananda was a great person who always believed in the youth power to lead and
nourish the historical culture of the country and carry some advancement required by the
country to be developed.


Following are the year wise themes of national youth day celebration in India:

> According to Ramakrishna Mission, the theme for 2019 is “Youth and Nation Building”

> The theme of 2018 was “Sankalp se Siddhi”.

> The theme of 2017 was “Youth for Digital India”.

> The theme of 2016 was “Indian Youth for Development, Skill and Harmony”.

> The theme of 2015 was “Youngmanch” and “Youth for Clean, Green and Progressive India”
(and slogan was “hum se hai nayi shuruaat”).

> The theme of 2014 was “Youth for Drugs Free World”.

> The theme of 2013 was “Awakening the Youth Power”.

> The theme of 2012 was “Celebrating Diversity in Unity”.

> The theme of 2011 was “Sabse Pehle Bharat”.


Following are some famous quotes on national youth day said by the Swami Vivekananda:

> “Choose the highest ideal and live your life upto that. Look at the “ocean” and not at the
wave”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a
mob in a century”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in man”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Struggle hard to get money, but don’t get attached to it”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva”. –
Swami Vivekananda

> “Each soul is potentially divine”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Talk to yourself once in a day…Otherwise you may miss meeting an EXCELLENT person in
this World”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my
workers!”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Work, work, work – let this be your motto”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “The earth is enjoyed by heroes—this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no
fear””. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Feel that you are great and you become great”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “My hope of the future lies in the youths of character, intelligent, renouncing all for the
service of others, and obedient – good to themselves and the country at large”. – Swami

> “Death being so certain, it is better to die for a good cause”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Your country requires heroes; be heroes; your duty is to go on working, and then
everything will follow of itself”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or
mental state”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “It is best to work among the youth in whom lies our hope — patiently, steadily, and without
noise”. – Swami Vivekananda

> “The child is father of the man.” Would it be right for an old man to say that childhood is a
sin or youth a sin?” – Swami Vivekananda


58. Oil and Gas Conservation Week and Fortnight

Oil conservation week is celebrated every year, from 4th of January to the 10th of January, by
the people worldwide in order to increase the awareness all across the world regarding to the
importance of conservation of the petroleum products. The celebration for the oil
conservation goes whole week by the contribution of PCRA (Petroleum Conservation Research
Association) as well as oil industries under the leadership of Petroleum and Natural Gas

It was first started in the year 1991. From then, it is being celebrated every year to encourage
people of the entire country as well as to increase the effectiveness of the campaign of oil


Oil Conservation Week 2019 was celebrated from Friday, 04th January 2019 to Thursday, 10th
January 2019.

Various seminars and discussions were held to spread the awareness on Oil and Gas
Conservation. ONGC has organised various awareness campaigns to spread the importance of
oil and natural gas and importance of switching to a clean fuel. This campaign also included
various competitions like essay writing, speech, quiz show, slogan competition etc to make
children aware about the importance of energy conservation.

PCRA (Petroleum Conservation Research Association) organised the yearly program ‘Saksham
2019’ which is a month long awareness drive on fuel conservation and environment
protection. The title for this year program was same as last year as ‘SArakshan KSHAMata
Mahotsav 2019’ and the tagline was ‘Indhan Sanrakshan ki Jimmedari, Jan Gan ki Bhagidari’.

The program focused to raise awareness among children, youths, gram panchayats, urban
societies etc regarding fuel conservation activities. The campaign also included debate
competition, group talks, wall painting competitions, cycle rally etc.


Oil conservation week celebration is very necessary in order to raise the awareness about
saving petroleum products among people. Petroleum products are being used by the people
in many ways such as power plants, industries, fertilizer, commercial, domestic, transport
sectors and so many. The demand for both petroleum products and gases are increasing day
by day, which is very necessary topic to take for the future safety. That’s why the campaign is
renamed as the Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight instead on only Oil Conservation Fortnight
since 2004.

The air pollution has increased a lot because of the petroleum products which has great
impact on the Taj Mahal (world heritage monument). Petroleum products used in the
industries and vehicles release various pollutants and emissions which affects our living


Variety of activities takes place during the oil conservation week celebration. It is celebrated
by the entire oil industry under the guidance of ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The
aim of the campaign is distributed among the people through the activities based on the topic
about need and importance of conserving both the petroleum products as well as
environment protection. Some of the activities which involves the campaign celebration are
listed down below:

> The message of the oil conservation campaign is distributed by the door publicity.

> Print media and the electronic media also plays a great role in campaigning the message.

> Variety of training programs are held during the whole week celebration.

> Campaign related literature is distributed all over the country through the technical

Some of the activities are organized at the state level by the Oil Industry Coordinators under
the guidance of Regional Level Coordinators. School children and teachers also involved in
performing the activities related to the campaign for which they get award according to their

The oil conservation week celebration is very necessary in order to decrease the ever
increasing space between demand and supply of the petroleum products and oil. In order to
make more effective the oil conservation campaign all over the country, Government has
started the whole week celebration.

During this celebration, a range of steps are taken to promote the petroleum products
conservation in the following sectors like industrial, transport, agricultural, domestic and etc.
Workers of the different sectors are given training which includes various adopting measures
and practices for increasing the fuel efficiency in transport sector, household sector, boilers,
furnaces, oil operated equipments and etc. household sector.

Tree plantation has been started in the Mathura (to reduce the effect of sulfurous emissions
from the Mathura Refinery) and in the surrounding areas of Taj for the maintenance purpose.

The supply of the natural gas and hydrocracker technology has been started to the Mathura
Refinery to decrease the sulphurous emissions from Mathura Refinery.

What Steps have been taken for Oil Conservation

> In order to create the mass awareness towards the need of petroleum products
conservation, multi media campaigns are also planned by the authority and oil marketing

> Variety of lubricants has been launched by the oil marketing companies in order to increase
the efficiency of petroleum products and save.

> Compressed Natural Gas (CNG, started by the GAIL in the year 1992) technique as a fuel in
the transport sector has been implemented by the government of many countries to save the
petroleum products and make the environment clean and pollution free. CNG is very safe and
sound environment friendly burning fuel which has been implemented to reduce the drain of
discharges such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead, sulphur and etc in the environment
in comparison to other fuels. A conversion kit has also been launched to successfully
implement CNG in the petrol vehicles.

> A programme is also in the process in order to replace the kerosene use in the textile
pigment printing. The objective of this programme is to get 40% kerosene conservation.

> Various effective and result-oriented petroleum products conservation methods have been
implemented in the oil sector.

> Supply of petrol without lead (lead free petrol) and low sulphur diesel has been started by
the government throughout the Agra in order to save the Taj Mahal by the pollution.


> It is celebrated to raise the awareness among people about the necessity of petroleum

> Various activities are held to increase the effectiveness of oil conservation campaign.

> To make the environment pollution free by replacing the use of petroleum products with
other efficient measures.

> To save the world heritage monuments from the pollution by the by products of the
petroleum products.


59. Pin Code Week

The pin code week is celebrated every year from 15th of January to the 21st of January to
distribute the message about pin code importance. Every document has a small rectangular
box which again has six partitions to fill up the pin code number of the particular place. This
box is generally ignored by the people and left unfilled. This small box represents a steering
wheel of the letter for the postal department.


Pin Code Week 2019 will be observed from 15th of January (Tuesday) to the 21st of January

The Pin Code Week is a week-long celebration during which various camps and awareness
programs will be organised to help people understand the importance of pin code and how it
helps to simplify things in our lives.

What is a PIN code

The full form of the PIN is Postal Index Number which is known by the name pin code or pin
number. Pin code is a 6 digit’s unique number which has been allotted to the post offices. It
helps a lot in delivering the mail all over the India. This pin code denotes the real address and
ensures where the letter has to be reached.

How does PIN code work

To work the pin code system very well, the whole country has been divided into the eight PIN
zones. States of the country is indicated by the particular number and direction wise such as:

> Number 1 denotes the Northern pin jones like Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab,
Jammu & Kashmir.

> Number 2 denotes the other Northern pin jones like Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.

> Number 3 denotes the Western pin jones like Rajasthan and Gujarat.

> Number 4 denotes the other Western pin jones like Maharastra, Chattisgarh and Madhya

> Number 5 denotes the Southern pin jones like Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

> Number 6 denotes the other Southern pin jones like Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

> Number 7 denotes the Eastern pin jones like Orissa, West Bengal and North Eastern.

> Number 8 denotes the other Eastern pin jones like Bihar and Jharkand.

As pin code is a number of six digits, first digit indicates pin zones (states or region), second
and third digits indicates district (where the delivering post office is located), next three digits
indicates the exact post office (where the letter is to be sent).

History of PIN code

The PIN Code system was introduced on 15 August 1972 by Shriram Bhikaji Velankar (an
additional secretary in the Union Ministry of Communications). This system was introduced in
order to simplify the manual sorting and delivery of mail by eliminating confusion over
incorrect addresses, similar place names and different languages used by the public.

Pin code system was first opened to the public on 1st of April in the year 1774. At that time it
was of only 3 pin jones such as Bengal (whole Eastern and Northern regions), Madras (whole
Southern regions) and Bombay (rest of the regions). After becoming an independent India, pin
code system was divided into eight pin jones.

How exactly are the Letters delivered?

Each PIN code represents exactly one delivery post office. This post office receives all the mail
to be delivered to one or more lower offices within its jurisdiction, all of which share the same
code. The delivery office can either be a General Post Office (GPO), a Head Office (HO) or Sub
Office (SO). These are usually located in urban areas.

The post from the delivery office is sorted here. From here it is routed to other delivery offices
for various different PINs that the letters or parcels hold. Branch offices (BO) are located in
rural areas and have limited postal services. Thus the Pin Codes serves a vital piece of
information for the Post Men to have the letters and parcels delivered to the exact address,
without any confusion of the district or village where it is destined to be delivered.

Structure of Pin Code Number

Here’s an example of decoding your pin code. The pin code of one of the regions in Central
Delhi is 110060.

The first digit indicates: northern region = 1

The second digit indicates: postal circle Delhi = 11

The third digit indicates: sorting district = 0 (which is central Delhi)

The last 3 digits indicate: the specific post office (Rajinder Nagar) = 060

Thus the 6 digit pin code for Rajinder Nagar in Central Delhi, North India is = 110060


60. Pravasi Bhartiya Divas

The Union Government of India celebrates Pravasi Bharatiya Divas or Non Resident Indian Day
on 9th of January each year, to commemorate the achievements of the individuals of Indian
origin, in their respective fields; and also to persuade them to bring their knowledge and
expertise to Indian soil.

The day also marks the return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa on 9th January 1915 and
he is presented as a symbol of a change and development a Non Resident Indian could bring
into India. Mahatma Gandhi inculcated his experiences of 21 years as a Civil Rights Activist in
South Africa into India’s freedom struggle; finally freeing her from the clutches of British

The Government of India believes that a NRI has a global exposure in terms of business and
development strategies around the world; therefore, if provided with an opportunity they will
infuse those ideas and experiences on their mother land, contributing to her development.

The first Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was celebrated on 9th January 2003 and was observed
annually till 2015. A decision to make the event biennial was taken by the Ministry Of External
Affairs in 2016, since then it is celebrated every second year.


The 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was celebrated with great zeal and zest in the holy city of
Varanasi from 21st January to 23rd January 2019.

Following were the major highlights of the event:

Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi and PM of Mauritius Pravind Jugnauth officially inaugurated
the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas event on 22nd January at 10:00 AM in Varanasi and addressed the

Pravind Jugnauth visited Sri Kashi Vishwanath temple and also took part in the Ganga Aarti on
22nd Overseas Indians also visited Sarnath and other historical places in Varanasi.

Actress Hema Malini presented a dance drama based on ‘Journey of Ganga’ in the PBD
convention on 22ndJanuary, Tuesday.

The event was concluded by the President of India’s address in which he appealed the
Overseas Indian to play a vital role in the development of India. He also conferred the ‘Pravasi
Bharatiya Samman’ to 30 Overseas Indian on 23rd

IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath, Norway’s MP Himanshu Gulati and South Africa’s
diplomat Anil Sooklal were amongst the 30 awardees of the ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Samman’.

Youths in Varanasi welcomed the delegates by showcasing the historic culture of Varanasi by
paintings the walls of city exhibiting the journey of Varanasi from ancient history to the
modern technological developments.

A tent city was setup for the delegates of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in the holy city of Varanasi at
the Trade Facilitation Center near River Varuna. Each tent was equipped with the most
modern facilities with attractive interiors. Apart from continental dishes the guests were
served the regional mouthwatering delicacies of Varanasi.

IRCTC served local cuisines and seasonal fruits like paneer masala, mixed vegetables, ‘gajar ka
halwa’, Allahabadi Guava, gulab jamun, chikkis etc to the delegates on the journey from
Prayagraj to New Delhi.


The 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held in Varanasi from 21st January to 23rd January 2019.
For the first time the dates for the functions were changed, conceding to the demands of
Indian Diaspora to attend the Mahakumbh at Prayagraj on 24th January and Republic Day
Celebrations in Delhi on 26th January.

The first day of the 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was dedicated to the youth; marked by
interactive sessions between Indian youth and young Indian Diaspora. This gave an
opportunity to young Indian aspirants to connect with considerably young NRIs or PIOs
(People of Indian origin) who have made it big in the field of science, technology, education,
politics etc. It also provided them to know the developments around the world in their
respective field of interest.

On 22nd January the 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was inaugurated by the Chief Guest
followed by an opening speech by the Prime Minister of India. The last two days of the event
were marked with many sessions based on issues like- Cyber capacity of India, Opportunities
and challenges in giving back to India, cultural programs solar power, global warming,
development, artificial intelligence etc.

Dinners were hosted by Indian Ministers in the honor of Indian Diaspora and other invitees.


A high level committee under the chairmanship of L.M. Singhvi was appointed in September
2001 by the Union Government of India to look into the matters of Non Resident Indians and
the people of Indian origin who have migrated to other parts of the world.

The committee presented its report to the then Prime Minister of India Sri Atal Bihari
Vajpayee on 8th January 2002 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. In its report the committee
recommended establishing dialogues and interaction with Indian Diaspora abroad to address
their issues as well as to gain from their knowledge and expertise. The Prime Minister
announced the observation of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas on 9th of January from the next year.
The date was chosen to mark the return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa on 9th January

The recommendations of the Committee were aimed at addressing the issues those concern
India’s own children residing outside, and also to commemorate their effort towards
spreading the Indian culture and values to other parts of the world. A decision was also made
to felicitate those who have made commendable achievements in their respective fields; by
conferring to them “Pravasi Bharatiya Samman”.


There had been huge migrations from Indian soil, both before independence as well as after
India gained Independence; which has continued till today. India has the world’s largest
overseas population, with over 16 million NRIs residing in other parts of the world.

There is an Indian community in every part of the world; so much so that the sun never sets
on it. These people have become an integral part of their country of resident; but still retain

their Indian culture and values. They represent an India outside India and it is the Government
of India’s responsibility to look into the matters concerning them.

Apart from felicitating individuals for exceptional achievements, the celebration also provides
a dais for addressing the issues concerning the Indian Diaspora. Issues like the consular
difficulties they face during their visit to India, the reception they get in their own motherland
or the courtesy they think should have been extended to them by the government and other

Indian Diaspora has a high potential for bringing scientific, cultural and economical
development in India. Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is an event where they can interact with the
Government of India and chart out a future plan for the development of their motherland; be
it in science & technology or infield of education.

The basic idea behind the organization of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is to address the difficulties
NRIs face while visiting India or even in their respective country of resident; and, in return to
persuade them to bring back their experiences and ideas to contribute into the development
of India.

Since 2016, the Government of India has also introduced the “Overseas Citizenship of India”, a
limited dual citizenship for the people of Indian origin residing outside India in an attempt to
provide them easy access to their motherland and contribute to her development.


The Ministry of External Affairs of India organizes the Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas outside
India to interact with the Indian community there and familiarize them with Government’s
policies and decisions, also addressing the issues of their concern; in a bid to encourage them
to contribute to India’s development.

Till 2018, 10 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas have been organized by the Ministry of External

First RPBD was held in New York, USA on September 24th

Second RPBD was held in Singapore from 10th to 11th October 2008.

Third RPBD was held in Hague, Netherlands on 19th September 2009.

Fourth RPBD was held in Durban, South Africa, from 1st-2nd October 2010.

Fifth RPBD was held in Toronto, Canada from 8th– 10th June 2011.

Sixth RPBD was held in Pailles, Mauritius from 27th to 28th October 2012.

Seventh RPBD was held in Sydney, Australia from 10th to 12th November 2013.

Eighth RPBD was held in London, UK from 16th to 18th October 2014.

Ninth RPBD was held in Los Angeles, USA from 14th-15th November 2015.

Tenth RPBD was held in Singapore from 6th to 7th January 2016.

The Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas addresses a large number of issues like- culture, science
& technology, economy; as well as the issues concerning the Indian Diaspora.


The Union Government of India had celebrated 15 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas till 2019; the last
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh from 21st to 23rd January 2019.
Below is the list of previous Pravasi Bharatiya Divas held in India with dates and venue –

1st Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 9th to 11th January 2003.

Sir Anerood Jugnauth; Prime Minister of Mauritius was the Chief Guest for the occasion.

2nd Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 9th to 11th January 2004.

Shri Bharrat Jagdeo; President of Guyana was the Chief Guest for the occasion.

3rd Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Mumbai, Maharashtra from 7th to 9th January 2005.

Shri J.R. Ajodhia, Vice President of Suriname was the Chief Guest for the occasion.

4th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Hyderabad (Now in Telangana) from 7th to 9th January

Shri Ahmed Kathrada; political activist from South Africa was the chief guest of the occasion.

5th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 7th to 9th January 2007.

Professor S. Jayakumar; Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore was the Chief Guest of the

6th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 7th to 9th January 2008.

Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam; Prime Minister of Mauritius was the Chief Guest of the

7th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Chennai from 7th to 9th January 2009.

Dr. Ramdien Sardjoe; Vice President of Suriname was the Chief Guest of the occasion.

8th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 7th to 9th January 2010.

Dr. Khalid Hameed; Chairman of the Alpha Hospital Group, UK, was the Chief Guest of the

9th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 7th to 9th January 2011.

Sir Anand Satyanand; Governor General of New Zealand was the Chief Guest of the occasion.

10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Jaipur, Rajasthan from 7thto 9th January 2012.

Hon. Kamla Persad Bissessar; Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago was the Chief Guest of
the occasion.

11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Kochi, Kerala from 7th to 9th January 2013.

Mr. Rajkeswur Purryag; President of Mauritius was the Chief Guest of the occasion.

12th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at New Delhi from 7th to 9th January 2014.

Sri G.Palanivel; Federal Minister for Natural Resource and Environment, Malaysia, was the
Chief Guest of the occasion.

13th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Gandhinagar, Gujarat from 7th to 9th January 2015.

Mr. Donald Rabinderanauth Ramotar; President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, was
the Chief Guest of the occasion.

14th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held at Bangalore, Karnataka from 7th to 9th January 2017.

Dr. Antonio Costa; Prime Minister of the Republic of Portugal was the Chief Guest of the

15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was held in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh from 21st to 23rd January

Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, the Prime Minister of Mauritius was the Chief Guest on the
invitation of Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi.


The celebration is a three day affair, arranged by the Ministry Of Overseas Indian Affairs,
which was merged with the External Affairs Ministry in 2016; in collaboration with the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Federation of Indian Chambers Of Commerce and
Industry. If organized outside Delhi the concerned state government plays as the partner in
the function.

Indian Diaspora across the world is open heartedly invited to share their concerns as well as
thoughts and ideas about the scientific, political, economical development of India. Non
Resident Indians who have made commendable contribution in their respective fields are
felicitated and encouraged to contribute in whatever way they can, to the development of

During the three day long observation, various programs are organized where the Indian
Diaspora interacts with the Ministers and Officials of India and other important business
personalities of India. Issues like trade, education, investment, emigration, culture, health,
science and development are discussed with the Indian Diaspora; in a bid to persuade them to
impart their expertise in India’s development.


The recent Pravasi Bharatiya Divas have been themed. The themes of the respective years are
given below-

Theme of 2014 “Engaging Diaspora: Connecting across generations”.

Theme of 2015 “Apna Bharat Apna Gaurav: Connecting Across Generations “.

Theme of 2017 “Redefining Engagement with Indian Diaspora”.

Theme of 2018 “Ancient Route, New Journey”.

Theme of 2019 “Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India”.


61. Republic Day of India

Republic day 2019 in India is being celebrated on 26th of January, at Saturday. In 2019, India is
celebrating its 70th Republic Day. First Republic Day of India was celebrated in 1950.


Republic day in India is celebrated every year with great pride on 26th of January to honour
the Constitution of India as it came into force on the same day in the year 1950. It had
replaced the Government of India Act, 1935 into the governing document of India.

On this day, national holiday is declared by the Indian Government. The new Indian
Constitution was sketched and approved by the Indian Constituent Assembly and decided to
celebrate it on 26th of January every year as India became a republic country.


The Beating Retreat 2019 ceremony was held on 29th January at Vijay Chowk, New Delhi. It
officially marked the end of the Republic Day celebrations for 2019. Beating the Retreat
ceremony this year also followed the age old tradition where the bands of the Indian Armed
Forces played various hymns in front of the President of India and other dignitaries.

The ceremony was started after the arrival of the President of India, Sri Ram Nath Kovind. The
ceremony also saw the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President Venkaiah
Naidu and other dignitaries. The soulful performances by the bands of the Armed Forces in
colourful and attractive attire stole the show.

This year, around 25 tunes were played in the ceremony composed by the Indian musicians.
The hymns majorly included Namaste India, Mushkoh Valley, Indian Soldiers, and Great
Marshal along with other traditional tunes. The ceremony was mainly conducted by Cdr Vijay
D’Cruz whereas Army band was conducted by Subedar Parwinder Singh. Master Chief Petty
Officer Vincent Johnson and Junior Warrant Officer Ashok Kumar conducted the Navy and Air
Force band respectively.

The culmination of the Republic Day celebration was finally followed by illuminating of the
Rashtrapati Bhawan, Central Secretariat and other governmental building with colourful
lighting which brought the official closing of India’s 70th Republic Day celebrations.


“Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa“, the fifth and current President of South Africa was the Chief
Guest on 70th Republic Day of India 2019.

Cyril Ramaphosa was invited by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi during the G20 summit
which was held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. He (from South Africa) was especially

chosen for this occasion because India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma
Gandhi who had very close links with the people of South Africa. PM Modi said that the visit of
the South African President to India will help in enhancing the ties between the two countries.


We have given here some points on what was special on Indian Republic Day 2019:

The theme of the Republic Day 2019 celebration was ‘Gandhi’ as India celebrates his 150th
birth anniversary in 2019. 16 tableau from states and 6 from ministries took part in the parade
based on theme ‘Gandhi’.

President of India, Sri Ram Nath Kovind, in his address, commemorated the values of
democracy and emphasized the strength of India’s diversity, democracy and development.

The delegates of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2019 also witnessed the grandeurs of the
Republic Day celebration this year.

M777 Howitzer and K9-Vajra-T guns were also showcased in the parade which were recently
inducted in the Indian Army.

4 veteran soldiers of Netaji’s ‘Azad Hind Fauz’ also participated in the parade at Rajpath.

It was first time in the history that an all women contingent of Assam Rifles took part in the

It was also the first time when an all men Army Services Corps was led by a woman officer, Lt.
Bhawana Kasturi.

The winners of the National Bravery Awards did not took part in the parade due to the
allegation of financial integrity to the NGOs giving these awards however Rashtriya Bal
Puraskar winners participated in the parade.

Declaration of various awards was also done on the eve of the Republic Day. Former President
of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee was awarded Bharat Ratna. Social activist Nanaji Deshmukh
and famous singer Sri Bhupen Hazarika were also awarded Bharat Ratna, posthumously.

Republic Day was also celebrated in all the states with great pride and patriotic fervour.
Republic Day parade in Lucknow showcased T-90 Bhishm Tanks, Anti Tank Guided Missiles,
Automatic Grenade Launchers etc.


Flag of India

National Flag of India

Like Independence Day is celebrated to enjoy the hard won freedom of India from the British
Rule, Republic Day in India is celebrated to commemorate the coming of its own constitution
into force. It is officially celebrated every year in the national capital of India (New Delhi) at
Rajpath in the presence of the Indian President. Besides, celebrations in various other states
also take place in the presence of their respective state governors by hoisting the National
Flag of the country.

January 26 is declared as the national holiday all over the country by the Government of India.
It is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and show by the students and
teachers in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions.

An excellent parade and salute event is held by the military team at Rajpath in front of the
India Gate in New Delhi, India.


Events and celebrations are organized with great effort by the government of India in order to
celebrate Republic Day in the Capital. A huge, grand military parade is held in New Delhi at
Rajpath as well as the state capitals. Participants from the Indian Army, Air Force, Navy and
traditional dance group takes part in the parade.

Parade held in New Delhi especially begins when prime minister of India pays tribute to the
Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate. It is done to commemorate the sacrifices made by our Indian
army soldiers while saving the country. Military salute is taken by the President of India during
the parade in the Capital whereas military salute is taken by the state governors in their
respective state capitals. On this special day, one foreign head of the state is invited as the
president’s chief guest.

On this day, the soldiers of armed forces, common people and students from the school are
honored with various national awards, such as Maha Veer Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Param Veer
Chakra and Veer Chakra along with bravery medals for their exemplary work and

performances. Most strikingly, the helicopters of our armed forces perform a show in the sky
and shower rose petals over the audience sitting in India Gate. In addition, you can also enjoy
various dance and singing performances by the school children. The staff of the armed forces
performs rides through motorcycle whereas the staff from the Indian Air Force performs fly
parade on the fighter planes (making tri color of the Indian Flag with the help of smoke) for
offering the honor salute to our president.

A range of traditional and cultural programs are performed by the professionals from different
states to focus on the history and culture of our country. During this grand celebration, prime
minister’s rally and Lok Tarang – National Folk Dance Festival is also held from 24th to 29th of

All the government and non government offices of the nation and state, including post offices
and banks remain closed on this day. Special security is organized on this day because of a
huge gathering and to prevent any mishap from happening.


India got freedom from the British Rule on 15th August 1947. At that time, there was no
permanent constitution of the country. It was on 4th November 1947 that the first draft of the
Indian Constitution was presented by the drafting committee to the national assembly. The
first draft of the Indian Constitution was signed by the national assembly in both versions, i.e.
English and Hindi on 24th January 1950.

Thereafter, the Constitution of India came into effect on Republic Day, i.e. 26th January 1950.
Since then, 26th of January is being celebrated as the Republic Day in India. On this day, India
was declared as the Purna Swaraj Country and thus we began celebrating this day as the
anniversary of the Purna Swaraj Day.

The Constitution of India empowered the Indian Citizens to select their own government. The
oath was taken by Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the first president of India at Durbar Hall in the
Government House. India has a big history behind celebrating the Republic day.


Republic Day is the symbol of true spirit for the independent India where Indian President
hoists our national flag and grand military parades, exhibiting the military equipment take
place, including a variety of other events. Indian National Flag is tricolor in nature having
horizontal stripes, i.e. upper saffron, middle white and bottom of dark green colour divided in
equal proportions and a wheel (navy blue colour, having 24 spokes) in the centre representing
the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

India is a country where people from different cultures, societies, religions and languages live
in harmony with each other. The freedom of our country is indeed a matter of great pride
because needless to say it was obtained after many years of struggle and great sacrifice.

Therefore, this day is celebrated every year in order to make Indian people feel proud of
having taken birth on this multi-cultural land. Republic Day is celebrated in a very colorful
fashion in order to make celebrations memorable and special for every Indian Citizen. National
Anthem is sung by the people who take part in the celebration. This celebration brings all the
Indian people together and instills a feeling of national pride as well as love for our country.


PM Arrival

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Amar Jawan Jyoti in the bulletproof car guarded by
SPG bodyguards. He was welcomed by Defence Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman and was
accompanied by the three heads of the Armed Forces to lay down the wreath at the Amar
Jawan Jyoti.

Chiefs of Indian Armed Forces saluting at Amar Jawan Jyoti

Prime Minister along with the Chief of the Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat, Chief of the Naval
Staff, Admiral Sunil Lamba and Air Chief Marshal, Birender Singh Dhanoa paid tribute to the
martyrs at the Amar Jawan Jyoti and observed a minute of silence.

PM and President Saluting the National Flag

Hon’ble President of India Sri Ram Nath Kovind, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Chief Guest Cyril Ramaphosa, Defence Minister Nirmala
Sitharaman and other dignitaries saluting the National Flag at Rajpath.

T-90 Bhisma

The T-90 Bhishma tanks arrived at the Rajpath which is India’s main battle tank originally
manufactured in Russia. The 46 tons can run at the speed of 60 km per hour.

Infantry Combat Vehicle

Following the T90 Bhishma was the arrival of a highly mobile Infantry Combat Vehicle which
can destroy the target up to 4 kilometers in night time also. The vehicle is equipped with
highly explosives ammunition and advanced weapon system.


K9-Vajra T was displayed first time in the Republic Day Parade. This self propelled gun was
recently inducted in the Indian Armed Forces. The K9 Vajra T has been manufactured by L & T
under Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ initiative at Armoured System Complex at Hazira,

M777 Howitzer

M777 A2 Ultra Light Howitzer was also showcased first time in the Republic Day parade and
was inducted in the Armed Forces in November 2018. The gun has the range up to 30 km and
provides a very reliable fire support in the battleground. It is highly mobile system with great
reliability. The guns will be assembled in India by the BAE System with the collaboration of
Mahindra Defence.

ASC Lead by Bhawana Kasturi

It was the first time in the history of Republic Day parade that an all men contingents of the
Army Services Corps was led by a woman officer, Lt. Bhawana Kasturi. She led the contingent
of 144 jawans in the parade at Rajpath first time ever in the parade.

Women Assam Rifles

The all women contingent of Assam Rifles also created history by taking part in the Republic
Day parade at Rajpath for the first time. The contingent of Assam Rifles which is considered as
the oldest paramilitary force was led by Major Khushboo Kanwar.

INA Veterans Soldiers

4 veteran soldiers of the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s ‘Azad Hind Fauz’ also participated in
the parade for the first time. They were the soldiers who fought against the British forces
during the Indian freedom struggle. Parmanand, Laltiram, Hira Singh and Bhaagmal all over
the 90 years of age participated in the 2019 parade with great pride.

Water Ministry Tableau

The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation based on the ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ theme
was highly applauded by the Prime Minister and the audiences.


First stunt woman of the Indian Army, Captain Shikha Surabhi also showcased the
breathtaking stunt in the parade. She led the Daredevil Motorcycle Display Team of the Indian
forces which holds around 23 world records and one Guinness World Record.

Children Awards

The children who won the bravery awards also participated in the parade with great pride and
honour and setting an example for others. They greeted the dignitaries present at Rajpath
with great honor and excitement.

Tripura Tableau

Tripura tableau was chosen as the best tableau in the Republic Day parade 2019 with the
theme of “Empowering Rural Economy the Gandhian Way”.

J&K Tableau

Jammu & Kashmir came second with the theme “Gandhi Ji- A ray of Hope- A Composite

Punjab Tableau

The ‘Jalianwala Bagh Massacre’ depicted by Punjab tableau bagged the third position in the
Republic Day parade 2019.


The Beating the Retreat Ceremony is organized in Delhi, the capital city of India. As we know
that the celebration of Republic day, i.e. 26th January, in Delhi kick starts with the multihued
parade at Rajpath. But it’s not the parade that marks the end of this glorious day because the
ceremony is brought to a closure with the ‘Beating the Retreat Ceremony’ that takes place on
29th of January. The venue for this ceremony is Vijay Chowk or the victory square, Delhi,
having the majestic background of Rashtrapati Bhawan.

When Beating Retreat Ceremony is celebrated?

The Beating Retreat Ceremony is celebrated on 29th January in the capital city of Delhi. This
ceremony is organized right after three days of the Republic Day celebration, i.e. on 26th
January. The Beating Retreat Ceremony in Delhi officially marks the end of the Republic Day

Importance of Beating Retreat Ceremony

This festival of ‘Beating the Retreat Ceremony’ is observed every year in Delhi with a view to
commemorate the age-old customs and tradition, which the soldiers brought to an end while
approaching a war during the sunset. The sound of the bugles can be heard and its vibrations
can be felt across the battleground and the fighting is called off.

This ceremony is marked as the official culmination point of the Republic Day celebrations.
The whole view looks so majestic when the definite units of our military forces perform live
executions. After their live performance, a hymn is being played by the group bands, which
are collectively known as “Abide with me”. On this day, during the evening the bugles are
played in order to produce retreat sound and the National Flag is brought down with the
singing of National Anthem in an absolutely musical harmony. There are silhouetted riders
who recede into the background and with this the celebration is brought to a close.


As every year, India follows the great Indian culture and tradition, i.e. “Atithi Devo Bhav” of
welcoming the prime Minister or President of another country as a chief guest. This year, the
chief guests on the Republic Day of India, 2018 were 10 great leaders from 10 countries of the
world (Heads of ASEAN states). Below is the list of all chief guests welcomed in India at each
Republic Day from the year India was declared as Republic country till 2018:

Year Guest Name Country

2019 Cyril Ramaphosa South Africa

2018 Sultan and incumbent Prime Minister, Hassanal Bolkiah

Prime Minister, Hun Sen

President, Joko Widodo

Prime Minister, Thongloun Sisoulith

Prime Minister, Najib Razak

President, Htin Kyaw

President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte

President, Halimah Yacob

Prime Minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha

Prime Minister, Nguyễn Xuân Phúc Brunei










2017 Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Abu Dhabi

2016 President, Francois Hollande France

2015 President, Barack Obama USA

2014 Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe Japan

2013 King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck Bhutan

2012 Prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra Thailand

2011 President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Indonesia

2010 President, Lee Myung Bak Republic of Korea

2009 President, Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan

2008 President, Nicolas Sarkozy France

2007 President, Vladimir Putin Russia

2006 King, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud Saudi Arabia

2005 King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck Bhutan

2004 President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Brazil

2003 President, Mohammed Khatami Iran

2002 President, Cassam Uteem Mauritius

2001 President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika Algeria

2000 President, Olusegun Obasanjo Nigeria

1999 King, Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev Nepal

1998 President, Jacques ChiracFrance

1997 Prime Minister, Basdeo Panday Trinidad and Tobago

1996 President, Dr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso Brazil

1995 President, Nelson Mandela South Africa

1994 Prime Minister, Goh Chok Tong Singapore

1993 Prime Minister, John Major United Kingdom

1992 President, Mário Soares Portugal

1991 President, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom Maldives

1990 Prime Minister, Anerood Jugnauth Mauritius

1989 General Secretary, Nguyen Van Linh Vietnam

1988 President, Junius Jayewardene Sri Lanka

1987 President, Alan Garcia Peru

1986 Prime Minister, Andreas Papandreou Greece

1985 President, Raúl Alfonsín Argentina

1984 King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck Bhutan

1983 President, Shehu Shagari Nigeria

1982 King, Juan Carlos I Spain

1981 President, Jose Lopez Portillo Mexico

1980 President, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing France

1979 Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser Australia

1978 President, Patrick Hillery Ireland

1977 First Secretary, Edward Gierek Poland

1976 Prime Minister, Jacques Chirac France

1975 President, Kenneth Kaunda Zambia

1974 President, Josip Broz Tito Yugoslavia

Prime Minister, Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike Sri Lanka

1973 President, Mobutu Sese Seko Zaire

1972 Prime Minister, Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Mauritius

1971 President, Julius Nyerere Tanzania

1970 –

1969 Prime Minister, Todor Zhivkov Bulgaria

1968 Prime Minister, Alexei Kosygin Soviet Union

President, Josip Broz Tito Yugoslavia

1967 –

1966 –

1965 Food and Agriculture Minister, Rana Abdul Hamid Pakistan

1964 –

1963 King, Norodom Sihanouk Cambodia

1962 –

1961 Queen, Elizabeth II United Kingdom

1960 President, Kliment Voroshilov Soviet Union

1959 –

1958 Marshall Ye Jianying People’s Republic of China

1957 –

1956 –

1955 Governor General, Malik Ghulam Muhammad Pakistan

1954 King, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Bhutan

1953 –

1952 –

1951 –

1950 President, Sukarno Indonesia


62. Subhas Chandra Bose Birthday

Subhash Chandra Bose Facts:

Born: Born on 23rd of January in 1897 in the Cuttack, Orissa Division, Bengal Province, India

Died: Died on 18th of August in the year 1945

Nationality: Indian

Religion: Hinduism

Education: University of Calcutta

Famous for: Figure of Indian independence movement


> President of the Indian National Congress (in 1938)

> General of Azad Hind army (from 1943 to 1945)

Political party: Indian National Congress and Forward Bloc


Mother: Prabhavati Devi

Father: Janakinath Bose

Spouse: Emilie Schenkl

Children: Anita Bose Pfaff


The birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in 2019 was celebrated on 23rd of
January, Wednesday. It was the 122nd birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Subhas Chandra Bose

President, Vice President and Prime Minster of India paid homage to Netaji Subhas Chandra
Bose at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on 23rd January. A museum on Netaji was also inaugurated
by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion at the Red Fort in New Delhi.

The students of famous sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik, created a sand sculpture of Netaji at
Puri beach to commemorate this great leader of the Indian independence movement.

The Netaji Research Bureau launched a DVD based on Netaji’s life on 21st January. The DVD
narrates the complete life story of Netaji in a very simple and easy language. It aims to spread
the awareness about the struggle and success of Netaji and how he contributed in the Indian
freedom struggle.

Forward bloc requested the government to celebrate Netaji’s birth anniversary as ‘Desh Prem
Divas’. A letter was written to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting for the same.

Prime Minister also renamed three islands of Andaman and Nicobar to pay tribute to Netaji
ahead of his birth anniversary. The Ross Island was renamed to ‘Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Dweep’, Neil Island was renamed as ‘Shaheed Dweep’ and Havelock Island to ‘Swaraj Dweep’.

Banga Bandhu Organisation, Jamshedpur celebrated the 122nd birth anniversary of Netaji on
23rd January. A march of 1000 people was conducted from Subhas Chandra Bose Milan Sangh,

Haldwani to old Sakchi bus stand. Members paid tribute to Netaji’s statue by flowers and
garlands and hold group talks and discussions on the occasion.


Subhash Chandra Bose birthday anniversary is celebrated every year with the great honor by
the people including government and non government organizations. As he was one of the
most well known Indian leaders during the independence movement, he has become a great
legendary figure in the history of India.

It has been demanded by the Netaji’s followers to celebrate his birthday anniversary as a
“Desh Prem Divas” in order to re-memorize his great sacrifice towards the country.


Subhash Chandra Bose was a great Indian nationalist and famous by the title Netaji, born on
23rd of January in the year 1897 in the Cuttack, Orissa Division of Bengal Province. When he
was just 48, he got died on 18th of August in the year 1945. His mother name was Mrs.
Prabhavati Devi and father name was Mr. Janakinath Bose. His father was an advocate. He
was the ninth child of his parents among fourteen siblings.

Between 1920s and 1930s, he was a leader of the Indian National Congress and became the
Congress President from 1938-1939. Later he was expelled from the Congress in the year 1939
and sited under the house arrest by the British. Then he went to the Nazi Germany and
Imperial Japan for getting assistance for the independence of India by British rule.

He became successful in organizing an Indian National Army by the support of the Japanese.
He died because of the third degree burn when he attempted to escape in the burdened plane
of Japanese which got crashed in the Taiwan.

His Early Life

Subhash Chandra Bose got admission to the Protestant European School in the month of
January in 1902. He then admitted to the Ravenshaw Collegiate School and again to the
Presidency College after getting second position in metric exam in the year 1913. His
nationalistic character came to his way and he expelled from the Presidency College. After

that he joined Scottish Church College (University of Calcutta) to complete his B.A. degree in
philosophy in the year 1918.

In the year 1919 he went to the England to Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge for getting
appeared in the Civil Services Examination. He ranked 4th in the Civil Services Examination and
got selected but he denied to work under the British government. He resigned to the civil
service job and came to the India where he started the Swaraj newspaper for the promotion
of Bengal Provincial Congress Committee. In 1937, he furtively married to the Emilie Schenkl
(daughter of Austrian veterinarian) in the Austria.

His Political Career

He selected as the All India Youth Congress President as well as Bengal State Congress
Secretary. He also became the Forward newspaper editor and worked as a CEO of the
Municipal Corporation of Calcutta. Once he got tuberculosis when he was arrested.

In the year 1927, he was assigned as a general secretary of Congress party when he released
from the prison. For the independence of the India, he had worked with the Pt. Jawaharlal
Nehru. In the case of civil disobedience he once more arrested and went to the jail.

All India Forward Bloc

He had planned the Forward Bloc on 22nd of June in the year 1939 to consolidate with the left
political career. Muthuramalingam Thevar was his big political supporter who had arranged a
huge rally during Subhash Chandra Bose’s visit to the Madurai on 6th of September.

From 1941 to 1943, he had lived in the Berlin. He led the Azad Hind Fauj through his eminent
quotation like “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!”. In his speech on 6th of July in
the year 1944, he said Mahatma Gandhi the “Father of the Nation” which was broadcasted by
the Singapore Azad Hind Radio. His other famous quote was “Dilli Chalo” to encourage the INA
armies. “Jai Hind”, “Glory to India!” was an additional slogan generally used by him which was
later accepted by the Indian Government and Indian Armed Forces.

Japanese Prime Minister (Shinzo Abe) on his visit to the Subhash Chandra Bose’s memorial hall
in the Kolkata on 23rd of August in 2007 said that, Japanese are extremely motivated by the
strong will of the Bose in order to lead the independence movement in India from the British
rule. He is a great personality and cherished name in the Japan.


> “Freedom is not given, it is taken”.

> “One individual may die for an idea; but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a
thousand lives. That is how the wheel of evolution moves on and the ideas and dreams of one
nation are bequeathed to the next”.

> “You give me your blood and I will give you Independence!”.



Hemis Gompa festival is a two days festival celebrated in Ladakh region of Jammu and
Kashmir. It is celebrated in Hemis Monastery which is also called Hemis Gompa. The second
day of the festival marks the birth anniversary of Padmasambhava, an 8th Century Buddhist
master and spiritual guru.

The term “Gompa” is used for Buddhist fortified schools of learning and meditation,
something like a university. Gompas are common in Tibetan region including parts of China,
India, Nepal and Bhutan.


Hemis Gompa Festival in 2019 will be celebrated from Tuesday, 11th June 2019 to
Wednesday, 12th June 2019.


Hemis Gompa festival is an annual celebration, held on the 10th day of Tse-Chu Lunar month
as per the Tibetan calendar. Tse-Chu is the second lunar month in Tibetan calendar. The
festival also marks the conclusion of harsh winter and the beginning of sunny days. However,
the dates of celebration might vary each year.

