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Name: - Mohamud Abdirahman Hirsi Ali

assessing of paid work and women empowerment

The main argument of this paper is that the women employment is like double edged sword
it has positive consequences to the women as well as it has negative consequences to the
First if we talk about the positive consequences of employment to the women 1- Women
employment is the main key to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 5,
to achieve gender equality, and Goal 8, to promote full and productive employment and
decent work for all; also Goal 1 on ending poverty. 2-Through employment women earn
money and creates independent source of income. 3-Through employment women gains
power to take part decision making in the family and in the community. 4-Employed women
support her family financially and the good money can be saved for family’s future they also
are gaining important life skills. 5- she can understand work stress of her partner and she can
actively take part in relieving his work stress and give him a better advice. 6- Employment
women become independent and She is able to fulfil all her wants and needs without being
accountable to anyone in the family. 7- they contribute to the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) growth of the country. 8- They are able to make meaningful contributions to the well-
being of society. 9- Women employment is a game-changer for development; because when
more women get chance to work, it makes their families, communities and countries
wealthier. 10- Women employment means unlocking the potential of women to earn more,
gain better jobs and achieve financial independence. 11- Women employment means
breaking down barriers that holds women back. 12-Women employment sets a direct path
toward gender equality. 13- women employment is a powerful instrument for poverty
alleviation and inclusive economic growth. 14- women employment is necessary
precondition for sustainable economic and social development. 15- women employment can
be described as a means by which women can be freed from all kinds of deprivation and
oppression and can directly enjoy the benefits from markets. 16- women employment is the
process in which women gain greater share of control over resources – material, human and
intellectual like knowledge, information, ideas and financial resources like money and access
to money. 17- When more women work, economies grow. Women’s economic
empowerment boosts productivity, increases economic diversification and income equality in
addition to other positive development outcomes. 18- Without economic self-sufficiency
other rights and scopes remain meaningless to the people. 19- Employed women can easily
fulfill basic requirements for the families/household such as nutritious food, house, cloth,
medicine and pure water etc. 20- Raising voice and visibility is not possible unless there is an
access “to the ownership of economic resources by the poor women. 21- Women’s
involvement in paid work means is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality
and closing gender gaps in the world of work. 22- They are able to lead their lives with
dignity and freedom. 23- the employment adds to their self-esteem and self-confidence and it
gives them a distinct identity of their own and They are able to gain respectable positions in
Second if we talk about the negative consequences of employment to the women women 1-
work more hours than man. 2- Globally women are cheaper worker and are paid less than
man. 3- Women work mostly in informal and vulnerable and low jobs and they work under
unhealthy environment. 3- Promotion opportunity mostly goes to the men. 4- Training
opportunity mostly goes to the men. 5- Women are less access to social protection like
pensions, over time payment, insurance, unemployment benefits and maternity protection.
6- Women mostly face violence and harassment in the workplace regardless their of age,
location, income and social status. 6- Women are constrained from achieving highest
leadership positions. 7- Work problems come home with her. 8- Women are less likely than
men to have access to financial institutions or have a bank account. 9-Women remain less
likely to participate in the labor market than men around the world. 10- Women bear
disproportionate responsibility for unpaid care and domestic work. 11- Employed women
have/take a little time for husband and children because she leaves home early time and also
arrives late time. 12- Women are less access to control over and the ownership of the land
and productive assets. 13- Women's involvement in paid work has led to greater
independence, which has affected family structures. 14- With more women's involvement
in paid work, means that they put off having a family or choosing not to have children. 15-
work stress have bad impact on the health of the women specially health of the reproductive
system and makes disorder . 16- employed women have less time for kids and kids are kept
in children care centers and children missing out first words and first steps of kids. 17-
children of employed mum will have negative feeling, bad behavior, problems with social
relationships, emotional imbalances and health issues.
Examples :-
1- Globally, over 2.7 billion women are legally restricted from having the same choice
of job as men.
2- Of 189 economies assessed in 2018, 104 economies still have laws preventing women
from working in specific jobs,
3- 59 countries have no laws on sexual harassment in the workplace,
4- 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working.
5- Land is perhaps the most important economic asset; women account for only 12.8 per
cent of agricultural landholders in the world
6- 5% of the chief executive officer (CEO) in 1,000 of the world's largest companies
are women
7- 65 per cent of men in the worldwide having an account at a formal financial
institution, only 37 per cent of women in the worldwide have an account
8- The gender wage gap is estimated to be 28 per cent. This means that women earn 72
per cent of what men earn
9- Women tend to spend around 2.5 times more time on unpaid care and domestic work
than men. The amount of time devoted to unpaid care work is negatively correlated
with female labor force participation
10- nearly 40 per cent of women in wage employment do not have access to social
protection, such as pensions, unemployment benefits or maternity protection
11- In Indonesia the discrimination is more pathetic. A 15-year-old boy is considered to
be the legal head of the family in his father’s absence even if his mother is a lawyer or
a teacher in high school.
In general Empowerment is a set of measures designed to increase the degree of
autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to
represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own
authority. It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in
controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Empowerment as action refers both to the
process of self-empowerment and to professional support of people, which enables them
to overcome their sense of powerlessness and lack of influence, and to recognize and use
their resources. To do work with power. Empowerment" refers to increasing the power of
the low-power group, so that it more nearly equals the power of the high-power group.
Empowerment is a process of change by which individuals or groups gain power and
ability to take control over their lives.
women empowerment is the process and the outcome of the process by which women
challenges gender-based discriminations against women/man in all institutions and
structures of the society.
The need for Women Empowerment is there is a Patriarchy which is a social system in
which males hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral
authority, social privilege and control of the property. It is because of patriarchal nature
of our society that is oppressing women from years. Although after many measures and
initiatives taken by women associations and organizations, government etc.
To eliminate all these evils from our society and to make our society a better place to live
for both men and women, women empowerment is necessary because unless and until a
place is not safe for all the members of society it can’t be a better place.
Women empowerment helps women to look upon their lives as a confident being. It
encourages women to stand and fight for their rights and live a worthy life. There is not a
radical but a little bit of change in the mindset of people that are allowing women to walk
on the pathway of development. Women are leaving no stones unturned to prove
themselves to the world and despite many hurdles, they turn out to achieve respectable
and notable positions. There is a type of empowerment such social empowerment,
educational empowerment, political empowerment, psychological empowerment and
economic empowerment

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