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AHMED SAEED 01-111162-012


Semester Project Spring’20

Personal Development Plan

Personal Analysis
 MBTI Test
 SWOT Analysis

MBTI Personality Test

Personality type:  Defender
Code: ISFJ-T
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Constant Improvement

Individual traits: 
Introverted – 53%
Observant – 55%
Feeling – 56%
Judging – 67%
Turbulent – 76%

SWOT Analysis
The ability and willingness to learn. Takes me time talking to new people.
Flexibility and ability to adapt to Introverted.
change. Too detail oriented.
Ability of critical thinking and Judging people too soon.
analysis. Need support to start working on my
Have good public speaking skills. ideas.
Can solve diverse list of problems. Overthinker.
Have leadership skills. Less and no command on softwares
Focused on given work. like Excel and SAP.

I want to work in the retail and Increasing competition in the
amusment industry in Pakistan industries I want to work in.
which have good potential. Market's condition becoming
I want to actively work to eliminate unstable daily in Pakistan.
my weaknesses. Less resources to achieve what I
Learning new trends with the time want.
and fast moving world. People depending much on
Learning softwares related to supply technological advancements.
chain and also doing short courses Adverse government policies.
related to different fileds of work. Less skilled people for business.

Setting Goals
How will I
What do I want to What do I have to From where I can Target date
evaluate my
learn? do? get the support? (Year)
 Do master’s degree
in International
Business and Using Seinfeld
Trade. method which
 Career advisors
Greater depth of  Explore the includes keeping a
and counselors.
knowledge of doing International
markets to calendar where you
 Friends who have By 2O23
international enhance the vision can check off each
gone through the
business. and experience. day that you
 Learn the different complete your daily
ways of doing goal.
businesses in other
Friends and teachers Tracking weekly
Getting admission in
Learn basics of who know language progress with a By mid of next
any language teaching
Chinese Language. teaching institutes in show-and-tell year
Pakistan. method.
 Attending By completing a
seminars. monthly personal
Learn by observing
 Visiting the review which
Widen my experienced people.
corporate offices. includes stating Should continue
understanding of And developing
 Listening to what you entire career
leadership. relations with them by
motivational completed last
gaining their trust.
speakers. month and then
writing a report.
 Gain further
experience of By completing a
business analysis monthly personal
 Use training
processes. review which
Improve planning opportunities
 Use this in a includes stating
and decision making  Doing internships Continuous
working what you
skills. in well-known improvement
environment to completed last
speed up and month and then
improve complex writing a report.
decision making.

Personal Objectives
Short Term Goals (Next 1-3 years)

After my graduation I plan to go to China for master’s degree in International Business and Trade.
While continuing my studies, I plan to explore the huge markets of China to broaden my vision and
gain experience about business activities. As I plan to start my trading business, it will be a great
opportunity for me to learn the ways of doing business and getting education from a good university at
the same time. After my graduation, I also plan to start learning Chinese language from an institute in
Islamabad so that I become aware of the basics of the language before travelling to China after a
lengthy process of admission and getting a visa.

Long Term Goals (10 Years)

However, short-term goals are just as important as long-term ones. In fact, without the former, there is
a higher chance of failure to achieve the long-term goals. As I plan to start my business when I return
from China after the completion of my studies, I have to work hard and get myself prepared for taking
responsibilities. I plan to work in retail and amusement industry which are of high potential and I want
to become a successful person earning enough to support my family after 5-6 years. In the long run, I
also plan to learn the new trends of the fast moving world to deal with the instability of businesses and
increasing competition in both the industries I plan to work in. I also plan to enhance my capabilities
and expertise for other businesses with the passage of time and targeting the other emerging industries
in the country.

CV – ATS Format
Question: Write down the points which were taught to you and are relevant to your
PDP and have been a source of learning for you.


The most important source of learning for me was the articles that were shared to us. The
article by Geoffrey James about the steps for creating a good presentation was beneficial and
great source of information. The steps included thing that a speaker should keep in mind
when preparing for a presentation. It included the impact you want to create on the audience
at the start, understanding what the audience will decide on your words, researching the
audience, crafting stories in the presentation to make it interesting for the audience,
composing good power point and rehearsing before the presentation.

In another article about the interview preparation which stated the things that you must know
before going for an interview, highlighted many important points and common mistakes that
should be avoided. This article prepared us for going to an interview in practical life and not
making those mistakes. The mistakes highlighted in the article included failure to make eye
contact, having little or zero knowledge about the job or company that you are applying for,
lack of smile, bad posture, fidgeting too much, wearing the wrong outfit, not being punctual,
using your cellphone, asking questions with obvious answers, badmouthing past employer,
getting too personal, having poor body language etc.

In another lecture about managing your boss and peers, the importance of these relations
were taught to us that were a great source of learning. The lecture highlighted the importance
of managing in all directions i.e. subordinates, bosses and peers and most stress was given to
managing your boss. The results of failing to manage your boss were clearly explained which
included misunderstandings, wastage of time and efforts, inability to convert one's ideas into
action, lack of promotion, reduced influence within and outside the organization etc. Apart
from that building relationship with your boss and effectively communicating with your boss
was taught in an efficient way and its importance in professional life was also made clear.

In another topic about the negotiations and negotiation skills, we were taught that negotiation
is about solving problems and arriving at win-win solutions for all the parties involved. The
people component should only add benefit to the negotiation process, not add an element of
dread. It was made clear that negotiation skills are highly valuable in the business world, and
here we’re going to talk about techniques that bring about successful issue resolution. The
stages of negotiation which were the key element of the lecture were a great source of
learning which included preparation & planning, definition & ground rules, clarification &
justification, bargaining & problem solving and the last stage of closure & implementation.

Another important and beneficial topic taught to us that will prove effective I our practical
lives while working in a corporate was about decision making and problem solving. The topic
elaborates that managers have to make decisions every day, and the process used in making a
decision is important to their bottom line. And the inability to define one’s position in any
given situation can ultimately affect not only the company, but the manager as well. The most
important topic covered was about the seven steps for effective problem solving in the
workplace which included identifying the issue, understanding everyone’s interests, noting
down the available options, evaluating them, selecting one of them, documenting the
agreement and agreeing on contingencies, monitoring and evaluation. These topics which are
related to the real life problems that are common to deal in the professional life will prove the
best in future as we will already be aware of such problems and their solutions.

The most important lectures were those in which we learnt about the personal development
plan (PDP), on the basis of which we drafted our own PDP’s as well. It was taught that the
success in professional or personal has a great dependency on having a professional
development plan. Because a professional development plan helps in identifying the skills
you need to develop to move forward in your career and will help you in identifying the steps
to gain those skills. It helps you know where you’re headed and how to get there, with
specifics. First, this will bring clarity to your thinking and you’ll know exactly where you
want to be. Then it will give you peace of mind that you’re going in the right direction on a
daily basis. Efforts will feel more deliberate and decisions will be easier, as you will have a
clear benchmark.

All the above stated points had been a great source of learning for me and will definitely
result in great outcomes in the professional life and different aspects of daily lives.

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