Various Names of Hemis Gompa

In Laddakh the festival is known as Hemis Gompa Festival, Tse Chu ceremony, Tse Chu Cham,
Hemis Tse Chu or simply the Hemis festival. In Bhutan the festival is called Paro Tse-Chu.


Hemis festival is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of a Buddhist Guru named
Padmasambhava, meaning lotus born. He was an 8th century Buddhist Guru and is also called
by the name “Guru Rinpoche”. Hemis Festival is celebrated to commemorate his birth.


There are numerous legends attached with the life and deeds of Padmasambhava, and he was
so much revered by Buddhists that they considered him as the second Buddha. The legend has
it that he was born as an eight year old child, on a lotus, in the lake, Dhanakosha in the
kingdom of Oddiyana.

Lake Dhanakosha is located in the present day Arunachal Pradesh and Oddiyana may be
considered as referring to the state of Odisha. Later, Padmasambhava left his place of birth
and moved on to northern Indian parts.

He started teaching tantric knowledge to a princess named Mandarava at Lake Rewalsar in the
modern day Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. When the king Vihardhara came to know
about their relationship, he tried to burn Padmasambhava, but latter emerged unharmed
when the fire and smoke subsided. Impressed by Padmasambhava’s supernatural powers, king
married his daughter Mandarava to him.

Now, Padmasambhava with his consort Mandarava moved on to Nepal and finally to Ladakh,
practicing tantric rituals as they shifted locations. Padmasambhava taught tantric teachings to
the Tibetans for a brief while, before he was forced to leave by the suspecting court. By then,
Padmasambhava had become well known as a tantric guru, in Tibet region.

As per the legend, King Trisong Detsen, the 38th king of Yarlung dynasty and also the first
emperor of Tibet, who reigned between 742 AD to 797 AD, invited the head monk of Nalanda
University, Santaraksita to Tibet. On the behest of King, Santaraksita started building, Samye,
the first Gompa in Tibet. This endeavor of Buddhist religion was interrupted by the demons
and other evil forces. Being a master of tantric practices, Padmasambhava was invited to
Tibet, to subdue the demonic forces.

Padmasambhava successfully subdued the demonic forces by not destroying them, but by
making them to accept Buddhism. Thus, King Trisong Detsen ordered the translation of
Buddhist texts in Tibetan, which was supervised by Padmasambhava, making him the founder
of Tibetan Buddhism.

Hemis Monastery (Gompa) Laddakh

Hemis monastery is a Gompa of the Drukpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It is located in Hemis
village, Leh Tehsil in Laddakh. It is the biggest monastery in Laddakh and a significant
pilgrimage centre for Buddhists. In local language the monastery is called Chang-Chub-Sam-
Ling and is known for exhibiting the charisma of Tibetan Buddhism.

The monastery is around 350 years old and is surrounded by Hemis National Park, making its
view all more beautiful. The monastery itself is beautifully colored and decorated in an
exceptional Tibetan style.

Every year, the Hemis Monastery holds the birth celebration of Padmasambhava, the tantric
Buddhist Guru.


Hemis monastery is especially decorated for the Hemis Gompa Festival. The festival is
celebrated to commemorate the birth of the venerated Tibetan Buddhist Guru called
Padmasambhava. It is observed on the 10th day of Tse-Chu lunar month, the second month of
Tibetan calendar; however, the exact date for the celebration is finalized by the head Lama.
Lama is an honorific title given to a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.

The monastery is beautifully decorated to host the festivities. The monastery surrounded by
cold arid dessert, suddenly becomes alive with bright colors and decoration, during the
festival. Thousands of locals dressed in bright new clothes and tourists are present to witness
the celebration.

A fare is also held with shops selling local handicrafts and traditional dresses. The celebrations
are presided by the head Lama. Masked dance performances called the Chham dance is the
main centre of attraction during the festival. The dance is performed in the rectangular
courtyard of the monastery. Lamas dance around the central flag mast, to the tunes of drums,
hand cymbals and long horns.

The dances depict the triumph of good over evil and are the centre of attraction in the festival.
The dancers wear vibrantly colored costumes and large masks. Each mask holds a special
significance and depicts a specific mythological character.

The dance concludes with the Head of Black Hat dancers, destroying a dough sculpture,
depicting evil. The pieces of sculpture are thrown in all the four directions, implying the
warding off of the evil spirit.

Every twelve years known as the Tibetan Year of the Monkey, the celebrations of Hemis
Gompa Festival becomes grander. A large Thangka is unfurled from the second storey of the
monastery. A Thangka is a Tibetan Buddhist painting on cotton and silk, usually depicting a
Buddhist deity. Every year the same Thangka is displayed and is carefully preserved for
another twelve years.


Hemis festival celebrates the birth of Padmasambhava, a Buddhist Guru and the founder of
Tibetan Buddhism. He helped in the construction of the first Buddhist monastery at Samye in
Tibet. He was successful in warding off evil spirits and establishing religion. His birthday has a
moral significance of denoting the triumph of good over evil.

The festival also has cultural significance. It familiarizes Tibetan Buddhist culture to the
tourists from various corners of India and abroad; giving them an insight into the Tibetan
Buddhist’s religious beliefs and rituals. The celebrations also keep alive the beautiful ritualistic
dances, introduced in the 17th century by Chogyal Terdag Lingpa, the founder of Mindrolling
Monastery as well as lineage.

The festival also boosts up commercial activities in otherwise cold and silent Ladakh region.
With thousands of tourists thronging to the monastery and nearby spots, local venders and
other tourism based businesses get a fair deal of business.


64. Central Excise Day

Central Excise Day is commemorated every year all across the India on 24th of February to
encourage the employees of excise department to carry out the central excise duty all over
the India in better way in order to prevent the corruption in goods manufacturing business as
well as implement other rules to carry out best possible excise services.

Central excise has become the vital source of the financial development of the country for the
better socio-economic development in India. In the back years, the financial revenue of the
country has become double through the better service delivery standards of the central excise

The revenue collection through the central excise department is used in the following
schemes such as education, health including other schemes of the social sector. Central excise
supports a lot to improve the Indian economy for eliminating the poverty and illiteracy,
offering better education and health services and etc to make the country a healthy and
developed country.


Central Excise Day in India was observed in 2019 on 24th of February, Sunday.

Various programs and seminars were held in New Delhi and other states to mark this day.
Awareness programs were also conducted to make the sellers and people aware about the
new excise rules and regulations so that they could be benefited by these rules.

Government also organized programs to felicitate the employees of the central excise
department who have shown the outstanding work culture and ethics. They were awarded
with a felicitation certificate along with prize money.


A day, 24th of February, has been decided by the government of India to celebrate this special
event all through the country. The event celebration means to collect tax over the goods and
by the people earning over the limit which has been decided according to the terms of Central
Excise Act in the year 1944. The tax payable rate has been set under Schedule I and II
according to the Central Excise Tariff Act in the year 1985.

According to the Central Excise law, the payable event is mainly over the manufactured goods,
which has been managed by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) through various
field offices (means Central Excise Commissionerates) all over the country. Central Board of
Excise and Customs fall under the Department of Revenue managed by the Ministry of
Finance, Government of India.

The department of Central Board of Excise and Customs has been established in order to make
and implement policies related to the tax payable and its collection by the people all through
the country. To do this in better way, Customs and Central Excise duties has been
implemented to prevent negative business ways means smuggling as well as to manage all the
issues related to the central excise, customs and narcotics in India to a great level.

To handle and manage all the matters in the country, whole India has been divided in 10 zones
and each of the zones is headed by the Chief Commissioner of Central Excise. Almost 61
Commissionerates is headed by the Commissioner of Central Excise in all the Zones.

Following two types of the processes are carried out by the Central Excise department in order
to put into effect all the laws and collections of the central excise:

Physical Control Process

Physical control process has been implemented in order to manage the central excise duty for
cigarettes only. Through this process, first of all an evaluation is done under the custody of
Central Excise officers for the approval purpose.

Self Removal Process

Self removal process has been implemented in order to manage the central excise duty for all
other goods getting manufactured all through the India. In this process, all the legal
responsibilities on the goods are self accessed by the manufacturers in order to clear the


Central excise day in India is celebrated every year on 24th of February to encourage the
equality among the officers of the Central Board of Excise and Customs Department as well as
assist them to ensure better tax observance. It is also celebrated to commemorate the
establishment of the Central Excise and Salt Act on 24th of February in the year 1944.


Central excise day is celebrated in India by organizing variety of theme based programmes,
cultural events, workshops, awareness programs, competitions and seminars in various states
of the country. At this day, an award ceremony is held to honor the sincerely and honestly
working employees by rewarding them through the prize for paying their truthful service to
the Government. Through this event celebration, variety of other activities is planned to
implement in the celebration.

What are Duties of the Central Excise Department

Excise is a tax decided to be charged over the goods manufactured in the country. Excise
duties are carried out by the Central Excise Departments in India to collect the tax payable
over each and every goods manufactured in the country including tobacco and excluding
Alcohol and Opium. The collection of the tax payable related to the Alcohol and Opium is
carried out by the State Excise Department.

All the departments of the central excise are responsible for the excise duties such as checking
the avoidance of the tax payable, protecting the country from smuggling activities and
collecting the revenues to financially support the country in order to carryout the socio-
economic development of the country.

How to Get Registered to the Excise Department

People need to get registered to the excise department who are already engaged, getting
engaged or going to be engaged in the activities like producing or manufacturing the excisable
goods in the country. Group of people who are required to be registered are manufacturer,
curer, producer, broker or commission agent, owner of any showroom or warehouse, dealer
or importer and etc.

To get registered, people need to submit an application to Range Superintendent as well as fill
the form R-1. People, who are engaged in manufacturing the excisable goods in the country
which are stated in The Central Excise Tariff Act of the year 1985, must follow the following:

> The goods manufactured by them should be movable.

> The goods produced by them should be marketable and produced by the manufacturing

> The goods they are manufacturing should be declared in the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985.


65. International Day of Women and Girls in science
The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution (70/212) on 22nd December 2015
in its 70th session, to observe February 11th as the “International Day of Women and Girls In
science; to promote participation of women in fields related to science and technology. The
resolution had the approval of all the UN Member states and sponsorship of more than 68
countries; an indication of their willingness to achieve gender equality.

The celebrations are planned by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) and UN-Women (An entity working for women empowerment) in collaboration
with other institutions and civil partners those aimed to promote gender equality and women

The day is observed globally, to give women access to the science and technology and to
ensure their participation; an essentiality for gender equality and women empowerment. The
International Day of Women and Girls in Science is one of the flagship agendas of the United
Nations towards achieving gender equality and thus sustainable development.


The fourth forum of International Day of Women and Girls in Science was held on 11th
February 2019 (Monday) to 12th February 2019 (Tuesday) at United Nations Headquarters in
New York.

This year, the forum aimed to develop a program which will be showcasing the best practices
and solutions to move investment in women and girls in Science for inclusive green growth.
The agenda for the day mainly focused on inclusion of women and girls in the main stream of
science and technology.

Various events were organized around the world which inspired girls to take STEM subjects i.e.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and boost career in the field of engineering,
science and technology. UN agencies across the world also commemorated the day through
various events, videos and articles.

Montreal Science Center celebrated the day with a free event for under 17 girls. The event
mainly focused on inclusion of girls and women in the field of science and technology. The
Montreal University also provided free admission to girls in all Science Centre exhibitions on
the day.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2018

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 2018 was observed from 8th February
2018 (Thursday) to 9th February 2018 (Friday). The observance was pre scheduled because of
11th February being Sunday.


Where and Who?

The events of the third commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in
Science were held at the Economic and Social Chamber at United Nations Head Quarters, New
York; located at 1st Avenue between 42nd and 46th street.

Many ministers, delegates, members of private institutions, members of the civil societies and
policy makers and also many girls and women from various countries were called in for the

The third observation of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 2018 was done
under the lead role of RASIT (Royal Academy of Science International Trust) and the
Government of the Republic of Malta in close collaboration with UNCTAD (United Nations
conference on Trade and Development) and the UN’s permanent missions of member states –
Costa Rica, Hungary and Vietnam.

The celebration was also co sponsored by the permanent representations of these countries
to the UN – Georgia, Portugal, San Marino, Thailand, Colombia, Paraguay, Cyprus, Rwanda,
Argentina and Australia, also the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), ILO
(International Labour Organization), IUCN (International Union of conservation of Nature) and
ITU (International Telecommunication Union).


The events of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2018 – revolved around the
central theme – “Equality and Parity in Science for Peace and Development”. The 2018
celebration had a distinction of having the first all girls panel at the United Nations; chaired,
moderated and attended by girls from around the world.

Young and enthusiastic girls from around the world belonging to the field of Science and
Technology shared their views, proposed means to achieve gender equality and parity, to
achieve sustainable Development.

Under the joint Chairmanship of an 11 year young girl from Turkey – Talya Ozdemir and 13
year old Rebecca Jekogian from United States; the panel constitutes many young women and
girls. The young girls spoke on various topics like – ‘Everyday Bias and Oppression in the Class
Room’ (by Sthuthi Satish, a 14 year old girl from India), ‘Why Science needs Women and Girls’,
‘Women in Science Around the world’, ‘A Girl’s Adventure in Science’, ‘Borderless
Opportunities for a Girl in STEM’ etc. (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and

The girls also shared their views on the hindrances to girls and women, in the path of Science
and Technology and their possible counter measures. They were vocal about their personal
ambitions and the hindrances as also those faced by the girls of their own age around the
world. They also presented their views to increase related resources to facilitate the
participation of girls and women in science related fields.

The participants debated on many questions like: How to get women’s voices heard at all
levels, how we can support girls from rural areas in developing countries as well as refugees,
what is the role of boys and men in promoting gender equality and parity etc.

Her Royal Highness Princess Nisreen El – Hashemite of Iraq presented the official remarks.
Now 48 years old, the princess defied conventions to pursue medicine.

In her remarks, HRH Princess Nisreen El-Hashemite mentioned the story of a young Indian girl
– Malavath Poorna from a small village, who was forced to discontinue as her father was
unable to pay the school fee. The helpless father sent the girl to a social welfare school. But,
Poorna with her sheer determination and under the guidance of her head master became the
youngest girl to scale Mount Everest on 25th May 2014, aged 13 years and 11 months.

HRH further stated that the story of Poorna only reaffirms the fact that girls can achieve
anything if provided with proper guidance, resources and opportunities.

The Recommendations of Panel – 2018

The panel made recommendations for involvement and promotion of girls and women in the
fields of – science leadership, technology and innovation, education and skill development. It
stressed on the roles of partners and allies in promoting gender equality and parity.

A strong request was made to attribute equal value to the efforts of girls or women as that of
boys and men and to equally recognize the leadership of women in science and related fields.

Recommendations were made to financially and technically support girls and women in order
to eliminate gender inequality. Ensuring a systemic mechanism of growth and opportunity at
work place irrespective of the gender was also recommended.

The international community was called upon to provide logistics, financial and political
support for women empowerment and providing opportunities to girls and women around
the world to contribute to the field of science and technology; which is imperative to achieve
gender equality and parity and the goal of sustainable development.


The fourth commemoration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 2019 will be
held at the United Nations Head Quarters at New York from 11th – 12th February 2019.

The forum will be held under the guidance of RASIT (Royal Academy of Science International
Trust), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), UNITAR (United Nations Institute of
Training and Research), UNCTAD (United Nations conference on Trade and Development), ITU
(International Telecommunication Union) and ILO (International Labour Organization); with a
central theme of “Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth”.

The prime objective of the forum will be to harness resources, channelize funders, and
mobilize investors in the fields of women in science and technology. An opportunity will be
provided to the policy makers around the world to make a proposal for an International action
plan for investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth.


The opening remarks of the forum will be made by –

Her Royal Highness Princess Dr. Nisreen El-Hashemite, Executive Director of the Royal
Academy of Science International Trust and the Founder President of the women in Science
International League.

Her Excellency Ms. Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73rd session of General

His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations.

‘Woman in Science’ of the forum will be – Suhad A. Yasin from Iraq.

‘Girls in Science’ of the Forum will be – Miss Sthuthi Satish from India and Miss Huaxuan Chen
from Canada.

The two days forum in 2019 will include a high level Panel discussing and making
recommendations on issues like –

The current status of financing in science by public sector and its future prospects.

Invest to improve the capacity and capability of women in research.

Structural investments to ensure gender equality and inclusive growth.

A strategic discussion on sustainable Development Goal – 4 will be made, especially in the

field of Science and Technology. (SDG Goal 4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education
and Promote Life Long Learning Opportunities For All).

To include and increase the number of women in fields of education and science.

Identify and address the issues restraining the girls and women from taking up career in fields
of Science and technology.

This year too, there will be a parallel panel including young girls and women from across the
world, which will be discussing and interacting with UN officials and other dignitaries on issues
pertaining to participation of women in Science and Technology. The girls’ panel will focus
around the following issues-

Steps to be taken to improve science education around the world.

What steps could be taken to ensure participation of both males and females in Science
related fields.

How much important is girls’ participation in STEM (science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) and for inclusive economic growth.

Steps to be taken to encourage and ensure involvement of girls and women in science related

How to achieve SDG 10 (reducing inequalities) and eliminate the barriers faced by girls and

Contribution of women and girls towards SDG 13 – ‘urgent action to combat climate change
and its impacts’.


Though, the International community has made commendable efforts to involve women and
girls in science and technology; unfortunately, a majority of girls and women around the world
continue to be excluded from their participation in the fields related to science and

As per a recent data provided by the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, women constitute less
than 30% of world’s researchers. Women’s contribution in STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) is quite low as compared to that of men.

A study conducted in 14 countries reveals that the probability of a woman graduating with a
doctor’s degree is – 2%, with a Bachelor’s degree is – 18% and with a Master’s degree is 8%.
The percentages are in high contrast with that of men at – 6%, 37% and 18% respectively.


Gender equality is goal number 5 in the United Nations list of 17 goals mandatory to achieve
global sustainable development by 2030. The goal of gender equality is however contrasted
with the girls and women lesser contributions in fields related to Science and Technology.

The number of women taking part in high level scientific meets, research programs and other
high level events is considerably less than those of the men. Studies on many countries have
revealed that women in science related fields are paid less than the men and also don’t
progress as farther as men.

We need to persuade women to join the fields of science and technology and also to remove
the barriers restricting them. Achieving gender equality is mandatory to achieve sustainable
development; therefore, it becomes imperative to promote women in STEM (Science,
Technology, engineering and Mathematics) related fields, if the goal of sustainable
Development is to be achieved.


The commemoration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science focus on encouraging
and facilitating the involvement of girls and women in science and related fields. The main
theme of 2019 celebrations is – “Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green
Growth”; which should be the main focus of the program.

However, the day can be observed by individuals, professionals, institutions and private and
government firms in their own capacities. Below given are few activities those should be
involved in the celebrations-

1) Discuss and Debate

The involvement of girls and women in science related field should be discussed – their
current participation and means to encourage and implement it. Possible hindrance faced by
girls and women in science related fields to be discussed and debated with suggestions and
recommendations on their possible counter measures.

2) Raise Awareness

The awareness about the subject could be raised through campaigns and awards. Award
ceremonies are the best way to encourage and recognize an individual’s contribution in a
particular field. Organize such events in your schools and offices to encourage the girls and
women who have made distinct achievements in the fields of science and also to raise
awareness about the issue.

3) Know the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Goals

Enrich your knowledge about the goals of Sustainable Development and how important is the
participation of girls and women in science for achieving them. Also, teach others about the
significance of SDG goals and the role played by girls and women in achieving them.

4) Form Internal Panel

An internal panel could be formed by the institutes and organizations; especially working in
the fields of science and technology. Such panel should devise a feasible plan to address its
internal issues faced by its women staff/members and also implement plans to encourage
more girls and women to take up career in STEM fields.

5) Raise Funds

Raise funds for the girls from villages who have to discontinue education due to lack of
resources. Use the fund collected to mobilize volunteers and organize various programs and
events – centered on the main issue.


Below we are providing the yearly themes for International Day of Girls and Women in
Science, since the inception of the day in 2016-

Theme of 2016 – “Transforming the World: Parity for All”.

Theme of 2017 – Gender Science and Sustainable Development: The Impact of Media”.

Theme of 2018 – “Equality and Parity in Science for Peace and Development”.

Theme of 2019 – “Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth”.


66. International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female

Genital Mutilation
The International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation is a UN sponsored global
event to fight against the customary practice of non medical genital altering or circumcision of

The United Nations General Assembly included Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in a
resolution – “The Declaration of elimination of Violence against women” in 1993. It was only
in 2003 that the UNICEF (United Nation’s children Emergency Fund) started observing
February 6th as the ‘International Day Of Zero Tolerance To Female Genital Mutilation’.


International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 2019 was celebrated on 06th
February, Wednesday.

People across the globe reiterated the pledge of eradicating this age old practice in most parts
of the world. Various women NGOs around the world urged the government to completely
ban this practice. Ghana and other South African countries came in support to end this
barbaric act as it is against human rights of women.

A joint statement was given by the European Commission and UN on the occasion and it was
said in the statement that FGM is against the human rights and physical integrity of women
and should be completed abolished from the world. Not only does it give a mental shock to
the girls but it might also lead to many serious diseases. A global spotlight initiative was also
launched on occasion by European Union and United Nations to eradicate the harmful
practices against women across the globe.

Global world leaders also condemn the female genital mutilation and urged people and the
governments to take strict action against this evil practice so that this age old practice against
women could be completely eradicated from the world.


Female Genital Mutilation is the partial or complete removal of external female genital
organs, using non medical tools and under unhygienic conditions. The practice is prevalent in
certain ethnic groups across the world and is believed to preserve the woman’s piousness,
sanctity and beauty. The methods of circumcision; however, depends on different ethnic
groups and is rooted in their religious believes.

This barbaric custom however, is deeply rooted in gender inequality and is a serious violation
of human rights and the dignity of a woman; restricting her freedom and her right to life – in
cases leading to death.


The practice of Female Genital Mutilation is deeply rooted in gender inequality. It is not only a
serious human rights violation but also a cruel and inhuman treatment, violating a woman’s or
girl’s dignity and her physical integrity.

Conducting circumcision in unhygienic conditions and at the hands of a self proclaimed

circumciser causes excruciating pain to the victim along with serious health complications. The
activity also sometimes results in heavy bleeding resulting in death.

Apart from the health complications the circumcision results in the girl/woman suffering from
a mental stress and depression.

All this is done just to blindly follow a mindless ritual, which neither the religion nor the law
permits. Moreover, to achieve Goal number 5 – Gender Equality; in the United Nations goals
for Sustainable Development by 2030, it is imperative to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation.

Gender equality will remain a distant dream if the Female Genital Mutilation persists. That is
why we all must resolve to observe the day to the further cause and to eliminate Female
Genital Mutilation.

Who Is At Risk?

Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in many African, Asian and Middle East Countries. As
per a global estimate around 200 Million girls and women living today have faced some form
of the FGM. The figures amount mainly of 30 countries – Indonesia, Yemen, Iraqi Kurdistan
and 27 African countries. In Somalia 98% of females in the age group of 15 to 49 have been
circumcised; Guinea and Djibouti are not far behind at 97% and 93% respectively.

Usually, young girl’s reaching their adolescent are at the risk of FGM, as they are least
resistible and succumbed to this customary ritual.

The Policy of Zero Tolerance

Though the United Nation is funding the fight against Female Genital Mutilation since 1993;
the policy of zero tolerance to it, was only adopted in 2003. The official declaration on the
policy of ‘Zero Tolerance to FGM’ was made by the spokes person for the campaign against
female genital mutilation and the First Lady of Nigeria – Stella Obasanjo. Thus, the UN sub
commission of Human Rights adopted it as an international awareness day.



The observance of International Day Of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation holds
much significance in the United Nations goal of sustainable development by 2030. Eliminating
Female Genital Mutilation is a prime target under goal number 5 – Gender Equality. The day is
jointly spearheaded by UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund) and
UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund, formerly the United Nations Fund for Population
Activities). The day involves awareness campaigns, talks and conferences in order to raise
awareness about the harms of female genital mutilation and the fact that the practice is a
serious human rights violation.

The activities are coordinated by many governments as well as non government agencies and
involve mobilizing youths to be a part of the campaign.

Annual Budgetary Allocations

Till 1993 the UNICEF was only allocating a fund of 100000 USD/year for fight against Female
Genital Mutilation, which was insufficient considering over 100 Million victims at that time.
Due to arduous campaigns by social activists, lawyers and members from public, the UNICEF
raised the annual budget to 90 Million dollars, for fight against FGM.

Response around the World

Many efforts have been made to fight Female Genital Mutilation since 1993. The efforts have
led to revised policies and stricter laws banning FGM; focusing on the native as well as the
migrant population.

There are strict laws banning the practice of FGM in many countries. The United States of
America has banned the practice of FGM on its soil as well as illegalized the transport of a girl,
outside America for the purpose of genital mutilation.

Though, no religion mandates the practice of Female Genital Mutilation; the laws banning
FGM are sometimes opposed by certain religious or ethnic groups in the affected countries.
Despite the oppositions, many governments have passed resolutions banning Female Genital

Today, the men and women from the communities which had been inflicted by the FGM, have
now resolved to eliminate it.

India’s Stand Against FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)

FGM in India is practiced by Bohra community (Muslim sia sect) and is called as Khatna or
Khafz. The community has approximately one Million members in India. It is performed by the
complete or partial removal of the girl’s clitoral hood when she reaches the age of 7 years.

Many social activists and members from public have raised their voices against the inhuman
practice of Khafz from time to time.

A public campaign – “We speak Out” has been persuading the government for banning the
practice; however, the Ministry of Women And Child Development in 2017 stated that there is
no evidence to support the existence of FGM in India.

Notices have also been issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to the states where the
practice is presumed to be prevalent in Shia Muslim community – Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan, Delhi, Kerala and Telangana; stating that circumcision is already a crime under
existing laws.


1) Raise Public Awareness

Programs should be organized to connect to the masses and raising public awareness
regarding the issue. A strong message should be send that FGM is a serious human rights
violation and a amounts to cutting a woman’s dignity and freedom.

2) Fund Collection Campaigns

Various fund collection campaigns should be organized to collect fund for the welfare of
victims and to support the campaign itself. The fund thus collected can be spent on the
education and health of victims.

3) Involving Religious Gurus (Saints)

The practice of FGM is deeply rooted in orthodox religious beliefs and customs; despite the
fact that no religion mandates or even allows such insensible ritual under any circumstances.
Therefore, garnering the support of religious gurus to fight against FGM is bound to have
positive effects on communities practicing Female Genital Mutilation.

4) Educate the Mothers/Grand Mothers and Mothers to Be

Every woman should be educated about the ill effects of practicing Genital Mutilation on her
daughter or granddaughter. They should also be educated about their rights and laws on
Female Genital Mutilation in their respective countries.

5) Hear The Silence

Female Genital Mutilation is practiced silently in many countries, within the houses by a
circumcision under non medical conditions. Gathering information about such events, in order
to stop them from happening; could be a tough task. Coordinate with the government and
non government agencies and independent volunteers to keep a check on such illegal


Global Theme 2018 – “End of FGM is Political Stance”.

Kenya National Theme 2017 – “Working Together to End FGM in Kenya by 2030.”

Global Theme 2016 – “Building a solid and interactive bridge between Africa and the world to
accelerate ending FGM by 2030.”

Global Theme 2015 – “Mobilization and Involvement of Health Personnel to Accelerate Zero
Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation.”

Global Theme 2014 – “Preserve the best in culture and leave harm behind.”


67. International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day is observed on 21st February every year to promote
linguistic culture and diversity. International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by
UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) in November 1999
to promote, protect and develop the languages across the world and to promote peace and
tranquility. International Mother Language Day has been observed since 2000 to promote and
protect Linguistic Culture and diversity across the world.


International Mother Language Day 2019 was celebrated on 21st February, Thursday.

The 2019 theme for the day was “Indigenous Language matter for development, peace,
building and reconciliation”.

UNESCO celebrated the International Mother Language Day at its headquarter in France.
There were various seminars and workshops which were conducted to mark the day. The
event was started by the opening speech given by two Permanent Delegates to UNESCO and a
representative of la Francophoneie. The event was concluded by a debate based on the topic
“Languages count”.

In Bulgaria, reading of Shakespeare in 32 languages was carried out on the occasion at Plovdiv,
Bulgaria. Various other countries like South Africa, Mongolia, and Japan also presented their
cultural traditions in the event.

Bangladesh, the volunteer of the International Mother Language Day, celebrated ‘Shaheed
Dibas’ on the day to pay tributes to the martyrs of the language movement in Bangladesh
which helped to establish the right for the mother language ‘Bangla’ in 1952.


International Mother Language Day was first announced by UNESCO (United Nations
Education Scientific and cultural Organization) on 17th November 1999. It has been observed
annually since 2000 on 21st February every year.

The man behind the Mother Language day was Rafiqul Islam, a Bengali citizen residing in
Vancouver, Canada. Rafiqul Islam wrote a letter to Kofi Annan (7th Secretary General of the
United Nations from January 1999 to December 2006) on 9th January 1998, requesting him to
observe an international day to protect and promote different languages around the world.
He also suggested a date – 21st February, to commemorate the 1952 Bengali Language
Movement in Bangladesh.

The Bengali Language Movement was a political Movement in Bangladesh in 1952, then under
the dominion of Pakistan; to recognize the Bengali language as the official language of
Bangladesh except Urdu. It was a nationwide movement in Bangladesh in which four
Bangladeshi students lost their lives. Bangladesh has been observing its own Language
Movement day each year on 21st February since 1955.

Heeding to the request of Rafiqul Islam, UNESCO proclaimed 21st February as International
Mother Language Day in November 1999. The inaugural celebration of International Mother
Language Day was held in 2000.


Languages play a very important role in preserving the culture and promoting peace and
harmony. Languages play a vital role in identification of communities, to communicate and to
promote peace and development. Languages also constitute a medium of learning and

Because of globalization many languages are at the verge of extinction. Fading languages will
impact the cultural diversity and also result in the loss of a valuable resource.

An estimated 6000 languages are spoken around the world, out of which nearly 43% are
endangered. These languages constitute a most important ingredient in promoting cultural
harmony, peace and tranquility; losing them will mean the loss of a vital heritage.

It is to promote the languages and to protect them from getting extinct; the International
Mother Language Day is celebrated.

One of the main objectives behind observing the International Mother Language day is to
encourage people to promote their mother languages and also to acknowledge their linguistic
diversity and unity.


International Mother Language Day is celebrated across the world and it is observed as a
public holiday in Bangladesh.

On the International Mother Language Day various UN agencies along with UNESCO (United
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural organization), organize various programs to
promote languages and linguistic culture.

People are encouraged for preserving their mother languages and also to learn more than one
language. Learning an additional language will result in a wider spread of language ensuring its

Many policies may be announced by the governments and non government organizations
towards promotion and preservation of languages and to encourage learning new languages.

International Mother Language Day is celebrated with a nationalistic fervor in Bangladesh with
people laying flowers at the cremation site (locally known as Saheed Minar) of four youths
who lost their lives in 1952 Bengali Language Movement.

Traditionally people around Bangladesh purchase glass bangles on the occasion of

International Mother Language Day on 21st February, they eat like they would eat in a festival,
organizing parties and inviting guests.

In Bangladesh as well as other places across the world, many events are organized to honor
the individuals who have contributed to the promotion and preservation of language.

Linguapax prize by Linguapax institute, Barcelona, Spain, is conferred to those individuals on

the International Mother Language Day, who have made exceptional contribution in the field
of languages.


There are various ways to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. Whether through
organized programs or in the class rooms the importance of languages in preserving the

culture and overall development must be stressed upon. Below given are few methods to
promote Mother Languages around the world-

1) Encourage Children

Teachers should tell their wards about the essentiality of their mother tongues as well as
other languages, whether big or small. Children should be told that languages act as a bridge
between the communities and play a vital role in establishing peace and tranquility.

2) Promote Mother Tongue

Efforts should be made to promote mother tongue. You may organize various programs to
promote the use of your mother tongue or you may choose to speak and write only in your
mother tongue; at least for a day. You may ask your family, friends, colleagues also to do the

3) Create Awareness

Create awareness of people through various modes of communication; about linguistic culture
and values. Social media can be used as a platform to create awareness of the people and
letting them acknowledge the value of their mother tongue as well as other languages.

4) Admire Linguistic values

The prime reason for extinction of languages is that they are not admired enough even by
their original speakers. In the days of globalization, small languages are getting phased out at a
fast pace, as they are not used enough on their own motherland. To prevent such languages
from getting extinct, it is necessary that the linguistic values of a community, however small it
might be; must be admired, acknowledged, promoted and preserved.

5) Make Learning easy

Methods must be derived to make learning of a language easy and affordable. Policies could
be announced by governments in collaboration with various NGOs in order to promote the
learning of languages and also on the learning of more than one language.

6) Organize Commemoration events

Organize commemoration events in your community or village to encourage those who have
contributed in the promotion of languages and also those who have learned to read or write
more than one language. Honoring such people will also encourage others to learn languages
and also acknowledge their values.


Theme of 2019 – “Indigenous Language matter for development, peace, building and

Theme of 2018 – “Linguistic Diversity and Multilingualism Count for Sustainable


Theme of 2017 – “Towards Sustainable Futures through Multilingual Education”.

Theme of 2016 – “Quality Education, Language(s) of Instruction and Learning Outcomes”.

Theme of 2015 – “Inclusion in and Through Education: Language Counts”.

Theme of 2014 – “Local Languages for Global Citizenship: Spotlight on science”.

Theme of 2013 – “Mother Tongues and Books – Including Digital Books and Textbooks”.

Theme of 2012 – “Mother Tongue Instruction and Inclusive Education”.

Theme of 2011 – “The Information and communication Technologies for the Safeguarding and
Promotion of Languages and Linguistic diversity”.


68. National Deworming Day

Deworming day is a day dedicated to deworm all the school going children of the country to
give them a healthy digestive system. It is a government mission held on 10th of February
aimed to reduce the cases of worm infection among kids all over India.


National Deworming Day 2019 was observed all over India on Sunday, 10th of February.

Various programs and events were also organised on the occasion showcasing the importance
of worm free lives and maintaining sanitation. Children and adolescent were given
Albendazole 400 mg tablet in schools and Anganwadi Centres.

The day also focused on following key areas:

Maintaining adequate supply of Albendazole tablets at healthcare and Anganwadi centres.

Organizing a monthly meet of lady supervisors to administer Albendazole tablets.

Training teachers at schools on administering deworming drugs and briefing them on adverse
events and their management.

Spreading awareness on safe drinking water and sanitation.

Deworming Tablet Distribution Dates 2017 in following States:

10th February: Andaman & Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh,
Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and Tripura.

11th February: Chandigarh, Lakshadweep.

15th February: Haryana

10th March: Sikkim

10th April: Meghalaya

27th April: Himachal Pradesh

10th August: Jammu & Kashmir


To combat the situation of worm infection in India, Indian government (Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare) launched the National Deworming Day (NDD) in February 2015 as part of the
National Health Mission. The aim of this programme is to deworm all the children from 1 to 19
years and improve their well-being. To run the programme successfully and to achieve the
goal, all the school teachers and workers are provided special training and resource material.
It has emerged as world’s largest public health campaign preventing children from intestinal
parasitic worms.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India is responsible for providing
all States and UTs the benefits of this program. Other stakeholders are Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministries of Panchayati
Raj, Urban Development, Rural Development, Tribal Welfare, Drinking Water and Sanitation.
In 2015, this programme was launched in 11 States/UT with the target of benefitting 10.31
crore children of 1 to 19 years whereas 8.98 crore children received deworming tablet.

The target of this programme in 2016 was to cover approximately 27 crore children. Along
with administering albendazole tablets, some other activities are also performed such as
behaviour change practices, cleanliness and hygiene guide, use of toilets, wearing shoes or
slipper, washing hands before eating food and after using toilet, etc in order to reduce the
incidents of re-infection. In 2017, it is estimated to cover around 34 crore children under
ministry of health’s National Deworming Programme to reduce worm infestation hampering
the growth of schoolgoers.


National Deworming Day is observed in our country to reduce the cases of worm infections
among kids. Kids are vulnerable to the worm infections in their childhood, so it is very
necessary to save them from worm infection through good habit (hygienic) practices and
deworming tablets. Digestive system disorders (especially infection) are very common to
anyone especially children as it is the only system has to tackle with raw and cooked materials
(food and water) from outside that may be dirty. Children are the future of the nation; they
must be healthy and happy in all the sense. National Deworming Day is a big initiative
campaign run by the government of India (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) to make
people aware about worm infections, its bad effects on the health and cure and prevent
further infection through deworming tablets. Worm infection can make children anaemic,
malnourished, weak, sick, and tired with poor concentration.

This campaign is implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India in all the schools and preschools (anganwadis) across India on 10th of February. It is
implemented aiming to combat parasitic worm infections among school going kids (preschool,
school) by the use of albendazole (400 mg). It is a chewable tablet distributed to the children
at all government, government-aided, and private schools including anganwadis.

It is found that some states in India are more STH prevalence such as,

High prevalence (>50%) states are Arunachal Pradesh, UP, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh, Nagaland,
J&K, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Mizoram, Assam, Uttarakhand, Daman & Diu, Lakhsadweep,
Telangana, and Tamil Nadu.

Moderate prevalence (20% – 50%) states are Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka,
Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Manipur, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar, Bihar, Maharashtra, Goa,
Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Gujarat, Meghalaya, West Bengal and Tripura.

Low prevalence (<20%) states are Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

So, in order to ensure safety of children from worm infections, deworming is very necessary.
Everyone must involve and support this campaign to make it a successful health programme
of India and to make this nation worm infection free.

What is Special

Deworming tablets will be given free of cost to all the children (1 to 19 years) on 10th of
February to ensure that all the children are dewormed. This initiative has a specialty that it will
be followed again by a ‘mop-up day’ on 15th of February in order to distribute the deworming
tablets to the children who were left or absent (due to absenteeism) in the school on 10th

All the children (from age-group 1 to 19 years) are benefited under this campaign. Children of
age group (1 to 5 years) are distributed tablets at the Anganwadi whereas children of age
group (6 to 19 years) are distributed tablets in their school. Other children, who are
unregistered or out of the school, will also receive tablets at the anganwadi.

Children of age group 1 to 2 years are given half of tablet (albendazole 400mg) with water,
children above 2 years are given 1 full tablet (albendazole 400mg) to chew.


The major goal of the campaign is to deworm all the school going children (preschool and
school) between the ages of 1-19 years. It is implemented to improve the overall health for a
better cognitive development among kids so that they can get a quality life in future.

Infection through parasitic worms (soil transmitted helminths-STH) is very famous infection in
children among the most common infections worldwide. According to the WHO, around 220
million children (from 1 to 14 years) in India are at risk of STH infection. STH attack and live in
human intestine, consume nutrients and lays thousands of eggs each day which go out
through faeces and spread cause infection to others through soil. Children are at more risk
who are used to of open defecation and sanitation is poor.


Worm infection is very harmful, specially in kids, which interferes with the mental and physical
health of the children which put their future at risk. It interferes with the nutrient uptake of
kids and creates various problems such as anemia, malnourishment, and other mental
physical disorders. Deworming is a very necessary step taken by the government for children’s
health, education and productivity. Infected children easily get sick, tired and lose their
concentration level.

Deworming through tablets is universally recognized and very safe and cost-effective method
to achieve high take-up of preventive healthcare. Huge population of children in India is at
high risk of soil-transmitted helminths than other countries in the world. According to the
survey of National Family Health in 2006, it is very common in rural areas where 7 out of 10
children are anaemic and need a special treatment. However, a positive impact of this
deworming treatment has been seen across the country.


National deworming day is celebrated all across the country by distributing deworming tablets
to the children (from 1 to 19 years) at all the schools, pre-schools and anganwadis. In order to
ensure that all the children are done with deworming, deworming tablets are distributed
again on 15th February (5 days later of the event). Physical and mental health and safety of
the children is of utmost importance, so deworming is an effective step taken by the
government to save the future of the nation. Deworming tablets are very safe with mild side
effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Government staffs including teachers, anganwadi workers, ASHAs, and other officials get
involved very actively in making this mission successful. They are given educational materials
having knowledge about all the aspects of deworming program. They get trained already
about what protocol they should follow and whom they report to in the unlikely condition like
if a child falls ill.


Following practices, other than distributing deworming tablets, are promoted among people
by the government to completely reduce the risk worm infections in children:

Never use open defecation, always use toilet for defecation.

Always wash hands properly using soap and water before eating the food and after using the

Always trim nails to keep them short and clean.

Always keep the surrounding areas neat and clean.

Always wear shoes or slipper specially while using toilet.

Always drink clean water and safe food.

Never keep food uncovered.

Never eat fruits and raw vegetables without washing them with clean water.


“Krimi se chhutkara, sehatmand bhavishya hamara” and “worm-free children healthy



69. National Science Day

National Science Day is celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm on 28th of February
every year in order to commemorate the invention of the Raman Effect in India by the Indian
physicist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman on the same day in the year 1928. For his great
success in the field of science in India, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was awarded and
honored with the Nobel Prize in the Physics in the year 1930.


National Science Day 2019 in India was celebrated on Thursday, the 28th of February.

National Science Day 2019 theme was – “Science for the People and People for Science”.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi awarded Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar prize to India’s top young
scientists in various categories. The awards were given for the year 2016 to 2018 and had 34

NIMHANS (National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences), Bangalore observed the
day by a science exhibition which comprised of 60 different stalls of various departments
showcasing their recent research and development work. The event also played short videos
of recent and current researches which are going on at NIMHANS.

Various university and colleges also celebrated National Science Day by various events and
programs. JSSST University, Mysore organized a series of events comprising of exhibitions,
seminars, discussions and workshops. Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar conducted
programs on National Science Day in various schools comprising of expert lectures, science
exhibitions and quiz & debate competitions based on the theme “Science for the people and
People for Science”.

Awards were given to 4 young scientists who were selected in ‘All India Augmenting Writing
Skills for Articulating Research’. Cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh, 50 thousand and 25 thousand were
awarded to first, second and third position, respectively. The honoring was done during a
program organised on National Science Day by the Ministry of Science of Technology on 28th
February in New Delhi.


28th of February, 1928 was the great day in India when an invention in the field of Indian
science was completed by the famous Indian physicist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. He

was a Tamil Brahmin and first one in the science, who had researched such invention in India.
To commemorate and honor this event always in the future, 28th of February was asked to
the Indian Government to designate as a National Science Day in India by the National Council
for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) in the year 1986.

From then, the national science day was started celebrating all across the India as a great
event in the field of Indian science. It is celebrated every year by students, teachers, scientists
and researchers in all the schools, colleges, universities, educational institution including
scientific, academic, medical, technical and research institutions of India. On the first
celebration ceremony of the National Science Day in India, the National Council for Science
and Technology Communication had declared the institution of the National Science
Popularization awards in order to recognize an excellent and wonderful endeavor in the field
of science communication and popularization.

