Freemason: A Message From Our Grand Master

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THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Did You Remember the for the much needed and already fully occu-

pied Hospital Extension at our Masonic Homes

Issued Every Th ree Months By
The Right Worshipful Grand lodge of The Most Ancient Christmas and Entertainment at Elizabethtown.
and Honorable Fraternity o f Free and Accepted Masons Brother William R. Mooney acted as Chair-
of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisd iction Thereunto
Fund for The Homes?
man of the Trustees fo r the Fund, Brother
Belonging, through its
The Christmas and Entertainment Fund for Will iam H. Betz was the Treasurer, while
Yeager, Past Grand Master, Chairman; William E. our Guests at The Masonic Homes, Elizabeth- Brother Morris Ruberg was the Secretary. If
Montgomery, G. Edward Elwe ll, Jr., Frank R. l eech, town, not only provides for the Ch ristmas and three Masons ever worked harder on a Masonic
William A. Carpenter, Charles A. Young and Ashby other Holiday entertainment but it also pro- ven ture to insure its s uccess, we have not
B. Paul. heard of it.
vides fo r chapel and religious services, motion
pictures, picnics and other social functions More complete details of this endeavor will

and spending-money from time to time. Th is be available later.
Right Worshipful Grand Moster
Fund has proven invaluable in carrying ou t
Mailing Address: the necessary ath letic and social programs for
P.O. BOX 688, WARREN, PA. our children at The Homes and our boys at Masonic Reading
The Homes.
Change of Addre ss: One peculiari ty about Freemasonry is that
Notify ab ove address, your Lodge number must be included. As has been proven, time and time again, VOLUME V NOVEMBER • 1958 NUMBER 4
the Christmas and Entertainment Fund is a it will lend itself to investigation. The deeper
Vol. V November, 1958 No. 4 most worthy undertaking of the many phases the research, the more extensive the kn owl-
of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania and should edge of its hidden art and secret mysteries, the
Your Circulating Library well command the support of each and every more highly it is appreciated and accepted.
Grand Librarian and Curator
Member of our Grand J urisdic tion.
If you haven't made ou t the postage-free
The man who merely takes the degrees in a
listless, careless sort of manner, and who re-
A Message from Our Grand Master
envelope, enclosed in your September Lodge mains a mere spectator at Lodge meetings, and
The Circulating Library of the Grand Lodge then considers the customary refreshmen ts PRESSING TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE
notice and addressed to Brother Arthur E. The idea of "pressing toward the mark" is a challenge to all of us.
of Pennsylvania consists of interesting books after Lodge is closed as the best part of the
Myers, Superintenden t, The Masonic Homes, (A Meditation for Freemasons) In the busy bustle of modern living it sometimes becomes most diffi-
on Freemasonry and new editions are con- proceedi ngs, may well th in k tha t Freemasonry
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, please do so. cult. The spirit of competition which is involved in an a thletic contest
stantly being added to the collection. Two differs very li ttle from othe r fraternit ies.
Your thoughtful generosity will be richly re- The Apostle Paul, in the use of these words, was thinking of his past of any type is also encountered by us from day to day as we run the
pamphlets, one containing a list of these books On the other hand, the Member who dives
warded by the grateful apprecia tion of the life and of his resolutions for the future, in the terms of a race. His race of life. One of the secrets of success may be found in the idea of
and the other the Rules and Regula ti ons will deeply in to Mason ic literature, takes an inter·
ch ildren and our aged Guests at Elizabeth- mind was harassed by the afterglow of the past. T he challenge of the "pressing toward the mark." Every man should have his "mark" and
be sent to a member upon request. After re- est in the Ritualistic and Work of the Lodge,
town. Your check or money order should be future lay ahead. A changed man, he was undertaking a new life. He press for it with all his energy. To successfully run the race of life
ceiving these pamphlets please refer to the attempts to learn the origin and meaning and
made payable to Arthur E. Myers, Superin- did not comprehend everything involved but defini tely concluded one which involves all of the phases of life' s activity every man must have
last page of the Rules and Regulati ons, and moral bearing of the symbols, cannot possibly
tenden t. thing-he would forget the past, look ahead to the future and " press his "mark" for each of these several phases. A business cannot operate
you will see a " Form of Application" which fall in to such an error. To him , Freemasonry toward the mark for the prize." Now he would run a race with cer- successfully unless the challenges are met with well -planned pro-
you fill out to become a member. When you has a refining and elevating influence n ot to be tainty. He would follow new rules. He would strain every muscle and grams. The same can be said with regard to successful living. It means
request a book of your choice be sure to send
the Librarian the name and number of the Officers of Hospital Extension found in th e ordinary run of organizations or sinew as he pressed forward. competition and expenditure of effort after careful training and wise
societies. P aul turned his back to the past because of the bitterness of its planning. After all of this has been done, the race must still be run
Lodge to which yo u belong. Fund Cited for Their Efforts To bring this type of influence to bear on memories. T he good athlete prepares and steels himself to win the in the course of which the contestant will get "roughed up a little."
