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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development


Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development



a. Introduce yourself (Two Truths and a Lie, Color Game)
b. Confidentiality
c. Rules

2. Progressive Relaxation Technique (Sort of meditation)

3. Exercise 1: How would you treat a friend?

a. “Treat ourselves as we would treat others”
b. Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about self-compassion.

4. Exercise 2: Soften-Soothe-Allow
a. “Recalling stressful situations/stressors”
b. Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about Difficulties as part of
someone’s life.

5. Exercise 3: Setting an Intention

a. “Making a Vow to yourself”
b. Wrap up the exercise with an affirmation on what they’ve said to


a. “Sharing encouraging words to co-workers”

7. Wrap up the whole process by acknowledging their efforts and

making them feel validated.

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development


1. Introduction of Participants
It is important to establish a rapport among your participants to make
them feel comfortable about the whole sharing process.

a. Two Truths and a Lie

Instructions: Instruct each player to think of three statements
about themselves. Two must be true statements, and one must be
false. The more unique or interesting the statement, the better.
Each person shares the three statements (in any order) to the
group. The goal of the icebreaker game is to determine which
statement is false. The group votes on which one they feel is a

Materials needed: NONE

Time: 5 minutes

b. Color Game
Instructions: The Participants will tell something about
themselves depending on the color they’ve picked on the pool of
colored papers.

◦ RED: Tell us something about your childhood

◦ ORANGE: Tell us something you do well
◦ YELLOW: Tell us something you’ve learned in life
◦ GREEN: Tell us something you watch/listen to
◦ BLUE: Tell us something you can’t live without

Materials needed: Strips of Colored paper

Time: 5 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

2. Confidentiality

It is important to note that everything that will be shared in the

activity will be treated will full confidentiality. Keep the
person’s story confidential, especially when they disclose very
private information and events of their lives.

3. Rules

i. Do all the necessary things before doing the session

(e.g. Bathroom Break, Phone Calls, etc..). No more
break once the session starts.
ii. Turn off or Turn your phone into Silent Mode.
iii. Respect the one sharing.

4. Things to say and do:

◦ Try to find a quiet place to talk and minimize outside

◦ Stay near the person but keep an appropriate distance
depending on their age, gender, and culture.
◦ Let them know you hear them, for example, nod your head
and say..”Hmm”
◦ Be patient and calm.
◦ Provide factual information.
◦ Keep every information simple.
◦ Acknowledge their feelings.
◦ Respect Privacy

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

5. Things NOT to say and do:

◦ Don’t pressure someone to tell their story.

◦ Don’t interrupt or rush someone’s story.
◦ Don’t give your opinions of the person’s situation, just
◦ Don’t touch the person if you’re not sure if it’s appropriate
to do so.
◦ Don’t judge what they have or haven’t done or how they
are feeling.
◦ Don’t say “You shouldn’t feel that way” or “You should
feel lucky you survived.”
◦ Don’t share things you are unsure of.
◦ Don’t use terms that are too technical
◦ Don’t tell them someone else’s story.
◦ Don’t talk about your own troubles.
◦ Don’t give false promises or false reassurances.
◦ Don’t feel to try to solve their problems.

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

II. Progressive muscle relaxation techniques

This is a self-care strategy. In conducting this, remember to keep a

calming tone of voice as you give the instructions and speak slowly,
allowing ample of time for people to experience the full effect of

Progressive Muscle Relaxation script

As we breathe, we will do some progressive muscle relaxation so that

you can feel the difference between tension and relaxation in your
muscles. We are not often aware when we hold tension in our bodies.
These exercises will make us more aware and give us a way to
release the tension.

Close your eyes and sit straight in your chair. Place your feet on the
floor and feel the ground under your feet. Relax your hands in your
lap. As you breathe in, I will ask you to tense and tighten certain
muscles in your body. As you tense and hold the muscles, you will
hold your breath for a count of three, then relax them completely
when I tell you to breathe out.

Let’s begin with our toes...

Lead the person through progressive muscle relaxation SLOWLY.

Ask them to tense a part of their body and to inhale and hold their
breath while you count aloud slowly, like this: Inhale and hold your
breath, 1 --- 2 ---3. Then say: Exhale and relax.

Give a slight rise to your voice as you say: Inhale and hold your
breath and a bring your voice down as you say: Exhale and relax.

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

Have the person tense and relax their muscles in this order:
 Curl your toes tightly and hold the tension strongly.
 Tense your thigh and leg muscles.
 Tense your belly, holding it in.
 Make fists of your hands.
 Tense your arms by bending at the elbows and bringing your
arms tight alongside your upper body.
 Shrug your shoulders up to your ears.
 Tense all your facial muscles.

After they have exhaled and relaxed each part of their body, say:
...Now feel your [toes, thighs, face/fore- head, etc.] relaxed. Breathe
normally. Feel the blood come into your [toes, thighs, etc.].

Now, drop your chin slowly toward your chest. As you inhale, slowly
and carefully rotate your head in a circle to the right, exhale as you
bring your head around to the left and back toward your chest. Inhale
to the right and back ... exhale to the left and down. Inhale to the
right and back ... exhale to the left and down. Now, reverse directions
... inhale to the left and back, exhale to the right and down (repeat

Now bring your head up to the center.

Notice the calm in your mind and body.

Materials needed: Script

Time: 5-7 minutes

III. Exercise 1: how would you treat a friend?

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

This aims to compare how the participant treat himself/herself and

how he/she treats his/her friend.

