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Tribute to our late President;

Archbishop Prof. Magnus Adeyemi Atilade
Members of our Organization are grateful to God for a fulfilled life of our late
president and leader extraordinaire in the person of Archbishop Prof. Magnus
Adeyemi Atilade. We are grateful for his unquantifiable efforts in spearheading
and realizing the establishment of Nigerian Council of Physicians of Natural
Medicine (NCPNM) which today has become the numero uno umbrella
organization for physicians of natural medicine in Nigeria.
Prof. Atilade’s determination, professional attributes and dignified aura endeared
him to all of us who worked closely with him or that operated near his vicinity
either as junior officers, assistants, members of NCPNM or as friends of the
He was known to be patient in hearing everyone out; a peacemaker of substance.
He urged us to take little notice of divergent views of others; to feel their pulses
and understand them at their own levels.
He admonished us to always be circumspect in our life’s perception, utterances and
Our late president believed strongly in the freedom of expression. For him, the
popular saying; “majority have their way but minority should have their say” is an
undisputable fact and is very sacrosanct.
He taught us to be fearless and to always stand for the truth. Those who walked
closely with him will easily recollect one of his often favourable quotes; “say the
truth and one day you will die, speak falsely and one day you will also die; why
not speak the truth and die?”.
He imparted in us great leadership skills, urging and reminding us that except we
keep on stating, “here we are that no one will say there you are.” These priceless
words of wisdom, in many instances have helped us to scale through and navigate
public and private life domains.
Archbishop Prof. Atilade, you positively touched the hearts and careers of natural
physicians in Nigeria like no other person. We will eternally remain grateful to
you; an icon and a legend whose pioneering roles in the field of complementary,
alternative and traditional medicine in Nigeria is unequalled.
We celebrate your life of successes in natural medicine industry.
You championed and achieved the establishment of the Nigerian Natural Medicine
Development Agency, Victoria Island (under Federal Ministry of Science and
Technology). You championed and achieved the establishment of Nigerian
College of Natural Medicine Victoria Island Lagos. You championed and achieved
the establishment of National College of Natural Medicine, Lagos (the professional
training arm of Nigerian Council of Physicians of Natural Medicine). You
championed and achieved the establishment of Federal College of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine presently under restructuring. You were the first
representative of alternative medicine practitioners in the Medical and Dental
Council of Nigeria. You were the Chairman, Board of Trustees, National
Association of Nigerian Traditional Medicine Practitioners (NANTMP). The list
goes on and on.
You have shown us the light and the sure path through adequate education and
enlightenment. You have groomed us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We
have thoroughly learnt at the feet of the Master. We pledge to continue the good
works that you started. We pledge to maintain your unique legacies. We pledge to
emulate your steadfastness and constant call on government for the implementation
of good health through complementary, alternative and traditional medicine. We
pledge as a Council not to let you down.
Adieu, the greatest president.

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