To know more about Freemasonry from its every Member of the Craft, and to direct them
" Duty makes us do things well, next race regardless of the outcome of the last one. T he victories or By following the rules, however, and keeping in mind the goal, he can
beginning up t o the presen t time is essential to the systematic study of Freemasonry,
to every Master Mason, whether he be young defeats experienced by him are a part of the effort in the past which and will be successful.
But love makes us do them beautifully ." should be the great aim of every true Master is really onl y a stage in his developmen t and equipment for future The experience of Paul on the Damascus Road was a crisis or
or old, so why not take advantage of this op· Mason who has the welfare of the Fraternity
PHILLIPS BROOKS achievements. As we go through li fe all of us have from time to time turning point in his life. Suddenly there shone 'rou nd about him a
portunity, and become enlightened on the sub- and his Brethren at heart. -W.A.C. experienced the discou ragement and disappointment so closely asso- Light from H~aven which felled him to the earth and blinded him for
ject. The books are well-written by au thorized The above lines were part of the Citations ciated with living. There have been bright days and dark days . several days. Freemasonry also has its Damascus Road. All Masons
Masoni c scholars. There is no charge fo r recently given Brothers William R. Mooney, James Russell Lowell stated it so well in 'The Vision of Sir Launfal" have experienced the contrast between Darkness and Light. This
borrowing books, and they will be loaned to Wi lliam H. Betz and Morris Ruberg at the "Aides" to Committee on Masonic Culture where he said: lesson and the part which it shou ld play in our everyday life should be
you for a period of three weeks. Victory Celebration in connection with the (Continued/rom page 5)
"Not only around infancy ever before us as we press forward in the race of living. The lesson of
It is impossible to lis t here all the ti tles of successful campaign to raise funds for the particularly " The P ennsylvania Freemason," it
the various Masonic books on hand, therefore Doth Heaven w ith all its splend ors lie; the difference between Darkness and Light affords all of us the oppor-
Ph iladelphia Freemasons' Memorial Hospital is urged that each Secretary make arrange- tunity to set a proper goal or mark. It enables us to develop a pur-
we can only mention a few, namely: Daily, with soul s that c ringe and plot;
Extension. ments to have this name printed on his Lodge poseful life. It enables us to reappraise life's values from day to day.
We Sinais climb and know it not."
I NTRODUCTION TO FREEMASONRY Largely through the untiring, valiant efforts notices beginning in 1959. In this way each Sometimes \ve may fi nd ourselves like "wrong way" Corrigan who be-
THE B UILDERS of these three Brethren, the members of the member can readily get in touch with the The artist does not paint his best picture on his first attempt. By came fam ous by reason of his Hight in the wrong direction, or we may
T HE NEWLY-MADE MASONS Philadelphia Lodges have raised over $560,000 " Aide" in his Lodge. constan t application to his work he will some day produce his master- be like Roy Reigels of Rose Bowl fame, who "took off" with the ball
M ORE ABOUT M ASONRY piece. The au th or will throw away many pages before he produces the toward the goal line of the opponents. There can be no substitute for
THE GREAT TEACHINGS OF M ASONRY final lines fo r publication. It is, therefore, a good thing to be able to the establishment of true values which must be determined early and
SHORT TALKS ON M ASONRY forget, as Paul resolved to do, and run the best race that we can each
If, at any time, your present mailing
checked constantly to the end that a purposeful li fe results . Sound
FAMous MAsoNs AND M ASONIC PRESIDENTS day. Each day we live is a stepping stone to the next and to all of the
address is changed, please remembe r that,
values of correct living will result in renewed energy rather than
FREE~tASONRY AND ITs HIDDEN MEANI NG tomorrows of life. By the daily application and practice of the true
in addition to your n ew address, your
fatigue and complete exhaustion in the course of the race. Evaluations
Lodge N umber MUST b e indicated if you
principles of Freemasonry which we have learned, we have within our and re-evaluations must be made constantly. We must have due re-
A HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY grasp the tools wh ich we can use to run a successful race. The moral gard as Masons fo r our religious beliefs, and tolerance in connection
SYMBOLISM OF THE THREE D EGREES wis h to continue receiving "The Pennsyl-
•• YOUR NAME vania Freemason."