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman had worked from 1907 to 1933 at the Indian Association
for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, West Bengal in India during which he had researched
on many topics of the Physics from which the Raman Effect (effect on scattering of light when
passing through different materials) became his great success and discovery which has been
marked in the Indian history. For his big invention he was honored through the various Indian
awards including the Nobel Prize in the year 1930. From the year 2013, the “Raman Effect”
has been designated as an International Historic Chemical Landmark by The American
Chemical Society.

During the national science day celebration of the year 2009, the Indian Department of
Science and Technology has awarded the five Indian institutions through the National Award
for Science Communication in order to recognize the big efforts and achievements of the
Indian scientists of the government and non-government organizations for popularizing and
leading the modern science in the country. The Vikram Sarabhai Community Science Centre
was given the highest award in the year 2009 to recognize its big contribution to the science.

The national science day has been started getting celebrated as the Science Carnival to
recognize scientific activities and programs by the participation of students from school and
college, scientists from the state and national faculties. This event celebration has provided a

real platform for various new comer scientists to fix their feet and bright their career in the
science profession.


National science day is celebrated as one of the main science festivals in India every year
during which students of the schools and colleges demonstrates various science projects as
well as national and state science institutions demonstrates their latest researches. The
celebration also includes public speech, radio-TV talk shows, exhibitions of science movie,
science exhibition based on themes and concepts, watching night sky, live projects and
researches demonstration, debates, quiz competitions, lectures, science models exhibitions
and many more activities.

It is celebrated every year with immense passion at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
(also called GMRT) at Khodad which is a worldwide famous telescope getting operated at low
radio frequencies by the NCRA (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics) established by the
TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research).

Variety of activities is organized by the NCRA and GMRT at the ceremony of national science
day celebration in order to recognize their leading research activities in the field of radio
astronomy and astrophysics. Variety of programmes is also held for the common public and
student community to popularize the science and technology in the country.

The minister of science and technology give a message through his speech at this day to the
students, scientists, researchers and general public of the nation.


> National Science Day is being celebrated every year to widely spread a message about the
significance of scientific applications in the daily life of the people.

> To display the all the activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science for human

> To discuss all the issues and implement new technologies for the development of the

> To give an opportunity to the scientific minded citizens in the country.

> To encourage the people as well as popularize the Science and Technology.


> The theme of the year 1999 was “Our Changing Earth”.

> The theme of the year 2000 was “Recreating Interest in Basic Science”.

> The theme of the year 2001 was “Information Technology for Science Education”.

> The theme of the year 2002 was “Wealth from Waste”.

> The theme of the year 2003 was “50 years of DNA & 25 years of IVF – The blue print of Life”.

> The theme of the year 2004 was “Encouraging Scientific Awareness in Community”.

> The theme of the year 2005 was “Celebrating Physics”.

> The theme of the year 2006 was “Nurture Nature for our future”.

> The theme of the year 2007 was “More Crop Per Drop”.

> The theme of the year 2008 was “Understanding the Planet Earth”.

> The theme of the year 2009 was “Expanding Horizons of Science”.

> The theme of the year 2010 was “Gender Equity, Science & Technology for Sustainable

> The theme of the year 2011 was “Chemistry in Daily Life”.

> The theme of the year 2012 was “Clean Energy Options and Nuclear Safety”.

> The theme of the year 2013 was “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security”.

> The theme of the year 2014 was “Fostering Scientific Temper and Energy conservation”.

> The theme of the year 2015 was “Science for Nation Building”.

> The theme of the year 2016 was “Make in India: S&T driven innovations”.

> The theme of the year 2017 is “Science and Technology for specially abled persons”.

> The theme of 2018 was “Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future”.

> The theme for 2019 is “Science for the People and People for Science”.


70. Road Safety Week

Road safety week is a national event aimed at raising public awareness about traffic rules and
ultimately to reduce casualties due to road accidents. Millions lose their life and millions get
injured in road accidents globally; mainly, due to lack of awareness about traffic rules or a
behavior of flouting them. Therefore, to make people more aware of the traffic rules and to
persuade them to follow rules while on road; the Road Safety Week is observed annually.

Though the government observes the road safety weeks, many Charitable Organizations, Non
Government Organizations and Private firms across the country also organize and provide
logistic support to the Road Safety Week Campaign.

Road safety week is celebrated with the great joy and enthusiasm every year in India at many
places such as Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Baroda, Vadodara, Pune,
Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and etc. People are encouraged about how to drive on
road by organizing variety of programmes related to the road safety.

During the whole week celebration of this campaign, variety of educational banners, safety
posters, safety films, pocket guides and leaflets related to the road safety are distributed to
the on road travelers. They get motivated about the road safety while traveling on road means
having planned, well-organized and professional way traveling. People who travel in
unprofessional way are requested to use road safety measures and follow traffic rules by
giving them roses.


30th Road Safety Week 2019 was celebrated in India from 04th February (Monday) to the
10th February (Sunday).

Following activities and events were conducted to observe the Road Safety Week 2019 of
India across the country:

Various awareness campaigns and events were conducted across the country in all the states.

External Affairs Minister, Sri Sushma Swaraj and Minister of Road Transport, Sri Nitin Gadkari
inaugurated the 30th Road Safety Week and flagged off a Motor Rally in New Delhi on 4th

Delhi Police organized a week-long awareness campaign to make people aware about traffic
rules and dangers of drunken driving and over speeding.

Reflective tapes were distributed to cyclists and were urged to use the cycle tracks wherever

NGO’s volunteers and school children also made people understand the importance of
wearing helmets and seat belts.

Madurai Traffic Police organized awareness campaigns and walkathons to make people aware
of traffic rules and signals.

Painting competition was organized in Puducherry in schools and colleges with the theme
‘Road Safety, Life Safety’.

TATA Steel, Jamshedpur organized various programs on road safety and conducted dramas
and skits showcasing the importance of road safety.

Amritsar Traffic Police organized a Rangoli competition to observe the Road Safety Week and
held talks on road safety.

A bike rally was flagged off from Thoubal, Manipur as a part of road safety campaign. The
event was aimed at spreading awareness about the importance of following road safety rules.

Mumbai Traffic Police organized an event in collaboration with an NGO which taught the road
safety rules to children. Safety gadgets and helmets for cycles were also distributed to children
in the event.


> Road safety week is celebrated by performing the following activities:

> Road safety leaflets including roses, chocolates and flowers are distributed to the travelers
on the road.

> commuters are also explained about the methods and necessities of the road safety means
they must understand the use of helmets or seat belts while driving on the road or anywhere.

> Various painting and drawing competitions, road safety announcements, exhibitions, road
rules test, girls scooter rally to encourage the use of helmets, debates on road safety at the All
India Radio, workshops, seminar and etc activities are organized.

> Free medical check up camps and driving training workshops are organized for the drivers to
encourage them towards the road safety.

> Road safety quiz competitions are also organized to promote people about road safety.

> Traffic safety games including card games, puzzles, board games and etc are organized to
educate school children about road safety.


Celebrating the road safety campaign was initiated by the ISS India HSE (Health Safety and
Environment) in order to make people aware about the national road safety in the Indian
subcontinent. ISS India had declared to celebrate the Road Safety Week all through the
country in the first week of the month of January. The aim of this campaign was to emphasize
and accentuate people about the need of safe roads travel by applying just simple rules.

More than 1.25 million people around the globe lose their life, due to traffic mishaps and
nearly 50 million get injured, often resulting in disability. The loss of life results in the loss of
livelihood and also emotional trauma for the family and friends of the deceased, not to
mention the economic loss to the nation.

Global statistic revealed that the casualties in low and moderate income countries constitute
90% of the global statistics. In India nearly 1.5 lakh people lose their life annually due to road
accidents; which includes motorcyclists up to 25%. It is estimated that around 400 people die
every day in road accidents in India; bringing tremendous pain and financial burdens as well as
emotional trauma to the family and friends.

The main cause for the road accidents is attributed to be behavioral; that is, a habitual flouting
of traffic rules like- not wearing helmet, not wearing seat belt, jumping traffic lights, over
speeding, drunken driving etc. It is therefore needed that people are made aware of the perils
of not following traffic rules, and the emotional and financial trauma that it could bring to
their families.

Even the pedestrians on the roads are at the risk of losing their life due to callous and
negligent behavior of others as well as their own. According to an estimate, nearly 20000

pedestrians lose their life annually in India, as they are more vulnerable on road due to lack of

The Road Safety Week is an event to raise public awareness about traffic rules and to help
save their life as well as others on the road.

It also need efforts from different stakeholders such as the community, transport sector,
insurance sector, health sector, police, legal sector, educational institutions, highway
engineers, vehicle manufacturers, public agencies, NGOs and etc. Students are given a big
opportunity to be participated in the road safety week programme as to change something,
youths of the country must understand first.


Theme for Road Safety Week 2019 is same as last year – “Sadak Suraksha-Jeevan Raksha”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2018 – “Sadak Suraksha-Jeevan Raksha”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2017 – “Your Security, Safeguards your family”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2016 – “Road Safety-Time for action”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2015 – “Build a safety culture for sustainable supply chain”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2014 – “Walk for Road Safety”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2013 – “Be Alert, Don’t Drink and Drive”.

Theme for Road Safety Week 2011 – “Road security is a goal not an intermission”.


> The aim of celebrating the campaign road safety week is to promote the road safety
measures in the community, schools, colleges, work places, on roads and etc.

> To decrease and completely remove out the road accidents, road accident death and injury
cases by applying the road safety measures.

> To encourage all the travelers to follow the traffic rules and wear helmets and seat belts
while driving.

> To implement the new preventative measures which are proved to lessen the risk of road
accidents, death or injury.

> To aware the people about the speed limit of the vehicles to prevent road accidents.

> To maintain the speed and required distance from other vehicles

> To aware people that do not drink, do not drive when tired and do not use phones or radios
while driving.


The National Security Council, an autonomous body set up by the Government of India, in
collaboration with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and State governments,
organize the Road Safety Week annually during the month of January.

The central government allots funds to the state governments, to spend on campaigns related
with the Road Safety Week. It is a joint exercise in which government, non-government
organizations and public entities work in unison for reducing fatalities on road.

In cities, efforts are made to raise public awareness about traffic rules, signs, and cautions
which should be taken while on road. In the celebration that goes for whole week; marches
are organized with banners displaying road safety cautions and signs. Many schools and
colleges voluntarily take part in the campaign, distributing leaflets, booklets related to road
safety as well as reflectors to the vulnerable cyclists.

The local authorities also organize a thorough check of drivers and motorcyclists to send a
strong message of ‘Zero Tolerance against Drunken Driving’ and other safety violations.
Commuters are explained about traffic rules and signs as well as the cautions they should take
on road for their safety as well as the safety of others.


There are various potential factors that may lead to a serious accident on road, resulting in
fatalities. Some of the prime factors responsible for road accidents are given below-

1) Drunken Driving

Around 20 Indians die every day in accidents caused due to drunken driving; i.e. around 7500
casualties annually. An inebriated or drunken driver tend to drive in a rash and negligent way,
often over speeding, risking his own life as well as the life of others. Even a drunken
motorcyclist or a pedestrian is much more susceptible to a mishap.

What can be done

A strict vigil must be observed by the local authorities for checking the drivers of all the
vehicles and motorcycles for cases of drunken driving. If found under the influence of alcohol
above the permissible limit then such violators must be dealt strictly, sending a message that
such behavior of risking lives will not be tolerated. The permissible limit of alcohol may also be
lowered from time to time in a bid to reduce accidents due to drunken driving.

2) Underage Driving

The permissible age in India for obtaining a license and driving on road is 18 years in case of
private motor vehicle with gears, and 16 years in case of vehicle up to 50 CC engine capacity
without gears, if the parents of the applicant provide consent for it. The age limit for obtaining
a commercial vehicle license is 20 years. Though, the age limit for obtaining driving license is
appropriate, but many underage persons also obtain the licenses by influencing concerned
officers by collaborating with the middle men. Such persons forge their actual age for
obtaining a license and are a threat to their own life as well as the life of others while on road.

What Can Be Done

Strict government orders must be issued to the concerned license issuing authorities for
taking stringent measures while issuing licenses and making age and background verification
mandatory. Parents and guardians must also be discouraged from providing licenses to their
wards, especially, when they don’t need one. If at all a license is issued, the applicant must put
through a driving test and must be trained for traffic rules and regulation.

3) Distracted Driving

Distracted driving includes – speaking on phone while driving, texting while driving, talking to
the other passengers and sometimes, listening to loud music leads to an accident. Remember
that you are not alone on the road; there are other vehicles too. If there are no other vehicles
in sight, there may be pedestrians or stray animals. Just a second of distraction can lead to a
fatal mishap causing injury or death. According to an estimate, texting while driving makes you
28 times more susceptible to mishaps. A distracted driver risks his own life as well as the life of

What Can Be Done

Once again the best way to prevent an accident is to change your own behavior. Don’t talk on
phone while driving, don’t text, don’t listen to loud music, so that, you remain aware of your
surroundings as well as other occupants of the road. Persons caught talking or texting on
phone must be fined heavily or imprisoned to refrain them from repeating the violation.
People who are in the habit of listening to music while driving a car or a bike, should be
advised by their family and friends not to do so.

4) Behavioral Reasons

People of a particular area or locality might display a behavior of negligence towards following
the traffic rules like- wearing helmets, seat belts, jumping signals or driving in a restricted lane.
Habits like not wearing a helmet or not using the seat belts are the most potent causes for
casualties in road accidents. A good helmet over your head reduces the risk of a fatal head
injury to a negligible level and saving your life and also your family from a sad and deprived
future. It is estimated that wearing seat belt while on road reduces the risk of a fatal injury by
astonishing 50%.

What Can Be Done

Law enforcement agencies are responsible to keep a check on traffic violations. Anyone
without a helmet or not wearing a seat belt must be heftily fined so that they don’t repeat the
violation again. Regular programs must be organized in schools and localities to make children
as well as elders aware of the benefits of wearing safety gears while on road.

5) Walking Pedestrians and Stray Animals

Many times an erratic pedestrian also leads to an accident resulting in injury and death. An
erratic or drunken pedestrian risks his own life as well as the lives of motorcyclists and other
occupants of a vehicle on the road. Many accidents have occurred in a bid to save such
unpredictable pedestrians. India is a country whose 70% population resides in villages. It is
therefore obvious to encounter villages on both sides of roads, highways as well as national
highways. Such close settlements alongside the road present the risk of stray animals as well
as adolescent children straying on the road, giving only fraction of a second to the driver of
the vehicle to respond. In many cases the response time is so low that a mishap becomes

What Can Be Done

Awareness raising campaigns at ground level must be organized, reeling in the village
community and making them aware of the hazards their stray animals could cause; not to
mention the financial, physical as well as emotional trauma to the victim and his family. Roads
passing through settlements could be barricaded to prevent animals or humans from straying
on the road. Drivers also must be cautioned by road signs and speed limits, to avert mishaps.
Public awareness can play a great role in reducing road accidents, despite all the rules and

6) Unsafe Vehicles

Many unsafe and poorly kept commercial vehicles are plying on the roads, risking the life of
drivers as well as other occupants. Such vehicles are illegitimately certified to be fit and are
used for transporting goods or even ferry passengers. Anything anytime could go wrong in an
old vehicle which has a poor brake system or damaged tires. Such vehicles risk the life of the
occupants as well as other road users.

What Can Be Done

The local transport authorities should be on look out for such vehicles and must confiscate
them if found operational. Risking life of others for one’s own gain cannot be permitted and is
a crime by law. The fitness certificate should be made mandatory for every vehicle running on
the road; and no tolerance should be made towards flouting this rule.


Below is a point wise narration of the methods/precautions you can take while on the road;
either as a driver, motorcyclist, a walking pedestrian or just a passenger.

Always wear a helmet while riding a bike or a bicycle.

Let the pillion rider also wear the helmet.

Never exceed the vehicles seating capacity.

Be vigilant of your surroundings.

Immediately report any rash driving to the concerned authorities.

Keep yourself learned about road signs and signals.

Follow road signs and speed limits.

Never ever jump a signal; even when no one is watching. Remember it is for your own safety
after all.

Always keep your vehicle or bike fit.

Always wear seat belts; make it a habit even while commuting through city traffic.

Let the other passengers also take necessary safety measures.

Speaking on phone, texting or listening to loud music is a big NO, while on road.

Never drink and drive; neither let others do.

Never drive if feeling dizzy or sleepy.

Stay vigilant and stay safe.

Before moving onto road check your backlights and indicators.

Drive cautiously while passing through villages and cities.

Watch out for stray animals and pedestrians.

Be extra careful towards bicycle riders during night.

Never over speed, even on empty roads; a mishap could come in the form of a pot hole or a
sudden bump in the middle of the road.

Be concerned for your own safety as well as the safety of others.

Never board a poorly maintained passenger vehicle.

Reporting such vehicles to authorities can save lives.

United Nations First Global Road Safety Week

The United Nations first Global Road Safety Week was observed from 23rd to 29th April 2007,
with an objective to reduce the global casualties due to road accidents. Many governments,
Non Government Organizations, Private firms joined hands across the globe to make the event
a success. Since then many countries are celebrating Road Safety Week in different months.
Countries like Botswana, Mexico, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mexico etc take part in the
campaign and spread awareness for the road safety.


Road Safety Week is an opportunity for us to recognize the preciousness of life and make
people understand what could be done to save our own life as well as the life of others in
vicinity. Even if you don’t get directly involved in the campaign, you can contribute your bit by
taking cautions and adhering to traffic rules. Despite all the rules, only you can save your life
as well as the life of others if you behave responsibly on road and follow the rules and


71. Sant Ravidas Jayanti

Sant Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated every year on the full moon day of Magh month of Hindu
calendar also known as ‘Maghi Purnima’. It marks the birth anniversary of Guru Ravidas, who
was one of the great saints of the ‘Bhakti Movement’ which started from 15th to 16th century
of the current era.

Bhakti Movement was a devotional and spiritual trend which emerged in the medieval era and
also focused on social reformation in the Hinduism and Sikhism.

Sant Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated by all the religions to pay tribute to the Saint, who with his
devotional songs and spiritual poems spread the message of equality, unity, removal of caste
system, and spiritual freedom. It is also considered as a great festival for the followers of
‘Ravidassia’ religion and is celebrated with great devotion.


Shri Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2019 was celebrated with great devotion and joy on 19th February

President and Prime Minister paid tribute to Sant Ravidas and said that his teachings are a
source of inspiration for the people of the world and give the message of equality, unity and
social harmony.

Various programs and events were conducted across the country to mark the occasion. Major
celebration was witnessed at Shir Govardhanpur, Varanasi which is the birth place of Guru
Ravidas. The Ravidas Temple at Shir Govardhanpur was highly decorated with lamps and
lightings and various fireworks during night added sparkle to the celebration.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also visited Shir Govardhanpur to pay homage to the great
saint. It was the second time when PM had visited the place after 2016. He also inaugurated
‘Sant Ravidas Memorial’ in Varanasi on the occasion and addressed people on the day.

Around 2000 ‘Raidasis’, people following the ‘Ravidassia’ religion based on the teachings of
Sant Ravidas, also visited the holy place to offer prayers and seek the blessings of their ‘guru’.
Various processions and peace marches were also carried out across the globe by the
followers spreading the teachings of Sant Ravidas and emphasizing on peace, unity, equality
and harmony in the world.


Sant Ravidas also known as ‘Raidas’ was born on the full moon day of the ‘Magh’ month of
Hindu calendar in the year 1433 CE at Shir Govardhanpur, Varanasi. His father Raghavdas was
engaged in shoe making and mending work and mother Kalasadevi was a housewife. Sant
Ravidas was inclined to spirituality and devotion since his childhood and always believed in
equality and unity.

As Sant Ravidas grew up, his devotion towards god and religion also increased and he started
spending most of his time with saints, sadhus and monks. His spiritual poems and devotional
songs made a great impact on the people. As he belonged to a lower caste family and was
against caste discrimination, his teachings also advocated the removal of caste system,
promotion of social equality and unity among people. 41 hymns of Shri Sant Ravidas have
been included in Guru Granth Sahib which is the most sacred book of the Sikh religion.

After his death in the year 1520, people started celebrating his birth anniversary as Guru
Ravidas Jayanti every year to spread his teaching and ideologies. Sant Ravidas’ philosophy and
spirituality made him as a great guru and people started following his ideologies and started a
religion ‘Ravidassia’ which was based on the teachings of Guru Ravidas and believed in
equality and unity.


Sant Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated to spread the great teachings of Guru Ravidas who rose to
become a great saint of the Bhakti movement. This day marks the remembrance of the great
personality who spread the message of oneness, unity, and equality among people. This day
also holds a great significance for the followers of ‘Ravidassia’ religion as this marks the birth
of their guru who taught them the righteous path of spirituality, unity and equality and
emphasised on the fact that if your heart is pure then no one can stop you from attaining
salvation and meeting with the supreme power.

This day also signifies the importance of social equality in modern world and emphasizes that
there should be no discrimination on the basis caste, creed or gender. Every human being is
equal and has equal right on everything and there should be love, respect and equality
towards other people in every society away from all sorrows and pain. It also gives the
message of universal brotherhood, harmony and tolerance.


Sant Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated across the nation with great enthusiasm, devotion and joy.
The day is also celebrated by the followers of ‘Ravidassia’ religion across the globe. Various
events and programs are organised to commemorate the great saint of the medieval era.

People take part in ‘aartis’, ‘kirtans’ and devotional bhajans to celebrate the day. Devotees
also take holy dip in rivers and chant the holy hymns of Shri Guru Granth Sahib. Various
Gurudwaras organize ‘shabad kirtan’ and ‘nagar kirtana’ on the occasion and hold talks on the
life of Sant Sri Guru Ravidas and spread his teachings.

A grand celebration takes place at Shri Guru Ravidas Janam Sthan, Shir Govardhanpur,
Varanasi, which is the birth place of Sant Sri Guru Ravidas. The temple at Shir Govardhanpur is
highly decorated by electronic lightings, lamps and flowers. Thousands of people around the
world visit the place on the occasion and celebrate the birth anniversary of their guru with

great zeal and zest. A grand feast (langar) is also organized on the occasion where thousands
of people take part and enjoy the feast.

Various processions and marches are also conducted on the occasion in which people of all
communities take part and spread the teachings of equality, unity and oneness. Devotees
residing abroad also celebrate the day with great devotion by visiting Gurudwaras and taking
part in ‘kirtans’ and ‘aartis’.


As Guru Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated as per the Hindu calendar month, the date in the
Gregorian calendar may change every year. The day is also observed as a regional holiday in
many states. The day and date of next five year’s Shri Guru Ravidas Jayanti are as follows:

2019 – 19th February

2020 – 09th February

2021 – 27th February

2022 – 16th February

2023 – 05th February


Sant Ravidas Jayanti plays a significant role in spreading the teachings and messages of Sant
Ravidas. This day helps to spread equality in the society and brotherhood among people. Sant
Ravidas always said that it is very important to have a pure soul than a pure body and person’s
caste doesn’t determine the soul of a person.

He always emphasized on the fact that human beings are created by God and if God does not
discriminate them on the basis of caste or gender then why human beings is dividing people
on basis of cast or creed. Ravidas Jayanti is the ideal occasion which helps to spread these
great ideologies of Guru Ravidas.

As Sant Ravidas was equally revered in Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism, celebrating Ravidas
Jayanti also acts as an instrument of spreading unity, harmony and showcases the Indian
culture of unity in diversity. It helps in uniting people from different religions and caste and

sets an example that there is only motive of all the religions and that is spreading peace,
harmony, brotherhood and unity.

As Sant Ravidas was also a social reformer, his birth anniversary gives a source of inspiration
to the people to raise voice and fight against evils of the society and make our nation a better
place away from all kinds of sorrow and problems.


72. Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day 2019 was celebrated across the world on Thursday, the 14th of February.


Valentine’s Day event celebration is not for just a day, it is the major celebration which
continues for the whole week. Below is the list of all valentine’s week days names and dates:

Rose Day: 7th of February, at Thursday

Propose Day: 8th of February, at Friday

Chocolate Day: 9th of February, at Saturday

Teddy Day: 10th of February, at Sunday

Promise Day: 11th of February, at Monday

Kiss Day: 12th of February, at Tuesday

Hug Day: 13th of February, at Wednesday

Valentine’s Day: 14th of February, at Thursday


The day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy especially by the youths. People
exchanged flowers, chocolates, gifts with their loved ones to express their love and affection
towards them. The day was also observed as a mark of true and selfless bond of love between
two people which is celebrated on this day.

Various business organisations offered huge discounts on their products on the occasion.
Restaurants also gave special offers and discounts for the couples visiting them on Valentine’s
Day. Many restaurants around the world prepared various types of mouth watering delicacies
on the occasion to observe the day.

All the state governments beefed up the security in parks, shopping malls and other public
places to avoid any unfortunate incidents which happened in the past years. Police personnel
were also deployed in plain clothes at various public places and restaurants to avoid any issues
on the occasion.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year as a grand celebration for the youths including all
groups of people all over the world. It held annually on 14th of February and celebrated by the
people with lots of joy, happiness and enthusiasm. It brings a lot happiness and courage in the
each and every relationship. It is the great celebration which strengthens and renovates the
bond between each and every relationships. Variety of attractive, lovely, sexy and gorgeous
greetings cards, gifts pack, messages, and etc are given by the loved one’s to their him/her
loved one’s.

Valentine’s Day is also famous by the name “Saint Valentine’s Day” or the “Feast of Saint
Valentine” which is commemorated yearly worldwide in many countries even after being a
working day for all.


Valentine’s Day celebration was first started to be celebrating every year as a grand
celebration by the early Christian saint named Valentinus or Saint Valentine. The history
behind the celebration of Valentine’s Day is associated with the most popular Christian saint,
Saint Valentine.

According to the history, once he sent to the prison as he was involved in the act of soldiers
weddings who were not allowed to marry and mistreated in the Roman Empire. He said

goodbye to all before his end of life by writing a letter which was signed as “Your Valentine”.
From then it was started celebrating as a Valentine’s Day on his last day to commemorate him.
Now, it has become an official feast day for Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church. At
some places it is celebrated on different dates (Eastern Orthodox Church on 6th of July and
Bishop of Interamna on 30th of July).

Earlier it was related to the romantic love however, during 18th century in England, it became
an occasion expressing the love to the loved one’s by presenting gifts, rose flowers or greeting
cards written Valentine’s Day messages. Some of the people also present their handwritten
valentines messages or greeting cards with valentine’s pictures.

Another historical fact about the celebration of this event is; earlier the Christian martyrs were
called as the Valentine who were honored and remembered on 14th of February every year.
They were the Valentine of Rome, priests of Rome who were sacrificed and buried on the Via
Flaminia a day whereas the Valentine of Terni, bishop of modern Terni who were martyred
under the Emperor Aurelian and buried on the Via Flaminia a day.

After their sacrifice their historical objects and remnants were kept in the Church to honor and
remember. One of the Saint Valentine’s head was kept safely to the abbey of New Minster,
Winchester to honor and worship. Now, it is continued to be celebrating as a St Valentine’s
Day as an annual event in the variety of Christian denominations to commemorate the
Christian martyrs.


Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the world on 14th February each year as a festival of
love and romance.

It is celebrated to commemorate an ancient roman saint named Valentinus and 14th February
is the date when the Saint achieved martyrdom.

The day was first associated with love, sometime during 14th

Saint Valentinus was involved in performing secret wedding of soldiers who were otherwise
forbidden to marry by Emperor Claudius II.

Prior to 19th century hand written Valentines cards were used, but today they have been
replaced by cards produced and printed by machines.

Some Christian communities in Germany and United Kingdom observe Valentine’s Day as an
official feast day.

People give gifts to their friends, companions, spouses and the celebration is gaining
popularity among older people too.

Though, Valentine’s Day actually falls on 14th February, some people start celebrating it a
week ago, designating every day for a specific purpose, like – Feb 7 as rose day, Feb 8 as
propose day, Feb 9 as Chocolate day, Feb 10 as Teddy Day, Feb 11 as promise day, Feb 12 as
Hug Day, Feb 13 as Kiss Day and Feb 14 as Valentine’s Day.

During Valentine’s Day the sale of flowers, chocolates, cards, gifts, soft toys go beyond ten
times than on any other usual day.

Millions of cards are sold in India alone on Valentine’s Day.

People also buy gifts for their pets, children or parents on Valentine’s Day.

Single Awareness Day is celebrated on 15th February for those who remained single on
Valentine’s Day.

In Finland, the Valentine’s Day is celebrated as “Friend’s Day”, which is more for celebrating
with your friends rather than loved ones.

The first box of chocolates was produced by Richard Cadbury during late 1800s on the
occasion of Valentine’s Day.

People who buy flowers on Valentine’s Day constitute of 73% men and 27% women.


A long ago, there was a Christian Saint named, Saint Valentine. He was an honorable priest of
the Rome and got imprisoned as he had helped some mistreated or tortured Christians. He
was also mistreated as a Christian by the Roman Emperor Claudius II as he involved in the
weddings of mistreated Christian soldiers who were not allowed to marry by the Roman
Emperor Claudius II to increase the number of soldiers in his army in the myth that married
soldiers would not perform better. Other Christian Saints who were martyred are also
associated with the legend of Valentine’s Day and are honored and remembered on 14th of
February annually.


The way of celebrating the Valentine’s Day has been changed a lot in the modern time. The
earlier Valentine’s Day celebration was associated to the European folk traditions means with
the Saint Valentine which has become marginalized through the traditions of modern Anglo-
American and associated with the romantic love, Day of love, in present time.

The customs of giving greeting cards, rose flowers, chocolates, gifts pack and other costly
things has become the recent trends of celebrating Valentine’s Day. However, it is still
associated with the regional customs in the England. It is celebrated in something different
way in the Norfolk by distributing sweets and gifts to the children through a character named
Jack Valentine by knocking the doors of everyone.

In the ancient time in Rome it was celebrated (from February 13-15) by the name “Lupercalia”,
a festival associated with fertility which was later eliminated by the Pope Gelasius I and
started celebrating on 14th of February as a “Purification of Mary” associated with romantic

During the celebration of Lupercalia festival, men and women were used of making couples by
selecting names from jar which is continued as a modern day custom. Now, it has become a
very popular observance worldwide in the recent years. People do not want to compromise
this with their hectic schedule; they celebrate it gracefully with a lot of time by proposing and
gifting their loved one’s. At this day market are full of Valentine’s Day cards with the images of
lovely angel, hearts, love birds, roses, couples and other romantic love indications.


People in India celebrate the Valentine’s Day very enthusiastically and with great passion. It is
very energetic event which is must to be celebrated by everyone even after their busy
schedule. It is a fun filled celebration full of cultural and traditional activities and mixed of
western culture. At this day, all couples already book their hotels or restaurants to go for big
and long celebration. They also go to the malls for shopping, multiplexes, cinema halls to
enjoy movies, nearby famous places, long drive, tour and so many. Young couples propose at
this day to each other by offering gifts, red roses, jewelry and cards. Other single young search
for their partner at this day to propose and be a nice couple forever.

They wear some fine and selected clothes to attract their partner and looking handsome. At
least a week earlier of the day, post offices become very busy to deliver the courier of flower,
gift packages, romantic letters, greeting cards and so many things. It is not public or private
holiday, it is the working day for all so, all the schools, colleges, offices, government and
private organizations and institutions remains opened this day. However, most of them enjoy

taking leave from the offices or other working places. There are rush at the roads, hotels,
restaurants and malls, these places become full of crowd.

Greeting cards and gift packets are symbolized with the symbols of love such as red roses,
angels, arrows, love birds, red hearts and etc. These symbols play a great role in bringing the
couples together, increasing and strengthening their bond of love and friendship. Red color is
everyone’s favorite color and deeply associated with the symbol of love and romance.

Valentine's Day: As an event of Love and Romance

Valentine’s Day is the big event for everyone all around the world and celebrated by the all
groups of people as an event of love and romance each after a year. It is the day to enjoy love
and romance socially, culturally and traditionally. Love and romance are the things of very
necessity in the life of every people to compromise all the pros and cons, to feel something
new in the life, to start life in lovely and romantic ways and so many. It brings a hope of love
and romance in everyone’s life, it never see the age, group, sex or social status of the people.
Everyone has rights of love and romance in his life, he or she has rights to search for his/her
love at this day. Earlier it was celebrated as the event of day for martyrs however; the
celebration has been changed and modernized as an event of love and romance.

Sending greetings for valentine was also popular in the Middle Ages as well and continues in
the current time. It is the day for all such as girlfriends, boyfriends, partners, spouses, friends,
first dates, families, 50th anniversaries or the one who is single and search for his love. People
search some romantic and popular places in the nearby areas or far from their cities to
celebrate their Valentine’s Day in special ways. They do not want to lose this annual
opportunity from their life. Some enjoy horse riding, boat journey, bike riding, long car driving,
dinner at popular places, street walking, honeymoon, multiplexes movies, get engaged or
married and so many activities.

Valentine's Day: As an event of Refreshing Relationship

Valentine’s Day comes every year as a relationship refreshment event which refreshes the
relationships by adding some fragrance, love and romance among each and every relation.
Celebrating this event on 14th of February is good idea to add some love and love matters in
the life as well as to start life innovatively with happiness. In order to make your Valentine’s
Day special and perfect, there are many Valentine’s Day packages are available in the market
which you can use to refresh and empower your great and lovely relationship. It is a fun filled
event allows you to indulge yourself and your valentine to have some pleasurable moment a

year after by starting with the already arranged dinner place decorated with the red roses as
only words may not able to express your meaning of romance and love.

Make your relationship a satisfactory, meaningful and happy relationship by adding some
innovative things to it. Go to some secret and attractive places with your partner away from
the crowd to reveal your heartily expressions as well as let him/her believe that he/she is the
only and special valentine of your life. First thing of great importance of any relationship is
that know deeply about the likes and dislikes of your valentine to express him/her throughout
the life. Never mix up your personal relationship with your professional relationship as they
may get some misunderstandings. To get better and strong relationship, there should be the
understanding of always give in relationship without any expectations.

Valentine's Day: As an event to Strengthen the bond of Love

Valentine’s Day brings an opportunity to everyone to enhance the status of love as well as to
strengthen their bond of love. It is considered that a little distance in any relationship
strengthens the bond of love however it is a great job to make your love deep and deep even
after being together. If the statement of “always give, never expect in relationship” is really
followed by someone, they can be very able to deepens their relationship bond. Valentine’s
Day is such a great event which can really make everyone’s heart grow fonder.

Try something new on daily basis to make each and every day a Valentine’s Day as well as
make feel to your valentine that he/she is really a special valentine of yours whoever you love
so deeply. Never make your love to get old and outdated, try to make it always young and
innovative for whole life. Wish your valentine every day in new ways with new love words to
attract him/her. Take care of every little things of your valentine as well as never consider
his/her drawbacks/misunderstandings or try to forget as soon as possible. Have break weekly
from your professional life to give some time to your personal life to grow and flourish. Go
outside to some places to renovate your love bond and relationship.

There should be an open communication among any relationship to avoid the

misunderstandings as well as deepens the emotional bond. Both of the partners of any
relationship should be disclosed to each other to be a satisfied couple as well as get fulfilled
each and every basic and essential needs. It is the real true that never expect with each other
in relationship however, always doing something unexpected things for each other is the

natural and amazing way to make your love bond so tight. Wish, honor and share all the
special occasions with your partner to inspire your relationship. These are the really working
things which make your relationship always exciting and special.

Valentine's Day: As an Opportunity to Be Double from Single

Imagine and try your every effort to get double on this year Valentine’s Day as there is nothing
in life to be single for long. Get your first and last loved ones from the crowd to be settled and
start your life in new ways to get new experiences of life. Never be negative anytime as they
may destroy the moments of happiness and think always positive which easily led you to your
way of love and valentine.

Valentine's Day: An Innovative Way to Shake Your Life

Shake your life with your special valentine in some innovative and non-traditional ways at this
Valentine’s Day. Have innovative and unexpected gift ideas to your mind to make your
moments special. Do something romantic like go for romantic movies, books, comedy or
music. Make this year 14th of February special and unforgettable throughout the life by doing
new and innovative things.

Plan to go on long and unique trips with your lovely valentine to spend precious time with
him/her. Impress your valentine by saying not just “I Love You”, say “I love the way you are”
by telling some specific attributes of your beloved. Decorate your home of love with special
things to make it a heaven of love. Keep smile at your face whenever you meet your valentine
without any expectations in turn which may stop your smile.


73. World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on 4th of February all over the world to
commemorate all the efforts done by the WHO, United Nations, governmental and
nongovernmental health organizations towards making the strategy to fight against cancer as
well as distributing the real message about this epidemic disease and its treatments including
its precautionary measures by uniting all the people a day on global basis.

It is celebrated to plan some new strategies as well as implement some new programs which
help to aware more people about this disease. This event is organized on annual basis under
the supervision of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and other leading health
organizations involved for cancer fighting.


World Cancer Day 2019 was celebrated all across the world on Monday, the 4th of February.

This year the theme for World Cancer Day was “I am and I will”. This theme will be for three
years i.e. 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Volunteer Services Organisation (VSO) organized a kite festival named ‘Tarang’ at Manipal,
Karnataka on 03rd February. The aim of the festival was to create awareness for early
detection of cancer. The theme for the festival was “I am and I will” which was the theme of
World Cancer Day observed on 04th February 2019. The event was supported by Manipal
Academy of Higher Education and Kasturba Hospital, Manipal.

In Mumbai, around 250 students from BMC schools organised a campaign for a tobacco-free
life on the occasion of of World Cancer Day. The initiative was supported by a NGO named
Salaam Bombay, which works for the betterment of the slums in the city.

Center conducted a painting competition to mark the World Cancer Day at Chennai on 03rd
February, 2019. The theme of the painting competition was “Papa! Make my tomorrow cancer
free”. Famous cartoonist S. Jayaraj and artist Usha Elangovan were the judges of the


World Cancer Day celebration was planned in the Geneva, Switzerland in 1933 under the
direction of UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) and with the support various other
well-known cancer societies, research institutes, treatment centers and patient groups. The
World Cancer Day event was founded to fulfill all the needs to fight and control this deadly

According to the report it has been noted that Report people more than 12.7 million are
diagnosed with cancer as well as people more than 7 million are dying of cancer every year.
The day was planned to start its annual celebration in order to save millions lives from the
cancer as well as instruct people to check its symptoms, follow its preventive measures and
gets saved from the risk of this epidemic disease. The day, 4th of February was established
specially for raising the cancer awareness among people, teaching them about healthy diet,
regular and proper physical activity and a lesson on how to get prevented from the
environmental carcinogens.


To spread the special messages about the cancer awareness and its prevention, the leading
health organizations as well as nongovernmental organizations takes part by organizing the
camps, awareness programs, rallies, lectures, seminars and etc. Variety of control measures
policies gets implemented and people are promoted to join in masses.

Common public, health organizations and other nongovernmental organizations are requested
and promoted through many ways before the day celebration to take part during the event
celebration. Common people are the main target of the event celebration to which the
message is to be spread and shared to get more control over the cancer. A toolkit, having
templates, leaflets and direction for various organizations accordingly, is provided by the UICC
for better assistance.

This event is celebrated every year by using a particular theme to make this event more result
oriented among people. According to the report, people (of low and middle income group)
with various types of cancer and death ratios per year are liver cancer/6,10,000, lung
cancer/1.3 million, colorectal cancer/6,39,000, stomach cancer/8,03,000, breast
cancer/5,19,000 and etc.

During the event celebration, people are targeted to let them known about the risk factors
causing the cancer such as tobacco use, overweight or obese, low fruit or vegetable intake,
less or no physical activity, alcohol use, sexual transmission of HPV-infection, urban areas air
pollution, indoor smoke, genetically risk factors, over exposure to sunlight and etc. People are
also get aware about the vaccination method against the human papilloma virus and hepatitis
B virus.


World cancer day is celebrated to make aware the normal people about the risk factors and
preventive measures of the cancer to get prevented or its early detection. Generally, people
suffering from the cancer are hated by the normal people in the society and behaved like an
untouched person. There are various other social myths related to the cancer that normal
people think that they would got cancer if they would touch or live with the person having
cancer. The day is celebrated as well to remove such type of the social myths related to the
cancer. It is celebrated to make the normal aware about all the reality of the cancer like its
symptoms, causing factors, treatment, and etc.

Variety of events are organized at this day to show people that the person with cancer should
not be treated separately, they should have equal rights to live like a normal person in the
society and any relation should not be changed for them. They should be fulfilled their wishes
by their relatives even if they have less chances of survival. It is very necessary to make them
feel better like a normal person and should not make them feel that they are given some
treatment for survival as they are dying. They must feel self respect and find a normal
environment in their home and society.

Normal person should avoid being over-sympathetic to them or sharing their unsuccessful
stories as it may make their pain and fear intolerable. They should be shared some positive
stories to get boost their morale and make them feel energetic and self-confidence in order to
defeat cancer or make their journey easy and happy.

According to the statistics, it has been noted that most of the cancer cases and cancer deaths
(47% and 55% respectively) occur in less developed areas of the world. If it is not controlled,
this condition may get worse by 2030. So, it is very necessary to get control over such situation
at all the corners of the world.

During this event celebration people are promoted well about their healthy lifestyles,
balanced diet, regular physical activity and weight management in order to reduce the risk of
occurrence of cancers. They are promoted to get rid of their alcohol habits, unhealthy diet and
physical immobility.


Below are listed some common myths and facts about the cancer among people which are
necessary to be removed and well understand the reality about the cancer to get control over

> Generally people think that cancer tissues are just health issue however it is not.

> Common people think that cancer is a disease for wealthy and old age people however it is a
global and epidemic disease which can affect all age group.

> Common people think that suffering from the cancer is just like a punishment however most
type of the cancer are now well treatable.

> Common people think that having cancer is their fate however approximately 30% of the
cases can be cured and prevented for whole life.


World cancer day is celebrated every year using a particular theme; some of the year wise
themes are listed below:

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2019, 2020 and 2021 is “I am and I will”.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2016, 2017 and 2018 was “We can. I can.”

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2015 was “Not beyond us”.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2014 was “Debunk the Myths”.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2013 was “Cancer – Did you know?”

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2012 was “Together it is possible”.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2011 was “Teaching Children and Teenagers to limit
their sun exposure by being SunSmart!”

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2010 was “Vaccinating to prevent virus related liver
cancers “.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2009 was “I love my healthy active childhood”.

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2008 was “Give children and young people a smoke-free

> The theme of the World Cancer Day 2007 was “Today’s children, tomorrow’s world”.


74.World Day of Social Justice

United Nations regards social justice as the underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous
coexistence among the nations. With the vision of promoting social justice globally, the United
Nations General Assembly on 26th November 2007 approved the observance of “World Day of
social Justice”, which is observed on 20th February, starting in 2009.

Organizations like ALA (American Library Association) and ILO (International Labour Office)
actively participate by giving statements on vital issues concerning social justice.

The prime agenda behind the observance of “World Day of social Justice” is to promote peace
and harmony, prosperity and social justice globally, by addressing the issues like – poverty,
unemployment, illiteracy, migrant issues and human rights violations etc.


