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Chapter - I

Generation of computers

Answer the following:-

What do you know about the history of computer?

When computers were first made, they were very expensive. Only few people
like scientists and engineers used it, mostly for complex calculations. But as
technology became affordable as well as necessary, the use of computers
expanded gradually. UNIVAC I was the world's first commercially available computer
launched in 1951. But the journey of computer started much before that. The first
computers were calculators designed hundreds of years back. lt all started with the
Abacus later Pascaline, Leibniz's Calculator and Napier's Bones. Difference Engine
was built during the 1820s and 1830s which was considered to be as the first
computer which was developed by Charles Babbage .
2. Which was the first programmable computer?

Z3was the world's first programmable computer designed by German inventor Konrad
Zuse in1941. Zuse also built the Z4 which was the world's first commercial digital
computer. For his achievements in the computing world, iKonrad Zuse is
regarded as the inventor of the modern computer.
3. What do you know about the generation of computers?

vaccum Tubes used to control and amplify the signals.

used are punched cards

Magnetic drum which could store small amount of data

Machine language used for programming and commands were fed in binary digits.


Transistors which was comparatively cheaper ,smaller in size and less power

Punched cards and tapes were used along with punched card to fed the data.

Magnetic tapes

Assembly and high level languages like FORTRAN and COBOL are used for programming

eg: IBM 7094.UNIVAC 1108

Integrated Circuits
. Component with number of transistor
. Increased speed and size decreased

Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor

Magnetic disk with which we can write ,rewrite and access data

Languages are high level languages like C,C++

eg: PDP -11, IBM 370


Printer and scanner

Hard disk / Pen drive where we can store large amount of data

Languages used were SQL/Python

Artificial Intelligence
. ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology used .
Gesture recognition technology
'. . Voice & image recognition

Remote storage
. Cloud storage
. External Hard Disk Drive


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