and spiritual virtues of Freemasonry must be practiced outside of with them, our civic and social responsibility, our professional and
the Lodge, be absorbed into and become a part of our daily adven- business obligations and our duties as good citizens. Each of us should
Education in Freemasonry will develop and In mailing in a "Change of Address
YOUR NEW ADDRESS turous living. By practicing Freemasonry we are able to climb the establish the highest possible standards for ourselves, remembering
cultivate your mind which will give you the Card," it is vitally important to process
"Sinais" of everyday living and in the radiance of Masonic Light we our responsibilities as good citizens. Good living involves steadfastness
proper impression of its teachings. Why not AND LODGE NUMBER ARE MOST one card only and to b e certain that your
courageously face the fu ture. The day which has become a part of the of purpose based on true values, honest moti ves, a high regard for
read one or two books on Freemasonry during Name, New Address and Lodge N umber
are so noted. ---
past together with all that entered into the living of it, conditions us our fellow man and a routine process of clear thinking as we proceed
your spare time, and I know you will be IMPORTANT, IF AND WHEN YOU MOVE
for tomorrow when the race is renewed in our effort to reach the to press fo r the "mark."
well rewarded. " mark" wh ich has been set. What about the prize? The mark and the prize are two different
(Continutd on page 2)
philosophy is designed to enable us to live a full and complete life- 3. That all Lodges give careful considera- Thus far 170 judges from every state in
A Message from Our Grand Master to run the race of li fe s uccessfull y and heroically. Injustice, intoler-
George Washington Masonic
tion to a gift from the Lodge itself, the the Union as well as fr om Hawaii and the
(Conlinuedfrompage 1) ance, ignorance, superstition, ingratitude and intemperance have no National Memorial amount of such gift to depend upon District of Columbia have journeyed to Pitts-
things. The prize has to do with the result obtained. To reach the mark place in Freemasonry. As Masons it would be well for us to make a B y MAx F. B ALCOM
the ability of the Lodge financially to burgh to become Fellows of the Pennsylvania
has to do with establishing values and concentrating on methods of daily check of these items as they affect our living to make s ure that contribute from its current funds only. Mason Juvenile Court Institute; This, the pres-
the~ have not crept into our thinking and possibly to some degree
R. W. Deputy Grand Master ent undertaking of the R. W. Grand Lodge of
achievement. If the race of life is run according to the rules we may be Pennsylvania Masons have already given
sure that by application of due diligence and courageous effort we will motivate our actions. By following the principles involved in the idea This splendid edifice, erected on Shooter's Pennsylvania, has caught the imagination and
of Truth, Justice and Toleration, with reference to which precepts generously to the Memoria l, bu t your Grand admiration of thoughtful, civic-minded people
reach the mark. W hen the mark has been reached the prize is a coun- Hill · in Alexandria, Virginia, stands out as a Lodge officers are sure that all our Members
terpart of the successful running of the race. It is the consciousness Masons should be skilled, we may be sure that we will reach the Memorial to our first President and as a Beacon everywhere and has emphasized the national
"mark," and by having done so, obtain the "prize"-the realization will feel it a privilege to give again towards the significance of the Fraternity's service to God
and satisfaction of having been a participant to the fullest extent. Light for Freemasonry around the world. completion of this Endowment Fund.
The true principles of Freemasonry which we are taught clearly that we have run the best possible race as we journey through life. The construction of this beautiful nine- and Coun try. The Pennsylvania Mason Juve-
Many of our Brethren have had the privilege n ile Court Ins titute is Brotherhood in Action.
outline for us those things which should be borne in mind as we enaage
in life's activities. The real purpose of Freemasonry is to build b;tter
men, men of good character , men of "good report." Freemasonry
teaches us the precepts of correct living together with others. Its
R. W. Grand Master
story Memorial was started in 1932 and will be
completed in all its parts in the coming year.
The cost of the Memorial has been more than
$6,500,000 of which Pennsylvania Masons
of visiting this Memorial and have been
thrilled by it and its many Masonic treasures.