World Day of Social Justice 2019 was observed globally on 20th February 2019 (Wednesday).

The World Day of Social Justice 2019 theme was “If you want Peace & Development, Work for
Social Justice”.

National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR), Hyderabad organised a
two day seminar on the occasion of World Day of Social Justice. The topic for the seminar was
‘Sustainable Development and Social Justice: Issues and Way Forward’. There were around 75
participants from various states who took part in the seminar.

The day was also observed in the UN headquarters through various meetings, discussions and
seminars with a focus on social justice and how it could help for peace and development in the
world. There were various campaigns which were launched to mark the day and to raise
awareness on the reach of social justice across the globe.


The United Nations recognizes social justice as the main principle for bringing global peace
and prosperity. Social justice is the main factor in achieving peace, harmony and prosperity
around the globe.

The world has many issues which obstruct its path to peace and prosperity, like – poverty,
unemployment, illiteracy, gender inequality, crime and human rights violations. The UN’s
objective of Sustainable Development cannot be achieved unless these issues are addressed.

With the objective of bringing and promoting social justice by making the world a fair place,
with equal opportunities and rights for all, without caste, religion or gender discrimination,
providing equal opportunities to prosper and grow; United Nations celebrate the “World Day
of Social Justice”.

The observance of the World Day of Social Justice brings International community together to
make efforts towards promoting global peace and equality.

It makes the political thinkers and policy makers across the world, admire the fact that the
global goals of Sustainable Development can only be achieved by bringing social justice.

Social justice is a key principle that ensures progress, prosperity along with equal wealth
distribution, equal opportunities and also eliminates any discrimination based on age, caste,
creed, religion, gender or physical differences.


The World Day of Social Justice is observed with the prime objective of promoting social
justice and bringing the international community together to eliminate poverty, illiteracy,
gender and physical discriminations, religious discrimination etc in the pursuit of a socially
integrated society.

Various organizations like United Nations, ILO (International Labor Office) and ALA (American
Labour Organization) issue public statements on the significance of social justice.

Plans to bring social justice by improving literacy, ensuring equality and eradicating poverty
are presented by many organizations. Non Government Organizations and other unions
throughout the globe; work in their own capacity to promote social justice and harmony.

Events are organized by schools and colleges around the world addressing the issues like
illiteracy, poverty, gender discrimination etc. People are made aware of the need to bring
social justice and equality.

Issues regarding social justice around the world are also raised through print and electronic

World Day of Social Justice 2018

World Day of Social Justice 2018 was observed on 20th February 2018 (Tuesday) with the
central theme- “Workers on The Move: The Quest for Social Justice”.

The main objective of the World Day of Social Justice 2018 is to tackle the issue of social
justice and labor migration and to formulate policies to address them.

Journalists associated with ILO (International Labor Organization) spoke on the issues of
migratory labors across the world. Issues concerning them in their country of origin as well as
destination were talked about and possible policies to address them were recommended.

Policy makers, representatives of civil societies and trade union from around the world along
with UN delegates; discussed and debated on the issues of migrant labors.

Following are the topics of the few stories told by the participants during the program at the
United Nations-

Migration and Separation: Stories of the Barren Children in Caribbean.

Ince and the hope of being needed: A year and a half with a tireless Turkish Day before laborer
in Berlin.

The Hand that Feeds: Undocumented immigrant workers struggling for labor rights in the food


1) Raise Awareness

Raise the awareness of the people in your community about social justice and its significance
in achieving global peace and prosperity.

2) Address Social Issues

One of the methods of celebrating World Day of Social Justice is to address the social issues in
your community. Issues like poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, and gender discrimination could
be raised through talks and debates.

3) Volunteer with an Organization

Volunteer with an NGO or any other organization working on the issues of Social Justice,
towards bringing social equality and harmony. Reach out to the people in need and address
their issues. Volunteer in programs and events of the day.

4) Promote Self Employment

Unemployment is also a main factor obstructing social equality. It leads to an economical and
social divide often resulting in criminal indulgences. You can inspire the unemployed youths of
your community to set up a small business as a mean of income generation. They should be
made aware of Government policies and aids provided by the government for establishing
own business.

5) Promote and Protect Human Rights

Social Justice is closely connected to human rights, so much so that one reflects the other.
Social justice is automatically brought to a place where human rights are practiced and
protected and the opposite also holds true. Therefore, to promote social justice promote
human rights.


Theme of 2019 – “If you want Peace & Development, Work for Social Justice”.

Theme of 2018 – “Workers on the Move: The Quest for Social Justice”.

Theme of 2017 – “Preventing Conflict and Sustaining Peace through Decent Work”.

Theme of 2016 – “A Just Transition – Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies”.

Theme of 2015 – “Ending Human Trafficking and forced labour”.

Theme of 2014 – “Global Inequality”.


75. World Radio Day

The first proposal for observing the World Radio Day was made to the UNESCO (United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) by Spain, on a request from the
Spanish Academy of Radio Arts and Science, on 20th September 2010.

On 3rd November 2011 the United Nations General Assembly made the proclamation of
observing the World Radio Day annually on 13th February.

The proclamation was made at the UNESCO’s 36th General Conference at Paris, from 25th
October to 10th November.

The date for the observance i.e. 13th February was chosen because it was at the same date in
1946; UN had established its own International broadcasting services – United Nations Radio.


The 8th World Radio Day 2019 was celebrated on 13th February 2019 (Wednesday) under
UNESCO’s support.

The day was observed this year to recognize the power of radio in promoting dialogue,
tolerance and peace. Various events and programs were organized across the world on the
occasion. The day also raised awareness about radio among people and strengthened the
networking between broadcasters.

‘The Radio Festival’ was celebrated on the occasion of World Radio Day on 13th February in
Mumbai. The festival also brought together all the three tiers of broadcasting i.e. public,
private and community on a single platform. It also focused on the challenges and success of
the media in reaching people.

In Kolkata, the West Bengal Radio Club distributed radios free of cost to the under privileged
section of the society. The organization works to promote the use of radios as a mode of
communication among people in the world of internet and televisions. The initiative was
supported by various radio channels of the state.


The idea behind the World Radio Day is to celebrate the Radio broadcasters and its listeners
around the world as well as to acknowledge the usefulness of radio as a tool of
communication and information exchange.

Radio specifically caters to the remote and deprived communities – remote villages, illiterates,
poor, differently able, elders, women and also youths who do not have access to other means
of entertainment or communication.

It is a tool for the poor to communicate with rest of the world and to stay informed. Radio has
a good number of listeners throughout the world.

World Radio Day also reaffirms UNESCO’s belief in radio being a strong communication tool
and an efficient medium to reach out to masses around the world.

Apart from these, radio also has a number of non broadcasting applications as in aviation two
way communications and space. The radio contributes immensely to science and technology;
still it hasn’t got its due recognition.


The UNESCO’s Director General, in his proposal for the proclamation of World Radio Day to
the UNESCO’s Executive Board, dated 26th August 2011 at Paris, assigned the following main
objectives behind the observation of World Radio Day-

1) To raise awareness of people about the usefulness of radio and to support it.

2) To encourage decision makers to support and provide access to radio.

3) To improve the network by exchanging ideas and resources by radio practitioners.

4) To garner support for radio through raising different issues annually.


The theme of the world Radio Day 2018 was “Radio and Sports”. The celebrations were aimed
at promoting and covering momentous sporting events around the world, including the
traditional sports, national and international sporting events; using radio as the medium.

It focused on promoting gender equality in sports, bridging the gaps between communities by
using the alliance of sports and radio.

The sub themes of the World Radio Day 2018 were –

Goodwill and inspiring humanity.

Building and uniting communities.

How radio impact our lives.

Participation and inclusion.


There could be many activities to perform on world radio day, in order to promote radio and
acknowledge its contribution in bringing the world closer. Some of the activities related to the
World Radio Day are given below-

1) Raise Awareness

Raise the awareness of people about the role of radio as a tool of communication and
entertainment. Let them acknowledge the cheap cost and cheaper use of radio.

2) Own a radio

The best way to promote radio is to own one and then to learn its operation and use it as a
tool of communication and information gathering.

3) Know the central Theme

Every year the world Radio Day is celebrated with a theme. The activities of the day should
also be arranged keeping the central theme in mind.

4) Organize talks and Debates

Organize talks and debates in your community, offices or institutions to discuss the ways to
promote the use of radio and also the factors obstructing its use.

5) Encourage

Encourage everyone to celebrate the World Radio Day in his/her own capacity by taking part
in activities of the day.


The theme of the World Radio Day 2019 is “Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace”. The main
objective of the day will be to establish peace in the world through dialogues and debates,
using radio as the medium.

The day calls in the broadcasters around the world and encourages co operation among them.
It also encourages the decision makers to increase the access to radio.

All the countries are expected to organize regional or national events to promote the
usefulness of radio and its significance in the modern world.


The annual themes of the World Radio Day are provided below –

Theme of 2019 – “Dialogue, tolerance and Peace”.

Theme of 2018 – “Radio and Sports”.

Theme of 2017 – “Radio is You”.

Theme of 2016 – “Radio in Times of Emergency and Disaster”.

Theme of 2015 – “Youth and Radio”.

Theme of 2014 –“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Radio”.


76. World Wetlands Day

World wetland day is celebrated every year all across the world to commemorate the
Convention on Wetlands means the Ramsar Convention which was held on 2nd of February in
1971 in the city of Ramsar, Iran at the Caspian Sea coasts. It was started celebrating for the
first time in the year 1997.


World Wetlands Day 2019 was celebrated on Saturday, 2nd February.

‘Ameenpur Utsav’ was celebrated at Ameenpur Lake, Hyderabad on the occasion of World
Wetlands Day. In 2016, the government of Telangana declared the lake as Biodiversity
Heritage Site which is the only biodiversity site in the country. The celebration started at 09:30
AM on 02nd Feb. and included various competitions like drawing & painting, singing, speech,
and dramas.

Manipur also observed the World Wetlands Day at Sendra, Bishanpur District. A painting
competition was organised where more than 100 students from various schools participated
in the event. The winners of the competition were given rewards of Rs. 3000, 2000 and 1000
for the first, second and third position respectively along with the participation certificates.

Children from the city of Tshwane, South Africa celebrated the day at Colbyn Wetland Nature
Reserve. There were around 200 children who visited the reserve and learned more about the
importance of wetlands and how it protects us from global warming and climate change.


It is celebrated by gathering together with common people, government agencies, NGOs, non-
government organizations and people of all the community to enhance the public awareness
towards the significance of wetland. To celebrate this event, variety of programs like seminars,
lectures, nature walks, sampan race, poster exhibitions, video films screening, slide shows
based on the wetland, art and quiz competitions, painting competition, photography
exhibition, community cleanup, interviews on radio and television and etc takes place at the
national level at many places. Various other new wetland policies and new Ramsar sites gets
launch at this day.


The Ramsar Convention offers an international structure in order to globally support the
conservation and sustainable management of the wetlands. It is celebrated to make aware the
public, discus the value of wetlands, its beneficial aspects as well as to promote its
conservation and use for enhancing the overall level of the human health, growth and
development. The event celebration plays a great role in making the healthy wetlands in order
to deliver the worth ecosystem service to benefit the common people. The demands of water
required for growing crops, energy supply and various needs of the industry are also focused
during the celebration. It is celebrated to promote the proper use of wetlands and their


World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year in Ahmedabad, India by organizing several
activities involving both children and adults.

It is also celebrated at the WWF-India Secretariat, New Delhi to promote the common people
understandings about the importance of link between wetlands and water as “without water
there will be no wetlands – and without wetlands there will be no water!”.

It is also celebrated in the Jammu and Kashmir, at Mansar Wetland (a Ramsar site) with the
involvement of the Department of Wildlife Protection and Department of Environment and
Remote Sensing. The event is celebrated by organizing a symposium (related to event) in the
presence of Honorable Minister of State for Forests, Environment and Ecology. The event is
celebrated by the participation of school students, conservationists, members of panchayat,
academicians, scientists and common masses.

WWF-India organizes a full day program at Asan Barrage, Dehradun, run by schools students,
in association with the Samvedi and Chakrata Forest Division and Uttarakhand Forest

WWF-India organizes program for school students (quiz and painting competitions) in
Himachal Pradesh in association with the State Council for Environment Science and
Technology and Wildlife Wing, Himachal Pradesh Forest Department.

It is also celebrated at various places in India such as Harike (a bird sanctuary in Punjab and a
Ramsar site), Surajpur wetland (Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh), Bharatpur (Keoladeo
National Park), Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary (U.P.) and etc.


The themes of the World Wetlands Day celebrations from 1997 to 2021 are listed below:

> The theme for the world wetland day 1997 was “Benefits of Wetlands to the Human

> The theme for the world wetland day 1998 was “Conserving wetlands to ensure availability
of clean water for all”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 1999 was “People and Wetlands: the Vital Link”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2000 was “Celebrating Our Wetlands of International

> The theme for the world wetland day 2001 was “Wetland world – A world to discover!”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2002 was “Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2003 was “No wetlands – no water”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2004 was “From Mountains to the Sea – Wetlands at
Work for Us”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2005 was “Cultural and biological diversity in
wetlands” and slogan was “There’s wealth in wetland diversity – don’t lose it”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2006 was “Wetlands as a tool in poverty alleviation”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2007 was “Fish for tomorrow?”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2008 was “Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2009 was “Upstream-Downstream: Wetlands connect
us all”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2010 was “Wetlands, Biodiversity and Climate

> The theme for the world wetland day 2011 was “wetlands and forests – forests for water
and wetlands”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2012 was “Wetlands and Tourism”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2013 was “Wetlands take care of water”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2014 was “Wetlands and Agriculture”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2015 was “Wetlands for Our Future”.

> The theme for the world wetland day 2016 was “Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable

> The theme for the world wetland day 2017 was “Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction”.

> The theme of 2018 was “Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future”.

> The theme of 2019 is “Wetlands and Climate Change”.

> The theme of 2020 will be “Wetlands and Biodiversity”.

> The theme of 2021 will be “Wetlands and Water”.


77. Dandi March Day
Dandi March day is celebrated every year in India on 12th of March with great enthusiasm by
the people to commemorate the Salt Satyagraha as a non violence campaign run by the Bapu
in the continuation of Indian Independence Movement.


Dandi March Day 2019 was observed on 12th of March, Tuesday.

Prime Minister and the members of all political parties paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on the
occasion. People also held talks and discussions and shared the history of Dandi March and its

There were various programs which were conducted across the nation to commemorate the
day of Salt Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi. A Dandi Salt Challenge was organized in Gujarat
which included a cycle and marathon competition on the 400 Km route of Dandi March.


Dandi March is a Salt March which is named after the Salt Satyagraha revolution in India
during the Indian Independence Movement. The Salt March has also been named as the
White Flowing River as this campaign was run by people wearing white khadi. Dandi March
was started in India on 12th of March in 1930 under the leadership of the Mahatma Gandhi
(Bapu) as an important element to the Indian independence movement.

This march was started in India as a direct action campaign against the tax over by the British
Rule. It was a nonviolent protest by the Indians to resist the British salt domination in India. It
is considered as the wider Civil Disobedience Movement of the Indian against British Rule. It
was raised by the Indian people as a big challenge to the British authority.


Dandi March was led by the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi or Bapu) from
his Sabarmati Ashram (near Ahmedabad) to the Dandi, a coastal village located in a city
named Navsari, Gujarat. It was a continuous movement by the Indian people for 24 days and
390 km march to get own prepared salt without paying any tax to the British Government.

Salt laws were broken by the Bapu at around 6:30 am on 5th of April in the year 1930. This
march caught fire as a big Indian civil disobedience against salt laws of British Raj. This
campaign, during which a mass of Indian people joined to fight for their own freedom, had
significantly affected the British attitudes towards the Indian independence.

It was a huge salt campaign in order to generate own salt for the people of India, to oppose
the tax payment and continue the Indian Independence Movement. Bapu led the Indian
people towards south coast in order to continue the salt production after starting the salt
making process at Dandi.

Before starting a Satyagraha at Dharasana Salt Works (25 miles away from Dandi towards
south), he got arrested on 4–5th (midnight) of May in the year 1930. Together with the Bapu,
around 80,000 people of India were sent to the jail after the Salt Satyagraha.

The Salt Satyagraha campaign was run by the leader of India, Mahatma Gandhi, as a
nonviolent protest against the British Rule. The literal meaning of the Satyagraha is the “truth

This non violent protest in the Dharasana covered a big area all over the world as an effective
civil disobedience news against the social and political injustice of British. This campaign in
India affected a lot to the American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr., and helped him
to his civil rights fight for blacks during 1960s.


Dandi March campaign was the continuation for the Indian Independence Movement which
affected the British rule to the great extent. In the 1929, during the midnight on 31st of
December a tricolor Indian flag was made by the Indian National Congress at Lahore. The

Indian National Congress party was led by the Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
for the freedom or Purna Swaraj of India.

India was ruined in every aspect such as politically, economically, culturally and spiritually by
the British Rule. Salt Satyagraha was proved as a big way to break the British rule and
accomplish Purna Swaraj in the India. This campaign was held under the leadership of Gandhi
Ji as a first civil disobedience against the British salt tax.

According to the Salt Act of 1882, British authority was authorized to manage the
manufacturing of salt to which the people of India were bounded to purchase the salt of
colonial government.

The salt tax by the British rule over the Indian people was very hurtful event for the poorest
Indians. As salt was the daily use necessity of the life like water and air, people of India were
forced to take salt from the British authority by paying tax.

In order to remove the salt tax and produce own salt, Bapu and other 78 satyagrahis including
Sarojini Naidu raised their foot from Sabarmati Ashram towards the coastal village of Dandi,
Gujarat on 12th of March in 1930.

The first day of the march was ended with 21 km in the Aslali village. Throughout the whole
march, various villages were passed and crowds increased on the way of March by beating the
drums and singing the Hindu bhajan “Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram”. Bapu denoted in his
speech that the salt tax is inhuman whereas the salt Satyagraha is a “poor man’s battle”. This
movement was very necessary to bring poor people on the way to fight for their own
freedom, rights and country.

They started making their own salt by boiling the salty mud into the seawater to shake the
British Empire against the salt tax. Gandhi Ji told his thousands of followers to start making
salt alongside the seashores wherever it is possible. It was started making and buying the
illegal salt at the seashore, even the salt made by Gandhi Ji was sold for 1,600 rupees at that
time and he was arrested including sixty thousand people by the British government.

Salt Satyagraha brought a big revolution as a mass Satyagraha when people started denying
for the cloths, goods and variety of tax payment by the British rule. Gandhi Ji’s close
associates, Ghaffar Khan and C. Rajagopalachari (later became the first Governor General of
the independent India) were also arrested because of being involved in the Salt Satyagraha.

Dandi March Celebration in India

Great Salt March campaign celebration is organized every year by the Mahatma Gandhi
Foundation to commemorate the event which has also been named as the “International Walk
for Justice and Freedom”. The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi (Tushar Gandhi) including several
other marcher follow the same Dandi route.

During the celebration of the year 2005, the march was started on 12th of March in
Ahmedabad in the presence of Sonia Gandhi. In order to commemorate the event, a series of
Dandi March related stamps has been issued by the Government of India on its 75th
anniversary in 2005.


78. International Day for the Elimination of Racial

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is commemorated every
year on 21st of March by the people all across the world in order to remove the racial
inequality among people of different country, states, society or community.


International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2019 was celebrated by the
people all over the world on Thursday, 21st of March.

International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination theme 2019 was “Mitigating and
countering rising nationalist populism and extreme supremacist ideologies”.

IDERD 2019 was celebrated around the globe with an aim of fighting racial discrimination in
various countries. It focused on increasing unity and brotherhood among people irrespective
of their caste, creed or race.

University of Toronto held a conference on IDERD 2019 in which staffs, students and general
public participated. The theme of the conference was “why anti racism work still matters
within learning communities and beyond”. The conference included discussions, talks,
seminars on racial discrimination and gender diversity.

A rally was conducted in Athens, Greece ahead of International Day for the elimination of
racial discrimination. The rally was against racism and fascism in Athens in which citizens,
refugees and migrant took part.


Almost 69 people were killed by the police in the fire to oppose the apartheid passed laws in
1960 at a peaceful demonstration in the Sharpeville, South Africa. It was then declared by the
United Nations General Assembly to the international community as an international day for
the elimination of racial discrimination in the year 1966 in order to remove all types of the
racial discrimination.

On the same day means 21st of March is celebrated each year as the Human Rights Day in the
South Africa which has been officially declared as the public holiday. This event is being
commemorated by the people worldwide on annual basis to remember all those people who
had lost their lives in opposing the Apartheid regime or fighting for the democracy as well as
demanding the equal human rights in the South Africa.

The Sharpeville Massacre of the South Africa is the main place during the Apartheid regime of
1960, 21st March for which the day is declared as the public holiday.

It is celebrated annually for increasing the awareness of the common public for the equal
Human Rights as well as highlighting all the existing problems of racism in the field of sports in
various countries of the world. It was considered that sports are the better medium for
combating the racism and racial discrimination among people all over the world.

Olympic Games were also established aiming the harmonious development of the man from
different races as well as to resolve the social tensions and conflicts through the sports

The 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, the UN Human Rights Council and
The UNESCO Charter of Physical Education and Sport had supported, in collaboration with the
intergovernmental organizations (international and regional sports federations, International
Olympic Committee etc), and urged states to combat and eliminate the racism through the

Variety of programmes and activities was started by the General Assembly in 1979 for
eliminating the racism and racial discrimination. After years of struggle eliminating the racism,
the apartheid system in the South Africa has been removed and variety of laws or practices
supporting racism in many countries has been eliminated.



Variety of activities and events are organized while celebrating this event at the international
level in many countries all over the world. A direct webcast is carried out from the UN
headquarters on the day of celebration identifying all the special activities against racism by
the UN leaders. This event celebration provides opportunity to the young people aiming to put
their own opinions to fight for racism as well as promote tolerance.

A long debate among the young people on the related subjects takes place to discuss the
human rights and the elimination of racial discrimination. Other activities are also organized
such as essays writing, photo exhibitions, publishing related articles to promote and aware
people to fight against the racial discrimination.


> The theme for 2008 was “European Action Week against Racism 2008”.

> The theme for 2009 was “respect for differences”.

> The theme for 2010 was “Put Racism Offside” and “Disqualify Racism”.

> The theme for 2011 was “Racism in Canada: Fact or fiction”.

> The theme for 2012 was “Racism and Conflict”.

> The theme for 2013 was “Racism and Sport”.

> The theme for 2014 was “Racism and Conflict” and “The Role of Leaders in Combating
Racism and Racial Discrimination”.

> The theme for 2015 was “Learning from historical tragedies to combat racial discrimination

> The theme for 2016 was “challenges and achievements of the Durban Declaration and
Programme of Action”.

> The theme for 2017 was “United Against Racism: Dignity and Justice for All”.

> The theme for 2018 was “Promoting tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity in
the context of combating racial discrimination”.

> The theme for 2019 was “Mitigating and countering rising nationalist populism and extreme
supremacist ideologies”.

Every person is entitled to human rights without discrimination. The rights to equality and
non-discrimination are the essence of human rights law. “Article 1 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
And based on Article 2, “everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms” laid down the
basis of this Declaration that treats the whole of humanity as one single family and does not
create a divide amongst them.

Yet racism and intolerance are the evils present in all societies irrespective of which part of
world the people belong to. These evil practices are widespread, particularly targeting
migrants and refugees as well as people whose physical gestures differ drastically from the
original natives of the place, example people belonging to North-east India are discriminated
within the boundaries of their own countries as if they are someone from China or Singapore
or any other neighbouring country and treated differently. Or people from non English
speaking states are treated as inferior in Australia or Europe and offered menial jobs or lesser
salaries than their own citizens with similar qualifications.

States are urged to take comprehensive measures to fight racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance. They are taught the importance of being tolerant,
inclusive, be united and respect each other unconditionally whether whatever is the origin of
the person.


Apartheid system (means institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination) that exist in
South Africa is dismantled. Various Racist laws and practices are also abolished in various
countries. An international framework for fighting to the racism is built and guided by the
International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination which has been
universally accepted and adhered to as well as applied to in all the areas such as education,
job, etc. However, there are various regions, cities, states, countries where individuals,
communities and societies are suffering from injustice.

How Racial Discrimination Affects our Daily Lives

Racial and ethnic discrimination occur each day, all around us. We give it a little thought as it
rarely affects the urbaners, but the truth is that this hideous criminal feeling towards others
that inspires hatred within us is hindering progress of millions of people around the world.
Racism and intolerance can take various forms – from denying individuals the basic rights of
living life with dignity to pimping hatred towards people who otherwise are completely
harmless. In fact they may be such people who are struggling to live a decent life with the
meagre resources that they have and yet try to make the best out of it.

The struggle against racism is a matter of priority, not just within communities, districts, states
or countries but at the international global community level. And it is just not the work of the
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights but the responsibility of each individual to
take it up as a personal goal.

The United Nations has been concerned with this issue since its foundation. The abolition of
racial discrimination is top priority within the programs it runs that deal with Human Rights,
one way or another. It places the responsibility on the shoulders of the States and tasks them
with eradicating this social evil that is eating up the societal structure in the name of

Some Important UN Meetings and their Achievements

In 2001, the World Conference against Racism produced the most successful and
comprehensive programme for fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance, the theme being the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. In the year
2009, in April conference the Durban Programme was examined and the global progress made
in overcoming racism was reviewed. It was found out that there was still more work to be
done to achieve the abolition completely. Undoubtedly, the conference once again brought in
renewed levels of commitment towards the international anti-racism agenda.

In September 2011, the United Nations General Assembly held a one day high-level meeting in
New York to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and
Programme of Action. World leaders present on the occasion adopted a political declaration

showcasing a strong determination to make the fight against racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance, and the protection of the victims as a high priority
mission of their countries to bring them to a level wherein they treat all the citizens as equals
and there is a feeling of unity and togetherness amongst the masses.”

By its resolution 68/237 of 23 December 2013, the General Assembly proclaimed the
International Decade for People of African Descent to begin on the First of January 2015 and
end on 31 December 2024. The theme therein being “People of African descent: recognition,
justice and development” there a complete commitment to work towards the progress of the


79. International Day of Forests

The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on 28th November 2012,
designating 21st March as the International Day of Forests. Hence the first International Day
of Forests was observed on 21st March 2013; since then it is being celebrated annually to raise
awareness about all types of forests and to protect them.

Various United Nations’ organizations like UNFF (United Nations Forum on Forests) and FAO
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) facilitates the events. The agencies
collaborate with governments, CPF (Collaborative Partnership on Forests) and other relevant
organizations to celebrate the “International Day Of Forests”.


International Day of Forests 2019 was celebrated on Thursday, the 21st of March.

International Day of Forests 2019 theme was “Forests and Education – Learn to Love Forests”.

The day was celebrated to raise awareness on the importance of forest for maintaining the
balance of the ecosystem and to provide a sustained development. This year the focus was
made on the raising awareness campaigns and educating people about forests and how it is a
vital part of our planet.

Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE) held an event on the eve of
International Day of Forests. The event was mainly focused on promoting the importance of
education for the conservation of the forest and maintaining the biodiversity of a place.
Famous environmentalists and scientists took part in the event and emphasized the need of
education and introducing forestry the curriculum of schools.

Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB) organised an event at Gass Forest
Museum, Coimbatore. The event ‘Learn to Love Forests’ showcased the importance of
conservation of forests and its importance for the environment. The event also included
various exhibitions related to botany, plants, timber etc.


The Food and Agriculture Organization had been making persistent efforts since four decades
before the establishment of “International Day of Forests”, towards raising awareness about
the benefits of forests and their conservation.

Back in November 1971 during the 16th conference of United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, the member states voted to designate 21st March as “World Forestry Day”, as
an annual event.

During 2007 – 2012, six forest days were organized by CIFOR (Centre for International Forestry
Research) as an outcome of United Nations Climate Change Conferences under the frame
work of UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).

The CIFOR conducts research on forestry in more than 50 countries in Latin America, Africa
and Asia and is Head Quartered at Bogor, Indonesia.

These events were organized by CIFOR in close coordination with CPF (Collaborative
Partnership on Forests). The CPF was established in 2001 and constitutes a group of 14
international organizations working on forests and secretariats and functions to support the
works of UNFF (United Nations Forum on Forests).

The UNFF Secretariat declared 2011 as the “International Year of Forests” in collaboration
with other relevant organizations like CPF and other governments.

Taking note of the International Year of Forests 2011, the United Nations General Assembly
passed a resolution on 28th November 2012 designating 21st March for annual observation of
“International Day of Forests”.


“International Day Of Forests” is celebrated to raise global awareness about all kind of trees
and forests and to educate people about their usefulness.

Forests play a significant role in our eco system and sustain human life as well as provide
livelihood. They also help in climate regulation, reducing pollution, containing floods,
maintaining water resources. Forests also provide food and shelter to innumerable species of
animals, birds and insects; maintaining and developing bio diversity.

Forests are a source of many vital resources for Billion people; mainly in developing countries.
They provide food, medicine and other means of livelihood often generate jobs through

Unfortunately the world is losing forests as a consequence of population growth and the need
for rapid urbanization. Deforestation is an immediate and also a global threat faced by forests

According to a report by Food and Agriculture Organization, we are losing 7 million hectares of
forest land globally; mostly to the expansion of agriculture land. What’s more concerning is
that we are left with only 4 – 5 Billion Hectares of forested land, which will soon diminish if the
things continued the same way.

Deforestation leads to many fatal effects on climate, bio diversity, eco system and other
related causes. It also accounts to 20% of total green house emission causing elevated global

Apart from other benefits forests play an essential role in attaining the United Nations goals of
Sustainable Development by 2030. Goals like no poverty, no hunger, good health and well
being, affordable and clean energy, climate action and striking ecological balance among
others, are somehow directly or indirectly related to the state of forests.

The SDG Goal Number 15 itself mentions “sustainable maintenance of forests”, “Combat
deforestation” and “halt Biodiversity Loss”.

Due to the persistent efforts of UN and other allied organizations on forests, the destruction
of forests has reduced considerably in the recent years.

“International Day of Forests” is very important from the point of view of raising global
awareness about forests and their preservation as well as for achieving SDG (Sustainable
Development Goals) by 2030.


“International Day of Forests” is observed globally by the governments and other relevant
organizations to raise awareness about forests and their conservation.

United Nations work with governments to organize events like tree plantation, forest visits
and lectures and debates on forests and related issues. Various non government
organizations, common people and communities also organize events at grass root level.

The most common event on the “International Day of Forests” is tree planting ceremony.
Many tree planting ceremonies are held in United Nations’ offices and offices of other
governments and non government establishments, across the globe. Many schools, colleges,
communities and also individuals organize or take part in the ceremonies.

The role of forests in preserving bio diversity and maintaining ecological balance is highlighted
through lectures, speeches and other similar events.

The severe impacts of deforestation on climate, livelihood and natural resources are assessed
and methods to alleviate them are discussed, around the globe.

Meetings are organized by the governments to increase stakeholders and mobilize required
resources to further the cause of Forests preservation and Goals of Sustainable Development.
Various private and philanthropic organizations are encouraged to donate for the cause and
boost up the resources for “Sustainable Maintenance of Forests” as per SDG-15.

“International Day Of Forests” and Sustainable Cities 2018

“The International Day of Forests” 2018 was celebrated on Wednesday, 21st March 2018. The
theme for International Day Of Forests 2018 was “Forests and Sustainable Cities”.

The event was observed globally to raise awareness about the significance of all type of plants
and trees in our cities and their surroundings and the way they protect and sustain us.

Advantages of trees in combating the issues of urban areas like – unexpected local climate, air
pollution, noise pollution etc were stressed upon. Various events were organized to inform
people about the benefits of trees for local population – providing fruits, nuts, medicines etc
apart from sustaining life and providing employment.

The usefulness of forests in preservation and replenishment of natural fresh water resources
for the cities and also their role in containing floods and causing rains was highlighted.
Advantages of forests, trees and plants in making cities beautiful and prosperous were also
talked about on “International Day Of Forests 2018”.


“International Day of Forests” is celebrated all over India by planting trees, organizing lectures
and other relevant events. Many government, non government, local communities and local
individuals take part in the celebrations.

Events are also organized at the Delhi Head Quarters of Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India. Senior Ministry Officials address to the general public
and school children, telling them about the advantages of trees and forests and that they must
be protected at any cost.

General public is informed about the government’s plans and policies for the protection and
preservation of forests and thus about achieving Sustainable Development.

During the Celebrations of “International Day Of Forests” 2018, children from schools and
communities presented “Prakriti Vandana” (a prayer praising nature) and a play to highlight
the importance of forests.

Many prize distribution events were also organized and posters launched to raise awareness
about forests.


There are numerous ways in which you could celebrate “International Day of Forests” or
“World Forestry Day”. Some of the suggestions are listed below for your convenience. The
theme of upcoming “International Day of Forests 2019” – “Forests and Education” is also
considered while giving suggestions.

1) Discuss

The best way to enhance your own knowledge as well as to raise awareness about an issue is
through discussions. Discuss with your family, friends and colleagues on variety of issues like –
present state of forests; possible threats to the existence of forests; methods to be adopted to
save forests and advantages of forests in sustaining life and maintaining bio diversity. Such
discussions are bound to have a positive outcome on the participants, making them more
sensible towards the cause.

2) Visit the Woods

Drive through the nearby forest or just take a casual walk. Admire the natural beauty of forest
and the lives that it sustains. Relish the serenity and acknowledge the role forests play in
giving peace, tranquility and inner joy. Assess the situation when there would be no forests
left. Where would you go to find peace; away from noise, pollution and busy schedules of a
city life. Also acknowledge the fact that forest provide peaceful asylum from all the
disadvantages of city life.

3) Enhance your Knowledge

Since the theme of the “International Day of Forests 2019” is “Forest and Education”; enhance
your knowledge about forests and everything related to them. Read a book that teaches you
about the benefits of locally found plants and trees. Know about their medicinal properties
and fruits they produce. Also educate yourself about the means of livelihood they provide to
your fellow citizens in form of fruits, nuts, timber and other produces.

4) Organize or Join Events

Many governments as well as non government organizations facilitate numerous events on

“International Day of Forests”. You can locally organize an event on your own or could join
another event by a different organizer. Events like tree plantation, debates and discussions
could be easily organized to raise awareness. Such events don’t have infrastructure and other
constraints and even a single person could easily organize them, with help from few dedicated

5) Give Presentations

Since the Theme of “International Forest Day 2019” is “Forests and Education”; you can give
presentations in your school, college, office or community to educate people about the
usefulness of forests and the role they play in sustaining life. A simple presentation doesn’t
require much financial or logistical support; rather it will require only your willingness and the
interest of audience. It is also the best way to educate your audience about forests and raise
their awareness.

6) Plant a Sapling

If you don’t have enough time to visit the forest, join an event or for a presentation – plant a
tree. As simple as it sounds! You could fetch a sapling of your choice on your way back home
and plant it. Plant it at a suitable place in your locality and inspire others to do the same. If you
don’t find any suitable place in your community, plant it in your backyard. Where ever you
plant it, it will only be a treasure for you and your future generations.

7) Teach The Children

Teaching the children about forests and related issues will be a justice to this year’s theme of
“International Day Of Forests” – “Forests and Education”. Children are the future of society
and nation; it is in their hands that the future of forests lies. Therefore, to admire the planet’s
green cover and to preserve it; it is important that they are taught about its benefits and
various roles forests play in sustaining live, ecological balance and bio diversity.

Take the children of your community or a nearby school to a forest or garden in proximity and
let them admire nature. If you want you could also hold a debate with children to various
topics related to forests. Whatever you do on “International Day of Forests 2019”, you can
also inform the FAO (United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization) on – IDF@fao.org.

8) Go Paperless

Million hectares of forests are chopped down annually to meet the demands of paper
industries. Paper industries thrive on the demands from our offices, schools and other similar
establishments. For every paper that you use, a tree had been compromised to produce it and
another too will face the axe when you further raise the demand. Though it is not possible to
let go the use of paper completely, you can use it judiciously; opting for a paper only when
there is no alternative.

9) Save Trees

There could be a little sapling or a tree in your community which is dying due to lack of water
or other causes. Identify such trees in need and garner support from locals to help revive
them. You can also take help from a botanist or agriculture expert form your locality. There

might be an old tree planned to be chopped down by a road or electricity department
contractor. Request the contractor or authorities to get an alternate plan. Even if bringing
down the tree in necessary, ask those responsible to plant new trees in return.

10) Join Social Media Discussions

In the 21st century there is no such event or celebration which is not highlighted on social
media. Social media is the best way of communication for people separated by thousands of
kilometers and it’s also the fastest way to raise awareness. Whatever activity you undertake
on “International Day of Forests 2019”, don’t forget to post its pictures or videos on your
social media accounts. You can also join the debate, give opinions, and raise concerns on –


The theme for “International Day of Forests 2019” is “Forests and Education”. The aim of the
celebrations will be to improve education about forests in order to achieve Sustainable
Development Goals by 2030.


The annual themes for International Day of Forests are assigned by CPF (Collaborative
Partnership on Forests); an organization constituted to support all types of forests and
promote their sustainable management.

International Day Of Forests Theme 2019 was – “Forests and Education – Learn to Love

International Day Of Forests Theme 2018 was – “Forests and Sustainable Cities”.

International Day Of Forests Theme 2017 was – “Forests and Energy”.

International Day Of Forests Theme 2016 was – “Forests and Water”.

International Day Of Forests Theme 2015 was – “Forests and Climate Change”.

International Day Of Forests Theme 2014 was – “My Forest, Our Future”.


80. International Day of Happiness
The decision to celebrate “International Day of Happiness” was made on 28th June 2012, by
the United Nations General Assembly and its 193 member states. The proposal was made by
Jayme Illien, United Nations special advisor.

Announcement regarding the inclusion of “International Day of Happiness” in UN’s calendar of

events was made in the UN’s 66th session on 17th September 2012 by then Secretary General
of the United Nations Ban Ki moon.

The first “International Day of Happiness” was observed on 20th March 2013, since then it’s
being celebrated annually by 193 member states, 11 territories and 2 observer states.


The International Day of Happiness 2019 was celebrated on 20th March 2019.

International Day of Happiness 2019 theme was – ‘Happier Together’

It was also celebrated with the central theme – “Share Happiness and be a part of Something

The aim of this year’s International Day of Happiness was to spread happiness in everyone’s
life. Various organizations and NGOs organized events to celebrate the occasion by urging
people to share how they spread happiness.

OFM, the famous FM radio in South Africa celebrated the day by playing music with a happier
nature and positive nods. It also broadcasted programmes on the topic “The secret to long

and happy life”. It also organized various competitions and the winners were awarded with

United Nations launched a “Ten Steps to Global Happiness” challenge campaign and called
upon the people to celebrate the day and take 10 steps challenge to spread happiness in the


The proposal for celebration of “International Day of Happiness” was first made by UN’s
special advisor Jayme Illien, who was also a philanthropist and a statesman. He first proposed
the concept to a team of senior United Nations’ officials in 2011.

Later Jayme Illien garnered the support of 193 UN member states and then Secretary General
of the United Nations – Ban Ki moon.

Further, Jayme Illien formulated the UN’s Resolution 66/281 on 28th June 2012, which was
also adopted by the General Assembly on the same date. The Resolution proclaimed 20th
March as the “International Day of Happiness” and called upon member states, civil society,
government organizations and individuals to celebrate March 20th as “International Day of
Happiness”. A request to Secretary General of UN was also made to further the resolution to
the member states and appropriate parties.

First UN Meeting on Happiness

The United Nations hosted the first high profile meeting on happiness and well being on 2nd
April 2012. The meeting was attended by heads of state, senior delegates and ministers from
over thirty countries and by intergovernmental organizations.

United Nations then Secretary General Ban Ki moon, proposed to achieve the parity between
social, environmental and economic well being as the three are pillars of Sustainable
Development, together defining gross global happiness.

World’s Pursuit of Happiness

Many leaders and social thinkers and activities across the world have been stressing on
‘happiness’ since decades.

The need for happiness was first recognized by Bhutan’s King – Jigme Singye Wangchuk in
1972. He was also the first to introduce Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy.

International Institute of Management introduced second generation GNH in 2005 along with
the first global survey of Gross National Happiness.

In 2007 the Illien foundation launched an initiative to poverty removal and promoting
sustainable development to human happiness.

Founder “Jayme Illien’s” Early Life

Jayme Illien was found abandoned as an infant on a road side in the Indian town of Calcutta.
He was taken to the International Mission of Hope Orphanage, run by Mother Teresa.

He was later adopted by a single American woman – Anna Belle Illien who was also the
founder of Illien Adoption International; an adoption agency based in Atlanta, GA and working
to support, displaced, poor and refugee families and children.

From an early age Jayme had hands on exposure to the issues like refugees, poverty and
problems faced by the orphan children, as he roamed throughout the world with his mother.

He professed the rights of children from a very early age and became vocal about them and
the solutions. He felt a responsibility towards the deprived children who lose their families to
poverty, war and other related factors. He considers himself to be one of them.

Jayme Illien worked as a diplomat of Illien adoptions in the United States Department of State,
working on issues like immigration, child trafficking, adoption and issues of human rights.


Jayme Illien proposed March 20th March as the date for “International day of Happiness”,
considering the importance of March Equinox, which falls on the same date annually. Jayme
Illien was of the opinion that Equinox is a phenomenon felt by all of the humankind and is an
event when Sun lies exactly above the earth.


We all want to be happy and our every pursuit has happiness at its core. Whatever we do –
study, work, play, make plans, and read etc, we do it all to ultimately achieve happiness.

The world has developed drastically in past decades but unfortunately we haven’t progressed
much on happiness. Today we have got access to best things in life from fancy gadgets to
comfort accessories, but we are not that much happy and only few countries today reach the
benchmark of Global Happiness Index.

The “International Day of Happiness” recognizes happiness as the basic human goal and calls
upon government and associated agencies to make policies towards improving peoples’
general well being.

A day dedicated to happiness the United Nations seek to fetch the attention of International
community on the fact that sustainable development will only be achieved if people are
happy. The UN also acknowledges the fact that social, environmental and economical well
being is mandatory for global happiness.


There is no specific location for the celebrations of “International Day of Happiness” and it is
celebrated globally by governments, non government agencies, and members of civil society
and also by people holding high offices.

Persons from every section of society irrespective of their profession or financial status take
part in the celebrations of “International Day of Happiness”. Various events are organized to
encourage people to be happy and also to make them happy.

Painting and laughing competitions are organized specially in schools and colleges. Children
are asked to draw a poster for the “International Day of Happiness”; depicting happiness in
whatever way they like.

Events are organized to help people achieve the goals or do the things which make them
happy. People, who get happy by involving into a specific activity, are given access to it.

Many celebrities and public figures also celebrate the day with joy and festival fervor. The first
commemoration of “International Day of Happiness” 2013 in New York was witnessed by
Ndaba Mandela (Nelson Mandela’s grandson), Chelsea Clinton (Daughter of former US
President Bill Clinton) and Hillary Clinton (US Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate).

