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Good morning delegates and welcome to an international Seminar about environment, emphasis in Air
pollution and water pollution.

Members of seminar are from UK, Columbia, China, Turkey, Vietnam, Pakistan, Mongolia, and Nepal.

The members of our group; Mr. Berthin (Camaron), Simon (CN), Teerasak(TL) and Dinh (VN). Anh the
topic is about environment; emphasis in A-P and W-P.

Mr. B and I present about AP and Mr. Tee and Simon present about WP. In AP we divided into 2 areas:
causes of AP and Solution.

The meaning of the word solid particle is a piece of plastic or wood or even mental that flies in the air. It
is usually from factories and vehicles.

Polluted air contains many elements that can be dangerous for human’s health

Vehicle’s emission:
Millions of vehicle that operated around the word and based on the information of the US environment
protect agency, Moto vehicles release millions of tons of pollutant into the air every day. The pollutant
consists 3 main of chemical elements such as Nitrogen Oxides, Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxides.
Reaction of these chemicals will increase the temperature of the earth.

Moto vehicles also emit a large amount of Carbon dioxide, which has potential to trap the earth’s heat
and cause global warming.

Deforestation happens when famers or people immigrate from one place to another place and
they cut trees and burn grass for agriculture. According to the world resources Center. There
are 80% of forest, which is destroyed by people

Deforestation is a major contributor to global warming, emission of green house gas, climate
change, Carbon stores in soil and also reduced net oxygen level.

Waste deposition in landfills.

The decay of the organic waste release the Methan gas and this chemical element will harm the
environment. If the waste from the hospital is extremely dangerous because it contents bacteria or
infection diseases and It can spread quickly.

Burning at the landfills produce ash. It will affect the ecosystem and the Methan gas is also a green
house gas.

Source of Natural:

Dust storm
Dust storm can happen in desert and also in any dry area. It has a strong wind to pick up all kind of dirt,
clay, and sand into the air. Sometime it fall back down to the ground after few hours.

If something is small, it can be blown by the wind for thousands of miles away. Sahara desert is where
the dust storm happens often. It happens without warning,

Speed of the wind is about 40Km/h and the hight is about 305 m.

Forest fires in Indonesia in 1997 were estimated to have released between 0.81 and 2.57 giga tonnes
(0.89 and 2.83 billion short tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is between 13%–40% of the annual
carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.

A unit of Short ton =2,000Pound

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