Any of the Brethren who are in the vicinity of Annual Grand Communication
Washington will feel richly rewarded by mak-
have to date contributed $553,000. This ing a trip to Alexandria to personally see this Being Held in New Masonic
amount has been raised by the practice of tribute to our first President and our Ma-
many years of having each new initiate con-
sonic Fraternity. Temple at The Masonic Homes
tribute $1.00, as well as additional donations
from the Grand Lodge. The Annual Grand Communication of the
is a series of air-conditioned committee Annual Children's Day Exercises at The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Saturday, De-
Grand Lodge of California In recent years we h ave been falling down
cember 27, 1958, will take place in the new
rooms and offices. Masonic Homes later that spring. on this program, for at the Annual Meeting Sovereign Grand Commander
Dedicates a Magnificent On the ground floor is a multi-purpose room, After leaving The Masonic Homes shortly held in Alexandria on February 22, 1958, R. W. Masonic Temple of The Masonic Homes at
thereafter , John obtained a position and also Grand Master, Sanford M. Chilcote made the Addresses Eighth Session of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. In keeping with
Temple 17,000 square feet in area, which can be used
the usual custom, the proceedings will begin
for exhibits or displays, or to provide dining attended Lincoln College Preparatory School Grand Lodge's customary payment of $5,000 The Pennsylvania Mason at 10 o'clock A.M., so that the elected officers
capacity for 1,200. Adjoining this room is a in the evenings in Philadelphia where he now and also a check of $3,504 r epresenting the
High on the top of Nob Hill, in one of San garage wi th a 500-car capacity. resides. His di ligence at prep school qualified contributions from the members. Since Penn- Juvenile Court Institute of the Grand Lodge may be installed by Noon
Francisco's most beaut iful areas, overlooking sylvania had 7,909 initiates during the past or shortly thereafter.
The mezzanine floor provides access to the him fo r admission to Drexel Insti tute of Tech· B y Ju n GE GusTAV L. ScHRAMM
the magnificent Bay, stands California's new nology, he having passed all the entrance ex- year, we only contributed about one-half the This, in all probability, will be the fi rst time
Masonic Temple dedicated "To Our Masonic auditorium balcony and also space for a Director
aminations with high scores. amount as planned for the Memorial program. in the history of the Grand Lodge that the
Brethren W ho Died in the Cause of Freedom." Masonic Museum.
Pennsylvania Masons have an added interest In the words of Ill. George E. Bushnell, 33°, Annual Grand Communication will be held
The third floo r houses the administrative In the meantime, Joh n was the recipien t of
Rising majestically from its proud locati on, in the Memorial, as our late brother, Louis A. Sovereign Grand Commander , Supreme Coun- outside of Philadelphia.
offices of the Grand Lodge, includi ng offices the Radio Sq uare Club Scholarship Award,
the two street facades faced with pure white Watres, R. W . Past Grand Master, was Presi- cil 33°, of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction : Following a luncheon to be served in the din-
for the Grand Master and the other Grand which will defray his tuition and other ex-
Vermont Marble, are dominated by fou r huge dent of the Association for many of its early "You people in Pennsylvania are doing a mag- ing room of Grand Lodge Hall at The Masonic
Lodge officers. Opening off these offices is an penses at Drexel Insti tute, where he is now
figures, each twelve feet high, representing the years during which time the work was getting nificen t thing because you are doing exactly Homes, the visiting dignitaries will be taken on
open-air loggia from which is visible a sweep- enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering Course.
branches of our country's armed services. Ad- a t our of The Homes. Later in the day, some of
ing panoramic view of the San Francisco Brother Charles L. Jensen, Chairman, Scholar- well under way. Also, the Pennsylvania Masons what the Masons are trying to do in every
joining these figures is a frieze of fourteen have the responsibility for the " Library Room" phase of their operations, to live outside itself, our Grand Lodge officers, along with several
Bay region. ship Committee, Radio Square Club, an organ-
Italian Marble figures depicting a ti tanic tug on the Seventh Floor which is a most to live beyond itself, to serve humanity with- of the visiting dignitaries, will leave by train
Planning for this imposing $6,000,000 edi- ization of Masons who are employees of the
of war in the global struggle between the forces unique and beautiful room to house the many out regard to race, color or creed. You have from Harrisburg for Boston, Massachusetts,
fice was started in 1947; the architect was se- Philco Corporation, says, "We fee l that John
of good and evil. Masonic books and records gathered under one found it and you are the only Masonic group where they will attend the Annual Meeting of
lected in 1953; ground was broken in the will live up to our expectations and bring
The imposing Memorial Temple is entered roof from all parts of the world. I know of in the world who is tackling this the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts that con -
spring of 1956; the cornerstone was laid in credit to himself as well as the Radio Square
through a terrace, featuri ng five growing olive problem" [of juvenile delinquency]. venes on Monday, December 29, due to De-
September, 1956, and the magnifice nt Temple Club." With the completion of the Memorial the
trees, emblematic of peace, and a colonnaded cember 27, their Feast of St. John, falling on
was dedicated on September 29, 1958, wi th Brother Russell S. Trimmer, Counsellor of Directors are presented with a new problem, The Sovereign Grand Commander was the Saturday this year.