Government and non government agencies work towards eradication of poverty,

unemployment, illiteracy and various other factors that obstructs the happiness of a person or
the Happiness Index of a nation.

To meet the goals of Sustainable Development it is imperative to improve the Happiness Index
of the world.


1) Do What Ever Makes You Happy

Happiness doesn’t has a defined criterion and it differs from person to person. Someone might
be happy playing a football match while other might be happy by bicycling or visiting a nearby
forest or a close friend. Decide what makes you happy and do it right away. No matter how
small the activity is, it’s worth doing as long as it makes you happy.

2) Spread Happiness

Make others happy too. A simple gesture like a smile or a warm handshake might be enough
to make a sad person happy. The essence of the day is to be happy and to spread happiness in
whatever way you like and in whatever way it is possible. Extend your helping hand to those in
need and show your concern. It is a very simple gesture but definitely will leave an impact on
the other, making him happy.

3) Organize Events

Organize event in your community to make people happy by addressing to their needs or just
through plays, competitions, comedy shows etc. Anything that could make a person happy can
be chosen as an activity for the event. Raise awareness of the people about happiness and
how important is it to achieve Goals of Sustainable Development.

4) Give Cards

Give Cards to people to show your concern, express appreciation, love and respect to those
you know or care about. Giving cards is a simple gesture but sure will leave the other person
happy, boosting his self esteem and improving confidence. You can buy a card form nearest
store or could make your own card, but don’t forget to write words of appreciation, love and

5) Interview Your Friends and Family

Get into the role of a reporter and interview your family and friends. Ask them what makes
them happy and also what makes them angry. Try to make them happy based on the
information they provide. Also discuss the things those make them unhappy and give your
suggestions. Tell them how to get involved in the things which make them happy, refraining
from the unhappy things or activities.

6) Don’t Get Angry

Anger eats happiness. Anger not only removes your happiness but also the happiness of those
around you. Teach yourself to control your anger and be resilient towards the things that
make you angry. While angry, take up your favorite activity like- cycling, reading, jogging,

playing, painting etc. Do whatever you like and your anger will slowly disappear. Don’t get
angry at least on a day dedicated to happiness.

7) Keep Looking

On the day of “International Day of Happiness” keep looking for the activities those will make
you happy. Explore new things, activities, games, shows etc – anything that could make you
happy. You might love reading the book which you didn’t even care to look at. Try it! Who
knows that after reading the same old book you will be emerge as a happy and content

8) Sleep Well

Sleep is a natural stress buster and a pain reliever. A short sleep will make you look pale,
grumpy and disoriented. A good sleep on the other hand will make you confident and happy.
You can use the occasion of “International Day of Happiness” to sleep well and be happy.


International Day of Happiness Theme 2019 – “Share Happiness and be Part of Something
Amazing” and “Happier Together”.

International Day of Happiness Theme 2018 – “Share Happiness”.

International Day of Happiness Theme 2017 –“10 Steps to Happiness”.

International Day of Happiness Theme 2016 – “Angry Birds Happy Planet”.

International Day of Happiness Theme 2015 – “Focus on Your Connection with Others”.


81. International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day 2019 was celebrated all over the world on Friday, 08th of March.

International Women’s Day theme 2019 was “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change”.
The theme was also supported by the hash tag #BalanceforBetter across the social media

Berlin declared International Women’s Day as a public holiday. The parliament of Berlin
announced that onwards every year International Women’s Day will be a public holiday. It was
considered as a step towards spreading awareness about the women rights and equality.

Google celebrated International Women’s Day by dedicating a Doodle for women. The doodle
consisted with ‘Women’ written in 11 different languages and clicking on it opened a
slideshow which contained 14 inspirational quotes from world’s most successful women who
carved a niche in their respective fields. It contained quotes from personalities like Mary Kom,
NL Beno Zephine, Dr. Mae Jemison and other most successful women in the world.

IWD 2019 was also celebrated at the UN Headquarter with various activities which were
attended by the women from the field of science, technology, engineering etc. The event was
organised by UN Women, the UN agency which is dedicated to promote gender equality and
women empowerment in the world.

In India, an International Women’s Film Festival was organised from 08th March to 10th
March 2019. The festival was conducted by Federation of Film Societies of India (FFSI) at
various locations across the country. It mainly showcased the films made by the world’s finest
women filmmakers. The festival was started by a short film of Kazakhstan named “Su

Highlights of International Women’s Day in 2018

* On this day, the Prime Minister of India tweeted that he was inspired by a 106 years old
woman, Kunwar Bai from Chhattisgarh who sold 7 of her goats (her only source of livelihood)
in order to build a toilet worth Rs. 22,000 in her village.

PM said that “Her contribution towards a Swachh Bharat can never be forgotten. I am deeply
inspired by her noble gesture”. “I will always cherish the time when I had the opportunity to
seek Kunwar Bai’s blessings during one of my visits to Chhattisgarh”. “Though she passed
away earlier this year but she will live in our hearts always for her daring deeds towards clean

* On International Women’s Day 2018, Google highlighted 12 women artists (Francesca Sanna,
Anna Haifisch, Estelí Meza, Tillie Walden, Chihiro Takeuchi, Isuri, Karabo Poppy Moletsane,
Laerte, Philippa Rice, Saffa Khan, Kaveri Gopalakrishnan, and Tunalaya Dunn) from 12 different
countries in order to represent a unique story using those special moments, persons, or

events which have impacted their lives as women to invoke feelings of understanding and

About International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day “IWD” is also known as the International Working Women’s Day
or United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace which is celebrated every
year on 8th of March all across the world in different regions of the countries in order to focus
the achievements and contributions of the women in the society. The celebration of this event
varies from region to region.

Generally, it is celebrated to provide respect to whole women fraternity, appreciate them and
to express love for them. As women are the major part of the society and plays a great role in
the economic, political, and social activities, international women’s day is commemorated to
remember and appreciate women’s all over achievements.

International women’s day celebration was started celebrating as a socialist political event
during which the holiday is proclaimed in many countries. At this event celebration, men
express their love, care, appreciation and affection towards women just like the event of
Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day. It is celebrated every year with a preplanned and particular
theme of the year to strengthen the political and social awareness towards the women
struggles and their precious contributions.


In the month of August in 1910, a meeting (organized by the International Women’s

Conference) of the Socialist Second International was held in Copenhagen to establish the
yearly celebration of the International women’s day. Finally, the annual celebration of
International Woman’s Day was established by the support of American socialists and German
Socialist Luise Zietz. However, no particular date was decided in that meeting. The event
celebration was decided to promote the equal rights for all women.

It was first celebrated on 19th of March in 1911 by the millions of people in Austria, Germany,
Denmark and Switzerland. Variety of programs was held like demonstrations, women parade,
banners and etc. Another demand of voting, holding public office and removing sex
discrimination in employment was kept in front by the women. It was celebrated in America
as a National Women’s Day to the last Sunday of the February every year. It was first

celebrated by the Russian women in 1913 at last Sunday of February. A rally by the women
(members of the Australian Builders Labourers Federation) was held in Sydney in 1975.

International women’s day celebration of 1914 was held on 8th of March. From then, it was
started celebrating everywhere on 8th of March. The 1914 event celebration in the Germany
was especially held for the women’s right to vote. During the 1917 year celebration, women of
Saint Petersburg demanded the “Bread and Peace”, end of the World War I as well as Russian
food shortage. Gradually, it was started celebrating in various communist and socialist
countries such as in China from 1922, in Spanish communists from 1936 and etc.


International Women’s Day is a special event which is celebrated worldwide on 8th of March
by the people including women leaders from the business, political, community, educational
institutions, inventors, TV personalities and etc. It is celebrated by organizing variety of
programs like seminars, women parade, conferences, banner, debates, presentations, speech,
competitive activities, luncheons, women’s issues, dinners, breakfasts including other women
rights promotional activities. It is celebrated to enhance the worldwide awareness about
women, their rights, contributions, importance of education, career opportunities and etc.

Female teachers are given gifts by their students, parents by their children, sisters by their
brother, daughter by their fathers and etc. Most of the business organizations, government
and non government offices, educational institutions are closed at this day. Generally, people
wear purple ribbons while celebrating this event.


International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the India by the Indian people with great zeal
and passion on 8th of March to increase the awareness about women’s rights. This event
celebration plays a great role in distributing the real message about the women’s right and
their place in the society. It promotes the living condition of the women by solving their social
issues. Global gathering takes place at this day to celebrate it in special way through different
activities like conferences, awards distribution, festivals, fun runs, exhibitions, corporate
events, speaking events, concert performances, online digital gatherings, etc.


International Women’s Day is celebrated annually using a particular theme. Some of the year
wise themes are given below:

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 1975 was “United Nations
recognizes International Women’s Day”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 1996 was “Celebrating the Past,
Planning for the Future”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 1997 was “Women and the Peace

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 1998 was “Women and Human

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 1999 was “World Free of Violence
against Women”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2000 was “Women Uniting for

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2001 was “Women and Peace:
Women Managing Conflicts”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2002 was “Afghan Women Today:
Realities and Opportunities”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2003 was “Gender Equality and
the Millennium Development Goals”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2004 was “Women and

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2005 was “Gender Equality
Beyond 2005; Building a More Secure Future”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2006 was “Women in Decision-

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2007 was “Ending Impunity for
Violence against Women and Girls”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2008 was “Investing in Women
and Girls”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2009 was “Women and Men
United to End Violence against Women and Girls”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2010 was “Equal Rights, Equal
Opportunities: Progress for All”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2011 was “Equal Access to
Education, Training, and Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2012 was “Empower Rural
Women, End Poverty and Hunger”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2013 was “A Promise is a
Promise: Time for Action to End Violence against Women”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2014 was “A promise is a
promise: Time for action to end violence against women”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2015 was “Empowering Women –
Empowering Humanity:Picture It!” (by UN), “Re-thinking Women’s Empowerment and Gender
Equality in 2015 and beyond” (by UNESCO) and “breaking through” (by Manchester City

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2016 was “Make it Happen”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2017 was “Be Bold For Change”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day celebration of 2018 was “Time is Now: Rural and
urban activists transforming women’s lives” and “#PressforProgress”.

The theme of the International Women’s Day 2019 was – “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate
for Change”.


Following are the quotes of International Women’s Day:

“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”

“Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious
power of reflecting the figure of a man at twice its natural size.”

“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”

“By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time
off. They are the great vacation-less class.”

“A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty.”

“Whatever glory belongs to the race for a development unprecedented in history for the given
length of time, a full share belongs to the womanhood of the race.”

“The sadness of the women’s movement is that they don’t allow the necessity of love. See, I
don’t personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.”

“One cannot be always laughing at a man without now and then stumbling on something

“Feminism is an entire world view or gestalt, not just a laundry list of women’s issues.”

“So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why don’t somebody wake up to the
beauty of old women?”

“God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the
brain of any man I’ve ever met.”

“The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world.”

“Feminism’s agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to ‘choose’ between public
justice and private happiness.”

“Because man and woman are the complement of one another, we need woman’s thought in
national affairs to make a safe and stable government.”

“All the world’s a stage, and it’s a dead easy guess which sex has all the speaking parts.”

“Women are leaders everywhere you look–from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to
the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by
strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.”

“In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”

“One is not born a woman, one becomes one.”

“Women are the real architects of society.”

“Dream the dreams that have never been dreamt.”

“Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity.”

“No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular


82. Martyrs Day

Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India

Martyrs day in India is celebrated to pay homage to the victims who fought for the freedom,
welfare and progress of the India and sacrificed their lives. It is celebrated every year all over
the country on 30th of January. India is the country among other 15 countries of the world
where Martyrs Day is celebrated every year to pay homage to the freedom fighters.

Mahatma Gandhi was a Baniya (Merchant Cast) by birth but he always considered his religion
humanity. For him, war was the blunt weapon and he followed non-violence, the sharpest
weapon for getting the freedom.


Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India 2019 will be celebrated on 23rd of
March, Saturday. It was also celebrated on 30th January on the martyrdom of Mahatma

Martyrs Day – 30th January

The nation paid homage to all the martyrs and freedom fighters of our country who sacrificed
their lives for the nation. President Sri Ram Nath Kovind, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 71st martyrdom. Prime
Minister also urged people to observe two minutes of silence on Shaheed Diwas in his
monthly radio address program ‘Mann Ki Baat’. He also dedicated Salt Satyagrah Memorial in
Gujarat to the nation on the occasion.

In Guwahati, two minutes of silence were observed by the District and Sub-Divisional
Administrators to pay tribute and commemorate the sacrifices of our martyrs. In

Tiruvanantpuram, members of various political parties paid floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi
and organized an all-religion prayer meet on the occasion.

Martyrs Day – 23rd March

Martyrs Day (Sarvodaya Day or Shaheed Diwas) in India 2019 was celebrated on 23rd of
March, Saturday. It was also celebrated on 30th January on the martyrdom of Mahatma

The Martyrs Day on 23rd March 2019 was celebrated with great patriotism by each and every
citizen of India. Prime Minister and the members of all political parties paid tribute to
Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh who sacrificed his life for the country at a very young age.

Naman- Shaheedo ke Sapno ko, a social and cultural development organisation organised a
march on Shaheed Diwas to pay tribute to the martyrs of our nation who sacrificed their lives
on the borders protecting their motherland. The march was flagged off from the Agrico
Ground, Jamshedpur. The organisation also facilitated around 45 soldiers and their family
members on the occasion.

Schools and colleges across the country observed the day by organising essay, drawing,
painting and debate competitions. Dramas and skits by the children showcasing Indian
freedom struggle was also organised in schools.


Mahatma Gandhi

Martyrs day is celebrated on 30th of January every year as on the same day, Mahatma Gandhi
(Bapu) was assassinated in the year 1948 before the sunset during the evening prayers. He
was a great freedom fighter of the India and counted as the greatest amongst the lakhs and
lakhs of martyrs. He did a very hard work throughout his life for the independence, welfare
and development of the India. 30th of January is the martyr day of the Mahatma Gandhi
which was declared by the Government of India as the Martyrs’ Day. Since then, 30th of
January is celebrated as the Martyrs’ Day every year to pay tribute to the Mahatma Gandhi.

January 30 of the year 1948 was the saddest day for the country which has become the most
poignant day in the Indian history. Gandhi Smriti, a place where Mahatma Gandhi was killed at
his 78 in the Birla House during evening prayers.

Losing the Father of the Nation just after the hard-won independence under his leadership
was the biggest misfortune for the country. He was killed in front of the big crowed came for
the evening prayer. After his assassination, a big crowed was gathered in front of the Birla
House to have a look of the Bapu. Bapu was the great person who had sacrificed his whole life
in company with the lakhs of men and women for the India Independence became a martyr.

So, the Martyrs Day in India is an occasion celebrated every year to memorize all the Indian
martyrs and pay tribute to them. After the independence of India, Bapu had started working
on the mission for setting up the harmony, peace and brotherhood among the people of India
but, he was killed while working on this mission.


Bhagat Singh

23rd of March is also declared as the martyrs day in India to remember the sacrifice and pay
homage to the Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar. Bhagat Singh, Shivaram
Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar were fought for India against the British rule for independence.

Bhagat Singh, a well-known freedom fighter in the history of India, was born on 28th of
September in 1907 in the Lyallpur, Punjab in the Sikh family. His father was the member of an
organization called Ghadar Party working for the independence of India. Bhagat Singh
together with his companions Rajguru, Azad, Sukhdev and Jai Gopal fought for the
assassination of Lala Lajpat Rai. The daring adventures of Bhagat Singh have become a great
inspiration for the youngsters of today.

In the year 1929, on 8th of April he together with his companions threw bombs over the
Central Legislative Assembly reading slogan “Inquilab Zindabad”. They charged with the

murder and hanged at 7.30 pm in the Lahore jail on 23th of March in the year 1931. Their
body was cremated at the banks of the Sutlej River. Now a day, a big Shaheedi Mela
(Martyrdom fair) is held in the birthplace Ferozepur, at the National Martyrs Memorial in the
Hussainiwala (Indo-Pak border).


At this day, the President of India including the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the
Defense Minister, and the service Chiefs get together at the Rajghat to the Samadhi of the
Mahatma Gandhi to put down flowers garland to the statue of Bapu. An honorable salute is
then given by the armed forces personnel and inter-services contingent to pay respect to the

Then, the gathered people keep silence for 2 mins in the memory of the Bapu, Father of the
Nation, and other martyrs throughout the country. At the same place, religious prayers and
bhajans are sung by the loved ones.

Children of the schools from the Kolkata are dressed like Bapu and gathered to play role in the
function at this day. The various other functions related to the Bapu’s life are carried out by
the schools students while celebrating the Martyrs Day.

However in India, more than one Martyrs Day (also called as the Sarvodaya day at the national
level) has been declared to honor the other martyrs of the nation.


13th of July is also celebrated as the martyrs day in India in the Jammu and Kashmir to
memorize the death of 22 people. They were killed by the royal soldiers while demonstrating
adjacent to the Maharaja Hari Singh of the Kashmir on 13th of July in the year 1931.


Lala Lajpat Rai

Lala Lajpat Rai

17th of November is celebrated as the martyrs day in the Odisha to observe the death
anniversary of the Lala Lajpat Rai (also famous as the “Lion of Punjab”). He was a leader and
freedom fighter during the independence of India from the British Raj.


Rani Lakshmibai

19th of November (birthday of Rani Lakshmibai) is also celebrated as the martyrs day in the
state of Jhansi. It is celebrated to pay honor to those who sacrificed their lives during the
rebellion of the year 1857. Rani Lakshmibai was the leading figure of that rebellion.


> “Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being
understood – never.”

> “The people who have really made history are the martyrs.”

> “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

> “Men do not accept their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and worship
those whom they have tortured to death.”

> “They’re not put on earth to be martyrs; they have to want to come out. It depends on your
culture, where you work, where you live. Each person’s circumstances are unique.”

> “It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs.”

> “Martyrs do not underrate the body, they allow it to be elevated on the cross. In this they
are at one with their antagonists.”

> “Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads haven’t been cut off.”

> “We, who are the living, possess the past. Tomorrow is for our martyrs.”

> “All religions have periods in their history which are looked back to with retrospective fear
and trembling as eras of persecution, and each religion has its own book of martyrs.”

> “These martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea.”

> “The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.”

> “They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead
body, but not my obedience.”


83. National Safety Day

The National Safety Day/Week Campaign is celebrated in India every year (organized by the
National Safety Council) to commemorate the establishment of this event, 4th of March as
well as enhance the safety awareness among people.

National Safety Council of India is a self-governing body (non profit and nongovernmental
organization for public service) which was established on 4th of March in 1966 under the
Societies Act in Mumbai, having over 8000 members.

It is a national movement carried out on annual basis to prevent and lessen the loss of life
including various human being problems and their financial loss through availing them with
safety, health and environment related support services.

It is celebrated with great enthusiasm to make aware the people about how to get prevented
from the industrial accidents by exhibiting widespread safety awareness programs in the
public sectors which have not been covered by any safety legislation. During whole week
campaign celebration, varieties of specific activities are displayed to the people as per the
safety requirements.


National Safety Day/Week is a whole week safety campaign which was celebrated from 4th of
March (Monday) to the 10th of March (Sunday) in 2019.

The National Safety Day Theme 2019 was – “Cultivate and Sustain a Safety Culture for Building

The 48th National Safety Day/Week was celebrated across the nation by industries, trade
unions, regulatory agencies and NGOs. A series of campaigns were conducted across the
country to increase safety awareness and reducing accidents. The campaign majorly aimed at
promoting safety at workplace and outside workplace.

Various public and private industries in the country observed the day by demonstrating
various safety techniques like fire extinguishers usage, electrical safety, emergency
management and use of safety equipments during work. Poster and painting competitions for
children were also organised to mark the day.


It is celebrated by uniting together the governmental and nongovernmental organizations

including the health organizations and industrial members. They are well supplied with all the
centrally designed promotional materials and utilities (badge, stickers, banners, instruction
card, poster, wallet, leather belt and bag) printed with SHE slogans and messages by the
Council to fulfill the following objectives:

> For the convenience of the campaign organizing organizational members.

> For making sure about the quality materials which should reflect the national SHE issues.

> For generating support to the organizations in order to contribute to the economic self-
reliance of the National Safety Council.

In order to organize this campaign, a national level and safe governmental support is given to
the members. The campaign is well planned to make it highly visible among the people
through the efficient use of an electronic media journals, newspapers and other industrial

Following national level activities for whole week such as variety of public functions including
seminars, debates, poster of safety messages and slogans distribution, essay competitions,
safety awards distribution, banner exhibition, play of drama and songs, training programs,
workshops, display of films over SHE issues are held during the campaign celebration. Safety
Pledge event is carried out by the organizational employees.

Safety activities based training programs are held for the industrial staffs over various topics
to carry out their responsibilities very well. During training session they are taught about the
testing and examination of pressure vessels, lifting machines, chemical and electrical safety,
risk handling and assessment, fire control, first aid knowledge and etc.


> National Safety Day/Week is celebrated on national level all over the country to aware
people about safety including the various health and environmental movements.

> It is celebrated to get the goal of great level of the public participation to play the major
safety roles in different industrial sectors.

> Through the campaign celebration it is largely promoted the utilization of participative
approach by the owners of the company by promoting their staffs in the safety, health and
environmental activities.

> Through this campaign, the need-based activities, self-observance with legal requisites and
professional SHE (safety, health and environmental) activities are encouraged among staffs at
the work places.

> Work place safety is promoted to a great level by reminding the employers and employees
including other staffs of their legal responsibilities.

> To get the goal of developing and strengthening the SHE activities among people to the

> Serve the society with preventive culture and scientific state of mind by organizing a safety


> National Safety Day/Week theme of 2019 is – “Cultivate and Sustain a safety culture for
building nation”.

> National Safety Day/Week theme of 2018 was “Reinforce Positive Behavior at the Workplace
to achieve Safety and Health goals”.

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2017 was “Keep Each Other Safe”.

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2016 was “Strengthen Safety Movement to Achieve
Zero Harm”.

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2015 was “Build a Safety Culture for Sustainable Supply

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2014 was “Manage stress at Workplace and Control
Hazards” and “Safety: It Takes All of Us”.

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2013 was “Working Together to Ensure Safe and Healthy

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2012 was “Ensure safe and healthy working
environment – A fundamental human right”.

> National Safety Day/week theme of 2011 was “Establish and maintain preventative safety
and health culture”.


84. Ordnance Factories Day

Ordnance Factories Day is observed all over India on 18th March every year. The production of
the oldest Ordnance Factory of India, which is located at Cossipore, Kolkata was commenced
on 18th March 1802. On this occasion, the Ordnance Factory, Field Gun Factory, Small Arms
Factory, Ordnance Parachute Factory and Ordnance Equipment Factory acknowledge the day
with great pomp.

The day is celebrated throughout the ordnance factories in which employees of all categories
take part in various organized events. This day is commemorated by the display of guns,
ammunition, rifles, artillery etc in exhibitions across India. The exhibitions are usually open for

The celebrations get started with a parade besides the exhibition also displays photographs of
several mountaineering expeditions.


Ordnance Factories Day 2019 was observed in India on Monday, 18th of March.

The day was observed across all the ordnance factories in the country. The program was
started with hoisting of the National Flag and singing of the National Anthem. Discussions,
seminars and talks on new defence technological developments were also conducted on the
occasion. Employees and staffs of the factories also presented various cultural programs to
mark the day.

Weapons exhibition was also held across the factories showcasing the major weapons
manufactured in the factories. The exhibition was also opened for the public so that they can
also experience and witness the defence weapons and technology of the factory.

Rewards and recognition ceremony was also organised on the day for the employees for their
dedication and hard work. The felicitation of the prize was done by the hands of honorable
chief guest and other dignitaries.


It is a familiar fact that the Government of India had declared the celebration of Ordnance
Factories Day on 18th of March every year. The Ordnance Factories Board is popularly called
as the country’s “Fourth arm of Defense”. The remaining three arms – the Navy, the Air Force
and the Army – each of them has their own celebration days and as the Ordnance Factories
Board is the fourth arm, Government felt the need to observe a particular day as Ordnance
Factories Day.

The day was declared on the 200th anniversary of the first ordnance factory i.e. Gun Carriage
Agency that is now known as the Gun and Shell Factory which was established in the country
in Cossipore, Kolkata in the year of 1801.

The history of Indian Ordnance Factories is straight connected with the British rule in India.
The East India Company regarded military hardware as a crucial element for increasing their
political strength in India and safeguarding their economic interest. In the year of 1775, East
India Company acclaimed the foundation of the Ordnance Board at Fort William in Calcutta.

This represents the official commencement of the Indian Army Ordnance. Aim of the ordnance
factories is to generate self-sufficiency in the production of defense and to create awareness
about the ammunition and arms among the general public.


The occasion of the Ordnance Factories Day is regarded as an event to confirm the dedication
of the Ordnance Board to the nation, by means of ensuring high quality products for the
armed forces of India and also by ensuring superior quality of working life for the employees
of the board.

On the occasion, the employees of the ordnance factories are commemorated for their work
excellence. In proportion to the other national awards, the Board has instituted awards like
Ayudh Shri/Devi, Ayudh Bhushan, Ayudh Ratna and so on.


Ordnance Factories Day is celebrated to acknowledge the foundation of the very first
ordnance factory in India. The day is celebrated with great enthusiasm in all the ordnance
factories of the country. The celebration is commenced with flag hoisting by a general
manager in each factory and there is administration of a pledge by all the workmen, staff and
officers of the Ordnance Factory to serve their nation. The officers call upon the employees of
their respective factories to dedicate their services for the betterment of their factories by
keeping in line with the targets fixed by the corporation.

The event is celebrated in all the ordnance factories of the country by conducting programmes
like conferences and seminars on productivity, quality and other subjects. This day also
promotes a feeling of unity and togetherness between the employees. They heartily feel that
they are a member of the big family. The ordnance factories, which are located in distinct far-
flung spheres of the country, also organize welfare activities.

They provide schooling, healthcare and housing to their employees. The Women Welfare
Association immensely contributes to the enhancement of the environment in the families of
the employees of the ordnance factories and the estates of the factories.

There is also a sharing of the future modernization plans of different factories so that the
employees work shoulder to shoulder in order to accomplish the set missions. Exhibition of
the ordnance factory products is displayed which includes several types of pistols, light
machine guns, guns and other weapons along with the multimedia presentations that are
open to all employees. The event is generally attended by the staff, workmen, officers of the
respective factories and also the representatives of several unions, associations and

Ordnance Factories Board

Ordnance Factories Board had laid its foundation in the year of 1775 with headquarters in
Ayudh Bhawan, Kolkata. It is the oldest industrial organization managed by the Indian
Government and the world’s largest production organization that is operated by the

It is also one of the top 50 manufacturers of defense equipment in the world. The board is
engaged in testing, production, research, development, logistics and marketing of
comprehensive range of products in the field of land, sea and air systems.

Ordnance Factories Board includes 41 Ordnance Factories, 4 Regional Safety Controllerates, 3

Regional Marketing Centers and 9 Training Institutes, that are spread across India. It is
regarded as the “Force behind the Armed Forces” and the “Fourth Arm of Defense” of India.

The board is managed by the Ministry of Defense. Indian Ordnance Factories deliver products
to all three Armed Forces of India- Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Navy. Weapon
spares, parachutes, chemicals and explosives, arms and ammunition, clothing and leather
items are exported to around 30 countries across the world.

Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)

Indian Ordnance Factories Service is a civil service of the Indian government. Officers of the
IOFS are Gazetted Defense – civilian officers secondary to the Ministry of Defense. They are
accountable for managing the Indian Ordnance Factories.

The major functions executed by the officers of the IOFS include project management, product
development and research, quality control, materials management, supplies management,
production control and planning, industrial safety, personnel management, labour welfare,
industrial relations, maintenance and management of residential estates and various others.

In the discharge of these functions, IOFS officers extensively interact with several research and
development organizations, educational institutes, quality control agencies, public sectors
undertakings under the Ministry of Defense, ministries, trade and industrial organizations etc.

The recruitment part of the IOFS officers is executed by the Union Public Service Commission
while the National Academy of Defense Production in Nagpur imparts training to these
officers in fields of public administration, management, technology as re-orientation and
induction courses.

List of Ordnance Factories in India

Cordite Factory Aruvankadu

Ammunition Factory Khadki, Pune

Ordnance Factory Kanpur

Field Gun Factory, Kanpur

Ordnance Factory Dumdum, Kolkata

Engine Factory Avadi, Chennai

Ordnance Factory Bolangir

Ordnance Factory Bhusawal

Ordnance Factory Chandrapur

Ordnance Factory Ambernath, Mumbai

Ordnance Factory Dehradun

Ordnance Factory Bhandara

Ordnance Factory Dehu Road, Pune

Gun Carriage Factory, Jabalpur

Ordnance Factory, Itarsi

Gun and Shell Factory, Kolkata

Ordnance Factory Katni

Grey Iron Foundry, Jabalpur

Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur

High Explosives Factory, Pune

Ordnance Factory Project Medak

Metal and Steel Factory, Kolkata

Ordnance Factory Project Korwa

Heavy Vehicles Factory, Chennai

Ordnance Factory Project Nalanda

Ordnance Equipment Factory, Hazratpur

Ordnance Factory Muradnagar

Machine Tool Prototype Factory, Mumbai

Ordnance Factory Tiruchirappalli

Ordnance Cable Factory, Chandigarh

Opto Electronics Factory, Dehradun

Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project, Tiruchirappalli

Ordnance Factory Varangaon

Ordnance Clothing Factory, Avadi, Chennai

Ordnance Parachute Factory, Kanpur

Ordnance Equipment Factory, Kanpur

Small Arms Factory, Kanpur

Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur

Rifle Factory Ishapore, Kolkata

Ordnance Clothing Factory, Shahjahanpur

Vehicle Factory Jabalpur

List of Ordnance Training Institutes

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Ambajhari, Nagpur

National Academy of Defense Production in Nagpur

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Avadi, Chennai

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Khamaria, Jabalpur

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Medak

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Ambernath, Mumbai

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Dehradun

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Kanpur

Ordnance Factories Institute of Learning in Ishapore, Kolkata

List of Ordnance Regional Marketing Centers

Regional Marketing Center, Delhi

Regional Marketing Center Avadi, Chennai

Regional Marketing Center, Pune

List of Ordnance Regional Controllerates of Safety

Regional Controllerate of Safety, Kanpur

Regional Controllerate of Safety Avadi, Chennai

Regional Controllerate of Safety, Pune

Regional Controllerate of Safety Ambajhari, Nagpur


As Ordnance Factories Board plays a very crucial role in the development of the Armed Forces
of India, the Ordnance Factories Day must be given due importance. Not only does this, the
organization supplies armaments to various armed forces, it also meets the desires of other
customers viz. the State Police Forces and Central Paramilitary Forces in regard to
ammunition, arms, mine protected vehicles, bullet proof vehicles, clothing etc. Ordnance
Factories Day imparts general awareness about the essence of Ordnance Board across India.
Common people are also welcomed in grand celebrations where they can see the exhibitions,
parades etc.


85. World Down Syndrome Day

“World Down Syndrome Day” is a global event organized to advocate the rights of people or
children suffering from “Down Syndrome” and to send a message that they too can live a
happy and normal life.

As early as 2005, agencies researching on Down Syndrome are organizing annual events on
March 21 to raise awareness about those suffering from Down Syndrome and also the medical
advancements made.

Recognizing the need to support people suffering from Down Syndrome, the WHO (world
Health Organization) on 20th December 2007, recognized March 21st as “World Down
Syndrome Day”.

Following the decision of WHO, the United Nations General Assembly also designated the
same date as “World Down Syndrome Day” on 19th December 2011. Since 2012 “World Down
Syndrome Day” has been observed annually on 21st March.


World Down Syndrome Day 2019 was celebrated on Thursday, 21st March 2019.

World Down Syndrome Day 2019 theme was “Leave no one behind”.

People across the nation observed the day by organizing various discussions, seminars,
processions and talks on this genetic disorder which has affected a huge amount of population
across the world.

Volunteers also conducted flash mobs in Indianapolis and Terre Haute to celebrate the people
with Down Syndrome. The event was open to public and any one could take part in it. Many
interviews with the successful people living with Down Syndrome were also conducted across
the world.

Down Syndrome Federation of India organised a rally ahead of World Down Syndrome Day.
People living with the Down Syndrome took part in the rally and an awareness drive was also

conducted requesting masses to help the people with Down Syndrome to live their life with
respect and dignity and to not show any kind of discrimination towards them.

People wore mismatched socks and shared their pictures and videos on the social media to
attract the attention of the people for the World Down Syndrome Day. The campaign was
shared with the hash tag #RockYourSocks. It was aimed to raise awareness on this genetic
disorder which occurs due to an extra copy of chromosome which looks like socks.


World Down Syndrome Day 2019 theme is – “Leave No One Behind”.

What is Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)?

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder causing a delayed physical and mental growth in
individuals. Children or adults suffering from Down Syndrome have lower IQ and learning
ability along with characteristic facial features. A young adult with Down Syndrome has an
average IQ of 50; equivalent to that of a normal 9 years old child.

Down Syndrome is caused due to the presence of a part or full of a third copy of chromosome
21 in DNA. Normal people have only two copies of Chromosome 21. It is named after the
British doctor John Langdon Down who fully described the syndrome in 1866.

The occurrence of an extra chromosome in the child of otherwise normal parents, is believed
to be purely a matter of chance with no external factor contributing to its occurrence.

Down Syndrome is an incurable disease, but the quality of life of those suffering could be
considerably improved by giving proper medical support and education.

History of World Down Syndrome

In 1990 AFRT, the French Association for Research on Trisomy 21 was formed to support the
research and medical advancements in the field of Down Syndrome.

In 2005, AFRT decided to dedicate 21st March to the cause of Down Syndrome. The same
year a meeting was called in by the AFRT at Paris on March 21 on the theme “From Patient to
Research, Better Understand to Better Help”.

The first proposal to observe March 21 as symbolic date of International Day For Down
Syndrome was made by AFRT in June 2005, at a meeting on Down Syndrome organized by
EDSA (European Down Syndrome Association) at Palma of Majorca in Spain. Thus March 21
was adopted as the symbolic date of International Day for Down Syndrome, by both EDSA and
DSI (Down Syndrome International) Boards.

The first events on Down Syndrome were organized on 21st March 2006 at Geneva and at
Paris; following the suggestions of a Medical School Professor from the University of Geneva –
Stylianos E. Antonarakis. The events coincided with the Paris meeting on Down Syndrome on
21st March 2006.

The symbolic date of Down Syndrome – 21st March got a global recognition when WHO
declared it as the “World Down Syndrome Day” on 20th December 2007. Further
developments came when the United Nations General Assembly also recognized March 21 as
“World Down Syndrome Day” on 19th December 2011 in its resolution number 66/149.

Since then World Down Syndrome Day has become a global event, advocating the rights and
providing support to those suffering from Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).


World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated for the cause of Down Syndrome and to advocate
the rights of as well as to provide emotional and medical support to the children and adults
suffering from Down Syndrome.

Unfortunately there is no cure for Down Syndrome and a child born with Down Syndrome
needs proper medical attention throughout his life, to lead a happy and fruitful living.

However, with proper education and medical facilities their quality of life could be
considerably improved.

It is one of the most common chromosome abnormalities in humans, with a 0.1% (1 in 1000)
probability of a child being born with Down Syndrome.

In the 1990s the Down Syndrome has caused around 43000 deaths. Unfortunately due to the
efforts from organizations like AFRT, EDSA and WHO the deaths were down to 27000 in 2015.

Children suffering with Down Syndrome need special classes and specialized institutions.
When provided appropriate care these people/children have graduated and also working and
getting paid in some capacity.

Though there is no exact data on the number of Trisomy patients worldwide, but the
condition has a global presence with reported cases in at least 70 countries. There are an
estimated quarter million families in United States alone, those are suffering from Down

Thus the “World Down Syndrome Day” is celebrated to raise the public awareness of Down
Syndrome and to provide educational, psychological, medical or emotional support to those
suffering from it.


In its resolution designating March 21 as the “World Down Syndrome Day” the United Nations
General Assembly has called upon all the Member states, civil societies and relevant
organizations to extend their support in raising awareness for Down Syndrome. Since then the
day is celebrated by many individuals and organizations throughout the world, who are
interested in extending their support to the children or adults suffering from Down Syndrome.

The AFRT (French Association for Research on Trisomy 21) organizes a meeting on the “World
Syndrome Day”, which is attended by other similar organizations like EDSA (European Down
Syndrome Association), DSI (Down Syndrome International), WHO (world Health Organization)
and the UN. Many doctors, scientists and people from the civil society are also present.

Persons suffering from Down Syndrome are supported in expressing their opinions and
requesting United Nations and other relevant organizations to work for their betterment,
providing appropriate educational, medical and other supports.

Varieties of events are organized globally, including the 70 countries with persons suffering
from Down Syndrome. The events include debates, talks, lectures, shows etc with an objective
to raise awareness for Down Syndrome and the ways by which the quality of life of those
suffering from it could be raised.

People wear different kinds of accessories – wrist bands, t shirts, socks etc to express their
concern and solidarity towards those suffering from Down Syndrome.

People and relevant organizations also promote “World Down Syndrome Day” through social
media, often using a variety of hash tags like – #downsyndrome, #worlddownsyndromeday

World Down Syndrome Day Socks – 2018

World Down Syndrome Day 2018 was celebrated on Wednesday 21st March 2018 with the
theme “what I Bring to My Community”. The theme was aimed at encouraging the people
with Down Syndrome to tell about their contribution to the community.

Once again the concern was raised for the Down Syndrome patients across the world and their
rights advocated. People connected globally through social media and various events
organized throughout the globe.

World Down Syndrome Day conference was organized at United Nations Head Quarter in New
York and a side event to Human Rights council was held at United Nations in Geneva.

The centre of attraction had been the #lotsofsocks campaign and millions around the globe
wore colorful socks to show their support to the people suffering from Down Syndrome. Many
people posted their photos on social media wearing colorful socks, T shirts, tags etc.

Various events like – obstacle races, bike rides etc are organized to raise awareness and funds
for the people suffering from Down Syndrome.

World Down Syndrome Day 2019 Events

World Down Syndrome Day 2019 will be celebrated around the central theme – “Leave No
One Behind”. A grand event will be organized at United Nations in Geneva by Down Syndrome
International (DSI).

The overall objective of the event will be to increase dialogue between those suffering from
Down Syndrome or their supporters and the governments or relevant organizations working
for the cause.

All the stakeholders working for the cause of Down Syndrome will be encouraged to make
necessary changes or to adopt new policies to bring change into the lives of those suffering
from Down Syndrome.

A variety of participants will be present for the events – bureaucrats, professionals, doctors,
scientists, UN Officials, representatives of NGOs etc. Efforts are also being made to invite
participants from different parts of the world.

A preparatory workshop for persons with Down syndrome will be organized, followed by and
open discussion on Down Syndrome and how to raise awareness and arrive at a feasible plan
of action.

This year also the #lotsofsocks campaign will be organized with people wearing brightly
colored socks to show their support to the persons with Down Syndrome and draw the
attention of Governments and other relevant agencies.


The “World Down Syndrome Day” is not observed as a holiday by any government or private
organization; still, there could be innumerable ways by which you can extend your support to
the people suffering from Down Syndrome and those who fight for them.

Some of the things to do on “World Down Syndrome Day” are given below –

1) Gather Information

The first and most important thing is to gather every information about Down Syndrome. Like
its causes and symptoms, also gather information about various government and non
government organizations working for the persons with Down Syndrome. Gather as much
relevant information as you can about Down Syndrome, as it will help you to get an insight
into the plight of those suffering from Down Syndrome and is also to raise awareness for

2) Reach Out

Try to reach out to people in your community informing them about “World Down Syndrome
Day” and garnering their support. Tell them to extend their support to persons suffering from
Down Sydrome and initiate a change; informing them about the ways in which they could do
the same. Collect information about children, adults with Down Syndrome in your community
and extend your support and solidarity to their families. You can work as a liaison between
those in need and those who work for them.

3) Support Campaign

Support the campaign for “World Down Syndrome Day” in whatever way possible. Even if you
can’t be physically present at the events you can still extend your support for the campaigns
on social media. You can join many hash tag campaigns like #worlddownsydromeday,
#seetheability, #lotsofsocks and #WSD19 etc. Post your picture on social media wearing socks,
t shirt or other accessories to support the campaigns and express your concern for the people
with Down Sydrome.

4) Watch The Development

Closely watch the developments around the world on the day. Keep yourself informed about
the latest news, events, announcements made on the day. Closely watch the proceedings at
United Nations Geneva and United Nations Head Quarter at New York. Also gather
information about the events in other parts of world and how the people are celebrating

5) Share Information

Share the information that you have got about Down Syndrome and the people who suffer
from it. Spread the word and raise awareness about the subject. Sharing the information is the
best way to spread awareness and bringing more people in support of “World Down
Syndrome Day”. The more information you share the more people will recognize the need to
support the campaigns and acknowledge the efforts of relevant agencies.

6) Volunteer

If you could give your time, then volunteer at an event or campaign organized by Non
Government Organizations or other agencies working to support people with Down
Syndrome. You could volunteer in a fund raising campaign, debate or other relevant events.
You can also volunteer with many medical agencies working to provide medical support or an
educational institute which specializes in teaching the children suffering from Down

7) Donate

If you don’t have time to volunteer then donate. However small the donation might be, it will
be worth it as it is used to help someone suffering from Down Syndrome. Even a single
Dollar/Rupee donated by you could be spend on the education of a Down Syndrome child or
could be spend on providing self employment to an adult with similar medical condition.
Remember that every Dollar/Rupee counts and might be the cause of changing a life.

8) Take The Pledge

Take the pledge to support the campaigns and also to support the people suffering from Down
Syndrome. Also ask your family and friend to take the pledge with you. The pledge must not
have any time boundation and you must be willing to extend your support to the cause,
throughout the year.


World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2019 was – “Leave No One Behind”.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2018 was – “What I Bring To My Community”.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2017 was – “My voice My Community”.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2016 was – “My Friend, My Community”.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2015 was – “My Opportunities, My Choices”- Enjoying Full
and Equal Rights and The Role of Families.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2014 was – “Health and Well Being – Access and Equality
for All”.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme 2013 was – “Right To Work”.


86. World Forestry Day

World Forestry Day or International Day of Forests is celebrated worldwide every year on 21st
of March at the international level in order to increase the public awareness among
communities about the values, significance and contributions of the forests to balance the life
cycle on the earth.


World forestry day 2019 will be celebrated on 21st of March, at Thursday.


The World Forestry Day was established in the year 1971 at the 23rd General Assembly of
European Confederation of Agriculture. And it was decided to be celebrated as an annual
event celebration on 21st of March by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

World Forestry Day was established in the Conference of States members of Food and
Agriculture Organization by voting to establish it. This event was originated in well planned
manner to give support in contributing towards the public awareness about the importance of
the forests.