Instructions: Distribute the bond papers and pens to each participant and let
them answer the following questions:

1. First, think about times when a close friend feels really bad about him or
herself or is really struggling in some way. How would you respond to your
friend in this situation (especially when you’re at your best)? Please write
down what you typically do, what you say, and note the tone in which you
typically talk to your friends.
2. Now think about times when you feel bad about yourself or are struggling.
How do you typically respond to yourself in these situations? Please write
down what you typically do, what you say, and note the tone in which you
talk to yourself.
3. Did you notice a difference? If so, ask yourself why. What factors or fears
come into play that lead you to treat yourself and others so differently?
4. Please write down how you think things might change if you responded to
yourself in the same way you typically respond to a close friend when you’re

**Note: Please be mindful of the time. Make sure every participant shared their

Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about self-compassion.

Main Point: “Treat ourselves as we would treat others”

Materials needed: Bond papers and Pen

Time: 10 minutes

IV. Exercise 2: Soften-soothe-allow

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

This is a meditative practice to solve inner conflicts about current

stressors of the participant. This is a practice to label their emotions
and let go of every stressor/anxiety they have.

Instructions: Instruct the following to your participants:

1. Place your hand on your heart, or another soothing place, for a

few moments to remind yourself that you are in the room, and
that you, too, are worthy of kindness.
2. Let yourself recall a mild to moderately difficult situation that
you are in right now, perhaps a health problem, stress in work,
stress during this pandemic or a loved one in pain.
3. Clearly visualize the situation. Who was there? What was said?
What happened?

Then, ask them to share their experiences to the group.

After the sharing let them do breathing exercises.
**Note: Make sure every participant shared their experiences. Stick to the Do’s
and Don’ts of Group sharing.

Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about difficulties as part of

someone’s life.

Materials needed: None

Time: 10-15 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development



This exercise is intended for use in actual caregiving situations. It is a

way of being compassionate with ourselves while maintaining
connection to others. It combines the Giving and Receiving
Compassion meditation with phrases that cultivate equanimity.

Instructions: Instruct the following to your participants:

1. Please find a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths

to settle into your body and into the present moment. You might
like to put your hand over your heart, or wherever it is
comforting and soothing, as a reminder to bring affectionate
awareness to your experience and to yourself.
2. Bring to mind someone you are caring for who is exhausting
you or frustrating you—someone whom you care about who is
suffering. Visualize the person and the caregiving situation
clearly in your mind and feel the struggle in your own body.

Then, ask them to share their experiences to the group.

After the sharing let them do breathing exercises.
**Note: Make sure every participant shared their experiences. Stick to the Do’s
and Don’ts of Group sharing.

Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about receiving and giving


Materials needed: None

Time: 10-15 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

VI. Exercise 3: Support system

This exercise is about supporting others to feel comfortable with you.

For a person to feel supported by you, they first need to trust you and
feel comfortable with you. This is importance especially in providing
support to patient/s.

Instructions: Instruct the following to your participants:

1. Think about a time when you felt supported by someone who

you just met. How did they speak to you? How did they hold
themselves physically?

Then, let them internalize for 2-3 minutes. After which, ask them to
share their experiences to the group.
**Note: Make sure every participant shared their experiences. Stick to the Do’s
and Don’ts of Group sharing.

Wrap up the exercise with a discussion about the importance of

support during pandemic.

Materials needed: None

Time: 10-15 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development


Let the participants share their “vows” for themselves. This vow is an
intention to which they can continually reorient their own selves when
they’ve gone astray in their lives.

Instructions: Instruct the following to your participants:

Discovering Core Values

1. Place your hand over your heart, or wherever it feels

comforting, to remind yourself to bring warmhearted awareness
to your experience and to yourself.

2. Now imagine that you are near the end of your professional life,
looking back on the years between now and then. Looking back,
what would have given you deep satisfaction, joy and
contentment if you had lived in accord with these values as a
healthcare professional?

3. What values did you embody that gave your professional life
meaning? In other words, what core values were expressed in
your work life? Examples are compassion, service, helping
others, and healing.

Setting an Intention

1. Please select a primary core value that you would like to

manifest for the rest of your professional life.

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development

2. Write it in the form of a vow or intention:

May I….
I vow best I can.

3. You can orient your heart and mind to your core values every
morning before you go to work, or at the end of the day.
Sometimes it helps to have a little ritual, such as lighting a
candle when you make your vow.
**Note: Make sure every participant shared their experiences. Stick to the Do’s
and Don’ts of Group sharing.

Wrap up the exercise with an affirmation on what they’ve said to their


Materials needed: Bondpaper, Pen, Candle, Lighter

Time: 10-15 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development



This activity will help participants be encouraged through the

messages of their co-participants.

Instructions: The participants are each given with a piece of colored

paper that they will tape on their backs. Their fellow participants will
write encouraging messages on the sheet of paper attached on their

**Note: Make sure every participant shared their experiences. Stick to the Do’s
and Don’ts of Group sharing.

Materials needed: Colored Paper, Pens, Tape

Time: 10 minutes

Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Cagayan Valley Center for Health Development


 Wrap up the whole process by acknowledging all their efforts

and making them feel validated.

 Do some breathing exercises.

 Remind them that their reaction to the situation that stresses

them is a normal thing and that everything that’s happening
shall pass too.

 Thank them for participating.

 Give some words of encouragements but not pieces of advice.


Maharlika Highway, Carig Norte, Tuguegarao City • Telephone Number: 304-6585, 304-8737, 846-7261 & 8467230
e-mail address: • TeleFax no. 304-6523

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