en trance porch flanked by two massive white the boys at The Mason ic Homes, was instru- that is of ·raising an Endowment Fund which speaker at the dinner in the Masonic Temple,
marble pillars. Each pillar, twenty-three fee t many prominent Masons present from all
corners of the world. mental in having John , one of his " boys," con- will produce sufficient revenue to pay the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-a most memorable
high and weighi ng more than fourteen tons, is sidered for this important scholarship award. operating costs · of the Memorial which will occasion-at the close of the eighth session,
symbolic of the pillars in the porch of King The inscription above the decorative grille
probably reach the sum of $150,000 per at which twenty judges from seventeen states
"Aides" to Committee on
Solomon's Temple. leading into the auditorium expresses the un - On his recent visit to Columbus, Ohio, to
derlyi ng theme of this majestic Temple- attend the 150th Anniversary of the Grand year. The objective of this Endowment Fund received Certificates from Brother Sanford M. Masonic Culture Should
The entran ce foyer is fin ished in beau tiful is $5,000,000 of which they have $800,000 Chilcote, R. W. Grand Master, as Fellows of
"California Freemasons honoring their heroic Lodge of Ohio, yo ur Grand Secretary was ap- Appear on Notices
white marble but its predominant fea ture is in hand at the present time. This leaves a goal the Pennsylvania Mason Juvenile Court In-
war dead erect t his Temple dedicated to Free- proach ed during a Grand Lodge recess by a
the huge endomosaic window depicting the of over $4,000,000 for the Masons of this coun- stitute. The Sovereign Grand Cemmander
masonry, Virtue and Universal Benevolence, sturdy young man who introduced himself as Several years ago the R. W. Grand Master
history of Freemasonry in California. This im- try to raise in order to meet this objective. and Mrs. Bushnell were accompanipd by the
that the cause of Freedom for which they died " Bill" Carpenter, and proudly stated that he authorized the appointment in each Lodge of
mense window is an entire ly new concep t in The Grand Master has recommended that Actives, Past Actives and Emeriti of the
shall ever be therein the sacred trust of their was graduated from Thomas Rankin Patton an "Aide" to the Committee on Masonic Cul-
the use of colored glass and is constructed by Pennsylvania's program be rejuvenated to its Supreme Council and their ladies as guests of
Brethren and of Freemasons yet unborn ." School for Boys at Elizabeth town in 1949. ture. Initially the duties of the "Aide" were
the ingenious placement of thousands of small early enthusiasm and much of our past obliga- the Institute. As at previous sessions, Brother
pieces of colored glass of varying shapes and Subsequently he moved to Cincinnati, where primarily in connection with the publication
tions be picked up in this year and then car- George H. Deike, R. W. Past Grand Master,
sizes encased in Ia yers of plas tic. he was made a Mason in Excelsior Lodge No. of "The Pennsylvania Freemason." The duties
ried on with the determination with which our presided; and Brother William E. Yeager,
369. And Brother William R. Carpenter is now and responsibilities of the " Aides" are con-
The audi torium, to the left of the foyer, is Going Places and Worshipful Master of that Lodge. Order is fa~ous . His recommendations spe- R. W. Past Grand Master and Chairman of the
tinually increasing, and in the near future they
reached through aluminum and bronze grilles, cifically are: Children's Service Committee of Grand Lodge,
whose decorative theme is bronze wreaths of Doing Things Brother Carpenter was high in his praise of acted as Toastmaster. Msgr. John O'Grady,
will undoubtedly take on additional importan ce.
victory. The auditorium seats 2,000 on the the treatment and training he obtained while l. That the Secretary of the Lodges se- Secretary of the National Conference of Cath- In order that the members would know the
main floor and 1,200 in the balcony. The back- John J. Knittweiss was graduated from at the Thomas Rankin Patton Masonic Insti- cure the sum of $1.00 from each newly olic Charities, W ashington, D. C., offered the " Aide" in their Lodge, the R. W. Grand
ground of the platform is a wall extendi ng Elizabethtown High School on May 31, 1957 tution. Another one of our " boys" has made Mason as he is initiated. · Invocation, and Rev. Dr. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., Master , a year ago, authorized each Lodge to
from floor to ceiling of Roman Travertine while a guest at The Masonic Homes at Eliza- made good. 2. That all members of the Lodge make an Grand Chaplain, pronounced the Benediction. show the name of the "Aide" on page 4 or 6
Marble surrounded by a gold leaf panel. In the bethtown, where he had resided since 1950. As Incidentally, Brother Carpenter, while at additional contribution to the Endow- The Banquet Hall of the Masonic Temple was of the notice.
