Techniques and Negotiation Process

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Techniques and negotiation process

To negotiate is a similar process as to sell a product or service but with some differences. We have
already told, that selling is persuading, to convince the potential customer to think and act as the
seller wants them to act, and always, in benefit of both sides

In the preparation phase you have to define what you pretend to achieve and how to get
it, establishing your own objectives, what types of discounts can be offered in case of need
and how far it is possible to yield; It is very important to try to discover the buyer's goals.

People negotiate because they have or believe to have a conflict of rights or interests.

In the negotiation the positions are moving, sometimes getting closer and others, on the
contrary, distancing themselves.
The signal is a means that negotiators use to indicate their willingness to negotiate about
something, it is a message that must be interpreted by the recipient.

Proposals are what is negotiated, discussions are not negotiated, although proposals can
be discussed. You leave the discussion by a signal that leads to a proposal, that is, to an
offer or request different from the initial position

This phase is the most intense of the entire negotiation process and requires great
attention from both sides since it is about getting something in exchange for giving up
something else.
Any proposal or approval must be conditional for everything that is granted, something
must be obtained in return.


Obviously, the purpose of the closure is to reach an agreement. As when we were talking
about the closing in the sale, also in the negotiation it must be done safely and firmly, and
to be accepted it must satisfy enough of the needs of the other side.
In the negotiation, strategic movements acquire great importance, the way in which we
make these and respond to those of our opponent, will determine our success or failure.


The price has a reference: it is higher or lower than another. The price is satisfied at the
moment or in the short term, the value is enjoyed or verified over time, since the value is
in function of the quality.
It is convenient for the seller to present the price when he has already argued about the
benefits that his product will provide to the customer and he has accepted.

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