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Nombre del curso

Financial Markets

Financial Accounting Fundamentals

La Disrupción del Blockchain

FinTech Law and Policy

Economics of Money and Banking

Introduction to Financial Markets

Finance for Everyone: Markets

Curso Bitcoin y Trading CriptoMonedas

La Disrupción del Blockchain

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies


Universidad de Yale

Universidad de Virginia

Universidad Austral

Duke University

Universidad de Columbia
Faculty Director-PGP Finance & ISB Alumni
Endowment Research Fellow

McMaster University

Universidad Austral

Universidad de Princeton
Instructor Idioma

Robert Shiller

Inglés (subtitulos en español)

Luann J. Lynch y Almand R. Coleman

Inglés (subtitulos en español)

Federico Ast

Lee Reiners,

Inglés (subtitulos en español)

Perry G Mehrling

Inglés (subtitulos en español)

Vaidya Nathan

Inglés (subtitulos en español)

Arshad Ahmad
Inglés (subtitulos en español)
Jess Alonso Español

Federico Ast

Arvind Narayanan

Breve reseña sobre el instructor

Robert J. Shiller is Sterling Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Cowles

Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, and Professor of Finance and Fellow at
the International Center for Finance, Yale School of Management. He received his B.A. from
the University of Michigan in 1967 and his Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1972. He has written on financial markets, financial innovation,
behavioral economics, macroeconomics, real estate, statistical methods, and on public
attitudes, opinions, and moral judgments regarding markets

She is frequently recognized for her outstanding teaching; she was the recipient of the
University of Virginia Alumni Board of Trustees Teaching Award and elected Faculty Marshall
in 2000 and 2013, was nominated for the Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of
Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) in 2001, has been recognized as an Outstanding
Professor in BusinessWeek’s Guide to the best Business Schools and is frequently nominated
for the Outstanding Faculty Award at Darden.

Federico Ast es profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Austral,

Doctor en dirección de empresas y emprendedor con amplia experiencia en la industria del

Lee Reiners joined the Duke Global Financial Markets Center as executive director in 2016. At Duke Law, Reiners
teaches FinTech and the Law as well as seminars relating to financial policy and regulatory practice. He writes
frequently on FinTech and other financial regulatory matters on The FinReg Blog. Prior to joining Duke Law, Reiners
worked for five years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY), first as a supervisor of systemically important
financial institutions and then as a senior associate within the executive office.

I first taught Economics of Money and Banking in Fall 1996. From the beginning, I have used the course to challenge
myself to make sense of the rapidly evolving monetary and financial system outside my window. Many of my students
work, or aspire to work, at one of the downtown financial institutions, and those who don't are highly motivated to
understand how this crucial heart of the modern economy actually works.
Before becoming an academic, he was an an Investment Banker with JPMorganChase Bank in Hong Kong, New York,
and Singapore and has advised financial institutions and corporates in Asia-Pacific region on hedging and risk
management. He specializes in Credit Derivative, Foreign Exchange and Fixed Income products. He has also advised
corporates in Telecom, Media and Technology space on mergers and acquisitions, divestiture, acquisition financing,
capital structure advisory, alternative investments, and debt restructuring.

Federico Ast es profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Austral, Doctor en dirección de
empresas y emprendedor con amplia experiencia en la industria del blockchain. Es fundador de Crowdjury y Kleros,
dos proyectos que utilizan el blockchain para la transformación de los sistemas legales y de justicia.

Arvind earned his doctorate from the University of Texas, Austin, in 2009 and did post-
doctoral work at Stanford University. He studies information privacy and security and has a
side interest in technology policy. His research has shown that data anonymization is broken
in fundamental ways, for which he jointly received the 2008 Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Award. He leads the Princeton Web Transparency and Accountability project, which aims to
uncover how companies are collecting and using our personal information. He also studies the
security and stability of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Professor Narayanan is an affiliated
faculty member at the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton and an affiliate
scholar at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society.
Cursos en linea que ofrece COURSERA s
Programa de estuudio

Module 1 Welcome to the course! In this opening module, you will learn the basics of financial markets, insurance, and CAPM (Capital Ass
module serves as the foundation of this course. · Module 2 In this next module, dive into some details of behavioral finance, forecasting, p
inflation. · Module 3 Stocks, bonds, dividends, shares, market caps; what are these? Who needs them? Why? Module 3 explores these con
corporation basics and some basic financial markets history. · Module 4 Take a look into the recent past, exploring recessions, bubbles, the

El Nacimiento del Blockchain; Criptomonedas: la Transformación de las Finanzas;El Blockchain y la Disrupción del Mundo L
Descentralizadas y el Gobierno del Blockchain

Welcome to FinTech Law and Policy;The Evolving Relationship Between FinTechs, Regulators, and Traditional Financial Institutions; Cryptocurrency and Initial Coin Off
Banking Regulation in the U.S.