center of this wall is a huge gold sunburst, in a resul t of his scholastic attainments and his Patton received the American Legion Award ment Fund of the Memorial in such an filled to overflowing as distinguished citizens Not all of the Lodges have included this in
the center of which is a transparent, illumi- cooperative leadership at The Homes, John was for " Honor, Courage, Leadership, Service amount as they reasonably can (de- both in the Fraternity and of the profane paid their notice as yet, and in order to assist in the
nated letter "G." In back of the auditorium given the Daniel R. Rosston Award at the and Scholarship." ductible for income tax purposes)'. ' inspiring tribute to the cause of children. promotion of the Educational Program and
(Continued on pace 6)
From Our Grand Secretary's Office were approved and amendments to two others
were approved as amended by the Committee
The Promotion of Masonic Culture in Pennsylvania zation and act1v1t1es, famous Masons, the
George Washington Masoni c National Memo-
THE SEPTEMBER QUARTERLY on By-Laws. By WILLIAM E. M oNTGOMERY rial, Masonic literature and other items which
the Communication, along with seven R. W. it is hoped will be of real interest. An effort
COMMUNICATION Past Grand Masters and forty-five District The Committee on Temple, in its report, in-
dicated that work on replacing the elevators When provision was made for the creation structing Fellowcraft Masons, the Committee will be made to encourage the use of the Cir·
The September Quarterly Communication Deputies. One hundred and eighty-five Lodges culating Library by the Committees. In these
was rapidly nearing completion; also that con- of a Committee on Masonic Culture by an will provide pamphlets (a) on the early history
of Grand Lodge was comparatively short, but were represented.
siderable interior repainting, and other minor amendment to the Ahiman Rezon in 1954, in of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania and (b) telling and other ways, the Committee trusts that it
a vast amount of work had been accomplished A Communication was received from the repairs, had been done during the summer. addition to the operation of the Library, the of the major Benevolences of the Grand Lodge. may be able to contribute something to the
in the two days preceding the Communication. Grand Lodge of Colombia, Occidental, Cali, maintenance of the Museum and the pursuit The last two pamphlets will cover (a) the much-needed effort being exerted toward mak.
Brother and Reverend James F. Gross,
The R. W. Grand Mas ter, Brother Sanford requesting fraternal recognition, which was Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, of Masonic research, the Committee was spe· esoteric symbolism of the Second and Third ing Masons as well as making members.
M. Chilcote, and the other Grand Lodge offi. referred to the Committee on Correspondence, who is now the pastor of the First Moravian cifically charged " to disseminate Masonic Cul- Degrees and (b) the functions and activities of
cers had scheduled a series of meetings for of which R. W. Past Grand Master, Brother Church at York, Pennsylvania, honored Grand ture through lectures, exhibits, forums and the Committee on Masonic Culture, with em-
these two days, and many committees were in William E. Yeager, is Chairman. Lodge by his presence and was introduced by other means." The word "culture" has a phasis on the manner in which the newly-
session. The Finance Committee held a lengthy A petition was presented requesting a War- the Grand Master. Brother Gross responded in number of shades of meaning, but the defini- made Mason can utilize the services of that Good Samaritan Lodge No.
meeting on Tuesday, while the Committee on rant for a new Lodge, to be held at McKeesport, a brief but eloquent manner. Our Brethren in tion "development or improvement by educa- Committee.
Landmarks met that night. Allegheny County, to be called Accord Lodge York will be happy to have such a fluent speak. tion or training" seems to describe most cor- The method by which it is hoped to conduct 336, First To Meet in Masonic
The District Deputy Grand Masters met No. 785. Plans are also in progress for a new er and distinguished Mason in their midst. rectly the scope of the Committee's functions this educational work, is relatively simple. The Temple at The Masonic Homes
with the Grand Lodge officers and Past Grand Fox Chapel Lodge and a new Monroeville Lodge. in this respect. Most of our Grand Masters in Committee feels that, with the memorization of
Masters Wednesday morning and after lunch. The Committee report on Finance was pre- recent years have emphasized repeatedly the the ritualistic work plus the study of "On the Good Samaritan Lodge No. 336, of Gettys-
eon the Committee on Masonic Culture held a sented, showing the receipts and expendi- desirability of having better-informed Masons. Threshold" and its companion booklets, the burg, had the distinct honor of being the first
lengthy session. Various other meetings were tures for the past Quarter, ending August 15, During the term of Brother William E. Yeager candidate will have sufficient "homework" to Lodge to receive a dispensation to hold an
held throughout the two days. 1958. as R. W. Grand Master, "On the Threshold" occupy his attention. It is believed therefore extra meeting in the Masonic Temple of The
All the R. W. Grand Lodge officers attended Amendments to the By-Laws of eight Lodges AsHBY B. PAUL, R. W. Grand Secretary and its three companion booklets were issued that oral instruction with a supplemental dis- Masonic Homes at Elizabeth town. Approxi-
for the purpose of affording candidates an cussion period would be more effective in the mately llO Masons, including 35 Masonic
opportunity of securing definite information further indoctrination of the novitiate. Hence guests at The Masonic Homes, attended the
concerning the purposes, teachings and doc- it is proposed that in each Lodge a Committee meeting which was held on T uesday evening,
Plans Upon the Trestle Board and both his members and the Brethren re- the United States was brought over from New trines of the Craft. These booklets have well on Masonic Culture be appointed by the Wor- October 14, 1958.