International Day of Forests was first established in the year 2012 on 28th of November to be
celebrated on 21st of March every year by the decision of the United Nations General
Assembly by uniting the two international commemorations; the World Forestry Day and
Forest Day.

Like other branches of the agriculture, forestry is also an important field which requires the
public attention to be taken. It is very necessary for the common public to understand the
forest value in our daily lives as a raw material source, local employment source as well as the
national income source.

Forests plays great role in gathering and releasing the water on the earth and maintain the
flora and fauna habitat balance. Forests are the natural beauty on the earth which is very
necessary to be conserved to go everything in balance.


Forests are very essential part of the life on Earth. They always fulfill the demands of the
human beings by providing shadow, shelter, refreshment including clean air and water. In the
modern world of growing global population increases the demands of forest products so the
forests are at big risks of deforestation and degradation.

Forests are the complex living community of the trees which provides home and shelter to a
big range of animals and the soil beneath it inhabit the variety of invertebrates, fungi and
bacteria playing significant role in balancing the nutrients cycle in the soil and forest.

World forestry day celebration provides a big opportunity to all the people to learn more
about their contributions in maintaining the well-being of people. During this event
celebration people share their views and ideas by working together to incorporate the forests
into future climate change strategies.

According to the resources it has been noted that there is an annual loss of around 13 million
hectares or 32 million acres of the forests by the people. Loss of the forests enhances the loss
of inhabitant animal species to the forest. Deforestation imbalances the balance of natural
climate which lead to the global warming by increasing the CO2 and decreasing the O2
percentage all across the world.

Almost 30% of the total land worldwide is occupied by the forests containing over 60,000 tree
species which are ultimately the great resources of the food, fuel, fodder, essential oils, resins,
latex, gums, medicines, fiber, water, woods for the population of around 1.6 billion poorest
people of the world.


World forestry day is celebrated every year by visiting the local forests in order to learn more
about their contributions towards the well-being of people. The countries which are the
forest-rich (occupying almost 2/3 of total forested area) includes Canada, the Russian
Federation, Brazil, the United States, Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia, Indonesia,
China, Peru and India.

Almost 1/3rd of all the forests are considered as the primary forests where no any human
activities are seen and the ecological processes are balanced. Around 6 million hectares of the
forests are getting lost due to deforestation on annual basis.

During the event celebration the tree plantation campaign is encouraged among the common
people through many activities. People are the main target of this campaign to get aware
about the serious imbalance of food production and population explosion day by day including
the contribution of forests in their lives. They get motivated towards the plantation in the
nearby areas as well as stop the deforestation.


Theme for World Forestry Day 2016 was “Forests and water”.

Theme for World Forestry Day 2017 was “Forests & Energy”.

Theme for World Forestry Day 2018 was “Forests and Sustainable Cities”.

The theme of 2019 will be “Forests and Education”.


87. World Kidney Day


World Kidney Day 2019 was observed all over the world on 14th of March, (2nd Thursday in

The World Kidney Day theme 2019 was “Kidney Health for Everyone, Everywhere”.

The day was observed across the world with an aim to spread awareness for keeping kidneys
healthy and away from diseases.

Various processions and campaign marches were flagged off on the day to make people aware
about the importance of kidneys in human bodies, keeping kidneys safe and healthy and
fighting the kidney related diseases.

Aga Khan Hospitals across the world hosted a free kidney screening on World Kidney Day.
People came for the free screening of their kidneys and got the valuable feedback from the
healthcare specialists. The hospital also organized awareness drives on the occasion.

In Visakhapatnam, students from nursing colleges and schools along with doctors and
professors organised a rally to observe the World Kidney Day. The rally aimed at spreading
awareness on taking care of kidneys by consuming more water, taking balanced diet and
following a healthy lifestyle.


World Kidney Day is a global health campaign celebrated every year all across the world
focusing the health and importance of the major body organ, kidneys to reduce the
occurrence of kidney diseases as well as related health problems. It is commemorated
worldwide on annual basis on the 2nd Thursday of March. It was started celebrating in the
year 2006 by the 66 countries which were increased to become 88 countries in just 2 years.

The celebration was initiated by the joint committee of “International Society of Nephrology
and International Federation of Kidney Foundations”. It is commemorated every year by the
health organizations on global basis to raise awareness among common people that most of
the kidney diseases are preventable and curable. Health organizations organize this campaign

at many places to spread messages about kidney diseases, complications and its prevention
and cure all across the countries.



World kidney day is celebrated all over the world on second of Thursday in the month of
March in order to raise the public awareness about the kidneys importance and its
contributions to the overall health. It is celebrated to make the common public aware about
the diseases and problems of the kidneys in order to reduce the occurrence of kidney diseases
as well as all the associated health problems of the kidneys. Some of the objectives of
celebrating the world kidney day are mentioned below:

It is celebrated to highlight the kidney problems related to the common health disorders like
diabetes, high blood pressure which may lead to the Chronic Kidney Diseases.

It is celebrated to encourage the common public through the systematic screening of all
patients having problems like diabetes or hypertension.

It is celebrated to motivate and promote the common public for the better prevention by
describing them all aspects of the prevention measures in order to get prevented from such
kidney problems.

It is celebrated to instruct the medical professionals about all aspects of the kidneys as well as
teaching them to play their key role in the detection and prevention of kidneys problems
among the people of high risk populations.

It is celebrated to get together of all the medical professionals from the local and national
health authorities in order to control the spread of Chronic Kidney Diseases.

It is celebrated to deal with the high risk problems as well as implement the new strategies by
motivating all the governments’ authorities.

It is celebrated to encourage the people about the kidneys donation and transplantation as a
best option of life saving for getting free from the kidney failure or other Chronic Kidney

It is celebrated to encourage the people for the early detection and prevention methods of
the kidney problems to reduce the future complications and deaths and disability from the
chronic renal and cardiovascular failure.


World Kidney Day is celebrated every year all across the world to gather millions of people at
one place to raise the voice for the kidney health awareness. Variety of local, national or
international level events are being organized for years by the kidney national associations,
organizations, kidney health stakeholders, healthcare professionals, authorities and
individuals to make a difference in the society for the kidney health.

Variety of physical activity events like walking, cycling, jogging, fitness, dancing and etc are
organized to get together. Fact sheets and posters of the related event are distributed in the
schools, community centers and other educational institutions, news publishing at the
websites or web pages and promotion of the campaign motto through the blogs, forums,
twitter or Facebook and other informational websites. Kidneys health related topics like
importance of kidney, kidney diseases and problems, kidney transplantation and life-saving
aspect of the kidney donation are discussed in the classrooms, job places or other public

At the big kidney health centers, students and researchers organize meetings to discuss their
own research works, lecture on the chronic kidney diseases, prevention measures, renal
transplants, dietary and treatment advice and etc. Public health announcements are takes
place at various TV channels on both national and international level to make aware the
common public about kidney donation, transplantation, early detection, prevention measures,
treatment, lack of donor organs or use of deceased donor organs and so many topics.

National and international level kidney problems conferences are held to discuss about to get
solution. Other topics which are discussed are kid’s renal diseases, chronic renal diseases of
adults, peritoneal and hemodialysis, diet for the patients with renal diseases and etc. Free
health checkups are organized such as screening of blood glucose level, creatinine level, urine
test, blood pressure and etc by the courtesy of health minister for the general public.

How to Take Care of Your Kidneys

Before knowing the points of kidneys care, you must have to answer yourself of some
questions like are you at risk, do you suffering from the high blood pressure, do you have
diabetes, do you have an earlier family history of kidney disease, are you obese or overweight,
do you have smoking habit, are you more than 50 years of age, are you belong of African,
Aboriginal, Hispanic or Asian origin.

If your answers are yes to any of the question, you must meet your health practitioner or
doctor to get the right solution as some early chronic kidney diseases never show any signs or
symptoms. If you are really health conscious then meet your doctor to avoid any type of delay
in the kidney failure as well as get the right treatment early at the right time. You would be
surprised that a person with a simple kidney problem can lose up to 90% of his kidney
functions without experiencing any signs or symptoms.

Follow the following 8 Golden Rules for Better Kidney Prevention

Any of the kidney disease attacks like a silent killer and affect the quality of life. Below are
mentioned some easy steps to get prevented from the risk of developing kidney problems:

Help your kidneys by keeping yourself fit and active as exercises helps in reducing blood
pressure and thus reduces the risk of developing Chronic Kidney Disease. This event
celebration motivates people for daily walking, running and cycling exercises.

Help your kidneys by maintaining and controlling the normal the blood sugar level as high
blood sugar level lead to the diabetes and thus kidney damage. This event celebration
motivates people with diabetes to get regular medications, tests and check up of their kidney

Make your kidneys healthy by regular monitoring of your blood pressure as high blood
pressure lead to the heart attack or stroke thus causes kidney damage. The normal blood
pressure level of any person is 120/80. This event celebration encourages people to adopt
healthy lifestyle and dietary changes, discuss their problems with doctor, monitor blood
pressure on regular basis and etc.

Keep your kidneys healthy by eating healthy and maintaining normal weight as overweight
and unhealthy eating habit lead to the diabetes, heart diseases and many other problems lead
to the Chronic Kidney Disease. This event celebration motivates people about the dietary
habits and weight control measures like reducing the salt intake (5-6 grams or 1 tsf of salt a
day), limit the intake of processed or restaurant foods, daily physical exercises and etc.

Keep your kidneys healthy by maintaining the normal fluid intake on daily basis (at least 3 to 4
litres a day) as it helps the kidneys to filters out sodium, urea and other body toxins from body

which may lead to the risk of developing chronic kidney diseases. World kidney day
celebration on global basis encourages the people about proper fluid intake.

Keep your kidneys healthy and fit by avoiding smoking or getting in contact with other
smoking person as it slows down the blood flow to the kidneys which lessens their ability to
function well as well as enhances the risk of kidney cancer by 50%. This event celebration
promotes the people to keep their kidneys healthy by demonstrating the loss through

Keep your kidneys healthy by avoiding the intake counter pills on regular basis as these are
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) which may lead to the kidney damage and
various diseases. Such medications may cause arthritis or back pain and put your kidneys at

Keep your kidneys healthy by getting proper and regular check up of your kidney functions
and developing of diabetes, hypertension, obese, family history of kidney disease and etc.

Symptoms of Kidney Problems

Most of the people never show symptoms until it gets advance however, some of the
symptoms like swollen ankles and legs, fatigue, early tiredness, difficulty in concentration, low
appetite, haematuria or occurrence of blood in urine, albuminoria or foamy urine or
occurrence of albumin protein in urine and etc can be felt if noticed carefully. Some other
symptoms of reduced kidney functions are:

Alteration in the amount of urine, appearance of urine and frequency of passing urine during

Pain in abdomen in the kidney areas

Difficulty in sleeping

High blood pressure


Shortness of breath

Feeling of vomiting or vomiting

Bad breath

Early Detection of Kidney Diseases

Most of the people ignore their common problem that’s why they remain undiagnosed in the
early stages of kidney problems. World kidney day celebration is a way to call everyone on
stage at one place in order to get checked early if developing or having any risk of kidney
disease. This event celebration brings people together and encourages them about the simple
kidney function tests to get diagnosed of any risk factors which may lead to kidney problems.

Never let your kidney problems to destroy your precious kidney functions as it progresses very
silently without any symptoms. The early detection of kidney problem is very necessary to get
the suitable treatment to prevent your kidney damage, deterioration and complications.
Through this event celebration, simple laboratory tests of kidney are carried out by taking
small samples of blood in order to measure the values of creatinine, albumin excretion and
estimate the GFR (glomerular filtration rate).

The availability of Serum Creatinine level in the blood, albumin in urine and blood sugar level
measures the overall kidney health and its functions or Glomerular Filtration Rate. Creatinine,
a waste product comes from the muscle activity, is generally getting removed from blood
through the normal kidney functions, when its level rises in blood it denotes the slowness in
kidney function. Normal GFR is 100 ml/min, but when it falls below 60 ml/min it indicates
some serious kidney problems and immediate need to meet your kidney specialist. The
presence of albumin in urine indicates the risk of GFR problem and premature heart attacks or


World Kidney Day event was started celebrating in 2006 and has not stopped growing ever
since. The every year campaign of celebration highlights a particular theme:

The theme of World Kidney Day 2006 was “Are your kidneys OK?”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2007 was “CKD: Common, harmful and treatable”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2008 was “Your amazing kidneys!”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2009 was “Protect your kidneys: Keep your pressure down”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2010 was “Protect your kidneys: Control diabetes”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2011 was “Protect your kidneys: Save your heart”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2012 was “Donate – Kidneys for Life – Receive”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2013 was “Kidneys for Life – Stop Kidney Attack!”

The theme of World Kidney Day 2014 was “Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and aging”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2015 was “Kidney Health for All”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2016 was “Kidney Disease & Children: Act Early to Prevent It”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2017 was “Kidney Disease & Obesity. Healthy Lifestyle for
Healthy Kidneys”.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2018 was “Kidneys & Women’s Health: Include, Value,

The theme of World Kidney Day 2018 is “Kidney Health for Everyone, Everywhere”.


88. World Meteorological Day

World meteorological day is celebrated all across the world by the member states
meteorological organizations every year on 23rd of March. It is an annual event being
commemorated yearly by the almost 191 meteorological organization members worldwide as
well as the worldwide meteorological communities using a particular chosen theme of the
year in order to commemorate the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization to
keep constant watch on the weather and climate for the better life and future.

World Meteorological Day was started celebrating on 23rd of March every year since 1961. It
was the very first celebration of the World Meteorological Day in 1961 which commemorated
its entry-into-force on 23rd of March in 1950 in the conference of World Meteorological


World Meteorological Day 2019 was celebrated all over the world on Saturday, 23rd of March.

World Meteorological Day 2019 theme was “The Sun, the Earth and the Weather”.

The day majorly focused on the importance of Sun and how it helps to sustain life on earth,
changes the weather, hydrological cycle and ocean currents. The day was celebrated by
various activities conducted across the globe.

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) headquarters at Geneva held a discussion on

the occasion in which various dignitaries, environmentalist and scientist took part and
discussed the challenges of climate change. Facilitation of awards was also done on the day
for the people who contributed to public safety during natural calamities.

There were seminars, discussions and talks which highlighted the importance of meteorology
and how it had helped to forecast the natural calamities and saved the life of people around
the world.


The World meteorological day was founded by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
which is an intergovernmental organization established for meteorology and having
approximately the membership of 191 worldwide Member States as well as Territories. It was
first founded and originated from the “International Meteorological Organization” which was
established by the International Meteorological Congress at Vienna, Austria in the year 1873.

Whereas, World Meteorological Organization was first established on 23rd of March in the
year 1950 and had became the specialized meteorology agency of the United Nations to
operate the weather and climate from one place as well as performing the operational
hydrology including all the related geophysical sciences. The headquarters of the World
Meteorological Organization is in the Geneva, Switzerland which is a member of the
Development Group, United Nations.

The World Meteorological Organization has been established as a specialized agency in 1951
for meteorology to keep current details about the Earth’s atmosphere behavior, atmospheric
interactions with the oceans, resulting climate and distribution of the water resources.
According to the statistics of 2013, this organization includes around 191 member states and

territories membership, the conference of which was held on 11th of October in 1947 and
approved in the year 1950.

The policies of World Meteorological Organization are determined by the World

Meteorological Congress in the meeting after every four years in the presence of every
member country of WMO. The hierarchy of the system is; Permanent Representative becomes
a director at National Meteorological or Hydro meteorological Service, Executive Council to
apply the policies by Congress decisions, 6 regional associations in order to address the
regional concerns, 8 technical commissions in order to handle technical recommendations,
Secretary-General in order to lead the secretariat and manage the WMO activities with the
help of regular staffs.


The organization was established aiming establishing a big meteorological station networks
contributing towards the safety and efficiency of the shipping services as well as safety and
welfare of the people. It also offers very significant role towards the water resources safety,
food security and transport.

A world level international cooperation is required for the continuous growth and
development of the meteorology and operational hydrology research activities, as
environment, weather, climate and water cycle are very natural resources which never
consider any national or international boundaries. WMO is an international organization for
the meteorology offering a best support for such international cooperation.

It has been playing very unique and commanding role in the field of meteorology which
contributes to safety and well being of the humanity. Its leadership for organizing programs
for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services provides a lot help by protecting life
and property from the natural disasters. It safeguards earth’s environment and enhances the
people’s economic and social well being through the security of food, water resources and

An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been established by the WMO and United
Nations Environment Programme to directly work for Global Atmosphere Watch. It has been
awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2007 for their big achievements for the man-
made climate change.

WMO involved in the research and training activities in the field of hydrological,
meteorological, climatological and geophysical to offer safety to the people worldwide from
the natural disasters as well as the human-induced disasters (like forest fire, chemical or
nuclear accidents, volcanic ash and etc). Its leading role in making an international effort for
closely monitoring and protecting the environmental disasters through its various launched
programs is really amazing.


The World Meteorological Day is celebrated every year by organizing variety of programmes
and activities. The World Meteorological Organization organizes Scientific and Technical
Forum, to discuss an outline of all the past activities and achievements of the World Weather
Watch (telecommunications and meteorological forecasts) as well as to implement its
evolutions in the next century, in the Geneva headquarters on 23rd of March to
commemorate the World Meteorological Day.

Variety of events organized for the celebration of world meteorological day includes
conferences, range of exhibitions for professionals of meteorology, symposium, debates on
related topics and many more. Community leaders and general public also involves in the
celebration. Award ceremony is organized to distribute the prizes (The International
Meteorological Organization Prize, The Norbert Gerbier-Mumm International Award,
Professor Dr. Vilho Vaisala Award, WMO Research Award for Young Scientists and etc) for
special achievements related to the meteorological research.


> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1961 was “Meteorology – general

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1962 was “Contribution of
meteorology to agriculture and food production”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1963 was “Transport and
meteorology (in particular, application of meteorology to aviation)”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1964 was “Meteorology as a factor
of economic development”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1965 was “International cooperation
in meteorology”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1966 was “World Weather Watch”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1967 was “Weather and water”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1968 was “Meteorology and

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1969 was “The economic value of
meteorological services”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1970 was “Meteorological education
and training”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1971 was “Meteorology and human

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1972 was “Meteorology and human

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1973 was “One hundred years of
international cooperation in meteorology”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1974 was “Meteorology and

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1975 was “Meteorology and

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1976 was “Weather and food”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1977 was “Weather and water”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1978 was “Meteorology and
research for the future”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1979 was “Meteorology and

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1980 was “Man and climatic

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1981 was “World Weather Watch as
a tool for development”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1982 was “Observing the weather
from space”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1983 was “The weather observer”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1984 was “Meteorology aids food

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1985 was “Meteorology and public

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1986 was “Climate variations,
drought and desertification”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1987 was “Meteorology: a model of
international cooperation”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1988 was “Meteorology and the

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1989 was “Meteorology in the
service of aviation”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1990 was “Natural disaster
reduction: how meteorological and hydrological services can help”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1991 was “The atmosphere of the
living planet Earth”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1992 was “Weather and climate
services for sustainable development”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1993 was “Meteorology and the
transfer of technology”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1994 was “Observing the weather
and climate”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1995 was “Public weather services”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1996 was “Meteorology in the
service of sports”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1997 was “Weather and water in

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1998 was “Weather, oceans and
human activity”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 1999 was “Weather, climate and

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2000 “The World Meteorological
Organization – 50 years of service”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2001 was “Volunteers for weather,
climate and water”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2002 was “Reducing Vulnerability to
Weather and Climate Extremes”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2003 was “Our future climate”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2004 was “Weather, climate, water
in the information age”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2005 was “Weather, climate, water
and sustainable development”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2006 was “Preventing and mitigating
natural disasters”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2007 was “Polar meteorology:
Understanding global impacts”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2008 was “Observing our planet for
a better future”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2009 was “Weather, climate and the
air we breathe”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2010 was “60 years of service for
your safety and well-being”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2011 was “Climate for You”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2012 was “Powering our Future with
Weather, Climate and Water”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2013 was “Watching the weather to
protect life and property”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2014 was “Weather and Climate:
Engaging Youth”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2015 was “Climate Knowledge for
Climate Action”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2016 was “Hotter, drier, wetter.
Face the Future”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2017 was “Understanding Clouds”.

> The theme of the world meteorological day celebration 2018 was “Weather-Ready, Climate-

> The theme of 2019 was “The Sun, the Earth and the Weather”.


89. World Poetry Day

The UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) designated 21st
March as “World Poetry Day” in its 30th General Conference held at Paris, from 26th October
to 17th November 1999.

The resolution to celebrate 21st March as “World Poetry Day” was passed at the third plenary
meeting of UNESCO on 27th October 1999 in Paris.

The decision was made at the end of the century with the view that, holding a worldwide
event dedicated to poetry will encourage and support regional, national and international
poetic movements, apart from promoting linguistic diversity.


World Poetry Day 2019 was observed on Thursday, 21st March 2019.

The day was celebrated by organizing various programmes on poetry where renowned poets
took part and shared their poetry in the event. There were many performances on the day
comprising of reading and writing of poetry.

Tialia Kikon’s, who is a poet from Nagaland, was selected by the Writers International Network
(WIN) for displaying her poems at the Moberly Arts & Culture Centre, Vancouver, Canada on
the occasion of World Poetry Day. It was the second time that her work was displayed at the
event – the first was in the year 2016.

Various competitions were also organized on the occasion where people were invited to take
part in the competition and express their creativity through poetry. The best poetry was also
awarded with a prize in the event.

People shared their poems on various social media platforms on the occasion. Celebrities,
poets and media persons also shared poems showcasing various issues in the society and the


Though UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999
made the declaration regarding celebrating 21st March as World Poetry Day, many counties
have kept the tradition of celebrating their national or international poetry day coinciding with
the birth day of an ancient Roman poet named ‘Publius Vergilius Maro’ a.k.a Virgil on 15th

The United Kingdom celebrates its National Poetry Day on first Thursday of October.

How is Poetry Important?

Poetry is a form of literature, which has been used since time immemorial to express human
conditions, desire, culture, suffering etc and could also be used to encourage and inspire. It is
a instrument which uses the rhythmic qualities of a language.

Poetry captures the creative side of and individual and helps him to express his personal
experiences and inspire others in a rhythmic way. It has been an integral part of human
civilization since ages; from hunting tribes in Africa to modern civilizations in Egypt all had
been reading and writing poetry.

Poetry decreases the cultural gap by acting as a bridge between civilizations. It also
acknowledges a particular culture and genre and helps in the preservation of both. It also acts
as a natural stress buster when one takes to expressing his/her pain by writing poetry.


World Poetry Day is celebrated to acknowledge the role of poetry in every culture and every
country of the planet. The day celebrates poetry as the most valuable asset of humane
cultures and languages. Every civilization has been practicing some form of poetry which has
been integrated into its language and has become an identity of that particular culture.

World Poetry Day also admires the role of poetry in bridging cultural differences and bringing
communities closer. The day also commemorates the poets for speaking out on cultural and
social issues through poetry; inspiring and encouraging millions.

By adopting 21st March as the “World Poetry Day” the UNESCO also admires the role poetry
plays in promoting global peace and harmony.

The occasion of “World Poetry Day” also honors poets and brings back the old traditions of
reciting poems, specific to a culture. It also encourages reading and writing of poetry and
inspires its amalgamation with other art forms like – dance, music, theatre etc.


On World Poetry Day, poets from across the world share their views, knowledge and works.
Poetic events are organized, specific to a culture in which notable poets of that particular
culture or language elaborate their work and express their views.

Many countries celebrate the World Poetry Day on 21st March. The celebrations in most
countries commemorates regional poetry and poets, with varied audiences ranging from an
individual to government agencies, non government organizations, members of civil society,
poets, literature laureates, communities etc .

School and colleges around the world organize programs to let the students acknowledge the
role of poetry in bridging cultural gaps and also to admire various poets and their efforts to
keep the culture and languages alive through poetry.

Many schools dedicate a classroom lecture on poetry, during which the children are taught
about different forms of poetry and also get to know different poets.

Poets are invited for talks and conferences are held at variety of places like – cafeterias,
colleges, schools, auditoriums and stadiums etc. Poets even from across the borders are
cordially invited to enrich people about their own books and also to express their views.

Awards are conferred to those who have contributed commendably in the field of poetry.
Exhibitions are also organized at various locations, displaying the works by various national
poets as well as poets from across the border.


World Poetry Day is not a public holiday; even then it is celebrated across the world with
much enthusiasm with participants ranging from notable poets to not much popular poets.
Variety of audiences from commoners to notable persons takes part in the celebrations.
Below are some methods in which you could celebrate “World Poetry Day”.

1) Read and Write

Read poetry and also try to write it. This way you will not only admire poetry but also be able
to express yourself in a more entertaining and rhythmic way. Reading or writing a poetry will
not only relieve your stress but also help you to connect to your roots.

2) Spread Awareness

Spread awareness about the poetry and its various advantages from bringing communities
closer to preserving culture and languages. Enlighten someone you know, by telling about
various forms and advantages of poetry. You could also gift your family and friend a book by
your favorite poet or ask them to write their own poetry.

3) Attend The Event

Keep a look out for any gathering organized on “World Poetry Day”. Take out some time to
attend the event and to listen to what poets have to say about their works, cultures etc. Try to
communicate with people and poets present, to know more about poetry and its forms.

4) Visit Exhibition

Visit the exhibition/s in your city to know about various poets and their works. Poetry
exhibitions will also make you familiar to the work of poets from across the world and make
you admire their work and efforts. You will also feel getting closer to other cultures across the
world and also admire them.

5) Donate

There could be a poet or a publishing house in your locality which is struggling from the
unavailability of funds. You can donate as per your will contributing into their revival and

bringing them back on track. Donating for poetry is like donating to save your own culture and
language and ensuring their longevity.


The events of an occasion revolve around the central theme that is assigned to it. ‘Theme’ sets
an objective for the organizers, participants and audiences. Any topic relevant to the main
issue is picked up as ‘theme’ for a national, international or regional event.

Many countries celebrating ‘National Poetry Day’ assign themes for the day, but UNESCO not
necessarily assigns themes on “World Poetry Day”; however, that doesn’t deter the
enthusiasm of UNESCO and its associates in promoting poetry worldwide.

World Poetry Day Theme of 2017 – “Freedom”.


90. World TB Day

World Tuberculosis Day is observed on 24th March annually to raise awareness about global
TB (Tuberculosis) epidemic and to accelerate global efforts for towards its elimination. The
campaigns of “World Tuberculosis Day” are marked by WHO (World Health Organization) – a
specialized agency under United Nations, working for global public health. WHO marks eight
global public health campaigns annually and “World Tuberculosis Day” is one of them.

On the day campaigns are organized at grass root level by WHO, local governments and other
relevant organizations to raise general awareness about the TB infection and its cure. People
are also made aware of the hazardous effects of TB on health, wealth and social status of an

The first “World Tuberculosis Day” was hosted in 1995 by WHO and KNCV (Royal Netherlands
Tuberculosis Foundation) at Den Haag, Netherlands.

Tuberculosis was first discovered by the Dr. Robert Koch in the year 1882 and amazingly
announced by him to the small group of scientists at “the University of Berlin’s Institute of
Hygiene” about the cause of tuberculosis means the TB bacillus. He announced publically
about this virulent human infectious disease and explained about the aetiology of the
tuberculosis through the presentation of many microscope slides.

During his announcement in the Berlin, it was spreading very fast in the Europe and the
Americas of which the death ratio was one out of seven. His discovery about the tuberculosis
had opened a big door in front of the people to get diagnosed and cured of tuberculosis.


World TB Day/World Tuberculosis Day 2019 was celebrated all over the world on Sunday, 24th
of March.

World TB Day theme 2019 was “Its Time…”

The versatile theme of 2019 shows the urgency to act against the deadly disease of
tuberculosis. It focuses on building accountability, ending discrimination, providing sufficient
financing for researches and scaling up prevention and treatment.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on the occasion that the government is working hard to
make India TB free by the year 2025. He also said that various campaigns and initiatives are
providing complete support to the TB patients as well as the regional and state level health
care services.

WHO (World Health Organisation) launched an initiative named “Find. Treat. All.” with the
hash tag #EndTB. It also invited governments, NGOs, healthcare specialists and civil societies
around the world to collaborate and fight TB under the banner of the initiative.

Various NGOs and member of civil societies initiated various campaigns to fight TB and
organised camps to spread the awareness and precautions to be taken if anyone gets infected

by the virus. The campaign also showcased the importance of complete treatment and
following a strict medication provided by the health care specialists.

Significance of the Date – 24th March

March 24th coincides with the date when the bacteria, causing TB was discovered by Dr.
Robert Koch in 1882. Dr. Koch surprised scientists at University of Berlin’s, Institute of Hygiene
by declaring to them that he had discovered the bacteria which causes Tuberculosis – TB-

The discovery came at a time when TB was spreading furiously through continents of Europe
and North-South America and was a remarkable achievement which opened the path towards
the cure of Tuberculosis.


On the 100th anniversary of Tuberculosis presentation of the Dr. Robert Koch, “the
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD)” had planned to establish
24th of March to be celebrated as an annual official event, the World TB Day. This was
established by the effort of both the IUATLD and the WHO under the theme “Defeat TB: Now
and forever”. However, it was not announced as an official event to be celebrated annually by
the WHO’s World Health Assembly and the UN.

The first World TB Day celebration meeting was held by the WHO and the Royal Netherlands
Tuberculosis Foundation in the year 1995 in Den Haag, Netherlands where it was declared to
be celebrated annually. Next year in 1996, various organizations like WHO, the IUATLD and
KNCV had organized variety of events and activities to conduct the World TB Day celebration.

DOTS was declared as a biggest step taken against tuberculosis by the WHO in the news
conference of Berlin in 1997. According to the global situation of this epidemic disease, a
really working health breakthrough was very necessary to make possible the control of TB all
across the world. Almost 200 organizations were joined to perform the awareness activities on
the World TB Day of 1998 where top 22 most affected countries with TB were announced by
the WHO in the news conference of London.

A new network “Stop TB Partnership” has been launched by the various organizations to fight
against TB by highlighting the scope of prevention and cure of this disease to the common
public. ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) is helping people to fight against TB in
prisons because of the overcrowding and poor nutrition.


Tuberculosis cause Millions death globally every year and is not only a severe health issue but
also a major hindrance towards the achievement of Global Sustainable Development. Though,
persistent efforts are being made by WHO and other organizations towards elimination of TB;
it still continues to be one of the world’s top 10 killer diseases.

“World Tuberculosis Day” is the occasion when the countries from around the world reaffirm
their commitment towards eradication of TB epidemic and support clinical advancements in
finding new and effective methods for its cure.

You will better understand the need for observing “World Tuberculosis Day” by going through
the following sub headings –

Tuberculosis (TB) – A Global Killer

Tuberculosis is a Bacterial infection caused by the bacteria – “Mycobacterium Tuberculosis”.

The infection generally affects lungs and most of the times lack any prominent symptoms; a
state known as “Latent tuberculosis”. The infection when untreated can spread to other
organs and show symptoms like – cough with blood, fever, sweating in night and weight loss.

Despite decades of global efforts by the World Health Organization and other relevant
organizations, Tuberculosis still continues to take an estimated 4500 lives every day.

As per a 2017 report by WHO, around 10.4 Million people were clinically confirmed of having
TB in 2015. In 2016, 1.8 Millions were reported to have lost their lives. These figures mostly

were from developing, underdeveloped or third world countries, where the general condition
of public health and amenities were in a poor state.

The disease thrives in marginalized sections of the society, like – minorities, labors, miners or
people engaged in low and menial jobs.

Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) – A Global Concern

The emergence of Multi Drug Resistance TB (MDR-TB) which is immune to any traditional TB
treatment is a global concern for the governments or organizations rallying for the cause of
TB, as well as for the medical fraternity. As per the 2015 global report there were around 450
persons infected with MDR-TB.

Though, the number of those infected with MDR-TB is very small; the possibility of it spreading
to other parts of world in these days of globalization must not be neglected.

“World Tuberculosis Day” is a big step towards preventing the transmission and curing the TB

Apart from the above mentioned reasons, the eradication of TB is also mandatory for UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals of 2030, as goal number 3 states to achieve– “Good Health
and Well Being”.

The annual observance of “World Tuberculosis Day” on 24th March is a step closer towards
achieving Goal number 3 and overall sustainable development.

DOTS – A Major Breakthrough

DOTS also known as TB-DOTS came as a major breakthrough in the treatment of Tuberculosis.
An abbreviation for “Directly Observed Treatment, Short course” and developed during 80s, is

a globally adopted method to control tuberculosis, also recommended by the World Health

DOTS strategy has a global acceptance as the treatment of TB, both in developed,
underdeveloped and third world countries.

In the words of WHO Director General as told to media on “World TB Day 1997” at Berlin –
“DOTS is the biggest health breakthrough of this decade, according to lives we will be able to

His words came true and today the DOTS is credited of saving nearly 6 Million lives and
successfully treating 41 Million people since its emergence.


The observation of “World Tuberculosis Day” is marked by a variety of events throughout the
globe, organized by stakeholders like WHO, IUATLD, KNCV, ECDC (European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control) and other relevant government or non government organizations.
The agencies present their annual reports on the progress made by previous efforts in
eliminating TB.

Many local governments or organizations working for the health cause also take part in the
observation to spread general awareness about the disease and its cure. Medical camps are
organized at various places mainly in developing and underdeveloped countries to provide
free check up and test for the presence of TB bacteria.

“World Tuberculosis Day” is also marked by high level conferences and meetings in United
Nations, WHO and other relevant organizations. Notable scientists, doctors, delegates and
ministers are present to assess the situation and give their suggestions on ways to eliminate
TB and to discuss the affects of previous policies in this regard.

Fund raising events are also held across the globe by various organizations to support the
elimination of TB in underdeveloped and third world countries.

“World Tuberculosis Day” India – Why?

Today India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies, but still lag behind in public
health and hygiene as compared to its competitors. India accounts to a quarter of total TB
cases reported from across the world. South-East Asia alone constitutes nearly half of the total
global reported cases.

With nearly 1.3 Billion Indians living in abject poverty, with no access to health care facilities
and basic amenities, TB remains a grave concern for the government and a major hindrance to
India’s economic and social development.

On “World Tuberculosis Day” the government and people of India reaffirm their resolve for
eliminating TB and making efforts to financially, politically and voluntarily support the
campaigns in this regard.

“World Tuberculosis Day” India – The Government’s Strategy

The Government of India, under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been
spearheading many campaigns and framing policies to make its population TB free.

In the year 2000, then President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton was invited by
the Government of India on the occasion of “World Tuberculosis Day”. Mr. Clinton obliged by
administering WHO recommended DOTS therapy to patients at Mahavir Hospital in
Hyderabad, India.

The elimination of TB is a majorly considered in Indian Government’s strategic plan of 2017 to

2025. In the plan four pillars of TB elimination have been stressed upon – “Detect-Treat-

Prevent-Build” or DTPB and come under Revised National Tuberculosis Program (RNTCP)
under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

It is an ambitious project of the government aimed at eliminating TB from India, five years
ahead of UN’s target for global Sustainable Development by 2030.

Various initiatives have been taken in RNTCP. Some of them are mentioned below-

1) Incentive for private doctors and patients for reporting TB cases.

2) Modern MIS (Management Information System) to track the cases of TB diagnosis.

3) Engaging private sectors for the cause.

4) Universal Drugs Susceptibility Test – Appropriate treatment by testing drug resistance in


5) Daily treatment to reduce the intake of pills.

6) Bedaquiline and Delaminid to be introduced as new TB drugs in 7states and Union


7) Providing nutritional support of Rs 500 to patients during the treatment.

8) Providing digital support platforms like eNIKSHAY and 99DOTS.

With its persistent efforts to eliminate TB, the Government of India in collaboration with
respective governments of states and Union Territories has made commendable

achievements towards bringing down the figures of number of TB cases and is hopefully to
complete wipe out TB form its soil by 2025.

United Nation’s High Level Meeting on TB

The first high level meeting of United Nations on Tuberculosis was held on 26th September
2018 at United Nations’ New York Head Quarters. Heads of States were gathered at the
meeting to reaffirm their resolve to eliminate TB and providing support for the cause.

A central theme was assigned to the meeting, which was – “United to End Tuberculosis: An
Urgent Global Response to a Global Epidemic”.

The UN high level meeting of 2018 was a giant step forward towards the elimination of TB, by
the governments and interested partners. It was an outcome of a Ministerial Conference on
ending TB, held in Moscow during 16th – 17th November 2017; which saw a commitment by
ministers of at least 120 countries to eliminate Tuberculosis.

How to Get Engaged/Celebrate/Observe “World Tuberculosis Day”?

Various activities are organized by the concerned agencies on “World Tuberculosis Day” to
raise people’s awareness about TB and also to further the cause of its elimination. It is a global
event financed and support by governments and relevant organizations and reaching out to
people at grass root level. The events, especially in developed and under developed countries
provide tremendous opportunities to get engage and show your concern towards elimination
of TB form your country as well as globally.

Some of the ways to get engaged on “World Tuberculosis Day” are listed below, to help you in
deciding on your plans for the day.

1) Raise Awareness

The one of the major causes behind the wide spread of TB epidemic has been less awareness
of people about the disease, its symptoms, causes and cures. Many people, mostly from lower
strata of society don’t even know that they are infected until the infection reaches its final
stage. Such low awareness about the disease not only risks the life of those infected but also
the life of those in their proximity. Raising awareness of general public by whatever means
possible will definitely help in bringing down the number of TB patients and also the number
of those who are at risk of getting infected.

2) Discuss

Discuss about the Tuberculosis, its symptoms, treatment and modes of transmission. Know
the cures of TB and possible time for complete recovery etc. Discuss whatever relevant topic
comes to your mind. Discuss about the policies of your government and efforts by local
authorities towards eliminating the epidemic. Also discuss about the prospects of organizing a
debate or a medical camp in your community, village, school, office etc. Discussion is the best
way to give your opinion as well as gather more knowledge about the subject.

3) Volunteer

There has to be an event organized in your city, community or village on “World Tuberculosis
Day”. Many Non Government Organizations and government agencies organize events to
observe the day. You can volunteer in such events and work with the organizers and other
partners to further the cause. Many hospitals organize free medical checkup camps at
different places and need volunteers to reach out to people and other purposes. Volunteering
is a good way of expressing your concern and also to get to the root of the situation.

4) Encourage

Encourage your family, friends and relatives to be a part of “World Tuberculosis Day”
celebrations in whatever way they can. Inform them about the plight of people suffering from

the disease and the financial and social constraints their family faces. Tell them about how
they could be part of various campaigns by volunteering or by contributing financially.

5) Felicitate

Organize a felicitation ceremony to congratulate someone you know and who has done
something extra ordinary related to TB. S/He could be a medical practitioner in your locality
who is giving free treatment for TB or a employee of an NGO working for the cause of TB.
Whoever he/she might be, felicitating him will encourage him to continue fighting with TB
with more zeal and also will inspire others to follow suit.

6) Go to the Slums

The main suffers of TB come from the socially deprived sections or poor sections of society.
Such people don’t have poor or no access to health facilities and live in poverty isolated from
the rest of the world. Dwelling among them, there may be many who might be having TB, but
don’t even know about it. Reach out to them and act as a liaison between them and the
agencies working for their welfare and elimination of TB.

7) Gather Funds

Billions of Dollars are required annually to fund researches, events, and campaigns on TB.
Though TB is a global concern requiring Billions you can still contribute financially at will
starting from a very genuine amount. You can contribute to organize an event or to support
the medication of patients. Ever amount donated by you will be worth it irrespective of the
amount you donate.


Every year new themes are assigned for the “World Tuberculosis Day” to further the global
efforts towards elimination of Tuberculosis. The year wise themes on “World Tuberculosis
Day” are given below-

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2019 “IT’S TIME…” to get ready for World TB Day 2019 and
showcasing the urgency and time for action.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2018 – “Wanted: Leaders for a TB Free World”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2017 – “Unite to End TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2016 – “Unite to End TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2015 – “Gear up to End TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2014 – “Reach the Three Million: A TB Test,Treatment and
Cure for All”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2013 – “Stop TB in my Lifetime”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2012 – “Call For a World Free of TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2011 – “Transforming the Fight Towards Elimination”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2010 – “Innovate to Accelerate Action”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2008-2009 – “I am stopping TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2007 – “TB Anywhere is TB Everywhere”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2006 – “Actions For Life-Towards a World Free of TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2005 – “Frontline TB Care Providers: Heroes in the Fight
against TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2004 – “Every Breath Counts-Stop TB Now”!

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2003 – “DOTS Cured Me-it will cure you too”!

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2002 – “Stop TB, Fight Poverty”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2001 – “DOTS: TB Cure for All”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 2000 – “Forging New Partnerships to Stop TB”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 1999 – “Stop TB, Use DOTS”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 1998 – “DOTS Success Stories”.

World Tuberculosis Day Theme 1997 – “Use DOTS More Widely”.


91. World Water Day

World Water Day 2019 was celebrated all over the world on Friday, 22nd of March.

World Water Day 2019 theme was “Leaving no one behind”.

The day was observed with a focus of providing water to everyone as it is the human rights of
everyone. There are around millions of people who are still living without safe water and
many people are also overlooked in providing safe water. This year the event focused on
tackling water crisis and addressing the reasons why people are left behind while providing
safe water.

There were various seminars and talks held on the occasion on saving water and how it could
be provided to the people who are deprived of safe water. There were also various workshops
which were conducted in schools.

In Jaipur, an awareness workshop was organised which showcased the importance of water
and how safe water could be provided to the people living in villages and remote areas. Water
conservation techniques were also shown to the children so that they can learn the water
conservation from their childhood.

A football and kickball championship and an essay competition were organized in Liberia on
World Water Day. Around 16 teams from different schools took part in the competition. The
event focused on spreading awareness on conservation of water and was supported by
WaterAid Global, an organization who works for the conservation of water and water hygiene.


World Water Day is celebrated every year on 22nd of March by the people all across the
world. The day was established to be celebrated as an annual event in the year 1993 by the
decision of the United Nations General Assembly. This campaign was declared as a World Day
for Water to be celebrated on 22nd of March each year to increase the awareness among the
people about the importance, need and conservation of water.

It was first officially added in the schedule 21 of the year 1992 “United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development” in the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and celebration was started from
the year 1993 to motivate the general public in order to get their support in water
conservation by avoiding the use of their taps for whole day.


The United Nation including member nations celebrate this campaign by implementing the UN
recommendations as well as promoting the global water conservation through the real
activities. This campaign is specially promoted by one of the UN agencies every year which
involves encouraging the people to listen and understand about the water issues as well as
coordinating with the international activities for the World Water Day.

Since the beginning of this event celebration the UN-Water has been responsible for the
selection of World Water Day theme, distribution of global messages as well as leading the UN
agencies for celebrating the World Day for Water.

Including the UN member states and agencies, various NGOs and non government
organizations also become involved in the promotion of clean water conservation focusing the
public attention over all the critical issues of water. During this event celebration, all the water
issues are highlighted to the public such as how people are inaccessible to the safe water and


World water day is celebrated throughout the world to increase the awareness of people
towards the importance of water in various field of life including the environment, health,
agriculture and trade.

