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THEME: The theme of the story is negative, it shows shen Mr Hale explains what he saw at the


CHARACTERS: The charaacters oif the play are GEORGE HENDERSON, County Attorney
LEWIS HALE, A neighboring farmer

The Mrs sem vry passive and they obey their husband’s orders.

ACTIONS: much of the actios are physical as they are inspectioning the house for clues but the
female actiosn besides being physical they develop mental or sentimental actions to the lady
of the house. The men stay searching for clues but they don’t get any from it manwhile the
women indigate further and their percepotion fo the lady of the house changes.

PLOT: The plot evolves byt describing the place which gives the lector an idea of the place,
meanwhile during the conversation of the women it develops kinds of dramatically or
suspense as they go further to the lfie of the woman. The play is a tragedy as there is a dead
man and people think his wife whose obviously in shick, killed him.

MONOLOGUE: Hale explains how he found the woman and how strange she was during the
whole time.

CONFLICT: The main conflict is the woman who mis suspiscious about the death of her
husband and even more due to the fact that the house is dirty and very untidy.

TIME: the play takes place during a short period of time, its just one night

SYMBOLISM AND IMAGERY: Th dirty house, the shawl, the apron, all images of showing how
untidy the house is and even to show the appearance of the woman.

KEY LINES: Ah, loyal to your sex

She didn't even belong to the Ladies Aid
SETTING: The Sseting is an untidy gross house which gaves the apparence of horror
or strange

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