siding in his community will give him their York by the Worshipful Master and members served the mission for which they were in- shipful Master. This Lodge Committee would The Master Mason's degree was conferred by
By WILLIAM E. YEAGER wholehearted support. Petitioners are much of St. John's Lodge No. l. Worshipful Masters tended, and their perusal by candidates has in- then form a number of instruction teams, each Brother Paul G. Pensinger, District Deputy
R . W. Past Grand Master more likely to knock at the preparing room from St. John's Lodge No. 1, of New Jersey, creased the effectiveness of the ritualisti c work composed of two or three qualified brothers Grand Master, who is a Past Master of this
door of that kind of Lodge. Lodges No. 3, 9, 19 and 51 of Pennsylvania, by supplying a suitable background of knowl- (not necessarily members of the Committee) Lodge. Brother Arthur E. Myers, Superin-
What is it that makes a good Lodge officer; If a Senior Warden is a good planner, he and a Past Master from Alexandria-Washington edge and information with regard to the aims who would meet periodically with P re-initiates, tendent of The Masonic Homes and a Past
one whose year as Master is looked back upon will become a good Master. Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Virginia, were in at. and obligations of Freemasonry. Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, and Master Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 570, attended and
as one of the outstanding years in the Lodge? tendance, along with many other notable Almost all of those who have given serious Masons as th ey pass through the several de- brought greetings from the Grand Lodge.
There are several contributing factors. Masons. thought to this matter, however, seem to agree grees. Using the pamphlets enumerated above, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, which
While all Senior Wardens are not endowed 1758-1958 Brother Walter K. Zaute, Worshipful that the presen t course of instruction (excel- these discussion teams would present the ma- formerly met in Elizabethtown, now holds its
with the same talent for being a Master of a Master of Lodge No. 2, presided and told of lent though it is, as far as it goes) could well be terial verbally and then follow with a question- meetings in this new Masonic Temple at The
Lodge, the one great factor which will insure Lodge No. 2 Celebrates today's Lodge No.2; Brother James C. Rowan, extended and supplemented. In compliance and-answer period. It is recommended that Masonic Homes.
their success is not talent, but making plans 200th Anniversary P.M., Treasurer of the Lodge, who was Chair- with this belief, the Committee on Masonic the instruction team for each class of novitiate
in advance. man of the Anniversary Committee, spoke Culture for several years has been studying be different (wherever feasible) in order to
A successful business man puts plans upon Early in 1758-two hundred years ago-a briefly of the former Anniversaries of Lodge the ways and means used by various Jurisdic- divide the task among the largest possible
his drawing board. He anticipates problems small group of "Antient" Masons met in No. 2; Mahlon Addis, P. M., a talented writer tions in furthering and fost ering their educa. number of qualified members. Medical Consultants Hono red
before they arise and thinks out their solution. Philadelphia and drew up a petition request- who prepared the most interesting and in- tiona! programs. Borrowing ideas from avail- The manner of presenting the material will
He uses every means at his command to gather ing the Grand Lodge of England for a Warran t. structive "Two Hundred Years of Masonic able sources, principall y the Grand Lodges of vary. Some instructors will doubtless wish to
at Tenth Annual Testimonial
together information and data which will per- The request was granted and a Warrant was History-Lodge No. 2"-pointed out only a Iowa, Indiana and New York, the Committee memorize the text in its entirety; others will Dinner Held at The Homes
mit him to make a success of his business. issued bearing the date of June 7, 1758. With few of the real highlights of those 200 years; has developed what it believes to be a workable familiarize themselves thoroughly with the ma-
The same is true in the conduct of the af. elaborate ceremonies, Lodge No. 2 in Philadel- the whereabouts and actions of Brother George program for the further promotion of Masonic terial and then use their own phraseology; still Brothers Sanford M. Chilcote, R. W . Grand
fairs of a Lodge. The Master is an adminis- phia on October 18, 1958 celebrated the 200th Washington in the year 1758 were discussed Culture in Pennsylvania. I ts primary purpose others will want to confine themselves to a Master, ScottS. Leiby, R. W. Past Grand Mas-
trator, and successful administrators are plan. Anniversary of the granting of that Warrant. by Brother W. Albert Sanders, District Deputy is to ampli fy the instruction contained in the careful reading of the pamphlet. Certainly the ter and Chairman of the Executive Committee