It is celebrated by organizing variety of events and activities such as visual art, theatrical and
musical celebrations of water, excursions to the local ponds, lakes, rivers and reservoirs,
symposium at local, national and international level over water management and safety,
distributing messages through TV and radio channels or internet, educational events based on
the importance of clean water and conservative measures, competitions and so many
activities. The main symbol of the World Water Day celebration is the shape of water drop of
blue color.


> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1993 was “Water for Cities”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1994 was “Caring for our Water
Resources is Everybody’s Business”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1995 was “Women and Water”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1996 was “Water for Thirsty Cities”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1997 was “The World’s Water: Is
there enough”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1998 was “Groundwater – The
Invisible Resource”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 1999 was “Everyone Lives

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2000 was “Water for the 21st

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2001 was “Water for Health”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2002 was “Water for Development”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2003 was “Water for Future”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2004 was “Water and Disasters”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2005 was “Water for Life 2005–

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2006 was “Water and Culture”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2007 was “Coping with Water

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2008 was “Sanitation”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2009 was “Trans Waters”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2010 was “Clean Water for a
Healthy World”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2011 was “Water for cities:
responding to the urban challenge”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2012 was “Water and Food

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2013 was “Water Cooperation”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2014 was “Water and Energy”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2015 was “Water and Sustainable

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2016 was “Water and Jobs”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2017 was “Wastewater”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2018 was “Nature-based Solutions
for Water”.

> The theme for World Water Day celebration of the year 2019 was “Leaving no one behind”.


92. World Wildlife Day

“World Wildlife Day” celebrates all the species of animals and plants in our eco system and
their significance. They day admires their contribution to the bio diversity of the planet and
acknowledges the fact that the extinction of wildlife will lead to the collapse of eco system.

Celebrated globally every year on 3rd March; World Wild Life Day was first observed in 2014
and has since become the world’s most significant wildlife event.

The UNGA Resolution

The proclamation to celebrate 3rd March annually as “World Wildlife Day” was made by the
UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) in its 68th session on 20th December 2013.

The date of observation of World Wildlife Day – 3rd March, coincides with the adoption of the
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species); which is a multilateral
treaty with 183 parties to protect endangered species and plants.

The “World Wildlife Day” was first proposed by Thailand, in CITES’s 16th conference of parties
held at Bangkok in 2013 and subsequently the United Nations General Assembly adopted a
resolution on 20th December 2013 to celebrate 3rd March as the “World Wildlife Day”.

The United Nations General Assembly designated CITES Secretariat as the facilitator of the
celebrations of “World Wildlife Day”.


World Wildlife Day 2019 was celebrated on 3rd March, Sunday.

The event was celebrated with the aim of saving wildlife in water bodies and how they help in
maintaining the biodiversity and environment equilibrium on earth. There were series of
events organised in the world including art competitions, short film festivals, and awareness
campaigns on social media.

The United Nations, in collaboration with the UNDP (United Nations Development
Programme) organised an art contest to mark the World Wildlife Day 2019. The winner of the
contest was a seventeen year old girl named Valerie Dou.

On World Wildlife Day 2019, India is all set to become the first country in the world to get the
King Cobra sanctuary. The sanctuary will be setup in Agumbe, a village in Karnataka which is
considered as the home of King Cobras. It will be because of the great efforts of Romulus
Whitaker, the renowned wildlife conservationist and herpetologist who advocated building a
sanctuary in the village to make a safe home for the species.


For the first time in 2019, the celebrations of “World Wildlife Day” will focus on marine
species with the theme: “Life Below Water: For People And Planet”.

This year the celebrations will focus on aquatic species of plants and animals and their
significance in maintaining the ecological balance and will also address their threats and
possible methods of conservation.

The celebrations of “World Wildlife Day” 2019 are aligned closely with the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goal Number 14 – ‘Life Below Water’.


The world is abounding with flora and fauna. All the species of plants, animals and birds
contribute to the existence of eco system in their own unique way. Wildlife has coexisted with
human habitation since ages and one has become an integral part of another’s life.

Wildlife benefits us in innumerable ways: providing food, medicines apart from maintaining
climate and regulating rains and replenishing natural resources. Not to mention the oxygen
that lush green forest provide at the same time acting as natural air filters by cleaning the air.

Recognizing the contribution of flora and fauna into the environment and acknowledging its
essentiality for existence of life on earth, the United Nations constituted CITES (Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) on 3rd March 1973 to
protect and preserve the planet’s wildlife.

What is the need for “world wildlife day”?

Wildlife plays a very important role in the eco system and is essential for the existence of any
form of life. Humans have existed together with wildlife for ages and have acknowledged the
importance of wildlife.

Unfortunately we are losing our wildlife to factors like habitat extension, illegal trade or
poaching, industrialization and population etc. The number of species of animals and plants
are depleting at a fast pace and at an unprecedented rate never witnessed before.

Approximately 200 species of plants and animals are estimated to be getting extinct every 24
hours, which accounts to nearly 73000 species of plants and animals annually.

Considering the contribution of wildlife in balancing the eco system by causing rainfall,
regulating climate, providing oxygen, providing medicine, herbs and food, increasing fertility
of soil and regulating floods among various others.

We cannot afford losing the wildlife as it is imperative for the survival of humans. The earth
with no wildlife will be a desolate and dry planet, impossible for survival of humans.
Therefore, it becomes essential to protect and preserve the wildlife for our own good and for
the longevity of the planet.

Celebrating our rich wildlife heritage on the “World Wildlife Day” is a good initiative in the way
of protecting our flora and fauna. On “World Wildlife Day”, the threats to the wildlife are
assessed and possible means of their elimination are devised. The celebrations are very
important to raise awareness about the significance of wildlife.

What constitutes the greatest threat to wildlife?

Habitat Loss

Habitat loss constitutes the greatest threat to the wildlife. According to a global estimate,
approximately 50000 species are getting extinct annually due to deforestation and loss of

When humans expand their boundaries, they encroach into the wildlife, ultimately resulting in
the loss of species’ natural habitat and their extinction. The extension of human settlement

into the forest also results in man animal conflict, in which the animals ultimately pay the

Illegal Trade and Wildlife

Illegal trade cartels dealing in restricted wildlife products and poaching constitute one of the
greatest threats to the wildlife. Every year when many species are pushed near to extinction,
illegal traders make millions by killing animals and supplying their products.

There is still hope as many governments have taken initiative to protect wildlife, by forming
strict laws for poachers and smugglers and by forming armed task forces dedicated to the
protection of wildlife.


The “World Wildlife Day” is celebrated with an objective of protecting and conserving wildlife
by making necessary policies and implementing laws, under the guidance of CITES.

Usually a theme is adopted based on the issues related to wildlife like- poaching, illegal trade,
extinction of species etc, which becomes the focal point of the celebrations.

The “World Wildlife Day” 2017 was celebrated with a goal to raise awareness of young
generation about wildlife and to encourage them to work for its protection and the theme of
2018 was centered at the protection of Big Cats – Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Jaguar, Cheetah, Snow
Leopard, Clouded Leopard etc. Likewise, the “World Wildlife Day” 2019 is dedicated to aquatic
life and species.

“World Wildlife Day” is marked by various events and activities across the globe. A high level
event is held at United Nations Head Quarter with presence of media and other dignitaries.
People with experience in the fields of wildlife, share their views and propose policies for its

Events are organized in schools and colleges to make the children aware of the wildlife and its
importance in the eco system. They are encouraged to respect and protect wildlife through
vocal communication or by showing movies related to wildlife.

CITES along with all the stake holders provide support to the countries to deal with the issues
threatening wildlife like – poaching, smuggling, habitat loss etc.

International Film Festival for the World’s Big Cats – 2018

The CITES secretariat in collaboration with Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival has organized an
international film festival for the world’s big cats, on World Wildlife Day 2018. It was one of
the global events celebrated on the occasion of “World Wildlife Day” 2018.

16 films depicting the plight of the predators and the challenges faced by them were selected
as finalists. Entries for the finals were invited into six categories – People and Big Cats, Micro
Movie, Issues and Solutions, Science and Behavior, Conservation and Local Voices.

One winner from each category was announced at a grand event in UN Head Quarters on 2nd
March. The winners and finalist movies were shown around the world with help of partners to
raise awareness about big cats and help protect their habitat and species.

The winners of International Film Festival for Big Cats in six different categories were –

People and Big Cats – “Livestock Insurance Program” by Fidget Films LLC.

Micro Movie – “Pavel” by World Wildlife Federation UK.

Issues and Solutions – “Broken Tail” by Crossing the Lines Productions Ltd.

Science and Behavior – “Vanishing Kings – Lions of Namib” by Into Nature Films.

Conservation – “Big Cats (Episode 3)” by BBC Natural History Unit Production.

Local Voices – “Gyamo, Queen of Mountains” by Riverbank Studios.


There could be many ways to celebrate “World Wildlife Day” irrespective of what you do or
where you are. Some of the ways to celebrate the day are listed below-

1) Admire the Flora and Fauna

Admire the flora and fauna (plants and animals) around you and acknowledge their
significance. Teach yourself the medicinal qualities of herbs and plants and also the behavior
and importance of various animals.

2) Know the Challenges

Know the challenges faced by wildlife and the methods to counter them. Get aware of the
challenges faced by plants and animals in and around your community and suggest solutions.
You have all the right to assess the situation and give your feedback or opinion, irrespective of
who you are or where you live.

3) Raise Awareness

Raise the awareness of people about the importance of wildlife in whatever way you can.
Organize camps in your community and let the people know about their neighboring wildlife
as well as the wildlife in other parts of the world.

4) Use Social Media

Social Media plays an important role in any event or celebration these days. It is the fastest
way to reach out to millions in just few hours. You can use your social media account to
extend support, raise awareness or even to report illegal trade and also for voicing your
concern for wildlife protection, among others.

5) Reject Animal Products

Illegal trade of animals and their products thrive because of high demands. As the demand
goes down the supply will automatically go down, and the trade will not remain profitable
enough to lure unemployed or misguided youths. Encourage your family and friends to discard
any products derived from animals or by compromising their habitat.

6) Educate People

Educate the people of your community about the wildlife around them and also across the
globe. Educate them about its significance in their life and how essential is every species for
the eco system. Tell the people about the endangered and nearing extinction species and the
laws protecting them.

7) Clean up

Environment plays a vital role in wildlife and its existence. Environmental pollution threatens
wildlife habitation often resulting in its shrinkage. Take the day off to clean the surrounding
forest by picking up trash or plastic. Every trash you clean up will increase the habitat area of
wildlife, ensuring the longevity of planet and its entire species.

8) Watch Wildlife Documentaries

Watch documentaries based on wildlife and its threats. Documentaries based on issues
regarding animals and their struggle for existence is a good way to instill compassion for the
protection of wildlife. Some of the documentaries are – End of The Line, Home (2009) and
Garbage Island.

9) Support Marine Life

The contribution of marine life to the environment cannot be underestimated and marine
wildlife must be assigned equal significance as the flora and fauna on the land. Marine life is
more complex and diverse than the life on land. Unfortunately people lack awareness about
the aquatic animals and plants, worsening the situation. Life under water needs our support
and we must support it in whatever way we can.

10) Adopt an Animal

Visit your nearest zoo and adopt an animal. Adopting an animal is a method to show your
concern and solidarity towards wildlife and also towards protecting an endangered species.
Adopting an animal, whether at zoo or a stray will infuse a sense of pride in you and will
improve your knowledge about that animal and its habitat.

11) Play Your Part

You could play various roles in the “World Wildlife Day” celebration irrespective of who you
are or what you do. You could be a teacher by teaching the kids about wildlife; a caretaker by
adopting an animal; an environmentalist by cleaning the forests etc. Take whatever part you
would like to play but keep one objective in mind – to protect the wildlife.


World Wildlife Day Theme 2019 – “Life Below Water: For People And Planet”.

World Wildlife Day Theme 2018 – “Big Cats – Predators Under Threat”.

World Wildlife Day Theme 2017 – “Listen to The Young Voices”.

World Wildlife Day Theme 2016 – “The Future of Wildlife is in Our Hands”.

World Wildlife Day Sub Theme 2016 – “The Future of Elephants is in Our Hands”.

World Wildlife Day Theme 2015 – “It’s time to Get Serious About Wildlife Crime”.


93. Zero Discrimination Day

The Zero Discrimination Day was first observed worldwide on 1st March 2014. The day was
observed by the United Nations with all its partners and UNAIDS – a joint program of United
Nations to combat AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) pandemic.

The Zero Discrimination Campaign was first launched by UNAIDS on world AIDS day in
December 2013, to raise awareness against the discrimination of patients infected with HIV
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) which causes AIDS.

Zero Discrimination Day was launched on 27th February 2014 by UNAIDS Executive Director
Michel Sidibe at a major event in Beijing, China.


Zero Discrimination Day 2019 was observed on Friday, 1st March 2019.

The Zero Discrimination Day 2019 theme was “Act to Change Laws that Discriminate”.

UNAIDS and NACA (National Agency for the Control of AIDS), Nigeria called for safeguarding
the legal rights against HIV discriminations. Various campaigns and processions were also
carried out to end the discrimination against the people living with HIV.

UNAIDS also urged the international community to change the laws in their country so that it
provides a better environment to the people living with HIV so that they can live their life with
dignity and respect.

Events of the Launch of 2014 Zero Discrimination Day

Michel Sidibe, Executive Director of UNAIDS launched the “Zero Discrimination Day” at a
grand function in Beijing, China on 27th February 2014.

The event was supported by the Government of China, the China Red Ribbon Foundation and
the Hanergy Holding Group, China. China Red Ribbon Foundation runs orphanages for children

in China, whose parents have died of AIDS. Hanergy Holding Group is Chinese Multinational
privately owned Renewable Energy Company. Many representatives of civil society and
celebrities were also present at the event.

In the events a need to eliminate all kinds of discriminations – gender based, sex based,
ethnicity based, disease based, physical disability based or based on the sexual orientation;
prevalent in the society was stressed upon.

The opening remarks of the Zero Discrimination Day in Beijing were given by – Mr. Michel
Sidibe, Executive Director of the UNAIDS; Mr. Li Hejun, Chairman and CEO of Hanergy Holding
Group and Mr. Gu Yanfen, General Secretary of the China Red Ribbon Foundation.

A Panel discussion was held on discrimination with Mr. James Chau; news anchor and UNAIDS
National Goodwill Ambassador in China, hosting the discussions.

Mr. Michel Sidibe stressed on the need to work together to achieve the goal of zero
discrimination and that everyone has a right to health and dignity.

Many celebrities recorded messages with the symbol of Zero Tolerance Day – Butterfly, to
spread awareness against discrimination. Those present included – Annie Lennox, UNAIDS
Goodwill Ambassador; International Football star, David Luiz; Her Serene Highness Princess
Stephanie of Monaco.

Major announcements about the worldwide events of Zero Discrimination Day to be held on
1st March 2014 were made.


Everyone has a right to equality and dignity irrespective of his/her gender, religion, sexual
orientation, physical appearance, age or other attributes. But, despite laws banning any kind
of discrimination across the world; it is still prevalent in many societies and is being practiced
since ages.

People are discriminated around the world based on their sex, sexual inclinations, physical
disability, ethnicity, age or language. Many people are discriminated based even on where the
live or what they do for living.

Discrimination obstructs growth and the world’s progress towards an equal and just society.
The Sustainable Development Goals of equality and zero discrimination are also a distant
dream as long as discrimination is prevalent in society.

A study on discriminations based on sexual orientations revealed that 80 countries have

banned same sex relationship under law. Small number of countries practicing Sharia as a
legitimate law, have a provision of death penalty for homosexuality; which is a serious human
rights violation.

Transsexual people are also subjected to discriminations in their every day affairs. 65% of
transsexual persons have reported unfriendly interactions in health sector; refraining them
from seeking health advice or facilities. Also, 64% of patients suffering from mental disorder
have experienced discrimination.

Discrimination exists hugely in healthcare sector, with HIV/AIDS patients as the worst
sufferers. People with HIV/AIDS are out casted from their own community; living a desolate
and lonely life. Even hospitals are hesitant in admitting and tending to the patients with
HIV/AIDS. People avoid any kind of physical contact with the infected and they don’t have
access to basic medical assistance.

According to a study conducted by UNAIDS, around 38 countries have imposed restrictions on

travelling of people with HIV/AIDS.

Another form of discrimination prevalent in the society is gender discrimination. Women lack
behind men in the fields of education, employment or social status. They are under paid and
in many communities are not allowed to make major family decisions.

Keeping in mind all the above mentioned discriminations, as well as those which are not
mentioned here; UN in collaboration with UNAIDS and all the members observes Zero
Discrimination Day on 1st March annually to raise global awareness against discrimination and
reach the goal of zero discrimination. Zero discrimination is an absolutely necessary for a
equal and just society and for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Organizations like United Nations and UNAIDS organize various programs on the day to
promote everyone’s right to dignity and a decent living. Issues like gender inequality;
discrimination based on sexual inclination; discrimination based on age, religion or ethnicity;
discrimination of HIV/AIDS infected people are addressed and an appeal to eliminate
discrimination is made.

Private sector also plays an important role in the celebration of Zero Discrimination Day.
Telecom providers across the globe spread the message of ‘Zero Discrimination’ by sending
text messages or recorded calls. Approximately 3.5 Million Airtel subscribers in Malawi,
southeast Africa were send text messages of ‘Zero Discrimination’ on the first celebration of
the Zero discrimination Day on 1st March 2014.

People across the world participate in debates and speeches on the areas of discrimination
and propose feasible solutions to eliminate them.

Events across the globe are organized for people suffering from HIV/AIDS. General awareness
about the disease is raised and people informed that a kind touch or physical contact with the
patient can’t get them infected. People are asked to show kindness and support to the people
with HIV/AIDS.

Issues like religious discrimination are addressed and the communities are appealed to live in
harmony and peace. Interactive sessions are organized between different religious
communities to decrease the ideological differences and to remove misunderstanding.

An appeal by the UN is made to the countries to make necessary policy changes to eliminate
any kind of discrimination prevalent in the societies.

Even small issues like bullying at schools and offices are addressed. Various programs are
organized globally to educate teachers and parents to identify the signs of bullying and how to
counter it. Children are made aware of the fact that no one could be discriminated on the
basis of physical appearance, shyness or ethnicity.

The bottom line is that the Zero Discrimination Day could be celebrated by an individual or a
community to fight any kind of discrimination that they witness and also to raise their voice
against it.


“Butterfly” is the symbol of Zero Discrimination Day. The symbol is widely used by people to
share their photos and videos to express their solidarity towards eliminating discrimination.

“What if”…….Zero Discrimination Day 2018

Zero Discrimination Day 2018 was celebrated on Thursday, 1st March 2018 with the theme –
“What if ….” The theme appeals to people to assess their own behavior in different situations
that would test their belief on discrimination.

What if your watchman has tuberculosis? Would you still care to chat with him during a
morning walk?

What if your best friend is tested positive with HIV? Would you still want to spend the
weekend with your best friend?

What if you met a child whose both parents are HIV positive? Would you still hold the child in
your lap and play with her/him?

Questions like above were raised to the general public and they were appealed to shun
discrimination and various taboos and myths in the society fuelling it.

Agencies had organized many programs across the globe to send the message that allowing
discrimination to exist is a violation of a person’s right to free and dignified living.

The need of zero discrimination to achieve an equal society and to eliminate AIDS pandemic
was stressed.


1) Pick up a Cause

Pick up a specific area of discrimination prevalent in your society or community. If you have
witnessed discrimination based on a person’s age, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, sexual
orientation etc. resolve to raise your voice against the discrimination and to provide support
to the victims.

2) Garner Support

Garner support of influential persons or elders in your community to fight against prevalent
discriminations. Respected elders and influential persons can transform the mindset of a
community and could play a vital role in eliminating discriminations. Get their support and
organize gatherings where they express their views against discrimination.

3) Spread Awareness

Spread awareness about the ill effects of discrimination. Inform people that discrimination is a
human rights violation and also devoids a person or a community of a decent and dignified

living. Any discrimination towards anyone obstructs the growth of not only the victim but also
the society as a whole.

4) Post Your Own Message

You can use your social media accounts to spread awareness and to express your views on
discrimination. Form your own message and post it to let the world know your views and
acknowledge the need to achieve zero tolerance for a equal and progressive society.

5) Make Your Own Butterfly

Butterfly is the globally accepted symbol of Zero Discrimination Day. Make your own butterfly
with paper or card board and post your pictures with the butterfly with your message written
on it. You can also record your video, holding a butterfly and delivering a message to spread
awareness or to express your solidarity or give your support to the cause.

5) Help People With Medical/Physical Conditions.

People with medical ailments and physical disabilities are subjected to discrimination across
the world. People suffering from HIV/AIDS face a lot of discrimination in society. People with
certain physical disabilities are also looked down upon in some societies and are denied equal
rights. Reach out to such people to extend your support and show compassion towards them.

6) Spread Awareness About AIDS.

People suffering from HIV/AIDS face the worst kind of discrimination. They are rejected by
their own community and are denied even normal conversation, fearing the spread of AIDS
epidemic. People have a misconception that the AIDS virus could spread by shaking hands or a
normal physical contact. You can spread awareness about the disease insisting the fact that
the disease is only communicable through unprotected sex or reuse of injecting equipments.

7) Educate Children

Children are the future of a society. It is very important to make them aware about the ill
effects of discrimination and how it restricts the growth of a society as well as nation.
Organize a program in your community’s schools, with the help of volunteers and NGOs;
interacting with the children and professing the need for a equal and a just society for
peaceful co-existence.

8) Donate and Collect Funds

Fighting for a cause many need funds to mobilize and organize resources. Contribute your bit
by donating or collecting funds for the fight against discrimination and also to help the victims
of discrimination. Money thus collected can be donated to a hospital tending HIV patients or
could be given to the dependents of patients.

9) Tell your Story

Speak out against discrimination and speak out loud, without any fear or hesitation. If you
have witnessed the discrimination for yourself or have watched someone else facing
discrimination; speak out and tell your story to the rest of the world. Tell them about the
effects of discrimination on the lives of those affected. Let the world know about your own or
other’s fight against discrimination and admire their efforts.

10) Take The Pledge

Take the pledge to Zero Discrimination on the day and also inspire others to fight against any
kind of discrimination. Take some time out from your daily routine in your schools, colleges,
offices etc and organize pledge taking events.


Zero Discrimination Day theme of 2019 is – “Act to Change Laws that Discriminate”.

Zero Discrimination Day Theme of 2018 was – “What if…….”

Zero Discrimination Day Theme of 2017 was – “Make Some Noise For Zero Discrimination”.

Zero Discrimination Day Theme of 2016 was – “Stand Out”.

Zero Discrimination Day Theme of 2015 was – “Open Up, Reach Out in Order to Celebrate
Diversity and Reject Discrimination In All Its Forms”.


94. Ambedkar Jayanti


Ambedkar Jayanti 2019 was celebrated by the people all over India on Sunday, 14th of April.

President Ram Nath Kovind along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar at the Parliament House on the occasion of 128th Ambedkar Jayanti. Members of
all political party also paid homage to the ‘Architect of Indian Constitution’ on his birth
anniversary and remembered his great thoughts and ideology.

Ambedkar Janmotsav Samiti celebrated the birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar with
various processions and ‘shobhayatra’ across the country. This year it also included floats from
different villages which showed their unique culture. The ‘shobhayatra’ focused on women
rights, superstitions and save daughter issues.

In Solapur, the occasion was celebrated by distributing books to the school children as Dr.
Ambedkar always believed that education is very important for overall development. The
books were distributed by Srimantyogi Pratishthan. The organisation also appealed to others
to take up the same initiative and spread the light of education.

In Chittorgarh, Ambedkar Jayanti was observed by organizing a rally which passed through
various places of the city. An award ceremony was also organised where people from all walks
of life were rewarded for their contribution in their respective fields.

People across the country also organised various programmes on the occasion and celebrated
the occasion with great zeal and enthusiasm. Ambedkar’s statues were garlanded and people
vowed to follow the teachings professed by him.


Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated every year by the people with great enthusiasm more than like
a festival on 14th of April in order to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji
Ambedkar and his contributions for the people of India. It would be 127th birthday
anniversary celebration in the year 2018 to commemorate his memories. It was a big moment
for the people of India when he was born in the year 1891.

The day has been declared as a public holiday all over the India. Like ever before a respectful
homage is paid by the President and Prime Minister (including other political parties leaders)
of India every year to his statue at the Parliament, New Delhi. Indian people worship him like a
God by keeping his statue in their home. At this day people make a parade by keeping his
statue in front, they also enjoy dancing using dhol.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar


Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated by the people of India very happily to remember his immense
contributions for the poor people of India. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is the father of Indian
Constitution who had drafted the Constitution of India. He was the great human rights
activists who born on 14th of April in 1891.

He had established the “Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha” in the year 1923 in India aiming to spread
the necessity of education as well as enhancing the economic status of the low group people
of India. He run a social movement for people using slogan “Educate-Agitate-Organize” aiming
to eradicate the casteism in India as well as rebuilding the Indian Society by following the rule
of equality of human beings.

A march was also led by him in the year 1927 at Mahad, Maharashtra for establishing the
equal rights for untouchable people who were not allowed to even touch or taste the water of
“Public Chawdar Lake”. He has been marked in the Indian history for starting the social
movements like anti-caste, anti-priest movement and temple entry movement.

He led the temple entry movement in the year 1930 at Kalaram Temple, Nashik, Maharashtra
for real human rights and political justice. He said that political power is not the only way to
solve all the problems of depressed class people, they should get equal rights in the society in
every field. He was deeply involved in making legal changes in order to protect the low class
people rights during his Membership of Viceroy’s Executive Council in 1942.

He paid his major contribution by protecting the Fundamental Rights (for the social freedom,
equality and eradication of untouchability for low group people) and Directive Principles
(enhancing the living status by securing the fair distribution of wealth) of State Policy in the
Indian Constitution. He continued his social revolution till the end of his life through the
Buddhism. He has been honored with the Bharat Ratna in the month of April in 1990 for his
big contributions towards the Indian society.


Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated with great passion all over the India including Varanasi, Delhi
and other big cities. In Varanasi the event for the birthday anniversary celebration of Dr.
Ambedkar is organized by the Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti Samaroh Samiti in Kutchehri areas.

They organize variety of events like painting, general knowledge quiz competition, debate,
dance, essay writing, symposium, sports competition and drama to which many people
participate including students from nearby schools. In order to celebrate this occasion, a big
seminar is organized yearly by the Bhartiya Journalists Welfare Association, Lucknow.

Three days long festival (from 15th of April to 17th of April) is held at the Baba Mahashamshan
Nath temple at Manikarnika ghat Varanasi where various cultural programs of dance and
music are organized. Students from junior high school and primary schools make a prabhat
pheri in morning and secondary school students take part in the rally at this day. At many

places, free health check up camps are also organized in order to provide free of charge check
up and medicines to the poor group people.


> He worked to eliminate the social belief of untouchability for the lower group of people. He
protested to uplift the untouchables in the society to enhance their social status during law
practice in the Bombay High Court. He had organized an event called Bahishkrit Hitakarini
Sabha to encourage the education among untouchables for their socio-economic
improvement and welfare of the outcastes people of depressed classes. He also protected the
Dalit rights by organizing various programs like “Mook Nayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Equality

> He had started an active public movements and marches in 1927 against untouchability to
remove the untouchability for water resources as well as enter to the Hindu temples (Kalaram
Temple movement in 1930). He has demanded for the separate electorate through the Poona
Pact to reserve seats for untouchable people of depressed class.

> He was invited by the Congress government to serve as a first Law Minister after the
independence of India on 15th of August in 1947 and appointed as a “Chairman of the
Constitution Drafting Committee” on 29th of August in 1947 where he drafted the new
Constitution of India which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th of November in

> He had played his great role in establishing the Reserve Bank of India as he was a
professional economist. He became successful in forming the Reserve Bank of India in 1934
after giving his ideas to the Hilton Young Commission through his three successful scholarly
books on economics such as “Administration and Finance of the East India Company, The
Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India, and The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and
Its Solution”.

> He also played his role in planning the Indian economic as he got his Economics doctorate
degree from abroad. He encouraged people for the growth and development of the
industrialization and agricultural industry to enhance the economy of country. He had given

ideas to the government for accomplishing the food security goal. He encouraged people for
good education, hygiene and community health as their basic requirement. He had
established the Finance Commission of India.

> He had opposed the Article 370 in the Constitution of India in order to provide the special
status to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, India.


“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have

“History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with
economics”. Vested interests have never been known to have willingly divested themselves
unless there was sufficient force to compel them”.

“Knowledge is the foundation of a man’s life”.

“A people and their religion must be judged by social standards based on social ethics. No
other standard would have any meaning if religion is held to be necessary good for the well-
being of the people”.

“Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country
must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class”.

“Life should be great rather than long”.

“Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country
must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class”.

“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence”.

“Humans are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs
watering. Otherwise both will wither and die”.

“One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead”.

“Life should be great rather than long”.

“The teachings of Buddha are eternal, but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be

“Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his
being in the society in which he lives. Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the
development of the society alone, but for the development of his self”.

“Freedom of mind is the proof of one’s existence”.

“Freedom of mind is the real freedom”.

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity”.

“Religion is for man and not man for religion”.

“Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only. It cannot be a matter of rules. The
moment it degenerates into rules, it ceases to be a religion, as it kills responsibility which is an
essence of the true religious act”.

“The basic idea underlying religion is to create an atmosphere for the spiritual development of
the individual”.

“If you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of
flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other religion”.

“A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the

“In Hinduism, conscience, reason and independent thinking have no scope for development”.

“The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends”.

“One cannot have any respect or regard for men who take the position of the reformer and
then refuse to see the logical consequences of that position, let alone following them out in

“A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison
cannot be changed into nectar”.

“For a successful revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a
profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and
social rights”.

“So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no
avail to you”.

“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have

“Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his
being in the society in which he lives”.


As per the media:

> There is news that Maharashtra government will buy a big bungalow in the London worth
Rs. 35 to 40 crore in order to make it an international memorial of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It is
considered that, at the house (located at 10, King Henry Road, NW3) where Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar was stayed once in London while pursuing higher studies, is being auctioned by the
owner of house. It has been declared by the Maharashtra government that this house would
be inaugurated as an international memorial of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on his birth anniversary.

> There is also a master plan by the state government of Mangaluru to construct an Ambedkar
Bhavan in the city in order to fulfill the long standing demand of Dalit’s community of the
district. It has been decided to construct an Ambedkar Bhavan over 1.61 acres of land.

About Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on 14th of April in the year 1891 to the Ramji Maloji
Sakpal and Bhimabai in a poor Mahar family in Mhow, Central Provinces, British India (Madhya
Pradesh). He died on 6th of December in 1956 at the age of 65 in Delhi, India. He was popular
among public by the name Babasaheb because of his great contributions towards the Indian
society. He served in India throughout his life as a jurist, philosopher, social activist, politician,
historian, anthropologist and economist as well as revivalist for the Buddhism in India to bring
Modern Buddhist movement. He became the first law minister of the Independent India and
drafted the Constitution of India.

Early Life

He struggled throughout his life for the campaign of eradicating the casteism and social
discrimination in India. He own converted to the Buddhism to inspire the lower group people
for which he was addressed as a Bodhisattva by the Indian Buddhists. He faced the social
discrimination from his childhood when he joined the government school. He and his other

colleagues were isolated by other high group students and paid little attention by the
teachers. Even, they were not permitted to sit in class and touch the water. They were
provided water by the person of higher caste from a distance.


In his early life his surname was Ambavadekar, got from his village “Ambavade” in Ratnagiri
District, which was later changed to Ambedkar by his Brahmin teacher, Mahadev Ambedkar.
He joined the Elphinstone High School, Bombay as an only untouchable in 1897. He got
married to the nine-year old Ramabai in 1906. After passing his matriculation examination in
1907 he successfully succeeded to other exams.

He got his economics and political science degree in 1912 from the Bombay University. He
went to the United States 1913 to complete his postgraduate education at the Columbia
University in New York City after getting awarded with the Baroda State Scholarship of £11.50
every month for 3 years. He completed his M.A. exam in 1915 and Ph.D. degree in Economics
in 1917. He again completed his Master’s degree from the London School of Economics in
1921 and D.Sc. in Economics in 1923.


95. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre


The nation observed the centenary of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre on Saturday, 13th of April,

JBCC, the Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Commemoration Committee organized programmes to

raise awareness on the massacre done by the British government during its rule in India. It
also organized various exhibitions in Amritsar, London, Glasgow and other cities. A dinner was
also hosted at the House of Lords by JBCC which included more than 100 dignitaries to
commemorate one of the ugliest days in the history of mankind.

Punjab University organised a seminar of two days to commemorate the sacrifices of the
people who were brutally massacred on the festival of Baisakhi in 1919 at Jallianwala Bagh.
The seminar was organised ahead of the Jallianwala Bagh centenary with the topic
‘Remembering Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of 1919’.

The Department of Information and Public Relation, Punjab broadcasted a film named
‘Jallianwala Bagh – Punjab Ka Dil’. The short film commemorated the sacrifices of the people
in the massacre and also paid tribute to them.

The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee promised to provide free medical support to
the descendants of the victims of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre as a tribute to their families
for their immense sacrifice.


Jallianwala Bagh has become a famous name and place in the Indian history as Jallianwala
Bagh Massacre since 1919. It is the public garden located in the Amritsar, Punjab, India. There
has built a memorial in the memory of peaceful people which has been marked as a national
significant place in the Punjab state of India.


Jallianwala Bagh massacre or Amritsar massacre was a very bad incident for the people in
Amritsar which is still remembered by the people of India by the memorial built in the
Amritsar city of the Punjab state. The memorial was first established in the year 1951 in order
to remember and pay tribute to the people who had sacrificed their lives in the massacre
done by the forces of the British rule over the peaceful Indian people who were involved in
celebrating the most famous occasion of the Punjabi culture called Punjabi New Year on 13th
of April in 1919 at the Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar.

It was informed by the colonial British Raj sources that around 379 people were dead and
1100 were wounded whereas according to one of the Civil Surgeons (Dr. Smith), it was
estimated around 1,526 people were wounded but still the true data is unknown. Jallianwala
Bagh garden is located in the area of around 6.5 acre means 26,000 m2 near to the Golden
Temple complex which is very holy place for the people of Sikh religion.

The memorial, built at the Jallianwala Bagh massacre site, is getting managed by the trust
called Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Trust. This memorial was established by the
Government of India in the year 1951 as per the Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Act.
Jallianwala Bagh massacre is commemorated by the people all over the India every year on
13th of April in order to remember and pay tribute to the people who had sacrificed their lives
in that massacre.

Quick Facts about Jallianwala Bagh Massacre:

Place: Amritsar

Date: 13 April 1919, 5:30 PM

Target: Hindu, Muslim and Sikh religious and political gathering

Type: Massacre

Deaths: 379–1000

Perpetrators: British Indian Army



In order to avoid the revolution on 13th of April in 1919 at Sunday, all the meeting was already
banned by the Dyer but the news was not disseminated properly at all the places. It was the
great reason of why the crowd had gathered at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar and why the
massacre happened at the public garden called as the Jallianwala Bagh. 13th of April, Sunday
in 1919 was the day of Baishakhi festival for the people of Sikh religion. In order to celebrate
this festival, a big crowd of many villagers had gathered to the Jallianwala Bagh.

As soon as R.E.H. Dyer was informed about the meeting getting held at the Jallianwala Bagh,
he went there with his fifty Gurkha riflemen and ordered them to fire on the crowd. They
continued firing on the innocent crowd for 10 minutes (1,650 rounds) until their pocket of
bullets became empty.

He became hero of the whole British Empire in Britain however, he was criticized a lot by the
House of Commons and forced to get retired in July 1920. The deadly massacre became the
reason for reevaluating the role of their army which resulted in new policy “minimum force” in
which army was trained very well with all the suitable tactics to control the big crowd.


Jallianwala Bagh massacre is also famous by the name Amritsar massacre as it was happened
in the Amritsar city of the Punjab state. It has been added as a very bad event to the history of
India happened during the British rule of India. It was happened on 13th of April in 1919,
when a big crowd of common people (Baishakhi pilgrims) including non-violent protesters was
gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh public garden in the Amritsar, Punjab.

Common public (Sikh religion) were gathered (in spite of curfew declared) to celebrate their
most famous festival, Baisakhi, whereas non violent protesters were gathered for protesting
the arrest of two leaders of Indian Independence Movement (Satya Pal and Saifuddin
Kitchlew) by the British government.

On 11th of April Brigadier General R.E.H. Dyer had reached there from the Jalandhar
Cantonment and taken the town under his control. He ordered his forces to take action and
fire on the big crowd continuously for ten minutes. They were firing very offensively towards
the gates so that people cannot get out of the place and came in front of their bullets.

It was informed that the number of dead people was around 370 to 1000 or even more. This
violence behavior of the British government made the shocked and surprised. After this
movement people lost their faith in the intentions of Britain which led to the Non-cooperation
movement of the 1920–22.

A big revolt was believed by the British Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab to be possible in the
Amritsar at Jallianwala Bagh where more than 15,000 people were gathered to celebrate
festival. Amritsar massacre was as a response to end and suppress the schemes of leader of
Indian independence movement.

There was protest by the Indian independence movement leaders at the residence of Deputy
Commissioner of Amritsar on 10th of April in 1919 demanding for the release of two most
popular Indian Independence Movement leaders named Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew who
were arrested by the British government and planned to move to some secret location. A big
crowd was attacked by the British forces in this protest. Both of the leaders named Satya Pal
and Saifuddin Kitchlew had supported Mahatma Gandhi in the Satyagraha movement.

On 11th of April, an English missionary teacher, Miss Marcella Sherwood was caught by the
mob and beaten. She was later saved by some local Indians including father of her pupil. The
revolt was continue in the city of Amritsar during which railway lines were cut, government
offices, buildings burnt, telegraph posts destroyed and etc. As a result of the revolt, Punjab
was declared to put under martial law by the British government by 13th of April during which
civil liberties, freedom of meetings, gatherings of crowd (crowd of more than 4 people was
banned) became totally restricted by the legislation.

On the same day means 13th of April was a traditional festival of the Sikh religion called
Baisakhi during which a large crowd of various religious people like Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and
etc were gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh public garden near to the Harmandir Sahib,
Amritsar. It was just the time to start meeting and then Dyer reached there with his group of
Gurkha loaded with 303 Lee-Enfield bolt-action rifles and machine guns, surrounded the
garden from all sides and started firing on the crowd without any warning. He explained later
that this action was to punish the disobedient Indians however it was not to scatter the

After hearing the sound of firing, people started running here and there but they did not get
any way to escape away from the place as they were fully surrounded by the British force.
Most of the people were jumped into the nearest well in order to get saved themselves. Later
120 dead bodies of the people were obtained from the well.

Feedback of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

After the event happened, British General Dyer had reported to his superior officer about his
confrontation by the revolutionary army and then stated by the Lieutenant-Governor Michael
O’ Dwyer through a telegram that “Your action is correct and the Lieutenant Governor

approves”. O’ Dwyer also had requested for the continuation of the martial law upon the
Amritsar and other nearest areas which was later granted by the Viceroy Lord Chelmsford.

It was criticized by the Winston Churchill for which he had debated in the House of Commons
on 8th of July in 1920. He said that:

“The crowd was unarmed, except with bludgeons. It was not attacking anybody or anything…
When fire had been opened upon it to disperse it, it tried to run away. Pinned up in a narrow
place considerably smaller than Trafalgar Square, with hardly any exits, and packed together
so that one bullet would drive through three or four bodies, the people ran madly this way
and the other. When the fire was directed upon the centre, they ran to the sides. The fire was
then directed to the sides. Many threw themselves down on the ground, the fire was then
directed down on the ground. This was continued to 8 to 10 minutes, and it stopped only
when the ammunition had reached the point of exhaustion.”

After his long debate in the House of Commons, Dyer action was criticized and voted by the
MPs against his action. A protest meeting against the inhuman cruelty of British rule was
planned in Calcutta by the Rabindranath Tagore after getting informed about the massacre
news on 22nd of May in 1919.

A Sikh teenager named Udham Singh from the Khalsa Orphanage was the real witness of the
Jallianwala Bagh massacre happenings on 13th of April 1919. He took revenge of his more
than 1300 countrymen (killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre) by killing the Lieutenant-
Governor Michael O’Dwyer at Caxton Hall of London for which he was hanged at Pentonville
jail of London on 31st of July in 1940.

Establishment of Hunter Commission in response to the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

It was declared by the Government of India on 14th of October in 1919 to make a committee
for inquiring the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in the state of Punjab. This commission was later
named as the Hunter Commission after the name of chairman, Lord William Hunter. The
commission was established aiming to investigate properly about all the cases happened
recently in the Bombay, Punjab and Delhi.

However, the Hunter Commission became unable to implement any disciplinary action as the
actions of Dyer as were disregarded by his superiors. But after lots of efforts he was founded
guilty and forced to get retired from the army before time in the month of July in 1920. Pandit
Madan Mohan Malaviya had also raised his voice in the Central Legislative Council against the
Dyer actions. According to his personal discovery, he claimed that more than 1,000 people
were killed from the total crowd of 15,000 to 20,000.

An annual session was held by the Indian National Congress in the month of December in 1919
at Amritsar and requested British Government that “take early steps to establish a fully
responsible government in India in accordance with the principle of self determination.” The
All India Sikh League was formed by the people of Sikh religion as their representative body
for the political actions. They had demanded for reforming their Sikh shrines through the
Gurdwara Reform movement during 1920-25. Some of the Sikh servicemen had resigned from
their army service and adopted non-violence by the Akali movement leaders to constitute an
anti-British terrorist group called as Babar Akalis.

Establishment of the Memorial at Jallianwala Bagh

allianwala Bagh Memorial

Jallianwala Bagh has become a national place of pilgrimage after the Amritsar massacre.
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya had formed a committee to raise voice to make memorial at
the place of massacre in the memory of martyrs. In order to built a memorial, the Jallianwala
Bagh was obtained by the nation by cost of 5,60,472 rupees on 1st of August in 1920.
However, the memorial construction was done after the Independence of the India at cost of
9,25,000 rupees and named as “Flame of Liberty” which was inaugurated by the first President
of independent India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, on the same day means 13th of April in 1961.

The memorial is built having 30-ft of high pylon in the middle surrounded by the four-sided
red stoned tapering stature in a shallow tank having stone lantern standing at each corner. It
is built of 300 slabs with the Ashoka Chakra as an indication of the national emblem. All the

four sides of the memorial pylon have written in Hindi, English, Urdu and Panjabi with “In
memory of martyrs, 13 April 1919”. The position of the Dyer’s soldiers has been marked by
building a children swimming pool (skirting by the semi circular varandah) very close to the
main entrance gate of the Jallianwala Bagh.


