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Test N° 4

Vehicle subsystems

Last Name (s): ……………………………………………………………………………….….

First Name (s): …………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: …………………………………… Group: …………………………………..

Questions: Four (3) Length: 90 minutes

You can use a pocket calculator. Must use a pen. Pencils is not allowed.
Books and some online resources are allowed.

QUESTION 1: How you can explain the different between an active and passive
suspension? 4 pts

QUESTION 2: Explain step by step the design of a heavy vehicle chassis? 3 pts

QUESTION 3: According to the following figures explain wearing causes on tires? 3pts
Test N° 4
Vehicle subsystems
Test N° 4
Vehicle subsystems

QUETSION 4: (10 pts) There is a vehicle suspension system (Quarter suspension model)
according to the figure shown and a stress transmissibility analysis is required to determine the
ergonomics of the driver during the course of the vehicle on the runway (assume any value
required). Obtain the following:

a) Wn natural frequency of the system. 2 pts.

b) Response to the differential equation obtained from Newton's second law. 2pts

• Answer Xc 2 pts
• Answer Xp 4 pts.


Test N° 4
Vehicle subsystems

+ x=F

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