ners. They look ahead. Realizing the importance of the occasion, Grand Master of Dis trict "G"; the distin- present booklets ("On the Threshold" et al.) Committee makes no claim that the pamphlets of The Committee on Masonic Homes, and
Senior Wardens should now be anticipating Brother Sanford M. Chilcote, R. W. Grand guished visitors from the other Jurisdictions by presen ting to approved petitioners and are perfect in subject matter or in manner of Dr. C. Howard Wi tmer, member of the Execu-
their election as Masters of their Lodge and Master, and the other Grand Lodge officers added their congratulations with impressive newly-made Masons additional information in presentation. However, they have been pre- tive Committee and Chairman of the Hospital
before they are installed should have a definite made a Grand Visitation to Lodge No. 2 in remarks. the fields of Masonic history, symbolism, pre- pared with great care in an attempt to make Committee of Th e Committee on Masonic
plan for their entire year-a plan which can be Ionic Hall in the Masonic Temple in Philadel- The occasion was climaxed by a most force- cepts and practices (in fact, almost all phases them accurate, readable, and as b~ief as is Homes, combined in paying tribute to the
announced at the time of their installation. phia. This was the only Grand Visitation ful, although shortened, address by R. W. and facets of Freemasonry except the Ritual consistent with the proper covering of the sub- approximately one hundred Doctors and Den-
They should study the programs of Masters scheduled by the R. W. Grand Master in 1958. Grand Master Sanford M. Chilcote. itself). ject. It is hoped therefore that instructors will tists who recently attended the Tenth Annual
who have had outstanding years. No one will Then followed a gala dinner in the Grand Brother Chilcote, in summing up, suggested The Working Tools of the project comprise not diverge too far from the actual text. Fol- Consultants Testimonial Dinner.
criticise them for imitating that which is good Lodge Banquet Hall. Members of Lodge No. 2 that "We as Masons should meet the cha]. a series of eight short pamphlets. The first of lowing the recital of the facts set forth in each These Doctors and Dentists comprise the
in others. It probably will be found most ad. from as far away as Anchorage, Alaska; Pasa. lenges of today as our Brethren of 200 years these (intended for the instruction of Pre- of these pamphlets, there should be a discus- Consultants Staff who give so freely of their
visable to plan a program for each stated dena, California; Miami Beach, Florida; Rich- ago did-Freedom was then, and is now, not initiates) (a) outline the course of fraternalism sion of the matter involved, in an effort to time and talents to the Guests at The Masonic
meeting, doing all degree work at the extra mond, Indiana; and many other states re- free-it has had a ·price; it has it today and through coun tless ages formin g the background ascertain that the candidates have grasped the Homes, especially those in the Philadelphia
meetings. If such a program can be announced turned for this most important occasion. will tomorrow-we must perpetuate the Free- for the adven t of Masonry and (b) describe in purpose and significance of what they have Freemasons' Memorial Hospital.
at the time of installation, or at least months Brother Frederick Anne, their oldest living doms which were established 200 years ago- considerable detail The Old Charges from heard, and also in an attempt to increase their The Testimonial Dinner on October 23 was
and months ahead, it will insure its fruition- Past Master attended; the Grand Master of we must take an interest in today's problems, which our present-day Constitutions have been desire to learn more of the basic facts about held, as usual, in Grand Lodge Hall at The
otherwise, because of the press of affairs, the Maryland, the Grand Treasurer of New York, and then do something about them-by our indirectly derived. The next two (for Entered the great Fraternity with which they have just Masonic Homes and was attended by most of
anticipated plans may not materialize. Past Grand Masters from Virginia and DeJa. actions in community, church, school-it Apprentices) (a) portray the transition of united. For the latter purpose, a number of the Grand Lodge officers, members of The
If a Master has a well-outlined program ware honored the Anniversary by their pres- behooves us as Masons to take our place in Masonry from an Operative Art to a Specula- additional pamphlets are under contemplation Committee on Masonic Homes and members
with the activities for his year definitely ence. The Bible upon which George Washing. the various walks of life in a firm and stead. tive Science and (b) interpret the esoteric covering such topics as the philosophy of of the Finance Committee, the latter having
planned, his Lodge will become a live Lodge ton took his oath of office as First President of fast fashion." symbolism of the First Degree. For use in in- Freemasonry, the Grand Lodge and its organi- met there that same day.

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