96. Prevention of Blindness Week


Prevention of Blindness Week 2019 will be observed from 1st of April (Monday) to 7th of April

The day will be observed by spreading awareness on the precautions which needs to be taken
to prevent blindness. It will also focus on detection, cure and treatment of eye diseases. In
schools and villages, people and children will be educated about the importance of eye

Various eye checkup camps will also be organised in cities and villages across the nation.
People will be checked for their eyesight, diagnosed and proper treatment and medication will
be provided in the camps.

About Prevention of Blindness Week

The Prevention of Blindness Week campaign is planned by the Government of India which is
held from 1st to 7th April for increasing the awareness towards the blind people. Blindness is a
big issue and painful condition for the people who are suffering from it which cannot be felt
by those who have eyes. Though the campaign has been organized to aware almost all citizens
all across the country in order to understand the value of eyes for the blind people. India has a
lot of people who are blind by birth or because of the accident.

There are 10 million people who are suffering from the blindness in our country. The
worldwide number of the blind people is approximately 37 million. The government of India
has organized a campaign to aware the people as well as offer better opportunities to the

blind people by establishing the variety of institutes, agencies, hospitals etc. Through the week
people get education related to healthcare and eye care. At some places in India the affected
people do protest for their right which must be available to them.

Some of the educational institutional are dedicated to offer the education to the blind
students but still they need more attention. In order make the campaign successful, the
various departments, publication houses, NGOs should have to work together. Eye donation is
the most effective way to provide real support to the blind people as well as bring a
permanent light in their dark life.

The aim of the campaign is to pay attention over various risk factors that lead to the eye
injuries which can cause visual impairment. People need education of all possible eye
problems, complications including the periodic eye checkup from an ophthalmologist, nearest
eye clinics, which facilitates checkup facility.

The campaign involves well educated health personnel from the government departments,
voluntary agencies and state health education bureau which are working to increase the
awareness towards program. It is very necessary to alert and awaken the people about all the
factors causing blindness.

According to the statistics it has been noted that India has the largest number of blind people.
And almost one among the three is blind. The major causes of the blindness are trachoma,
cataract, vitamin A deficiency, malnutrition including the shortage of optometrists and
donated eye. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are most affected states with blindness.

When it was started:

Prevention of Blindness Week was first started by the Jawaharlal Nehru and Raj Kumari Amrit
Kaur in the year 1960 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Another campaign “The
Right to Sight” was launched by the WHO for the prevention of the blindness.

Varieties of events and activities are organized by the Government and non Government
institutions and organizations on the day:

Community health centers are organized in order to offer the free educational material,
knowledge of eye care, eye ailments, free eye check up of the refractive errors, cataract
detection as well as offering free eye spectacles to the affected person.

Free eye camps are held to provide eye health education, preventing measures of the
congenital eye diseases through the rubella and measles vaccination.

Varieties of posters, leaflets are displayed at the schools for better awareness.

Various eye camps are organized for the better awareness among people for the eye and
cornea donation for being transplanted to the needed one.


97. World Book Day


World Book Day 2019 was celebrated all over the world on Tuesday, the 23rd of April.

World Book Day is also known as World Book and Copyright Day, World Book Days and
International Day of the Book.

The World Book Day theme 2019 was “Share a Story”.

Amazon.com, the shopping website gave 9 e-books free of cost to everyone on its website to
celebrate World Book Day. The books were from various genre including biographies, fiction,
stories, crime and mystery. The aim was to spread the interest of reading books which seems
lost in the modern world of internet and smart phones.

India was the Guest of Honor in the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair hosted by the Prince of
Abu Dhabi. The event witnessed the talented authors of India and the bestsellers books
authored by India’s most renowned writers.

There were various forums held on the occasion where book enthusiasts gathered to read
aloud some parts of bestsellers. The aim was to raise the awareness on book reading as books
are the ocean of knowledge which enlightens the minds of the readers.


World Book Day is an annual event celebrated every year by the people all over the world on
23rd of April. It is the most important event organized annually by the UNESCO in order to
promote the reading, publishing and copyright among the public worldwide. Instead of
celebrating it on 23rd of April, it is celebrated on 1st Thursday of the March in the United
Kingdom. World Book Day celebration was started by the UNESCO first time on 23rd of April in

Generally, it is celebrated by the authors, illustrators, books and to encourage reading among
common public. It is the worldwide celebration of the books and readings and celebrated in
more than 100 countries.


There are many legends behind celebrating the world book day on annual basis on
international level worldwide. The connection of world book day celebration date means 23rd
of April and books was established first time in the year 1923 by the various Spain booksellers
in order to pay tribute to the most famous author named Miguel de Cervantes. The day is the
death anniversary of the Miguel de Cervantes.

The exact date of the world book day celebration was established first time in 1995 by the
UNESCO to celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day. It was decided by the UNESCO to be
celebrated on 23rd of April as it is, according to the Gregorian calendar, the birth and death
anniversaries of the William Shakespeare, Vladimir Nabokov, Manuel Mejía Vallejo; death
anniversaries of the Miguel de Cervantes (died on 22nd of April and buried on 23rd of April),
Josep Pla, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and birth anniversaries of the Manuel Mejía Vallejo,
Maurice Druon and Halldór Laxness.


One can get involved in celebrating the world book day by buying and reading some exciting
and funny books from the market or popular book shops where all the favorite books based
on brands, characters or authors are available. World book day celebration plays a great role
in bringing kids closer to the books reading habits as well as creates interest in them to know
about authors and other important things.

It was started celebrating throughout the world by the UNESCO for easily promoting the
reading habits among kids, publishing and protecting the intellectual property using copyright.
23rd of the April has been a significant date for the world literature as 23rd of April of 1616
was the death anniversary of many great personalities.

The date has been decided by the UNESCO to pull worldwide people attention to pay tribute
to the books and authors. It encourages people specially youngsters to read books, discover
real pleasure and knowledge among books as well as creating new ideas for their
extraordinary contributions towards the social and cultural development of the country or
people. Giving a rose with each book purchase to the customer may motivate them to read
books and feel respect.

World Book and Copyright Day celebration is specially carried out by the teachers, authors,
publishers, librarians, all the public and private educational institutions, NGOs, working group
of people, mass media and etc. Variety of programmes are organized on international level by
the UNESCO National Commissions, UNESCO clubs, centres, associations, libraries, schools and
other educational institutions.

Working group people are promoted for the library membership to get the collection latest
books written by famous authors. Various activities like visual art, drama, workshop
programmes and etc can aid more motivation to the people.


The date for the world book day celebration was decided by the UNESCO in the General
Conference which was held in the Paris in 1995. Lots of interested people from almost 100
countries associated with voluntary organizations, universities, schools, public or professional

groups, private businesses and etc. World Book and Copyright Day celebration attracts people
from all continents and cultural backgrounds all over the world. It made them able to discover
new ideas and explore their knowledge. Books are depositories of heritage, cultures, windows
of knowledge, tools for dialogue, source of wealth and so many.

World Book and Copyright Day celebration has inspired lots of professional organizations from
various countries and receives assistance from UNESCO. The worldwide member states of the
UNESCO celebrate this event every year to promote the power of books among people in
order to bring them together as well as disseminate variety of cultures to other people. The
day is celebrated to promote education among young people as well as people living in
underprivileged sections.

At this day, some young people including children are awarded for their better performance
for novels, short stories or picture books promoting peace, tolerance, understanding and
respect among each other for other cultures and traditions. A different poster is designed
every year based on the particular themes of the year and distributed among people around
the world. Posters are designed in such way to encourage people and children to read more


The theme of World Book Day 2019 is “Share a Story”.

The theme of World Book Day 2018 was “Reading, it’s my right”.

The theme of World Book Day 2015 was “Read the World”.

The theme of World Book Day 2014 was “Be Smart-Read Books!”.

The theme of World Book Day 2013 was “reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual
property through copyright.”

The theme of World Book Day 2012 was “Books and Translations”.

The theme of World Book Day 2011 was “Evolution of Book Production, from Writing to

The theme of World Book Day 2010 was “International Year for the Rapprochement of

The theme of World Book Day 2009 was “Development of Quality Education and the Link
between Publishing and Human Rights”.

The theme of World Book Day 2008 was “International Year of Languages”.

The theme of World Book Day 2007 was “Reading is the Key”.

The theme of World Book Day 2006 was “Literacy Changes Lives”.

The theme of World Book Day 2005 was “Reading is Forever”.

The theme of World Book Day 2004 was “Reading: a non-stop Journey”.

The theme of World Book Day 2003 was “Friends for Life”.

The Theme of World Book Day 2002 was “Hourly Happy”.

The theme of World Book Day 2001 was “happy hour”.

The Theme of World Book Day 2000 was “Reading is refreshing”

The theme of World Book Day 1999 was “Give a Book”.

The theme of World Book Day 1998 was “Reading is Cool”.


“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t
read.” -Abraham Lincoln

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C. S. Lewis

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” –
Groucho Marx

“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and
continuing needs, is good for him.” – Maya Angelou

“Ideally a book would have no order to it, and the reader would have to discover his own.” –
Mark Twain

“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish
with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a
process of learning.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” –
Oscar Wilde

“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly
written.” – Oscar Wilde

“I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become
a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine

“You cannot open a book without learning something.” – Confucius

“Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is
not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of
professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital.” – Thomas Jefferson

“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” – Friedrich

“I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.” – Steven Wright

“Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you
saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering – because you can’t take it in
all at once.” – Audrey Hepburn

“Every burned book enlightens the world.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“O Day of days when we can read! The reader and the book, either without the other is
naught.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The book salesman should be honored because he brings to our attention, as a rule, the very
books we need most and neglect most.” – Confucius

“He that composes himself is wiser than he that composes a book.” – Benjamin Franklin

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other
room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx

“Miss a meal if you have to, but don’t miss a book.” – Jim Rohn

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” – Ernest Hemingway

“The book you don’t read won’t help.” – Jim Rohn

“Every book is a children’s book if the kid can read!” – Mitch Hedberg

“I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe: believe life; it teaches better that book or
orator.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“A book must be the ax for the frozen sea within us.” – Franz Kafka

“A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing
with full instruction, but pursues you never.” – Henry Ward Beecher

“I read a lot of obscure books and it is nice to open a book.” – Bill Gates

“There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the
tired man who wants a book to read.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

“A book is never a masterpiece: it becomes one. Genius is the talent of a dead man.” – Carl

“Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon.” – Bertolt Brecht

“A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a

multitude of counselors.” – Charles Baudelaire

“Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.” – William Feather


98. World Earth Day

On 22nd April 2009 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring 22nd
April as the “International Mother Earth Day”. The resolution was adopted to reaffirm the
agenda of sustainable development and also to acknowledge the role of earth as a mother,
who sustains and nurtures all the species, including humans, animals and plants.

The resolution was introduced by the unitary plurinational state of Bolivia and was supported
by 50 other member states of the United Nations.

The term “Mother Earth” implies the interdependent relationship which exists between all the
species of planet earth and to acknowledge earth’s role in sustaining them all.

“International Mother Earth Day” is aimed at sharing responsibilities and setting agendas for a
peaceful coexistence with nature.

There is reason behind the title of this celebration as “Earth Day”. It was suggested by number
of people in 1969 and the idea came with “birthday” as Earth day (rhyming word of birthday).


International Mother Earth Day 2019 was observed on Monday, April 22nd 2019.

There is reason behind the title of this celebration as “Earth Day”. It was suggested by number
of people in 1969 and the idea came with “birthday” as Earth day (rhyming word of birthday).

World Earth Day 2019 theme was “Protect Our Species”. It mainly focused on saving species
which are on the verge of extinction due to climate change, deforestation, pollution and illegal

Earth Day Network, the organisation which spreads awareness on environmental issues across
the globe organized various events to raise awareness on saving the endangered species of
the world. It urged people to say no to herbicides and pesticides and follow a plant based diet.

Environmental activists organized various processions and held rallies on the occasion to
spread the awareness about saving our planet and making it the best planet to live. Focus was
also made on fighting climate change, deforestation, pollution and protecting endangered

NASA, the international space agency, celebrated the World Earth Day by organizing a photo
contest with hash tag #PictureEarth. The contestants had to take a picture of nature and post
it on social media with the same hash tag. The best pictures were showcased on the NASA’s
blog on 22nd April.


Many countries have been celebrating “Earth Day” since 1970, decades before the
introduction of “International Mother Earth Day”. The initiative to celebrate Earth Day was
taken by Gaylord Nelson – the senator of California in 1969.

An oil spill on the coast of California on January 28, 1969 which killed thousands of marine
animals, invoked the then senator Gaylord Nelson to take action. He called in a forum to
discuss the issue of environment and the human impacts on it; surprisingly his first tech in on
22nd April 1970 was attended by 20 Million people.

Further In 1992, the UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development)
was held in Rio de Jenerio, Brazil from 3rd to 14th June. In the conference 178 countries
adopted the agenda of Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and principles for
the sustainable management of forests.

In 2005 the United Nations General Assembly declared 2008 as the “International Year of
Planet Earth”. The day was adopted with a view to promote education of earth sciences,
acknowledging its importance in sustainable use of natural resources as well as for sustainable

Noting the fact that many countries have been celebrating Earth Day on 22nd April; Bolivia
under its then President, Evo Morales Ayma, introduced a resolution to celebrate 22nd April
as “International Mother Earth Day”. The resolution was backed by over 50 member states,
and was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 22nd April 2009.

The inaugural function of “International Mother Earth Day” was celebrated in 2010; since then
it us being observed annually across the globe.


Our Earth is the only planet in the Universe where life is possible till date. It is very necessary
to maintain the natural assets of the earth in order to continue the life on the earth. In the
rush of the crowd, the most intelligent creature of the God called human is slowly losing its
humanity and forgot to take care of the planet that gave it life and started using its resources
very ruthlessly. The 22nd of April has been marked as an Earth Day to make the human race
get aware about the importance of their planet.

A USA senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson had founded the day to make the people
aware about day to day increasing rate of the industrialization as well as the careless attitude
of the people living on the earth. The step was taken by him to promote the idea of natural
balance among people as well as encourage them for respecting the assets of the planet. It is
very necessary to take care of the environmental issues to stay healthy and alive as cruel
people have mercilessly utilized its resources and depleted its life supporting resources over
the centuries.

One of the big examples of it is the depletion of the Ozone layer which prevents us from the
ultra violet rays of the sun. Another big problem of the environment is death of rivers by
getting mixed with the industrial toxic materials which leads to the global warming. Increasing
industrialization on daily basis leads to deforestation which ultimately leads to the rise in Earth

These are the life ending dangers on the earth forever which can be lessens through the small
steps such as new trees plantation, inhibiting the deforestation, limiting the vehicles use to
reduce air pollution, enhancing the energy conservation through reducing the unnecessary
use of electricity. Such small steps become a big step if taken care by the people worldwide

Now a day, everything is being packed in the plastic bags or given in it by the shopkeepers.
Plastic bags productions are increasing day by day which is very shameful condition for us as
these materials are undegradable. The first celebration of the Earth Day was took place in the
US on 22nd of April in 1970 to mark the environmental movement as a big matter of fact.

Students group from the US College campuses had participated to protest for the
environmental deterioration to increase the public awareness. Another group was protested
for the oil spills, toxic dumps, air and water pollution due to industrialization, raw sewage, use
and production of pesticides and many more. Since then, 22nd of April was continued to be
celebrated as Earth Day officially.


People from all over the world celebrate earth day with great enthusiasm and interest on each
22nd of April since 1970 to save the natural assets of their earth. More than 20 million
Americans took part in the event celebration and make the streets, parks and auditoriums
busy in order to display their themes role based on the public health, environmental issues,
industrialization, deforestation and so many.

Students from thousands of colleges, universities and other educational institutions actively
take part in the protest against increasing earth issues such as the day to day environment
deterioration, air and water pollution, ozone layer deterioration, industrialization,
deforestation and etc to prevent the oil spills, set up of polluting factories, power plants, use
and production of pesticides and etc.

Various steps have been taken by the governments of many countries towards the safety of
earth by implementing the variety of legal rules. A group of environmental leaders organize
various events and campaigns to celebrate the earth day. A big crowd of the people gets
together from 141 countries to solve the environmental issues by implementing variety of
useful measures.

People take part in demonstrating the theme of clean environment in order to build a clean
and healthy world to welcome new generations. The aim of celebrating the world earth day is
to inspire the public for making better earth environment.

At this day people perform outdoor activities related to the earth safety like new trees
plantation planting trees, picking up roadside waste materials, recycling of wastes, energy
conservation and so many. Some people request governments to take immediate action to
prevent the day by day increasing global warming and other environmental destructions. At
this day all the TV channels to show their programs to deal with the real environmental issues
to get public aware.

It has not been declared as the public holiday officially by the government. All the schools,
colleges, universities and educational institutions are open at this day. April 22 Earth Day,
founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and
respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of
air, water and soil pollution.

People who participate in the event celebration, make an earth planet using green and blue
colors to indicate the life of animals, plants and symbolize their natural recycling including the
green house effect and global warming. At some places in the United States, people celebrate
earth day by taking part in a parade getting dressed up in flowers, plants or bugs clothes to
make aware that whole environment is our real home. There are many ways to celebrate the
earth day:

New trees plantation at required places.

Do some outdoor activities with your family such as making the home for a bird on the tree
and discuss their role in the ecosystem.

Motivate people to reduce the use of plastic bags to avoid the soil and water pollution.

Teach your children about the recycling and reuse of the old materials.

Take part in picking up the wastes from streets, parks and other places.

Take part in the amusement activities like singing a song related to the Earth safety to attract
more people to the event celebration.

Take part in the educational sessions like seminars, discussions and other competitive
activities related to the safety of natural resources of the earth.

Motivate people by wearing green, brown or blue clothes for displaying the environmental

Promote people for energy conservation by various practical means.

Teach people that every day of their life is earth day, so they should take care of the earth on
daily basis.


The founder of the Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson, has chosen this day (22nd of April) to increase
the awareness among common public, especially among youngsters to get full effect of the
campaign of environmental safety. He had selected this day by keeping things in mind that
there would not be any disturbances of the exams for the students or any fairs and festival for
the common public, so that everyone could pay their full attention towards this event
celebration. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is considered that 22nd of April 1970 was
the 100th birth anniversary of the Vladimir Lenin.


“International Mother Earth Day” is celebrated to promote harmony between the planet and
living beings and to acknowledge the role of earth in sustaining and supporting life. There are
many activities that could be undertaken to celebrate “International Mother Earth Day” and
show your concern towards mother earth. Some of the activities to be a part of the
celebrations are given below-

1) Volunteer

Various governments and non government agencies organize events on “International Mother
Earth Day”. Any such event needs volunteers to work and support the campaign. You can also
volunteer in such an event and contribute your bit towards saving Mother Earth.

2) Raise Awareness

As the threats to the planet are increasing, there is an urgent need to raise general awareness
about environmental protection, habitat protection and minimizing the effects of climate

change. There is also a need for everyone to acknowledge the role that earth and its
environment play in sustaining life. It could only be done by raising awareness and letting
people admire the planet and its various elements.

3) Organize School events

The future of the planet lies in the hands of the children of today. It is in the hands of our
children that we will hand over the planet. Children should know the significance of the planet
they live in and admire its resources and sustainability. They should be taught the meaning of
“Mother Earth” and what it implies. Organize events in schools to make the children realize
that Earth is like a mother who sustains, feeds and nurtures her children unconditionally; we
just have to keep her safe in return.

4) Applaud

Honor those who have done something for the cause of environment, pollution or cleanliness
etc. You can organize a small felicitation event in your community, to felicitate anyone for
working on environmental issues. The work doesn’t need necessarily to be exceptional and
anyone who has simply taken an initiative could also be applauded. Such appreciation will not
only encourage the person making him more dedicated to the cause, but also inspire others to
follow suit.

5) Stay Updated

Keep yourself updated of the events around the world as well as in your own city, village or
community. To motivate others and also to make them aware of the significance of the day
you need to be updated yourself. You could be a source of information for them; motivating
and inspiring them to admire the planet earth as mother and also to pledge for her protection.

6) Plant Trees

Trees play a vital role in the environment. Trees are essential for climate regulation, causing
rains, preventing floods etc. They are also essential for providing livelihood and sustaining life.
Over all trees represent the health of our planet “Mother Earth”. Planting trees is like giving
medicines to an ailing earth and is bound to make a positive effect. So, plant as many trees as
you can to celebrate the day and show your concern towards mother earth.

7) Clean The Environment

Pollution is one of the most potent and immediate threats to the environment and
consequently to the earth. The environment is getting damaged constantly by pollutions of
various kinds – air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution etc. All the pollutions are due to
human induced factors. On the event of “International Mother Earth Day”, take up to cleaning
the road or a public place in or around your community. By taking up the cause of cleaning the
environment on “International Mother Earth Day” you are contributing towards improving the
overall health of mother health.

8) Collect Funds

Organizing events and campaigns might require funds for mobilization of various resources
and also for other causes. If you wish, you could start in advance; collecting funds for the
event. The fund collected could be used for planting trees or for other environmental issues.

9) Pledge

Pledge to protect the earth and its environment, also encourage your relatives and friends to
take the pledge with you. Pledge to refrain from polluting the environment and also to stop
others from doing so. This way you will acknowledge the role of earth as a mother, reaffirming
her essentiality in providing sustenance and livelihood.


“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2019 is – “Protect Our Species”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2018 was – “End Plastic Pollution”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2017 was – “Environmental and Climate Literacy”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2016 was – “Trees For the Earth”

‘International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2015 was – “It’s our turn to lead”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2014 was – “Green Cities”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2013 was – “The Face of Climate Change”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2012 was – “Mobilize the Earth”.

“International Mother Earth Day” Theme 2011 was – “Clear The Air”.

“International Mother Earth Day” theme 2010 was – “A Global Referendum on Climate

“International Mother Earth Day” theme 2009 was “How Do You Get Around”.

“International Mother Earth Day” theme 2008 was “Trees Please”.

“International Mother Earth Day” theme 2007 was “Be kind to the earth – starting from saving


We have listed below some inspirational and meaningful quotes on Earth Day. All the listed
quotes are said by the famous personalities of the world on the earth day. Such well said
quotes inspire us to take care of the beautiful earth and conserve this natural property.

“One billion people in 175 countries will mark Earth Day. That puts tea parties in perspective,
doesn’t it?” – Greg Dworkin

“In celebration of this Earth Day, I encourage all Members of the House to support legislation
aimed at investing in the improvement of water quality in our Nation’s lakes, rivers, streams
and estuaries.” – Jerry Costello

“Well, perhaps the greatest achievement, and we didn’t know it at the time, was we held an
Earth Day in 1970, and out of that Earth Day a lot of students got involved in saving the
environment, or trying to.” – Pete McCloskey

“Every day is Earth Day, and I vote we start investing in a secure climate future right now.” –
Jackie Speier

“Earth Day 1970 was irrefutable evidence that the American people understood the
environmental threat and wanted action to resolve it.” – Barry Commoner

“We had some major successes and we did so because the country embraced the spirit of
Earth Day and embraced this concept that we have to have forward-looking, visionary
environmental policy and energy policy in this country.” – Jay Inslee

“Ahh, Earth Day, the only day of the year where being able to hacky-sack will get you laid.” –
Jon Stewart

“If we are ever to halt climate change and conserve land, water and other resources, not to
mention reduce animal suffering, we must celebrate Earth Day every day – at every meal.” –
Ingrid Newkirk

“On Earth Day, we celebrate all the gifts the world and nature make available to us. We
recognize our complete dependence on its bounty. And we acknowledge the need for good
stewardship to preserve its fruits for future generations.” – John Hoeven

“Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more
sustainable and livable place.” – Scott Peters

“If we are ever to halt climate change and conserve land, water and other resources, not to
mention reduce animal suffering, we must celebrate Earth Day every day — at every meal.” –
Ingrid Newkirk

“The earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.” – Henry David

“Man must feel the earth to know himself and recognize his values…. God made life simple. It
is man who complicates it.” – Charles A. Lindbergh

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as
long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson

“Trees are Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” – Rabindranath Tagore

“God wanted to make heaven and the earth is that heaven. Nowhere in the universe there is
so much love, life, beauty and peace. Enjoy your stay with the fellow beings.” – Amit Ray

“It’s Earth day I wonder if we can plant more trees than people for a change?” – Stanley Victor

“I had assumed that the Earth, the spirit of the Earth, noticed exceptions — those who
wantonly damage it and those who do not. But the Earth is wise. It has given itself into the
keeping of all, and all are therefore accountable.” – Alice Walker


99. World Health Day


World Health Day 2019 was celebrated worldwide on Sunday, 7th of April.

World Health Day theme 2019 was – “Health for All – Everyone, Everywhere”.

The day was observed across the globe with various health awareness campaigns and camps
with a focus on staying healthy. Many health organisations and healthcare departments
conducted seminars, talks, discussions and shared the important tips on how to stay healthy.

On World Health Day, the World Obesity Foundation along with other organisations endorsed
the initiative to fight obesity across the world which is the one of the major reasons for
diseases. The programme focused on the importance of physical exercise and diet control to
control obesity and to stay fit and healthy.

WHO observed the World Health Day with the focus on providing Universal Health Coverage
(UHC) everywhere and to everyone. It reiterated its pledge to provide health services to each
and every citizen in the world. It aimed that all people should have the access to the quality
health services across the globe whenever and wherever they need it.

Theme, Slogan and Hashtag of World Health Day 2018

The theme of World Health Day is: Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere.

The slogan of World Health Day is “Health for All”.

The primary hashtag that we are using for World Health Day is #HealthForAll but look out for
posts using #WorldHealthDay as well.

World Health Day

The World Health Day is celebrated by the people all across the world every year on 7th of
April under the leadership of World Health Organization to draw the mass people attention
towards the importance of global health. World Health Assembly was held first time in the
year 1948 in Geneva by the WHO where it was decided to celebrate the World Health Day
annually on 7th of April. It was first celebrated worldwide in the year 1950 as the World
Health Day. Varieties of events related to the particular theme are organized on the
international and national level by the WHO.

It is an annual event being celebrated for years to raise the common public awareness
towards the health issues and concerns. A particular theme is chosen to run the celebration
and take care of the health for whole year. Global Polio Eradication was also one of the special
themes of the year 1995 of world health day. From then, most of the countries have become
free of this fatal disease whereas in other parts of the world its awareness level has increased.

World Health Day targets all the health issues on global basis for which several programs are
organized yearly by the WHO and other related health organizations at various places like
schools, colleges and other crowd places. It is celebrated to remember the establishment of
the World health Organization as well as draw the attention of people towards the major
health issues in the world.

WHO is a vast health organization working under UN for addressing the health issues on a
global basis. Since its establishment it has addressed serious health issues including
chickenpox, polio, smallpox, TB, leprosy and etc from various developing countries. It has
played a significant role aiming to make the world a healthy world. It has all the statistics
about global health reports.


World Health Day is celebrated worldwide by the government, non-government, NGOs

including various health organizations at many places by organizing programmes relating to
the public health issues and awareness. Participated organizations highlight their activities and
supports through the media reports by means of press releases, news and etc. Health
authorities from different country take part in the celebration with their pledges in order to
support on the health issues worldwide.

Varieties of activities are done in the conference of health workers to encourage people to
maintain their health in the presence of media coverage. Debates on the related topics, art
exhibitions, essay writing, competitions and award ceremony are organized to fulfill the aim of
world health day.


World Health Day celebration focuses on increasing the life expectancy by adding good health
to the lives of people and promoting healthier living habits. Youths of the new era are also
targeted by this event to prevent and make them healthy to make the world healthy and free
from AIDS and HIV.

Disease spreading vectors like mosquitoes (malaria, dengue fever, filaria, chikungunya, yellow
fever and etc), ticks, bugs, sand flies, snails and etc are also spotlighted by the WHO to make
the world free from a wide range of diseases caused by parasites and pathogens. It provides
better prevention and cure from the vector-borne diseases spread by vectors and travelers
from one country to other. WHO supports various health authorities on global basis to make
their own efforts for the public health problems to enhance better life without any diseases.

Some of the objectives of why it is being celebrated yearly are listed below:

> To increase the public awareness of various causes and prevention of high blood pressure.

> To provide detail knowledge of getting prevented from various diseases and their

> To encourage most vulnerable group of people to frequently check their blood pressure and
follow medications from the professionals.

> To promote self care among people.

> To motivate the worldwide health authorities to make their own efforts in creating the
healthy environments in their country.

> To protect families living in the disease vulnerable areas.

> To teach travelers and send them a messages about how to get protected from the vector-
borne diseases while traveling.


> The theme of World Health Day 1950 was “Know your Health Services”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1951 was “Health for your Child and World’s Children”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1952 was “Healthy surroundings make Healthy people”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1953 was “Health is Wealth”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1954 was “The Nurse: Pioneer of Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1955 was “Clean water means better Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1956 was “Destroy disease carrying Insects”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1957 was “Food for All”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1958 was “Ten years of Health progress”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1959 was “Mental illness and Mental Health in the World of

> The theme of World Health Day 1960 was “Malaria eradication – A world challenge”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1961 was “Accidents and their prevention”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1962 was “Preserve sight- prevent Blindness”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1963 was “Hunger= Disease of millions”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1964 was “No Truce for Tuberculosis”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1965 was “Smallpox – constant alert”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1966 was “Man and his Cities”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1967 was “Partners in Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1968 was “Health in the World of Tomorrow”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1969 was “Health, Labor and Productivity”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1970 was “Early detection of Cancer saves Life”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1971 was “A full life despite Diabetes”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1972 was “Your Heart is your Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1973 was “Health begins at Home”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1974 was “Better food for a healthier World”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1975 was “Smallpox: Point of no return”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1976 was “Foresight Prevents Blindness”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1977 was “Immunize and protects your Child”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1978 was “Down with High Blood pressure”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1979 was “A healthy Child: A sure future”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1980 was “Smoking or Health: Choice is yours”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1981 was “Health for all by year 2000 AD”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1982 was “Add life to years”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1983 was “Health for all by year 2000 AD: Countdown has

> The theme of World Health Day 1984 was “Children’s Health: Tomorrow’s Wealth”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1985 was “Healthy Youth- Our best Resource”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1986 was “Healthy living: Everyone a winner”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1987 was “Immunization: A chance for every Child”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1988 was “Health for All: All for Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1989 was “Let’s talk Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1990 was “Our Planet our Earth: Think Globally Act Locally”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1991 was “Should Disaster Strike, be prepared”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1992 was “Heart beat: A rhythm of Health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1993 was “Handle life with care: Prevent violence and

> The theme of World Health Day 1994 was “Oral Health for a Healthy Life”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1995 was “Global Polio Eradication”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1996 was “Healthy Cities for better life”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1997 was “Emerging infectious diseases”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1998 was “Safe motherhood”.

> The theme of World Health Day 1999 was “Active aging makes the difference”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2000 was “Safe Blood starts with me”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2001 was “Mental Health: stop exclusion, dare to care”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2002 was “Move for health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2003 was “Shape the future of life: healthy environments
for children”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2004 was “Road safety”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2005 was “Make every mother and child count”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2006 was “Working together for health”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2007 was “International health security”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2008 was “Protecting health from the adverse effects of
climate change”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2009 was “Save lives, make hospitals safe in emergencies”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2010 was “Urbanization and health: make cities healthier”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2011 was “Anti-microbial resistance: no action today, no
cure tomorrow”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2012 was “Good health adds life to years”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2013 was “Healthy heart beat, Healthy blood pressure”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2014 was “Vector-borne diseases”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2015 was “Food safety” (with 5 keys; Key 1: Keep clean, Key
2: Separate raw and cooked food, Key 3: Cook food thoroughly, Key 4: Keep food at safe
temperatures, Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials).

> The theme of World Health Day 2016 was “Diabetes:Scale up prevention, strengthen care,
and enhance surveillance”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2017 was “Depression: Let’s talk”.

> The theme of World Health Day 2018 was “Universal health coverage: everyone,

> The theme of World Health Day 2019 is “Health for All – Everyone, Everywhere”.


100. World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day is observed every year on 17th of April worldwide. It has been
estimated that around the globe only 440,000 people suffer from hemophilia, thus very few
people are aware about this disease. The day is acknowledged to raise awareness for
hemophilia and numerous other bleeding disorders. World Hemophilia Day offers an

opportunity to speak to friends, family, colleagues and the caretakers of the affected patients
for raising awareness and increasing support for them.


World Hemophilia Day 2019 was celebrated worldwide on 17th of April, Wednesday.

World Hemophilia Day theme 2019 was “Outreach and Identification”. It was observed with
the slogan – “Reaching Out: The First Step to Care”.

The theme mainly focused to reach to the communities and people facing bleeding disorders,
identify them, connect with them and provide them an effective treatment. There were
various seminars which were held around the theme across the world with the support of the
WHF, World Hemophilia Foundation.

The day was observed with a campaign which lighted up the buildings, offices, monuments etc
across the globe in red light to show the solidarity with the patients and to raise awareness in
the communities regarding the disease.

In India, most of the famous monuments were lighted up in red on April 17th to observe the
World Hemophilia Day. The Hemophilia Federation of India also conducted various seminars,
discussions and awareness talks on the occasion to spread the awareness on the disease.


The celebration of the World Hemophilia Day commenced in 1989 and 17th of April was
selected as the date to honor the birthday of the founder of World Federation of Hemophilia,
Frank Schnabel. Hemophilia is a kind of genetic disorder that impairs the ability of human
beings to control the blood clotting (which is utilized to discontinue bleeding when the blood
vessels are ruptured).

Most popular form of this disorder is Hemophilia A, which is seen in 1 out of 5000-10000
births of males and Hemophilia B, which is present in 1 out of 20000-35000 births of males.

Frank Schnabel founded the World Federation of Hemophilia in the year of 1963 with
headquarters in Montreal, Canada. Presently, there are 113 countries that are members of
this organization and its current president is Alain Weill.


The main aim of World Hemophilia Day is to raise awareness of the condition and bring
understanding and attention of this issue to the wider public. The day is observed to be an
awareness day for the disease and it also serves to attract volunteers and raise funds for the
World Federation of Hemophilia. World Federation of Hemophilia is a non-profit entity which
is dedicated towards improving the lives of people who are suffering from hemophilia and
other alike genetic bleeding disorders. It educates the lobbies and hemophiliacs for enhanced
medical treatment.


Since 1989, World Hemophilia Day is celebrated across different countries to raise
understanding and awareness of hemophilia and other linked bleeding disorders. Many
people are encouraged to get involved in awareness-raising campaigns and a wide array of
activities that are organized for the day, to tell general public about the condition of
hemophilia. Anybody can get involved in the activities, but generally employees of various
health organizations participate in the event.

The employees of health organizations along with the patient groups worldwide conduct
media events, awareness campaigns and other activities to educate people who are suffering
from hemophilia as well as the general public about the bleeding disorders and to highlight
the essence of proper care.

The problem with this type of illness is that many people receive improper treatment or
sometimes no treatment at all. Almost 1 person out of every 10000 has bleeding disorder and
requires necessary treatment. Creating awareness benefits such people and help them
acknowledge the significance of its treatment. The campaigns undertaken on the day help in
improving the present procedures of treatment for Hemophilia and make the world a
healthier and a better place to live in.

Some of the examples of events held in recent years across the world are as follows:


World Hemophilia Day is celebrated to honor the birthday of the founder of the World
Federation of Hemophilia, Frank Schnabel. In India, the event is celebrated in various states in
the form of several activities undertaken by groups of people. Indian Hemophilia Foundation,
New Delhi in association with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare also initiates to
celebrate the day, where health officials from different states and medical fraternities from all
over India participate in the event.

The program is held to update all the decision makers at the national and the state level about
the sufferings and disorder of the hemophiliac community. It is organized to focus on the lack
of facilities and government support and the measures on how they can be upgraded and

Apart from this, certain organizations and schools organize special events on the day with the
red theme to spread knowledge about the day.


World Hemophilia Day is promoted by the World Federation of Hemophilia, Canadian

Hemophilia Society and its provincial chapters in Canada. There is more than one person in
100 Canadians who carries an inborn bleeding disorder and more than 30,000 patients have
symptoms that are very critical and require extreme medical care.

In Canada, World Hemophilia Day is celebrated in the form of various awareness activities.
Events are held in schools by dynamic young boys with hemophilia to increase awareness
about their problems. To highlight the day, an awareness table is also arranged in the hall of

the building of Parliament. Volunteers and staff of various health organizations talk about the
disease to common people, raise funds and distribute materials regarding the cause.


World Hemophilia Day is also celebrated in Australia to spread awareness about Hemophilia.
More than 5,600 people of Australia are diagnosed with bleeding disorders which could be life

Hemophilia Foundation of Australia joins the global community for bleeding disorders to mark
the day. In Sydney, Sydney Cricket Ground turns its lights red to support the World Hemophilia
Day along with various other landmarks across the whole of Australia. In 2017, players of
Sydney Swans- George Hewett and Sam Reid had worn red tie to showcase their support for
people suffering from bleeding disorders. The tie signifies the blood that unites the
community. Apart from the players, common people also showed their support in different
ways to mark the importance of the day.


In Europe, the European Hemophilia Consortium organizes events to celebrate the World
Hemophilia Day. The events are held to help the communities of hemophilia around the world
to make their voice heard on current and pressing issues. The celebrations are in line with the
theme of the prevailing year as announced by the World Federation of Hemophilia.

The hemophilia community joins hands with other organizations to demand from the
government of Europe about the implementation of effective strategies for the eradication of
the disease in Europe. The European Hemophilia Consortium also emphasizes on the situation
of geographical lottery of the treatment of hemophilia patients which is not acceptable and
that they need to do better for the patients. It also focuses on care to be provided for the
elder hemophilic patients.

In Ukraine, it was estimated that around three thousand people in the state suffered from the
bleeding disorder. Thus, World Hemophilia Day, 2017 was celebrated in the state by
distributing high quality European medicines to the patients of Hemophilia.


India is a vast country with a huge population. There are around 50,000 estimated patients of
hemophilia in India, which is a very little part of the population. Our country lacks a national
policy on the control and prevention of genetic disorders, though the patients of hemophilia
have received some attention. Hemophilia Day must be celebrated in India at huge levels to
make its citizens aware of the bleeding disorder. Here are some suggestions to celebrate the
day in India-

Indians must wear red on 17th of April. People must ask their friends, family, co-workers,
classmates etc to wear red too so that everyone gets an understanding on the importance of
the day.

There must be an organization of a fundraising event in which everyone must be encouraged

to become its member so that a large amount of funds is collected that will ultimately help in
the treatment and care of the hemophilia patients, research work etc. A global feast must be

Considering the giant population of the country, if each and everybody skip their lunch for a
single day and contribute the money which would have been spent on the meal, to the World
Federation of Hemophilia. This act may help the organization to a very large extent.

People must gather their friends and family members and organize events on spreading about
the bleeding disorders. People can also use #WorldHemophiliaDay on various social media
platforms to raise awareness for the disease.

About Hemophilia

Hemophilia is basically an inborn bleeding disorder wherein a person is deficient in or suffers

from low levels of specific proteins known as ‘clotting factors’. As a result, blood is not able to
clot in a proper manner. This causes excessive bleeding. There are 13 kinds of clotting factors
and they function with platelets for assisting the blood in clotting. People who have this
disease bleed very easily and their blood takes longer period to clot. Hemophilia has three
forms namely Hemophilia A, B and C. Out of these, Hemophilia A is the most common. The

condition of Hemophilia cannot be cured but it can be treated to decrease symptoms and
avert the future complications in health.

Symptoms of Hemophilia depend upon the severity of the patient’s factor deficiency. Patients
with mild deficiency can bleed in situations of trauma. Patients with severe deficiencies can
bleed without any reason which is known as ‘spontaneous bleeding’. Such bleeding may cause
blood in the stool, blood in the urine, unexplained and large bruises, deep bruises, bleeding
gums, joint pain, excess bleeding, tight joint, frequent bleeding in nose and irritability in

Hemophilia also displays symptoms that are extremely critical and constitute medical
emergencies. If a person experiences any of the symptoms like constant bleeding in an injury,
neck pain, extreme headache, double or blurred vision, repeated vomiting or extreme
sleepiness, he must immediately get a treatment.

Hemophilia is an inborn disorder, means it is passed through families. It is caused by a

deficiency in a gene which resolves on how the human body will make factors VII, IX or XI. The
genes are found on the X chromosome, which makes hemophilia a disease of X-linked
recessive. Hemophilia A can be treated with the help of a medical professional by a
prescription hormone.

Such hormone is known as desmopressin which is given in the form of an injection in the
patient’s vein. The medication functions by stimulating the factors which are accountable for
blood clotting process. For the treatment of Hemophilia B, your doctor may infuse your blood
with the clotting factors of a donor. For the treatment of Hemophilia C, your doctor might
help you with plasma infusion which works to cease down profuse bleeding. Patient can also
visit a physiotherapist for rehabilitation if his joints are damaged due to the disease.

World Federation of Hemophilia

World Federation of Hemophilia is a global non-profit corporation which is dedicated towards

improving the lives of people suffering from Hemophilia and other inborn bleeding disorders.
It educates lobbies and hemophiliacs on the improved medical treatment. World Federation

of Hemophilia was founded in the year 1963 by Frank Schnabel with headquarters in
Montreal, Canada. Presently, 113 countries are members of the organization and it is officially
recognized from the World Health Organization. Recent president of the organization is Alain


Annual celebration of World Hemophilia Day has its own theme. Every year, the theme is
different in the observance of the day. The World Hemophilia day on 17th of April, 2017 is
kept with the theme of “Hear their voices”. This disease principally affects men and boys. But
in 2017, the theme is to acknowledge girls and women who are living with a bleeding disorder.
The primary aim of the campaign is to unify the community and generate support to millions
of young girls and women attacked by bleeding disorders. The theme has been kept to acclaim
the female heroes of hemophilia.

The campaign encourages women to take part in the conversation and share their stories on
how hemophilia has affected their lives for others to learn about this condition. Following
themes of previous years are given below:

The theme of year 2019 is : “Outreach and Identification”. It will be observed with the slogan –
“Reaching Out: The First Step to Care”.

The theme of year 2018 was : “SHARING KNOWLEDGE MAKES US STRONGER”.

The theme of year 2017 was : “Hear their voices”.

The theme of year 2016 was : “Treatment for All, The Vision of All”.

The theme of year 2010 was : “The Many Faces of Bleeding Disorders – United to Achieve
Treatment for All”.

The theme of year 2009 was : “Together, We Care”.

The theme of year 2008 was : “Count Me In”.

The theme of year 2007 was : “Improve Your Life!”.


Though minor cuts might be a small incident for common people, these might get really
critical for the ones suffering from the disease. Hemophilia patients bleed for longer than
usual; some may even experience spontaneous bleeding in their muscles, joints and other
parts of the body. Patients of this disease require utmost care and treatment as the condition
is very critical in some of the cases. Awareness about hemophilia is must as 75% people who
suffer from this condition are not aware of it because the disease is mostly inherited. World
Hemophilia Day is the best platform to raise awareness for the issue and generate funds for
the betterment of the hemophilia community.




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