Introduction; Banking as a Clearing System; Banking as a Clearing System, continued

Equity Markets;Currency Markets;Fixed Income Markets;Macroeconomic Fundamentals

Welcome & Interest Rates;Bonds;Stocks; Deriviates & Course Presentation

El Nacimiento del Blockchain;Criptomonedas: laTransformación de las Finanzas;El Blockchain y la Disrupción del Mundo Legal;Las Organiza
y el Gobierno del Blockchain;El Camino Hacia un Mundo de Pares

Introduction to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies;How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization;Mechanics of Bitcoin;How to Store and Use Bitcoins;Bi
Anonymity;Community, Politics, and Regulation;Alternative Mining Puzzles;Bitcoin as a Platform;Altcoins and the Cryptocurrency Ecosyste
istema financiero
Nivel Duración

Principiante 38 horas

Principiante 20 horas

Principiante 20 horas

Principiante 20 horas

Principiante 44 horas
Principiante 10 horas

Principiante 10 horas
Principiante 10 horas

Principiante 10 horas

20 horas
Nombre del curso

Mercados de capitales y participantes claves

Introducción a la inversión bursátil

Electronic Trading in Financial Markets

Finance Essentials

Corporate Funding Alternatives and Financing


Money Markets, Foreign Exchange and Time

Value of Money

Financial Decision Making

Banking & Financial Intermediation: Concepts,

Risks, Capital & Regulation
Institución Instructor

New York Institute of Finance Jack Farmer

Francisco Guijarro Martínez;Fernando García

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
García;Javier Oliver Muncharaz

Chris White;Kenny Polcari;Greg Tusar;Barry

New York Institute of Finance

Imperial College Business School Robert Kosowski

New York Institute of Finance Douglas Carroll

New York Institute of Finance Jack Farmer and Chris Thomas

University System of Maryland and University of Maryland Global

Sharon L. Levin and Galit Kushnier, M.S.

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore PC Narayan

Cursos en linea sobre el sistema financiero
Idioma Breve reseña sobre el instructor

Inglés Jack se especializa en soluciones de capacitación y consultoría para manejo de riesgo

de carteras, tipo de cambio y derivados de tasa de interés y cotización, índice de
capital y mercadeo de volatilidades, derivados de capital accionario y productos de
capital accionario estructurados, análisis de estados financieros y contabilidad de

Francisco Guijarro, Licenciado en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas, actualmente

Español imparte finanzas en la Facultad de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Fernando
García , actualmente es Profesor del Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales
su linea de investigación se centras en las finanzas internacionales.Javier Oliver, su
actividad investigadora se centra fundamentalmente en finanzas y mercados

Chris White has 18 years of financial services experience with more than 12 years
dedicated to fixed income electronic business development. He is currently the CEO
of ViableMkts, a fintech strategic consulting firm;

s  investigador en el Centro de Investigación de Política Económica (CEPR) y

miembro asociado del  Instituto Oxford-Man de Finanzas Cuantitativas de la
Universidad de Oxford. 

Inglés Doug has been conducting investment training seminars for more than a decade. The
bulk of his work relates to analysis and valuation of derivatives and fixed income
Jack specializes in training and consulting solutions for portfolio risk
management;Chris specializes in education and training on how hedge funds work
Inglés and behave in an investment portfolio, having spent more than 15 years on Wall
Street working in alternative investments.

Dr. Sharon Levin has taught business and accounting courses at the undergraduate
and graduate levels both face-to-face and online since 1989;Galit Kushnier earned a
BA in Mathematics from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in 1993, and an
MS in Accounting and Financial Management from UMGC in 2017

sobre el sistema financiero
Programa de estuudio Nivel Duración
Introducción a mercados financieros globales;Principales mercados de capitales;Capitalización de mercado global
de capitales;Estructura y tipos de mercados de capitales;¿Quién emite e invierte en valores y por qué?;Lado
Comprar frente al lado Vender;Otros negocios de banca de inversión;Suscripción de capital
Principiante 2 meses

Aspectos básicos de la inversión bursátil;Las herramientas del inversor;Estrategias de inversión;Activos

en los que invertir

Principiante 2 semanas
Fundamentals of Market Structure;Fundamentals of Electronic Trading;Mechanics of an Order Book; Advanced
Electronic Trading;Electronic Trading in Fixed Income; Kenny Polcari is a Director and Head of Floor Operations for
O’Neil Securities.Innovation Guidelines;Greg Tusar is Co-Head of Global Execution Services and Platforms for
KCG;Barry Goldenberg is a Principle at ViableMkts – Fintech Innovation Team. Principiante

4 semanas
Uso de herramientas finacieras en un contexto;Bonos;Equidad;Diversifiucación;CAPM y betas
3 meses
Financing Privately Held Companies;Raising Capital in Public Markets1;Other Transactions;Comprehensive
Valuation Case Activity
2 semanas

The Major Capital Markets;Money Markets,Foreign Exchange (FX);Time Value of Money Principiante

4 semanas
Week 1: Foundations of Financial Decision Making for Managers;Week 2: Financial Statements: Make more
informed decisions;Week 3: Risk and Return;Week 4: Management Accounting Overview;Week 5: Activity Based
Costing and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis;Week 6: Budgeting & Forecasting;Week 7: Capital Budgeting;
Avanzado 8 semanas

7 semanas

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